• Published 26th Nov 2021
  • 321 Views, 2 Comments

A World of Madness - Visharo

A world torn apart by the disruption of harmony and magic...and all signs point to Celestia.

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Chapter 4: Blood and Ashes

Pony Perspective: Ash Tree(Original Character-Me)
Faction: Allies
Year 9 WT

"How long has this war been going on for?" I asked my best friend. He's been with me since the beginning. The small blue pegasus following me, a really big purple unicorn.

"Dunno. Want some?" He offered me some 'ciggies' as he calls them. I declined. He just shrugged his still skinny shoulders and lit one for himself.

"PRIVATES! WE'RE ATTACKING THE RISERS IN A FEW. GATHER YOUR SUPPLIES!" The general shouted at his 'ruffians.' He only ever calls us by our real ranks when it is a serious manner, so we all started shuffling around grabbing our various weapons. I personally preferred duel wielding machetes and my friend uses a modified revolver. When the general saw us, he flipped out because of our none standard weapons. Most ponies in the Allied army use simple weapons like SITP's and assault rifles. After the initials shock, he patted us on the back saying great choices. Not gonna lie, his bulky minotaur form really scared me.

We all stood at the edge of Freedom Trench. Our weapons either floating, gripped in mouths, or wrapped in wings. I spotted many ponies I've known in the many years I've served. Every time we did something, I unconsciously wonder how many of us will survive and how many of us won't...

"CHARGE!" The general shouted and charged carrying a huge mace. The ponies yelled their war cries and charged. Melee fighters are always the faster ones, but there few of us. 50 or so ponies ran at full tilt beside the minotaur, weapons pointed straight forwards. The Risers hastily gathered their supplies and started firing at us.

I saw a green mare fall in front of me, a hole in her head. I saluted internally before jumping over her body and slam into a Riser. I slashed at his throat before facing another Riser. They are famed for their melee skills and they showed it. A blood splattered mare grabbed my back hoof and lifted me up. I stared in shock at the world turning upside down before getting slammed onto the ground.

"Buck, how are you still conscious?" I answered but stabbing her through the side. I barely got up before I got flung again.

I crashed into a broken minigun. The broken pieces jabbed into my side, cutting my fur slightly. I grunted and ripped away some of my purple fur. I stared down at the pony who flung me. A burly brown stallion with murder in his red eyes. He had no weapon but I didn't doubt he could do damage with those hooves. I shifted my weight and gazed at my surroundings. Minigun beside me, a pegasi body between us, and a small cramped ditch to fight in. I charged.

The stallion grinned and raised a hoof. I ducked under his blow with speed I didn't know I possessed and bucked him hard. He flew backwards but popped back up almost immediately. He grunted and snorted, hoofed the ground and charged. This time he hit me, and did he hit me hard.

His first attack was a quick snap to my machetes. The both fell out of my telekinetic grip, one even shattered at the impact. Then he kicked my left back leg, crippling it. Before I could even cry out, another hoof slammed onto my head. I winced as I bit my tongue. He wasn't done, he turned tail and bucked so hard I heard a crack from my ribcage. My vision was filled with yellow spots and I could taste bile in my throat.

Then I heard a yell and then a crack of a pistol. I painfully turned my head and dimly saw my friend flying towards me with his revolver in his mouth. He did a flip in the air, dodging a spray of bullets before shooting in the direction of the bullets. He landed beside me and started unrolling bandages.

Then my friend gasped in pain. There was a red spot that was slowly spreading. He grunted in pain and shot behind him without even looking. I grinned, he was always a good shot. He cursed and started wrapping the bandage around my leg. Then a shot rang out. This came as a surprise because battles like this are usually loud and loud it was. I looked for the pony who fired that deafening shot, then I heard a gurgle next to me.

I looked back and saw a blue stallion...covered in blood. His left wing was shredded and the left side of his body was a bloody mess, "NO! Speak to me! YOU WILL SEE YOUR SISTER AGAIN! You can't go...you just can't...please..."

"I lost cough m-my sister hack a long time gurgle ago...will you tell them..." My friend fell silent, his last words barely a whisper. I slowly put my hoof over his eyes and closed them. I grabbed his trusted revolver and grabbed my broken machete as the other one was too far away.

My vision turned red...or was it the world?

Author's Note:

Blood and Ashes is a popular curse in the Wheel of Time world.
SITP=Standard Issue Tongue Pistol. I created this pistol in my FoE story...that is currently not published.

I really liked this chapter especially. The bond between friends is a powerful thing, and many will do anything to keep it...even if it doesn't exist anymore.

My kudos goes to Blu for being a good friend.