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Chapter 8

Sunset Shimmer was once again awoken by her alarm. After she got herself dressed and around, there was a knock on her door.

“G-Who is it?” Sunset asked, almost telling that person to go away.

“It’s Mr. Neezer.”

Hearing that caused Sunset to unlock the door for the teacher.

“Can I help you with something?” she asked.

“Actually, I was wondering if you would like to join me for brunch? Since it’s Christmas Eve and I leave Canterlot later tonight for the holidays, I thought if you’re still hurting, I could give you a little Christmas cheer.”

Sunset pondered a little bit and decided to go since the teacher has tried to help her through her grief from Anon-a-miss incident. “let me get my jacket.”


They went to a diner. Sunset was too quick to get her jacket she forgot to get her scarf so she was exposed. Thankfully, no one seemed to notice her.

“This one is on me, Sunset.” Mr. Neezer said as they got their orders. As they enjoy their food, Mr. Neezer then asked, “So, anything better with your friends?”

After swallowing her bite of pancakes, Sunset tried to find the right words to say as she answered.

“Well, I think they’re trying to make amends with me, but I still don’t think I can trust them. I got invited to a Christmas party later tonight. I don’t know if I should go or not.”

“Reminds me of when my nephew invited me to his Christmas party.” Mr. Neezer said.

“Did you go?” Sunset asked.

“at first, I thought it was a waste of time and money. After learning the true meaning of Christmas, I actually went and had lots of fun.” He then noticed Sunset still looked unsure.

“I’m not telling you what you should or should not do. All I can say is you may not get the chance to make amends if you let this pass you by.”


“At least give it some thought.” Mr. Neezer advised.


After Mr. Neezer paid for their meals, Sunset headed back to her place. As she continued her reading, she was debating if she should go to the Sweet Apple Acres Christmas party. She kept thinking about her little visits and seeing her friends hurting from their mistake as well as the people she hurt when she was bad. As she was on the part of the book where Ebenezer saw a bad future if he did not change, Sunset got up and decided she might go.

“I’ll never know if they were seriously sorry or not.” The red head told herself, though she still wasn’t sure inside.


It was later that evening and Sunset was heading over to Sweet Apple Acres. This time, she decided not to wear her scarf and hat cover up. If her ‘friends’ were really sorry, they’d welcome her and not harm her. Soon, she arrived at the apple farm and headed to the door. After a little hesitation, she lifted her hand to knock on the door when suddenly-

She stopped.

“what if- what if this is a trick?” she muttered to herself, starting to tear up. “this whole thing was my fault to begin with. All because I disobeyed Princess Celestia. I should never have heard of that mirror.”

Breathing heavily, Sunset ran away in tears, hoping nobody saw her.

To be continued

Author's Note:

- I got nothing.

Next Time: The final visit.