• Member Since 24th Jan, 2022
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Miro MM

I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all

Comments ( 2 )

This was great! But it had a few mistakes. I'm going to show the corrections...

Here are the corrections...

Darkness, hammering against the walls. An old looking attic room with wooden walls with nails sticking out of them. The hatch to the cellar door opens, and the hammering of the walls is muffled as the hatch opens up. The ladder extends down as somepony begins to climb up it. 

Starlight Glimmer steps onto the 3rd step and looks over at another her sleeping on a dirty old mattress on the floor, with a pillow and a blanket.

"Hey! Morning!" Starlight says from the ladder, but gets no response from the Starlight on the floor. "How are you feeling?" she asks, but gets no response. She waits for a couple seconds but still gets no answer.

"Are you still mad at me?" she asks, but like the previous two times, she still gets no answer. Starlight scoffs. "Come on... We talked about this!" she says. "This is good, you know? It's... It's for the better," she tells the other Starlight.

She frowns and climbs up more.  "Alright.." She mutters as she gets up and walks over to the bed which is standing a couple of feet away. "Can I get you anything?" She asks.  "I could get some magazines… Or..." She pauses for a moment. "...Maybe some food?" She asks.

"Fuck off," the Starlight in bed harshly says.

"See... That is exactly the kind of stuff that I'm talking about." Starlight stammers, pointing at the mattress for a second. "Why would I want you out there acting like that?" Starlight asks her other self.

"You don't give a shit about anything," the Starlight in bed answers.

"What?" Starlight scoffs looking up for a second. "Look, we are all very concerned with the state of this house- I for one am worried sick about it. But you know what?" Starlight asks. The Starlight in bed turns over and faces her, interested. 

"We are doing everything we can to fix it, And... We're keeping our cool while we're doing it," Starlight says.

The Starlight in bed frowns. "Yeah? How's that working out for you? Huh?" she asks.

"Okay... I've had enough-" Starlight starts to say, but is cut off.

"Oh! You know what!?" Starlight in bed pulls the covers down, but stops as the Starlight who is standing pulls out a knife and points it at her.

The Starlight in bed lifts her hooves up. The Starlight with the knife smiles for a second and laughs under her breath for a moment. "And then you wonder why I don't like to feed you!" Starlight answers as she points the blade right at her.

The Starlight in bed doesn't move and looks at her fearfully. "Maybe a little nicer next time? When I'm offering?" the Starlight standing asks as she puts the knife down, slowly.

The Starlight in bed looks down and puts her hooves onto the mattress. The hammering noise grows louder.

Starlight walks over to the hatch and climbs back down the ladder she came from and closes the hatch, locking it.

The Starlight in bed looks over at the wall, slightly down, feeling her anger growing inside her. She grabs the pillow and throws it against the floor.

And then she rubs her face with her hooves and stands up, and starts to pace around the attic, her anger boiling as she breathes. While she does this, the hammering keeps growing louder and louder. A droning noise also starts and boils in sound and weight as it echoes against the walls. Starlight keeps pacing angrily. She sits down near the middle with her hooves clenching as her anger boils.

She looks down at her hooves and she clenches them so hard she even shakes as her entire body vibrates in her anger.  Turning red slightly, she looks over at the wall covered in nails. The droning noise slows down and muffles and fades away as the hammering persists but quieter. She almost grins and gets up and walks over to the mattress and lays down.

Darkness, hammering against the walls. The hatch opens and Starlight steps up and looks over at the mattress, and sees she has covered herself in the blanket. Starlight grabs a book from below her and some papers and places it on the floor.

"Morning!" Starlight begins.  "Hope you slept okay... I got you some cool books! I figured... You know, you might like these." Starlight says.

The Starlight in bed doesn't answer. Starlight smiles for a moment and steps up and stands closer to the bed.

"Hey, I... I know you're probably still mad at me..." Starlight says. "...I mean, that's all you have been- for the longest time I can remember is just- mad..." she trails off. 

"...And I know it can be hard to shake," she adds. "I just... I don't know how many times we can tell you that, we're working on it- before you choose to believe us, you know?" Starlight asks.

"These things take time... They take thought, and..." Starlight pauses for a moment. "...Overall, they take... kindness." Starlight finishes her sentence, and behind her in the darkness the other Starlight creeps up behind her and to the side.

"I'll tell you what, If you're good today, there's probably some leftovers from yesterday. It's some hay but I'm sure that you're gonna like it!" Starlight says not knowing the real one is behind her.

"How's that sound? hm?" Starlight adds. "All I need is a smile!" Starlight says.

The other Starlight walks up behind her, very slowly, and is just inches away.

"Aw, come on! Just one smile at least?" Starlight asks "...Don't you want to eat?" Starlight asks before getting pushed right into the wall, dropping the books and a nail going straight through her forehead, killing her instantly as it starts to bleed.

The real Starlight groans and picks up the body and slams it onto the floor, hard.

Starlight exhales and breathes as she smiles and takes a sigh of relief before looking over at the hatch that is opened. She turns back around and grabs the hammer the other Starlight was holding behind her.

She walks over to the hatch and starts to climb down, As she does the body begins to decay quickly. Starlight eyes the bottom and jumps down below. She walks through an old ruined building as the noise of hammering grows louder and louder as she walks across the old floor. 

She walks down a ruined hallway and turns and walks into another hallway and walks into the middle of it where the hammering noise is the loudest. The hammering noise starts glitching and turns to almost static as Starlight looks down and sees a small recording device that was emitting the hammering noises.

It was a facade. She kneels down and presses the off button, and the static and hammering stops. Starlight looks around and then looks at the hammer. She smiles and walks towards the exit to the bright daylight outside.

...The End...

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