• Published 20th Dec 2021
  • 429 Views, 18 Comments

Magical Mysteries of Hogwarts: Darkness Rises - Juliaa

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Twilight's Path

Twilight and Discord practiced magic with their elements and after it she gave him back the Element of Disharmony.

Discord couldn't help but notice something different about Twilight. Everything felt so off, she seemed so power hungry over knowledge and lenghts the magic can go. She barely even let Discord take the crystal from how hard she was holding it.

"Guess she would make a perfect Ravenclaw too!" he whispered jokingly to himself.


"YES!" Rainbow said loudly after seeing her exam result.

"Ms. Dash could you possibly keep your excitment to yourself," Snape wasn't impressed and whole class was looking at her weirdly. Everyone but Applejack who was trying to peak to see which grade did she get.

"Heh, of course, I apologize," Rainbow was embarassed.

"Well, well, what did you get this time?" Trixie was curious. "Was the oh so flawless Rainbow Dash perfect again?"

"Nope! I got C!" she said proudly and Applejack smiled at her. She was proud to see her girlfriend being okay by not being perfect.

"C? Then why are you so happy?" Trixie was laughing. "I got A!"

"And I don't care! I am perfectly happy with my C! This isn't a competition. I'll try better on next exam," she turned back to her exam and was proudly checking her notes.

"Wait what? But... no!" Trixie was angry. Does now not even being better than Rainbow make her feel misrable? Can she not even win over her once? Does this win not even count as win then? What will she do if not try to make Rainbow sad, it's what she has been doing for over 10 years?

She returned angrily to her exam as well.

"I am so proud of you!" Applejack turned to Rainbow.

"I am so proud of myself too!" she smiled.


It was late at night. Sunset was angrily waiting in front of Dumbledore's office to which he had been called to. What could he possibly be needing from her this time? After all it was midnight, couldn't it wait until tomorrow? She needs her rest and she is tired of more riddles and mysteries she won't be told because they think she should only focus on her studies. She is great at magic, she can help. After all has what she done over past 2 years not proved how powerful they all are and how helpful they can be?

After what felt like ages he let her in.

"What did you need me for?" she was impatient and surprised by seeing professor McGonagall, Hagrid and professor Snape there too.

"We need you to answer us some questions about Twilight," Dumbledore explained.

"Why? Is something going to happen? She didn't do anything bad, we just found the last element and she has been testing it!" Sunset defended her girlfriend right away.

"Calm down, Ms. Shimmer," Snape warned.

"How can I calm down when you all have been keeping secrets from us! I can't help if I don't know what is happening!" she was angry and the teachers understood.

Dumbledore sighed, "it appears it is finally time to tell you about the prophecy."


Discord went to his bed and noticed a small piece from his drawer was missing. The Element of Disharmony was no where to be found.


"The prophecy says that thousand years after the defeat of Nightmare Moon a baby girl will be born. A girl with who Nightmare Moon will connect with!" Dumbledore was explaining.

"Why would she connect with a baby?" Sunset was confused.

"It would be long after he fall. She would need someone to help her get to where she couldn't last time," McGonagall explained.

"How would she even chose? And why exactly thousand years after?" Sunset still had her doubts.

"Because exactly then a child with great thirst for knowledge will be born. One that will be powerful enough to take over the world," Snape said.

"So she would connect with her, the child would be able to easily learn and do magic since she was a kid," Hagrid added.

"And she did, she found her," Dumbledore was sad.

"Who was it?" Sunset asked impatient and angry.

"We have found her, I have been monitoring her since she was young and made sure to keep watch when she is at Hogwarts too. Made sure she gets to this school!" Dumbledore just continued ignoring Sunset.

"If I was asked she would be in Ravenclaw, but it seems our headmaster has a habit of putting anyone with slight lean for world domination into Slytherin," Snape said annoyed.

"Who was it?" Sunset repeated more angrily.

"It is said Nightmare Moon will return with army like no before and the girl standing right next to her as her equal."

"Who is it?!" she was speaking now very loudly and angrily. All teachers turned to her.

"Twilight Sparkle. Twilight Sparkle is destined to be the next dark wizard and take over the world dooming it into her regin of darkness!"

"No!" Sunset's eyes went wide. She couldn't believe that was the prophecy about Twilight. Her girlfriend would never do that, she knew her, she was good!

Yet still she was trying to process what she heard.


Twilight was walking back and forth in the hall. She couldn't wait anymore. She had to get the hold on all magic and control it, she needed to know what it could do. Knowledge and power fascinated her. How much could one person hold?

So it was no surprise when she saw Nightmare Moon come that she was both scared and excited. Nightmare Moon wa sone of the most powerful witches in history, she should know more than most others. Maybe she could teach her?

No, she couldn't possibly join a dark witch.

Or could she? Would it be so bad?

Nightmare Moon smiled at her, "it seems like something is bothering you, my dear Twilight! Let me help! Join me and I will teach you all the magic there is! You will stand as my equal!"

Author's Note:

Did you all see that coming? Are you ready for what happens next?

Also I really appreciate all comments, likes, reads, saves, I am glad so many people keep reading this series!