• Published 19th Dec 2021
  • 492 Views, 11 Comments

Equestria Crisis (A Marvel/DC/MLP Crossover) - Nic Nerdy

The ponies get a visit from the Teen Titans comprised of Marvel and DC heroes.

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Titans in Ponyville


It took almost a day and a couple of hours of rest, even Pinkie Pie trying to entertain everypony else on the train. But soon enough, Twilight Sparkle, her friends, and the Teen Titans had made their way to Ponyville, a town where anypony can see Canterlot from a distance, and a town that was close to the Everfree Forest. Ever since Twilight Sparkle had arrived, the town has had its fair share of danger when it came to whatever disaster had occurred, and the creatures that came to attack. Full of simple wooden buildings unless there was a business, Ponyville looked like just any old town.

After exiting the train station, the group of ponies and a dragon did draw attention from the ponies who lived there. Just about everypony in Ponyville had grown used to the Princess of Friendship and her friends who had saved Equestria multiple times. It was the six new ponies that drew the most attention, eyes were drawn to the unrecognizable ponies in the unique costumes. Whenever the Titans passed anypony, they would smile and wave to look nice to them. On the way to their destination, they got used to walking on their four hooves.

"You know, I gotta say that this place is really nice." Spider-Man pointed out as he looked around to see the simple buildings. "Where we are from, this would be considered old-fashioned."

"Yea," Applejack replied as she was in front of the wall-crawler. "But it is home to all of us."

"Where Batgirl and I live, the city isn't full of a lot of nice peo..." Robin said to the others before stopping himself. He then thought about what to say. "I mean that it isn't full of nice ponies."

Fluttershy smiled as she was right next to Ms. Marvel. "Don't worry, there are plenty of nice ponies to go around. I might even take you to my house so that you can meet my animal friends." She smiled even further at the idea.

But it was Pinkie Pie with the most hyperactive smile as she bounced. "I can even take you to Sugarcube Corner where you can taste-test everything there!" Pinkie Pie suggested as she continued bouncing forward.

"Oh, I love that." Ms. Marvel said to cheer Pinkie Pie and thank her for the hospitality. "The name sounds really nice too."

"How far is your castle, Princess Twilight," Scarlet Witch asked as she walked alongside Robin.

"Not far," Twilight Sparkle informed Scarlet Witch as she led everypony. "You can't miss it and please, you don't have to call me 'Princess'."

It took a while longer to walk and more ponies looking at them, the two groups had found themselves at their destination. What the Teen Titans saw caused them to stare in wonder at was before them. A multi-level castle made of crystals and built onto a tree. On the caste, there was a balcony on the highest floor, two spires that looked like they could stab the sky, and a tower which stretched further above. The structure had at least one banner flying on the side marked with Twilight Sparkle's cutie mark. On the center of the roof, a crystal star shined its beautiful light on the ponies to the ground.

"As far as many castles I've seen," Robin stated as he and his teammates stared at the crystalline structure which stood above them. "It's definitely a big one."

"The man... adopted... Robin and I," Batgirl struggled to get the words out. "He has mansion."

"Mansions are nice, I'll grant you," Rainbow Dash stated as she kept her hooves away from the ground by flapping her wings next to Supergirl. "But castles are so much better."

"Kinda reminds me of my home planet." Supergirl said to the others as the structure made her think of home.

After Twilight Sparkle had opened the front doors of her castle, everypony had walked inside. The ponies could see that the Teen Titans were amazed by the interior as they followed. The Teen Titans could see all of the wonderous decor and structuring that the castle had to offer, any light shining on the crystals reflecting onto the floor as the two groups walked past them.

Walking to a pair of open doors, the ponies lead the Teen Titans to the library of the castle. Hundreds of books were placed on shelves surrounding the entire room, lights bringing brightness to the room, a couple of tables to read the books on, and a single ladder to help reach the books on the higher shelves. Also in the room were two more ponies, Starlight Glimmer and Trixie.

Looking ay who had entered, Starlight Glimmer had a worried look on her face. "Twilight, I got your letter about what had happened." She looked at Twilight Sparkle's friends. "Are all of you alright?"

"We're alright," Applejack replied as her and the others walked over to the center table. "Those varmits didn't do too much damage."

"Starlight Glimmer," Robin began to speak to Twilight Sparkle's student. "I'm Robin and the ones with me are Spider-Man, Supergirl, Ms. Marvel, Scarlet Witch, and my sister, Batgirl."

"Twilight told me about you in her letter." Starlight Glimmer responded as she looked over at the other group. Starlight Glimmer then pointed at her friend. "This is Trixie."

"Greetings, Teen Titans," Trixie began to speak to the new arrivals. "Gaze upon the Great and Powerful Trixie!"

Scarlet Witch was not impressed with Trixie's boasting. "Yeah, Twilight told us about the both of you." She said before noticing the concerned looks on Starlight Glimmer and Trixie's faces. "Don't worry, I know what it's like to have been on the wrong side." She saw the two ponies sigh in relief.

"What's that?" Spider-Man asked as he pointed at something.

Looking over to where Spider-Man pointed at, Twilight Sparkle identified the mirror surrounded by machinery. "It's also a doorway to another world me, Spike, and Starlight have been to." She answered the wall-crawler's question. "It has alternate versions of all of us, but the species that all of you said you are."

"Oh neat." Spider-Man gave his response as he was fascinated by the mirror. Then he shrugged it off and looked at Robin. "What's the plan, Robin?"

Thinking about what his teammate had asked, Robin then looked over to Twilight Sparkle. "Since this is their world, I think our new pony friends should take the lead on this."

"I'll get the cupcakes made!" Pinkie Pie cheered as she bounced out of the library.

After everypony processed the party pony leaving the room, they brought their attention to Twilight Sparkle. "Well, we need to locate Enchantress and Skurge are, they could be anywhere in Equestria." Then Twilight Sparkle looked over to the Titans. "Also, I mean no offense by this, but all of you might need time to adjust your bodies in our universe."

"You're right, it is taking some getting used to," Ms. Marvel agreed as she stood on all fours. She then concentrated and stretched out her hooves to reach the ceiling of the room. After she was done, she shrunk to normal size. "Alright, my powers can work decently."

"Alright, then the rest of us need to train." Robin proclaimed to his teammates, getting nods from them.



Close to Ponyville was a place of horrors and treacherous paths, the Everfree Forest. The forest also possessed a quality that allowed plants and animals to thrive without the interference of ponies, which was considered "unnatural" by many. Throughout their adventures, the ponies who protected Equestria had journeyed into the Forest for many goals, managing to overcome the many challenges within. Besides the strange creatures, there were also many plants with strange and unorthodox properties.

None of that was a problem for Enchantress and Skurge, who had used magic and enchanted weapons to cut down or beaten anything that stood in their way. The Alicorn and the Earth pony had made their way through the Forest, walking until they reached their destination. Ahead of the two Asgardians, they saw a castle in ruins, the Castle of the Two Sisters which was the former home of Celestia and Luna.

With her horn, Enchantress made a crystal ball materialize out of thin air. "How awful of these ponies to let a castle go to waste. Don't you agree, Skurge?"

"Yes, my lady," Skurge agreed in his gruff voice, fitting for a stallion of his strength.

As Enchantress levitated the orb with her magic, both ponies watched as purple smoke began to fill inside of it. From the dark purple cloud, a silhouette resembling a pony took form and looked at the Asgardians. There were no identifiable features to this caller, just the base body with wings and a horn.

"Enchantress. Skurge." The voice of the figure, speaking almost distorted, began to speak. "Have you made contact with the six protectors of this world?"

"The pink one was the first to spot us," Enchantress replied to her contact as she stared with a hint of frustration. "She refused to leave us alone and expected us to be fast friends."

The silhouette paused for a couple of seconds before they responded. "Yes, Pinkie Pie is exactly like that."

"The Princess of Friendship," Enchantress felt like she could gag from that title. "She is as powerful as you said to us. Skurge had some difficulty dealing with her friends as well."

"Where are you now?" The silhouette asked, clearly not aware of their surroundings.

"We are in the Everfree Forest, close to the Castle of the Two Sisters," Enchantress responded as she continued levitated the crystal ball. "There's more. After we left Canterlot, I felt an energy presence arrive in this universe, the Chaos Magic harnessed by the Sorcerer Supreme's apprentice. Clearly, her and her friends have followed us."

"Did you say 'Chaos Magic'?" The silhouette questioned as she sounded shocked.

"Yes." Enchantress answered the caller. "It's a form of magic that can manipulate, warp, and reconstruct the fabric of reality and existence to the very whims of the user."

Looking down at the floor of the crystal ball, the silhouette thought things over. After only a few seconds, she looked up at the two Asgardians. "In addition to Twilight Sparkle, you will now bring me the one with Chaos Magic. At the bottom of the chasm, there is a tree which holds the relics protecting Equestria."

"And you wish for us to obtain these relics." Enchantress figured out the rest as she grinned evilly. "It shall be done."



Inside of the Castle of Friendship, the two groups were waiting in the library. Some ate the cupcakes baked by Pinkie Pie, some poured over the massive number of books, and others were trading stories with one another. No matter what, they were doing various activities to pass the time.

While at a table, Spider-Man was hard at work as he was given the tools he needed by Applejack and Twilight Sparkle. Taking apart his web-shooters, Spider-Man began rearranging them for his hooves. Through trial and error, he made pressure buttons to his web-shooters. Then once he finished and placed them on his hooves, he aimed his right hoof at the ceiling and stepped on the button to fire his webs.

"Oh my," Rarity yelled out as she witnessed the webbing attach itself to the ceiling. "You can fire spider webs from those things on your hooves?"

"Yeah, I can," Spider-Man replied as he looked at the fashionista. "I made the ones for my... normal body when I first got my powers."

Standing next to Rarity, Fluttershy spoke up. "How did you get your powers?"

"I got bit by a spider which was turned radioactive by a machine at a lab I went to." Spider-Man answered as he then pressed a function to release the web line.

Fluttershy looked concerned by the information. "That poor spider. I'm sure it didn't want to hurt you."

"No worries, Fluttershy," Spider-Man reassured the yellow Pegasus. "I understand."

Meanwhile, Supergirl was floating in the air as she struggled to pick things up with her hooves. The with a whoosh, Supergirl saw that Rainbow Dash was right beside her.

"Here, let me help." Rainbow Dash said as she picked up a book on Equestrian history. Then she proceeded to float down to the floor.

Supergirl then followed her to the floor. "Thank you, Rainbow Dash." She politely took the book and managed to place it on her back.

Then across the room, Batgirl looked over at Robin and Scarlet Witch, who were having a conversation with Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer. Looking over at her friends and the two ponies, Batgirl read the body of Twilight Sparkle as being intrigued by what Robin and Scarlet Witch were talking about.

"You alright, Sugarcube," Applejack asked as she walked over to Batgirl.

"I'm fine." Batgirl answered as she turned her head to Applejack. "Just thinking. I read body language."

Applejack was confused by Batgirl's statement. "I beg your pardon?"

Walking over with Pinkie Pie, Ms. Marvel was the one with the answer. "Her body reading enables her to read what people are thinking and tell what they are going to do next."

"Oh, I can do something like that too!" Pinkie Pie excitedly exclaimed as she stood next to Ms. Marvel. "Oh, I just had an idea! What are some of the craziest villains you girls have fought?"

"Oh, where do I start?" Ms. Marvel thought about that question as she went through her memories. "One time, this little kid who is the son of a witch used a magic amulet to banish all adults to another dimension. Some of the heroes we know had to turn into kids to help us stop him and make things normal again."

Meanwhile, Robin and Scarlet Witch were talking and sharing stories with Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer.

"Let me see if I have this correctly," Twilight Sparkle began to speak as she comprehended what was told to her. "Robin, your adoptive dad is on the Justice League, a team of heroes who came together when an alien warlord named Darkseid tried to conquer the Earth. There is the Avengers, another team of heroes who came together when a trickster god wanted revenge on his brother, who is on the team. The Fantastic Four is more like a group of scientists and explorers who go around lost cities, other planets, and even other realms. Lastly, the X-Men are a group of mutants who fight to protect those who are normal and are meant to represent the good that mutants are capable of."

"Check, check, check, and check." Robin was proud to see that the Princess of Friendship was correct. "Then there was my older brother's Teen Titans. He and his friends got together because some of the Justice League members were mentors to some his friends."

"What happened to that team?" Starlight Glimmer asked with curiosity, just as interested as Twilight Sparkle.

"Well," Robin tried to think of a way to simplify the long story. "Things got too personal with a supervillain making things weird for some of the team, one of them became a dad, and various other issues."

Scarlet Witch then raised a hoof. "Then we got together last year when we fought a man who wanted to use hatred and paranoia to destroy my species." Scarlet Witch stated before noticing the confused expressions of the ponies in front of her. "Oh yeah, I'm a mutant because of my father being one. I'd rather not talk about him."

"Wanda, you mentioned a mentor you have earlier," Twilight Sparkle reminded the Scarlet Witch as she levitated a teacup over to the unicorn.

Scarlet Witch used the magic from her own horn to surround the cup with red mist. Much like her horn glowed red, so did her green eyes change to red. "Two mentors, Doctor Stephen Strange and Zatanna Zatara." She said before taking a sip from her cup. "Doctor Strange lives at a sanctum in the city we operate in, Zatanna is more of a traveling musician who uses her magic for shows."

Just then, Trixie had walked over to the four ponies. "Just like Trixie!" Then she walked away.

"There is something different about your magic from ours," Twilight Sparkle pointed out as she noticed Scarlet Witch's eyes had turned red.

"It is what is referred to as 'Chaos Magic'." Scarlet Witch began to explain as she then placed the teacup on a table. Once she ceased the use of her powers, her eyes were green once again. "It is more a form of witchcraft that can alter reality if I so desire. But I never want to rewrite reality since it could destroy everything."

Then after Scarlet Witch had nearly frightened her with that explanation, Twilight Sparkle felt a different kind of pulse run through her. Looking down at her cutie mark, Twilight Sparkle spotted her cutie mark glowing with miniature stars like the one in the center popping from it. Looking at her friends, Twilight Sparkle saw that they noticed their cutie marks did the same.

"The map!" Twilight Sparkle shouted as she took off out of the library with her friends and the Teen Titans.

Running into a different room, the Teen Titans found themselves at what might as well be the throne room. With six thrones for Twilight Sparkle and her main group of friends, even a smaller throne for Spike. All of the thrones circled a circular table underneath the remains of the Golden Oaks Library. On the table, there was a map of Equestria projected as a 3D image.

"Is this all of Equestria?" Ms. Marvel asked as she looked over the map with Supergirl.

Looking on the map, Twilight Sparkle spotted the cutie marks of herself and her five friends floating over a plentiful of trees. "The map is calling us to the Everfree Forest!"

"The map is doing what now?" Robin asked as he wondered what the Princess of Friendship meant.

"The map points us to a friendship problem whenever one happens, and we have to go somewhere else in Equestria." Pinkie Pie quickly explained as she saw her cutie mark with the others.

"But if it is pointing to the Everfree Forest," Rarity began to share her observation as she also looked at her cutie mark. "Then the Elements of Harmony must be in danger."

Supergirl raised a hoof as she needed a answer. "I'm going to guess that if those are stolen, that would be bad."

"If you needed a comparison," Applejack began to share. "Think of them as those Infinity Stones you mentioned."

"Then maybe Enchantress and Skurge must be after them." Robin came to a conclusion with his teammates.

"What are we waiting for," Rainbow Dash asked everypony. "We gotta protect the Elements!"

Twilight Sparkle looked over to Spike, Starlight Glimmer, and Trixie. "You three stay here and inform Princess Celestia. The rest of us will go protect the Elements."

Author's Note:

Finally, I got to finish this chapter! My apologies, dear readers, I had almost lost interest in this story. But some encouragement from my friends made me want to continue the story with some revisions to the plot. I did have a lot of fun with this chapter and the brief character interactions. I plan to deliver an action packed fight next chapter as the heroes will confront our two villains and learn that they aren't working alone.

If anyone is wondering, the Batgirl in this story is Cassandra Cain.