• Published 15th Nov 2021
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Messing up timelines sure does cause mayhem - ShadowLord Ver50

Aster was once a 15 year old outcast- now he's the literal embodiment of mayhem and havoc and is basically adopted by Discord. Oh, and he's also trying to reform what will soon become The Leigon Of Doom. Surely this can't go wrong at all!

  • ...

Chaotic Entry

It was finally the day.

The day of The Opening of The School Of Friendship

The day where he is officially introduced into Equestria.

And the day he begins his plans to prevent Cozy Glow from draining magic from Equestria.

To see he's nervous is an understatement. He's jittery, barely able to sit still, and constantly pacing. Discord was going to be watching from the sidelines, not having any particular interest in getting involved himself. Of course, he's gonna show up when Celestia asks him to explain why another Draconequus was running around, but up until then, he's on his own.

His plan was simple, enter Equestria and watch the proceedings from the sidelines. Everything from the opening of the School of Friendship to its forced shutdown. And when the Young Six decide to bail and go to the castle of the two sisters, interfere there.

Not to play a hero or anything, but to play the role of a troublemaker. He knew that the moment the Six started viewing their teachers as 'Cool', is crucial. And Tree would probably have his head as a personal cave decoration should he proceed to screw it up.

And so, when it struck day, he entered Equestria and watched.

He snuck in during the School's opening ceremony, invisible to their eyes, and kept low. Watching the Student Six run around, all accidentally bumping into one another. Quite literally so with Sandbar and Gallus.

'I'm beginning to wonder,' he thought to himself, hovering above the crowd. 'Was this all coincidental? Or was there something more at play...'

In hindsight, there probably was. The six radiated this...strange magical aura, which didn't make sense since most of them can't use magic actively like a Unicorn. Being a spirit really did let you in on quite a few of the inner workings of Equestria.

Eventually, Twilight announced the school was in session. And honestly, he was a bit weirded out by the lack of a musical number, but if anyone started loudly after being told school was in session...at best, everyone would avoid them for weeks, at worst, they'd have no friends.

Also, navigating the School of Friendship was far more difficult, (and surreal) than he imagined. He mentally groaned at how long it would take for him to memorize hallways and classes. (Also, what kind of school needs a FOUNTAIN?)

He decided to go about his observation like this, after a period ended, he would switch classes and observe another one of the Mane Six in their attempts to run a class. He found this to be efficient enough for him to be able to monitor the classes and the Student at the same time.

On the first day of school, classes were...for the most part, pretty average. The only reason he even stayed awake was that he was a nerd for the kind of knowledge they offered, even through their awkward voices and methods. More than once, he had to stop himself from asking a question that would give him away.

The second day though...it was pretty fun, or well, the first half when Twilight wasn't being strict about the books was at least. But seeing the hands-on approach that many of the teachers tried to take... honestly made him wish more schools would do that. He never once wanted to badly join a lesson, but seeing actual animals in Fluttershy's class, or the cannons and confetti in Pinkie's class made him feel like he was missing out on something important and fun!

Well, that was until Twilight came in and made everything 'by the book' once more. (He really had to resist the temptation to burn the EEA book, or to misplace it when she wasn't looking.) And soon enough, things went back to being as it was yesterday.

With the way things were going, it wasn't long before The Students Six got into a fight. (Also, he spent an embarrassingly long time trying to find which hallway the fight was going to take place in so he wouldn't miss it.) And when Rainbow Dash stated they were terrible teachers, he couldn't help but wonder.

'Why did Twilight have her friends be teachers?', he thought mentally as the others left the area. 'They well...suck at it, to put it lightly.'

Honestly, the energy of The School of Friendship was starting to feel like his old school's...tired and resigned. With fights breaking out everywhere. Honestly, he couldn't even muster that spark of curiosity as to why the Students would want to ditch the class that he once had. The answer was so glaringly obvious he couldn't help but silently cheer for their efforts this time.

Of course, a certain somepony had to show up as well.

'Ugh...Neighsay,' he thought with exasperation. Throughout the entire time, the urge to do something that would cause mayhem was so...overwhelming. He can see why Discord would pull stunts like the Grogar one because if THIS was eating at him the entire time, he'd eventually cave and snap as well. Heck, he was pretty sure the only reason he hadn't was because of the Mayhem generated by the Student Six's little scuffle!

The urge to take his horn away, or turn his mane into frosting only get worse when Neighsay perceived the accident that was caused by The Student Six as an attack, voicing his beliefs while every other nation's leader was there watching and listening.

'How much audacity can a single pony have?' He screeched mentally and incredulously, watching the offended leaders pull their kids out of the school. 'Does this guy believe he's invincible or something? What legal protections does being a member of the EEA have!? They're an education association! Not the head of the military!'

After watching him shut down the school, he decided to head back to Chaosville. Meeting a very amused Discord when he barged through the door.

"I take it things didn't go well?" He asked. Aster growled, momentarily surprising himself by how intimidating he sounded.

"I knew it was gonna be like this..." He sighed, "But seeing it in person just makes it even worse."

The next day came, and since he sorta already knew everything that was gonna happen with the others, he quickly made way to the castle of the two sisters, waiting for the others to show up.

To say it took a while, would be an understatement. He had to stop himself from screeching with joy as they finally showed up.

"Uhm, is this place really, uh, safe?" Sandbar asked, nervously staring at the Castle of the Two Sisters.

Gallus rolled his eyes. "Puh-lease. We can all get away quick enough should anything bad happen."

"Hey! I think you're all forgetting about me and Yona here!" Sandbar protested.

"Don't worry!" Ocellus pats him reassuringly, "I can get you out of here should anything go wrong!"

"Plus, we didn't even see anything remotely dangerous on our way here!" Smolder snorted, making her way to the castle.

He watched them all come towards the castle and gave a determined glare before floating downwards, still invisible to their eyes. He decided the most efficient way to know his cue would be to follow Sandbar back and forth on his trips to get items for the others.

When he saw Twilight and the others in the cake shop, he mentally prepared himself patiently awaiting Sandbar's return to the Castle of the Two Sisters.

"Most other creatures," Sandbar murmured, staring at the small fluffy creature with a sense of apprehension. "What is that?"

Ocellus sighed, "Am I the only one who didn't sleep through Professor Fluttershy's Critters of Comfort and Consolate Class? It's a-"

"Pudgewedgie, and they tend to be rather vicious little balls of fluff." The small critter was lifted into the air and thrown away like a bag of trash.

The Six gasped, stepping back. "Who's there!?" Smolder glared at the clearing in front of her. The only response to her question was hysterical giggles.

"T-This was a bad idea! I knew we shouldn't have come!" Sandbar whispered frantically, staring around with wide eyes.

"Relax, we'll be fine," Gallus assured, before glaring at the bushes. "Because clearly whoever's out there is a coward if they can't bring themselves to face us?"

"Face you? Okay then, you asked for it, mister!" There was a flash of bright light, and then everyone screamed.

In front of them stood something that looked like it crawled out of a horror story, best described as an undead dragon. The group collectively shuddered as it stared at them with its hollow, empty eyes. His tail swished behind him, the sharp edge was made abundantly clear to them.

"S...Smolder, what kind of Dragon is that!?" Silverstream screeched. Said dragon's lips pressed into a thin line.

"I'm not even sure if it is a dragon," Smolder admitted warily. The thing chuckled.

"Well, you'd be right. I'm not exactly dragon...though I guess I'm part dragon..." his voice was masculine, and it sounded surprisingly young.

"Then what are you?" Gallus asked, narrowing his eyes.

He smiled simply at them, "A Draconequus!" He replied cheerily.

Everyone else scowled at the answer in confusion...except for Sandbar, who looked as if he's seen a ghost.

"Draconequus!?" He said, getting a few looks from the others from how much terror was in his voice. "L-like Discord?"

"Kinda! I can even do the same stuff he can!" He summoned a pink cloud made of cotton candy that rained chocolate milk.

"Woah!" Silverstream gasped, "How did he do that? Is it some sort of magic spell?"

"Sandbar," Gallus whispered, "He said he was Draconequus, what exactly does that mean?"

Sandbar gulped for a moment. "D...does anyone here remember a day when everything was...um...weird? Like, cotton candy clouds raining chocolate milk from the sky and the sun and moon going down at weird times weird?"

Yona grumbles, "Yona remembers well, Yona thinks it was very annoying."

Smolder nods, "Same here. I remember the Dragon lord wondering if Celestia had gone senile!"

"W-well, it wasn't the princesses fault..." Sandbar nervously stuttered, "Y-you see, apparently, there was this creature name Discord. A Spirit Of Chaos whose magic was so strong it allowed him to warp reality and cause all the weirdness on that day."

Gallus scowled, "How is this important to what's currently happening?"

"Hey!" Ocellus snapped, "Let him finish."

"Uh thanks, Ocellus," Sandbar looked at her gratefully before focusing again, "But um, Discord's species was said to be uh...A draconequus."

Everyone collectively blinked, the air going still with a shared realization.

"Oh." Silverstream summed up in a word the levels of 'we're bucking screwed' the others felt.

"Oh indeed!" The Draconequus chortled, amused. "I'm Aster! The Spirit Of Mayhem and Havoc!" He grinned at them, the smile predatory. "A pleasure to be making your acquaintances."

"Uhmm," Ocellus stepped forward, nervousness radiating from her expression. "Well uh, the pleasure's ours...um...Aster. So uh...is there something you wanted from us?"

"As a matter of fact! Yes!" He nodded.

"Well then, what is it?" Ocellus inquired.

He grinned before lifting his head up and screeching. Several Puck Wedgies came out of the bushes surrounding the group, screeching fangs uplifted and fur raised as spikes ready for shooting.

"You see," he spoke, circling the group. "Discord, despite being mightier than I, was bested by," He paused, disgust come onto his expression, "Blegh. Friendship. And I'm sure you all can see how dumb that is."

"Yona doesn't think it's dumb!" The yak protested. "Yona used to believe friendship was for ponies, but Yona now knows friendship is strong!"

"Yeah! That's right!" Smolder joined her Yak friend in protest, "We literally ran away from our homes to see our friends! If that doesn't prove friendship is strong, I don't know what will!"

"And, if this 'Oh-So-Powerful-Spirit-Of-Chaos' was bested by friendship. That should already tell you how strong it is." Gallus retorted, flying up with his arms folded and smugly smiling at Aster.

"Well, technically he was bested by the Elements of Harmony, which are a completely different thing in their own right." Aster retorted.

"Wrong." Sandbar rebuked. The pony was still obviously afraid, but seeing his friends stand up to the Spirit Of Mayhem had given him courage. "It was the power of friendship that fueled the Elements of Harmony! So technically, he was beaten by the power of friendship!"

"And Discord himself embraced friendship!" Ocellus flew up to Aster. "I was there when he willingly put himself into a zone that rendered him powerless, just to save a friend."

"Well then," Aster smiled cheerily, "Let's see how right you all are." He screeched again, and the Pudgewudgies all attacked. Thinking quick, Gallus quickly put a cart in between them, Silverstream and Smolder following his example. They stayed there, huddled up.

"What do we do!?" Sandbar hissed, wincing as he heard the spikes barge into the carts.

"Ocellus! Did Professor Fluttershy have anything in class about how to beat these things?" Gallus asked frantically.

Ocellus whimpered, "I'm sorry, I don't know! I wasn't paying attention!"

"Guys!" Silverstream yelled, "They're getting closer!"

The Spirit Of Mayhem smiled with an eerie sense of cheer as he watch them close in. "Well, would you look at that! Friendship isn't that strong after-" He paused, looking up at the sky with wide eyes. "Oh, crud."

He vanished before a rainbow blur rushed through the group of Pudgewedgies, hanging them on the trees at incredible speeds. The blur quickly revealed itself to be Rainbow Dash, smiling smugly at her work before vanishing in the blink of an eye.

Gallus's eyes bulged, "Is that Professor Egghead?"

The rest of the Pudgewedgies were lifted up telekinetically, making way for Twilight and Starlight. The two joined their horns together and let out a pulse that pushed them away. Spike headbutted one way, but another chased him. Rarity had apprehended a single Pudgewedgie and began making it fabulous, while Fluttershy hugged one, insisting force wasn't needed.

Clearly, her cries weren't registered by the others as Pinke brought in a cannon, and Dash stuffed them in, blasting them away.

The students stared in shock and awe at how quickly their teachers had managed to neutralize the threat. "Huh," Gallus murmured, "Guess our teachers are cool after all."

Sandbar nudged him. "That's what I've been trying to tell you!"

"They were amazing!" Ocellus said in awe. The carts were lifted as their teachers ran up to them.

"Is every creature alright!?" Twilight asked. They all nodded, insisting that they weren't seriously harmed.

"You're incredibly lucky we got here in time!" Spike panted, exhausted from their current encounter with the Pudgewedgies, given he did the most running.

Starlight winced, looking at the old, decrepit castle. "This probably isn't the safest place for a campout."

"Well," Smolder huffed, "It was safer before that jerk showed up!"

"Wait? That jerk?" Twilight repeated, "You mean there was someone else here?"

"Mhm! That was me!" The three of them spun around and gasped, seeing Aster standing behind them.

"Is that a zombie?" Rainbow Dash asked, momentarily backing away from the undead-looking chimera. The girls winced as they looked all over gashes and scars across his figure.

"No! But your probably not the last to make that misconception." He walked forward on all fours towards the group. "I'm Aster! Spirit Of Mayhem and Havoc!"

"Spirit?" Starlight murmured, "You mean like Discord?"

"I mean, there is clearly a similarity between them." Rarity pointed out, still grimacing as she inspected his zombie-like appearance.

"You think they share the same species?" Spike asked Fluttershy.

"Possibly," The Yellow Pegasus whispered back, "Discord never speaks much about his species. It wouldn't surprise me if there was more."

"Oh! There you are!" A familiar voice cries out. Discord appears in a flash of bright light. "I was beginning to believe you'd left Equestria!"

"Discord?" Rainbow's eyes narrowed. "You know him?"

"Quite so my dear Rainbow Dash!" He cheerily picked up Aster, completely ignoring his protests, and showed off like a parent showing off their newborn. "This Aster! He crash-landed in Chaosville and I, being the generous draconequus of friendship I am, decided to let him stay there!"

Aster grumbled, looking very embarrassed in Discord's grip. Smolder quickly flew over, glaring daggers at him. "Well then, since you know him well, care to ask him why he thought sending those things after us was a good idea?"

"Yeah!" Sandbar shook his head, "I seriously thought I was in danger."

Discord gasped. "Oh my! Someone's been rather naughty today, haven't they?" He put him on the ground and bowed. "I apologize for any inconvenience he might have caused! He is a being a Mayhem, and it's only in his nature to seek out and generate Mayhem!"

Ocellus frowned, "That may be the case, but you're also a being of Chaos, yet you can get along with others just fine."

"Yeah!" Silverstream nodded, "Also, he kept talking about friendship being dumb and stuff like that!" She pointed an accusatory finger at him.

Aster sighed. "It was just supposed to be a joke," he murmured, "I would've stopped it if it got too far."

"It already went beyond too far!" Gallus glowered, "Jokes are supposed to be funny, not dangerous!"

"My, my," Discord chuckled, "Seems as if someone is in need of friendship lessons!" He glanced at Twilight Sparkle, who awkwardly waved him off.

"Let's talk about that later!" Twilight insisted, "We need to get the others back safe and sound!"

"Oh, true," Discord conceded, "I'm pretty sure Ember is one step away from declaring war on the other races."

"What!?" Smolder's jaw dropped as the others looked at each other in surprise. They knew their nation's leader would be concerned, but they didn't think a war would be breaking out anytime soon!

"He has a point," Aster shrugged, "I can already sense the mayhem from here."

"We need to get back! Pronto!" Silverstream shrieked, pacing around the air in panic.

"Everyone, with me!" Twilight orders, flying over to the direction of Canterlot. The rest follow, eager to get back to town before a literal war breaks out. However, Discord and Aster stay behind, observing the others as they vanish into the clearing.

"You know, your actions today were capable of putting you at odds with every single world leader." Discord stated in amusement, Aster sighed.

"I know," He said, "However, it's not their trust specifically I'm aiming for."

Discord quirks a brow. "Oh, then do tell? Who's exactly?"

Aster stared at him simply. "It's a surprise."

"Changing the rules, for them!" Chancellor Neighsay huffed, glaring out at the dozens of creatures gathered in front of The School that had been previously closed. "It simply won't work!"

"I seem to recall something about Earth Poines, Unicorn, and Pegasi doing something similar, don't you?" Princess Celestia flew over and level a stern glare at the unicorn, planting her hoof on the ground. His face merely contorted with displeasure.

"I promise you, chancellor," Twilight continued, "My school WILL protect Equestria."

"Or destroy it!" He snarled at her before hopping into the portal...or that is would have happened had a bucket not flown over from the side, whacking the chancellor in the face and knocking him out cold. Startled, the other creatures stared at the white unicorns in confusion (and satisfaction for Ember and Prince Rutherford. Seaspray as well, though he'd never admit it.)

Aster then appeared in a flash of bright light, looking over his handiwork with a sense of glee before turning to face the startled crowd. "What? You all probably wanted to whack him across the face as much as I did!"