• Published 17th Feb 2022
  • 807 Views, 25 Comments

Kingdom Hearts: A New World, A New Way - gfr091702

Months have passed when Pokemon have been transported to Equestria. But when the Heartless attack, it's up to a spiky haired human to stop them from consuming the hearts of beings from two different worlds.

  • ...


Chapter 6: Swords

Sora tapped his fingers on the table as he waited for the last few individuals to arrive before the meeting could start.

Sora sat next to Twilight and her friends at one end of the table, while Princess Cadence and Shining Armor, who were now bruises, bandages, and a couple of stitches over their bodies, at the other end of the table next to the head chair reserved for Princess Celestia or Luna.

They had all been there for maybe 5 minutes tops, but given the mood and everyone's expressions, it may as well felt like an hour.

Sora continued to tap his fingers until Rainbow Dash had enough. “Would you cut that out?!” She yelled, causing Sora to yelp.

“Sorry.” Sora sat up in his seat and straightened himself.

The cyan pegasus then had a look of frustration on her face.

“No, I’m sorry. I shouldn't have snapped like that, it's just-.”

“The wait is killing you?” Applejack finished.

“...Yeah,” Rainbow said sheepishly.

“It's fine Rainbow,” Twilight said. “I’m sure all of us are waiting to get this started.”

“Well,” Gene began. “While we wait, can I ask you something Lucario?”

“Yes, Gene?”

“How is Korrina doing?”

Lucario looked down at the table, he shook his head. “Not good, she’s shut herself in her room, and she says she doesn’t want to see anyone.”

“Oh poor Korrina,” Fluttershy said.

“I swear,” Applejack began. “When I find that no good freak, I’m gonna make sure he feels 20 times the pain and suffering he caused today.”

“Get in line,” Rainbow Dash grunted.

“Actually, I think we should focus on discovering who is behind this attack, rather than revenge at the moment,” Cadence stated.

Applejack still looked upset, but kept quiet.

“Let's just hope the Princesses and Arceus get here soon,” Twilight said. “Cause I’m pretty sure we all have a lot of questions and not many answers.”


“What are you going to say first sister?” Luna asked.

“I’m still working on that Luna, after all, I’m sure many of them will have different questions that they want to be answered first,” Celestia responded.

“Well, even so, if Arceus isn’t at the meeting room already, then that gives you more time to think of a proper question.”

“True, but I wouldn't count on him to miss this, not after what all of us have been through.”

“Yes,” The Lunar alicorn said solemnly.

The two royal sisters arrived at the doors to the meeting room, no doubt the others whom they had called were waiting inside.

“Well, shall we proceed?”

As soon as the doors swung open, all eyes were on the Princesses, they then took their seats as they waited for the last individuals to arrive.

And then, as soon as the clock struck 8 PM, there was a flash of golden light, and in its place was Arceus and Mewtwo.

Mewtwo was a bipedal, humanoid Pokémon with some feline features. He was primarily gray with a long, purple tail. On top of his head were two short, blunt horns, and he had purple eyes. A tube extended from the back of his skull to the top of his spine, bypassing his neck. He had a defined chest and shoulders, which resemble a breastplate. The three digits on each hand and foot had spherical tips. His tail was thick at the base, but thins before ending in a small bulb.

“Hello everyone,” The Psychic Pokemon said mentally.

Celestia was about to chastise Arceus for just teleporting in without warning. But she bit her tongue, she had a feeling the god was NOT in the mood for a lecture on manners. And besides, he did arrive at the exact time she asked him to be here.

Celestia nodded. “Hello Arceus, Mewtwo.”

“Princess Celestia,” Arceus responded in a neutral voice.

“Let's get this started shall we?” Mewtwo added.

“Very well, let us cut to the chase.” Celestia turned to her sister and nodded.

Princess Luna cleared her throat. “So, as we all know, we were attacked by a mysterious monster. We currently have no idea who is behind this evil act or why. The fact that they have not issued a statement or anything is even more strange.”

“While we were able to fend the monster off, the monster disappeared, after signaling an infinity symbol in the sky. I don’t know if it was magic or not, but if it was, it wasn’t anything like I had ever seen.” Twilight finished off.

The room was silent as the Princesses finished their statement, everyone sitting at the table had either a look of confusion or anger on their faces. Everyone except Sora who was thinking of what Gurkinn said.

“You guys, you wanna survive? Live on? Hold the torch?”

“Good question.” He said, catching everyone’s attention.


“Guy’s, let’s live, let’s survive.” Sora smiled.

“What the hay are you talking about? Of course we are gonna survive!” Rainbow Dash stated the obvious.

“Well then,” Sora said, before standing up, “We know where to go: The City.”

“The Cit-?!” Shining Armor said, dumbfounded. “What are you even…?”

“The Heartless,” Sora began to explain, “Their eyes were glowing blood red, just like his did.”

“Yeah, I remember.” Belle said. “Heartless’s eyes are supposed to be yellow. Could it be that they were being controlled?”

“How is that even possible? Was that freak responsible?” Shining asked in suspicion.

“We don’t know the method, but it would be logical to think that he did something.” Twilight stated.

“That’s why we need answers. I say, tomorrow, after the celebration, we go out searching for them.” Sora said, eyes glancing at the floor. “I have to know… Who exactly are Moebius? How did Twilight get a Keyblade? Why do Gene and Belle have these powers? What did Gurkinn mean by the real enemy?”

“So, the City?” Cadence asked.

“Yeah.” Sora said, closing his eyes and putting a hand on his chest. “Besides, I want to honor Gurkinn’s dying wish.”

The room was silent, as they nodded in agreement, before Celestia spoke up, “While I think that we should discuss this more, the All Night Gala is about to commence. I believe that we need to clear our heads a little.”

“Yeah.” Sora said, as everyone started to leave, before Celestia called out.

“Lucario, a word?”


While the celebration went underway, Korrina sat in the room she and Lucario were staying in, tears in her eyes. Out of everyone in Canterlot, she was hurting the most right now. ‘I can't believe that Grandpa's actually gone. One minute he's right beside us, and the next, some monster shows up and kills him!’ She looked out the window, seeing her grandfather’s silhouette. ‘What did he do to deserve this?’

Her thoughts were interrupted, as she heard a knock on the door. It opened, revealing itself to be Lucario, with a plate of food in his paws.

“Hey.” Lucario said.


“Can I sit down, please?” Lucario awkwardly asked, as Korrina sadly nodded. He entered the room, as he sat next to Korrina and set the plate of food next to her. “Celestia wanted to make sure you were eating.”

Korrina nodded, before starting to get serious. “She can’t stop us.”

Lucario sighed, knowing that this would happen. “The number of guards we would need, to do this smart, would leave Canterlot vulnerable.”

“So that thing just gets to get away with this?” Korrina asked, upset.

“Nobody wants that.” Lucario said.

"Yeah, but that's what's happening!" Korrina countered. Silence took the room for a minute, as she sighed in sadness, “Sorry, I just…”

“Hey, it's okay.” Lucario said, before they embraced each other. “It’s okay…”


As the Gala finally got underway, many friends and family who hadn’t seen each other for a while ever since the World Summit began to catch up and mingle.

Emperor Carapace spent the first few hours talking among the other world leaders about their recent experiences in past months, he soon found himself chatting with Celestia about changeling affairs.

“In a way, the Pokémon have provided a boost in the amount of love we have received. In fact, ever since they arrived, we have been able to meet our quotes every month for the first time in years.”

“That's very good Carapace. I would hate to hear that your people are still starving.”

“Yes, it is a good reversal of fortune that has been a very long time coming. We just had to be patient, not be bold and ignorant.”

Celestia gave a small awkward chuckle, but it was followed by an equally awkward silence.

“Carapace, this may seem out of nowhere. But how is Quee- I mean how is Chrysalis doing?”

The Changeling ruler was silent for a moment before sighing. “Honestly Celestia, I’m getting worried at this point. I just don’t know what I have to do to get through to that girl.”

“Well, you mustn't give up on family Carapace.” As Celestia said this her gaze landed on the second oldest alicorn in the room. “You will have plenty of time to try to get through to Chrysalis.”

“You know what she said to me that last time I visited her? She wished I was dead.”


“She wished I was dead and wished that she could run through those quote ‘Elements of Harmony and that lovely couple’.”

Princess Celestia’s anger rose for a second at the threat of life upon her loved ones, before she forced it down and took a deep breath. Chrysalis was in prison, she was no danger to anyone.

“I think her time in confinement has twisted her mind from trying to feed her people, to getting revenge on those who ‘wronged her’. What happened to the dutiful, caring granddaughter who wanted what was best for her country?”

Celestia was a bit surprised at this, she had only met Chrysalis a few times before her invasion. But the way Carapace just described her was completely different from what she knew.

Then again, I was not there when she was born, nor did I meet her until she was a grown mare.

“It makes me sad to think that my granddaughter may have to spend the rest of her life in that cell. Which is a long time for a royal changeling such as us.”

Carapace soon felt a hoof on his shoulder, and turned to the alicorn giving him a reassuring smile.

“Things can always change my friend. You never know what the future may bring.”

Carapace smiled and nodded.

“You're right. Perhaps after this celebration when I go home, I’ll know the exact words to get through to her.”

Across the room, Spike walked nervously up to Rarity. His mind was racing through a dozen different possibilities of what might transpire next. But he was determined, if he was to get anywhere with her, he had to be a big boy and ask her.

He soon found Rarity all by herself, watching the other couples getting ready to dance to the slow music.

“Uhhh, R-rarity?”

The white unicorn turned her head to see an obviously nervous dragon.

“Oh Spike, how are you?”

“Oh, uh, great! Yeah just great!...So.. great party right?”

“Indeed, it's just so romantic to see all these happy couples dancing. Especially ones who are of different races. Aren’t such things just exciting to see.”

“Yeah, interspecies romance is great.”

There was a moment of silence as Rarity continued to watch the crowd.

“Hey Rarity, can I ask you something?”

“Of course Spike, what is it?” The unicorn didn’t seem to pay attention as her head was still focused elsewhere

“I was wondering if, maybe, I don’t know. If you wanted to, d-d-d-danc-”


Spike was then interrupted as a pony-like Pokémon with a cream-colored body walked up to Rarity, when she turned to face him, he noticed how her face lit up.

It had a short, rounded snout with large nostrils and blue eyes. It had a large, feathery red mane, long, dark blue, ridged eyebrow-like protrusions, and a single cream-colored horn that curved slightly. The back of its head, as well as its neck, was covered with fluffy, light blue fur. This Pokemon had blue hooves, which were capable of ejecting water. Its tail was light blue with white spots and resembled an elaborate feather in a cap.

“Oh Keldeo there you are, I was waiting for you!”

Spike recognized the Pokémon as the same one he had met when they had entered the Hall of Legends, on the day the Pokémon first appeared. But his mind was more focused on the fact that Rarity was nuzzling said Pokémon.

“Oh Spike, this is Keldeo, he is a Legendary Pokemon. You might remember him on the day we met Arceus right?”

“Uh no, you guys went to the Temple and left me at the Library.”

Rarity thought for a moment, "Oh right, I guess we did."

“Hi, I’m Keldeo. Rarity has told me a lot about you Spike. She tells me you have been a real help to her all these years.”

Spike folded his arms, “Oh yeah, cause she has never mentioned you too at all. How do you two know each other?”

“Oh Keldeo has been taking me on dates for the past 8 months. He’s been such a sweet Coltfriend.”


At that word Spike's heart sank to the bottom of his stomach, dissolving in the acidic liquid that broke down everything that entered it. Tears began to well up in his eyes, but he looked away.

“Spike, is something wrong?”

*Sniff* “Ugh, n-nothing Rarity...I have to go.”

And just like that Spike bolted from the room, ignoring Rarity’s calls as he continued to run.

Once he made his way to his room, he threw himself under his bedsheets and broke down crying.


Abby was enjoying the party, catching up with Seth, and meeting up with some of the other Rangers stationed all over Equestria was a nice change of pace. All in all she had a fun time.

However, that was not the only reason she came to Canterlot. And despite visiting ours being over, Celestia had granted her special permission to see a certain hospitalized inmate.

Within the mental ward of the Princess Cadence Memorial Hospital, a Conkeldurr sat in his cell. A straight jacket was wrapped around him to prevent harm to himself, after the 12th time he tried to end his life.

The Conkeldurr was a bipedal sepia-colored Pokémon resembling an ogre. Its nose was large and red, with its face also having a prominent brow, a wide mouth, a gray tuft on its chin, dark rings around its eyes, and a bulbous feature sticking up from the back of its head. Thick violet bands and tendons adorned its shoulders, chest, back, and thighs.

The guard stationed there opened the first metal door to his room as Abby walked in. Then she sat down as a second wall of plexiglass that separated them.

“Hastings, it's me Abby.”

The former co-founder of the Ranger Union only turned his head slightly, as if to acknowledge her. But then just shifted his body until he was facing the wall.

Abby took a deep breath.

“So, the doctors have told me you still haven't tried to kill yourself in 6 months. That must mean you don’t think you deserve to die anymore.”


Abby sighed, “Look Hastings, we both know that what you did was wrong. And that there are some Pokémon and ponies who I know that will never forgive you. But I can’t say that I have been perfect either. This Ninetales body has some great benefits, but it also comes with drawbacks. I have lashed out at people, cursed others who didn’t deserve it. And even if they did, it was not my place to do so.”

Hastings lifted his head up, but still said nothing.

“In a way I was like you, I used my powers to punish others. Just as you tried to enforce old laws to punish people because you thought they deserve it,” Abby took a deep breath again. “We both know we can’t change the past, and that there is no way we can ever forget what has happened.”

Abby looked behind her through the small window of the metal door, Kasai was still standing there, giving a reassuring smile.

“But I hope that one day in the future, we can be a part of each other's lives again. I don’t hate you sir, I could never hate you. You have done too much for me to ever deserve that.”

Having said what she had to say, Abby got up and walked to the door.

“Goodbye Albert, I wish you well.”

The door to Hasting’s cell then closed, and he was alone once again.

In the dim light of his cell, he mangled to let out a whisper.

“I could never hate you too.”


Soon, it got to the point where some got tired of partying and went to bed so they wouldn’t be sleepy in the morning. Twilight herself wanted to get at least 6 hours of shut eye before Celestia raised the sun.

As she entered her room, she noticed Spike was already fast asleep.

“Huh, I wondered where he disappeared off to. He must want to get as much sleep as he can before I wake him up tomorrow.”

Twilight then soon got into bed and closed her eyes.

“Goodnight Spike, sweet dreams.”

And yet if Twilight had looked more closely, she would have seen the face of a baby dragon in sorrow. His dreams are anything but sweet.


(Play Kingdom Hearts A Villain of a Sorts)

In the unknown, a replay of past events were projected onto a large, stuttering screen. The events consisted of the previous battle, the screen containing static as the events continued to play out frame by frame. The crimson seats in the amphitheater were empty, with only the static of the rolling screen playing amidst the silence. Elsewhere, the stage was cut to black.

"Wow! Those were some tough kiddies, huh?" The Moebius walked onto the stage, its flames illuminating the area. "It's a wild ride, this 'passage of fate'. We've got ourselves a nice new awakening." Following its return, another figure soon appeared under the stage's spotlight. The figure wore a set of ruby armor, with their face being concealed by a helmet.

"You both were all talk when you left here. But, you've got nothing to show for it!"

"Oh, give us a break, P." The Moebius separated into Blueblood and the teenage girl wearing the similar armor to the one before them, crossing her arms. "After all, we did exactly what we were meant to do! Ain't that right?" Blueblood said.

"Exactly. If it weren't for Ouroboros, then we could have easily wiped them out." The girl spoke.

"So, what happened to that huge bet you two both insisted on? Tell us, who won?" P asked slyly, placing a hand on her hip.

"Pah. A draw, I think!" Another figure appeared next to P, who was much rounder than the others. He cackled mockingly at the others, while glancing back at P. "There even were two Keyblade Wielders on the field! If they weren’t there, the whole battle would've been done by teatime."

"Perhaps we'll get them eventually, O. It'll be quite the show when the time comes."

"It is quite expected that they have failed." A larger figure appeared under a spotlight, nearly looming over the others. "For people with such recklessness, you were bound to have fallen. Perhaps X and I should have taken care of this, as we holdeth the status of our master's most exquisite Moebius."

"Aw, come on Y!" A much shorter figure appeared next to him, her voice sounding annoyed. "You're being pretty harsh on them, even if they do deserve it." She crossed her arms, and sighed hopelessly. "That stupid couple, if only we could've gotten our way…"

"I hath acknowledged that. The ones who call themselves Ouroboros will not be freed from our grasp anytime soon, however."

In a lone seat in the theater, a shadowy figure sat in the darkness before the stage. His face was unable to be seen, while the violet aura surrounding him illuminated the outline of his body.

"Honestly, you all cause more commotion than those children on the battlefield."

Noticing his presence, the Moebius sharply turned towards their master.

"Z! (pronounced as “Zed”)"

"Well, what did you guys expect? Of course he was going to be paying us a visit." X stated.

"Even if you did stop fate's raging flow, it will soon burst through. All it takes is the slightest amount of pressure to do so."

Further away on the stage, another Moebius donning golden armor appeared. A set of light silver armor could be seen behind them, and only the red glow in their armor indicated the duo's presence.

"And that is what you call fate. Haven't I told you all before?" The golden figure asked, their smooth voice containing hints of slyness. Bothered by their presence, the earlier Moebius turned away from them.

"Ugh, the gang's all here again." They scoffed, not bothering to open their eyes.

"Perhaps it's time for someone else to go, since you both are proving to be quite incapable. How about we give A a chance? He hasn't seen any action in a long time." As the Moebius’s name was called, yet another figure appeared on the stage, whiched seemed to be a mix of a canine and an ape, wearing the red armor and helmet.

"If you insist that I go, I go." The Moebius disappeared under his spotlight, and each light on the stage soon diminished as the others went out.

"Very well, then. Let us see how far their hearts bring them."

(End Kingdom Hearts A Villain of a Sorts)


Spike woke up slowly, his bloodshot eyes blinking before last night's memories started flooding back into him.

He remembered. He remembered how he tried to ask Rarity, the love of his life, to a dance. How his world was shattered when that arrogant looking stallion, no, Pokemon came up and stole his mare.

Spike had no idea who that guy was, he knew he was a Pokemon at the very least. But why did that give him the right to steal Rarity from him!? Spike had known and helped Rarity for years, since the day he met her. So what if he was some big shot Legendary Pokemon!? Spike knew her first, he had done more for her than he ever did!

All of a sudden, dark thoughts began to creep into Spike’s head. He imagined himself confronting that thief of a Pokemon. He imagined growing to adult sizes, and…

“No, this is wrong.”

Despite his immense jealousy and broken heart, Spike knew he was better than that. The last time he got jealous of someone, it nearly didn’t end well. Besides, even if he wanted to, Keldeo was a Legendary Pokemon. And no doubt picking an ill intentioned fight with one would bring the wrath of Arceus down upon him.

Resigning himself to the fact that there was nothing he could do, Spike closed his eyes and tried to go back to sleep.

But he couldn’t.


Twilight ran outside as the celebration was about to commence. She then flew towards the big crowd that was gathering around the main stage. Soon she spotted her friends in the VIP section.

“Twilight over here!” Rainbow Dash said.

The alicorn Princess soon landed and took her seat right next to her best friends.

“Hi girls, sorry I’m late.”

“Oh it's fine sugarcube,” Applejack said in response.

“Yeah,” Pinkie Pie added. “So long as everypony is here, everything is fine!”

Twilight nodded, but then, she noticed that someone was missing from their group.

“Hey, has anyone seen Spike?”

It was at that point that the girls noticed that the baby dragon was nowhere to be seen.

“He must still be in bed. But I would think he would not be lazy enough to miss this.”

“Maybe something happened to him?” Fluttershy said.

Twilight then noticed that Rarity had been awfully silent this whole time.


“Oh! Yes, what is it Twilight?”

“Are you alright?”

“Oh yes darling, just thinking.”

“About what?”

“Well...last night Spike came to me and was about to ask something. But then he just took off with tears in his eyes.”

“What!? Why?”

“I don’t know, I just introduced him to Keldeo and he just left.”

“Did Keldeo say something to him?”

“No, nothing offensive. And all I did was just say that he was my coltfriend…….oh.”

The situation soon dawned on everyone, and then they understood exactly why Spike was not here to join them.

“Oh no…” Twilight said.


Sora, Gene, Belle, and the twins took their seats. “So what's gonna happen now?” The human boy asked.

“Well Sora, we are going to get to see Princess Luna lower the moon and Celestia raise the sun. Not everyone gets to see this, so this is a special day where everyone gets to see it.” Belle explained.

“Wow. But wait, I tried looking at the sun before, and it hurt my eyes. Won’t everyone hurt their eyes looking at the sun?” Rose asked.

“Hmmm, that is true. Tell you what, you can look away if the sun starts to hurt your eyes.”

Sora watched with a smile as Belle doted on them, he then saw Gene looking down, thinking. “Hey, you alright.”

“Huh?” Gene looked up, seeing the boy looking at him in concern. “Oh, yeah. Just thinking about, well, you know.”

“Oh.” Sora sighed, knowing that he was talking about Gurkinn.

“You know,” Gene said, “My whole life, I always thought that my Irise was some kind of curse, but now,” He clenched his hand, before bringing it to his chest, “I finally know that it's a gift.”

Sora smiled, knowing that it must have been tough for the Gallade, yet he was being positive of the situation.


Princess Celestia stood behind the stage, she could hear the chatter from the crowd as they eagerly awaited their Princesses to lower the moon and raise the sun.

“There is certainly quite a crowd here,” Princess Luna said. “If the number of voices that I can hear is any indication.”

“Yes, this is looking to be quite a turnout.”

“I’m not interrupting anything am I?”

Both alicorns turned to see a certain Alpha Pokemon standing beside them.

“Good morning Arceus,” Princess Celestia said warmly.

The god of Pokemon nodded to the sisters.

“Good morning Princess Celestia, Princess Luna.”

“Good morning Arceus,” Princess Luna said. “Is there something you wish to discuss?”

“No, not really. I just came to express my gratitude for doing all of this. You could have just waited until the anniversary of my arrival to do a celebration like this.”

“We could have,” Princess Celestia said. “But something tells me that this day was a perfect day to help bring our two peoples closer together. It's been months since you all arrived, and I want to do something to help show just how far we have all come together.”

“Indeed Princess, I know that there still are a great many things that we can do. If only because both our people learn to trust each other, we may accomplish those great things.”

“Yes, to think that less than a year ago, we never knew you existed. Now, it's hard to imagine what life might have been had you not brought the Pokemon here” Princess Luna added.

Arceus looked out over the crowd, the many happy faces of Pokemon was something that he had always wanted to see. Pokemon walking as equals. No prejudice, no discrimination, his people were finally living as he had always wanted them to live. Free and happy.

“Yes, it's hard to think that we might have remained on Earth. Under the yoke of….sorry, now is not the time to dwell on things that no longer matter.”

Arceus turned back to the co-rulers of Equestria.

“I know that I don’t say this often, but I am sorry that I just dumped my Pokemon into your laps without warning. I really have been trying hard lately to not just do anything I want without the consent and opinion of others. Even creator gods like me have to follow rules and ethics, even if it doesn't seem like we may suffer any personal consequences. After all, if omnipotent beings just did whatever they wanted on a whim, it would be..”

“Chaos?” A voice said behind them.

The three turned around expecting to see Discord, but he was not there. Arceus then looked around and saw the spirit of Chaos sitting next to Fluttershy, an innocent smile on his face.

“Anyway...I believe it's time for you to do what you do best?”

The Princess nodded, they then began to walk up the steps. Arceus then teleported to a spot right next to his Legendaries.

“It's nice to see that he has matured since he first came here, sister.”

“Indeed Luna, I think Equestria and what it stands for has helped him mellow out since those days. I may even consider inviting him over for tea with us once in a while.”

“Maybe, but for now. Let us do what we came here to do.”

The royal guards sounded their trumpets as Princess Celestia and Luna walked onto the stage. The cheers of the crowd exploded as their rulers came into view.

Princess Celestia held up her hoof, and the crowd went silent.

“My Little Ponies, Pokemon, and friends from around the world, we gathered here today to celebrate. And oh we do have a great many things to celebrate and be thankful about.”

Celestia looked over the crowd, the diversity and size of it making her beam.

“We are here to celebrate bonds and friendships that we formed in the last eight months. Ever since the Pokemon arrived, they have been met with many things, skepticism, fear, and hostility. But they have also been met with open arms, kind smiles, and helping hooves. All the Pokemon wanted was a world to call home, a world that would treat them as equals in mind, body, and spirit.”

There was a wave of cheers from the crowd.

Celestia turned to the World Leaders who were seated before her.

“I would like to thank the World Leaders who attend this celebration today. Indeed, I would like to thank: Emperor Carapace of the Changeling Kingdom, Empress Victoria of the Griffin Empire, Empress Serva of Stagland, King Faris of Saddle Arabia, Grimm Halfpaw of the Diamond Dogs, Queen Oceana of Marelantis, Chief Thunderhooves of the Buffalo, Prince Shining Armor and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, and King Trotankhamun of Zebrica how could not be with us today. I would like to thank each and every one of them for accepting the Pokemon as full citizens of their respective nations, without them, none of this would be possible.”

Another wave of applause sounded from the crowd. Which made some of the leaders like Cadence and Victoria blush or beam with pride.

“And last but not least, we gather here to celebrate the day of the return of my beloved sister, and your Princess, Princess Luna!”

The Lunar Princess smiled with pride as the crowd all shouted cries of joy and admiration for their second Princess.

“It's nice to know that I am appreciated.”

“Thank you my little ponies, you are too kind.”

“And now, me and my sister shall perform the sacred duty that was passed on from the ancestral unicorns of Equestria. The duty that brings both night and day to the entire world! The rising and setting of the Sun and Moon!”

A final wave of cheers came from the crowd before the guards once again sounded their trumpets. Then, Princess Celestia and Luna stepped forward.

Princess Luna was first. She flew into the air, not high enough that no one could see her, but from a certain point of view, one could think she was holding the moon itself.

The alicorn of the Night gently floated down, the moon following her at the same speed of descent. Finally she touched the floor of the stage, and the moon disappeared over the horizon.

Everyone was silent as Princess Celestia began to crouch her knees.

“Oh, this is my favorite part!” Twilight said.

Everyone watched with bated breath as Princess Celestia flew into the air, slower and not as fast as Luna. With each beat of her wings, the Sun rose from behind the edge of Equestria. The glow of the star grew brighter and brighter as its Princess flew higher and higher.

Until finally, the sun aligned with the golden arch on the stage, and the morning had finally come. Princess Celestia looked down upon her kingdom, their faces in awe as the light of the sun shined brightly over Equestria.

Once again cheers and applause erupted from the crowd. Cheers from the ponies who held great love for their Princess. The Pokemon and first-timers who had just witnessed this event, now understood why it was a sight to behold.

Princess Celestia then touched down on the stage, and Luna walked up to her sister.

“We did it, Tia.”

Celestia looked at her sister with a smile. “Yes, we did.”


The ride back to Ponyville was thankfully an uneventful one, as the group seated at the caboose of the very same train that they’d rode yesterday. While most of them were talking with one another on various topics. Twilight however, had her mind set on another issue: the creature from yesterday.

"And now, all of Moebius knows of your existence. I wonder how your lives will turn out? We're all counting on you to put on a good show for us."

“Moebius… Why haven’t I heard of them before?” she said to herself.

“Maybe because they kill everyone they come across.” Korrina mumbled.

“Korrina, I know you’re upset, but you can’t let that get to you.” Sora said, as he watched Rose and Robby sleeping on their parents laps. “We need to search for this ‘City’ Gurkinn was talking about.”

“Why not try looking at the Castle of the Two Sisters?” Belle suggested. “That place has some of the oldest books in this world. Maybe one of them has some sort of clue.”

"Guess that's some sort of plan," Twilight sighed. She then looked out the window. “Well, we’re here everypony. As soon as we get off, let's prepare to enter the Everfree,” She immediately got out of her seat. Sure enough, they could see their home coming into view, as everyone, especially Rainbow Dash, felt eager to get off the train and go.

“Uh, what’s the Everfree?” Sora asked.


(Play Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep The Silent Forest)

The Everfree Forest was as dark and mysterious as the last time they ventured into it. With the memory of yesterday still fresh in their minds, the majority of the group took a bit more caution than usual, with Twilight’s head constantly on a swivel, Keyblade in her mouth and Spike carrying a bunch of Rarity’s camping gear, preparing if they needed to stay longer than intended. Though Spike was still heartbroken, he had every intention to prove himself.

Sora, Gene, Belle, Korrina and Lucario were at the front of the group; the boy looking around to either admire the flora and fauna, or have a more serious look whenever he sensed any danger. While they wanted to bring Rose and Robby with them, they asked Abby to babysit them while they were out.

“I have to say, this place certainly gives a creepy vibe every time we come here,” said Gene. He was half expecting a big monster to come bursting at them at any moment.

“Well, it’s not exactly a place I like to return to as often, but we have a mission and I have every intention to complete it,” Twilight replied but tensed up and gave an adorable yelp when she heard the sound of a twig snapping, the very same twig she stepped on. “Ahem, as I was saying, We have to complete our mission, but we also need to be very careful around here. Who knows what we’ll run into the deeper we go.”

“Come on, guys, wouldn’t it be better to think of the cool things about the forest than just constantly worrying about the bad? You may miss something interesting that way.” Sora stated.

Suddenly Pinkie came up from the side hugging Sora, into an abnormally strong hug. Then she giggled, “I like the way you think, Sora.”

“Pinkie… Pinkie air,” Sora gasped out before Pinkie immediately released her grip on them before he fell to the ground. “Ow…”

“Whoops, sorry about that,” Pinkie said, even though she still continued to laugh at the silly looks on his face.

One hour later…

Sora and the group had finally reached their destination, much to Spike’s relief when the heavy pack was taken off his back as everyone except Twilight were now taking things from the bag to set up their “camping spot”. Twilight in the meantime was investigating the area for any clues about Moebius or the City.

Sora was helping Applejack pitch a rather lavish looking tent that they managed to get out of the bag.

“Okay, Sora stake’s down.” Applejack was holding down the last stake to hammer in to keep the tent from flying off from a stray gust.

“Right!” Sora immediately set to work bashing the head of the stake to get the thing into the ground.

“Easy there, Pard’ner. Don’t wanna go hittin’ me in the process,” said Applejack with her face expressing concern.

“Relax, I got this.” He raised the hammer a bit higher. He hoped that would get the job done in one slam. Then he swung the hammer down; charging for the top of the stake.

However he missed the stake; narrowly missing Applejack’s hoof by a centimeter. “Oops… hehe, sorry.”

Applejack didn’t take it too well. She looked at Sora with her piercing eyes, let go of the stake and held her hoof out. “Gimme the hammer, Sora!”

Fluttershy had been taking care of setting out the food, cooking ware, and first aid with Pinkie Pie. The latter already excited about deciding what to make. “Wow, Rarity got everything, milk, sugar, salt, eggs, spices, lots of fruits and veggies, stuff for tea, some pots and pans; It’s like we bought a kitchen with us!” Pinkie giggled at the possibilities.

“Oh yes, it is quite extensive. Perhaps a stew would be a good idea. We can even get Applejack’s help on it. Since I’m sure she knows a few good recipes we can try.”

Pinkie gasped in surprise at the revelation. “We’ll be like a cooking team! I like the way you think Fluttershy.” Pinkie hugged her friend for a brief second before noticing Sora and Applejack finally finishing up the tent. “Oh, perfect timing! I’ll go get her now!” Then she was gone in pink blur, causing Fluttershy to be spun around in place by the force a few times, then she recovered from dizziness then she giggled at her friend’s eagerness.

Rainbow had finished with unloading the bag for everyone and was immediately bored now. She then noticed Twilight a good distance away from the camp inspecting the ruins around them. “Yo Twi, whatcha up to?” She flew over to her.

“Isn’t it obvious, Rainbow?” Twilight stated. “I’m trying to find clues about Moebius. The camp set up seems to be covered by the others so I figured start working now, and give us a head start.” Twilight had a notepad and quill out in case anything important needed to be recorded.

“As diligent as ever, egghead.” Rainbow shook her head while watching her friend work. “It’s not like this place is going anywhere you know.”

“I am aware of that.” She stopped in her tracks.

Concerned for her friend freezing up, she flew over to her. “What’s up?”

“Guys, has that always been there?”

Everyone decided to follow her gaze and was met with an unusual sight. A wall with a serpent-like symbol on it.

“Wait, Gene, isn’t that…” Sora said.

“Yeah, it is.” Gene said, as he stepped up. The moment he did, his right eye gave a sudden blue flash as the symbol on the wall glowed before the entire section of the wall vanished, revealing a hidden staircase.

As everyone looked in awe, Sora looked down the long stairway. “Well, it’s a long flight of stairs, but I can see the bottom at least.”

Rainbow hovered right above him. “Yeah, yeah, lots of stairs, let’s just get down there already.”

“Hold on Rainbow, we don’t know what we’re getting ourselves into,” said Twilight, “For all we know someone could be lying in wait for us. I’d rather not run cluelessly into a trap.”

Fluttershy peeked into the passageway but immediately receded due to the eerie spooky vibes it was giving her. “Um, is it okay if we just stay up here and not worry about traps?”

“Of course not, otherwise this whole trip would be pointless.” Rainbow rebuttled with her shy friend.

“Actually, that may not be a bad idea?” Sora turned to face the others.

“What?! Are you having cold hooves or something about all this NOW?” Rainbow glared at Sora.

Sora simply shook his head. “No no, that’s not what I meant. Twilight has a point that there might be a trap waiting for us. It would probably be best if we separate into smaller groups, perhaps in pairs. and one of the pairs should wait here. In case things take a dive.”

“I have to agree with Sora on that one.” Korrina walked up to the group and got a look at the stairway below. “It’ll be better if we space ourselves out a bit as well when we go down there, that way if a trap is set, the pair behind them will be able to help out.”

Belle nodded, “Sounds like a plan.”

“Alright so who pairs with who here?” Rainbow asked

“Gene and Belle will be first, followed by Korrina and Lucario. Next will be me and Sora, then Applejack and Rarity, and finally Rainbow and Pinkie.” Twilight said.

“Wait, what about me?” Spike asked, wondering why he wasn’t picked.

“You and Fluttershy will remain up here and watch over the camp and the entrance.”

“What?!” Spike looked at the librarian. “You’re setting on the sidelines. I can totally help.”

“You will be helping, Spike.” Twilight smiled.

“By being SAFE?” Spike folded his arms, expecting such an answer to come out of her mouth.

“By keeping the camp safe.” Sora said, catching his attention. “I mean who else is able to scare away any creatures with fire? She can think of no better than the one who can actually breathe fire after all.” She saw him falter a bit at that true fact. “And, Fluttershy will also need protection, in case you two run across a scary animal she can’t soothe. You can be a Hero.”

The little dragon perked up, straightened himself out, and faced Sora with a salute and a confident grin. “You can count on me!”

“Perfect, now that that is all settled. Shall we get going?” said Twilight.

“Yay! Down the spooky staircase we go!” Pinkie is more than happy for another adventure before it gets too late.

(End Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep The Silent Forest)

Everyone sans Spike and Fluttershy descended down the staircase, only to walk down a long corridor. The pairs kept themselves spaced out. Far enough to not get caught with another pair that activated any booby traps, but close enough to respond to them quickly.

“Do you think we’ll really find it here, Sora?” Twilight asked as she felt a chill run down her spine. This place definitely wasn’t doing a service to her nerves from how eerie it all felt. She couldn’t tell if the markings on the wall were writings, glyphs, or just some creepy patterns that whoever designed this corridor thought it would be funny to put on.

“Dunno.” Sora shrugged.

This caused Twilight to stumble. “I suppose, I shouldn’t be surprised by that answer.”

“Hey, don’t worry about it. If anything, we know that there HAS to be something down here. SO I don’t think it’s pointless to be down here anyway.”

“I suppose…. It’s hard to believe you do this all the time though.”

“Yeah, sometimes I kind of wonder about myself. I mean, I was just a kid goofing off and building a raft with my friends one day, then suddenly, bam. I get thrown for a loop about what’s really out here. Then go off on a spaceship and have all these otherworldly adventures. Then finally, here I am.” Sora chuckled.

“Out in the stars again in a new world.” Twilight smiled at him.

“It’s always fun to travel, I guess… Oh hey I think I can finally see the end of this hallway.” He trotted head.

“Oh thank Celestia, we’re finally out of this creepy place.” She sighed before catching up to him. But then she noticed Gene, Belle, Korrina and Lucario stopped at the entrance and glaring at something. “Guy’s? What's wrong?” Twilight asked, before gasping in shock at the sight.

(Play The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Sealed Temple Theme)

The room looked like some sort of temple. There were many tall columns while there was a bright red sword in the center of the room with the Ouroboros Ring on its base, resting on a pedestal. Behind it was a giant slab of stone with a keyhole on it.

“I have been waiting for you, Ouroboros.”

Everyone was startled, though not threatened, by this voice. A figure came out from behind the giant stone slab and revealed to be, much to the group's surprise, an elderly woman. Were it not for her tall, red hood, she would have been only half of Sora’s height. The hood casted a dark shadow over her eyes, concealing them entirely, and it trailed behind her for a good few feet. She wore a teal-colored robe, and her long blonde hair was braided. Her hair was so long, in fact, that the braid she wore had been curled into a circle, and it swung like the pendulum in a clock. She brought her small hands together and bowed her head slowly.

"I welcome you… to the Sealed Temple. I have waited for many years for you to arrive. All so that I could fulfill my purpose as your guide."

(End The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Sealed Temple Theme)


(Play Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep The Promised Beginning)

On the Land Of Departure, Riku stood face to face with the man who passed down the Keyblade to him. After a few minutes of silence, Terra finally spoke, "Well, look at you."

Riku nodded, "Thanks, I finally fulfilled my promise to you."

"You did," Terra replied, "Now there's nothing left for me to teach you." He then began walking to Riku, "You're a Keyblade Master, not to mention a great leader to those around you. You even found the strength to save your friends."

Riku frowned as he shook his head, "It's not enough."

They still had one friend in need of saving, the one who saved them all, Sora. Riku's best friend. A brother from another mother. Terra placed his hands on Riku's shoulders as he told him, "The very fact you were able to make your way here proves just how strong you are. That is why I called for you."

Riku looked at him in shock before asking, "That's the reason?"

Terra looked at him with a smile on his face, "You expected more?"

"Yes," Riku admitted, causing both young men to laugh.

Just then, Aqua and Ventus walked up to the two of them before the latter ran up to them, "Hey, you two, what's so funny?"

Terra turned away with his arms crossed, "It's a secret."

"Aww, come on, tell me!" Ven complained as he ran after his friend.

Aqua walked up to Riku's side as he turned to her, "Are you sure about this?"

He knew how she, Ven, and Terra volunteered to journey back into the Realm of Darkness to search for Sora, and the last time she was in there, she remained trapped within the realm for almost twelve years, nearly falling to darkness. She turned to him as she smiled with confidence, "Yes, but don't worry. I'm not alone this time."

She then walked up to join her friends, after giving each other a nod, they each summoned their respective Keyblades. They raised Rainfell, Wayward Wind, and Earthshaker as light swirls around them, opening a portal to the Realm of Darkness.

They all step forward to the portal before turning back to give one last farewell to Riku. They then pressed their shoulder armor as light brightened for them to appear in their full suit of armor, much to Riku's shock. Three then proceeded to enter the Dark Realm as the portal closed behind them as Riku whispered, "May your heart be your guiding key."

(End Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep The Promised Beginning)


(Play The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Sealed Temple Theme)

“Moebius…” The woman said, as everyone now in the room, explaining who their enemy really was. “They fear of the future, making them desire ‘The Endless Now’. A world frozen in time.”

“A frozen world?” Sora asked, confused but shocked as everyone gasped in fear.

“But wait, what does that even achieve? Trying to freeze everything?” Rainbow Dash asked, not understanding the point of it.

“Not a thing…” The woman replied. “They don’t need to do anything after that. Only, to keep everything in its place, in stasis, and create an eternity to abide within, as is their wish, for life and death are their playthings.”

“Life and… Death.” Gene said, thinking about the Moebius that killed Gurkinn.

“And yet, there are ways to oppose Moebius’s affairs, with the Keyblades, your Ouroboros Powers, and the Sword of the End.”

“The Sword… of the End?” Sora asked, then gasping as he looked at the sword behind the woman.

“It was created by the Ancient Keyblade Masters, to oppose Moebius, for they knew that one day, it would be needed, to bring true light and restore peace to the world. It is a sword so strong, it could even rival the X-Blade.”

“No way!” Sora said in awe, as everyone was now looking at the blade in amazement. While Sora had told everyone about the X-Blade, no one, not even Sora, knew there was a weapon that could match its power.

“If you wish to defeat Moebius, I suggest you draw the sword and raise it skyward.” The woman said.

“Easy.” Rainbow Dash said, as she went and tried to grab the hilt, only for a force to push her into a wall, hard, as her friends winced. “I’m okay!” She said, before landing on the ground, face first. “Less okay…” Sora went over and cast Cure on her, hoping that would help the pegasus.

“Only those who are Ouroboros can draw the blade.” The woman said, as everyone looked at Gene.

(Pause The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Sealed Temple Theme)

Gene sighed in defeat before examining and placing both of his hands on the hilt.

(Play The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Get Master Sword)

He struggled a bit but he finally pulled it out, raising it skyward as she told him. As soon as he did that, a bright blue illuminated the edge’s of the sword.

(End The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Get Master Sword)

(Resume The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Sealed Temple Theme)

He lowered it down, shocked that he was holding the blade. “Wow…” He said, as he closed his eyes, seeing all sorts of maneuvers with it. “I never used this kind of weapon before, and yet, all of its techniques are flashing before me, as if I always knew them my whole life.”

“I see you are easily impressed.” The woman said, catching their attention.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” Gene asked, as the woman was about to drop a bombshell on everyone.

“You see, what you hold isn’t the true blade, that is just the Sheath.”

“JUST THE SHEATH?!” Everyone exclaimed in shock.

The woman nodded. “The sheath acts as a disguise, to hold back its power, though it is still very effective against Heartless. However, if ever against Moebius and needs its true strength, it is only a matter of drawing. Only then will its true power be unleashed.”

Gene nodded, as he made the sword disappear, similar to how Sora dismisses his Keyblade.

“Before you leave, there is one last thing I must share with you.” The woman said, before turning to the stone slab behind her, “Sora, when you first entered this room, did you take note of the Keyhole?” Sora nodded. “While the keyholes lead to world’s hearts, this one is different. The great slab standing before you is known as the Gate of Time. It is the only of its kind in existence…The only portal binding our world to the one you originate from.”

“You mean, this leads back to Destiny Islands?” Sora asked in shock as everyone else gasped.

“Indeed, but as you can see, the gate is nothing more than a slab of cold stone for now. It is sleeping. Rousing it from its slumber would require great power. Yes, I believe the power from a Keyblade Wielder that originated from this world might just do it…"

“Wait, my Keyblade originated in this world, so maybe…” Twilight said, summoning her Keyblade and walking towards the stone.

"I hate to disappoint you, Princess, but for now your Keyblade lacks the power necessary to awaken the gate. First, you and your Keyblade must grow together.” The woman explained. “This world, four sacred flames can be found within it. Seek them out, and purify your weapon in their heat. Only after your blade has been tempered by these four fires will it be fully imbued with the great power for which you search. Clues to finding the sacred flames have been pasted on for generations in the City. These clues are your best hope of finding your way to the flames. Go to The City. Somewhere has one whose knowledge will point you in the right direction."

“Do you know where the City is?”

“Indeed.” The weird thing that was swaying back and forth now gave a trail of sparkles. Just then, Sora’s Gummi Phone went off. When he pulled it out, it revealed that a map of the world, along with a marked location, was on his screen. "Now go, Ouroboros. Your mission depends on your success…as does this world’s fate." The woman said, as she suddenly faded away, leaving only her garments. “May your heart be your guiding key…” Her voice echoed.

(End The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Sealed Temple Theme)

While everyone was shocked by this, Sora then spotted something that caught his eye: a small, silver tag. He carefully removed the tag, examining it in his hand. Engraved in it was a full name, and he traced over the words with his finger.

"Impa… Vandham." He spoke, reading the words on the tag. “Must have been her name.”

“Well that’s a relief.” Rarity spoke up, as everyone looked at her, confused. “I'll be honest, I kinda hated the idea of not knowing who she even was.”

"Let's remember her as the person who gave us a goal; the person… who gave us hope." Sora said, as he picked some sort of Silver Bracelet. Everyone nodded, as they all went back up down the corridor they came from, as Sora looked back at the sleeping Gate of Time.

“Just wait a little longer, guys. I’ll be home soon.”

Author's Note:

In case any of you were wondering, the Ouroboros form that Gene and Belle used was the Iron Valiant from Pokemon Violet. Happy Holidays!



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