• Published 29th Dec 2021
  • 244 Views, 3 Comments

Flameon Heart's Adventure - Flameon_Heart

Flameon Heart and Flurry Heart (the children of King Theodore and Queen Solaris) must go on an adventure to stop the ruler of the dreaded Mechanoids, King Draxian, from invading Equestria, and the lands beyond...

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The Plan

Flameon landed outside his father's study. The two guards from earlier were nowhere to be seen, so after a knock, he let himself in. Theodore's room had gotten messier in the 20 minutes his children were in the garden. He was reading through some papers when Flameon arrived. He said, "Flameon! Thank the stars you are here. I heard what happened. Are the citizens alright?"

Flameon replied, "Yes, father. No one was injured in the blast. The most damage caused was to the petunias."

Theodore looked at his son and smiled. "Well, that's a relief. Those petunias were your mother's favorites though..."

"We can always plant more. But anyways, back to the matter at hand. Father, what do we do about King Draxian?" Flameon asked.

"Right. Well, there isn't much we can do except prepare. I heard you apprehended a mechanoid. What did you get from him?" said Theodore.

"If he is to be believed, Draxian is suppose to launch an attack in a few weeks. That is all we know right now." Flameon said.

Theodore pondered for a moment, before speaking, "If that is the case, then we will not have enough time to train our guards for this fight. Our only option..." he trailed off.

"What is it father?"

Theodore looked at his son. "Our only option is for somepony to go to the land of the mechanoids and confront Draxian before his army is complete. Flameon. I believe you, Flurry, and Sunbeam should be the ones to go on that mission."

"What?! Us!?"

"Yes. I do believe with your sister's magical ability, as well as Sunbeam's, and your leadership and agility, you'll make a perfect group to put a stop to Draxian. Of course, we must stay vigilant if you do indeed go. We will continue to train our guards, and will send them to aid you once they are ready. So my son, I must ask you. Will you take up this quest and help defeat King Draxian?"

Flameon looked to the ground in thought. 'This is a big deal father is proposing. If I say no, I can stay here and help train the guards. But the kingdom could fall if Draxian's army is completed.. If I say yes, there is no guarantee I will succeed. What am I thinking?! I know what my answer is.' "Okay, I'll do it father. For the safety of this kingdom, I will venture out to the mechanoid kingdom, and put an end to King Draxian's plan."

"There's the captain of the guard that I know! I've already sent a message to your sister and assistant, to tell them of the plan." Suddenly, two scrolls appeared in the air, one after the other. Theodore picked them up and opened them. "Good news! They both agreed to the plan. Then it's settled. We'll prepare supplies for you three within the coming week. As for right now, go enjoy the rest of your vacation. I will handle the preparations personally."

"Thank you, father. I will not let you down." Flameon raised his wing to his head, as a form of salute, which Theodore reciprocated. He then quietly left his father's study. Out in the hall, everything seemed to have gone back to normal. Guards posted at the study's doors, maids dusting here and there, and secretaries rapidly sprinting to their next destination. Flameon sighed. "This is not going to be easy, but I have to do this for Equestria. Now, what to do until our departure..." Suddenly, his stomach rumbled. He thought to himself 'I'm still hungry. Maybe Flurry still wants to get a bite to eat.' He flew off down the hall, intending to make the rest of his vacation count...

*A few days later...*

It had been a few days since the attack. Flameon, Flurry, and Sunbeam each made preparations for the journey ahead. They packed supplies, maps, and all the necessary gear for the outskirts unpredictable landscape. They read up on the flora and fauna they would possibly encounter, and how to deal with the more dangerous ones, like the scorpion-tailed Manticore or the fire breathing Chimera. All three of them knew the importance of this mission, and they wanted to be prepared for anything. Flameon went through his morning routines, sharpening his skills after his short but sweet vacation. Sunbeam gathered some books and scrolls that housed the knowledge of many different complex spells, and he got a few extra lessons with King Theodore. Flurry, as bubbly as she was, practiced with different spells and flight patterns, honing her agility and magic. All three of them worked tirelessly to make sure they were ready.

When the day of departure came, King Theodore gathered his subjects and messengers together. Far away in the Crystal Empire, Queen Solaris did the same. They both spoke of the mechanoid threat and King Draxian's plan. They told their subjects not to panic, as that would get them nowhere. The king and queen explained the trio's quest to the citizens of their respectful kingdoms, and told them that Equestria is in safe hoofs. "We will continue to train our guards for the coming battle. Rest assured, we will be ready for another attack." said Theodore.

"We will not let them desecrate our lands. We will fight to save our homes!" announced Solaris.

"Equestria and the Crystal Empire will stand firm against this threat! So, I ask for you all to wish our heroes luck in their endeavor. Put your faith in these three today. Thank you all." stated Theodore. The ponies gathered in both nations exploded into cheers. From every direction you could hear the ponies chant the heroes' names.

Flameon, Flurry, and Sunbeam looked out at the crowd. They felt a rush of confidence and adrenaline wash over their bodies. Theodore walked over to his son and daughter. "One more thing, before you set out. Take these." He then handed each of them a bracelet of some kind.

"Uhh, what are these for, may I ask father?" asked Flameon.

Theodore chuckled. "Ahh, these are the newest invention of our greatest mind, Doctor Hooves! There is a little button on each of the bracelets. When pressed, you will be able to communicate with me from anywhere. Just press once to talk, and once again to turn it off."

"Wow! That's incredible!" said Sunbeam.

"Awesome!" said Flurry.

Theodore replied, "Indeed it is. Now that you have those, you will be able to report back to us on anything worth noting along your journey. With that, I think you three are ready." Flameon looked out at the crowd once more. All eyes were on them; they were counting on them. They each gave their farewells to the citizens one final time, and Flameon and Flurry hugged their father one more time. "Please be careful out there. You never know what you'll encounter. Flameon, look out for your sister. Flurry, be there for your brother. Sunbeam, watch over them both, and remember your training. That is all I have to say. May you have a safe journey." And with that, the three ponies started off toward the Farlands, with the cheers of ponies behind them. The time had come for their adventure to begin...

Comments ( 2 )
Comment posted by Flameon_Heart deleted Oct 2nd, 2023

Not that anyone's gonna see this, but I think I should at least say it.

This story is still my passion project, but my passion for it has faded almost completely.

I can't formulate words, set up scenery, write the dialogue correctly....none of it is coming to mind.

I have decided that this story will remain unfinished until I regain my spark. I have also been thinking about rewriting it entirely. I'd lose what, 200 views?

But that's okay. There's more to be had.

Still, I hope you've enjoyed what I have so far. Think of it as a preview of what I want to create.

Hope to see yall again for this one in the future.

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