• Published 15th Nov 2021
  • 1,686 Views, 26 Comments

Messing up timelines sure does cause mayhem - ShadowLord Ver50

Aster was once a 15 year old outcast- now he's the literal embodiment of mayhem and havoc and is basically adopted by Discord. Oh, and he's also trying to reform what will soon become The Leigon Of Doom. Surely this can't go wrong at all!

  • ...

A flower in the middle of grass

Aster didn't know how long he was running for, and quite frankly, he didn't care anymore.

It was stupid.

Everything was stupid.

His legs burned, and so did his eyes with how hard he was crying, but he didn't care. He just wanted to get away from everything. Eventually, though, his exhaustion broke through his emotion and he stopped, gasping for air and all sore all over.

He looked around, apparently, he was in the forest. Well...it's better than the countryside he supposes, at least he knew a way back.

Not that he planned on going back anytime soon.

He hid a frustrated sob as he bit down on his lip, slumping down against a tree. He curled up, burying his face in his knees. His throat felt like it was on fire, and his body hurt all over, but he couldn't find himself regretting he came here. At least in the forest, nothing was a judgemental prick.

'Why can't you be more like her?'

He wanted to punch them so badly, so what if he wasn't as good as his sibling? So what if he wasn't as good at sports? So what if she was so much better than him? So what?

He sobbed harder, breathing growing less and less steady. He curled up a fist and punched the ground.

"OW!" A sharp jolt of electricity went through his hand, and he stumbled back, clutching it as it burned. He quickly whipped around to find whatever hurt him, desperately hoping it wasn't some poisonous plant or animal. He shoved the grass aside to find...

A small, white flower.

"Huh...? There's nothing here..." He scratched the back of his head. "Ha. Maybe It was just static electricity..."

He stared at the flower, it seemed delicate like if he were to touch it, it would crumble down and fall apart. It made him feel kinda sad... looking at it, one lone flower in the middle of nowhere, separated from everyone else...

Just like him.

He didn't belong there, in that quiet little town. Everyone there viewed him as nothing but a dangerous outcast, someone to be wary of. Someone to serve as a lesson to the little kids of what not to be. He was but a single flower in the middle of a field of grass.

Aster blinked, shaking his head a little. Well, that was a surprisingly morbid little tangent.

Still, it didn't make it any less true, did it?

He was the odd one out, and he'd forever be the odd one out. No matter what he did. A pang of dull pain ached in his chest as he remembered what had happened an hour ago.

It was a harmless prank, and the jerk had it coming, but noooooo they just had to chew him out in front of the entire school-

He stopped, closing his eyes and biting his lips. This wasn't the time for this, he was going to get riled up again. Maybe he should think of happier things.

Things he actually wanted.

"Oh! There's a new MLP movie that came out wasn't there?" He said to himself, a spark of excitement entering his eyes. Not too long ago, they'd introduced MLP Gen 5. He hadn't seen or watched it, but from what he heard, apparently, it was a sequel, but magic from Equestria was gone. Was it similar to what Cozy Glow pulled in School Raze?

Wait, what had happened to Discord? Was he the cause? Or did he also get his magic erased? Or, heaven forbid, was erased himself? He was a magical creature after all. Or, did he die some other way?

'He's the spirit of chaos!' Aster told himself, huddling up. 'He's fine! Heck, he probably sensed it! After all, he can detect the flow of magic in the universe and everything! Plus the guy can warp reality for crying out loud! He probably teleported into another universe and is waiting for magic to come back or something...Though being a reality warper didn't save him from Tirek or Chrysalis's throne did it...huh...'

He really did hope Discord was okay. He wouldn't want anything bad happening to his comfort character after all!

Except no, Discord was probably a bit more than a comfort character for him. In fact, he was probably the Spirit of Chaos's biggest fanboy. He's gotten his hands on every piece of information (cannon or not).

And honestly? He couldn't help but admire him. The way he could straight up do things in whatever way he can. The way he was the one who called the shots most of the time. The way he found people who accept him and be patient with him. The countless time he's imagined what it's like to be him. Honestly, it's probably the biggest of his fantasies.

To be a Spirit Of Chaos himself.

But of course, that was impossible. There was no logical way to break reality, and even if there were, he probably wouldn't be responsible with that kind of power, though couldn't he just fix everything afterward?

A yawn broke through his thoughts and he suddenly realized how utterly exhausted he felt. His eyes felt so heavy and he nearly tumbled over. He could've sworn he wasn't this tired moments ago...Then again, it is now 7 pm and he probably did run a good while before he got here. Looks like his fatigue finally caught up to him.

He collapsed on the ground, the grass felt soft, and honestly, he didn't feel like returning home. After all, the others probably wouldn't care. Heck, they'd be happy the annoyance is gone...

Aster's vision grew more and more blurry, as his eyelids constantly came close to closing for good. But before he did just that, he could've sworn he saw a bright white glow rising out of the ground...

When Aster awoke, a swirl of disorienting colors greeted him and he instantly shut his eyes with a groan. Eyes stinging from sudden exposure. He shifted around, eyes blearily opening yet again.

"My, my! Isn't this a surprise! Could that be a short, scrawny little winged human I see?"

His eyes shot open and he jolts up, coming face to face with the figure of a very certain Draconequus staring back at him with a curious smile.

"Well, well. Look who's finally awake."