• Published 15th Nov 2021
  • 1,686 Views, 26 Comments

Messing up timelines sure does cause mayhem - ShadowLord Ver50

Aster was once a 15 year old outcast- now he's the literal embodiment of mayhem and havoc and is basically adopted by Discord. Oh, and he's also trying to reform what will soon become The Leigon Of Doom. Surely this can't go wrong at all!

  • ...

Discord decides adoption is the best way to slove problems

Author's Note:

Bit of disclaimer: It's nothing serious, but when I go over the main character's appearance. It can get a little bit...gory. (Mentions of skin and flesh being ripped off or deep gashes caused by battle and missing skin. Nothing actually happening, just being used as metaphors to describe ). since he's basically a draconeequus that's a hybrid of a skeleton dragon and a pony. Nothing bad actually happens to him.

I don't think it's enough to warrant the gore tag, but this is my first time, and you can never be too careful.

Here's the gist of his appearance in case you wanna skip that part: He has a dragon's head with one side having grey scales and the other not having grey scales. Two black eye sockets with white pinpricks for the eyes. He has two ram-like horns, a black fur coat, and grey forepaws, but one forepaw is half skeletal, sorta like Discord's griffin claw. He has two legs, both of a pony and a dragon. Both are grey in color. And his wings are skeletal but have a black translucent dragon bit in between them, and his tail is made entirely out of bones and has a dagger-like end.

The description starts at: With a snap, a mirror was placed in front of him.

And ends in: And honestly...

Anyway, with that out of the way enjoy!

So, it took him a while to realize he wasn't seeing things.

Aster stared blankly at the Spirit of Chaos and briefly wondered if he's in some drug-induced hallucination.

'I can assure you, this is 100% real. Discord certified as a matter of fact! Also, if you were on drugs I'd quickly remove the effects from your body and then make you forget drugs ever existed. I may be the Master Of Chaos and everything but even I have standards.'

A voice smooth as silk and completely unlike bounced around his brain, he immediately connected it as Discord's. He glances around for a bit, shakily getting up before realization struck him.

Telepathy. The voice spoke in his head.

He immediately whips a wide-eyed stare at the Chaos Lord, who merely replies with a smug smile.

This couldn't be happening.

Not because he didn't want it to be happening or anything-! Heck, he always wanted to meet Discord.

But because it simply wasn't physically possible. Discord was a fictional character in the tv show. So the most logical conclusion would be he's dreaming. Which might be a disappointing conclusion, but it's the one that makes the most sense.

"Make sense?" He jolted in surprise as Disord moved to scratch his chin, "But what fun is there in making sense?"

It looked surreal. So surreal. So incredibly realistic that he was tempted to call it 'real'. But, he knew better. Dreams are a strange thing, so it would make sense for him to imagine such things.

Discord shot him an inquisitive look, "Do you honestly still think you're dreaming? Lucid Dreaming is a nice thing and all, but it doesn't quite work like this. Also, wouldn't it be weird that your mind would actively be trying to convince you weren't dreaming even though you are dreaming?" He asked.

Aster stood firm. "Dreams are strange things, not even scientists fully understand him." He reminded. To what, he didn't know. Discord? Himself? Again, Dreams are weird.

Discord sighed, "Of course you bring out the whole- 'But the scientists say this'-" Several animated puppets in lab coats popped into existence, with two in Discord's hands- " 'Scientists believe that!' excuse. Honestly, it's sad how dependent you're kind is on the words of men and women in white lab coats."

Aster watched the display, fascinated and immediately taken aback by how this dream managed to realistically portray Discord using his magic and confused at the fact this his own mind tossed an insult to science- one of the subjects he actually liked.

Discord sighed, deeper than last time. "Well then," he dismisses the puppets and visibly sharpens a talon. "Looks like a small demonstration is necessary."

He snapped his fingers.

Then the ground beneath Aster vanished and he fell, scream piercing from his mouth as felt himself descend, the wind rushed violently past him, making him briefly wonder what speed he was falling at.

Then, he hit the water.

He submerged quickly enough, feeling something on his back drag him down faster. He was stunned for a moment, before quickly getting his bearings together and swimming up. He might not have been as strong a swimmer like his sister but he at least knew how to do so.

He rose from the water, gasping for air. Immediately he spotted land and swam over fast enough, still feeling that weight in his back. He quickly got up, clothes soggy and wet.

"Well, considering what you can do that shouldn't be a problem- Oh, wait, you don't know that yet, do you?" Discord's bemused voice asked. The spirit was right beside him.

Aster didn't know what to think. Falling like that...it felt real. So did the water. Usually, when you fall in dreams you wake up. He didn't do so, he had to swim to land, gasping for air all the while. Furrowing his brows, he pinched himself.

A minor jolt of pain was sent back. And he stopped.

You shouldn't be able to feel pain in dreams.

There was no doubt about it now, was there? This was real.

"FINALLY! Here I thought I'd have to toss you down another ledge!" Discord cheered.

Wait! If this was real? Then-

"Yes, I'm real too." He teleported in front of him, and Aster didn't know whether to be terrified or excited.

Discord was here. Discord was here-here. He existed. And now Aster's getting to meet him. He felt his heart rush, with what he had absolutely no clue. All he now knew was that he had to make up for that first botched impression.

"Oh! Um- Er- Sorry, Disco-errr, Lord Of Chaos!" Aster replied, as smooth as a pufferfish. "It's just- I uh, this just um- quite a bit to take in and everything. But I want to say I'm you're the biggest fan!" His voice practically speed up to a cheetah's pace as he grounded out the final words.

Discord stared at him blankly before breaking down with laughter, "Oh, I like you!" He chuckled, patting him on the head. Probably knowing full well Aster's heart performed gymnastics with that comment.

The boy beamed happily, the brightest smile on his face. He was practically vibrating with pure happiness for a moment but he felt that same weight on his back twitch, he turned around to see...

Wings. Two black, raven-like wings.

"Was wondering when you were going to notice those?" Discord mused absentmindedly, snapping him out his bafflement.

"Oh! Are these a gift from you?"

"No, if they were from me they'd be a lot more interesting." Discord shook his head, before grinning at him in amusement. "They're your wings. Quite literally."

"H-huh!?" Aster squeaked, "But I don't even have wings!"

"Well, now you do!" The chimera chimed. The boy simply stared at his wings in shock, watching flutter as he commanded as if it were a limb.

"But, how..." He asked.

"You don't really know the full details of how you got here, do you?" Discord asked, Aster looked at him and shook his head.

"No...you didn't bring me here?"

"I rarely visit human worlds, and even if I do I rarely bring one back with me." He replied evenly, walking up to Aster with his fist clenched.

He uncurled his fist to reveal a small, white, flower.

His eyes widened. "I-Is that the flower that I saw yesterday?"

"Indeed, these, are Will Flowers. They're highly rare magical manifestations of a force known as the "Wishing Force" by others, and "the Genie force" by me. They're kinda like the Nightmare Forces, except instead of turning the host they chose edgy and dark, they grant their wishes."

"But, why do they do that...?" Aster asked, he stared at the flower in fascination. Half tempted to snatch it out of Discord's hand.

"This force is a sentient entity, and it feeds itself by granting wishes. The only way they can gain nutrients is through their own magic. But Will magic, the magic Genie's use, never responds to the user. It only responds to the wishes of other people. So, it didn't help you out of the kindness of its heart or anything- In fact, you were basically the victim of parasitic species that compels you to wish for something so It can grant that wish for food."

"So...it's a benevolent parasite...?" He wondered.

Discord shook his head, getting rid of the flower. "No parasite is benevolent. If it has to inject its babies into your brain to reproduce it 100% would. Its way of operation can be seen as benevolent, but the thing itself isn't."

Aster locked the info away for now and looked at his hands with renewed vigor. "So, I'm a spirit of Chaos too!?"

"Huh, never seen anyone so...cheerful about it." Discord mused, "And no, you're not exactly the Spirit of Chaos."

"Huh? But, that's what I wished for, wasn't it?" Aster asked in confusion.

"You did wish for it, yes. But Will Magic has limits. Take, for instance, it can't turn you into the Spirit Of Harmony because of how bucking overpowered Harmony is. The same goes for me and my title. So, if it can't directly grant a wish. It grants it to the best of its ability. So, you can't be the Spirit of Chaos, being the Spirit of something that's a part of Chaos, like Mayhem is doable. So in the end, You get your wish, it gets its food."

Aster looked at the Draconequus quizzically. "So...what am I the spirit of exactly...?"

"Mayhem and Havoc. You're the spirit of Mayhem and Havoc. Basically, you're me, but not as strong."

Aster grinned, "Well, hey! It's still a lot better than being a regular old human right?"

Discord shrugged, "Fair."

Aster was about to ask another question, but before he could. He paused, realizing something.

He knew who Discord was without ever telling him, and claimed to be a huge fan without ever meeting him or even hearing of his deeds.


Did Discord even notice? Or is he gonna have to explain-

"I already know about the 'My Little Pony ' show. So you don't need to get your gears in grind about trying to explain it to me." The Spirit Of Chaos added, folding his arms. "I read your mind before you woke up since you were in my Dimension with little to no explanation as to how or why. As you might know, the last time something like that happened, it didn't end well."

Well, that did sure explain a lot.

"Cosmos?" Aster asked, piecing together who he was talking about almost immediately.

Discord sighed, looking rather weary. "Yes, her."

That raised a lot of his questions. About Cosmos in particular. She was the Spirit Of Malice, wasn't she? If so, how was she stronger than Discord? Chaos is a universal cosmic force and Malice is just humans being sadistic. Then again, Harmony also isn't a cosmic force yet is probably the strongest force anyone has ever seen. So maybe-

"Alrighty, that's enough. I've played the role of exposition officer for a bit too long now and your brain is almost as full of questions as Twilight's is. I'll answer some of them later, but for now, we have important things to do."

"Ah!" Aster sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. "S-sorry, but could you maybe stop reading my mind? It's actually really...uncomfortable to have your every thought be answered like a question..."

"Alright, fine." Suddenly, the area in front of him changed, and he was suddenly in a classroom, with a single chair (his), and Discord stood in front, dressed in a suit and tie. "May I have your attention, please! Today, we're going to be learning about Spirit's!"

"Spirit's?" He muttered, another spark of excitement rushing in. His posture become more focused, almost as if this was a science lesson. (And one could argue it was.)

"Yes! Spirits! Now, what's my title?"

"Spirit Of Chaos and Disharmony!" A plushie of Princess Celestia appeared, fit with its own desk. Celestia's tone sounded urgent, Aster figured Discord probably used vocal recordings.

"Correct! +10 points for you Celly!" A faint green, '+10 'literally appeared over its head before vanishing, along with the plushie.

"Now, I need to put a disclaimer in. I'm actually more or less the Spirit of Chaos. Meaning I'm made of the Chaos, and Chaos only. So, no Disharmony isn't what I'm made of. It was more of my modus operandi before my reformation." He sketched out a sign that read "Chaos ≠ Disharmony."

"Now!" He faced the class once more, "Who can tell me, what does being the Spirit of Chaos mean?"

"You're a creature of pure chaos!" A Fluttershy plushie appeared this time....complete with a gold throne and crown.

"Ohohoho!" Discord gave a flustered chuckle, "My, my, Fluttershy, what a lovely answer! Such a lovely one that I couldn't grant it anything less than a hundred points!"

A plus +100 appeared, along with party popper effects and literal fireworks. Aster stared at the display for a moment, snickering a little, "Jeez, no wonder Twilight didn't make you head mare of her Friendship School, the blatant favoritism..."

"What was that about Twilight's little school?" Discord asked. Aster went still.

"Has that happened yet...?" He asked.

"Nope! Though now I know why she keeps ranting about a school every time we meet." Discord said flippantly. "Also, I only reserve such favoritism for Fluttershy! Nobody else!"

"Wouldn't expect anything less from you," Aster admitted with a chuckle.

"Anyway, it is indeed true that I'm the Spirit Of Chaos. However, there are other spirits out there. I'm sure you've heard of the Spirit Of Harmony, haven't you?"

"Mhm," Aster nodded, "Yeah...she isn't very creative with her spirit form..."

"Ahhh, I can imagine," Discord gave a dramatic sigh, "For all her power, creativity is something she may as well be in debt with."

"That actually reminds me...Why is Harmony so powerful?" Aster asked. "I mean, you're the Spirit of Chaos, and Chaos is like, one of the cosmic elements, isn't it?"

"Just because you're a cosmic element, doesn't mean you're stronger than everybody else. And as for your question...well I've played captain exposition for long enough now, so you'll have to ask another time."

Aster couldn't help but whine a little, "Hey! Come on! Surely you can tell me something!"

Discord shrugged, "Maybe later, for now. We have lessons to do."

"So, Chaos is, as you said, a cosmic element. And, a cosmic element can be divided into several parts. Chaos for instance, can be Mayhem, Entropy, Havoc,Disorder, Insanity." He noted them down on the board, each a different color.

"So, you said I'm the Spirit of Mayhem and Havoc, right?" A loud ringing noise played.

"Correct! You, sir, are the Spirit of Mayhem and Havoc. Aspects of Chaos." The area in front of them vanished, and they were now on what appeared to be a floating island in Discord's Dimension.

"So, now you're probably wondering. 'Discord! If I'm the Spirit of Mayhem, how can I use my magic?' Well, it's simple! Say, have you been feeling anything...off recently?"

Aster wondered, and for a moment, just stopped to pay attention to his body, similar to meditation. He immediately felt this odd buzzing underneath his skin. This feeling of fuzziness. It felt odd and kinda uncomfortable. Plus, nothing spurred it on, so he assumes this is what Discord is talking about it.

"There's this weird...buzzing feeling in my skin...is that normal?" He asked the Chaos lord.

"Correct! You found it!" Several griffin claws pointed at him. "That right there is a sign of untapped magic! Just buzzing and waiting to be used!"

An excited grin quickly formed over his features. "Well, how do I use it?" He asked, eyes like stars. Discord chuckled.

"Well, it's quite simple! Feel yourself drawing into that power." He did as he was told, and the buzzing feel increased in intensity. He stepped back a little, feeling a bit overwhelmed, but still did as he was told. It soon went from buzzing to bubbling, and he couldn't lie and say he didn't feel uncomfortable but-


What felt like an explosion suddenly tore through him, and he fell to the floor, completely unable to feel his body. He groaned as a wave of exhaustion hit him, briefly seeing Discord's figure moving for a bit, mumbling something he couldn't quite make out.

He didn't have the time to do so either, as the world went dark once again...

When Aster awoke this time. Everything felt weird.

To be honest, weird was probably the only way to describe how he felt right now. One of his arms felt bare and thin, while the other felt more or less the same but his fingers felt crooked. And that's only one of the several things he was feeling right now.

Slowly, he got out of bed, groaning all the while.

"Well, well, well. Look who's finally up." Discord greeted with a smirk as he leaned on the wall across the room. Aster can make three things clear now. Number one, he's not dreaming. Number two, he's in Discord's house. Number three, he passed out.

"Ugh...what happened...?" He asked, going to rub the back of his head before stopping at how sharp his nails felt.

"You performed magic! That's what happened." Energy suddenly rushed back into him as celebratory fireworks surrounded him.

"Oh right! Well, did it work? What did I even do!?" Aster demanded as he sat upright, he sparkling as he stared up Discord, waiting to hear back. Discord gave a coy smirk.

"Well...Why don't I show you?"

With a snap, a mirror was placed in front of him.

Aster gasped as he took in his appearance. He was expecting a human with wings or something, but what he got instead was completely different.

His reflection didn't even look remotely humanoid right now. Instead, it had the head of a dragon, with two ram-like horns coming out the top. One half of the head had pale grey scales, while the other half was missing skin. Bare, skeletal remains were clear to the world to see. His eyes were pitch-black, save for two, white glowing dots.

The body was coated in black fur, save for bits where his skeleton showed here and there. There was a particular hole that looked like it was ripped off by battle, a bit from his neck to chest, a large, deep gash was, showing nothing but his bony interior. Thankfully, no organs were visible.

His hands- well, front paws now, he assumes, had grey scales protruding downwards into claws. Well one of them at least, the other was halfway there before it looked like someone ripped the skin and flesh off it, leaving nothing but bones. Bones that curved into a claw nonetheless.

His legs were grey and now curved, like an animal. One was a normal pony leg while the other was a normal dragon leg. His tail on the other hand was completely made of bone, up until the sharp curved edge. The skeletal frame of his wings showed, along with the actual black wing-like substance in between the gaps, albeit translucent.

And honestly...he didn't know whether to be horrified or in awe. Maybe a mix of both perhaps. He wasn't hurt by any means, and, there was nothing too graphic like showing organs, so he guessed it was just an update that affected looks.

"Congratulations! You have effectively completed the transition from a boring old human," A small figure of a human pops up, having an arrow pointing at a Draconequus form, "To the Spirit of Mayhem and Havoc!"

There was this odd feeling, one unlike any other. Scratch that, there were several odd feelings he was having right now. But he could probably guess that was his magic: finally active for some reason.

"Why did I have to go from human to a Draconequus to be the Spirit of Mayhem? Not saying Draconequi aren't cool or anything!" He asked.

Discord groaned, "Well, I suppose I can play narration officer one more time." He said begrudgingly.

"As you might know, every species has something unique to them. And the thing that's unique to Draconequi is being spiritual manifestations of things. In your previous human form, you were basically a caterpillar undergoing a magical metamorphosis because your previous body couldn't handle the magic. Sure, it tried to, hence the wings. But normal humans have very low magic potential. To truly become the Spirit of Mayhem, you need to 'shed your skin', per see."

Aster blinked as he digested the information. Scratching his chin thoughtfully, "So, I'm stuck like this?"

"Not exactly," Discord replied, "You have my skillset in terms of magic, so truth be told you can take any shape you please. This is just your 'base form', from now on so to speak."

"Got it," Aster nodded. "So, now what?"

"Well, that's up to you to decide." The larger Draconequus shrugged, "What do you want to do?"

Aster opened his mouth, before closing it again. Thinking back, he'd only been going with the flow, but now...he didn't really know what to do...

"Can you still take me to my home dimension?" He blurted out without thinking, Discord paused and stared at him curiously. An odd feeling welled up inside his chest, and he couldn't figure out what it was.

"Wait, you just turned yourself into the very embodiment of Mayhem and Havoc...and now want to go home? Back to your normal human realm?" He asked, slightly baffled. Aster rapidly shook his head.

"I don't want to go back...I'm just wondering, can you still take me back?" He asked, ignoring whatever was growing inside his chest.

"Well, of course I can! However...it might actually be very difficult." Aster's eye's widened.

"What do you mean by difficult?" He asked.

"Well, normally souls are used to find out with dimension they came from, but the Will Flower completely re-wrote the schematics of yours. It doesn't resonate with the location anymore." Aster stared blankly as he digested the information. He couldn't tell what he was feeling right now, was it sadness? He didn't know. He had no reason to miss his old home. So why was his reaction so...confusing?

"Why did you help me? With becoming the Spirit of Mayhem?" He asked quietly. He needed to get his mind off the feeling swirling within him.

"Well, the answer isn't all that complicated." He shrugged. "Chaos. I would never let go of an opportunity to introduce more chaos into the multiverse. And it was something you wanted in the end. Plus, it would've been irresponsible to leave you on your own. I've been trying to be a more...considerate entity so far."

Aster wasn't really all that surprised at the response, and instead, took a moment to ponder. What did he want to do from now on? Certainly not go back to his old world...at least not yet. The other option would be exploring Equestria and...

Wait, that's it! He's always wanted to explore Equestria! And to meet every creature in there! Now was actually his chance!

"I want to go Equestria!" He decided, energetically hopping up...only to fall down. He groaned. His new body would certainly take some getting used to.

"Actually, I was hoping you'd choose that option," Discord admitted with a chuckle.

The boy shot him a confused look. "Why?"

"Can you imagine all the Chaos and Mayhem your arrival would bring?" Discord asked back, eyes practically glowing with excitement. "I'm the only Draconequus the ponies know of, and they still are wary of me to this day! Granted...the whole Tirek thing hadn't helped. But that's off-topic! Can you imagine how everybody else would react to another reality-bending Spirit of Chaos!? There'd be mayhem everywhere!"

Aster listened to the ramblings, and a grin of his own formed. It sounded so fun, now that he thinks about it. Was that his new Mayhem instincts speaking? Probably. But he can't deny and say he's completely innocent. After all, he was a prankster.

"That sounds like fun!" Discord chuckled.

"Ahahaha! I knew you'd get into the spirit of your new life! However...we probably have to set in motion a few living arrangements."

"Living arrangements?" He asked.

Discord nodded. "See, you're the Draconequi equivalent of a filly right now. Sure, you're probably stronger than most beings in Equestria right now. But nothing compared to me. Plus you're a kid, and Celestia probably wouldn't like a seemingly orphaned Spirit of Mayhem running around. So, that's why you're gonna have to live with me!"

"Wait, wait! Hold on! Live with you?" Aster backtracked.

"Well, do you see anyone else capable of caring for the Spirit of Mayhem and Havoc? Plus, I know how Draconequi work, so you'd be fine for the most bit! Plus it'd be fun to have a roommate! Though I'm probably gonna have to go down as your legal guardian...eh, that's nonsense that I can take care of with Celestia!" He shrugged, not noticing how Aster was looking at him with a sense of pure bafflement and surprise.

"You'd...really do that...for me?" He had trouble finding his voice.

"Don't go putting overly sappy spins on it," Discord advised, "I'm a Spirit Of Chaos, and I'd always be down for making more chaos...that said," His expression softened a little. "I can promise you that as long as you live with me, you'll be treated as an equal."

The newly crowned Spirit of Mayhem had to wipe the tears forming in his eyes. "R-Really?"

Discord laughed. "Of course! After all, Fluttershy would be appalled to find out I've been treating another sapient being as a pet!"

Aster watched the Spirit of Chaos, something warm and fuzzy unfurling in his chest. He sighed, letting out some of his own emotions, and looked to the windows. They showed nothing but the chaotic ways of an alternate dimension, but for him, they may as well have been the lights for the future.

He was finally given a shot, to prove that he could be great too. That he wasn't just a troublemaker. And he couldn't be any happier.