• Published 26th Nov 2021
  • 320 Views, 2 Comments

A World of Madness - Visharo

A world torn apart by the disruption of harmony and magic...and all signs point to Celestia.

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Chapter 10: Red Salsa

Pony Perspective: Tender Taps(Canon Character)
Faction: Maniacs
Year 14 WT

I stood with the second party. I grinned, the planners are bringing balloons and confetti, the party poopers don't even stand a chance. I saluted to General Fluttershy before putting on my dance shoes. Many ponies always wonder how my shoes help me dance, as they are large metal claws. But when I get out on the dance floor, the ponies see how well I trapeze around the stage.

The partiers that will be going with me are Strike Force Leader Leader, and the Gypsy member, Tinted. Leader was a unicorn and had multiple balloons tied to himself with small confetti launchers on his belt that was wrapped around him. Tinted was an earth pony and was juggling a bunch of juggling balls. I watched as she whirled around seven different colored balls in interesting patterns in the air. I whistled appreciatively.

"Alright partiers, here's the plan. Enact rule 27: bring enough plates for every pony!" Leader hustled the two of us. I nodded with a huge grin and stomped my front hooves. Tinted smiled slyly and added another ball to his juggling.

The three of us stood at the edge of Green Trench, the most popular of the trenches. The partiest of all the partiers go to this trench to have fun. Dead ahead are the Allies, to the left are the Riser's trenches, and wooded mountains are on the right. Rumor has it that the Travellers come from those mountains. I grin at the prospect of having fun with the changelings, they sound a fun bunch.

"Equus to Tappy, you there?" Tinted giggled as she waved a hoof in front of my muzzle.

"I'm here, I'm here. Just thinking about how I should've brought cake," I was wondering if I should've brought cake, they always make a party better.

"Partiers, the other Gypsies already prepared the appetizers, we should start setting up the party," Leader started trotting towards the dance floor while unclipping some part plates off from his belt. I tilted my head, wondering how I missed the four big plates. He trotted up to a torn up bush and dropped a metal plate. He snorted and moved on, placing every plate in different locations. While he was looking at the right places, Tinted and I chatted about which cupcake flavor was the best. I've always loved strawberry and Tinted argued that chocolate was better.

"Time to invite the party poopers and show them what a party really is!" Leader floated a balloon next to him and flicked his head as hard as he could. The mental and physical force sent the balloon flying towards the party pooper's trench. A large boom echoed around me. I grinned, parties are so fun.

The three of us were crouching in an old collapsed trench waiting and watching. Tinted giggled as she saw a few ponies sneak out from the safety of the trench and out onto the dance floor. A green stallion had a confused expression as he trotted around with his comrades. We watched with excitement as he got closer and closer to the first plate. I barely registered that Leader took out a confetti launcher and held it out in his telekinetic grasp. The pony lifted a hoof and...stepped on it.

The ground shook as the plate exploded, instantly shredding the green pony. Pieces of earth fell down on the remaining ponies. After a silent moment of shock, the ponies started yelling and running back to the trench. Leader growled and stood up and fired his confetti launcher. The confetti hit a purple mare in the leg. She toppled down with a yell. Tinted and I charged forwards, our party gadgets ready for use.

Before we charged out, we took a chug each of some punch. The punch was created by the one and only Pinkamena. She lovingly created the drink for her fellow partiers to give them extra energy for maximum partying. My vision turned to swirly pink and white dots. My euphoria dulled the pain of the party poopers spraying their cheap confetti launchers as I danced around them. My dance shoes touching everything, launchers, balloons, juggling balls, ponies, and plates. Soon I was dancing around explosions and fire.

Around my dancing, I saw some juggling balls thrown from Tinted and confetti being sprayed by Leader. I grinned at how great this party was. My friends are having fun and the party poopers are being shown how a real party looks like.

I leaped upwards dodging a drunk and kicked at another pony. The party pooper crumpled onto the ground yelling in pain. I couldn't care less. A pony came face to face with me, he had a revolver floating next to him. I grinned, he had cool colors, a black coat with a red mane. I threw a left hoof which he ducked. My smile went even wider. Finally a dance partner!

I pushed myself off the ground and landed on my back hooves, He fired some confetti that blew past me as I danced kicked my way backwards. The stallion growled in frustration as I evaded all of his attacked. I whirled my front hooves in the air, trying to be as distracting as possible while trying to keep my balance. A pegasus crashed landed in front of me that almost disrupted my dance. Instead I did a flip over the pegasus and brought a hoof on top of the black pony. He yelled out as my force brought him to his knees.

"Who the buck are you?" His red mane hanging in front of his exhausted eyes.

"Tender Taps, your dance partner. I liked that dance, we should do this again...maybe Tuesday?" Before I could hear what he said, a unicorn pointed her horn at me and charged. I turned my back to the charging mare and backflipped barely missing her pointy appendage. I landed on her back with a pose worthy of Pinkamena. I barely registered the snap as her legs buckled underneath her. I smiled down at the black pony, flicking my purple tail.

"FALL BACK!" A funny red stallion ran back to the trench. Tinted threw a juggling ball at him and he ran even faster. A few more ponies ran after him at varying degrees of speed. I saw the green stallion that stepped on the plate. He was crawling away with a missing hoof.

I saluted them and smiled at the retreating black stallion, "Tuesday, ok!?"

He turned fearfully to me and weakly raised a hoof and waved. I tilted my head and my smile went wider, I waved a hoof and sauntered off to my fellow partiers.

Author's Note:

YAS, YAS, I KNOW, I KNOW. I SAID THAT I WOULDN'T, BUT I DID! Again, this was by coincidence, stop bullying me. If you have no idea what I'm talkin' about...that's your loss.

I really love all the code words in this little chapter. Slightly inspired by John Wick. If you don't understand any of the code words...blame the guy in the bush, I just eat candy and type. The next chapter will be a 'Maniac Dictionary,' this'll be fun.

Yes, Leader is his name. I'm so funny that way...I've eaten too much candy, haven't I?
(Cupcake=dead body)
Kudos to Edgy boi. I dunno why i'm givin my kudos to him as he did no help at all. I just remembered a strange conversation with him a really long time ago that made me smile...something is wrong with me.
My other kudos go to a pair this time. Blu and リサポン酢. U guys are insane and make me laugh so hard, so thanks for makin' me happy.