• Published 17th Feb 2022
  • 792 Views, 25 Comments

Kingdom Hearts: A New World, A New Way - gfr091702

Months have passed when Pokemon have been transported to Equestria. But when the Heartless attack, it's up to a spiky haired human to stop them from consuming the hearts of beings from two different worlds.

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Chapter 5: Ouroboros

While most of the group decided to go to the castle to keep an eye on things, Sora, Twilight, Gene, Belle, Korrina, Lucario, Celestia, and Arceus went to the train station, wondering when Shining Armor and Princess Cadence would get there. When they arrived, they found themselves surrounded by numerous Shadows, Soldiers and Large Bodies. While this caught everyone off guard, Sora, Twilight, Gene, Belle, Korrina and Lucario stood their ground, ready to fight, while Celestia and Arceus evacuated the area.

"Guys," Sora said, summoning his Keyblade, "I hope you're ready for this." He then took a closer look at the Heartless, seeing that instead of the yellow-pupiless eyes, they were a crimson red. ‘That’s weird, Heartless’s eyes aren’t normally red’ Sora didn't have time to contemplate as the Heartless charged into battle.

Sora began by lifting his keyblade in the air, "Thunder!" A bolt of lightning rained down on the heartless, creating a massive burst of electricity that stunned the dark creatures. He launched forward, hacking and slashing his way through the heartless ranks. Sora swung his keyblade in an upwards slash, launching a Soldier up in the air. The boy jumped and brought his blade down on the Soldier, sending it crashing on the floor and destroying it. While flying, Sora fired a blizzard spell at a Large Body, freezing it in place.

While Sora was more than capable of batting many Shadows at once, he couldn't cover all his bases as one Heartless launched at Sora without him realizing. The Shadow almost connected a swipe at Sora, almost being the key word. An Aura Sphere dove into the Shadow at high speeds, the impact dissipating it into mist. Sora turned his head around to see, much to his shock, Gurkinn had entered the fray.

“Everyone, weaken the monsters, then Sora can destroy them permanently!” He yelled.

All of them shared a nod of mutual understanding, now fully willing to work together. The battle continued with Sora slashing the heartless while Twilight fired bolts of magical energy and flung the monsters around with her magic, and the Pokemon weakened the enemy. They had cut down a sizable amount of the heartless force, but more kept showing up.

“Magical Leaf!” Belle yelled, as glowing, razor-sharp foliage flew towards some of the Shadows, while Gene was using Slash behind some of the Large Body’s.

A Large Body lethargically raised a fist with the intent to strike Korrina and Lucario. They both managed to dodge the attack and get behind it as it swung at nothing. "Okay Korrina, just like we practiced." Lucario said as they both used Aura Sphere at the Soldiers, destroying them.

One Soldier set its sights on Twilight. With her expression tightening in determination, she used her magic to lift the Soldier heartless in the air. "Sora!" Twilight called out. The boy looked to Twilight, who launched the Soldier to him. Sora took advantage of the situation and cut down the heartless, releasing the heart inside.

Sora took a deep breath and heightened all his senses, carefully taking note of all the heartless still on the battlefield. Sora leapt into the air and held his keyblade in his hand. The tip of the blade glowed in a radiant light. In one swift flick, Sora fired a salvo of magical projectiles homed in on the heartless. His attack decimated the remaining heartless, all except for one Shadow. It didn't have much time to plan an attack as a blast from Twilight's horn destroyed it.

Everyone sighed in relief when the fighting was done. But that relief was shortly lifted, as a cry of pain soon followed as a golden spear impaled his chest, causing a mortal wound in his flesh.

"Grandpa!" Korrina ran over to him, kneeling over his body on the ground. He looked to be still breathing, but the wound wouldn't sustain him for long.

Lucario felt as if he was paralyzed, with his body being unable to move from what he had just witnessed. He and the others stood in fear, as they heard heavy footsteps approaching in the distance. Hearing the footsteps, Twilight fired her magic at the direction they were coming from. The spell traveled down the tracks, and a massive hand could soon be seen holding two ponies. Recognizing who it was, Twilight felt a cold sweat run down her face.


"Twily, I… I messed up…" The large, violet hand holding him could now be seen, and the creature gripping Shining Armor in its hand came out of the darkness beyond the tracks. It appeared to be the size of a giant, with massive, frayed arches sticking out of its head. A sinister grin showcased a pair of sharp teeth, and the creature's red eyes looked to be staring within their souls. Another pony could now be seen gripped within its left hand, the pony trying to flail herself from the tight grasp.

"Twilight, you guys! Help me, please!"

“Cadence!" Twilight tried to scream louder, but her voice was unable to go higher. A sense of dread had stricken her greatly, with her being unable to do anything as she stood in place with the others.

"What is that thing?" Belle asked, absolutely terrified.

“Not a Heartless, that’s for sure.” Sora stated.

"Oi, what do we have here?" A crimson red infinity symbol lit the creature's right eye, almost as if it personified a nightmare itself.

With Korrina still by his side, Gurkinn shakily got up, trying to cover his wound. He could hardly sit up straight, or even try to distract himself from his wound.

"It can’t be…" He coughed up some blood, before slumping back on the ground. “Moebius…?” Korrina looked back at him, while trying to comprehend what her grandfather said.

Noticing how nobody had changed positions, the creature taunted them by raising both Shining Armor and Cadence into the air, gripping them more tightly before carelessly throwing the ponies to the ground, who grunted in pain as Twilight ran up to them.

"You monster!" Twilight shouted. "Do you really think hurting our friends and family is a game to you?!"

"Oh, this is already proving to be quite the show! Hate to break it to you, ma'am, but the same thing applies to both you and your friends. Try and stop, if you dare." The creature grinned. "The thing is, you'll be dead before you even realize it." The grin on its face grew wider, revealing its sharp set of teeth further. "Don't you adore it? Don't you just wanna savor it? The sweet taste of a life cut short!”

The creature then fired another golden spear, this time at the Princess. The others gasped in shock, even Twilight, Sora running as fast as he could to make it and block it, but he was too far away and would be too late, as Twilight couldn’t use a spell fast enough to block it.

"Twilight! No!" He screamed out.

Twilight flinched and held out her hooves, time slowing around them as the inevitable end would come. Suddenly, appearing in a bright flash of lavender light, a Keyblade appeared right in her hooves.

The guard of the Keyblade is a recoloration of the classic Kingdom Key's guard; it was a deep, pastel blue color while the handle itself was a deep indigo. The shaft was light-blue and rounded, ending with an orb past the teeth, which was formed by a spike and a five-pointed star of the same color; this results in the Keyblade having a double-edged appearance in a similar manner to Ends of the Earth. A gold rainguard was at the bottom of the bar. The Keychain was a five-pointed gold star and it was attached to the hilt of the Keyblade with a silver chain.

Sora stared in shock as he skidded to a halt, surprised to see Twilight actually holding a Keyblade. Twilight opened her eyes after feeling nothing, gasping as she saw a Keyblade held in her hoove. "W-What?" She held the blade up, examining the newly appeared Keyblade both in awe in confusion.

"Ah well, what did I expect?" The creature said.

“Hey ugly!”

The creature’s smirk faded, as it looked at Gene and Belle, and saw them with their Wedding Rings showed out to it.

“Get ready, whatever you are,” Gene said, as their rings glowed and a sphere of energy so bright that everyone else in the area had to look away enveloped the couple. “Cause here we come!”

When the light show finally faded, Sora gasped as they saw that Gene and Belle had changed.

Gene’s entire body became white. Red plates emerge on his arms, the blue head crest is slightly longer, and the spikes on his head were elongated and gain two cape-like protrusions on the back, this giving him a knightly appearance.

Belle turned almost completely white; only her hair remains green. Her gown becomes longer and wider, resembling a bridal gown. The forearms were slightly thicker with a pointed extension above the elbow, resembling gloves. Her facial spikes were larger and now curl upwards. In contrast, her hair is now shorter and more tightly curled. There were now two horns in the center of her chest, extending to either side.

“Mega Evolution,” Gurkinn smiled, as he wheezed in pain, while Gene and Belle went into battle.

"Wait, you guys!" Sora ran after them, while Twilight charged towards the creature alongside them.

While the four charged for the creature, Korrina still felt unsure whether to join the battle. She didn't want to leave Gurkinn to die, and her healing moves weren't particularly the best for this kind of wound.

"Korrina, Lucario," Gurkinn slowly got up, still holding his paw to the wound. "You two go join in on the battle. If someone makes it out alive, it's gonna have to be you two."

Korrina knew that she wasn't suited for the battle, and the guilt of leaving her grandfather to die would forever haunt her. However, she wanted to respect his dying wishes.

"I'm… I'm going, Grandpa.” Tear’s in her eye’s and filled with anger, she and Lucario charged towards the monster. As they ran away, Gurkinn slowly made his way to the damaged artillery from earlier. Not before coughing up some more blood, he climbed into the cockpit of the machine. As he faintly pressed a button, the engine still started up, seeing that the guards didn't know about its backup battery and fuel.

Watching them preparing to attack it, the Moebius swiftly moved out of the way and fired another claw towards them, knocking everyone back. The claw made an impact in the dirt, obscuring the area around them. Once the Moebius noticed Twilight slowly rising up, it aimed its claw towards her. Before it could hurt him, Sora shielded her from the attack in just a matter of time. Hoping to aim for both of them, the Moebius tried to slice the Keyblade apart with its claw. As the claw touched the weapon, the artillery rammed itself into the Moebius's chest. The Moebius skid across the ground, until it managed to escape from the artillery’s grasp. As the machine lunged one of its hands at the Moebius, it effortlessly stopped the hand.

"Ah well, what did I expect?" Tearing off the ship's arm, the machine was blasted away from the Moebius, and landed with a crash. "That's about all you're good for, mate!"

Knowing that he would be gone soon, Gurkinn wanted to drag the Moebius to death with him. The ship was hardly functional, but he pulled one of the still functioning levers.

"Got a good throwing arm! But, y'know…" He used the ship's cannons to fire a string of bullets at the Moebius, but were soon deflected with its claws. Knowing he hardly stood a chance, the Moebius fired a laser at the ship, causing it to explode. Lunging towards the ship, the Moebius shattered the glass and flipped it over on its side. With Gurkinn now in the open, it reached for him inside the ship and grabbed him with its claws. Korrina and the others watched in horror as the Moebius held him within its deadly grasp, hearing it cackle as he tried to break free. Knowing something had to be done, she ran without any second thoughts.

"Wait, Korrina!" Lucario shouted, running after her. "Don't just go provoking it like that, you'll die!" However, his words were unable to reach Korrina. She had already lunged at the Moebius, prepared to face it head-on.

"I won't let you hurt anybody else, I swear!" She jumped into the air and used Bone Rush on the Moebius's hand, losing grasp of Gurkinn. Upon getting the Moebius's attention, she took the chance to twist her bone into its right eye, only to fail as it grabbed her and lifted her into the air.

"Don't get so cocky, bud. You're nothing more but a grunt!" The Moebius continued to taunt her, lifting Korrina higher into the air. With him still in its grasp, Sora and the others tried aiming at the Moebius until it smashed its fist into the ground. The impact had caused him and the others to get smashed onto the ground, while sustaining the pain it brought. Forcing himself to get up, Lucario stood on his feet and ran towards the Moebius.

"Korrina, we're coming! Just hang in there!" He lunged at the Moebius, until a forceful blow from the Moebius's arm launched him away. He let out a cry of pain as he hit the ground, the impact nearly paralyzing his body.

Now that they had gotten up to fight once more, the Moebius took the opportunity to not hold back. It then launched itself into the air and fired another claw into the battlefield. As the claw hit the ground, the explosion launched Gene back.

His Mega Evolution faded as tumbled onto the ground, his body aching from the impact. Upon getting up, he felt a sudden breeze of warmth heal his wounds, as he saw Sora using Cure on him.

“Thanks.” Gene said, as Sora helped the Gallade up.

“No problem.” Sora said with determination. ‘That used the rest of my mana. I have to make sure no one else gets hit again!’

Knowing that the team wasn't going to give up anytime soon, the Moebius continued to engage its counterattack. Spotting the Gardevoir at the corner of its eye, it fired a claw towards her. Belle felt herself tripping onto the ground, her Mega Evolution going away and her heart racing as she tried to get up.

"Ha! One's already done!" The Moebius was about to deal the final blow, until Belle felt someone push her away. She looked in front of her to see Gene, holding her back as he shielded them with his arm blades. Having a sword or shield wasn't an issue for the Moebius, as its strength could easily cut through the two of them. "Alright, two for one!" It then lunged another claw at the couple, hoping to cut through them.

Before the Moebius’s attack went through, both Gene’s right eye and Belle’s left eye started to glow in their own colors, brighter than ever before. The light was followed by a sudden flash, blinding everything before them.


(Play Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Ouroboros Awakening)

“Gene... I’m sorry but... I love you... I’m so, so sorry but... I should go........ Gene?”

“Belle... don’t leave me... please... I... I need you... I love you... please don’t leave me.”

“My beautiful Fairy Princess... I love you so much Belle... ever since I’ve met you, you’ve made every moment a treasure... will you marry me?”

“Gene... I... yes. A thousand times yes!”

Opening his eyes, Gene found himself facing an endless repeat of past events being played in front of his eyes. Most of them consisted of Belle, with Gene appearing in many of them.

"It's not the tunes that matter. It's the feelings you imbue with, Gene."

"We can only contribute after death, is all.”

“I don’t really know what’s gonna happen, but I can promise you that we’ll go to a lot of new places, meet people and Pokémon, and that I’ll never leave you behind.”

Belle had found herself next to him, watching his memories in front of her eyes. When another surge of light enveloped them, their souls had become one.


Upon returning to the battlefield, a tall, illuminated being slowly phased itself into the open.

Seeing the Moebius aim its claw towards the direction it was in, the figure launched it back with the edge of its elbow. The Moebius crashed against a tree, and the figure took notice of its hand.

"What did I just... do? Wait, this hand…" Gene looked at the changed hand, thinking it was only his.

"Is it mine?"

He moved it for a moment, until he heard Belle's voice speak at the same time as him. Their voices gasped, and turned to find their friends observing their merged form on the battlefield. They backed away slightly, while their weapons were tilted in the same direction.

“How are you inside me? Inside…” Their voices said, as sudden realization came to form. “Hold on. Are we…?” They stood up simultaneously, causing their form to reach its full height. Their form towered around the others, who were just as confused as they were.

The being was a mechanical, bipedal Pokémon whose appearance retains numerous visual traits from both Gardevoir and Gallade. Its arms consisted of gauntlets with large magenta blades protruding from the sides, which it can detach and combine to serve as a deadly double-edged weapon. Its head spiked outward twice from both sides and was covered by a green curved piece resembling hair with two cone-shaped structures at the back of its head, and a teal head crest, somewhat akin to a gladiator's helmet. Five petal-shaped white and green guards tinged with magenta at the ends adorn its torso, resembling a dress. The being donned a golden circle in the center of its body, the center shining brightly.

Taking notice of their form, the Moebius lazily kicked the tree aside and stood before them, now nearly being the same height.

"Hmm, you sure catch on quick. Guess we gotta give you credit, then." It stood apart from their form, choosing to not make a move just yet. "Seems that you've got yourselves an interlink, eh?"


"Looks like it's time for an education lesson. That form you two just merged into? It's called 'Ouroboros'. Slap that into those tiny skulls."

"Ouroboros…? Then, what are you-"

"Ah, the big reveal. Me? I'm Moebius! We're pretty much lookalikes, aren't we?" The Moebius was now carelessly approaching the Ouroboros, continuing to gloat. "When two hearts come together as one, they merge into a being that's on the same level as us. Well, sorta."

"One being? But, how?"

"Let me reword that for you: you're a bunch of failures. For the cherry on top, we're both mortal enemies. Doesn't that sound fun?"

"If we're enemies, then the true enemy is-"

(End Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Ouroboros Awakening)

(Play Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Moebius Boss Theme)

"Yep, that's right. Looks like you've got the picture, so let's get the party started!" The Moebius escaped from its stance, and swiped a claw at the newly formed Ouroboros. They felt the claw dig into their body, the stinging pain sending a small shockwave through it. With the wound being small, the pain stopped stinging and they soon got back on their feet. Drawing the strange blade, the Ouroboros clashed against the flaming claw of the Moebius. With another slash, it briefly knocked the Moebius out of balance. While the slash threw it back, the double-edged weapon hadn't made a dent in the cracked, violet flesh. The Moebius snickered to itself, and continued to fight the Ouroboros like a bloodthirsty demon.

Continuing to observe the battle, Sora noticed that the Ouroboros was starting to become more illuminated. Their body color had changed into a lighter orange, with the other aspects continuing to shine brighter. He noticed the same thing happening to the Moebius, and it looked as if their bodies were overheating. He could also hear a faint ticking noise from above, although being faraway. Despite his concerns, he knew that he couldn't say anything about it. Like the others, he didn't know a thing about the Ouroboros. Just as he noticed the changes in their bodies, the Ouroboros swiftly punched the Moebius and slammed it into the ground. They smoothly landed on their feet, as the Moebius fell to the ground with a heavy explosion. It soon got up and walked from the scene, leaving behind a trail of smoke.

(Play Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Moebius Boss Theme)

"Heh, what a toughie. Let's just say we lost this one, alright?" The same ticking noise could be heard as the Ouroboros stood from the Moebius, the noise coming from both of them simultaneously.

"Who is it talking to…?" Gene and Belle had the same idea in mind, leaving them with more questions about who this creature truly was. Their Ouroboros continued to heat up as they stood, assuming that it was only from the tension of the battle.

"We've got a parting gift for you. Don't worry, there's plenty more to go around!" With the flames around the Moebius's body continuing to grow, it fired a red laser from its eyes into the sky. The same blazing red infinity symbol from earlier appeared above, lighting the sky with a faint shade of red.

"And now, all of Moebius knows of your existence." Feeling the symbol reflect itself in their eyes, the group below was drawn in by the crimson flame. The symbol marked them as an enemy of Moebius. Being this creature’s, along with others like it, newly formed enemy, there was no turning back for them. "I wonder how your lives will turn out? We're all counting on you to put on a good show for us." The Moebius disappeared in a blaze of purple light, out like a flame to a candle. After it disappeared, the battlefield had grown silent.

"Who in the… Who even was that?" The Ouroboros stood in place, until the ticking noise ceased and released both Gene and Belle to the ground. They landed with a small impact, shortly examining their bodies after being freed. Everything appeared to be normal, almost as if they hadn't interlinked in the first place.

They took notice of Gurkinn slowly walking towards them, clutching his still open wound. He stumbled as he walked, hardly being able to stay up. Taking another step in their direction, Gurkinn’s last step caused him to collapse. He groaned in pain, as his remaining energy began to dwindle away. Without thinking beforehand, Korrina desperately ran towards him. She managed to hold him within her grasp, barely just losing hold of him as she dragged him against a wall of the train station.


“Don’t worry. We'll get you to a hospital! We can-” Korrina said.

“No… There isn’t enough time.” Gurkinn said, making Korrina try to protest, “Korrina… We both knew… this day would come.” Gurkinn’s voice was growing fainter, as the wound continued to bleed out. It was then her granddaughter started to tear up, not wanting to lose him. "Besides, I get to go knowing that there’s hope."

“What do you mean?” Gene asked, not fully understanding.

"You and your wife… You're both Ouroboros.” Gurkinn said. “Your Irises, the Ouroboros Rings, that is a sign, a hope. The hope… to set this world to rights.” Gene and Belle gasped in shock, not thinking that their eyes were so special. "Listen, folks. That's not all. You guys, you wanna survive? Live on? Hold the torch? You all don't need to worry about me. Not anymore. However, that doesn't mean you'll get to relax. From now on, those Moebius freaks are never gonna leave you alone. They'll hunt you down constantly and relentlessly, like a pack of animals. Because now, you all share a common destiny…" He took a moment to breathe, his breath being shaky. The group continued listening to him, watching him approach his final moments.

"However, there's one place that'll give you a chance. The land of the first Ouroboros. You gotta find their hope. Their City. It's the only way you'll be able to defeat the real enemy, and restore our world to what it should be.” Taking another breath, his body began to glow with golden motes. The motes slowly rose into the sky, while his body dissolved within them.

“Don't give up just yet. Falling to Darkness? You all deserve so much more than that. The only thing that can change all of this, is the will of Ouroboros. It's up to you kids, and you alone…" A small smile appeared on his face before the rest of his body dissolved into motes, the motes continuing to trail the others into the sky.

Feeling tears in their eyes, Gene and Belle looked at each other and nodded, taking out two flutes, Gene’s being black and Belle’s being white. They held them to their lips, and began to play as their fingers softly moved along the flutes.

(Play Xenoblade Chronicles 3 A Life Sent On)

Their melody was a soft but hopeful tune, known for touching the souls of both the departed and the living. As the two Pokemon played, the sky was now filled with a sea of blue motes, while surrounding the others. They created a sea of blue light in the air, brushing over the survivors as they started their journey into the beyond.

Watching him fade into the world beyond, Korrina felt as if a heavy burden had been placed on her shoulders, as she began to cry, and hugged Lucario tightly.

Continuing to play alongside each other, the once chaotic battlefield was now filled with an endless stream of the blue motes that rose above as the solemn melody continued to play. The group felt a sense of hope as they continued to listen to the melody, watching the motes fill the sky.

"What do we tell the others?" Twilight asked, not knowing how everyone is going to react about what just happened.

"The only thing we can say," Sora said, with sadness in his voice, "The truth."

(End Xenoblade Chronicles 3 A Life Sent On)

Seeing the last of the motes rise above, Gene and Belle removed the flutes from their mouths. Korrina, who was starting to calm down a little, looked at the Gallade and Gardevoir. “Thank you for doing this for me.”

"Well, it's what we're meant to do." Gene replied. "To send on the voices of the departed, is an off-seer's purpose." He could tell that the others were still feeling unsure about the situation, and wondered what they would be doing after this. They were supposed to celebrate the Summer Solstice tonight, but after everything they had been through, how could they?

Author's Note:

This chapter was shorter than usual, but otherwise it turned out alright.



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