> Magical Mysteries of Hogwarts: Darkness Rises > by Juliaa > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Strings That Connect Us > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a sunny day at Hogwarts. Students were coming back from their summer break back to yet another exciting school year. There was Twilight with her friends, Trixie still mad at Rainbow, Zephyr ready to learn and many more. Twilight and her friends have spent the summer hanging out together and enjoying the peace they all needed after the events of the last 2 years. She has been ready to learn new things and take on challenges this year will give them. Or at least she thought she could, but no one could predict what was about to happen. ______ "I welcome you to another exciting year where you will further advance your skills in magic," Dumbledore was holding a welcoming speech. "Ughhh!" Rainbow was bored. "Are his speeches always this boring? It feels like he gives almost exactly the same speech every year just edits it a bit!" "Rainbow shush! Teachers might hear you!" Twilight tried to warn her. "So what?" Rainbow didn't care. "I would for sure like to see them all hate you," Trixie smiled. "Trixie..." was all she could reply. She didn't really care about what Trixie said. After all she has never been dangerous so far and she was still annoyed and mad at Trixie about trying to break up Applejack and her last year. "As you know there have been talkings about a dangerous wizard still being alive but I don't want you to worry about it! If there is any chance she is back you will be safe at Hogwarts!" Dumbledore reassured. Applejack was very confused. She was never up to date with wizard news, "what is he talking about?" "Oh just that there has been a rumor going around that Nightmare Moon is back!" Pinkie said casually. Few students gave her a glare. "The Nightmare Moon?!" Applejack was shocked. "Yes, the dark wizard who tried to take over the world thousand years ago. She was defeated and dissappeared, never seen again." "And why do they think she is back?" Applejack was still confused. "Oh, there has been a rumor someone saw her!" "And that she is collecting an army to take over the world again!" Rarity cut in from her Ravenclaw table. "Well I sure do hope it's not true!" Applejack gulped. "I'm sure it isn't!" Sunset reassured. She has been sitting next to them at their Griffindor table trying hard to listen to the speech from Dumbledore but once she realized they were too loud she decided to join in on the conversation. "And with that I'll leave you to eat and wish you all the luck in the upcoming school year!" Dumbledore finished. "Oh, I am so excited for Herbology this year!" Fluttershy turned from her table to Discord. "Nope, please don't metion Herbology right now," he remembered how he tried to teach it. "Alright, alright," she understood. Everyone continued to eat and later went back to their dorms to unpack and get ready for a new school year. _____ The girls met up later to catch up. "Oh, I feel like this year is going to be even more amazing than last 2!" Rainbow was excited and ready for an adventure. "I just hope this time it will be peaceful!" Fluttershy added. "I'm sure it will be!" Sunset said. "I am glad we have similar schedules! That way we will see each other often!" Rarity smiled. "I can't believe I didn't hear about Nightmare Moon!" Applejack was deep in her thoughts. "Don't say her name!" Twilight warned her in shock. "Ugh, it's just a name!" Rainbow eyerolled. "Forbidden to say!" Twilight reminded her. "Anywaaaay, I trust the professors they will protect us in case anything happens!" Pinkie tried to reassure. Discord came up to them, "like anything will happen! You don't actually believe she is back, don't you?" "I do!" Rainbow raised her hand and Twilight facepalmed. "The year just started, let's not fight over a random rumor!" Rarity tried to warn. "Random rumor that has the whole world scared!" Fluttershy added and Discord held her hand. Everyone went quiet for a few moments before Sunset changed the topic. _____ It was late. Everyone was back in their rooms. Twilight was having nightmares. It were flashbacks from previous years: her brother's betrayal, Cadence, Mel, battle with them, their yelling as they were dragged to Azkaban. How has her life become so complicated in the last 2 years? She suddenly woke up, her heart pounding like crazy. She couldn't go back to sleep so she got up and went to make herself tea. However, she very quickly regreted that idea. She wasn't alone in the corridor. There was a woman standing there, taller than her, cloak covering her hair and face. "Who are you?" Twilight was scared. "Don't you recognize me, Twilight Sparkle?" The woman removed her cloak. Twilight was shocked. She couldn't think of a way to escape, a way to fight her, all she could do is freeze as words "Nightmare Moon" were running through her head. Could this be another dream? "You are the one who shall not be named!" she was terrified. "Say my name, Twilight!" she replied strictly. "How do you know my name?" Twilight was very confused. "Don't you see, Twilight? We are one and the same! You are exactly like me! With same destiny! Same prophecy!" Nightmare Moon laughed at Twilight's lack of knowledge. "I don't understand!" Twilight was getting more and more confused. "You can't escape our bond! Your presence in the wizarding world will be it's downfall! And they shall forever bow to us!" "To us? You are literally insane!" Twilight pulled out her wand with her shaking hand. Nightmare Moon laughed, "You don't think you could ever beat me, child? We will meet soon!" She disappeared and Twilight was left alone in dark hallway. She didn't know what to do or who to ask for explanation. All she could do is go sneak in as quickly as she could to Griffindor rooms to talk to her girlfriend. > What is Twilight's Destiny? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After yesterday's events Twilight went to retell everything to Sunset where they decided they will go to Dumbledore the next day. ______ Flashback Twilight was only 4 years old. She has been raising water by her own hand, "I'll take over the world with magic!" she played. "Look! Our little Twilight has already learnt some magic!" Her mother was proud. "Without a wand too! That's very impressive!" her dad agreed. "She really is something special!" Twilight was happy seeing her parents this proud which encouraged her to continue to do and study magic. She was 10 now, studying hard and being best in her classes. She was taking extra magical lessons to prepare herself for magic schools. "I have never seen someone be this good at magic at this age!" Headmaster of Twilight's old school said. "It's practically impossible!" "She always had a talent for magic!" Her mom was always so proud of her. "We want to send her to Hogwarts when the time comes!" he said and Twilight's parents were surprised and happy. "I'm sure she would love that!" they agreed. At 16 she was getting ready to go to her first year at Hogwarts. "But what if I'm not good enough? What if everyone there is better and I am the worst there is?" she was in panic. "Twily, you'll do amazing! No one has ever been as good as you at this age! You haven't even started and you already know so much!" her brother gave her a hug which calmed her down. Maybe she was worrying for nothing? Maybe it will all somehow work out in the end. ______ Present "And that's how Big Mac and I got into another fight because he wasn't born a wizard but always dreamt about being one like Apple Bloom and me were," Applejack was retelling events that happened at home during summer to Rainbow and Rarity. "That's awkward", was all Rainbow could say. After a few momemts of silence Applejack asked: "so Rarity, I heard you found a boyfriend over summer?" "Oh I did!" Rarity got excited. She still didn't get a chance to share the new with the girls. "His name is Capper!" "Capper?" both girls were shocked. "You mean that mysterious guy that no one knows about?" Rainbow asked. Everybody has heard about Capper. They saw him around. He was a year above them, Slytherin, almost always quiet, just sitting around observing everyone and being at right places at right times. He didn't have friends and no one knew anything about him but he somehow always knew everything about everyone. No one ever had any classes with him, or at least that's what the rumors said. They also said he would only ever appear at lunch and dinner, occassionally around hallways, but otherwise no one would know where he was. He wasn't in Slytherin common room, wasn't in class, he just always disappeared. "Yes, that's him!" Rarity was smiling proudly. "And how exactly did you manage to meet him?" Applejack was very confused. "Oh, we met over the fact we both love cats!" she said excited. "That doesn't explain anything..." "We were both at an "Adopt a Cat" event." "Strange. I heard he only meets people he wants to meet! Nothing is ever accidental with this guy!" Rainbow shared. "Oh come on! Those are just rumors! He is a very sweet guy", Rarity was in her thoughts. "If you say so," Applejack was unsure and a bit worried about her friend but as long as she was happy she trusted her judgment. _______ Twilight and Sunset were at Dumbeldore's office as well as Hagrid, McGonagall, Dumbledore and Snape. "Impossible!" Snape was strict and angry as always. "I swear, it was her I saw!" Twilight was trying to convince him. "Hogwarts is one of the safest places to be! We are taking care that no one enters, let alone She Who Shall Not Be Named!" Snape explained. "Nothing is impossible!" Dumbledore cut in. "Old friend, you know very well Hogwarts hides a lot of mysteries. If a student saw her, even if it was a dream, we should take it as a warning." "Thank you!" Sunset said before Twilight had a chance. "Thank you for letting us know!" McGonagall said. "However, we need to ask you to go back to your common rooms and forget about this. Leave this problem to us." "Forget? But how can we forget what she said?" Sunset again said before Twilight had the chance to say anything. She was too shocked to speak. "What does it mean her destiny? What is Twilight's destiny?" "Do not worry about it! All will be reveal in time!" Dumbeldore said. "Ugh, when has keeping secrets from us past 2 years ever worked!" Sunset exited angrily. "Sunset! I apologize!" Twilight said before running after her girlfriend. "Maybe she could have been in Slythering after all," Hagrid tried to ease of situation with a joke. Snape glared at him. "Albus what are we going to do about prophency?" McGonagall asked. "Worry not, Minerva. Just because it exists, doesn't mean it will happen!" "She could be potnetionally dangerous for the whole world!" Snape reminded him. "She is very smart. I don't think Twilight is of any danger to us." "But you will have to tell her sooner or later!" Hagrid said. "All in time. For now let's let her enjoy a year for once and make sure no one tries to reach out to her again and lead her down the wrong path. ______ "I'm sorry I got so mad, I'm just angry at them always keeping secrets", Sunset told Twilight. "You don't have to apologize! I am angry too and am glad you said out loud what I was too afraid to say. I wonder what are they hiding this time", Twilight hugger her girlfriend. _______ "Element of Disharmony can only be stopped by all 7 Elements of Harmony. It is very dangerous especially if it falls in wrong hands," Discord was reading a book to Fluttershy in the library. "But it doesn't say where we could find it! It always says how it's dangerous or about it's power, which by the way amazes me, but they never speak of location!" "Well, at least you found something. I couldn't find anything in the books!" Fluttershy said. "How will we ever find it?" Discord was getting desperate. "I'm sorry", a girl with cloak over her face aproached them, "I couldn't help but overhear and I think I may have a way to help you find it." > About Rainbow and Trixie > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flashback "Hey mom, dad, look!" 7 year old Rainbow has shown them she signed up for football lessons. "I got accepted into team!" She was super proud and happy her dreams will finally come true. She has always loved football and wanted to start training this "muggle sport" to be able to maybe one day play for Wonderbolts, the best football team there is. Her parents were both on their computers and didn't even raise their head. They seemed indifferent and uninterested. "Mhm, that's great Rainbow!" they said with their dull voices. Rainbow was disappointed they weren't as happy as she is. She was 10, won her first medal. "Mom, dad, I know you couldn't make it to competition, you never can, but look I won my first medal!" She was excited and hoped for only a small bit of their happiness and approval. However, they were on their phones, not impressed, only the same old plain: "oh, that's great! You were always the best!" "Yeah... I was..." Rainbow walked to her room sadly. "Dad! Mom!" Rainbow was running down the stairs excitedly. "I got in! I actually got in!" She was 16 now but her parents were still the same, not interested in her at all. She has been used to it by now but she still had that tiny bit of hope they would be slightly proud of her for getting into Hogwarts. However, her heart shattered when she saw not even that was impressive enough for them to be proud of her. She was never good enough for them so over time she learnt to cope and be her own support. She will always be best at everything and then maybe her parents will show her some love, she will always be number 1. After they didn't even ask where she got into she sadly walked back to her room and called her friends to share the news. _____ Present "Ha! You actually failed this time!" Trixie was laughing at Rainbow. They got their results in Potions class and Rainbow's was... not the best to say the least. "Ugh... leave me alone!" she was annoyed. "Is the oh so great Rainbow ashamed that she couldn't reach the greatnest of the greatest and most powerful Trixie?" "Just let it go, Trixie! It's only one exam! I got better scores than you in everything else ever since we met!" "Exactly!" Applejack cut in, "those are just grades! They don't matter! She can always fix it, no one can go without failing even once!" "Right... just grades... don't matter", Rainbow got lost in her thoughts, sad about her parents never being proud of her for having straight As back then. "Ugh!" Trixie turned around. "Hey, sugarcube, is everything alright?" Applejack asked. "Oh yeah, everything is fine! Totally fine!" Rainbow got back to checking her mistakes in exam but Applejack wasn't really buying it. _____ "And we are suppossed to just believe her?" Fluttershy asked Discord. "What else can we do? It is our only clue!" "What if she is lying? She didn't even show us her face!" "I know but we have to try." Fluttershy sighed, "I don't really know about the whole "Don't worry, I'll bring the clue on how to find the element of Disharmony to you, you just need to meet me at midnight over weekend and not tell anyone!"" "Okay yeah that is suspicious and way too easy but what if we tell others and then be ready in case something happens?" "I don't want to risk it." "I know... do you want me to go alone?" "NO!" she quickly yelled. "No way, either we both go or no one goes!" ______ Flashback It was Rainbow's first day of school. She was only 6 years old but she wasn't worried at all. She knew she will for sure make friends in no time and be the best of her class. She entered the classroom and sat down. While they waited for teacher, a girl with blueish white hair approached her, "may I sit here?" "Sure!" she was happy to meet new people. "I'm Trixie!" a girl offered her a handshake. "And I am Rainbow Dash!" she shook her hand. "Rainbow. That's a nice name! Something tells me we will be great friends!" "I sure hope so! We will have this seats for the whole year!" she laughed and Trixie joined her. It was their 2rd year of primary school. Rainbow was good friends with Trixie, or at least she tried to be. Trixie has decided she wants to be The Greatest and Most Powerful and Rainbow wanted to be the best so they were always at competition at each other. However, what started as friendly competition was slowly turning into rivarly since Rainbow was always better and Trixie jealous. "Hey guess what!" Rainbow came happily to Trixie holding a medal. "Ugh, did you win another competition?" she rolled her eyes. Rainbow got angry, "yes I did! Can't you just once be happy for me?" "No! I don't get it! You always try to be better than me, why don't you just let me win at least once?!" "You don't even play football!" she argued. "And we both try to be the best, and we are best of class, who cares which one is better!" "I care!" "If roles were reversed I would be happy for you!" "But they aren't and I am not happy." "Ugh, what do you even want me to do?" "Let me be first! If we are really friends, you would do that!" "Do you not hear how toxic you sound? I will not stop trying as hard as I can just because you want to be better than me!" Rainbow couldn't believe what she was hearing from someone she thought was her friend. "Well then we are no longer friends!" Trixie was mad for not getting her way. "Hey, I was just about to say that!" Rainbow wanted to be the first to say it. "But yes, don't talk to me again!" "Good!" Trixie got out of the room. ______ Present Rarity couldn't believe how many weird looks she got from walking around with her boyfriend Capper. She knew no one really knew anything about him and rarely saw him but they still could mind their business instead of stare all the time. He was actually quite sweet and charming to her. Always was there for her over past few months. Needless to say, she liked him a lot. "Okay, okay but what's the funniest rumor you heard about me?" he asked her. They were both making fun of random rumors being spread. "That you don't attend any classes." "Well now I am offended by everyone who is in class with me." "I know, right!" she couldn't believe rumors like that spread just because he didn't have friends. "What is the weirdest one you heard about me?" "That you turned evil and tried to ruin your best friend's relationship", he laughed, she didn't. "Riiight... so odd..." she felt awkward and he was very confused. They continued to talk but no matter how much she didn't want to admit it, something felt off. Everything was perfect but it felt weird. The way he talks about some stuff, his hobbies, there was something strange in a guy who likes to spend every day researching dark magic and dark wizards of the past, has a collection of written prophencies and is so advanced in his knowledge of curses. > The Date at Hogsmade > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight was reading at the library trying to find anything she could about the last element. Sunset came up to her. "Hey, did you know that it's forbidden to hold both all Elements of Harmony and the Element of Disharmony? It's too much power for one person! Even all Elements of Harmony are too much let alone adding the opposite!" Twilight was fascinated. So much power the elements hold, so much magic. What would it be like to merge them? Of course, only to know magic and for scientific purpose. "You finally managed to find something?" Sunset was happy. Twilight has been searching for so long and couldn't find anything. "It's not much... I should really spend the rest of the day searching in case I find more." "No way!" Sunset stopped her and Twilight looked at her confused. "But we have to find--" she tried to explain before being interrupted. "No! You already spent so much time on this, you need rest! And we haven't been on a date in while so how about we go to Hogsmade?" Sunset happily suggested. "You know what, I'm in! I really need a break!" she closed the books she was reading. _____ Twilight and Sunset were walking around Hogsmade. "How about we go to Zonko's joke shop?" Sunset suggested. "No! We would get in detention if we use anything from there!" "Oh come on, it's just random items for jokes! And we don't have to use them in class!" Sunset wanted to go buy some fanged frizbees. "Well we can't exactly use them in halls or corridor either!" "Sure we can, we just have to not get caught!" Sunset entered the store. "What?! No!" Twilight followed her. She approached Sunset holding a fanged frisbee and whispered: "please tell me you won't use that in Hogwarts." "I'll think about it," Sunset teased. "Sunset! You will get detention!" "Eh, it will be worth it!" she didn't think much about it. "Do you want one?" she offered. "No thanks, I'm good," Twilight was nervous. After that they went to drink some tea. _____ Applejack, Pinkie and Rarity were hanging out. "Do you girls think Capper is strange?" Rarity suddenly asked. "Why do you ask?" Applejack was surprised. "Well, I don't know, he seems perfect but there is just something that feels off when I am around him." "Eh, we are all weird in this school," Pinkie just shrugged it off. "I don't know, he does seem suspicious and if your gut feeling is telling you something is off then it probably is!" Applejack said. "You're right, Applejack. I'll try to see what is it that feels weird." _____ Sunset and Twilight went to corridor after being in cafe. Sunset was smiling at Twilight. "I know what you are thinking," Twilight said annoyed. "It will be fun!" Sunset tried to tell her. "Detention won't be!" "Suit yourself, I'll release the frisbee," she said calmly. Twilight quickly stepped aside as Sunset released fanged frisbee. It started to fly all around and student were in panic. Sunset loved the chaos but Twilight was stressed. Suddenly professor Snape walked in and a frisbee bumped into his robe and got stuck. He was furious. "Ugh, why me?" he murmured to himself. "Who did this?!" he yelled angrily but there were so many running students in panic, he couldn't find anyone who was guilty so he angrily walked back inside. "Phew! That was CLOSE!" Sunset was relieved. "How are you doing Twilight?" "That! Was! Amazing!" Twilight was happy. "The excitment, the fear, and did you see the look on Snape's face when he didn't find us?" she was smiling and Sunset was too. "He doesn't even know we are to blame for fanged frisbee!" "You released fanged frisbee on professor Snape?" Hagrid suddenly walked in. Twilight was in complete panic: "I am so sorry! Please don't expell us! It is all my fault! Sunset had nothing to do with it! I don't want to end up in jail!" "Damn, you are really bad at pranks!" Sunset laughed and Hagrid did too. "Don't worry, kid, I won't tell!" he told them. Twilight almost fell from relief, "so I won't get expelled?" "Of course not!" Hagrid laughed and continued to go his way. Sunset turned to Twilight and they both started to laugh. "You should have seen YOUR face when Hagrid came in!" Sunset teased. "Hey, in my defense I defended you!" Twilight laughed too. "And I really appreciate it!" Sunset gave her a kiss. They continued to hang out for some time before returning to their common rooms. _____ "Wait what?!" Twilight was shocked when Discord and Fluttershy told them about the mysterious woman. "There is no way you two are going!" "But what if she really has a clue?" Discord asked. "Yeah, we really need it," Pinkie agreed. "And we have been searching so long and couldn't find much! This is our only chance to get a real clue!" Sunset was deep in thoughts. "But it is dangerous!" Twilight couldn't believe what they were all suggesting. "Not if we go with them and hide for back up!" Rainbow had an idea. "Ugh, not another super dangerous plan.... when will we finally finish finding these crystals!" Rarity facepalmed. "I hope soon!" Applejack was unsure about the idea. _____ Fluttershy and Discord came to the meeting place that a mysterious woman told them to. Their friends were hiding nearby. It was midnight. "I have a bad feeling about this," Fluttershy was scared. "Me too!" Discord agreed. Suddenly, the woman approached them: "so you came here after all!" She came closer to them and pulled up a map. "This will help you find the Element of Disharmony." "And you are just giving it to us so easily?" Discord was suspicious. "Let's just say I want to help my good old friend Twilight Sparkle go on the right path to her glory," her cloak lifted a bit, she was smiling and there was no doubt who she was. Fluttershy put her hand over her mouth, it was Nightmare Moon herself! > That Capper Guy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- No one could believe what they found out last night. Nightmare Moon herself gave them the clue that could be a trap. She disappeared before they coul react. And why did she want to help Twilight so badly, what does getting her on right path mean? Everyone was sitting in a room thinking about it. "So what do we do now?" Pinkie was the first to break the silence. "I think we should follow the map!" Twilight said determined. "I am tired of everyone keeping secrets from me and I want to find out!" "I agree!" Sunset says. "It's time we learn the truth." "You think she is helping us?" Fluttershy asked. "She couldn't possibly be helping us!" Discord said. "Yeah, why would she?" Rainbow agreed with him. "She isn't helping us, she is helping Twilight for some reason," Sunset reminded them. "Could there even be a good reason she is helping her?" Applejack still wasn't convinced. "Who knows, but we need to find out! Don't you want to find out the truth? To find the element? To hold the magic?! So much power in just one stone?" Twilight was getting carried away and everyone looked at her strange. "You know I never said no to knowledge," Rarity said and proudly looked at her Ravenclaw crest on her robe. "Right.... but what if it is a trap?" Discord was being realistic. "Then we fight whatever comes at us! We have the Element of Harmony after all!" Sunset said. "I asked just for one year, one year of peace and no fight," Fluttershy sighed. Everybody agreed to follow the map. _____ Rarity was sneaking around at night trying to get to meeting spot from where they will go to the place map shows. However, something, or rather someone, has caught her eye. She saw Capper sneaking around too. It seemes very suspicious and there is no way she would just let him go and not see what he is doing so she texted others that she won't come this time and will explain later why and started to follow Capper. _____ The rest was waiting for Rarity when they recieved her text. "Well that is strange," Sunset was first to say something. "Eh, not really. She must have a good reason to stay back," Applejack defended her. "Alright, then let's go without her," Discord said. _____ They arrived to a place the map showed. It was night and everything was dark. "I am scared!" Fluttershy was first to say something. Discord took her hand. "How do we even enter?" Twilight asked looking at the locked door. They were in front of a locked cave and no one knew how to open it. "It weird there are 6 holes in it," Sunset pointed out. "Do you think it could be? Nah, no way, " Discord said. "You think it's the Elements of Harmony?" Sunset asked. "Yeah." "Then why would there only be 6?" Pinkie reminded them. "Maybe not all 7 are needed?" Applejack suggested. "Ughhh, can we stop debating and just try to get in?" Rainbow was tired of waiting. As always she was ready for some action and magic. They tried to put their crystals in holes and the door opened. "Can't believe that worked without Rarity's crystal!" Twilight was surprised. She couldn't wait to finally reach it, all the powerful magic inside, she could feel it's energy nearby. They entered the cave and started to walk. It was dark. "Lumos!" Sunset casted a spell to create light. Everybody else did too. They have been walking for a few minutes before Rainbow who was going first stopped, "uhh, guys you won't believe this!" _____ Rarity has been following Capper around Hogwarts. He was definitely going outside. He rxited into the Corridor and she followed. However, she wasn't careful enough and made some noise. "Who is there?" he turned around furious and saw Rarity. "Damit!" she was caught. "Rarity? Whata re you doing here? It's dangerous!" he got scared and was in panic. "You need to leave now!" "Not until you tell me what are you doing? Are you hiding something?" she demanded answers. "Look, I'll explain later, just please leave now! You can't stay!" He tried to rush her. "What do you mean?" she was confused. "Go! Now!" he whispered and she went to hide. Few seconds later a woman in cloack came. She removed it and Rarity was shocked to see Nightmare Moon. "Do you have what I asked for?" she said strictly. "Here," Capper gave her some sort of map. "Perfect! You have shown to be very useful these past few months! Know that that won't be forgotten!" "Thank you!" he said and she left. After she left Rarity was in shock. She approached Capper, "you have been helping the one who shall not be named this whole time?!" "Yeah but I can explain!" "Where is she going now?!" "Look let's sit down and I'll explain everything!" "Capper, where is she going now?!" "I don't know, to some sort of cave?" "Oh no! This is bad!" she started to pick up her phone and tried to call Sunset but couldn't get her so she started to leave. "Wait, where are you going?" Capper was confused. "We will talk about this tomorrow!" she said angrily and left in hurry. ______ They were standing in front of some sort of creature guarding the gates. "What do we do now?" Rainbow tried to stay calm but she was failing. "Oh, that's easy! I know a thing or two about creatures!" Fluttershy fearlessly approached the animal and somehow calmed it down and got it to move. No one could believe it. "He is so polite!" "Wow! Okay!" Sunset was the first to say something. "Alohamora!" Twilight opened the door. They entered into a big room in whose middle was a dark crystal. "That must be the element, I can feel it's power!" Twilight said. "Of course you can!" Nightmare Moon said. "Nightmare Moon!" everyone was shocked. "Guys! Nightmare Moon is coming!" Rarity ran inside and saw her already standing there, "nevermind...." "Now fear not, I won't hurt you... this time. I just came to make sure Twilight is on right path and wanted to offer her to join me once again!" "Never!" Twilight got angry and grabbed the element quickly. "Oh really? That's such a shame! But if that's your choice then I guess we will go with the plan B. You won't even realize how quickly your destiny will be fullfilled!" she said and disappeared again. "What does that even mean?!" Twilight was frustrated but it didn't matter. She had her element and the element of Disharmony in her hands. So much magic just for her. And she only knew one thing, she wanted more! > Hunger for Power > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the events of last night they returned to Hogwarts. Twilight didn't let anyone touch the element and took it for herself to examine it but since they were all too tired anyway, no one really minded it. Next day Applejack found Rainbow staring at the exam she failed in the hall. "Hey is everything alright, sugarcube?" she asked her. "Not really... I failed!" she was sad and disappointed. "So what? It's just one exam! I am sure you will fix it! After all you are the Rainbow Dash!" she tried to cheer her up. "But I have never failed." "There is the first time for everything! Why does it matter if you fail once?" "Because then my parents will love me even elss!" she finally let out. "Why do you think parents won't love you if you fail?" Applejack took her hand. "Because they already don't ever care! So if I fail they will be even more angry or maybe they won't care then either, I don't know! I mean they won't even ever find out about this but I still feel like I failed if I am not the best at everything!" "No one can be best at everything! And I am sure your parents care and love you!" "No, Aj! They really don't! No matter how hard I try or what I do they never listen! They are just always on their phones or laptops completly ignoring me..." she cried. "I am so sorry, Rainbow," Applejack hugged her. After few moments of silence she spoke again, "look, your parents may not care, and it is aeful but that probably won't change." "Great cheer up!" Rainbow cut her speech. Applejack continued louder: "However, I care! Our friends care! We all care about you! Your teachers even care! I would dare to say even Snape cares!" "Yeah because I'll ruin Slytherin reputation!" she laughed. "We all care about you! And not your grades! About you and only you! No matter if you are the best or worst we love you just as you are! And will care either way! You now have us and you will never have to be alone again!" Rainbow hugged her and cried knowing she finally had real family of her own. People who loved and cared for her just as she is. Even if she would fail at everything. ______ So much power! Twilight could feel it in her veins! She went to test the element outside and it was doing wonders! She could control so many things! One could even take over the whole world with it! Not that she would want to do that. But then all the magic in the world would be hers! She would have all the power to try it out and test it! Only scientifically speaking, of course! She can't have all magic and take over the world. At least not without all elements. Tehnically speaking only, of course! _____ "You have a lot of explaining to do!" Rarity approach Capper. She was furious to know he was working with the dark wizard. "You are working with the One Who Shall Not Be Named?" "Well yes but there is a good reason!" he was explaining himself. "And that is?" Rarity was annoyed. She wanted to believe he is good so badly. "She will win. She has been gathering an army of dark wizards and witches and preparing for centuries! There is no way to defeat her and if I help her I will be spared when she overtakes zhe world!" "So not only are you really on bad side, you also think she will win?" Rarity's heart broke. "Not only think, I know it. Join me Rarity! I am sure she will be glad someone else is helping too!" he offer his hand but Rarity dismissed it. "No way! I will never join her!" she was angry, "and we are over!" she went away crying. A quiet "Rarity..." was all Capper could say. _____ In the meantime, everyone but Rarity and Twilight was having lunch. "So how does it feel like to finally have an element too?" Fluttershy asked Discord excitedly. "Wouldn't know. I didn't even got to hold it once. Twilight doesn't let it out of her hand," Discord was annoyed. "Wait really?" Fluttershy was surprised. "I am sure she is only testing to see if it is safe," Sunset said. "Why are you guys complaining," Pinkie cut it, "I am the one who is almost never present in this fanfiction, I should be complaining!" "Seriously what is this fanfiction she keeps mentioning?" Discord was bery confused. "I think Fiction is a company that produces fans?" Fluttershy offered. "Why you need a fan in winter in magic school?" Rainbow asked Pinkie who just facepalmed. "They will never get us, Sunset," she said. "Nope," Sunset laughed. Rarity came to the table. "It's true!" she said out of breath from running to get here as fast as she could. "What is true?" Applejack asked. "Capper is working for You Know Who, she collected army, it's going to get real!" "What?!" everyone was shocked. "I knew something was off with that guy!" Applejack admitted. "Me too!" Rainbow agreed. "I can't believe rumors are true!" Sunset was deep in her thoughts. "What are we gonna do?" Fluttershy asked. "There is not much we can do except wait for something to happen," Discord. "And we are probably safe here at Hogwarts! It seems like the safest place to be with so many powerful wizards and witches as professors!" Pinkie pointed out. While they were busy talking Twilight came to them: "you wouldn't believe all the things I discovered! So much magic in these little rocks! I want to test it out more! Discord you need to come tomorrow with me to try and see if it works better for you since you are connected to it!" "Alright." "And maybe w ecan practice with merging out powers of crystals?" "Twilight wouldn't that be dangerous? So much magic in one place?" Sunset gave her a weird look. "But think about what we would learn! How much power would we hold in our hands! Isn't that worth to feel at least once?" "I don't know. Let's rather not experiment with that much power." "Ah, fine," Twilight was disappointed but she didn't plan to stop. > Twilight's Path > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight and Discord practiced magic with their elements and after it she gave him back the Element of Disharmony. Discord couldn't help but notice something different about Twilight. Everything felt so off, she seemed so power hungry over knowledge and lenghts the magic can go. She barely even let Discord take the crystal from how hard she was holding it. "Guess she would make a perfect Ravenclaw too!" he whispered jokingly to himself. _____ "YES!" Rainbow said loudly after seeing her exam result. "Ms. Dash could you possibly keep your excitment to yourself," Snape wasn't impressed and whole class was looking at her weirdly. Everyone but Applejack who was trying to peak to see which grade did she get. "Heh, of course, I apologize," Rainbow was embarassed. "Well, well, what did you get this time?" Trixie was curious. "Was the oh so flawless Rainbow Dash perfect again?" "Nope! I got C!" she said proudly and Applejack smiled at her. She was proud to see her girlfriend being okay by not being perfect. "C? Then why are you so happy?" Trixie was laughing. "I got A!" "And I don't care! I am perfectly happy with my C! This isn't a competition. I'll try better on next exam," she turned back to her exam and was proudly checking her notes. "Wait what? But... no!" Trixie was angry. Does now not even being better than Rainbow make her feel misrable? Can she not even win over her once? Does this win not even count as win then? What will she do if not try to make Rainbow sad, it's what she has been doing for over 10 years? She returned angrily to her exam as well. "I am so proud of you!" Applejack turned to Rainbow. "I am so proud of myself too!" she smiled. _____ It was late at night. Sunset was angrily waiting in front of Dumbledore's office to which he had been called to. What could he possibly be needing from her this time? After all it was midnight, couldn't it wait until tomorrow? She needs her rest and she is tired of more riddles and mysteries she won't be told because they think she should only focus on her studies. She is great at magic, she can help. After all has what she done over past 2 years not proved how powerful they all are and how helpful they can be? After what felt like ages he let her in. "What did you need me for?" she was impatient and surprised by seeing professor McGonagall, Hagrid and professor Snape there too. "We need you to answer us some questions about Twilight," Dumbledore explained. "Why? Is something going to happen? She didn't do anything bad, we just found the last element and she has been testing it!" Sunset defended her girlfriend right away. "Calm down, Ms. Shimmer," Snape warned. "How can I calm down when you all have been keeping secrets from us! I can't help if I don't know what is happening!" she was angry and the teachers understood. Dumbledore sighed, "it appears it is finally time to tell you about the prophecy." _____ Discord went to his bed and noticed a small piece from his drawer was missing. The Element of Disharmony was no where to be found. _____ "The prophecy says that thousand years after the defeat of Nightmare Moon a baby girl will be born. A girl with who Nightmare Moon will connect with!" Dumbledore was explaining. "Why would she connect with a baby?" Sunset was confused. "It would be long after he fall. She would need someone to help her get to where she couldn't last time," McGonagall explained. "How would she even chose? And why exactly thousand years after?" Sunset still had her doubts. "Because exactly then a child with great thirst for knowledge will be born. One that will be powerful enough to take over the world," Snape said. "So she would connect with her, the child would be able to easily learn and do magic since she was a kid," Hagrid added. "And she did, she found her," Dumbledore was sad. "Who was it?" Sunset asked impatient and angry. "We have found her, I have been monitoring her since she was young and made sure to keep watch when she is at Hogwarts too. Made sure she gets to this school!" Dumbledore just continued ignoring Sunset. "If I was asked she would be in Ravenclaw, but it seems our headmaster has a habit of putting anyone with slight lean for world domination into Slytherin," Snape said annoyed. "Who was it?" Sunset repeated more angrily. "It is said Nightmare Moon will return with army like no before and the girl standing right next to her as her equal." "Who is it?!" she was speaking now very loudly and angrily. All teachers turned to her. "Twilight Sparkle. Twilight Sparkle is destined to be the next dark wizard and take over the world dooming it into her regin of darkness!" "No!" Sunset's eyes went wide. She couldn't believe that was the prophecy about Twilight. Her girlfriend would never do that, she knew her, she was good! Yet still she was trying to process what she heard. _____ Twilight was walking back and forth in the hall. She couldn't wait anymore. She had to get the hold on all magic and control it, she needed to know what it could do. Knowledge and power fascinated her. How much could one person hold? So it was no surprise when she saw Nightmare Moon come that she was both scared and excited. Nightmare Moon wa sone of the most powerful witches in history, she should know more than most others. Maybe she could teach her? No, she couldn't possibly join a dark witch. Or could she? Would it be so bad? Nightmare Moon smiled at her, "it seems like something is bothering you, my dear Twilight! Let me help! Join me and I will teach you all the magic there is! You will stand as my equal!" > Forever Lost > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset was rushing through the filled halls of Hogwarts. "Did you see Twilight Sparkle? Blue hair, black glasses, Slytherin?" she kept asking everyone around but no one knew where she was. Suddenly, she spotted her friend group and rushed to them in hopes of finding her but there was no luck, she wasn't there. "Woah there Sunset, you look awful!" Rainbow said out loud to which everyone gave her an angry look. "What? She does!" "Have any of you seen Twilight? I can't find her," Sunset went straight to the point. "Uh, no, we haven't seen her since yesterday," Applejack tried to remember. "Oh, this is bad!" Sunset panicked and started to run again. Others were confused but followed. "And uh, why is it bad? I am sure she is alright!" Rarity was first to ask. "Yeah, she is probably studying somewhere!" Pinkie reassured. "Maybe she is in class?" Fluttershy also suggested. "No, you don't understand, she wasn't in out class today, wasn't in her room, common room, dinning hall, courtyard, at Hagrid's, Quidditch, library, or anywhere else!" Sunset was in panic. "She isn't anywhere! It's like she just disappeared and I have only found out about the prophecy!" Everyone was even more confused and worried. "Uhm, what prophecy?" Discord raised an eyebrow. "The one that says Twilight will unite with Nightmare Moon and take over the whole world!" Sunset said as if it were obvious. Everybody laughed, "oh please! Twilight would NEVER!" Rainbow barely got out from laughing. "Yeah, you are worrying over nothing!" Pinkie reassured. "Then how do you explain her missing?" Sunset was still not convinced. "I am sure she is around here somewhere! Let's go check the places you didn't!" Applejack reassured. "You all go on without me, I still need to search for something," Discord said awkwardly. "You still didn't find the element?" Fluttershy asked worried. "You lost your ELEMENT?" Sunset was furious. "It was in my room and just disappeared!" Discord defended himself. "Happy thoughts... happy thoughts," Sunset walked away. "I will find it!" Discord shouted after her. "You better!" She shouted back. Fluttershy looked worried at Discord. "Go help them, I will manage," he said before going in other direction. _____ Discord looked everywhere. Everywhere he was and could think of. Since he couldn't find it, he went outside to the Courtyard. He sat down. Something felt off, for the first time since he got to Hogwarts, the Courtyard was empty and it was the middle of the day. Not a sound heard, only strong wind and winter coldness. Discord didn't like it. Suddenly a shadow fell over him and he turned around to see Twilight and a woman with a cloack around her. They both were pointing their wands at him. He couldn't believe it. Was Twilight really trying to fight him? Was this a prank? What was happening. "Looking for this?" Twilight asked. "You stole my element? Why?" Discord was now sure this was some sort of prank. I mean it had to be, right? "I needed it to take over the world?" Twilight said smiling. "Why would you need to take over the world?" It didn't make sense. "Power," was all Twilight said. Discord still didn't get it but went on to the next question, "and who is that?" "Oh, me?" Nightmare Moon revealed herself. Discord was in panic. "The One Who Shall Not Be Named!" He said. "You can call me my name!" she got annoyed. "Nightmare Moon...." he said quietly. "We have an offer for you!" Nightmare Moon suggested. "Join us!" Twilight cut to the point. "Why in the world would I join you?" Discord laughed. Yes, definitely a prank. A good one indeed. "You would get so much power! We will soon take over the world and if you help us, you will be spared from destruction and revenge!" "Mhm, and why do you even need me? It's not like I am some super powerful wizard!" "Because only one person can completly control the element! I can have some of the power but only one who will ever get it's whole power is you!" Twilight explained holding the Element of Disharmony. "Join us and you will be able to rule the world with us! There will be so much chaos around!" Nightmare Moon smiled. "I do love chaos," he started to think. "But no, I can't betray my friends?" "Your friends? Our friends? Ones whoa re stopping us from reaching our full potential? From gaining so much magic? Come on Discord, don't you see you have been kept in a box whole life? Why did we search for your element last? Why didn't they require me to give it to you! They don't trust you!" Twilight said. "It's not true!" Discord argued. "They want you to only use little of this magic for good. Never creating chaos, always following orders of Dumbeldore or whoever," Nightmare Moon said. "With us your power would be limitless!" Twilight smiled. "I can't do that to Fluttershy!" Discord argued. "As if she cares! I am sure she just wants to keep you in a box too! Would probably hate it if you ever took too much magic for yourself. I bet she is happy you don't have your element with you!" "That's not true!" "Isn't it?" Discord stopped tot hink about his friends. Has he been wrong about them? Could he finally have power now? And create any spell he wants? He would finally stop being a failure in magic this way. "Discord!" Fluttershy's voice was heard. He turned around to see his friends standing at the other end. He was now completly sure this wasn't a prank. "Twilight you seriously joined her?" Sunset heart broke. "I hope you will understand. I did it for magic!" "No, I don't udnerstand! Come back here and we can talk about it!" Sunset was hopeful. "So you can limit me like you limit Discord. Decide now, yes or no!" Twilight demanded. Discord panicked. "Don't!" Fluttershy yelled. "Nobody can have that much power! We aren't allowed to use so much of the element!" "Oh really? Give me that!" Discord snapped and before thinking took his element. "No!" Fluttershy cried. "Come, we need to leave!" Nightmare Moon said to Discord. "Surely you saw this coming, Fluttershy?" Discord asked. "I didn't, I really didn't!" she cried as sad Discord and proud Twilight and Nightmare Moon ran away. "Great! We are doomed!" Rainbow casually said and continued to calmly drink the smoothie she was holding. > Twilight's Kingdom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "What are we going to do?" Sunset was panicking around the room while the rest of her friends looked at her worried. Fluttershy was still crying while Rarity was hugging her. "We can't tell Dumbledore, Twilight will get in trouble! We need to go talk some sense into her!" Sunset was angry. "How would we even get to her?" Pinkie asked. "Why did she even join the dark wizard? It doesn't sound anything like her!" Rainbow pointed out. "I don't know... she really wanted that knowledge lately," Applejack replied. "And power!" Rarity added. "Yeah, but joining the dark wizard?" Sunset was out of her mind. "I am sure it's all a misunderstanding and that if we talk to her she will get back to herself." "Uhh if you say so," Applejack wasn't sure. "And Discord..." Fluttershy was sad. "I am so sorry Fluttershy," Sunset said. They continued to go through many ideas on how to bring back Twilight and Discord and how could have any of this happened. Everyone was scared and confused. Their best option was to contact Dumbledore and ask him to help so they decided to go to his office. _____ "And that's when they both left!" Sunset explained it all over again for practice to the girls before they entered Dumbledore's office. "Well that certainly explains it all!" Applejack confirmed so Sunset relaxed a bit. "It's good enough!" Rarity added. Suddenly they heard a loud sound coming from the office so they quickly ran into it. When they got it they had a lot to see. Books and items were spilled all around and there were Twilight and Nightmare Moon with their wands out pointed towards Dumbledore who also had his wand lifted at them. "You are in our way! Once one of greatest wizards today is down and no longer running this school we will be able to take over this as our residence an d remove yet another threat!" Nightmare Moon laughed. "Are you sure you want to do this, Twilight?" Dumbeldore tried to get to her. "I have to! I am sorry!" Twilight barely let out. There were tears in the corner of her eyes as she casted a famous forbidden curse. Dumbledore's body fell out the window as Sunset and the girls shouted and cried. Twilight looked sadly at Sunset who couldn't believe what just happened. Nightmare Moon turned to them, "and if you know what's good for you, you will run away far from this school!' She threatened. "Never!" Sunset pulled out a wand to fight. "You won't actually try to fight us? Come on , Twilight, take her down!" Nightmare Moon laughed. Twilight got even sadder and pointed her wand at Sunset. "Expelliarm--!" Sunset started but was interrupted by Twilight's spell. "Bombarda!" Twilight casted and small explosion happened next to Sunset who fell on the floor. The rest of the girls pulled out their wands and Rainbow helped Sunset get up again. "Come on Twilight! You can do way better than that!" Nightmare Moon was disappointed. "Let her be sorry for standing in our way!" "I'm sorry Sunset!" Twilight said and Sunset was confused. "Crucio!" Twilight casted. "Expelliarmus!" Applejack threw her wand out of her hand which freed Sunset. "I think it's time for us to go!" Rarity said as she casted them away to the front door of Hogwarts. They started to run into Forbidden forest and far away from everyone and everything. "I can't believe this is happening!" Fluttershy said sadly. "I can't believe Twilight used Crucio curse on me!" Sunset was furious. "Well you gotta admit that was one really bad break up!" Rainbow said awkwardly. "We still didn't get to talk to her!" Pinkie pointed out. "Oh, no more talking! Now we fight! She had her chance to surrender to not hurt her friends, to listen to us, to not hurt her girlfriend! Now she will see how mean can I GET!" Sunset was angry. "Let's just take a fee breaths and relax here. We don't know what's happening in the wizarding world yet!" Applejack tried to clam her down. "I may have some bad news!" Rarity showed them a letter that just arrived from an owl. "The Ministry has fallen due to Nightmare Moon's army?"Rainbow read out the first thing. "And Hogwarts was taken over by her too?" Fluttershy said in panic. "The whole world, the whole wizarding world is in Nightmare Moon's hands?" Pinkie panicked too. "Oh no, not the Nightmare Moon's hands only. Nightmare Moon's and Twilight Sparkle's!" Sunset angrily turned over the letter towards her friends to read better. "What do we do now?" Applejack didn't know what else to say. Their whole world, their families and friends were being taken over and captured by the world's most powerful dark wizard and their firend eho turned her back on them. Has Twilight really gone evil? What can they do now to stop her? "We need to gather as many people as we can!" Sunset started to organize and calm everyone down a bit."we need to fight and show them they can't just take our world away! After all we have most of The Elements of Harmony on our side!" "We need to go and hide somewhere safe! And practice, lots and lots of practice! We will from now on be The Rebellion who will take down Twilight! She can't have this, she can't do this! Not to us, not to me not to anyone!" Sunset was determined and there was a new fire burning inside of her. A fire to take Twilight down. A fire that burned for revenge for her ex. A fire that may the the world's last hope of saving. For this now isn't their world. It isn't the world of witches, wizards and others creatures. It is now a world of darkness. A world where Nightmare Moon and Twilight rule side by side. Discord with them too. A world where if you are not working for them you are their enemy. For some may even say this is now a world of Twilight's Kingdom.