• Member Since 29th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


I am retired if you wanna fine my work follow the link. https://www.patreon.com/Mrmidnightwolf https://discord.gg/AeZBhyR

Comments ( 8 )

"a deadly pandemic"

Yeah. Fandom stupidity. I know this is a commission, but I'll never understand why people insist on bringing that thing into MLP. Even if it's never called it. At least these things are human and not ponies.

yeah, though as you said client wanted it but that's just how it is. beside its really just used to bring the story to life.

I like reflections of reality in writing on occasion. Not every story, mind you, but having little tidbits of real world experiences or as a backdrop really can make a story come alive. I don't mind the covid stories, especially ones like this where it makes a "fun" plot device to force an interaction that would otherwise be improbable. Then again, I only know what I like to read.

Man, I tried to get through it. Your punctuation and grammar are off the charts messed up. Wtf? I'd like to read the story, but like, it's just too raw for me.

I went back to try again. I had to stop at this section.

"As she got in closer she called out,

“Hey you!” he turned around and saw his face.

You have a paragraph break in the middle of a sentence, weird grammar, him seeing his own face and all kind of strangeness in one sentence. The very next sentence they trim a bear for some reason. Like, this is unreadable for me. I really want to read it, I like the concept, but I literally can't track the content through the presentation. You need to spend a little more time editing and drafting. Maybe send the next one through grammarly? Or maybe even just a word processor? Libre office runs on everything nowadays. I've typed stories on my phone and on my computer with it. That's what I write in. Makes spell check a breeze, and gives me a very basic grammar check.

i'd love to see a sequel to this

cant wait till they start a family.....secluded deep in the mountains.....all by themselves =D

Dude, your grammar and spelling. Run it through Grammarly or something

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