• Published 8th Nov 2021
  • 302 Views, 1 Comments

Shining Beacon of Light - UnamusedWaffle

Light defeats Chaos through the power of...Chaos?

  • ...

Warrior of Light

“Go, Chaos Dragon Levianeer! Attack Blister’s Utopia!” Discord shouts as his Levianeer shoots a beam of concentrated chaos at Utopia. Utopia crosses its arms across its chest.

I grit my teeth in anger and brace myself for the incoming destruction.

“PERISH!” He yells as the beam pierces through Utopia’s chest, shattering it into a million tiny pieces and traveling through to hit me in my chest, knocking me out of the air. Through the searing pain and agony I feel course through my body, I can also make out voices calling to me.

“Blister!” I hear Luna shout. “Are you okay? I’m sorry. I’m sorry I can’t help. I’m sorry.” Luna clenches her eyes shut while tears stream down her face. But the spirit of Chaos won't let her break down.

The pain in my body subsides and eventually recedes into a small, barely noticeable point on my chest, but I just decide to count my small blessings. I also decide to listen for a second.

“Oooh, this is simply too much fun! You ponies simply make it too easy, talking about friendship this, and relationships THAT! And all the while those very relationships are what make you WEAK!”

I glance down at my duel disk.

1000 Life points left. Fucking dammit.

I growl in anger as I bring my hooves back under myself and straighten my legs. With a pained expression, I unclench my teeth and take a deep breath.

“That may be so, Discord. But the relationships you claim are our weakness are sometimes the very power we need to get back up and keep fighting! Sure relationships are hard, messy, and more often than not a pain in my ass! BUT!” I look over at Luna and smile weakly. “Luna,” I call out in a softer tone of voice. She lowers her head even more. “Luna, look at me, please.”

Finally, she complies and brings her teary red eyes to look a mine. I smile wider, and I feel pressure in my chest.

“Luna, after all the time we’ve spent together, I know you don’t want to hurt me. I know you never intended for any of this to happen. But it still did, and that’s okay. That’s what we’re here for, to help each other. We just need to work through this together.”


“And I KNOW what you’re going to say,” I say a bit louder, smirking now. “I still want to be with you because I want to. You may think that you’re unforgivable for what you did, and maybe that’s true, but that’s up to each individual pony to choose for themselves, including yourself. And I choose to forgive you. For Nightmare Moon, for this, for every tiny little transgression we’ve ever had. Because I care about you, Luna! You’re my friend and I’d do anything fo-” I stop to consider the wide-eyed expression I’m getting from both of these bozos.

“What?!” I ask incredulously. “Did I miss a piece of broccoli in my teeth?”

Discord is the first to speak up.

“What is this witchcraft? Explain yourself, mortal!!” He shouts, pointing a claw at my chest.

“Again what’re yo-”

“Blister, your chest!” Luna exclaims.

What? I glance down at my chest an-oh god what is that? What’s happening to my key?! Why is it glowing?! I do the only thing that comes to mind.

“Uhhhhhhhhhhh…” I'm interrupted by the sudden burst of golden light coming from my key. When the light dies down a split second later, the world appears to now have a red tint to it. Looking around, I seem to be encased in a sort of red energy.

What the fuck?!

I look to Discord who has a look of horror on his face. But the much more interesting creature to look at was Luna. She's also appeared to be encased in a sort of energy field, although I can't make out the color.

We share a look before the energy surrounding us seems to have other plans. I scream as I'm involuntarily shot straight up into the air, my wings not even lazily beating to keep myself aloft. I look to my left to see Luna in the same position as me. She looks completely unsure about this, but simultaneously smiles and nods at me.

Before I am able to shout at her for being so calm, an involuntarily feeling comes over me and before I know what I am doing, I am shouting like there’s no tomorrow.

“When two distant souls become one!”

“The power of ZEXAL is revealed!” Luna responds.

“Go, ZEXAL morph!!” We shout.

Our two streams of energy circle around each other, eventually spiraling into one another and exploding in a flash of light.

The next thing I know, I am simply floating in a black void.

“Hah! Hello? Someone? Luna?” I shout, my voice shaking.

I feel tears welling up in my eyes. Oh god, what the fuck is happening?!

“Blister, calm yourself!” I whirl myself around towards familiarity.

“Luna! Oh, thank god! What the fuck was that? I was just standing there and then we shot up into the air, and then we-”

“Blister! Calm down! Take a deep breath. Like me, watch.” She instructs as she puts a hoof on my shoulder and takes her other hoof and points it outwards. She then slowly brings her hoof into her chest while exaggeratedly inhaling. I mimic her. She then extends her hoof back out while exhaling. I mimic her again.

Oh wow, that really helps. I take a deep breath again, this time without the hoof movements.

“Oh wow, thanks, that really helped,” I say, smiling. Luna smiles as well, but then I see tears well up in her eyes as I wipe my own away. Before I could think about it, she throws her hooves around me and wraps me in a tight hug while burying her face in my neck.

“Thank you.” She says shakily. Oh wow, I needed this.

Shut up, this isn’t about you.

I felt my mind falter for half a second.

“Anytime Luna,” I say, mimicking her again and burying my face in her neck as well. “I will gladly talk about how much you mean to me.” I give a light laugh. You know, like the one where you just exhale out of your nose.

For just a few seconds we just float there in the black void, wrapping in each others’ hooves. So much so that I fail to notice the growing light all around me. Suddenly, I open my eyes again, only to see Discord and his Chaos Dragon Levianeer again.


What’s going on?” I hear in my head.

Your head? This is my head.

What the fuck is going on?

I don’t know!

I know that’s Luna’s voice, but where is she? And why is it coming from inside of me?

Why is your voice coming from inside of me?

Suddenly my head starts to look around, frantically looking for Blister. Wait, looking for me? Why me? I’m me, no? And without my input?

I start trying to move my head with my input this time but as I do, I feel a strain on my neck muscles. Ow, fuck! Wait, I feel a panic settling in, what? That’s...not mine. That panic’s not mine. Then whose is it?

I’m panicking, you daft idiot!

Wait, Luna?


Wait. Wait wait wait wait.

I (we?) take a deep breath.

You try moving the head first.

I move the head to the left.

This is most unusual, yet I feel at ease.

I can’t help but agree. Now you try.

I relax my neck muscles and watch in awe as the head of ours moves back to the right.

Huh, so I guess somehow we became one being. Wait, how’re we going to get un-stuck or whatever?

Thoughts for later. For now, we have bigger problems!” Luna says, bringing our head back to face Chaos Dragon Levianeer and the now wide-eyed Draconeques.

“Right!” I say as Discord recovers.

“You two can change all you want, it won’t change the fact that you only have 1000 life points left. You’ve lost! Give up!”

“NEVER! We will never give up! So long as we have a single life point left, there will always be hope!” Both Luna and I shout. We feel a fire burning inside of us.

Discord growls.

“I end my turn.”

Are you ready, Blister?” Luna asks in our head.

Ready as I’ll ever be!

The fire burning inside of us rages into an unquenchable inferno and we smirk.

“A truly powerful duelist can shape the outcome of a duel!” We shout, much to Discord’s confusion. “They can even generate the very card they need to draw! Go, Shining Draw!!”

A blinding light covers the battlefield as we draw our card. Bringing it to face us, we smile even wider.

“A perfect draw, I must say. We make a good team, Blister.” Luna says.

Can’t argue with you there, although I’m in awe at how perfect this is.

We make our move.

“From our hoof, we activate the spell card, Monster Reborn to bring back the shining beacon of hope, Number 39: Utopia!” Discord frowned.

The key around our neck begins to glow again, but we feel no fear in our hearts this time. Discord, however, is a different story.

“And with Utopia, we rebuild the overlay network!” We shout as Utopia folds itself back into a form that more closely resembles a weapon more than anything as it slowly descends into the spiraling black hole beneath it.

“What? What is happening?!” Discord shouts.

“When you attacked us, Discord, you sealed your own fate! This next move is born out of your own magic! Warrior of hope, descend on this world and cut a path through the chaos with your shining beacon of light! Go, Chaos XYZ Evolution!!”

Discord looks on in horror as the spiraling black hole explodes into a kaleidoscope of light to reveal a new monster.

“Reveal yourself, and stand against the darkness! Chaos Number 39: Utopia Ray!”

A new form appears out of the light that's reminiscent of the Utopia that went in. It looks to be made out of gray and black metal with gold highlights towards the top in the form of a V shape. A long, almost sword-like straight edge runs through the middle of the figure. But the most striking thing about it is the circular ocean blue gem in the middle of it all.

Quickly, the figure seems to morph and fold itself outwards until it resembles the Utopia that went into creating it, only much darker and sleeker.

“Next, we activate the spell card, Overlay Regen, which becomes an overlay unit for Utopia Ray. Then, from our hoof, we activate the effect of Zexal Weapon-Alicorn Spear! It equips onto Utopia Ray and raises its attack points! Transform, Alicorn Spear!”

From the card in our outstretched hoof, a mechanical golden alicorn appears and flies on nothing over the Utopia Ray. In a fashion similar to how both Utopias “folded” themselves, ZW-Alicorn Spear folds itself into a huge golden spear with a circular hole towards the end. Utopia Ray raises its own sword from its back to meet the oncoming spear, and the two merge into one.

Number C39: Utopia Ray: 2500 ATK -> 4400 ATK

“Finally, we use all of Utopia Ray’s overlay units to activate its effect! Utopia Ray gains 500 ATK points for each one and Chaos Dragon Levianeer loses 1000 ATK points for each one!”

The two overlay units surrounding Utopia Ray fly up into its raised spear, strengthening its golden glow. At the same time, a red aura surrounds Chaos Dragon Levianeer. The dragon lets out a cry of defiance as its power is weakened and Discord watches on helplessly all the while.

Number C39: Utopia Ray: 4400 ATK -> 5400 ATK

Chaos Dragon Levianeer: 3000 ATK -> 1000 ATK

“What?! NO! NOT LIKE THIS!” Discord pleads.

“It’s over, Discord! Go, Utopia Ray, attack Chaos Dragon Levianeer!”

Utopia Ray raises its spear even higher, sending a piercing light up into the cotton candy clouds above, turning them white.

“Rising sun chaos slash!”

Utopia Ray lunges at Chaos Dragon Levianeer while Discord snaps his fingers, causing a foam shield to appear in front of him. After Utopia Ray’s first swing, the foam shield is completely destroyed.

“No, please, NOT LIKE THIS!” He puts his arms up in front of his face as Utopia Ray swings its mighty Alicorn spear at Discord.

LP: 4000 -> 0

Discord is violently thrown back as we shield our eyes from the blinding light that ensues. When the light fades, he's lying on his back, dozens of feet from where we last him. Suddenly, we feel a strange pulling force on us and a golden glow envelopes us.

Uhhh, Luna?

I think that-”

“...we are separate now.” I jerk our, er, my head to the right to see Luna standing there with a golden glow fading from her form. I smile.

“We did it,” I say, but Luna frowns.

“Not entirely, dear Blister. Discord is still with us.” She says, turning to look at Discord still lying motionless on the ground. I simply shrug.

“Meh, Twilight and the rest will surely be along any moment now to deal with him, right?”


I can almost make out the wind laughing at me over Discord’s groans.

Comments ( 1 )

Wonder if there is more YGO/MLP fics coming up? :0

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