• Published 15th Sep 2012
  • 1,331 Views, 31 Comments

Assassin's Tears II - MisterGTFO

The great Sequel to the great story, Assassin's Tears!

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The Feeling of Killing

Chapter Seventeen: The Feeling of Killing

Silent Wind turned his head left and right, checking for any spies of the Silentblades, Lily noticed and she also did the same thing, moved her head left and right to check for any ambushers. Silent Wind wanted to make his coming at the Silentblade Castle perfect. He simply just wanted to kill anypony in his path and end it all with his own hooves. They began to continue to run forward the Castle light nearby as they have been running for an hour and the rain was still pouring down on them. Silent Wind and Lily Blade soon got to the end of the mountain range, a dead end. But as former Silentblades, they knew it was merely a secret to get to the Silentblade Castle since the Silentblade Castle was actually on top of the highest peak of the mountain range. Lily Blade's horn began to glow and Silent Wind held on to her should and in a second, they blinked to another location. The large boulders outside of the Silentblade Castle. Silent Wind hid behind one of the boulders and Lily Blade followed him by doing the same thing. Silent Wind peeked from the boulder and saw two Silentblades positioned by the gate. Silent Wind quickly turned his head at Lily Blade.

"Okay, there's two Silentblades out by the gate.. what do you think you want to do?" Silent Wind whispered.

Lily Blade creeped over Silent Wind so she could peek over him. She saw two Silentblades by the gate and looked at them a moment longer and creeped back over Silent Wind and looked at him.

"I think we should do this, Silently..." Lily Blade whispered.

Silent Wind creeped at the edge of the boulder they were behind and saw three other boulders to the right. He thought for a moment and quickly dashed over the first one, the second one, and then the third one. Luckily, the Silentblade members did not notice him. Lily also dashed over also but she stopped at the first one. Lily Blade began to conjure a dagger out of her aura and lifted it above her head and aimed it at one of Silentblades. She ordered her blade to hurl at one of the Silentblade's head and it hitted one of the Silentblade's head causing him to die instantly and made the other gasp. As he was about to yell out, Silent Wind flew at him with extreme speed and putted one hoof on his mouth and another on his back head and then he quickly turned his head all the way to the left, which emitted at snapping sound and killed the other Silentblade instantly. Silent Wind sighed in relief that it was done only thing was that the dashing across the boulders scattered outside the gate made his cloak and his white, leather bracers all muddy.

"Oh well, I'm a bit bound to get messy." Silent Wind said as the rain was still making a pittering sound and crashing thunder. Silent Wind made a hoof gesture that ordered Lily Blade to come over and inside. Lily nodded and ran over to Silent Wind and they both opened the gate to the Silentblade Castle.

As they both went into the Silentblade Castle, they saw the entrance was a circle floor with a left hallway, an right hallway and a upper hallway leading straight and looked at the pictures of former Silentblade leaders and flags of the symbols of the Silentblades. They all saw that the chandeliers were lit and the place was quite warm and they could already feel the wetness of their cloaks drying already. But they then heard noises of running hooves and both of them grunted in question of what the noise was. Then, they saw three Silentblades looked at them with widened eyes come from the upper hallway.

"It's them! get them!" One of the Silentblades said as they drew their swords and twin daggers with their magic and mouths.

"Here we go." Silent Wind said as he flew up slightly from the ground and drew his hidden blades and charged at two of them and tackled them which brought them down along with Silent Wind far away from Lily Blade.

The other one went after Lily Blade, He threw one of his daggers at Lily and Lily reflected it with a barrier. She grabbed it and threw it back. The Silentblade member managed to dodge it and looked at it for a moment and looked back where Lily Blade was and she was still there. He then heard a falling sound on top and saw a large, conjured hammer about to hammer him but it was too late, he was too slow to dodge it and was crushed by it. Lily then stopped making her horn glow and the hammer she made vanished. She went over to the Silentblade she had crushed and saw that he was dead. Lily Blade wiped her forehead in relief. She then heard a hurling, sharp sound behind her and jumped out of the way. When she looked at the wall she was facing, she saw a large blade mark on it. She looked to the right hallway and saw one of the Advisors, Deadly Rose walk forward and into the circle floor with her violin and with just her hooves. Lily Blade looked to her left and faced at the upper hallway and frowned.

"Look's like I got my own battle, sorry.. Silent Wind."


Silent Wind was standing before two Silentblades. One in front of him and one behind him. He looked back and forth at the two and saw that the one behind him was charging at him. Silent Wind quickly turned behind him and block the Silentblade's attack with one of his hidden blades and punched him in the nose which made the Silentblade drop his sword. Silent Wind then pushed him on the ground on his back. Silent Wind then turned at the other Silentblade who was charging at him also and block his attempt to stab Silent Wind. Silent Wind then punch his chin, causing him to release the sword in his mouth and Silent Wind flew up and grabbed it with his mouth. Silent Wind then drew one of his hidden blades and began to stab the disarmed Silentblade in the chest multiple times before giving a swipe across his throat, causing him to fall down and bleed to death. Silent Wind looked back at the downed Silentblade and threw the sword in his mouth at his chest and it stabbed him in the heart which dealt an instant death. Silent Wind looked back at the one who had his throat slashed and saw that he was already dead. Silent Wind chuckled and looked back at the circle floor he was recently in and saw that Lily was fighting somepony. He wanted to help her but Silent Wind heard a voice behind him.

"Nice meeting you here, Nephew." It was Magicius' voice.

Silent Wind's eyes quickly turned into his Shade-Silentblade eyes as heard the voice and felt something come over him. He turned around him and saw his uncle, once again and he swore he remembered that all the chandeliers were lit in the hallway he was in. He then heard a creaking noise behind him and saw a big stone wall behind him, separating him and Lily Blade. He looked back at his uncle and laughed.

"Hahahahaha!! You're pretty eager to die too." Silent Wind roared.

Magicius began to feel Silent Wind's aura with a aura touch magic spell and felt that his aura was becoming cruel and cold by seconds. He looked at two of the dead Silentblades and saw that they were all brutally murdered. He then looked at Silent Wind who was looking at him with a sinister smile and a dark glare. Silent Wind began to chuckle. Shade began to talk to Silent Wind within his mind but no words could get into Silent Wind.

"Silent Wind! Keep a clear mind, don't let your wants get to you!!" Shade yelled within his mind.

Silent Wind was no longer listening and in control of his own actions, he had already felt the feeling of killing and he want to do it more. Without a clear mind, all he wanted to do was kill. Magicius noticed his bloodlust inside him and saw that he had finally awakened his need for blood.

"The colt is already consumed by his own needs. This will be hard to tame him so I will have to use my special ability also!" Magicius began to cast his magic and doused out the flames that had lit the hallways and it was slightly dark now but the sides were completely dark.

Silent Wind began to form into one of his familiar forms and flapped his bat-like wings and grinning with his sharp, long teeth and glared at Magicius with his glowing Shade-Silentblade eyes that were now black and red. Magicius began to control all shadows around him and made two of the dead Silentblades into shadow imps. He began to make shadows out of spiked ropes and hurled then at Silent Wind. Silent Wind reacted by charging straight-forward with an amazing speed which surpassed Rainbow Dash's speed and threw a fireball at Magicius but was shortened by one of the Shadow imps. One of the shadow imps ran at Silent Wind and began to materialize a spearhead out of it's shadow matter and thrusted at Silent Wind but Silent Wind dodged it's attacks and hitted it with his wing. For a moment, the shadow imp stood still for a moment and then it's head fell off. Magicius then saw that Silent Wind was given razor-sharp edged wings by Shade's powers. Silent Wind continued to charge at Magicius.

"The power of Shade is indeed a formidable force but I will win this!" Magicius thought and dived a small shadow rope into the last Shadow imp and the other Shadow imp ran at Silent Wind and began to get larger as Silent Wind got closer. The imp managed to stop Silent Wind with a grab but to Silent Wind, it was no use. Silent Wind putted his hooves against the shadow imp and drew his hidden blades which penetrated the imp and causing the imp to poofen up. Silent Wind saw a large explosion and saw shadow bindings going all over him which immobilized him and preventing him from doing anything. Magicius began to move forward Silent Wind and approached him.

"You.. are no longer yourself. You merely are a ball of power lust. And that there is why you. Will. Be. Captured." Magicius said.

Magicius made a quick punch across Silent Wind's face causing him to grunt in pain. Silent Wind looked down for a second and looked back up at Magicius. He smiled and laughed.

"Once I get out of here, you're dead. Besides.. you're lamer than me." Silent Wind growled.

Magicius began made a small 'hmph' at Silent Wind and walked back. Silent Wind began to move and try to get out of the shadow bindings that held him throughout his whole body. He then felt something being drained, he then saw that the bindings were draining his energy and willpower. He beginning to feel weak, very weak. Magicius looked back and raised his right hoof up. Silent Wind looked at his raised hoof.

"You shouldn't say that.. if you're the one who is tied up. Your defeat was inevitable and even with the powers of Shade, you cannot even beat your dear Uncle. That there.. is lame." And with that, Magicius slammed down his raised hoof and Silent Wind saw seven solid shadow spikes float in the air.

"I already know you won't come quietly so I'll put you in the state of near-death." Magicius pointed his hoof at Silent Wind and the solid shadow spikes obeyed by being hurled at Silent Wind. Silent Wind closed his eyes as he thought of everything that everypony had told him. At that moment, the world froze for a moment as Silent Wind thought of the things that so many different ponies had told him throughout his time.

He thought of Princess Celestia, Shining Armor, His mother, his brother, Lily Blade, and most of all, Twilight.

"I'm so sorry.. everypony.. for everything."

Silent Wind took a sigh and prepared for the fate that he could not defy itself. But then he began to heard voices that he was told from the ponies that believed and had the utmost faith in him.