• Published 18th Jan 2022
  • 877 Views, 23 Comments

Diamond Hard - Betty_Starlight

After ten years, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon meet again...

  • ...

Chapter 8: No Way Down

Diamond drinks her blond Canterlot Roast coffee with her forehooves from the sickly puke green coffee mug as she thinks to herself that if it was up to her, Silver Spoon would definitely have more appealing mugs!

Silver smiles from the other side of the round 5-foot-wide wooden table with the now empty plate before her as she asks from behind her sky-blue fashion glasses, “So, sleep well baby?”

Baby again! Diamond thinks to herself as she looks up from taking another powerful sip and sets her coffee mug down while eyeing the other mare carefully and tasting the delicious flavor of the roasted coffee beans on her tongue, “I slept fine! Uh,” she shakes her head when she thinks that she shouldn’t ask and adjusts her gaze, “How did you sleep uh, darling?” Diamond chances with her words. Don’t let her know how much I love being held by her and don’t let her know that I’m thinking about this! Right! Simple! Diamond ponders while taking another sip.

Silver smiles dimly, “I slept great, Diamond! I gotta say, hanging onto you under the covers is just the best!” she leans forward, “We never did that when we were fillies!”

Diamond smiles dimly, “Y-yeah… I mean,” she looks off to the left regretfully, “I would’ve snuggled you? You know, if you liked the idea?”

Silver lowers her smile somewhat and raises her head, “Well, of course! I’ve uh, had feelings for you for quite some time now…” she lowers her head and broadens her grin, “And now, here we finally are!”

Right! She doesn’t suspect a thing! Diamond thinks to herself as she drinks more of her coffee.

Silver raises her stare and leans forward slightly, “Did you enjoy being held, darling?”

Diamond sets the mug down while thinking, Darling that time! Okay, we can work with it! As she looks at the other mare, “Um, yeah! That’s fine, dear! Um, “Diamond leans forward but tries not to be too obvious, so she holds back, “if you’re into the idea, anyway?” she frowns.

Silver narrows her eyes and grins wide again, “Because you enjoy being held!”

Diamond starts and coughs, before looking back at Silver, “I uh, what?”

Silver continues to smile at the other earth mare, “Because you like being held!”

Diamond widens her blue eyes as she realizes that Silver Spoon somehow figured her out! She confesses, “Okay, well um, yeah I did enjoy that quite a bit, yes!” before sighing off to the left and looking at the other mare, “If you must know…”

Silver giggles, “It’s so much fun to point things out to you that you don’t want to admit!”

Diamond mutters something inaudibly as she raises her coffee cup to her snout before saying emphatically, “Jerk!” and taking another drink in front of a snickering gray mare.

“I know you, baby!”

Diamond sighs as she puts her coffee mug down with her forehooves and stares at Silver Spoon, before finally asking her, “Why do you keep calling me baby, anyway?”

Silver lowers her smile somewhat and stares thoughtfully at the other mare, “Because you’re precious, Diamond Tiara!”

Diamond stops as her eyes widen and mouth narrows and she begins to stutter, “P-precious?”

Silver smiles broadly once more, “Yes Diamond! You are very precious to me! The time we’ve spent together means everything!”


Silver widens her eyes, “Yes, Diamond, everything! Now, will you say something new, or are you just gonna keep repeating everything I say?” before her smile gets as wide as it can go.

Diamond looks at the other mare as her brain attempts to process all of this. Everything? She thinks to herself, “You were without me for ten years!”

Silver blinks and narrows her mouth, “That’s true Diamond, and I’d rather not be without you any longer…”

I guess ‘baby’ is a good thing? Diamond ponders while gazing at this other mare more carefully… She asks, “So, what do you have to do today, Silver Spoon?”

“I’m off, actually! I was just going to wait here for whenever you can get back…”

Diamond eyes this strange mare carefully, What makes her think that I was coming back here, anyway? I got my own house! Uh, well it’s not like I really have anything better to do. She blinks, “So wait! You want me to come back here?”

Silver continues to smile at the pink mare with a soft warm look in her eyes, “Did I stutter?”

Diamond widens her eyes, “Well uh, what?”

Silver narrows her eyes and says coyly as she casually leans her head to the left, “Well, don’t you want to be with your wonderful loving marefriend?”

Diamond frowns when she realizes the crazy mare will not take no for an answer… Oh, she’s good! She thinks to herself, before sighing, “Well, I really need to head to the office and deal with the books today… But I’m finishing my coffee!”


Diamond trots to the red front door underneath the blue Spanish tile awning when she suddenly wonders where Spanish tile came from? She trots onto the porch and knocks on it with her right forehoof.

“Come in!” she hears Silver Spoon say happily from the inside…

Diamond gulps and thinks to herself, Alright, back into the combat zone! Before opening the door with her right forehoof and pushing it forward to swing it into the left to open it… She quickly frowns when she sees Silver across the foyer there, sitting at the table with a delicious looking (vegetarian) lasagna in the middle of the table, and there’s already a slice at the near chair, waiting on her…

Diamond gulps again as she trots inside through the door and uses her left forehoof to close it with her head turned that way, before she turns back to a happy-looking gray earth mare sitting at the table, in the kitchen.

Silver raises her chin, “Did you have a good day at work, baby?”

Diamond trots across the living room with the same red couch on her right as she wonders to herself if this is going to become routine and says as she walks, “Oh, it was fine, darling! I didn’t have as much as I thought and so, I was able to take a long lunch!”

Silver smiles as she stares at the mobile pink mare, “That’s great! I made us some broccoli and mozzarella lasagna!”

Diamond trots into the kitchen, with its many shelves on the right side, and slips into her chair from the right as she gazes at the silver mare and thinks to herself that she must like Italian food? This thought is immediately followed by wondering where Italian food comes from? She sits on her haunches there, with her hind legs out and she grasps the fork in the cleft of her right forehoof and immediately scoops out a hearty chunk of the morsel on her plate and brings it to her mouth.

Silver frowns and widens her eyes, “Hungry?”

Diamond slows her chewing when she realizes that the jig is up! She swallows before looking at Silver and making the observation, “You always pay so much attention to me and how I’m feeling?”

Silver frowns, “Well, of course! I love you! Aren’t I supposed to do that?”

Diamond widens her eyes, before nervously saying, “I don’t know? I think so?” before using her fork to fetch another savory bite.

Silver grasps some food with the fork in her left forehoof, “You act like you’ve never been in a relationship before?” and brings it to her mouth before she bites down and chews.

Diamond swallows, “Well, it’s been awhile!” before getting another bite with her fork.

“How long?” Silver asks with wide concerned eyes behind the same temple-less glasses.

Diamond gets some more food with her fork, before looking up at the other mare with it halfway in between her mouth and the plate, “What?” and then bringing the food to her mouth for another bite.

Silver blinks and leans forward interestedly, “How long has it been since you’ve been in a relationship?”

Diamond chews arduously slow before finally swallowing and saying something inaudibly that Silver Spoon cannot hear.

Silver widens her eyes, “What was that?”

She hears Diamond very lowly say, “About five years…” as she notices that her face is downward.

Silver widens her eyes in shock, “Wow! That’s a long time!”

Diamond chuckles softly as she gets another bite with her fork, “Well when you give up and decide love just isn’t for you, you eventually stop worrying about such things!” she sighs and frowns, “I mean, I had a few one-night-stands sure, and masturbation gives me plenty of pleasure! I just uh, didn’t think it was important or necessary, you know?” before bringing her food into her mouth to chew.

Silver normalizes her eyes, “Well, didn’t you date?”

Diamond swallows, “Um, not really, no? I just kept to myself and hung out with friends sometimes! That was pretty much it!” she widens her eyes, “Let’s just say that when your track-record is a trainwreck, you eventually stop worrying about love or relationships anymore…”

Silver frowns, “Well, where do you see our relationship going in the future?”

Diamond thinks about this momentarily before getting another bite to eat with her fork and bringing it to her mouth to devour it.

Silver blinks at the awkward display…

Diamond finishes chewing and swallows before saying, “Oh, I imagine you’ll be around for about six months to a year? Maybe longer if I’m lucky?”

Silver can only stare wide-eyed and blankly as her frown deepens, “Oh wow! Y-you just don’t have any faith at all, do you?”

Diamond gets one of the final bites from her plate and brings it halfway up, before looking at the silver mare and saying casually and nonchalantly, “Not really, no?” and then completing her food’s journey to her mouth.

Silver smiles dimly before cutting a new bite with her fork while saying, “Well, I’ll definitely need to work on that!” before scooping up the piece and bringing it up towards her mouth.

Diamond can’t help but giggle to herself as she cuts off her second to last bite.

Silver looks at the pink mare and asks, “What’s so funny?” before bringing her food all the way to her mouth and biting down.

Diamond brings her bite up while smiling faintly, “I’m just wondering exactly how you intend to do that?” before bringing it to her mouth.

Silver swallows, “All I can do is just shower you with love and affection, until we penetrate that shell you locked yourself into!” before scooping up her final piece.

Diamond widens her eyes as she pokes her last bite with the fork, “Oh? Well, good luck!”

Silver raises her left eyebrow, “Do you doubt me?”

Diamond sighs and looks back at Silver, “Let’s just say, you aren’t the first!”

Silver adjusts her eyebrows and smiles, “Maybe not, but I will be the last!”

Diamond frowns, “Brave words!”

Silver narrows her gaze at the pink mare, “Diamond Tiara, I know you better than anypony and I’m your best friend… I will not fail to keep you by my side…”

Diamond grimaces as she narrows her eyes, “And what makes you think I won’t just get up and leave, the moment I’m through with this plate?”

Silver smiles demurely, “Because you love me!”

“I’m about to finish my last bite!” Diamond says before bringing her morsel to her face.

Silver Spoon just continues smiling, “Go ahead! I know you won’t leave…”

Diamond widens her eyes, “Seriously, since when did you get so cocky?” before bringing her food into her mouth.

Silver sighs and looks deep into the other earth mare’s eyes, “Diamond Tiara, I didn’t get to be a successful accountant by sitting on my haunches and not making the right moves… Now, I have my sights on you!”

Diamond frowns with the food still in her mouth as she chews slowly and contemplates this insane silver mare with her white streaky mane and tail and adorable glasses… Her eyes widen when she realizes that she just thought her glasses were cute! Oh no! It’s finally happening again! Diamond thinks to herself right before she finally swallows, gazes at the other mare, and says, “Alright, I’m done now!”

Silver narrows her eyes, “But you won’t leave, will you?”


Diamond lays on her left side under the pink velvety covers of her bed… Ha ha! I did leave! She thinks to herself!

Suddenly, a gray forehoof wraps around her body and holds her in a tight, warm, embrace underneath the covers…

Of course, Silver Spoon followed me, but that’s beside the point! She adds in her head.

Silver nuzzles the nape of Diamond’s neck from behind as she holds her lovingly from behind and she says, “I’m sure you’ll rest well now, baby! I’m here for you!”

Diamond can only shutter and say, “Ugh! I bucking hate you!” as her eyes narrow.

Silver giggles and nuzzles her neck some more, “I love you too Diamond Tiara! Now rest up! There’s more stuff to do tomorrow!”

Diamond widens her eyes and quickly blurts out, “You better make coffee!”

Silver chuckles some more inside the bed, “Yeah yeah! No worries, my irate little pink addict! I gotcha covered! Now go to sleep!”

“I’m serious! This isn’t over!”

“Hush now, baby!” Silver continues while lovingly snuggling the other mare from behind…

(To be continued…)