• Published 26th Nov 2021
  • 320 Views, 2 Comments

A World of Madness - Visharo

A world torn apart by the disruption of harmony and magic...and all signs point to Celestia.

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Chapter 2: Respect Thine Elders

Pony Perspective: Fluttershy(Canon Character)
Faction: Maniacs
Year 4 WT

"COMMANDER! YOU ARE NEEDED AT THE FRONT LINES!" I yelled at the ponies below me. Pathetic creatures, some of them not even worthy of the title of pony, "AND MAKE IT SNAPPY!"

A red pony scrambled out of a tent, saluted, and weaved through ponies trying to get to 1st battalion. I sighed, rubbed my head. How did it go all so wrong? I glanced at a mantle resting on my wall, It contained a picture of the previous general. A pink pony in a green military vest and long flat pink hair. Her blue eyes were cold and calculating. The label underneath said 'Pinkamena Diane Pie.'

I saluted the picture in respect of the former general. When Pinkamena died five months ago to a group of Risers, she said that I would be the next general. I remember that day clearly. I slew five whole Riser squads that day by myself and it took seven ponies to hold me down in order to calm me down. I have kept the Maniacs going since Pinkamena's death and I intend to keep it that way.

"General!" A cry came outside my tent. I grunted in annoyance and poked my head out. The pony out in front gulped as I glared at him. A skinny stallion, a messenger by the look of things. His rust colored coat was slick with sweat and half of his brown mane was shredded.

"Spit it out, runner. I don't have all day," I made my annoyance plain as day. If it was day that is. There hasn't been a day since Celestia's rise to power.

"General!" The idiot saluted again, "the Travelers somehow got behind the Blue Trench and are attacking our partiers!"

"WHERE ARE THE GYPSIES!? I tasked them with tracking the Travelers!" I thundered at the red pony, showing no remorse. The runner quivered in fear, I think I even smelt urine. He gulped and dashed off. In a matter of seconds, there was nothing but kicked up dust.

I shook my head in frustration and looked back up to Pinkamena. Not for the first time and definitely not going to be the last time, I wondered what she would've done in my place. She probably would've ripped the runner to shreds then yelled for more explosives to send over to no-pony land. I try to live up to her standards, I really do. It's just so bucking hard to live up to somepony as high status as Pinkamena. If only she didn't die of the flu.

If only.

Author's Note:

I wonder how many of you get the irony. Fluttershy is actually older then Pinkie by a year. I dunno why I made this chapter...I dunno why I make anything.
Kudos to kkat for inspiring me to create fimfics.