• Published 15th Sep 2012
  • 1,331 Views, 31 Comments

Assassin's Tears II - MisterGTFO

The great Sequel to the great story, Assassin's Tears!

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Departing Words

Chapter Sixteen: Departing Words

As Silent Wind and the others got to the camp nearby, There were met by Canterlot Guards and Southern rebels. The Canterlot Guards escorted the Mane Six to the Infirmary. Shining Armor was brought to the Command center of the camp and was pointing out things on a map to others. Silent Wind stood on the cliff and looked out to the retreating enemies to the camps and saw that there will still souls going up to the skies since Discord's resurrection spell had broke. Lily Blade went over to Silent Wind and began to heal his wounds. Once Lily Blade was finished healing Silent Wind's wounds, She sat right by Silent Wind and sniffed slightly and turned her head away uncomfortably and soon after, turned her head at Silent Wind. Silent Wind turned his eyes at Lily Blade with a questioning look.

"What is it?" Silent Wind questioned.

Lily Blade coughed and rubbed her hooves together in a concerning way and looked up into the orange sky. Silent Wind raised an eyebrow at her in confusion. Lily Blade then looked at Silent Wind with a serious look.

"What will you do now? I feel tension. Are you okay, Silent Wind?" Lily went closer to Silent Wind and tilted her head so she could see Silent Wind's azure blue eyes.

"Oh.. I don't know. I have to think about it." Silent Wind muttered.

Silent Wind thought of what to do now. Either wait till tomorrow and attack the enemy with their replenished strength or he would attack them tonight, and do it himself. He turned his head behind him and looked at Twilight and her friends going inside the Infirmary tent. He then looked over at Shining Armor and the surrounding guards around him. He then looked back toward the Silentblade castle that was barely visible.

"I guess I can try to take the rest overnight. It'll only take till morning to defeat my Dad." Silent Wind said to Lily Blade.

Lily Blade's eyes went wide. She didn't think that Silent Wind would resort to taking things in his own hands. Lily Blade stood up with a surprising expression at Silent Wind. Silent Wind turned his head at Lily Blade as she was standing there. Silent Wind frowned, knowing that Lily Blade would object to his idea.

"Wh-What? Why..!?" Lily sneered.

Silent Wind stood up also and nodded once he was standing. Lily tilted her head down. Silent Wind moved forward her and putted his hoof on Lily Blade's chin and brought her head up. Lily was frowning, Silent Wind smiled.

"I know that you're a bit worried about me also.. but I want you to come along. You're my teammate afterall." Silent Wind said.

Lily Blade chuckled and rubbed her head. She began to brighten up since Silent Wind wanted her help, and saw that he was very determined. She nodded and gave a questioning look at Silent Wind.

"When do we go?" Lily said.

Silent Wind forgot what time they were going to move out. Silent Wind pondered for a moment and putted his hoof near his face and pointed it up which showed that he had already thought of what time they were going to move.

"At 10PM. We'll get to the Silentblade Castle possibly at 12PM if we're quick." Silent Wind said.

Lily Blade nodded. Silent Wind turned his head at Lily Blade as she walked into the camps. Silent Wind looked around and decided to check on Twilight and her friends. He walked to the Infirmary tent and opened the flap. He saw that Twilight was sitting on a chair and the others were resting on bed rolls but in good shape. Silent Wind went toward Twilight and smiled at her.

"Hey, not in a good shape huh?" Silent Wind joked.

Twilight looked at herself and saw that her forehead was bandaged, her left hoof was bandaged and her hair was slightly messy. She chuckled and so did Silent Wind. She then sighed and smiled back at Silent Wind.

"No, but you here makes me feel better." Twilight stood up shakingly and kissed Silent Wind and Silent Wind kissed back by moving his tongue inside Twilight's mouth and Twilight replied back with a moan and also moving her tongue with Silent Wind's tongue. They soon broke the kiss and Silent Wind wiped his lips with his hoof and coughed. He tilted his eyes to the right.

"Well.. it's nearly nighttime, Twilight. I think it's about time that you'd get sleep. Here, I'll help." Silent Wind moved toward Twilight and putted Twilight on his back. Twilight held on to Silent Wind as he floated toward one of the empty bed rolls and carefully laid her body on the bed roll. Once Twilight was about to close her eyes, Silent Wind lowered his head and gave Twilight a kiss on her forehead. And moved his head back and gave her a fragile smile as she went to sleep.

"I have to go now, Good night Twilight." And with that Silent Wind went out of the Infirmary tent and once he was outside, he saw it was nighttime. He looked to his left and saw Lily Blade by the Infirmary camp flap door. Lily Blade moved forward Silent Wind and sighed.

"I'm so sorry you had to that. It must've hurted to fake those smiles." Lily Blade said.

Silent Wind ignored Lily Blade's comment and moved forward toward the resting tents. It was already 8PM and Silent Wind wanted to prepare. Lily followed Silent Wind as he moved forward the tents. Silent Wind shooked his head slowly and looked at Lily Blade.

"It really hurts to lie to her.. since she's the one I trust the most. Besides.." Silent Wind began.

Lily Blade wondered what he was going to say. Silent Wind then halted his walking and glared at Lily Blade with his Shade-Silentblade eyes which were half opened.

"..It's my burden, my problem." Silent Wind said seriously. He then went into one of the tents. For a moment, Lily Blade felt his aura become very heartless and cold. She stay still for a moment and began to feel concerned about Silent Wind, but She eventually shrugged it off and forgot about it. She then walked into the tent that Silent Wind went into.

It was nighttime, Silent Wind walked out of his tent and saw the twilight stars in the horizon. He also saw a faint glow in the distance, the Silentblade Castle. It began to sprinkle water in the skies. Silent Wind was already ready and knew that Lily Blade was waiting along the left mountain range they were both going to. As he was about to leave, he heard a small flapping as if someone was opening a tent flap. He looked behind him and saw Twilight was in front of him. Twilight walked toward Silent Wind as his eyes were wide and locked on Twilight.

"Why are you out here? It's dead of night." Silent Wind said.

"I could say the same thing.." Twilight muttered.

Silent Wind began to lower his eyes and turned his head away at Twilight and began to walk away from her, not saying a word from her. Twilight teleported in front of Silent Wind, concerned about Silent Wind. Silent Wind looked down.

"Where are you going..?" Twilight said.

Silent Wind could no longer hide from her. He took a deep breath, tilted his head up, and told Twilight where he was going.

"I'm going to the Silentblade Castle. Don't come. Please, I don't want you to get hurt." Silent Wind told Twilight.

Twilight knew that it would happen. She frowned and began to tear up. Silent Wind looked down and sighed, he didn't want Twilight to wake up and see him go. To Twilight, it was painful for her to see somepony she loved go and risk his own life. Twilight went closer to Silent Wind, trying to make him stay. She then putted a hoof on his other hoof, making him look at it.

"Please, stay.." Twilight begged.

Silent Wind's motivation was already in his mind already, he wanted to kill his own guild because he simply wanted the pain to stop for him, for everypony, and for Twilight. He quickly dashed at Twilight and hugged her. Twilight's eyes went open as she was hugged by Silent Wind.

"Thanks, Twilight. For everything.. let me take care of everything. I love you." Silent Wind said.

Twilight began to close her eyes slightly.

"I love you, too.. I love you so much.." Twilight then felt something on her neck. She heard a small tap and her vision began to blacken and she was beginning to fall also. Silent Wind grabbed her and slowly floated at toward the tent he was in recently and laid her on his bed roll. Twilight was knocked out and Silent Wind kissed her one more time before leaving.

Once Silent Wind was done with Twilight, He went toward the left mountain range. He saw that both the mountain ranges were not connected so he flew at the left mountain range. Once he was on the sideroad of the mountain range, he saw Lily Blade come out of one of the mountains openings inside the mountain. She slid down toward Silent Wind and approached him.

"Silent Wind.. are you okay?" Lily Blade said.

Silent Wind did not say anything. He putted his hood up, seeing that the skies were beginning to pour down with water. Lily Blade also did the same thing. Silent Wind rubbed his eyes for a moment and Lily's mouth went open for a moment.

"Are.. you crying..?" Lily stuttered.

Silent Wind looked at Lily Blade. He hurted the one he loved, and with what he did. He couldn't even talk to Lily Blade and tell her anything. Silent Wind turned his head back at the light in the distance and saw that the rain was getting heavier by the minute. Silent Wind flew up and landed on top of the mountains and began to scan in the distance. He saw that there were a few Silentblades at the Silentblade Castle and looked out into the fields and saw hundreds of camps scattered throughout the forest fields. Silent Wind flew back down to Lily Blade and told her what he saw.

"There's a lot of them camped along the fields but there's only a few at the Castle. We'll have to take them out as well, got it?" Silent Wind said.

"So.. you're saying that the Advisors might be in the Castle as well?" Lily asked.

Silent Wind nodded. Even though the Advisors of the Silentblades were strong, he knew that he was strong enough to defeat them with his determination.

"The Advisors are always loyal to my dad. I won't be surprised if we bump into them because as soon as we get in there, I'm sure they'll know where there." Silent Wind said.

"Okay then, should we go now..? It's about 11PM right now.. best if we went now since time is precious to us right now." Lily suggested.

"Yeah, let's go." Silent Wind began to walk toward the light in the distance and Lily Blade followed him. Silent Wind who was still walking, thought of Twilight and what he did to her. If Silent Wind came back, he could not know if Twilight would be able to forgive him. As it the thundering roars muzzled his sobbing, Lily was still walking, clueless that Silent Wind was crying.


As the Silentblades were recuperating from the long battle, Void Silentblade stood on his throne with the last two Advisors, Deadly Rose and Magicius Shadow-Cloak. Void was holding his right eye and rubbing it slowly. Deadly Rose and Magicius noticed.

"Sir, are you okay?" Deadly Rose said.

"He's fine as always, do not worry." Magicius said.

Void began to chuckle. It had only been hours after implanting Discord's right eye into his eye socket. He had always wondered about the powers of a Draconequus. He then stopped rubbing his right eye but it was still closed. He then sighed as if he was satisfied with something.

"I am perfect. For now, we should just wait and see what comes.. Discord was merely a useful pawn and seeing what he did, he killed most of the forces of Celestia. Even though I am the leader and all.." Void began.

Deadly Rose and Magicius smiled as Void was talking. Void then opened his right eye, showing the eye of Discord but now, it was in a red and orange color.

"I still want to kill somepony with my new eye powers.."