• Published 31st Jan 2022
  • 915 Views, 3 Comments

The Comforts of Family - Marina Stars

Fluttershy is surrounded by family love as she enjoys a comfortable morning with her husband and two children. Written for Day Twelve of Fluttercord Week 2022. Prompt: Comfort

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A Cozy Morning

The gentle morning light of the breaking dawn streamed in through the window, just like every morning.

And just like the past several mornings, Fluttershy snuggled deeper into her husband with a complaintative groan, hoping that with his help she could block the offending light from her eyes.

At feeling her movement, he cracked one eye open to whisper a soft "Morning love," with a chuckle, cradling her closer into the shelter of his embrace.

"Does it have to be morning already?" She tiredly mumbled into his fur.

"... it doesn't have to be," she could just hear his knowing smirk manifest in his voice, "But I don't think Twilight would appreciate me ruining her scheduling like that. Then again… she might make an exception since it's for you, her dear friend."

Fluttershy giggled at the thought, shaking her head against his fur, "You'd like to do that, wouldn't you? To mess with her like that?"

The image of Twilight scolding a very smug Discord over the matter of reversing the sun for the sake of his sweet and pregnant wife was amusing to say the least. Especially knowing she’d exasperatedly reply to his teasing that, yes, it was a noble cause but that still didn't make it okay to do. Then, she’d say something controversial like: the world does not revolve around Fluttershy. Unfortunately for her, Discord could not be convinced otherwise.

"You know me too well, my love," Gently he pat her mane, earning a grateful sigh from her. Soon, his fingers began to massage circles in her scalp, effectively soothing her back to near-sleep. "You know, just because it's morning doesn't mean you have to get out of bed."

Appreciating the scratches, leaning into his touch even, she found herself tempted to stay like this forever and never leave their cozy bed. But the prevalent practical side of her mind won out, just like every morning, “No, Dizzy. I have chores and duties to take care of-and so do you. It wouldn't be fair to ignore those.”

“Oh come now, I could easily take care of everything for the both of us while you get your much deserved sleep.”

She shifted just slightly, resting her chin on his chest so she could better look up at him with her adorable little pout, “This bed isn't nearly as cozy without you in it.”

His heart fluttered, nearly bursting from her adorability.

“Well, then,” He craned his neck to gently place a kiss on her forehead. “how about five more minutes? After that we get the day started.”

Humming as his scratches moved from her scalp to the back of her neck and just behind her ear, she conceded, agreeing to his proposition.

Allowing herself to relax back into his warmth she savored her last five minutes before she’d have to get up.

Twenty minutes and a playful pillow thrown at Discord’s face later, Fluttershy was finally rolling from bed, Discord waiting at the bedside with fuzzy slippers and a plush robe just for her. With his help she was able to make it out of bed without any incident despite her swollen and ever growing belly.

Before she could actually start her morning, however, she was overtaken in a bout of one of pregnancy's less beautiful side effects.

Discord quickly summoned a bucket, holding back her mane and rubbing soothing circles into her back as she retched whatever might have been left of yesterday’s foods… plus some?

As she finished, she noted the strange vibrantly non-vomit colored contents with only the vaguest amount of surprise, “I didn't even eat anything this color yesterday.”

Every day it was something new. An odd quirk or gimmick that manifested itself into strange side effects of her pregnancy. Be it, flowers wherever she stepped on a day when her hooves were feeling a little extra sore, a breeze following wherever she went even while indoors, or sneezing lightning for a day, she was just glad fire hadn't been involved yet.

Discord snapped the bucket away dutifully and summoned a warm washcloth for her face, something she’d found soothing after a round of morning sickness. “Hopefully that means today’s side effects will be minimal.”

“This never happened with the twins…” She leaned into his side with a sigh. “I almost miss the abominable cravings they gave me.”

Memories of peanut butter and pickle sandwiches, peppermint chili ice cream, and so many more unspeakable combinations came to mind, as she wondered which she truly prefered.

“Well, I guess that’s how we know they’re my children,” He lightheartedly teased, wrapping her in his arms again, resting his paw and claw on her bulge. “Your pregnancies are as chaotic and wild as I am.”

“Oh wonderful,” She laughed with an edge of sarcasm. Celestia help her if she got pregnant a third time…not that she was planning to. She hadn’t even had her third foal yet and that seemed to be plenty.

Still a little nauseous but motivated to press on she navigated her morning with the practice of a mare on her second pregnancy, she gratefully accepted the little acts of kindness Discord offered her when he could, like; extra hugs, brushing her mane for her till it was tamed and silky smooth, or him brewing her favorite tea to help sooth her body, wake her up, and wash the odd residual taste of vomit from her mouth.

With each kindness, every lovingly casual brush against her fur, and every simple and loving smile, she found more and more reasons to love him and keep loving him that filled her heart with gratitude.

He was a catch for sure.

As they were nearly finished with their morning routines, an unexpected gentle knock could be heard against their bedroom door.

Discord, as he was the fastest of the two, opened the door greeting their little visitor with a warm ‘good morning’ and a ‘sure, come on in’

Before she knew it the younger of her twins flitted up to her wrapping his hooves around her neck from behind. “Good morning mommy!”

“Good morning Chaos, my sweetling,” She beamed, leaning her temple against his and reaching a hoof to hold his in her own. “What are you doing up so early? I’ts not time to get up for school yet,”

His eyes sparkled knowingly as he squeezed her a little tighter, “I got up early mommy, and I fed all the animals for you.”

Fluttershy gasped, her own eyes lighting a little brighter, “You did that for me?”

He nodded enthusiastically.

Despite him being so young, Fluttershy found it hard to worry about her animals, knowing what Chaos had done. He, like her, loved the animals both at home and at the sanctuary and had helped her feed them more times than she could count. He always asked questions about what they ate and why, absorbing every little tidbit of information he could gather. The colt was quite the learner and a splendid helper.

“You’re the best,” She cooed, pulling him from her shoulders and into a motherly bear hug, “How did I get so lucky to have a thoughtful colt like you.”

He giggled as she showered kisses on him, “Dad says that’s just how you made me,” he replied proud and innocent.

She gave him one last squeeze hug before setting him back on the floor.

The good news didn't end there, though, “Oh! And Calamity is making breakfast so you don't have to.”

Discord’s eyes widened in a bit of concern as he silently disappeared to be sure no incidents occured in their kitchen. Calamity’s cooking skills, for the time being, were something to worry about, with her being the much more random of the twins and all. Cooking was not quite a skill she had a handle on, which made her all the more grateful Discord was willing to step in and be sure things went smoothly.

“Looks like I have two of the sweetest little helpers in all of Equestria,” She smiled.

“And since your morning work’s taken care of, you can sit and relax and enjoy a book or something until lunchtime!”

“Well, Twilight did give me a new book on her last visit that I have been dying to read.” She thought aloud, tempted by the colt’s words.


“Yes Chaos?”

“Can I snuggle with you while you read? Just until I have to leave for school?”

His yellow and red eyes sparkled with hope, just like Discord’s when he had the opportunity for one-on-one time with Fluttershy. She could never say no to those eyes, nor a question like that.

“Of course, my darling,”

Better enjoy them while they're young,” her mother would often say, “They grow up so fast,”

She moved to retrieve the book from her nightstand’s shelf and when she turned around, Chaos was on the bed fluffing and arranging the pillows for her so that she would be seated comfortably as she read.

“Thank you,” She said for the umptenth time that morning as she climbed back under the sheets.
She took a moment to settle in, allowing the young colt to do the same. He wrapped his small hooves around her belly as far as they would go, and rested his head in it like a pillow, his red and pink striped mane tickling her underside. In turn, she wrapped a hoof around his shoulders, opening her book to begin.

She was barely getting into the first sentence when he enthusiastically asked, “Has she been kicking today?”

“No, not much,” She replied, “This one isnt nearly as active as you and Calamity were.”

Still, he left his ear pressed against her fur. Just in case. “Do you think she can hear me?”

“I imagine they can, you and Calamity always seemed to hear us. But whoever said anything about it being a girl?”

He shrugged innocently, focusing on listening to her inner workings, “I dunno. You and dad say you won't know what the baby is till it comes out. So, I’m hoping if I wish for a sister enough, that’s what she’ll decide to be.”

Fluttershy was about to correct him, to say that wasn't really how foals worked, but ultimately decided to leave it be.

Her babies were notorious for being like that: impossible to find anything about. It was like somehow there was a barrier keeping anything, even Discord’s magic, from identifying anything about the child. Not even the number. That’s why the twins had been so surprising. She loved them, but she was really hoping to not have a repeat of the last time.

One more chaotic foal would be plenty to keep her hooves full.

When her son snuggled deeper against her fur, she felt it safe to return to her book. He contentedly listened, occasionally tapping her belly lightly-probably as a fidget-or humming little tunes to them.

Not long after, a second gentle knock at her door sounded before a small head and a pair of teal and pink ombre eyes poked into her bedroom followed soon by the rest of her daughter.

“Morning mom,”

“Good morning Calamity,” Fluttershy smiled brightly at her oldest, who came with a tray full of breakfast in her paw.

“I made you breakfast.” She beamed just as proudly as her brother had.

“All by yourself?” Fluttershy asked, despite knowing the answer, as she took in the assortment of delicious looking foods.


A little cough sounded behind her.

“I mean… dad gave me a few pointers,” She admitted, “but other than that, I did it.”

Fluttershy looked up at the smug looking Discord in the doorway and set aside her book. “Why don’t you two come join us?”

Her mismatched filly responded excitedly to the invitation, nearly forgetting about the tray in her hooves. Luckily, she seemed to remember just in time to bring it safely to her mother. After summoning a tray for the breakfast to keep it stable in bed, Calamity set it down and cuddled in on the other side of her mom.

“This looks absolutely lovely.” Fluttershy said, hugging her filly close, placing a kiss on her forehead.

“Thanks.” Calamity replied, an uncommon sheepish smile taking over her, “Sorry it took so long. We had a little incident with the oranges I was planning to juice for you.”

“We had to calm a mini-revolution,” Discord chuckled, suddenly behind her.

She’d hardly noticed as her pillows had been altered just enough to make room for him to be a part of her back support.

“There were barricades and everything,” Calamity laughed, continuing the tale with an air of dramatism, “a lot of innocent juice was spilled.”

“Sounds like you had an eventful morning, my sweet.”

The filly nodded before laying her head on her mother’s belly, mirroring her brother.

“Is she kicking today?” Calamity asked him.

“No not yet. She’s been pretty quiet,”

Fluttershy rolled her eyes at the two and their assumption that they were getting a sister, before turning her sights to the thoughtfully imperfect breakfast set out before her. There were eggs and pancakes and french toast, along with sliced fresh fruits and… chocolate covered strawberries. Though the eggs were a little more golden than Fluttershy usually cooked them, and the pancakes and french toast ranged from slightly undercooked to extra toasty, it was one of the tastier meals she’d had in a while. Perhaps it was the distinct taste of love… Or one of her daily side affects. Who knows?

Either way, there was easily more than she could eat in one morning, giving her plenty to share with the three loves of her life all snuggling around her. Discord’s body wrapped lovingly around them, his head resting on her shoulder.

She ate happily, noticing with chagrin Calamity utilizing her tail to gather food from the tray after Discord had one the same.

“Use your paws!” She laughed, lovingly scolding them.

To which Discord responded with a “My hands were busy!” as he squeezed her gently.

“Mine too,” Calamity said with a mouth full of french toast, hugging her mom a little closer.

She nudged her husband as best she could with her elbow, earning a gasp from him. “You’re such a bad influence,”

“Oh come on, you know you love me,” He purred, placing a kiss against her shoulder.

“Do I know that?” She hummed thoughtfully, taking a bite of honeydew. “Yes. Yes I do.”

This was paradise. Surrounded and cared for by those she loved, she basked in the comfort her family brought. As six varied appendages caressed her ever growing belly she found herself excited for one more, despite the feeling that she was opening Pandora’s Box with this one. Then again, how could she be worried with such sweethearts surrounding her?

Today, she was the luckiest mare in the world.

Author's Note:

Oh, look at that, another story including the twins. Like a lot of things this week, that wasn't my original plan, but I really enjoy this thought of familial love and the comfort these three could give her during pregnancy.

I hope to be writing more of them in the future, so might as well get practice in now.

As always, I hope you enjoyed and look forward to hearing your thoughts!

Comments ( 3 )

Question how old are the twins in this story

I guess that's an imprtant detail, lol, I never decided a specific age but imagine them around 6.

Aaw, I always love as tory featuring family.

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