• Published 18th Dec 2021
  • 1,436 Views, 14 Comments

Venom: The Revenge of Tirek - Idiotboy24

Eddie Brock/Venom are transported to a new world to stop another being

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Venom vs The Royal Guards

Eddie began slowly walking toward the entrance of the castle of friendship while staying as calm as possible, his plan revolves around trying to talk normally to the guards but if they continued to try and detain him, he would take action to defend himself.

“Welp this could go swell or completely downhill, what do you think will happen buddy?” Eddie spoke clearly.

“Considering how this princess that we’re about to deal with is going to take more violent acts toward us I think they are completely fucked”. Venom responded.

They finally managed to reach the entrance and we’re about to open the door when they heard footsteps come up from behind. They turned around to see the main six had followed them.

Eddie sighed in annoyance before looking at them once more. “Listen like I said I will try to calm things down but if they continue to try and detain me I will have to fight. And no they aren’t going to listen to you so don’t try and convince them.”

The main six were heavily against the idea of him attacking the royal guard, but knew what he meant they also decided not to interfere unless it got too serious.

“Okay then, but please don’t kill anypony.” Twilight pleaded

Eddie acknowledged this and gave her a warm smile before nodding and proceeding to the door. To which when he finally did so he saw around 20 or so guards standing front of him, with spears at the ready along with glares all across their faces directed toward him.

Eddie continued to analyse what was in front of him, but before he could finish a voice appeared, to which Eddie looked up to see another Alicorn but this time was Dark Blue and a lot taller than Twilight.

“Surrender monster or face the consequences!” Luna spoke while glaring at him, this caused the guards to slowly walk toward him with their weapons still held.

Eddie knew that this was the perfect time to try and calm the situation. “Listen I don’t want this to go any further okay, so how bout we all calm down and talk it out, cause quite frankly if you continue with what your doing, you and I are not gonna like what happens next.” He warned

But the guards and Luna didn’t lose their glares and ignored what he said and continued forward, Eddie knew that this would happen and so he gave them all a look of regret before finally saying out loud to them.

“Alright, have it your way.” He said calmly to which the guards were confused but before anything else could happen Eddie then shouted a word.


”Copy” Venom replied.

This caused both the guards and Luna to become shocked at what was now in front of them. Staring into their souls, replacing a simple harmless being to a demonic looking monster.

“What the hay is that!” One of the guards shouted to which another shouted “shoot it!” All of the guards began firing shots of magic toward Venom which had no affect this caused them to stiffen.

One of the guards decided to try and pierce the creature with his spear, when he threw it Venom grabbed it by the tip and crushed it with his hand while giving a low growl at them.

Princess Luna thought that this would be a cakewalk but how wrong could she have been about this situation, she was about to go and attack when the creature spoke in a deep creepy tone.

“I don’t think you should continue Princess, because I’m being as non threatening as possible because I could do a lot worse than what happened”

Luna was shocked at how this thing could talk but when he brought up he could do worse she decided to try and detain it as much as possible, she decided to use one of the new smoke bombs that they have been developing, on it.

But when she fired it, Venom quickly grabbed it before crushing it and releasing the gas that began to spread, one of the guards shot another one but Venom caught it in his mouth and broke it causing him to disappear from their sight.

“Where did it go!” A guard shouted amongst the rest of his men. But before any of them could search their weapons were taken from them and were destroyed.

Venom began taking them out one at a time, knocking them out with a single weak punch to their heads, there were screams and yelps from guards who were grabbed and taken away. When the smoke finally cleared up all of the guards were down for the count.

Venom looked up at the shocked Luna who had a face full of anger and with daggers pointing at him, Venom decided to try and talk to her once more.

“I warned you Princess that I didn’t want to do this but you let it happen, but do not worry they are simply knocked out and will be fine.” venom said to her casually.

Luna was full of fury and was ready to fight it head on, but when he mentioned that none of them were killed she let out a massive sigh of relief, but she was still glaring at Venom for what he did.

Just then more guards appeared from their hiding spots and rushed toward Venom. They were about to come into contact when all of a sudden Venom quickly grabbed two of the guards and slammed them on top of two other guards.

He then grabbed another and threw him towards two other guards who were knocked down from the impact, Venom finished the rest of them of by grabbing one guard by the leg and slamming him into multiple guards, knocking them out with each hit, before finally throwing the guard he held onto a pile of guards that were slowly getting up before being taken down by the thrown guard.

Venom had won the fight and looked at the shocked Princess Luna who had come into this fight expecting an easy capture, but as soon as he defeated the first wave of guards it was over.

“Now are you willing to cooperate with us now without trying to take us down because I’m more than willing to so” Venom asked with a glare on his face.

Luna had two options, either try and fight it herself and potentially get the same treatment as her guards, or cooperate with it and do what she needs to do for it.

Venom was losing his patience slowly but surely, as soon as he got here he’s been attacked by so many ponies that it’s becoming a nuisance to him, this also made him question the guards and how they just charged in without thinking of what to do.

After what felt like an eternity which was actually only around 20 seconds Luna finally spoke up.“What do you want you monster?!” Luna asked while glaring.

“We just ask for a simple request from you princess” Venom spoke sternly.

“And what would that be?” She questioned.

“We would like to go back home in my world so if you could very kind and send me back home We would be most thankful to leave you ponies be” he requested.

Luna was slightly shocked at how calm it was being with her, and how it just wanted to leave already which made her feel a little bit guilty for attacking it, but she was still a little bit suspicious of what it could do behind her back so she stayed cautious.

After a few more seconds of silence she finally responded “Fine I shall help you.”

Author's Note:

This is was a very boring fight in my opinion because it was short, didn’t have much action and was set right outside of Twilight’s castle.

But I will try to make future fight scenes be more fun and entertaining as possible but anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Any criticism would be good to use to try and fix any problems with the story.

Comments ( 2 )

Yeah, I honestly just lost interest in writing it. But who knows I may rewrite it somewhere down the line, if I felt like it.

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