• Published 14th Feb 2022
  • 169 Views, 0 Comments

The Demon, the Mare and the Date (YFSBB - Side Story 3) - BUGFlower413

Spending time with somepony who has been your friend since your fillyhood should be something easy, right? Well it is not if you can't keep your feelings for said pony under control, or at least that's what Darky Spell learned today.

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The (not) Date

Side Story 3: The Demon, the Mare and the Date

“Keep it together, Darky. You have known each other for years, it’s not like it’s the first time you two are going to be alone. You have hung out together lots of times… But…”

The daemonequus mare was trying to calm herself as she walked down the street to visit her dear friend, Foggy Bismuth. She has been looking for this moment for weeks since it has been quite some time since she had passed even close to her neighborhood. Actually, Foggy invited both her and Buggy to her house, but, knowing about her friend’s interest in the yellow unicorn, he chose not to go to allow them to spend some time together. Darky was greatly grateful for that, but in that moment, she wished he was there to calm her down.

She had dreamed about a day like that before. She had thought what to say once she arrives, what to do there, what to talk about, she had even planned entire conversations with her, even considering her possible answers to follow them up, yet she felt not ready for this. Unlike her stories and fictional scenarios, she was well aware she couldn’t predict Foggy like that, she couldn’t know in advance what she was going to do or say to have a proper response ready. That unicorn can be really unpredictable in many different ways whenever she wants to be, and that’s something really attractive for Darky. In her eyes, she was the prettiest, smartest, most interesting, and mysterious mare in Equestria, and she felt really lucky to be able to consider herself as her friend. She couldn’t let a chance like this one slip through her fing- hooves, yet she was too scared to mess it up.

She stopped walking, sat down, and stared to the floor, trying to free her mind from all the possible bad outcomes of her date, but the harder she tried, the more she thought of it. Wait, ‘date’?? Who said anything about a date? Foggy doesn’t even know about all of this emotional dilemma going on. From her perspective, she’s just receiving a visit from her good daemonequus friend.

She closed her eyes as she left out a sigh.

“Why does this have to be this complicated?”

She was spiraling in her thoughts when suddenly a voice called her name.

“Darky? Girl, you there?”

She stood up and turned around to find a griffon standing some meters behind her. She was June, one of her closest friends.

“June! Oh Celestia if I’m glad to see you!”

June gave her a little smile as a respond as she walked towards her.

“You know about love, don’t you? Because I need some love advice right now!”

She was a little confused about Darky’s request.

“I mean, love sure is one of the things I know, but I guess I need more context here.”

“Ok. Look, I’m going to see Foggy at her house today after ages of the last time I visited her.”

“Mhm, following…”

“We two are going to be alone.”

The griffon looked directly at her friend with her eyes half closed and a smug expression.

“Oooh, I see where this is going.”

“What? Y- you do?” responded the daemonequus a little surprised.

“You want to do the thing with her, don’t you?”

“I’m… not sure I’m understanding what you’re saying.”

“You want her in your bed tonight, don’t you, you crazy girl?”

Darky’s face went completely red as she gave a step back, opening her wings in the process.


“C’mon girl. We’re in confidence here, you can t-“


“Like, never?”

She stared at her eyes for a few seconds, then covered her flustered face under her wings.

“Haha, got’cha.”

“Shut up!!!”

“I’m joking, I’m joking. Excuse me.”

Darky, still blushing a little, uncovered her face and looked away. She was starting to question why she even considered asking June for help with this in the first place.

“So, you are going to go to Ms. Hot Unicorn’s house today, am I following?”

“Yes… and don’t call her that, please.”

“What do you mean? She knows I call her that.”

“She does?? I mean, that has nothing to do with this!”

You were the one who brought it up.”

She facewinged.

“Whatever! Can I continue talking now?”

“Go on.”

“Alright. As I was saying, I’m visiting her today after such a long time of not being alone together and…”

“…And what?”

“I’m a little scared.”

“Of what?”

“Of fucking things up! And of losing any possible chance I may have with her!”

The griffon tried her best not to do another joke out of the situation looking at how genuinely worried her friend seemed.

Darky sighed.

“I just want you to tell me how could I keep the stupid negative thoughts away so I don’t blow it up! You have passed through this when you were dating Sunrise, so I assumed you learned how to keep all of those ‘what if’s under control.”

June tried to remember those days, years ago before that gold-hearted pegasus and her became something. It wasn’t that different from this situation really, they were both really close friends as well, with a deep love and respect towards each other, and that basis was what made their relationship easier to take place for them.

“Girl, I think you’re overcomplicating yourself.”

“What do you mean?”

She got a little closer to her and put one of her huge wings over one of Darky’s shoulders.

“Your mind is always going to try to play those dirty tricks on you. They won’t go away until you become used to being in that situation. All you can do really is going with whatever destiny has planned for you.”

“Just… that?”


“You really think so?”

“I’m sure of it, Darks!”

That wasn’t the answer she was expecting really, but, in all honesty, she wasn’t sure what answer she was actually expecting.

“Well, thanks then, Ju-“

“But, for real though. Are you planning to do a move on her or…?”

“I don’t know! Maybe, I guess!? If I got the opportunity to, I suppose.”

June giggled.

“I’m not even going to ask what’s in your head right now, you dirty mind.”

“I’m just teasing you, girl.”

She turned around opening her wings, ready to take flight.

“Good luck with her, Darks.”

“Thanks, Juney. Say hi to Sunrise for me.”

“I will.”

She flew away, leaving Darks alone again with her thoughts.

“With whatever destiny has planned for me,” she said to herself before turning around to keep her way.

After some minutes of walking, she found herself on a little hill, almost outside of Canterlot, in front of the door of the mare of her dreams. She could feel the butterflies inside of her stomach stronger than ever, as she struggled to even lift her hoof to reach the doorbell. She took a final deep breath and rang the bell. She spent at least half a minute waiting, time that felt like an eternity, every second marked by her heartbeats becoming stronger and faster.

Finally, the unicorn opened the door to meet her good friend.

“Good afternoon, Darky.”

“Good afternoon, Foggy.”

Darky was already having troubles keeping herself calm, but the moment her friend opened the door and she saw her wearing an elegant, yet simple black dress instead of her usual jacket, she knew said troubles were only barely starting.

“That’s a pretty beautiful dress, let me tell you.”

“Thank you, dear. I wanted to wear something special for such important occasion.”

“What occasion?”

“Well, the visit of one of my dearest friends, of course!”

Darky fully entered in as Foggy closed the door behind her with her magic.

“Should I have been wearing something different? I’m really sorry, it completely went through my mind.”

“No, no, honey. Don’t worry about it. You look already wonderful, as always.”

She blushed at the compliment.


“Now, please, take a sit in one of the couches as I quickly go to see the food.”

She obeyed immediately. It may have been a long time since she was in that living room and things may look a little different than she remembered, but she still felt nostalgic about sitting there, looking at all the pictures in the wall in front of her.

“Wait, is that…?”

She stood up and got closer to take a look at one specific photo. It was the one she and Foggy took the last Nightmare Night some weeks ago. They really had a good time that night, even if the unicorn didn’t want to go trick-or-threating with them at the beginning. That memory brought a smile to Darky’s face. It was just one of the photos they took, and the only one of that night that was there. Maybe there was not enough space for the rest? Then, why would she choose a photo where were only she and Darky instead of the one Zweet Beatz took of the entire group? Of course, she had other photos right there of their other friends, including one with all of them together, but…

“Looking at the photos?”

Foggy entered to the room and calmly walked to where Darky was standing.

“Yeah, they caught my attention.”

“Especially that one, am I right?” she said while pointing at the photo Darky was analyzing mere seconds ago.


“It was a pretty fun night, I have to admit.” -She turned around at the daemonequus- “Thank you for that, Darky.”

She could detect something different in Foggy’s voice as she said those last two sentences. Apparently, her friend appreciated that moment more than she thought.

“No problem, Foggy. I’m glad to know you had fun.”

She walked to one of the couches, Darky, following her, sat on another one nearby.

“I have been waiting with excitement for you to arrive, you know?”

Darky looked at her.

“Don’t get me wrong, I really love spending time with all of our friends, but I was certainly missing just having some quality time with you, dear.”

“You did?”

“Of course!”

She giggled gently, covering her mouth with one of her hooves, causing Darky’s heart to melt.

“Just like we used to do back in the days.”

“Yeah, I still remember those days.”

‘Days a lot easier since I was not absolutely crazy for you back then,’ she thought to herself.

Foggy got comfortable in the couch before continuing the conversation.

“How have you been since the last time we spoke, Darks?”

“I have been pretty good. Finishing one of the novels I have been reading recently, spending some time with Buggy as always...”

“Hold on, didn’t you tell me the other day Princess Celestia wanted to ask you some questions about the Daemonequus Kingdom and how you arrived here?”



“…Oh, right! I was interviewed by princesses Celestia and Twilight, and Spike the Dragon. Almost forgot about that.”

“You almost forgot you were interviewed by a literal Goddess herself? Does that happen to you very often and I’m just now knowing it?”

Darky chuckled upon hearing her friend’s sarcastic question. Other one of the dozens and dozens of things she loved from that mare.

“Well, I have talked quite a considerable amount of times with Princess Luna before, so it wouldn’t be the first time I talk with a Goddess, for sure.”

‘And I’m not even counting the number of times I have talked with you,’ she followed with in her thoughts.

“Fair enough.”

Foggy directed her eyes to her friend and couldn’t help but notice the way she was sitting. She didn’t really look relaxed.

“Why are you so tense, dear?”

“What do you mean?”

“You look a little nervous. It’s something bothering you?”

Darky quickly thought of an excuse.

“No, I’m fine. I just haven’t been here in so many years that I guess it made me a little nervous. That’s all.”

She giggled again. If she keeps doing that, Darky is probably going to have a cuteness-induced heart attack.

“Darks, darling, there’s no reason to feel nervous. The years sure have passed since you were in my house last time, but our friendship has always remained the same.” -She looked at the picture of them at the other side of the room- “If any, it had become stronger,” she concluded in a softer voice.

The daemonequus couldn’t help but feel special at the thought of somepony like Foggy Bismuth considering somepony like her that important in her life.

“Thanks, Foggy.”

“For stating something that is truth? Because that’s all I did.”

They shared a little laugh as Darky proceeded to lay in a more comfortable position on the couch, feeling genuinely a little calmer than before.

“What is in the oven, by the way?”

You will see~ I’m sure you will love it. It’s almost done, so I hope you’re hungry.”

She wasn’t that hungry, but there was no way in Equestria she would have said ‘no’ to the opportunity of eating something prepared by her dream mare.

“In fact, it should be done by now. I’m going to take it out of the oven. You go to the table and take a seat. I won’t take long.”

“Can I help you serving it instead?”


“I mean, you already bothered baking something for us both. It’s the least I can do.”

She smiled at Darky.

“Ok then. Follow me to the kitchen.”

Both mares stood up to walk to the kitchen but, instead of doing so, they gave each other looks like if they were communicating telepathically, and suddenly, the room flashed in both red and purple as they both teleported to the kitchen. Then they broke into laughter.

“How does this even qualify as a race? It’s not like teleportation could be any faster or slower.”

“Actually, it could. Depending on how fast you have learned to perform the spell and exactly how much magic you are using on it, it could be some hundredths of second faster.”

Foggy, even being an absolute magic-nerd, didn’t actually know that.

“Excuse me, dear, but I can not perceive a few hundredths of a second without a chronometer nearby, so while we don’t have one, that fact is useless, and we will have to consider this a tie.”

“Ha, sore loser.”

“Sweetheart,” said the unicorn calmly, “I’ll have to kindly request you from the bottom of my heart to shut the fuck up.”


The two friends loved to race each other since they were young, either teleporting themselves (even if they never saw the point on it) or flying (or levitating, in Foggy’s case), they always teased each other like that afterwards.

“You really have ways to make me feel like a young filly again, Spell.”

“Hey, one should never forget how to have fun and be childish every now and then.”

“You’re absolutely right.”

She levitated the dinner out of the oven and two plates out of one of the drawers.

“You may be one of the few reasons I didn’t turn into a grumpy and boring old unicorn, you know?”

Darky levitated a couple of forks, knives and glasses.

“I couldn’t allow that. Losing my fun, awesome, hot friend for a grumpy, ‘get out of my lawn’ lady? No thanks.”

Foggy, who was already walking to the table levitating the food and plates, stopped and turned her head around.

“Fun, awesome, hot friend, you said?”


“I- I meant…”

She laughed and continued walking to the table.

‘Good job, you idiot.’

“I feel honestly flattered somepony as well-looking as you just called me hot, sweetheart.”

‘Wait, what?’

“Wait, what?”

Darky, still standing in the kitchen, tried to understand the verbal exchange that just took place.

“So, are you coming or what?”

“Oh, sorry!”

She walked to the table, finally looking at the food they were going to eat. It could not be.

“Hold on! Is this…”

“Yes. Yes, it is,” replied the unicorn smiling at her.


Foggy had been baking one of Darky’s favorite dishes since ever: A really cheesy vegetable lasagna. She could see the excitement in the daemonequus eyes, even with how pale her eyes are. She quickly took a seat and cut a piece of it, putting it over her plate and rapidly taking a little bit with her fork and putting it into her mouth. She felt her mouth on fire, since they just took the food out of the oven, but that was not going to stop her. The yellow mare couldn’t help but laugh at her friend reaction. She knew she was going to be more than happy about the food.

“Girl, slow down! You’re going to choke!” she said between little giggles.

“THANK YOU SO MUCH!!” she replied with food still in her mouth.

“I’m happy to see you like my little surprise-“ she poured some lemonade in both her and Darky’s glasses “-but I’ll have to ask you again to not eat so fast. I don’t want to lose my friend because she choked on food.”

Darky passed the food and licked her lips with her eyes closed.

“It’d be a very delicious way to pass away, so I wouldn’t have any trouble with it.”

They laughed.

“No, but, seriously, don’t choke please.”

“I won’t. Don’t worry,” she said while taking another bite.

They kept conversating while they ate. Talking, eating, drinking, and laughing.

“I remember that show. I used to watch it when I was a filly.”

Foggy walked out of the kitchen after leaving the dishes in the dishwasher. Darky was on the couch, navigating through some of the channels on the television. Foggy decided to sit as well, this time just next to Darky, close enough for their hips to touch, making the daemonequus feel slightly nervous again. She ignored that though (or at least tried to).

“Girl, this is a crime show. What the hay do you mean you watched it as a filly??”

“Hehe, I always enjoyed this kind of investigation stuff.”

They remained in silent for some minutes watching the show.

“So, did you like the dinn-“

Foggy was interrupted by a loud belch. Darky got so caught into the show and how comfortable the couch felt that she forgot for a second who was literally at her left. She realized what she just did and turned red instantly, covering her face with one of her wings.


“Darks, calm down, girl. It’s fine.”

She placed a hoof over her friend’s shoulder.

“It’s not a big deal. I don’t mind at all, honestly, so don’t worry about it.”

She put her wing down.

“Besides, isn’t burping considered a way to say you liked the food in some cultures?”

“Is it?”

“I guess so, as far as I’ve heard.”

She giggled trying to make Darky feel comfortable again, but after noticing it wasn’t working, she decided to do the other thing she had in mind and let her head fall over Darky’s shoulder. The daemonequus didn’t know how to react to that. It was one of the things she always dreamed about, but not in this specific scenario. Still, she thought it was lovely. She felt it was even kind of surreal, until the realization of it actually happening hit her like a truck again, making her feel even more nervous.

‘Just go with whatever destiny has planned for you, Darky Spell,’ she thought to herself.

“Did you say something, dear?”

“W- nope! Nothing!”

Or at least she thought that she thought it to herself.

She tried to imagine for a moment this was one of the many scenarios she made up in her head with her before and, as she would do in any of those, she placed her hoof on Foggy’s back hugging her, and let her head rest over the unicorn’s soft, yellow mane. Foggy got herself in a slightly more comfortable position, instead of sitting, laying in the couch and cuddling with her head still on her shoulder as a respond to Darky’s movements.

“Your chest fluff is so soft. You knew that?”

She blushed again.

“Y- yes, I know-“ she giggled “-and I’m actually quite proud of that.”

“I can’t blame you, I’d as well.”

“You have your own stuff to be proud of too.”

“I’m not as fluffy as you.”

“Not as fluffy, yet somehow hotter though.”

“Hehe, shut up. You’re making me blush.”

Darky didn’t think before saying that, yet she felt proud of how smooth it came out. They spent a couple of hours watching tv and cuddling together. Foggy even fell asleep for some minutes because of how comfortable she was, while Darky just enjoyed looking at her beautiful face, until it was almost night and Darky had to go away.

The two mares were standing at the door, one in and one out under the purplish, dark, stary sky.

“I’m really, really grateful you came, Darky. I enjoyed this evening a lot, darling. Thank you.”

“Thanks to you for inviting me.”

“No need to mention it. It won’t be the last time, girl, right?”

“I hope so! Maybe I can invite you to my house next time?”

“It’d be lovely!”

She leaned and kissed her cheek, she kissed hers back.

“Take care, Foggy.”

“Same to you, dear. Farewell.”

Darky Spell turned around and walked out of what still seemed to be a dream in her head. So many things happened today, things she only dreamed about before. She felt happy, relieved, warm and fuzzy and couldn’t wait to tell Buggy and June about everything that happened that evening. She could easily just teleport herself back home, but she wanted to walk a little to process all she had in her head. It seems like all of her worries were completely pointless. It was a better day than she would ever-

“By the way, nice ass you’ve got there.

Darky stopped on her tracks as her face became as red as her blood itself.


The unicorn giggled and turned around as she closed her door, leaving a very confuse daemonequus with another thing to think about now.

Author's Note:

Then Darky went to Buggy's house. He asked her how her visit went, and her answer was that apparently she've got a nice ass.


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