Equestria Crisis (A Marvel/DC/MLP Crossover)

by Nic Nerdy

First published

The ponies get a visit from the Teen Titans comprised of Marvel and DC heroes.

Note: This story takes place between the 7th and 8th seasons of FIM, taking the place of the 2017 movie. For my Marvel/DC Teen Titans, this takes place after the "In Times of Crisis" story which retconned their original origin story I had written.

While setting the Festival of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle and her friends are attacked by Amora the Enchantress and Skurge, the two of them are quickly followed by the Teen Titans comprised of Marvel and DC heroes. After the two villains escape, the two groups decide to work together as Robin (Tim Drake) offers his help along with Scarlet Witch, Spider-Man, Ms. Marvel, Supergirl, and Batgirl, even when the Titans themselves are having issues based on recent events.

But as the two groups work together, they will discover that something much darker is about to occur as Twilight will have to face her fears and concerns. If the two groups can't stop the coming threat, Equestria as well as other universes are doomed.

Thumbnail art by https://www.deviantart.com/small-brooke1998

A Canterlot Attack

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The painted purple-and-pink sunrise of the early morning soon turned into the cool, blue sky over high mountains. Anypony flying or walking who were traveling along the mountains could not miss the magnificent series of structures built on platforms stuck into the mountain. Nopony could argue that the beauty of the white, purple, and golden buildings of Canterlot was not a sight to behold. Whether ponies were arriving on the train, Pegasus ponies flying with their feathered wings, or on hoof, they would pass through the archway entrance which had miniature states of the royal sisters, Celestia and Luna. If one pony asked what was so special about the capital city of Equestria, it would be answered with how much splendor was presented to those who lived in it and to the tourists who were visiting.

If one went past the glamorous shops, restaurants, and several other locations, ponies would identify the Canterlot Castle where Celestia and Luna lived and ruled from. It was at the main courtyard outside of the castle where a majority of ponies were, ponies of the three different races, colors, and genders that were working hard in preparation. These ponies worked for the Friendship Festival which the Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle, had planned some time ago. As the alicorn princess had stated in her announcement, this festival was meant for ponies to embrace what she learned since being sent to Ponyville by Celestia: friendship.

At the courtyard, five ponies were working around an amphitheater used for stage performances. Consisting of two Pegasi, two Earth ponies, and a unicorn, ponies from across Equestria would recognize any of them. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rarity were the friends of Twilight Sparkle, having helped the Princess of Friendship in saving the land on multiple occasions. All five ponies worked on pieces of the stage as Rarity carefully placed ribbons with jewels attached to the side of the walkway, Fluttershy used her special talent to talk to animals and had several birds practice their singing, and Rainbow Dash was high above to clear away any clouds in order to ensure that not a single drop of rain fell to the stage. Off of the stage, Applejack was pulling a wagon carrying a barrel of her family's apple cider, and Pinkie Pie was blowing up balloons of multiple colors to brighten up the festival even further, an example of her skill as a party-planner.

Making their way through the doors of the castle leading to the outside were Princess Twilight Sparkle and her loyal dragon assistant, Spike. With her horn, Twilight Sparkle used her magic to levitate a quill and the scroll that was made to be checked off. On the scroll was a list of things to prepare for and finish in time for the event.

"Okay, just two hundred and eighteen things left to do and we're ready." Twilight Sparkle stated as she used the quill to check things off. With the scroll in front of her face, the only thing ponies could see was the golden crown with purple gems on the top of her head.

"Hey, Twilight!" The friends of Twilight shouted when the Princess of Friendship approached them.

Once Twilight levitated the scroll away from her face, she looked at her best friends.

"How'd it go with the Princesses? They like the idea you have?" Applejack, the hardworking farmer, asked with her country accent. Near her, Rarity was placing diamonds on the ribbons.

Twilight Sparkle sighed in disappointment. "Not exactly. They think I can make today perfect without their magic."

"Perhaps they are right, darling." Rarity shared her response as she finished a couple of ribbons.

"Yeah," Rainbow Dash stated as she flew close to Twilight Sparkle. "Besides, this whole festival is your idea and if life has proven anything, we know you are up to the challenge."

"Rainbow Dash is right," Fluttershy floated down the stage with her wings, joining next to Rainbow Dash. "Remember when you helped organize Winter Wrap Up so that Spring could be on time?"

"Totally," Pinkie Pie bounced off of the stage to be near her friend. "It worked then and it will totally will now!"

"Sugarcube, you got this, trust us." Applejack smiled at Twilight Sparkle as she wrapped her right hoof around the alicorn princess.

Smiling, Twilight Sparkle was glad to have such supportive friends who she could rely on. "Thanks, girls." Twilight Sparkle stated before taking a look at the stage that her friends had built. "The stage looks amazing! Songbird Serenade will love to perform on the stage when it looks like this."

"I'm happy to hear that our work is splendid." Rarity sounded happy as the hard work was paying off.

"Rainbow Dash. Pinkie Pie." Twilight Sparkle turned to her blue and pink friends. "I want both of you to run down to where the food is being produced and see how it is coming along." She asked her friends as any leader should.

"You got it, Twilight!" Pinkie Pie responded happily to her friend before she began bouncing away.

"On it!" Rainbow Dash gave a salute before flying away to do what she was told.

Whether it was through bouncing around like Pinkie Pie or flying like Rainbow Dash, the two ponies made their way through town. Everywhere they flew past, ponies were getting things ready for the coming event. There were ponies unboxing shipments of supplies, ponies putting booths together, and those who were setting up games. At a certain point, the two ponies split up to check on their respective groups assigned to certain tasks.

Flying high into the sky, Rainbow Dash flew close enough to the Pegasi. What she found were the winged ponies pushing away any storm clouds that would release rain on the city if the weather team did not keep the clouds in check. Some of the ponies who made sure to clear the sky were members of the Wonderbolts, Pegasus ponies who were aerial acrobats and performed demonstrations for the enjoyment of ponies across Equestria. For a long while, Rainbow Dash had been a member as a result of her incredible talent and being the only one to perform a Sonic Rainboom.

Getting close to the Pegasi, Rainbow Dash was right next to Spitfire, captain of the Wonderbolts. "How are we doing over here, Spitfire?"

"The clouds are almost cleared, Rainbow Dash," Spitfire stated as she wore her Wonderbolt uniform. "I and the others are hoping that Princess Twilight loves the work we are doing." She said before looking at another Wonderbolt. "You're doing good, Newbie!"

"That's awesome." Rainbow Dash said as she watched the Pegasus ponies do their job. "Keep it up, everypony!"

Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie was bouncing around like her hooves made of springs. Everywhere she looked, she saw bakers who had made it early to Canterlot do their tasks as they made treats for everypony. Cakes, cupcakes, pies, and various other pastries were baked in portable ovens as Pinkie Pie went past.

Pinkie Pie bounced through the city until something hit against her, causing the party pony to fall on her back. Unlike many, Pinkie Pie laughed when she hit the ground. While laughing, she looked up to see what she bumped into. What she saw seemed to be a tall mare with a green unicorn horn and wearing a dark cloak. Under the darkness of the cloak, Pinkie Pie saw green eyes.

"Sorry about that." Pinkie Pie said through the laughter while she was still on the ground.

Looking to the right, Pinkie Pie noticed an Earth pony right next to the unicorn. This Earth pony was a stallion just as tall as Rockhoof with grey fur, not a mane on his head, blue eyes, a black goatee on his muzzle, and a cutie mark which consisted of an ax matching he held close like a walking stick. Said-axe was a black handle holding a twin blade with shark tips on both ends.

"Oh, it is no problem, dearie." The unicorn accepted the apology as she stood over Pinkie Pie. "We were just on our way and not looking either."

That was Pinkie Pie gasped. "Oh my gosh, new ponies I haven't seen before!" She immediately jumped back on her hooves and looked right at the new ponies. "I know just about everyone here, but not the two of you! So, I have to welcome you since you are not from around here, aren't you?" Pinkie Pie spoke rapidly to the two ponies, even moving her hooves rapidly to shake the hooves of those in front of her.

"Yes," The unicorn mare stated smoothly to Pinkie Pie, talking underneath the hood of the cloak. "We are from a... another city. Yes, that is it, my dear."

"Oh, where," Pinkie Pie excitedly asked the green unicorn. "Manehattan, the Crystal Empire, Fillydelphia, Baltimare..."

Pinkie Pie could have said more if it was not for the ax hitting her in the muzzle. It did not cut anything, but it still hit Pinkie Pie hard enough to send her into a massive strawberry cake with pink frosting. With the two ponies, the green unicorn looked over to the grey stallion.

"Skurge, why did you do that?" The green unicorn asked the stallion who carried the ax in his mouth.

"Hey," Rainbow Dash said high above the ground. Getting to the ground, Rainbow Dash went to help Pinkie Pie up from the cake. "Pinkie Pie, are you alright?"

"His ax hurt me more than my balloon one." Pinkie Pie groaned as she was covered in frosting. Then shaking like a dog after getting wet, Pinkie Pie shook the frosting off.

"Guess I should shed my disguise then." The green unicorn said to herself and her stallion friend.

Taking off the cloak that the mysterious pony had worn, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and the other ponies were shocked at what they were seeing. What stood was an alicorn mare with green fur, green Pegasus wings, a pair of green eyes, a green unicorn horn, and a matching set of luxurious blonde mane and tail. What this towering Alicorn wore was a green armored chest piece, a tasseled skirt, a pair of black shoes on her back hooves which had three interconnected circles on both of them, what looked like green stockings on her front hooves, and a green headdress with three crown tips.

"Another Alicorn?" Rainbow Dash asked in amazement at what she was seeing.

"How is that possible?" A baker stallion asked as he looked among everypony else.

"As I have said, I am not from here," The Alicorn stated to the ponies around her and the stallion. "Nor is my Executioner."

Rainbow Dash was quick to respond to that last word. "Pinkie Pie, set off your distress cannon!" She ordered one of her best friends and turned around to see her doing so.

Having pulled a cannon on two wheels about the same size as the Party Cannon, Pinkie Pie pulled the string. With the functions of the cannon being put into use, a red light came out of the hole and fired into the sky. Then from a purple orb of teleportation, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy had appeared alongside Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. The sight of the six ponies renowned for saving Equestria multiple times made the Alicorn smirk like she found what she was looking for.

"Twilight, it's another Alicorn, and the stallion with her hit Pinkie!" Rainbow Dash reported to the Princess of Friendship.

"Another one?" Rarity asked with confusion as she looked at the new ponies. "But how is that possible?"

Twilight Sparkle looked over to the green Alicorn. "Who are you? What are you doing?"

"Princess Twilight Sparkle, we meet at last." The green Alicorn smirked as she stared at the six ponies who would easily outnumber her and the stallion. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Amora, but you call me the Enchantress if you prefer." The mare stated as she pointed her left hoof toward the muscular stallion. "This is Skurge, my executioner."

"What do you want?" Twilight Sparkle demanded Amora.

"An audience with this world's heroes," Amora smirked as her horn was covered by a green glow.

From that glowing horn came an energy blast aimed right at the six heroes of Equestria. But Twilight Sparkle was renowned for her magical skills for a reason as she conjured a purple forcefield with her own horn. With the forcefield, Twilight Sparkle was able to protect herself and her friends.

That was not a problem for Skurge as his ax's grey blade turned to red as he held the handle with his mouth. After running toward the forcefield, Skurge's ax hit the barrier made of magical energy and watched as it shattered into nothingness. With no time to even react from the shattering, Twilight Sparkle was unprepared for Amora flying right at herself with the wings that the other alicorn possessed, and taken away into the sky. Left alone with Skurge, three of the remaining five assumed battle positions.

"I'm guessing we need to take that ax from him," Applejack pointed to her friends but was kept from talking any further when Skurge smacked her with his ax.

That was when Rarity came to Applejack's defense and kicked Skurge in the muzzle with her back hooves. "Take that, you cur!" She yelled before firing her own blue beam from her horn at the tall stallion.

The beam was enough to push Skurge away, but not enough to send him flying. Raising his ax, Skurge would have chopped off Rarity's head if it was not for Rainbow Dash pushing the ax with her hooves while floating up with her wings. Flying around in multiple directions, Rainbow Dash built up momentum in order to make her hits have more push. With everyone hit that Skurge was getting, Applejack was ready with her lasso and throw the circled end toward the blade of the ax, hoping to pull it away from Skurge. That backfired as Skurge rapidly raised his ax up and sent Applejack flying, sending her right into Rainbow Dash as the Pegasus was trying to fly at Skurge's back.

Twilight Sparkle was not having an easy time with Amora either as both Alicorns battled high in the sky. Firing purple energy blasts from her horn, Twilight Sparkle aimed all of them at Amora, who managed to either dodge or shield herself with a conjured shield of magic. Shots that were aimed for Twilight Sparkle were missed ones as the Princess of Friendship used her magic to teleport around. With Amora looking forward, she was caught unaware as an energy beam hit her from above and she was sent flying into a store.

Flying down to the hole on the roof of the store which was the donut store belonging to Donut Joe. That was when Twilight Sparkle was blasted from the roof and sent flying to the sidewalk of the city. Twilight Sparkle would have died if she did not save herself with her wings, slowing herself down, and gently placing her hooves on the ground. After landing, the Princess of Friendship saw that the green Alicorn had appeared right in front of her.

"I'll have to congratulate you on catching me off-guard, Princess," Amora stated as she stood in front of Twilight Sparkle. "I will not give you another chance."

"Then I'll just have to do my best," Twilight Sparkle responded to Amora as her own horn glowed.

"Challenge accepted," Amora grinned evilly as her horn glowed as green as her body and eyes.

With her own magical strength, Twilight Sparkle was able to conjure a shield to block Amora's energy blast. Then when Amora started firing a beam of destructive energy, Twilight Sparkle's shield was broken and the Princess of Friendship was sent flying into a crate that exploded upon impact. Then using her magic once more, Twilight Sparkle tossed the apples that came out of the crate at her opponent. That did not work as Amora vanished into the green mist, then appeared in multiple spots in front of Twilight Sparkle, an illusion spell based on Twilight Sparkle's guess. While trying to decide which pony to fire at, Twilight Sparkle realized that she could not move, and saw a green aura surrounding her whole body.

"Rather indecisive, are you," Amora asked as her horn glowed to maintain the concentration on Twilight Sparkle. "At least I now know some of what you can do."

Then was when screams were heard, screams that Twilight Sparkle recognized as belonging to her friends.

"Sounds like your friends need some help, Princess," Amora said before laughing at Twilight Sparkle's expense.

Then with a hum, a tear in the fabric of reality opened up behind Amora. In it was Skurge as he held his ax, waiting for his mistress to walk through. Amora then walked toward the rectangular doorway to be with her Executioner. Once both ponies were inside, the tear closed and vanished from view. With Amora vanishing, so did the aura around Twilight Sparkle as the Alicorn princess could move her body and took off with her wings.

Responding quickly, Twilight Sparkle flew to where her friends were with incredible speed. What she found when she reached the area was something that horrified her, her five friends frozen with shock evident on their faces. But also, there was the destruction of the area around them as buildings had holes broken in, windows were shattered, and carts were flipped over.

"Girls!" Twilight Sparkle screamed in terror at what she was seeing before her, seeing the block of ice surrounding them.

Then right next to Twilight Sparkle were sights of hope, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadence. On the back of Princess Cadence was Spike, who held on as the three royals flew down from the sky.

"Twilight, what happened here?" Spike asked with speed evident in his tone as he jumped from Princess Cadence's back. That was when he spotted his friends in the block of ice. "Rarity!"

Huffing and holding in his breath, Spike then let go and green fire emerged from his mouth. With every strike of heat against the frozen water, the ice melted away with every burn. After seconds of Spike blowing his fire breath, Twilight Sparkle and the princesses were filled with joy to see that the five ponies were unfrozen, but still shivering.

"Girls," Twilight Sparkle smiled with joy as she ran over to try and hug all of them. "You're okay!"

"Y... yeah," Applejack shivered from being frozen only seconds ago.

"B... b... but so cold!" Fluttershy shivered as she could barely stand without tripping.

Nearby, Princess Celestia's horn glowed with a yellow aura as a wave emerged from the magic belonging to the Princess of the Sun. "This will warm all of you." She said as she could hear the comfort of her student's friends.

"Twilight, what exactly happened here?" Princess Cadence, Princess of Love and Ruler of the Crystal Empire, asked her sister-in-law. "The guards told us that there was a fight that all of you were in."

"I know it might sound crazy, but another Alicorn attacked us." Twilight Sparkle gave Cadence a quick response.

Princess Luna was the first to vocally express her shock. "Another Alicorn, impossible! There shouldn't be any more than the four of us and Flurry Heart."

"Princesses, you have to trust me and my friends on what we saw." Twilight Sparkle pleaded with her fellow royals.

With her increasing warmth and a hug from Spike, Rarity could speak without shivering. "She is right. There was this stallion as well. He had some sort of ax which glowed different colors and did different things."

"That is how we got turned into ponysicles." Pinkie Pie joked as she still felt the urge to lighten the mood. "He stabbed his ax into the ground and the ice came right at us."

"The Alicorn's magic felt different too like it wasn't Equestrian magic," Twilight Sparkle then had her turn to speak. "She felt more powerful than me like I was just an inconvenience to her than a major obstacle. The alicorn even said that her name is Amora and that the stallion is named Skurge, even referred to as an Executioner."

"Those are names we have never heard of before," Princess Celestia thought about Twilight Sparkle's encounter with the two attackers. "But with the damage around us, they seem to be terrible threats."

Then the ground shook and the ponies with it, some struggling to stand on their hooves. Looking toward the mountain walling the eastern part of the city, what looked like a red energy beam fired at the sky. Luckily, no Pegasi were in the path of the beam.

"What the hay was that?" Rainbow Dash any of the ponies surrounding her as she eyed the beam.

"It came from the mountains," Princess Celestia pointed out to her subjects as her horn began to stop warming ponies up. "We must go and find what it is."


Close to the capital city of Equestria, there were the mountains surrounding it. Only some ponies explored them to mine in any caves that could be found and sell any findings. On the ground close to a waterfall, an orb of golden light had appeared and seconds later, the three Princesses, the six ponies who represented the Elements of Harmony, and Spike the Dragon. On the ground they stood, the 9 ponies and the dragon looked at the waterfall.

When the new arrivals were close to the waterfall, screams were heard, and everypony was running into the cave with Princess Celestia conjuring a construct of an umbrella. What all of them found was a confusing sight, two Earth pony stallions, and four mares getting up in front of a crystalline wall. With the arrival of the nine just entering the cave, the 6 other ponies looked at Twilight Sparkle, her friends, the dragon assistant, and the three other princesses.

The first stallion was a red one with a black mane matching his tail, black gloves with spikes on his front hooves, a yellow utility belt, a black cape with tips at the bottom end, and a domino mask around his blue eyes. The cutie mark he had was a yellow uppercase "R" in a black circle.

The second stallion wore an outfit that covered his entire body, but his shape determined his gender. The full-body outfit was blue and red with a web pattern, and black spiders on his chest, and they were even his cutie mark. The only natural thing that anypony could see was his curly brown tail.

The first mare was a slight red Unicorn with a matching curly brown mane and tail, a red shirt with black edges in the center, a dark red cape, a pendant shaped like an "M" holding the cape close to the mare, and a red wimble over the mare's head. Her cutie mark was a match to the crown on her head.

The second mare was a blue Earth pony with brown hair and eyes wearing a light blue shirt with a yellow lightning bolt on her chest that matched her cutie mark. This pony even wore a blue domino mask, a red scarf around her neck, and a golden bracelet around her right front hoof.

The mare next to her was a Pegasus who had a blonde coat, mane, and tail. Staring with her blue eyes, she wore a blue shirt with a red "S" inside of an upside-down triangle, and the same symbol as her cutie mark. The only other thing she wore was a red cape that was attached through holes her wings went through.

The last mare was a grey one wearing a black shirt with a bat symbol on it, black gloves with spikes on her hooves, a cape with tips at the bottom end, and a cowl with bat ears covering her face. Her cutie mark was the exact same bat on her chest.

Hearing the ponies that entered the cave, the screams were stopped as they looked at those who had just entered.

The one with the crown on her head looked on. "Uh, Robin, these ponies are looking at us."

"Yeah, I can see that." The one called Robin stated to the mare as he stepped forward.

The blue mare then put on a brave face. "Hi, have either of you ponies seen a woman in green gloves and a big guy carrying a battleaxe?"

"What a coincidence," Pinkie Pie spoke up in her own usual way. "We just fought a green Alicorn wearing green clothes, and there was a stallion with a battle ax."

"What's an Alicorn?" The blonde mare turned her head to the right and asked the pony in the bat costume.

"Never mind that, we got a bigger problem on our hands," Robin said to the pony who asked the question.

"Hands," Twilight Sparkle repeated one word she heard in that sentence. That was when she had a realization. "Excuse me, did you just so happen to mention 'hands'?"

"Yeah?" Robin asked Twilight Sparkle as he was in front of her. "Look, here is the thing. I'm Robin, the others are Scarlet Witch, Spider-Man, Supergirl, Ms. Marvel, and Batgirl," He pointed out the ponies with him as he named them. "We are from another universe, we normally aren't ponies, and we are here to stop some bad guys from taking over your world."

What's The Deal With The Multiverse?

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The throne room of Canterlot Castle was where the most important meeting in Canterlot took place. After the ponies in the cave were discovered, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna had teleported themselves, Princess Cadence, Twilight Sparkle, and her friends, and the six new ponies to the castle. When they all had arrived at the castle, the six new ponies were escorted around the interior of the castle until everypony had reached the throne room belonging to Celestia and Luna. At the end of the throne room and beneath a stained glass window of the night sky, there sat two thrones. the one on the right was golden with a headpiece of the sun at the top, the one on the left was blue and had the headpiece of the moon. Both thrones sat on a pedestal which lead to two curtained doorways underneath stained glass windows representing the two Princesses of Day and Night.

While Princess Celestia and Princess Luna sat on their thrones, Princess Cadence was in the middle of them, and Twilight Sparkle stood with her friends stood off of the platform. In front of them, the ponies from the cave stood as a whiteboard on wheels was brought into the room by Spike, who stood next to Twilight Sparkle.

“Okay, so imagine that there is an infinite number of Earths like fruits on a tree," Spider-Man began to explain in his costume, unable to pick up the pointing stick with his hooves. "Ugh, I could use hands right about now." He said before realizing he was off track. "Sorry. These worlds can be so similar but also so different in so many worlds. Think about it like one where genders were swapped, or some evil conqueror took over."

Supergirl stepped forward and stood in front of the whiteboard. "In the case of our world, it is one that has superpowered beings like myself, Ms. Marvel, Spider-Man, and Scarlet Witch. We call ourselves the Teen Titans."

"Wait, Robin and Batgirl don't have powers?" Rainbow Dash asked the group across from them. "Well, you two are Earth ponies after all." That was when she got a look of confusion from Robin and Batgirl, the latter that was assumed to be confused based on her mask. "Ponies who don't have the magic of unicorns like Rarity and the wings of Pegasi like me."

"Then I'm guessing that the crystal wall in the cave brought you over here." Twilight Sparkle assumed as she recognized the magical properties of the cave. "Meaning you have a gateway on your world and that we can access more than one world."

"Yeah, there is a portal in our world. But what do you mean by more than one world?" Scarlet Witch asked the Princess of Friendship as she stood next to Robin, almost affectionately.

"Oh," Twilight Sparkle realized she needed to elaborate further. "You see, I have been to another world where there are beings who had hands as you do in your world. There are counterparts of everypony on this world on that other one."

"So, I guess we are Earth-2 from your respective then." Applejack stated as she tried to wrap her head around this talk of other universes.

"Actually, you are Earth-4." Ms. Marvel brought up to correct Applejack on the matter. "One of the other heroes on our Earth, the Flash, discovered an Earth when he used his super-speed to access it by accident and he called it 'Earth-2'."

"Then a while ago," Spider-Man began to speak again. "We found ourselves on a universe which had a city almost identical to one on our Earth, but none of the heroes we know are on it, and we teamed up with heroes based on animals."

"Luckily, one of my mentors who helps me with my magic was able to get us home after we were in that universe for a week." Scarlet Witch added in while trying to focus the magic from her horn.

"Cool," Spike was amazed by what he and the ponies were hearing. "What powers do all of you have?"

“Mine is basically magic.” Scarlet Witch answered the question first.

“I can do whatever a spider can with Spider-Sense, wall-crawling, strength, agility, durability, and I have these web-shooters which fire out a webbing compound I’ve made,” Spider-Man answered as he slid a glove off to show the black web-shooter.

“I can shrink or grow my body to whatever size I want, I can extend my limbs to make them really long, I can look like anyone, and I have regenerative healing if I don’t use my other powers while doing it.” Ms. Marvel answered as she made her body grow bigger only so little. Then once she proved her point, she turned back to normal size.

“I can fly, move really fast, I have a great amount of super-strength, I’m nearly invulnerable, I can shoot heat vision from my eyes, I can freeze things with my breath, I can see through stuff that isn’t lead and look over great distances, super hearing,” Supergirl said as she did not want to show off out of fear of destroying the building. “Basically, it’s why I’m called by ‘Supergirl’.” The blonde mare added in before she thought of one more thing. "Also, I'm an alien from another planet."

“I don’t have any powers,” Robin answered the question asked by the ponies. “My… mentor trained me and to be a better detective, he trained me in various forms of combat, I rely on gadgetry, that sorta thing." He then pointed to Batgirl with his left hoof. "Batgirl doesn't talk much, but she makes up for it by being one of the greatest at combat skills with her body reading ability."

Princess Celestia tapped the floor with her right hoof to grab everypony's attention. "Forgive my interruption, but I must ask how the six of you know Amora and Skurge, and why they are in Equestria?"

"Right," Robin started to get to the point of their mission. "Both of them are Asgardians, gods from one of nine realms in our universe and enemies of one of our universe's heroes. With what you told us, you had already seen what they can do."

"One of my mentors, Doctor Strange, has a mirror in his place which is actually a portal to this world." Scarlet Witch then had her turn to speak. "We were visiting as I was going through the lessons when Amora and Skurge entered and trashed the place. Then they got into the portal with a jar they brought with them into the room."

"What's in the jar?" Fluttershy asked Scarlet Witch as she did not like the sound of what she heard.

"We don't know," Scarlet Witch had her answer. "It was covered by wrapping and they moved too fast. After nearly an hour of debate, we decided to enter the portal and stop them ourselves."

Stepping forward, Twilight Sparkle was in front of Robin. "Well, the six of you won't be alone, my friends and I are willing to help you."

"Totally, those two shouldn't have messed with us." Rainbow Dash added her bit of support into the mix. "They now have to deal with the most awesome ponies in Equestria!"

"Whatever help we can provide, darlings, we'll do our best." Rarity generously gave her own support.

"If I may," Princess Luna spoke up to the other ponies in the room as she sat on the throne next to her sister's. "It might be best to assume that Amora and Skurge will go after magical relics in our world."

"Luna is right, I must return to the Crystal Empire and protect the Heart." Princess Cadence pointed out to her aunts and her friends.

Twilight Sparkle was the next to speak. "Then that means my friends and I must go to Ponyville to enter the Everfree Forest to protect the Elements of Harmony."

"What are the Elements of Harmony?" Ms. Marvel asked the Princess of Friendship.

"We'll explain on the way." Twilight Sparkle assured the Teen Titan.

"Twilight, be careful," Princess Celestia spoke up to get Twilight Sparkle's attention. "Write a letter to me if you need anything."

"We'll make sure of it when it comes to that." Twilight Sparkle reassured her mentor after turning to look at her. "Let's go, everypony."

"Question," Scarlet Witch raised her right hoof. "How do we get to where we need to go?"

"We take the train, silly." Pinkie Pie humorously answered.

Titans in Ponyville

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It took almost a day and a couple of hours of rest, even Pinkie Pie trying to entertain everypony else on the train. But soon enough, Twilight Sparkle, her friends, and the Teen Titans had made their way to Ponyville, a town where anypony can see Canterlot from a distance, and a town that was close to the Everfree Forest. Ever since Twilight Sparkle had arrived, the town has had its fair share of danger when it came to whatever disaster had occurred, and the creatures that came to attack. Full of simple wooden buildings unless there was a business, Ponyville looked like just any old town.

After exiting the train station, the group of ponies and a dragon did draw attention from the ponies who lived there. Just about everypony in Ponyville had grown used to the Princess of Friendship and her friends who had saved Equestria multiple times. It was the six new ponies that drew the most attention, eyes were drawn to the unrecognizable ponies in the unique costumes. Whenever the Titans passed anypony, they would smile and wave to look nice to them. On the way to their destination, they got used to walking on their four hooves.

"You know, I gotta say that this place is really nice." Spider-Man pointed out as he looked around to see the simple buildings. "Where we are from, this would be considered old-fashioned."

"Yea," Applejack replied as she was in front of the wall-crawler. "But it is home to all of us."

"Where Batgirl and I live, the city isn't full of a lot of nice peo..." Robin said to the others before stopping himself. He then thought about what to say. "I mean that it isn't full of nice ponies."

Fluttershy smiled as she was right next to Ms. Marvel. "Don't worry, there are plenty of nice ponies to go around. I might even take you to my house so that you can meet my animal friends." She smiled even further at the idea.

But it was Pinkie Pie with the most hyperactive smile as she bounced. "I can even take you to Sugarcube Corner where you can taste-test everything there!" Pinkie Pie suggested as she continued bouncing forward.

"Oh, I love that." Ms. Marvel said to cheer Pinkie Pie and thank her for the hospitality. "The name sounds really nice too."

"How far is your castle, Princess Twilight," Scarlet Witch asked as she walked alongside Robin.

"Not far," Twilight Sparkle informed Scarlet Witch as she led everypony. "You can't miss it and please, you don't have to call me 'Princess'."

It took a while longer to walk and more ponies looking at them, the two groups had found themselves at their destination. What the Teen Titans saw caused them to stare in wonder at was before them. A multi-level castle made of crystals and built onto a tree. On the caste, there was a balcony on the highest floor, two spires that looked like they could stab the sky, and a tower which stretched further above. The structure had at least one banner flying on the side marked with Twilight Sparkle's cutie mark. On the center of the roof, a crystal star shined its beautiful light on the ponies to the ground.

"As far as many castles I've seen," Robin stated as he and his teammates stared at the crystalline structure which stood above them. "It's definitely a big one."

"The man... adopted... Robin and I," Batgirl struggled to get the words out. "He has mansion."

"Mansions are nice, I'll grant you," Rainbow Dash stated as she kept her hooves away from the ground by flapping her wings next to Supergirl. "But castles are so much better."

"Kinda reminds me of my home planet." Supergirl said to the others as the structure made her think of home.

After Twilight Sparkle had opened the front doors of her castle, everypony had walked inside. The ponies could see that the Teen Titans were amazed by the interior as they followed. The Teen Titans could see all of the wonderous decor and structuring that the castle had to offer, any light shining on the crystals reflecting onto the floor as the two groups walked past them.

Walking to a pair of open doors, the ponies lead the Teen Titans to the library of the castle. Hundreds of books were placed on shelves surrounding the entire room, lights bringing brightness to the room, a couple of tables to read the books on, and a single ladder to help reach the books on the higher shelves. Also in the room were two more ponies, Starlight Glimmer and Trixie.

Looking ay who had entered, Starlight Glimmer had a worried look on her face. "Twilight, I got your letter about what had happened." She looked at Twilight Sparkle's friends. "Are all of you alright?"

"We're alright," Applejack replied as her and the others walked over to the center table. "Those varmits didn't do too much damage."

"Starlight Glimmer," Robin began to speak to Twilight Sparkle's student. "I'm Robin and the ones with me are Spider-Man, Supergirl, Ms. Marvel, Scarlet Witch, and my sister, Batgirl."

"Twilight told me about you in her letter." Starlight Glimmer responded as she looked over at the other group. Starlight Glimmer then pointed at her friend. "This is Trixie."

"Greetings, Teen Titans," Trixie began to speak to the new arrivals. "Gaze upon the Great and Powerful Trixie!"

Scarlet Witch was not impressed with Trixie's boasting. "Yeah, Twilight told us about the both of you." She said before noticing the concerned looks on Starlight Glimmer and Trixie's faces. "Don't worry, I know what it's like to have been on the wrong side." She saw the two ponies sigh in relief.

"What's that?" Spider-Man asked as he pointed at something.

Looking over to where Spider-Man pointed at, Twilight Sparkle identified the mirror surrounded by machinery. "It's also a doorway to another world me, Spike, and Starlight have been to." She answered the wall-crawler's question. "It has alternate versions of all of us, but the species that all of you said you are."

"Oh neat." Spider-Man gave his response as he was fascinated by the mirror. Then he shrugged it off and looked at Robin. "What's the plan, Robin?"

Thinking about what his teammate had asked, Robin then looked over to Twilight Sparkle. "Since this is their world, I think our new pony friends should take the lead on this."

"I'll get the cupcakes made!" Pinkie Pie cheered as she bounced out of the library.

After everypony processed the party pony leaving the room, they brought their attention to Twilight Sparkle. "Well, we need to locate Enchantress and Skurge are, they could be anywhere in Equestria." Then Twilight Sparkle looked over to the Titans. "Also, I mean no offense by this, but all of you might need time to adjust your bodies in our universe."

"You're right, it is taking some getting used to," Ms. Marvel agreed as she stood on all fours. She then concentrated and stretched out her hooves to reach the ceiling of the room. After she was done, she shrunk to normal size. "Alright, my powers can work decently."

"Alright, then the rest of us need to train." Robin proclaimed to his teammates, getting nods from them.



Close to Ponyville was a place of horrors and treacherous paths, the Everfree Forest. The forest also possessed a quality that allowed plants and animals to thrive without the interference of ponies, which was considered "unnatural" by many. Throughout their adventures, the ponies who protected Equestria had journeyed into the Forest for many goals, managing to overcome the many challenges within. Besides the strange creatures, there were also many plants with strange and unorthodox properties.

None of that was a problem for Enchantress and Skurge, who had used magic and enchanted weapons to cut down or beaten anything that stood in their way. The Alicorn and the Earth pony had made their way through the Forest, walking until they reached their destination. Ahead of the two Asgardians, they saw a castle in ruins, the Castle of the Two Sisters which was the former home of Celestia and Luna.

With her horn, Enchantress made a crystal ball materialize out of thin air. "How awful of these ponies to let a castle go to waste. Don't you agree, Skurge?"

"Yes, my lady," Skurge agreed in his gruff voice, fitting for a stallion of his strength.

As Enchantress levitated the orb with her magic, both ponies watched as purple smoke began to fill inside of it. From the dark purple cloud, a silhouette resembling a pony took form and looked at the Asgardians. There were no identifiable features to this caller, just the base body with wings and a horn.

"Enchantress. Skurge." The voice of the figure, speaking almost distorted, began to speak. "Have you made contact with the six protectors of this world?"

"The pink one was the first to spot us," Enchantress replied to her contact as she stared with a hint of frustration. "She refused to leave us alone and expected us to be fast friends."

The silhouette paused for a couple of seconds before they responded. "Yes, Pinkie Pie is exactly like that."

"The Princess of Friendship," Enchantress felt like she could gag from that title. "She is as powerful as you said to us. Skurge had some difficulty dealing with her friends as well."

"Where are you now?" The silhouette asked, clearly not aware of their surroundings.

"We are in the Everfree Forest, close to the Castle of the Two Sisters," Enchantress responded as she continued levitated the crystal ball. "There's more. After we left Canterlot, I felt an energy presence arrive in this universe, the Chaos Magic harnessed by the Sorcerer Supreme's apprentice. Clearly, her and her friends have followed us."

"Did you say 'Chaos Magic'?" The silhouette questioned as she sounded shocked.

"Yes." Enchantress answered the caller. "It's a form of magic that can manipulate, warp, and reconstruct the fabric of reality and existence to the very whims of the user."

Looking down at the floor of the crystal ball, the silhouette thought things over. After only a few seconds, she looked up at the two Asgardians. "In addition to Twilight Sparkle, you will now bring me the one with Chaos Magic. At the bottom of the chasm, there is a tree which holds the relics protecting Equestria."

"And you wish for us to obtain these relics." Enchantress figured out the rest as she grinned evilly. "It shall be done."



Inside of the Castle of Friendship, the two groups were waiting in the library. Some ate the cupcakes baked by Pinkie Pie, some poured over the massive number of books, and others were trading stories with one another. No matter what, they were doing various activities to pass the time.

While at a table, Spider-Man was hard at work as he was given the tools he needed by Applejack and Twilight Sparkle. Taking apart his web-shooters, Spider-Man began rearranging them for his hooves. Through trial and error, he made pressure buttons to his web-shooters. Then once he finished and placed them on his hooves, he aimed his right hoof at the ceiling and stepped on the button to fire his webs.

"Oh my," Rarity yelled out as she witnessed the webbing attach itself to the ceiling. "You can fire spider webs from those things on your hooves?"

"Yeah, I can," Spider-Man replied as he looked at the fashionista. "I made the ones for my... normal body when I first got my powers."

Standing next to Rarity, Fluttershy spoke up. "How did you get your powers?"

"I got bit by a spider which was turned radioactive by a machine at a lab I went to." Spider-Man answered as he then pressed a function to release the web line.

Fluttershy looked concerned by the information. "That poor spider. I'm sure it didn't want to hurt you."

"No worries, Fluttershy," Spider-Man reassured the yellow Pegasus. "I understand."

Meanwhile, Supergirl was floating in the air as she struggled to pick things up with her hooves. The with a whoosh, Supergirl saw that Rainbow Dash was right beside her.

"Here, let me help." Rainbow Dash said as she picked up a book on Equestrian history. Then she proceeded to float down to the floor.

Supergirl then followed her to the floor. "Thank you, Rainbow Dash." She politely took the book and managed to place it on her back.

Then across the room, Batgirl looked over at Robin and Scarlet Witch, who were having a conversation with Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer. Looking over at her friends and the two ponies, Batgirl read the body of Twilight Sparkle as being intrigued by what Robin and Scarlet Witch were talking about.

"You alright, Sugarcube," Applejack asked as she walked over to Batgirl.

"I'm fine." Batgirl answered as she turned her head to Applejack. "Just thinking. I read body language."

Applejack was confused by Batgirl's statement. "I beg your pardon?"

Walking over with Pinkie Pie, Ms. Marvel was the one with the answer. "Her body reading enables her to read what people are thinking and tell what they are going to do next."

"Oh, I can do something like that too!" Pinkie Pie excitedly exclaimed as she stood next to Ms. Marvel. "Oh, I just had an idea! What are some of the craziest villains you girls have fought?"

"Oh, where do I start?" Ms. Marvel thought about that question as she went through her memories. "One time, this little kid who is the son of a witch used a magic amulet to banish all adults to another dimension. Some of the heroes we know had to turn into kids to help us stop him and make things normal again."

Meanwhile, Robin and Scarlet Witch were talking and sharing stories with Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer.

"Let me see if I have this correctly," Twilight Sparkle began to speak as she comprehended what was told to her. "Robin, your adoptive dad is on the Justice League, a team of heroes who came together when an alien warlord named Darkseid tried to conquer the Earth. There is the Avengers, another team of heroes who came together when a trickster god wanted revenge on his brother, who is on the team. The Fantastic Four is more like a group of scientists and explorers who go around lost cities, other planets, and even other realms. Lastly, the X-Men are a group of mutants who fight to protect those who are normal and are meant to represent the good that mutants are capable of."

"Check, check, check, and check." Robin was proud to see that the Princess of Friendship was correct. "Then there was my older brother's Teen Titans. He and his friends got together because some of the Justice League members were mentors to some his friends."

"What happened to that team?" Starlight Glimmer asked with curiosity, just as interested as Twilight Sparkle.

"Well," Robin tried to think of a way to simplify the long story. "Things got too personal with a supervillain making things weird for some of the team, one of them became a dad, and various other issues."

Scarlet Witch then raised a hoof. "Then we got together last year when we fought a man who wanted to use hatred and paranoia to destroy my species." Scarlet Witch stated before noticing the confused expressions of the ponies in front of her. "Oh yeah, I'm a mutant because of my father being one. I'd rather not talk about him."

"Wanda, you mentioned a mentor you have earlier," Twilight Sparkle reminded the Scarlet Witch as she levitated a teacup over to the unicorn.

Scarlet Witch used the magic from her own horn to surround the cup with red mist. Much like her horn glowed red, so did her green eyes change to red. "Two mentors, Doctor Stephen Strange and Zatanna Zatara." She said before taking a sip from her cup. "Doctor Strange lives at a sanctum in the city we operate in, Zatanna is more of a traveling musician who uses her magic for shows."

Just then, Trixie had walked over to the four ponies. "Just like Trixie!" Then she walked away.

"There is something different about your magic from ours," Twilight Sparkle pointed out as she noticed Scarlet Witch's eyes had turned red.

"It is what is referred to as 'Chaos Magic'." Scarlet Witch began to explain as she then placed the teacup on a table. Once she ceased the use of her powers, her eyes were green once again. "It is more a form of witchcraft that can alter reality if I so desire. But I never want to rewrite reality since it could destroy everything."

Then after Scarlet Witch had nearly frightened her with that explanation, Twilight Sparkle felt a different kind of pulse run through her. Looking down at her cutie mark, Twilight Sparkle spotted her cutie mark glowing with miniature stars like the one in the center popping from it. Looking at her friends, Twilight Sparkle saw that they noticed their cutie marks did the same.

"The map!" Twilight Sparkle shouted as she took off out of the library with her friends and the Teen Titans.

Running into a different room, the Teen Titans found themselves at what might as well be the throne room. With six thrones for Twilight Sparkle and her main group of friends, even a smaller throne for Spike. All of the thrones circled a circular table underneath the remains of the Golden Oaks Library. On the table, there was a map of Equestria projected as a 3D image.

"Is this all of Equestria?" Ms. Marvel asked as she looked over the map with Supergirl.

Looking on the map, Twilight Sparkle spotted the cutie marks of herself and her five friends floating over a plentiful of trees. "The map is calling us to the Everfree Forest!"

"The map is doing what now?" Robin asked as he wondered what the Princess of Friendship meant.

"The map points us to a friendship problem whenever one happens, and we have to go somewhere else in Equestria." Pinkie Pie quickly explained as she saw her cutie mark with the others.

"But if it is pointing to the Everfree Forest," Rarity began to share her observation as she also looked at her cutie mark. "Then the Elements of Harmony must be in danger."

Supergirl raised a hoof as she needed a answer. "I'm going to guess that if those are stolen, that would be bad."

"If you needed a comparison," Applejack began to share. "Think of them as those Infinity Stones you mentioned."

"Then maybe Enchantress and Skurge must be after them." Robin came to a conclusion with his teammates.

"What are we waiting for," Rainbow Dash asked everypony. "We gotta protect the Elements!"

Twilight Sparkle looked over to Spike, Starlight Glimmer, and Trixie. "You three stay here and inform Princess Celestia. The rest of us will go protect the Elements."

Battle & Revelation

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Close to Ponyville was a place of horrors and treacherous paths, the Everfree Forest. The forest also possessed a quality that allowed plants and animals to thrive without the interference of ponies, which was considered "unnatural" by many. Throughout their adventures, the ponies who protected Equestria had journeyed into the Forest for many goals, managing to overcome the many challenges within. Besides the strange creatures, there were also many plants with strange and unorthodox properties.

But as the Princess of Friendship, her friends, and the Teen Titans made their way through the Forest, they did not have to deal with any of the dangers. As they journeyed on, they spotted defeated creatures, trees that were cut down, and blast marks were left all over. If Fluttershy spotted an injured animal, she would tend to it before leaving with her friends.

Running with his Teen Titans teammates, Robin felt he had to ask a question. "So, Twilight, all of you came together when you had to journey through here to retrieve the Elements of Harmony to defeat Princess Luna."

Running next to Twilight Sparkle, Applejack was the one to provide an answer. "Princess Luna when she was corrupted and turned into Nightmare Moon."

"But unlike now, there were challenges to deal with." Twilight Sparkle then added in as she continued running. "Enchantress and Skurge must've plowed their way through everything the Forest could through at them."

Soon enough, the two groups arrived at their destination, the Castle of the Two Sisters which was the former home of Celestia and Luna. A thousand years ago, this castle was not as damaged as it looked now. But that all changed when Princess Luna had turned into Nightmare Moon and destroyed much of it while battling Princess Celestia in a battle that ended with the elder sister sending her younger sister to the moon. Afterward, Celestia had moved her personal belongings to Canterlot in order to hide the truth of her sister from Equestria.

Looking at the ruins, Scarlet Witch was amazed. "I thought that my father's castle looked damaged after what happened on Geonosha. But this is even worse."

"Eh," Rainbow Dash shrugged as she floated up with her wings. "We've fixed some of it."

"No time to stare, we must go to the Tree of Harmony." Twilight Sparkle reminded the ponies with her as she was the first to walk down the stairs.

Following the Princess of Friendship, the other eleven ponies made their way down the stone steps. After many steps, the two teams had arrived at the object that called them. Looking ahead, they saw crystalline tree with gemstones matching the cutie marks of Twilight Sparkle's friends on each of the branches, Twilight Sparkle's cutie mark being found on the center section of the tree. What was worrisome were Enchantress and Skurge standing in front of it.

"Wondered what was taking you dearies so long?" Enchantress asked with a smug expression on her face. Then she looked over to Scarlet Witch. "Even the Sorcerer Supreme's apprentice and her little friends came to join in on the action."

Twilight Sparkle stepped forward to address the two villains. "What do you want with the Elements, Enchantress?"

"Honestly," Enchantress began to share her response. "I'd put them on a necklace and around my neck."

"You aren't getting your hands on them, Enchantress," Robin stated as he pulled out a Birarang from his utility belt. "This doesn't have to get ugly."

"Oh, but I do, Boy Wonder," Enchantress stated as her horn began to have a green glow.

Spider-Man felt a tingle as he stood still. Having felt this so million times, he knew what it was. "Guys, it is a trap!"

With the power of Enchantress's magic, about twenty or so guards had appeared around the two groups. Unlike the Royal Guards of Celestia and Luna, these guards wore armor that was black and spiked like the old suits of armor found in the Castle of the Two Sisters. The suits covered the bodies of the ponies who wore them, even the eyes were covered to shield them. Ten of the guards were Pegasi, the other ten were Unicorns.

"Where," Fluttershy stuttered as she cowered in fear of the sudden enemies. "Where did these guards come from?"

"I don't know," Twilight Sparkle shouted as she was also taken aback. "Everypony, fight to defend yourselves!"

After the order, Twilight Sparkle flew above the others and fired an energy blast at Enchantress. The Asgardian was able to block it with a protective shield she conjured. Enchantress then took to the air and fired her own energy beam at Twilight Sparkle, who also managed to block it with a shield she conjured. Twilight Sparkle flew right at Enchantress, who had caught the Princess of Friendship in the hold of her magic and tossed her at the ruins of the castle beneath them.

In front of the Tree of Harmony, Twilight's friends and the Teen Titans battled Skurge and the guards with him. Directly attacking Skurge were Supergirl and Rainbow Dash, both Pegasi being able to land punches on the muscular Asgardian. But Skurge held his ground as he swung his ax at Supergirl and sent her flying into a wall pf the chasm.

Meanwhile, Spider-Man kept Fluttershy safe as he webbed, punched, and kicked any of the guards who did not go down easy. It seemed that their armor was made of sterner stuff, capable of not shattering so easily. With two guards, Spider-Man webbed and sent them flying at each other until they fell down.

At another part of the chasm, Rarity and Ms. Marvel did their best to fight back against the enemy guards. That did not go easy for them even when Ms. Marvel grew taller than the guards and kicked them away. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Batgirl did their best to survive this ambush as the three Earth ponies used their individual skillsets to beat back the enemy guards, plenty of them being unable to hit Pinkie Pie as she bounced around them.

Robin and Scarlet Witch worked together to beat down the guards who were sent at them. Robin threw multiple Birarangs to knock down five guards while Scarlet Witch sent them at a wall.

Scarlet Witch kept sending enemies flying while she began to speak. "Robin, go help the others," She yelled while sending a guard to the ground. "I'll help Twilight!"

"Go ahead," Robin yelled out as he kicked a guard right behind him.

Getting the go-ahead, Scarlet Witch used her magic to conjure an energy field around herself. With that energy field, she teleported herself to Twilight Sparkle's location. While she easily figured out that she was in a throne room, she quickly brought her attention to Twilight Sparkle and Enchantress, who were fighting each other in front of her. Then Scarlet Witch fired a red energy blast at Enchantress, who was sent at the center between the former thrones of Celestia and Luna.

"Ah," Enchantress moaned as she stood back on her hooves. "The little witch has decided to join us, Princess Twilight."

Twilight Sparkle unfolded her wings and caused her horn to glow. "Where did the guards come from, Enchantress?"

"Let's just say that I have a friend in a very high place." Enchantress grinned as her own horned glowed. "So, let's settle on who is the most powerful among us."

Working together, both the Alicorn princess and the red unicorn fired combined energy blasts and spells to fight Enchantress. But even with the rapid fire, Enchantress was able to dodge, catch, and block the attacks of the two defenders. Once when she was sent multiple blasts from the two, Enchantress caught and combined them to form an orb of energy which she threw at the two heroes. When hit by the blast, the two were sent flying out of the throne room and out of the castle.

Flying after the two pony meteors were sent flying in the air, they crashed back in the chasm where the rest were fighting. Looking around at the fight, they both saw that Skurge had beaten both Supergirl and Rainbow Dash, both Pegasi placed on the floor.

Floating down amist the chaos, Enchantress looked to her Executioner. "Skurge, open a portal and send these thwo through!" Enchantress ordered her servant.

Obeying, Skurge swung his ax at nothing, and a portal appeared. Putting the two fainting ponies on the ground onto his back, Skurge began to bring them through the portal.

"No!" Four voices were heard, and they belonged to Robin, Supergirl, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack.

As soon as Enchantress and Skurge walked through the portal, the four heroes had followed them through. But once they did so, the portal closed behind them and ceased its passage. Then just by magic all twenty of the dark guards had vanished with their masters. The only ponies left were Spider-Man, Ms. Marvel, Batgirl, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie.

"They took her," Rarity was in shock for what had just happened. "They took Twilight with them!"

"Scarlet Witch too!" Spider-Man was horrified as well as he could not sense the presence of any of his teammates.

Fluttershy looked worried beyond reason. "But where did they go?"


Hellfire. That was what Twilight Sparkle smelled as she stirred awake. With her opening eyes, Twilight Sparkle saw bars in front of her and ponies standing guard, it helped her realize that she was in a cell. After she struggled to get up, Twilight Sparkle turned around and saw that Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Robin, Scarlet Witch, and Supergirl were in the cell with her.

On her friends, however, Twilight Sparkle noticed that each of them wore a silver collar on their necks. On each of the collars, there was a single glowing red light. Curious, Twilight Sparkle touched her neck with her right hoof, feeling the metal collar around her neck. Looking over at Robin, Twilight Sparkle saw that he was not wearing his utility belt.

"Twilight," Applejack began to speak as she was also starting to come to her senses. "Are you alright?"

"I think so," Twilight Sparkle replied as she looked at those with her. Then she noticed some ponies were missing in the cell. "Where are the others?"

Robin was the one to answer. "After Enchantress knocked you and Scarlet Witch out to be carried through a portal. All of us followed you and got knocked unconscious by more of those guards."

"The others must be back in the Everfree Forest." Rainbow Dash added in before noticing the guards wearing the dark armor. She walked to the bars of the cell and hit them with her hooves. "Hey!" She yelled out to the guards. "Where the hay are we?"

"Canterlot." A gruff voice was heard.

Walking in between the two guards in front of the cell, a Pegasus stallion had arrived. With a dark yellow coat, ginger combed hair, blue eyes, and two spears as his cutie mark, the stallion in dark armor looked at the prisoners. On his officer's cap, the guard had a purple star pendent. Around his body, the lead guard wore Robin's utility belt.

"Good, all of you are awake," The guard who was clearly in charge had stated. "Princess Twilight Sparkle, I am Captain Javelin Toss. You are in the dungeons of Canterlot Castle."

"Canterlot Castle?" Twilight Sparkle asked as she was utterly confused at what the stallion said. Looking at the pendent on the officer's cap, she recognized the star as her cutie mark. "Why do you have my cutie mark on your castle?"

"Why don't you go inside and tell us what's going on?" Rainbow Dash yelled out her question as she once again hit the bars.

Then with a grin on his face, Javelin Toss pressed a button on the wall to the cell. At once, all six occupants were delivered a shock as electricity entered their bodies and made them convulse in pain. With screams of agony, the six tried to stand even while they felt their pain. After several more seconds, Javelin Toss removed his right hoof from the button, which ceased the shocks.

Lowering himself, Robin looked over Scarlet Witch. "Are you alright?"

Scarlet Witch moaned as she looked up at Robin. "I'll manage, Robin."

"Don't think of trying to escape or I'll deliver more shocks to you," Javelin Toss threatened the six as he looked at them. "We wouldn't want to disappoint the Empress. Now, get up!" He yelled to the six ponies in the cell.

Getting on their hooves, the six ponies waited until the cell doors were opened. Then once they exited their cell, the six were surrounded by the two guards who were in front of the bars and three more guards who had entered. Seeing that his prisoners were lined up, Javelin Toss began to lead them out of the dungeons.

It took time and a lot of walking, the ponies making their way throughout the castle. If any of the six prisoners could look outside the windows, they would see black clouds, yellow skies, and smoke from the ground below. The escorted prisoners would even witness maids and butlers doing their tasks with very little hope and spirit. Then things started to slow down when they entered the corridor which resembled the mural corridor that Twilight Sparkle knew all too with the past victories of Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, herself, and her friends.

But there were others which Twilight Sparkle did not recognize. One was Tierk, Queen Chrysalis, and a pink Pegasus filly defeated by herself and her friends. A second one was what looked like an older version of her niece, Princess Flurry Heart. A third was of a possible return and defeat of King Sombra. A fourth was of herself and her friends fighting her Canterlot High friends, them having red eyes as if they were possessed. Lastly, there was one of a team of young various creatures defeating a monster.

"I don't know about y'all," Applejack talked to two of her friends and the three Teen Titans with them. "But I don't recognize any of those glass murals."

"Yeah, any of them with Celestia and Luna are cracked too." Rainbow Dash pointed out as she stood with the others while the guards were doing checks at the twin doors.

Then once the inspection was completed, Javelin Toss looked over to his prisoners. "The Empress will see you now."

With two guards opening the twin doors, the six prisoners were escorted and got a good visual of the throne room. Much like the rest of the castle, all of the bright colors were replaced with dark purple and black walls, curtains, and black torches which emitted purple fire. Then at the very end of the throne room and on an elevated platform, a single throne where Princess Celestia and Princess Luna's were supposed to be.

On the throne, there sat an Alicorn with a glowing cyan horn and what looked like glowing cyan glasses. The Alicorn had matching cyan eyes with pupils that matched the color of her coat. For her main and tail, they looked like they were the same purple and black fire on the room's torches. Then her folded wings were blackened with cyan curved lines aligning with the pointed feathers. Her cutie mark matched the same star that Twilight Sparkle had as hers, even had the symbol on a band around her neck. Lastly, she wore shoes which covered the lower halves of her legs.

Standing in front of his prisoners, Javelin Toss looked up at his master. After nodding to her, he turned to those who were present. "Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Robin, Scarlet Witch, and Supergirl. I present to you the ruler of Equestria, she who maintains the sun and the moon with her magic, and to who we serve, Empress Midnight Sparkle."

"Thank you, Captain," The Empress on the throne had declared in a familiar voice. "Welcome, my friends, welcome to my Equestria."

Hearing the voice, Twilight Sparkle and the others knew whose voice it was, it was her own.

"I don't believe it," Applejack was in emotional shock as she registered the voice. "There is no way you're Twilight!"

"Yeah, there is no way she would be doing any of this!" Rainbow Dash yelled out as she felt like flying up and at the Alicorn.

"I'm not going to hurt you, girls," Midnight Sparkle smiled as she walked down the ramp to her throne. Walking closer to Twilight Sparkle and her friends, she looked at Rainbow Dash and Applejack. "It is great to see you both again. If only the others could be here now."

"Then it is a good thing that they aren't," Rainbow Dash replied as she stared at Midnight Sparkle. "Otherwise, we would have stopped you right here and now."

Midnight Sparkle sighed as if a fond thought went through her mind. "I've missed your confidence, Rainbow Dash. It served us well when we went through our many victories against our enemies." Then she looked over to the three out of the six Teen Titans in the room. "Ah, Robin, Scarlet Witch, and Supergirl. It is a pleasure to meet you at last."

"So, you're the one who lent the guards over to Enchantress and Skurge." Supergirl pointed out as she stood with her friends.

"I am," Midnight Sparkle answered the question as she stood in front of the two groups. "Since I started my regime, I had discovered ways to access more worlds in the multiverse for my plans. Through my searches, I came across Enchantress and Skurge while they were on your Earth and realizing their power levels, I made a deal with them. If they helped me gain what I set out to obtain, I would help them as well."

"What is it that you want?" Twilight Sparkle asked the pony who claimed to be herself.

Midnight Sparkle turned to the Princess of Friendship with a saddened look on her face. "To get my friends back, even if they aren't mine from when they were alive."

"Wait, you mean we're dead here?" Applejack asked and trembled with fear at what was said.

Midnight Sparkle nodded with a solemn look, then she looked over at Twilight Sparkle. "Then it is to help you understand that you must turn your back on Celestia before it is too late."

Escape From Canterlot Castle

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Canterlot Castle

"Let me ask you some questions, Twilight," Midnight Sparkle began to speak as she stood before her alternate self. "How many times has Celestia endangered Equestria when she could have solved the problems herself. How many times has she put the lives of you and your friends on the line as a means of teaching you? How many times have her plans backfired and made you suffer?"

Twilight Sparkle looked at her clearly older self. "Celestia is a wonderful ruler," She protested with conviction on her face.

"She was a tyrant who didn't want to do anything herself," Midnight Sparkle yelled with hatred on her face. "She sent six ponies on quests where they could die and if they failed, it wouldn't matter to her! Nightmare Moon, why did Celestia keep her own sister a secret from the rest of Equestria? Why didn't she tell you about why you needed to make friends when you arrived in Ponyville?"

"Back then, I didn't want to make friends," Twilight Sparkle quickly came up with a response. "If I were told that I had to make friends to save the world, I would see them as a means to an end and they wouldn't be my friends. I would never realize the qualities that were needed to access the Elements of Harmony."

"But she still could have considered the idea of doing things herself," Midnight Sparkle provided her own protest. "She could have stopped Nightmare Moon if she was more open with you, did more to stop Discord instead of sitting in her palace, trusted you when Chrysalis acted suspiciously as Cadence, came with you to the Crystal Empire to stop Sombra, and everything else she put into our hooves!"

Looking confused and hurt by what Midnight Sparkle had said, Applejack looked at the empress. "Well, if you are some other version of Twilight who had the same life and experiences as ours, you must still know that what Celestia did was for the right reasons."

"I used to be that pony, Applejack," Midnight Sparkle looked over to the farmer pony as she carried a stern look. "But once I outlived all of you on this universe, I saw the truth of Celestia's actions and took action. Once I took Celestia and Luna out of the equation, I have perfected this world. If there is ever a massive threat for me to handle, I handle it." She then pointed to the glass murals in the throne room.

On one of them, there was an image of Midnight Sparkle tending to the food crops with Earth Ponies. Another mural was of Midnight Sparkle standing above the guards she had formed as they fight an army of enemy griffins. One other mural was of Midnight Sparkle in the center of it, featuring ponies bowing before her. There was even a mural of her banishing Discord to another dimension with locks placed in front of the portal. If anypony could guess, Discord tried to fight against Midnight Sparkle and failed to stop her conquest.

Supergirl was not impressed as she examined the murals. But even as she looked at the murals, even though the magical collars inhibited a majority of her powers, she could hear the crying and screams of ponies outside of the castle. She could hear this universe's Ponyville and the pain that went through it, whips being lashed on those less willing to obey, and the grunts of the ponies pulling carts and pushing things.

"This isn't a utopia," Supergirl pointed out as she stood her ground. "I can hear all of the pain you put your subjects through. None of them are happy."

Midnight Sparkle looked rather offended by what Supergirl had said. "Well, there are some kinks to work out. The Rebellion does make ruling my Midnight Empire difficult by attacking my outposts and stealing supplies." Midnight Sparkle stated before turning back to Twilight Sparkle. "I beg of you, Twilight, join me. I'll help you realize that Celestia has always been your biggest enemy." She places her right hoof underneath Twilight Sparkle's chin. "We can save your friends, work together to keep you from outliving them."

Twilight Sparkle had multiple thoughts race through her mind, she only settled on one answer. "I won't join you, Midnight."

Removing her hoof from under Twilight Sparkle's chin, Midnight Sparkle's expression made her counterpart's answer looked like it was a minor inconvenience. "Captain," Midnight Sparkle looked over to Javelin Toss. "Escort our guests to the reconditioning camps." She looked over to

"Yes, Empress," Javelin Toss moved his armor-covered body forward. "Move, prisoners!" He yelled at those who were captured.

Turning the other way, the six prisoners began walking out of the throne room. They walked past the murals that they had seen on entering beforehand, the maids and butlers working to maintain the castle, and regular windows which showed all of the suffering outside of the castle. All throughout the walking, none of the prisoners spoke to each other.

"I must say," Javelin Toss began to speak as he lead his troops and the prisoners. "I think I'll keep hold of this belt of yours, Boy Wonder." He clearly spoke to Robin. "I'll hold onto it while all of you are put through reconditioning."

Then out of nowhere, one of the female guards hit Javelin Toss with her right hoof. Then with the magic of her horn, the female guard grasped the spear that Javelin Toss carried with him. She used it to knock him unconscious and sent him flying across the room. Turning to the other five guards, she took to quickly using whatever skills she possessed to spin and swing the spear around. One by one, she used the environment, any objects in the area, and her own magic to take guards down. Once the last one was down by tossing the guard into the air, the female guard turned to the prisoners.

"That was awesome!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed at the sight she had just witnessed.

Using her magic, the female guard grabbed a key and Robin's utility belt from Javelin Toss with telekinesis. She turned to Twilight Sparkle, her two friends, and the Titans, placing the key close to begin unlocking the collars. One by one, the six ponies were freed from the inhibiter collars and Robin was given his belt.

"Don't worry," The muffled voice of the pony underneath the armor came out. "I'm going to get you out of here."

As soon as he finished with his belt, Robin looked at their mystery savior. "How?"

Once again, the female guard's horn glowed yellow as she stood close to the group of six ponies. Then with a yellow bubble that quickly enveloped the seven ponies and when the blinding light vanished, the six realized that they were in outside through teleportation. Looking around, they saw that they were at the entrance of the Everfree Forest.

"The Everfree Forest is the safest place for the six of you to be right now," The guard stated as she looked at the six ponies she had just teleported. "All of you will need to follow me."

"Wait, who are you?" Twilight Sparkle asked their savor as she walked in front of the others.

Applejack looked over to their mystery savior with a look of distrust. "Why should we trust you?"

Surrounding her helmet in the yellow energy field of her magic, the mare slid the helmet off and heard the gasps of Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. The head of this mare was a light magentaish gray with tinges of pale, light grayish fuchsia. Secondly, her buzzed mane was a gradient of light cerise to grayish violet with light artic blue highlights. Lastly, her eyes with light opal and expressed her frustration.

This pony might be years older, but Twilight Sparkle knew who she was. "Flurry Heart?"

"As in your niece, Flurry Heart?" Scarlet Witch asked Twilight Sparkle as she was also curious. "As in your baby niece on your world?"

Flurry Heart changed her expression from frustration to confusion. "Look, you can explain things to me and I will explain everything to you when we reach the base." She said before looking and running forward.

Seeing no other option, the six ponies that Flurry Heart rescued began to run with her.



Inside of the Castle of Friendship, Spike, Starlight Glimmer, and Trixie were as devastated as the ponies who returned to the castle. When Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Spider-Man, Ms. Marvel, and Batgirl had made their way back, they had explained to the two ponies and the dragon about what had happened, leaving everypony devastated. Spike had been told to write a letter to a letter to Princess Celestia, grabbing parchment, a quill, and a bottle of ink.

Sitting at the center table, Rarity began to speak. "Princess Celestia, I regret to inform you that Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Robin, Scarlet Witch, and Supergirl have been taken by Enchantress and Skurge. When we went to protect the Tree of Harmony, Enchantress and Skurge had guards with them wearing unrecognizable armor." She then paused to catch her breath before continuing. "After Enchantress knocked Twilight and Scarlet Witch unconscious and tossed them through a portal, the other four jumped after them while Enchantress, Skurge, and those ruffians with them had vanished. But we were able to retrieve the Elements of Harmony and are awaiting your instructions."

Having been writing down what Rarity recapped, Spike had rolled up the scroll. Holding it in his right claw, he blew his green flames onto the scroll, and it vanished into thin air.

"Let me get this straight," Ms. Marvel was the next one to speak as she looked at the six Elements of Harmony on the table. "We might need these to defeat Enchantress and Skurge. But without Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash, the Elements won't do their thing?"

"Yep," Pinkie Pie sadly stated as her head laid on the table.

"Who knows where our friends are right now," Fluttershy also moped as she sat at the table. "They could be in terrible danger and we don't know how to help them."

Spider-Man was right next to Fluttershy and looked toward her. "Don't worry, Fluttershy," He tried to reassure the Pegasus. "I know my friends well enough that they can get out of where they are. From what I've heard from all of you, your friends can get of a jam too."

"You said that they vanished through a portal, right?" Starlight Glimmer asked and was given a nod from Batgirl. "Did any of you see what was on the other side?"

"The portal was all black," Rarity was the one to respond. "We could not see a thing."

Trixie looked disappointed as she sat next to Starlight Glimmer. "Great, so we have no idea where they could be."

Just then, Spike burped, and a green flame came out of his mouth. With it, there was a message from Princess Celestia. "Celestia is glad to hear of the Elements of Harmony being retrieved. But she will send her guards and spies across Equestria to find the others." Spike summarized out loud to the others in the room as he read the letter. "In the meantime, she wants us to bring the Elements of Harmony to the Crystal Empire in order to protect them and the Crystal Heart."

"The Crystal Heart?" Spider-Man asked the dragon as he was confused.

"The Crystal Heart is a magical heart-shaped crystal used to protect the Crystal Empire from threats." Pinkie Pie stated as she was still lying her head on the table.

Fluttershy was the next to speak. "If Enchantress and Skurge manage to steal the Crystal Heart, they will be unstoppable." She sounded afraid.

"Then we must go to the Crystal Empire." Spider-Man declared to the others as he stood up.

Starlight Glimmer then smiled as she thought of an idea when her ally from another universe stood up. "Wait, I have an idea!" Starlight Glimmer yelled out to the others in the room. "Spider-Man, if all of you came from another universe, maybe Enchantress sent our friends to another universe. Maybe it is where those evil guards came from."

"What are you suggesting, Starlight?" Ms. Marvel asked from the Unicorn.

"If I can modify the portal over there," Starlight Glimmer stated as she pointed at the mirror portal with the machinery around it. "I can make it track Twilight across the multiverse and find the universe that she is on."

"Can it be done?" Batgirl, still wearing her mask, asked the pony with a plan.

"I can grab a strand of Twilight's hair from her brush and use it to focus the portal on her." Starlight Glimmer answered as her horn began to glow blue.

Pinkie Pie finally began to smile again. "Then the rest of us go to the Crystal Empire, get things handled over there, and you can stay here to work on the portal to bring our friends home!" She excitedly stated as she liked the plan being put together.

Spike walked over to Pinkie Pie as he felt hope as everypony else began to. "I'll go with all of you, you'll need somepony to send messages to Celestia if needed."

"Sounds like a plan." Spider-Man was on board as everypony nodded with him.



Even when things looked dour and hopeless in this world, the Everfree Forest did not change. As Flurry Heart led Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Robin, Scarlet Witch, and Supergirl through the Forest, they noticed the animals, clouds, and plant life act of their own free will. It took a lot of walking, climbing, and even flying for those who could fly, but they eventually made to the Castle of the Two Sisters. The castle looked more in ruins than it did on Twilight Sparkle's world, some of the remaining towers not even standing anymore.

Throughout the entire journey, Flurry Heart had stayed silent unless she was directing those she led. Which she did until she reached the front entrance of the ruins, stopping to stand at the doorway. Looking at the stone panels on the doorway, Flurry Heart pressed on certain ones and in a certain way. After doing so, a small section of the floor on the other side opened up and revealed a descending staircase.

"Follow me," Flurry Heart ordered the ponies with her as she began going downstairs.

Looking at each other, the three Elements of Harmony bearers and the three Teen Titans then followed the Alicorn downstairs. Walking downward, they were happy to see that there were torches lighting the way while the platform closed. After a couple minutes of walking, the six ponies led by Flurry Heart had found what they were being led to, a large open room that looked like the interior of a military base. Everywhere were ponies polishing spears and bows, repairing armor, putting together machines, and generally working as an army.

Looking to the right, Scarlet Witch noticed fillies and colts huddled in a corner. "All of you are living underground?" The mutant asked Flurry Heart as she looked around.

"It's better than being out in the open." Flurry Heart replied as she stood in front of on the six arrivals. Then a blue mare Earth pony was in front of her. "Soldier."

"Commander," The blue mare addressed her commanding officer. Turning her head, she spotted the six ponies, her expression turning into shock when she saw Twilight Sparkle. "Why does that one look like Midnight Sparkle when she was younger?"

"We're about to find out," Flurry Heart answered as she continued to look at the blue mare. "Where is the General?"

"In her office like always," The blue mare responded as she then stood aside.

"Thank you, soldier." Flurry Heart thanked the blue mare as she began to step forward, making sure the ponies she rescued had followed.

Walking throughout the complex, the three Elements of Harmony bearers and the three Teen Titans witnessed the ponies in misery. Plenty of them seeming to lose hope, that whatever had went on in this world had drained hopes and dreams. Walking around corridors, the six ponies followed the Alicorn in armor, who had removed the torso piece to let out her wings. Then as they got around a corner, the group of seven were in what was clearly an officer's quarters. Plenty of items were weapons among other things, but the pink Alicorn sitting at a desk and faced a wall.

This Alicorn had a bright pink coat, pink wings, and a ruffled mane that was moderate violet with moderate rose and pale gold streaks. On this mare's torso, she wore bluish gray armor with a symbol that almost resembled Twilight Sparkle's cutie mark, less twisted than Midnight Sparkle's.

"Mother," Flurry Heart asked for the attention of the pony at the desk. "We have some ponies who need to meet you."

"Flurry Heart, I need to finish going over the-" The mare at the desk spoke with a rather familiar voice.

Twilight Sparkle knew it all too well. "Cadence?"

Then in a couple of seconds, the mare used her magic to grab a nearby spear, turned around, and tackled Twilight Sparkle to the ground. With Twilight Sparkle on the floor, she saw pure hatred on the counterpart to her sister-in-law. What she also was a scar going down and over the Alicorn's right eye. Clearly, a result of a past battle.

"Mother, wait!" Flurry Heart pleaded as she ran over to grab onto her mother and tried to restrain her.

"I told you that if I ever saw you again," General Cadence screamed at the top of her lungs as she stood over and stared at Twilight Sparkle. "I would kill you for taking everything from me and for all that you had done to the rest of Equestria!"

While everypony else pleaded for General Cadence to stop herself, Twilight Sparkle tearfully looked up at her. "Cadence, please! I'm not who you think I am!"

Looking down at the pony she was ready to stab her spear into, General Cadence looked into the eyes of Twilight Sparkle. Looking into those teary eyes, General Cadence began to lose her composure and tears flowed from her eyes. Backing away, she took a look at the spear she levitated and let go of it, her magical energy field no longer surrounding it. General Cadence feel to the floor and began to cry.

"Are..." General Cadence began to speak through the tears. "Are you just some figment of my imagination?"

Helped up by her friends, Twilight Sparkle looked at the crying Alicorn. "No, I am not." Twilight Sparkle stated as she walked closer to General Cadence. "I am not Midnight Sparkle either. I don't even know what's going on here." She then held a hoof out to her friends. "All of us were taken from our universe by Midnight Sparkle for reasons relating to wanting me to turn on Celestia."

Rainbow Dash was the next one to speak. "Midnight Sparkle even told us that me, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy are all dead in this universe."

"You..." Flurry Heart began to speak to the rainbow-haired Pegasus. "All of you had died years ago. Our universe might as well be one hundred years in the future from whatever year you came from."

"That's nuts," Applejack protested as she could not believe what she was hearing. "I don't see how any of this could have happened."

"Where we come from, Flurry," Twilight Sparkle looked to her niece's counterpart. "You are still just a foal and we had just defeated the Pony of Shadows. Then some enemies from our new friend's universe arrived to conquer Equestria right as we were readying the Festival of Friendship."

"Then you must've never encountered the Storm King in your universe." General Cadence added in as she began to piece things together.

"Cadence," Twilight Sparkle looked at her sister-in-law's counterpart. "I must know how all of this happened. How did things get so bad?"

Getting a hold of herself, General Cadence was still unable to properly look at Twilight Sparkle. "Alright," She sighed. "I'll tell how our world became this way. But neither one of you are going to like it."