• Published 18th Jan 2022
  • 877 Views, 23 Comments

Diamond Hard - Betty_Starlight

After ten years, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon meet again...

  • ...

Chapter 10: Broken Diamond

Diamond wakes up in the hooves of her love on her left side, deep underneath the soft velvety pink covers of her bed as her head rests on her pink fringed pillow and she stares out at her wall, wide-eyed and bleary, with a deep glare on her face…

Suddenly, the pink mare feels a warm kiss on the nape of her neck while a soft feminine voice says from behind her, “Morning, baby!”

Wait! I’m not alone! Diamond ponders as she continues to stare at the wall with a vacant frown. She timidly blurts out, “Uh, morning Silver Spoon!”

“Rest well, darling?”

Diamond blinks while continuing to nervously stammer out, “Uh, yeah sweetie! Just great!”

She hears a low giggle behind her, followed by, “Well, that’s great darling! I’m glad you finally accepted my love last night!”

Diamond widens her eyes all the way and thinks, Wait! Did I do that? Uh, I think I did, actually? Before blinking again and stuttering, “Uh, yeah! Fantastic! Just great!” as the gravity of what transpired earlier just now begins to seep into her Diamond-hard shell and she thinks that maybe, just maybe, she’s not alone anymore?

Silver chuckles a final time from behind the white and orchid maned pony before saying, “Alright! That’s enough! Let’s get my baby some coffee and back to the land of the living!”


Diamond grabs the white coffee mug with her forehooves and takes a big gulp of the hot brewed blond liquid, before setting it back down and eyeing the smiling, glasses-wearing mare sitting across from her carefully… She finally works up the nerve to ask, “So, are we living together now?”

Silver stares back at her from behind her sky-blue temple-less glasses and frowns, “Well, basically, yes!” she frowns,” What happened? You seemed so sure, last night?”

Diamond shakes her head and adjusts her gaze, “Oh nothing, baby! I’m just now waking up…” she leans forward slightly, “Wait! Don’t you have your own place?”

Silver smiles, “You just called me baby!”

Diamond widens her eyes as she frowns, “Uh, no I didn’t!”

“Yes, you did! Just now starting to sink in that we’re together, right?”

Diamond scrunches her mouth, “Um, no it’s not!”

Silver blinks and widens her eyes over her spectacles, “You realize you just said that we’re together, but you don’t want to admit it, right?”

“Um, no I didn’t!” Diamond says before nervously and shakily picking up her coffee mug for another strong swig of the potent caffeinated beverage.

Silver grins widely and chuckles, “You’re just so cute when you’re in denial!”

Diamond leans forward and indignantly shouts, “SHUT UP!”

Silver raises her chin haughtily, “Make me!”

Diamond furrows her brow, “Oh I’m gonna make you, alright!”

Silver lowers her gaze again while grinning mischievously this time, “Gonna tie up my hind legs to force them open so you can have your way with me, right?”

Diamond enlarges her eyes again, “What?”

“What?” Silver says while maintaining her wide grin.

Diamond sighs, “You got a dirty mind!”

Silver giggles, “Yeah, you’d say that Little Miss I’m Gonna Have Sex with You to Avoid Talking About Feelings, isn’t that right?”

Diamond frowns deeply as a sudden-impact hits her mind, and she’s literally at loss for words as she looks at the other mare with wide blue eyes…

Silver lowers her smile and leans forward, “Uh, you okay Diamond?”

Diamond can only stutter, “I uh, I can’t pretend anymore, can I? This is real?”

“Uh, what?” Silver says while forming a frown of her own on her face…

Diamond stares at the silver mare, “I uh, I love you…”

Silver smiles and says, “I love you too, darling!”

Diamond gives the most nervous smile in Equestria, before stammering, “Alright, babe-honey! Let me finish my coffee and we’ll figure out what to do next! Okay, hun-baby?

Silver snickers again while grinning ear-to-ear and shaking her head, “Take your time, lover!”

Diamond blinks and stares back down at the mug with her coffee in it, “Um, right!” before thinking to herself that even though it’s been four months, a cigarette would be really good about now, but all she can do is sigh and take another sip of her coffee…

Silver lowers her glare from over her blue glasses, “Yeah, but you really should be getting to work soon, right?”

Diamond widens her eyes to the other mare, “Um, right! I can grab breakfast on the way! Uh,” she lowers her gaze, “what are you gonna do?”

Silver sighs, “Oh, I’ll just tidy up the place and since I have no appointments today, I suppose I’ll order dinner for us later?”

This is real… Holy shit! This is real! Diamond thinks to herself with a chin raise and a nervous blink while staring back at the silver mare, “Oh uh, right! Living together, right?” before grinning anxiously again.

Silver nods, “Yup!”

Diamond normalizes her eyes and reduces her grin, “Well, what about your own cottage?”

Silver frowns, “Good point! We won’t be needing that anymore!” her eyes widen, “Guess I’ll sell it and make a few bits!”

Diamond is silent with her wide blue eyes staring at the other mare and the same nervous smile on her face, “So uh, we’re doing this, then? You’re gonna live here?”

Silver nods, “Yup!”

Diamond decides to be a little late to the office when she starts and asks, “So uh, why my place?”

Silver smiles, “Simple, my dear Diamond Tiara! My place is too small and yours has a better location, closer to the market!”

Diamond enlarges her eyes again, “It seems like you’ve thought this through?”

Silver nods again, “Yup!”

Diamond frowns, “What if I’m not ready for that level of commitment?”

Silver frowns, “Well, I’m not gonna force you, Diamond baby?”

Diamond blinks her eyes, gulps, and stares back down to her coffee before taking a drink with her forehooves and lowering it to the table and eyeing the gray pony carefully as another thunderbolt suddenly occurs to her mind, “You know something, Silver Spoon?” she blinks, “Y-you’re right…” she smiles, “I think you should move in today!”

Silver widens her eyes, “You’re sure?”

Diamond widens her grin, “Yup! I mean, if we leave it up to me, then…”

Silver chuckles, “We’ll never get around to moving in together!”

Diamond snickers and shakes her head, “Right!” she looks at the other mare, “You know me!” she nods, “And that’s exactly why I should trust your judgment here!” She smiles widely as she realizes there’s no going back now, “If you believe it’s time, I’m not going to argue with you!” before taking another powerful swig of her now cooler blond coffee…


Diamond can’t help but feel distracted during her workday as she looked over the ledger reports and her empire map to arrange her hay supplies where they need to be in the field. She jots down notes on what orders to give with her neck and mouth on her mahogany wooden desk as she thinks about Silver Spoon, waiting on her back home, probably with Ponese takeout or maybe a pizza…

As she wrote instructions to move hay from farm C to B, she thought about how stubborn and resistant she’s been to love this whole time… She thought about how persistent her former best friend was that they get together and then, she thought all the way back to the first time she came by all that time ago, and she can’t help but grin and chuckle at how she just slammed the door in Silver’s face… Then she frowned as she then thought about what Silver Spoon meant to her at this point… She then began to wonder, exactly what changed?

She drops the pen on her desk and looks up from her work at her polished desk as she sits there in her office, before hitting the intercom with her right forehoof and leaning over towards the right to say to her secretary, “Yes, Miss Trotting? Tell the workers they don’t need to worry about lunch today! Order pizza for them and get the usual on my expense account!” before removing her hoof from the red button.

A squeaky feminine voice chimes up from the speaker, “Yes Miss Tiara!”

Diamond widens her eyes when she suddenly wonders what made her so generous?


Diamond sees it’s about 11:55 AM on her wall clock, on the right side of her office, when she suddenly hears a knock on the door.

Diamond lifts her chin to the entryway before saying loudly, “Come in!”

The door opens to reveal a gray earth mare with a brown paper sack in her mouth and a smile on her face!

Diamond smiles at her love, “Come on in, Silver Spoon! Uh, what do you have there?”

Silver trots in and closes the door with her right forehoof before trotting up to the desk and dropping the bag there and then, smiling at the pink mare while saying, “Well, for lunch, I brought us daisy and daffodil sandwiches with potato chips and two General Lightning sodas!” she frowns, “Uh, I hope that’s okay?”

Diamond eyes the silver mare when she thinks of the delicious pizza about to be delivered to the office, before she smiles and says, “Oh, that’s fine dear! Go ahead and sit down and we’ll eat!”

Silver widens her eyes, “Oh, good!” before opening the sack with her right forehoof and then setting a filled sandwich baggy, a reddish violet can of soda, and a small yellow bag of chips on the other mare’s side, left to right, with her mouth, before doing the same for herself and taking a seat on her haunches inside the left cushy dark red chair before Diamond’s desk, opposite to the other one. She looks up at Diamond, “So, how’s work so far today, baby?”

Diamond starts as she remembers that word before staring at the other mare, “Well, there was this whole hay bale fiasco earlier, but I looked through the ledgers and found some more so those other farms can restock!”

Silver smiles again, “Well, that’s good! Just to let you know, I got all of my pictures at our house now and we can put them up this weekend when we both have time!”

Diamond blinks when she realizes this is something a couple does together, before smiling anxiously, “Right! Your pictures! Of course!”

Silver widens her eyes and lowers her smile, “Anything wrong, darling?”

Diamond grins widely, “Oh no babe-honey! This is perfect!” before looking down at her sandwich and grabbing it with her forehooves to tear off the top of the baggy with her mouth and then, forcing the sandwich through the plastic up to the top so she can take a nervous bite out of it… As she chews, she can’t help but think that this is somehow the most delicious sandwich in all Equestria and is suddenly worth skipping pizza for! She finishes chewing and swallows before staring at the other mare and smiling, “This is delicious!”

Silver frowns and raises her gaze slightly, “You sure?”

Diamond grins wider before saying, “Oh yeah, hun-baby! This is just fine!”

Silver raises her left eyebrow, “You seem uneasy?”

Diamond starts and stares back at the silver mare, “Uh, no I don’t!”

Silver grins and snickers, “There’s the denying cuteness again!”

“No, it’s not!”

Silver finally gives an exasperated sigh before staring back at the pink mare with wide-open violet eyes, regularizing her mouth, and saying to her, “Will you please, just spit it out already? We can’t bloody well solve a problem we both don’t know about!”

Diamond scrunches and curves her mouth visibly as her blue eyes stare back at the silver mare and shake with uncertainty. “Look! The last uh, a couple of times I did this whole moving in together thing, it didn’t work out so great! I mean,” she shakes her head and stares back at the other mare, “I’m kinda gun-shy here!”

Silver frowns, “Well, that’s fine too, baby! We can go as slow as you like! I don’t have to move in today!”

Diamond smiles and chuckles while staring at the other mare with a deranged look in her azure eyes, “Actually, you kinda do!”

“What? Why?”

Diamond adjusts her gaze, “Because if you don’t do this now, it’s never gonna happen!”

Silver Spoon gives out a long slow sigh from her nose, “You’re probably right, actually? In fact, I’m pretty sure we’ve already had this talk?” she raises her gaze to the other mare, “Alright darling… Well, you want me to sleep on the couch until you’re more comfortable?”

Diamond starts when she realizes that this, another high-class pony, literally just offered to downgrade her sleeping conditions just for her! She also realizes that she’d rather have Silver Spoon sleeping in her bed… She smiles and says, “Now, why would I want to leave a perfectly good snuggle buddy out in the living room, like that?”

Silver smiles again, “So, you’d rather I sleep in your room, then?”

Diamond opens her mouth to speak and catches herself before she blurts out, No I wouldn’t! and then lowers her mouth into a solemn frown as acceptance begins to set in behind her blue eyes and she can only smile deliriously and say, “Uh, yeah Silver Spoon! I want you in my bed! With me!

“Because you wanna cuddle?”

Diamond frowns and widens her eyes when she realizes that the jig is up! She widens her eyes and gives a final nervous smirk before certain doom begins to follow in her mind and the feelings she has towards this other mare begin to take hold and she knows all at once that there really is no backing down now…

The two mares eat the rest of their meager lunch happily as Diamond eats her wonderful sandwich that her loving marefriend made for her, and continues to chat about their respective days and make plans…


As Diamond Tiara began to trot home through the concrete street on the Northside of Ponyville, she frowned as she thought about her marefriend, waiting on her at her home… She sighs when she realizes that it’s really their home now…

She sees many ponies closing up and exiting their shops as she continues to trot south, and she turns left to head east as she thinks about how this is probably not gonna work out and how this whole thing is stupid!

Her eyebrows furrow as she thinks to herself, What’s so different now? Why should this be any different? What is it about Silver Spoon that made me even agree to this nonsense?

The concrete ends abruptly and she soon finds herself trotting on the cobblestone streets of her own neighborhood as two-story houses line up in their rows on either side of her and she knows hers is on the back left.

She thinks about the cute gray filly she used to play with on the playground long ago. She thought about the games they used to play and all those times they played dress-up and practiced dancing together… When suddenly, her eyes widen as she remembers her first kiss!

It was Silver Spoon when they were both fillies… She remembers that they wanted to try it out and then, that extremely nervous peck, chock full of anxiety and internal pressure… But she has no trouble kissing Silver Spoon now?

She sighs as she reaches the staircase leading up to the correct house and turns her body left to begin ascending it.

How dare she try to come into my life! Just who does she think she is? Diamond thinks to herself as she trots up the stairs towards the landing at the top.

She soon traverses all 7 steps to reach her door when she knocks with her right forehoof and lowers it back to the ground…

A smiling silver mare with a white and gray mane answers the door!

Diamond gives a wide-eyed frown and shouts, “Idiot!” at her!

(To be continued…)