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Chapter 3

After losing sight of Sunset Shimmer, The Rainbooms had no choice but to give up and go home. They were saddened that they lost their chance to apologize to their hurt friend. Applejack arrived at Sweet Apple Acres and entered the back door to find Granny Smith and
Big Mac sitting at the dinner table with supper all set.

“I’m home.” The cowgirl sighed then looked around. “Where’s Applebloom?”

“the poor dear hasn’t said a word since the assembly at school.” Granny Smith explained.

“She must really feel very guilty about that whole Anon-a-miss nonsense.”

“Eyup.” Big Mac added.

“I blame myself.” Applejack sat down. “If I just invited Bloom to join us, she wouldn’t have felt left out and she wouldn’t have done that with her friends!”

“Nope.” Big Mac said.

Applejack began to beat herself up more. “And then I wouldn’t have accused Sunset and tossed her like a rotten apple core! Especially when I told her she was family! And- and-”

Granny Smith patted the girl’s hand. “There there, Applejack. Even family makes mistakes and that could’ve been a whole lot worse than it already was.”

“Maybe.” Applejack whispered.

After dinner, Applejack went up to Applebloom’s room and knocked on her door.

“Applebloom? Are you awake?” there was no answer. “Sugarcube, if you can hear me, I’m sorry I made you feel left out, but Sunset had no family and I promised Twilight I’d help her understand friendship. And I wanted to give her a family out of all of us. And now Sunset Shimmer won’t talk to us. I’ve failed her. I’ve failed Twilight. I've failed you. All I ask is that for a chance to make it up to you and Sunset. At least for Christmas.”

Not hearing a word, Applejack sulky walked to her room, unaware that despite depressed,
Applebloom did hear what her sister said.


After eating her meal, Sunset changed into her pajamas and continued to read the book Mr. Neezer gave her. She was on the part where the main character, Ebenezer Scrooge, was visited by the ghost of his old business partner, Jacob Marly, when she started to feel sleepy. So she bookmarked her place, turned off her lamp, and went to sleep.

Suddenly, she was awoken by a spooky voice calling her name. “Sunset Shimmer.”

She was half asleep at first before the voice was closer. “Sunset Shimmer.”

“Who-who’s there?” Sunset cried hearing footsteps climbing up to her bed.

“a friend.” The voice answered as the figure made it to her bed. The figure wore green spandex, a white belt with a buckle holding a coin, white gloves and boots with green stripes, a golden shield over his shoulders, and a green helmet that resembled a dragon.

“What do you want with me?” Sunset asked.

“You have nothing to worry. I came to help you.” The green ranger said.

“How can you help me?”

“Because I have been where you are now.” The ranger then took off his helmet, revealing a human teenager with long brown hair. “My name is Tommy Oliver. When I moved to a new town, an evil witch named Rita put a spell on me, chose me as her green ranger. I did a lot of things I regret. Then ones I once considered enemies broke the spell and gave me another chance.”

“I realize it is similar to me, but you were turned against your will. I was evil to begin with.” Sunset sighed.

“perhaps, but I have seen what would’ve happened if I rejected that second chance.” Tommy held out his hand as a screen showed another version of him. Sunset gasped to see Tommy in a white outfit, a green shield, gold gauntlets, a helmet shaped of a dragon tiger hybrid, towering over all. “In this alternate reality, I went back to that witch Rita, led her forces to war, stole another ranger’s powers, and hunted down anyone, ranger or not, who stood against me. I called myself Lord Drakkon and I acted like a god, treating everyone like they were beneath me.”

“Please. I don’t want to see no more.” Sunset cringed in sorrow. As Tommy put away the screen, she then asked the ranger. “Why would you help me?”

“Because I know you can be released from the shackles of your past. It’s not too late to make amends with your friends.”

“They tossed me aside and abandoned me! After they claimed I was part of their family.”

“But if you don’t let them apologize, you’ll be no better than them.”

“I….just don’t think I can face them right now.” Sunset sighed.

Tommy then put his helmet back on. “Here’s the deal. In the next three nights, you will have a visitor each night. Without their visits, you will never have the compassion to face your friends.” As he turned to leave, the green ranger then turned back to Sunset. “Expect the first visitor tomorrow night when the bell tolls one.” And with that, he took his leave, saying.
“Farewell, Sunset Shimmer, and good luck.”

To be continued

Author's Note:

- You're gonna see a lot of characters from other shows owned by Hasbro. (Yes, as far as i know, Power Rangers is owned by Hasbro)
- Out of all the Mane 5, I think Applejack would be the most guilty so you'll see a lot of her.
- I thought the CMCs could wallow in self pity something similar to Tiny Tim's condition in a Christmas Carol.
- I wanted someone who started bad then turned good so I chose Tommy the green Mighty Morphin Power Ranger.

Next Time: Unhappy shopping. holes in the heart.