• Published 20th Dec 2021
  • 429 Views, 18 Comments

Magical Mysteries of Hogwarts: Darkness Rises - Juliaa

  • ...

That Capper Guy

No one could believe what they found out last night. Nightmare Moon herself gave them the clue that could be a trap. She disappeared before they coul react. And why did she want to help Twilight so badly, what does getting her on right path mean?

Everyone was sitting in a room thinking about it.

"So what do we do now?" Pinkie was the first to break the silence.

"I think we should follow the map!" Twilight said determined. "I am tired of everyone keeping secrets from me and I want to find out!"

"I agree!" Sunset says. "It's time we learn the truth."

"You think she is helping us?" Fluttershy asked.

"She couldn't possibly be helping us!" Discord said.

"Yeah, why would she?" Rainbow agreed with him.

"She isn't helping us, she is helping Twilight for some reason," Sunset reminded them.

"Could there even be a good reason she is helping her?" Applejack still wasn't convinced.

"Who knows, but we need to find out! Don't you want to find out the truth? To find the element? To hold the magic?! So much power in just one stone?" Twilight was getting carried away and everyone looked at her strange.

"You know I never said no to knowledge," Rarity said and proudly looked at her Ravenclaw crest on her robe.

"Right.... but what if it is a trap?" Discord was being realistic.

"Then we fight whatever comes at us! We have the Element of Harmony after all!" Sunset said.

"I asked just for one year, one year of peace and no fight," Fluttershy sighed.

Everybody agreed to follow the map.


Rarity was sneaking around at night trying to get to meeting spot from where they will go to the place map shows. However, something, or rather someone, has caught her eye. She saw Capper sneaking around too.

It seemes very suspicious and there is no way she would just let him go and not see what he is doing so she texted others that she won't come this time and will explain later why and started to follow Capper.


The rest was waiting for Rarity when they recieved her text.

"Well that is strange," Sunset was first to say something.

"Eh, not really. She must have a good reason to stay back," Applejack defended her.

"Alright, then let's go without her," Discord said.


They arrived to a place the map showed. It was night and everything was dark.

"I am scared!" Fluttershy was first to say something. Discord took her hand.

"How do we even enter?" Twilight asked looking at the locked door. They were in front of a locked cave and no one knew how to open it.

"It weird there are 6 holes in it," Sunset pointed out.

"Do you think it could be? Nah, no way, " Discord said.

"You think it's the Elements of Harmony?" Sunset asked.


"Then why would there only be 6?" Pinkie reminded them.

"Maybe not all 7 are needed?" Applejack suggested.

"Ughhh, can we stop debating and just try to get in?" Rainbow was tired of waiting. As always she was ready for some action and magic.

They tried to put their crystals in holes and the door opened.

"Can't believe that worked without Rarity's crystal!" Twilight was surprised. She couldn't wait to finally reach it, all the powerful magic inside, she could feel it's energy nearby.

They entered the cave and started to walk. It was dark.

"Lumos!" Sunset casted a spell to create light. Everybody else did too.

They have been walking for a few minutes before Rainbow who was going first stopped, "uhh, guys you won't believe this!"


Rarity has been following Capper around Hogwarts. He was definitely going outside. He rxited into the Corridor and she followed. However, she wasn't careful enough and made some noise.

"Who is there?" he turned around furious and saw Rarity.

"Damit!" she was caught.

"Rarity? Whata re you doing here? It's dangerous!" he got scared and was in panic. "You need to leave now!"

"Not until you tell me what are you doing? Are you hiding something?" she demanded answers.

"Look, I'll explain later, just please leave now! You can't stay!" He tried to rush her.

"What do you mean?" she was confused.

"Go! Now!" he whispered and she went to hide.

Few seconds later a woman in cloack came. She removed it and Rarity was shocked to see Nightmare Moon.

"Do you have what I asked for?" she said strictly.

"Here," Capper gave her some sort of map.

"Perfect! You have shown to be very useful these past few months! Know that that won't be forgotten!"

"Thank you!" he said and she left.

After she left Rarity was in shock. She approached Capper, "you have been helping the one who shall not be named this whole time?!"

"Yeah but I can explain!"

"Where is she going now?!"

"Look let's sit down and I'll explain everything!"

"Capper, where is she going now?!"

"I don't know, to some sort of cave?"

"Oh no! This is bad!" she started to pick up her phone and tried to call Sunset but couldn't get her so she started to leave.

"Wait, where are you going?" Capper was confused.

"We will talk about this tomorrow!" she said angrily and left in hurry.


They were standing in front of some sort of creature guarding the gates.

"What do we do now?" Rainbow tried to stay calm but she was failing.

"Oh, that's easy! I know a thing or two about creatures!" Fluttershy fearlessly approached the animal and somehow calmed it down and got it to move. No one could believe it. "He is so polite!"

"Wow! Okay!" Sunset was the first to say something.

"Alohamora!" Twilight opened the door.

They entered into a big room in whose middle was a dark crystal.

"That must be the element, I can feel it's power!" Twilight said.

"Of course you can!" Nightmare Moon said.

"Nightmare Moon!" everyone was shocked.

"Guys! Nightmare Moon is coming!" Rarity ran inside and saw her already standing there, "nevermind...."

"Now fear not, I won't hurt you... this time. I just came to make sure Twilight is on right path and wanted to offer her to join me once again!"

"Never!" Twilight got angry and grabbed the element quickly.

"Oh really? That's such a shame! But if that's your choice then I guess we will go with the plan B. You won't even realize how quickly your destiny will be fullfilled!" she said and disappeared again.

"What does that even mean?!" Twilight was frustrated but it didn't matter. She had her element and the element of Disharmony in her hands. So much magic just for her. And she only knew one thing, she wanted more!