• Published 15th Sep 2012
  • 1,332 Views, 31 Comments

Assassin's Tears II - MisterGTFO

The great Sequel to the great story, Assassin's Tears!

  • ...

Finding Allies - Part Two

Chapter Three: Finding Allies - Part Two

Magicius simply told all the Assassin's by him to lower their weapons. And he looked to his right and saw that Void Silentblade was by him.

"Who.. are you?" Void said.

Discord simple smiled at him.

"I am the Spirit of Disharmony, Discord. I wish to join in a little fun thing you and your... friends are doing.." Discord said.

Void looked at him with a feeling of Discomfort and confusion. He had no good feeling for the Draconequus and wanted him to leave. But he decided to find more about this Draconequus.

"This war, you mean..?" Void asked.

"Yes, this war are you dumb? I see that you lack numbers. I wonder if I can help just for a teeny while." Discord explained.

"And how can you do that?" Void asked.

Discord chuckled and looked at him with his yellow-red eyes.

"Shall I come in?" Discord said.

Void looked at him and closed his eyes. He did not feel too trustful with the strange looking beast, but he came to a decision once he opened his eyes.

"Hmph, fine. You first." Void said.

Discord smiled and began to walk at the gate. The gates simply opened as he went near them and began go inside. Void went near to Magicius and whispered in his ear.

"Inform the others to keep a watch on the buffoon, we cannot trust him yet." Void whispered.

"Yes, brother." Magicius said and then ordered the other Assassins to go back inside.

Then they both went inside so that they could discuss with what Discord want to talk about the upcoming war they were holding.

Once Discord got inside, he saw that it was very bright inside and saw that there were many halls and a big circle main hall. He wondered where to go first, he then saw that both Magicius Arch-cloak and Void Silentblade were going to the middle hall. He decided to follow them. After going into many hallrooms, he saw that he was in the throne room. It was quite dark and saw six short pillars. He then saw a large throne.

Void sat on his throne and the other six were still on each of their pillars. And they all focused their vision on Discord. Discord still smiled and did not take the situation seriously.

"Now, tell why you are here and give us details." Void said.

Discord conjured a chair and sat on it. And arched his back a little and sat still.

"I only wish to aid you in this War, only because I resent Canterlot. I have quite a bad history if you look it up." Discord chuckled.

"Enough talking, quickly tell us what will you do to help!" Magicius said.

"Alright fine.. but can I explain?" Discord asked.

"That's it, we don't need this guy!" Poison Cloud pointed his launcher and shot a explosive at Discord but it never did hit him.

"Ah, your weapons are so futile." Discord was unscathed and then, the group saw a bearded Unicorn with a pointy hat and cape of blue and stars over it, which looked tattered.

"Where the hay did that stallion come from?!" Poison Cloud yelled.

"Oh you don't know this one? I recently Resurrected him. The one and only, Star Swirl the Bearded. He's the father of the Animorphic Spell. Quite old these days now." Discord laughed.

"Hmm. Ressurecting huh?" Deadly Rose said.

"How cruel and against nature itself." Magicius said.

"Poison, you shouldn't do that again or else.." Void said.

"Hmph, fine." Poison Cloud lowered his weapon.

"Now, like I said... I wanted to show you.. my powers." Discord said.

"Fine, go on." Void said.

"Alright then..." Discord chuckled.

"I want you all to look to your window to your right." Discord said.

Everypony except Discord looked to the opened window. And were shocked at what they saw, they all saw 100's of Silentblade Assassins. The only thing was.. that they were all Resurrected and they were sure they also saw some Royal Guards also.

"What is this?! You scum! you're defiling the bodies of our ancestors!" Wing Beat said.

Discord began to get frustrated.

"I think I know that, but did you know that Celestia's forces are getting more Allies the more we speak? I think I will help. I know that you don't have the numbers to beat them. And don't you all worry, I will put your "ancestors" bodies back."

Void looked down and thought for a moment to make this Draconequus his ally or to just either kill him where he stands now.

"What if we refuse?" Void questioned.

"Then I will join this war and fight both you and Celestia. And trust me, I will destroy you so badly, that you will be begging to fight Celestia." Discord angrily said.

All of the Advisors silightly shook at the angry tone of Discord.

"Now can I explain to your big skulls now?!" Discord was getting all frustrated.

Then they all looked at him.

"Go on, we do not have all day." Void shouted.

Discord merely smirked at him and then clapped his hands. Then they saw at least four figures behind him. They all were speechless when the four figures were revealed.

"Th-Thats!" Poison Cloud said.

"It's unbelieveable..!" Magicius said.

Void simply had a face of suprise and shock.

There stood in front of him was his elder son, Silent Whisper which whom was Silent Wind's older Deceased brother, His wife and Silent Wind's mother, Umbra Silentblade. The third one was a renowned Magician also. It was Tarelina Mephalia, the maker of 200 magic seals. And the last one was the one that shocked them the most. It was the first leader of the Silentblades, Shadow Moon Silentblade. All of their bodies were all brand new, except for their clothes which were of course, tattered.

"You.. have quite a nerve to ressurect them!" Poison Cloud said.

"Hm, how disrespectful." Ghost Spectre said.

"This is against our very own nature, you Draconequus!" Deadly Rose said.

"Oh gag, you can save you scowling for now. I need an answer now please." Discord asked.

Void simply thought and closed his eyes. He did not like seeing his deceased wife nor did he liked seeing his deceased son also. He took a quick sigh and opened his eyes and stood up.

"Fine you can join us, but you better keep you nose clean. Do anything funny, I'll make sure I paint your blood in all of Equestria." Void said.

Discord simply laughed.

"Alright then... but I will say something." Discord said.

"And what is that?" Sharp Thorn said.

"Chrysalis, the Changeling queen was wiped out by the Royal Guards and their leader, Shining Armor whom is the Captain of the Royal Guard," Discord said.

"What?! Impossible!" Magicius said.

"That's quite a suprise." Ghost Spectre said.

"Yes, I think I went there to say hello, but it seems that poor old Chrysalis fell to her death. Oh well, She probably was going betray you. You all should know how stupid Changelings are with their power-hungry minds." Discord said.

"Hmph, even though Me and Chrysalis had ties, She never did listen to my plans. Fine, we will join forces to defeat Celestia. But after that, I assure you that you and I will kill eachother." Void said with vigor.

Discord simply chuckled at Void for his foolish personality.

"Sounds good to me. When shall I come?" Discord asked.

"Within one more day, It is already Midnight so you'd best go back to where you came. One more small thing, Discord." Void said.

"Ugh, what now?" Discord grumbled.

"There is a certain Silver-coated stallion, Silent Wind. He is to be captured and not killed. For he is the reason for this war. I assure you that he is important."

Discord walked to the archway which led to the Hallway.

"Fine, just let me do what I can. I will be at the Changeling Castle. Which is now mines." Discord soon after left and the Resurrected four followed.

"Everything is going to plan, Heh.. Once I wipe out Celestia, I will kill the Silentblades. As long as I have these minions by me, nothing can stop me!"


It was near morning at Canterlot, Silent Wind was awaken by Twilight's snoring. And nudged her a few times to wake her up. Twilight soon opened her eyes slowly and Silent Wind saw that she was still tired. She yawned which sounded cute to Silent Wind. He simply smiled.

"Morning, Twilight." Silent Wind yawned.

"Oh, hey Silent Wind." Twilight snuggled up to Silent Wind.

"Are you cold or something?" Silent Wind asked.

"No, your just so huggable." Twilight blushed.

"Oh.. Thank-" Silent Wind was interrupted when Princess Celestia opened the door to his room.

"Buck." Silent Wind thought.

"Good morning, Silent Win-" Princess Celestia gasped at what she saw.

"Oh dear! I am so sorry, I did not know Twilight was in your bed!" Princess Celestia closed her eyes with hooves.

Both Twilight and Silent Wind looked at eachother and saw that their hair were messy and looked at Celestia. Then they realized that Princess was thinking the wrong way.

"Oh! Princess Celestia, it's not what you think!" Twilight exclaimed.

All the sudden Twilight's friends came in and saw the scene and so did Spike. Rainbow Dash was the first to laugh at the scene.

"Oh boy! this is too rich! Princess Celestia thought you two were doing it!" Rainbow Dash laughed more.

"Oh no way!" Spike laughed along with Rainbow Dash.

"Oh my goodness.. Twilight." Fluttershy shivered.

"Well, I'll be! ya'll already sleepin' t'gether!?" Applejack said.

"Why, this is quite a morning to start." Rarity said.

"Hey, Silent Wind and Twilight are sleeping together!" Pinkie Pie hopped.

Silent Wind simply saw that Twilight was losing it, Her face was getting red. He knew that he had to say something otherwise Twilight would break.

"Hey, I gotta dress! can you Mares give me and Twilight some Privacy!" Silent Wind pushed everypony out of his room.

After he pushed everyone out he looked at Twilight. Seeing that she took a deep breath.

"Thank you, Silent Wind." Twilight thanked.

"No problem, I was beginning to get embarrassed." Silent Wind grabbed his Cloak with his mouth and threw in the air and landed perfectly on his neck.

"What are you going to do now? It's the final day before.. you know." Twilight said.

"I don't know, I'll go talk to Princess for some work she'll assign for me." Silent Wind said.

"Oh alright then." Twilight went toward the desk and putted Silent Wind's Amulet on her neck.

"I'll see you soon?" Silent Wind said.

Twilight nodded and went to Silent Wind to lay a kiss. And she said goodbye and Silent Wind ran out of the room and went to the throne room where Princess Celestia would be. Once he got into the Throne room, he saw that Princess Celestia was looking at him with a strange look. Silent Wind simply smiled at her.

"My dear student is quite fond of you." Princess Celestia said.

"You bet. I guess she just really likes me, I like her back also. Anyways, I wonder what you wanted to assign me to today because, well since the War is coming tommorow."

"Actually, there is nothing left to do. We are only double checking our supplies and everything. You have finished your part yesterday. And behalf of Canterlot, We thank you and it seems that you are free today so you may go to Twilight." Princess Celestia said.

"Thanks!" Silent Wind ran back but halted.

"Oh, Princess Celestia. What you saw back there wasn't what you think. Me and Twilight weren't having-" Silent Wind was silenced by Celestia's glare at him.

"Oh.. hahahaha... nevermind!" Silent Wind ran out of the Throne room.

Princess Celestia began to softly chuckle and smiled.

"I have quite a wonderful feeling for Twilight Sparkle and that Stallion."

Silent Wind went back to Twilight and saw that she was about to go with her Friends and Spike also. They all had straight faces as if something was wrong.

"Hey Twilight, Princess Celestia doesen't have anything for me today! I was wondering if I could come with You and your friends." Silent Wind asked.

"Okay then, Shining Armor told Me and my Friends to come to his Captain quarters to talk to him and help him plan a few things. I'd love it if you came with us." Twilight said.

"Shining Armor wants to talk to us..? Alright then, I'll come along." Silent Wind followed Twilight and Her Friends to the Shining Armor's quarters.