• Published 11th Sep 2012
  • 1,121 Views, 34 Comments

Corruption and Chaos - Peridork

The past catches up to the Elements of Harmony and their children.

  • ...

The Gathering of the Six

Scale Harmony looked at the cloud of dust quickly approaching her and waited patiently for the thing to stop moving. She was on her way to meet Ganesh the King of Elephants because from what she had heard when asking around, he was the ruler of this area of Zebrica. She continued walking with her belongings in her saddlebags except for her guitar that she carried in her magic aura and began to sing.

While she sang her song she trudged on towards the distant castle while dodging elephants that were busily going about their daily business. They just glanced at the sight of a small pony walking past them as an extremely rare occurrence and walked on.

She finally arrived at the palace after her journey that was arduous and she was ready to get this trip over with.

When I see Celestia and Luna again I am going to so totally speak my mind. I was going to start performing my music in Canterlot a week ago, but now...I guess Canterlot is gone, I wonder where the capital is going to be now with that thing being Canterlot mountain and all.

She was totally ready to meet this King or whatever.

Ponyville Siege progress

Vinyl and Octavia looked over the destruction of their music academy and were fuming. Well, at least one was.

“Vinyl, where is the Princesses?” Octavia asked as nicely as she could which in this circumstance her manners and poise were nonexistent.

“Uh, Tavi, that isn’t a good idea...you have to get past all those monsters. We are inside Ponyville after all.” Vinyl grinned sheepishly. She knew where this was going...after all her wife was banned from the Gala since five years ago when she single handedly brought the house down literally using her own strength.

“Vinyl, you do know that a few dragons, diamond dogs, and an entire nest of changelings won’t stop me. I am a part of the Stronghoof Clan and we pride ourselves on our killing arts, my family has been in the military for generations and any Stronghoof is required to learn our arts.”

“Oh, so that’s why you were talking to me about Scale Harmony needing to learn the family business, I thought you were just talking about music. Yep, gonna have to listen to you more often.”

“Now I just need a way to break the barrier. I know that shield spells can resonate with musical frequencies, but where can I find a loud enough instrument to break the bubble?”

Realization dawned on Vinyl’s face. “Hey, Tavi? I think I know where I can find such an instrument. Remember that experiment I created? That bass cannon...”

Fifteen minutes later

“Vinyl are you ready?”\

“Do you think I am? I was born ready for this!”

Vinyl checked that the dials were turned up to eleven and aimed towards the barrier. She slammed her hoof down on the large red button that said DANGER!!!

A song began to play and a beam shot out of the cannon and completely disintegrated any building in its way. A few dragons in the air were killed when the extreme pressure and volume went anywhere near them.On the other side of the now destroyed barrier Celestia and Luna’s army were slack jawed at what just happened.They saw when the purple magic barrier over the entire town exploded in a burst of sparks when the beam touched the construct.

Octavia turned to her wife and was stunned.

“What? Tavi, I told you that this was dangerous multiple times. I knew that once I used this in battle, our warfare would change forever. Now go on, you wanted to go see the Princesses.” Vinyl grinned.

Years later, the Bass Cannon 5.2 was first used in a military test against Equestria’s enemies in their first world conflict. Bloom Industries was generously given the patent by Vinyl with these words: “I have become death, the destroyer of worlds.”

The two armies began to arise from their respective stupors and began their charge again with one addition. A brown earth pony mare known for her musical ability was quickly cutting down any enemies that kept her from the Princesses.

“So King, you tell me I just gotta stand in this here spot while you sing at me?”

King Ganesh, the King of the Elephant tribe, stood there grinning. “Yep, I have to sing so you can unlock your powers and be able to fight chaos...plus you get a weapon or two.”

“Cool, sign me up.” Scale Harmony jumped at the chance to be a super powered pony, from what she heard from her parents it was a pretty cool deal.”


As the King continued, Scale Harmony felt as if the King was making fun of her for some strange reason..but she needed the power to stop Chaos at any cost.

After two minutes, he finally stopped his song.

“Okay I now name you the Light of Music.”

“What! That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard!”

Ganesh just laughed. “Oh, little pony, your Elements of Harmony have the Element of Magic. Did you think that only unicorns cast magic. If so, you ponies are surprisingly racist and closed minded.”

Scale Harmony realized that he was right. She never thought that any pony except for unicorns could use magic...and now she didn’t know what to think.

“You’re right, maybe I was wrong. Can you ever forgive me?” Shre started to look as cute and sad as possible to help her get her way.

“Yes, yes. Just stop doing that!”

“Ok!” She quickly stopped giving him a cuteness overload. Ponies, as a defense mechanism, were given by their Creators a stare that could make enemies die from diabetes just from staring for too long at them when frightened.

“Here’s your weapon,” Ganesh quickly pulled out a guitar from a nearby table. “the Facemelter. It can create dangerous sound waves that can kill enemies if you want to.”

“You gave me a guitar as a weapon?”

“Actually, it doubles as a sword and can cut enemies in half if you aren’t careful.”

“Yep, that is a pretty cool weapon. Maybe this isn’t half bad. Sorry I got to go, you know, save all the world. Nice hanging out with ya and all.”

“You too, leader of the Lights of Reason, no that’s the Equestrian name, the Lights of Music.”

Scale Harmony was walking out the door of the city when a giant purple magebot crashed right in front of her.


“Midnight Snack! If you just killed Scale Harmony, I will personally end you!”

“Calm down Zap Apple! She’s totally fine.”

“Ah, hope so. This is the second time you crashed this thing. Ah really don’t want to keep fixing this thing before we fight Chaos.”

“Uh, guys I really think we should go see Scale Harmony.”

“Can’t we all just love each other?”

Scale Harmony continued hearing the five of her friends bicker about their problems. She finally moved and knocked on the head of the robot, which opened and Apple Cider stepped out.

“Howdy captain. Ready to get on this adventure with all the fun things we get ta do?”

“I guess so.”

So that's why the King started talking about the Element of Magic, besides the talk about the racist overtones it carries, I’m the leader of my rag-tag band of friends. Well gotta star acting the part.

“Now everypony, let’s go to Equestria and save the day.”

The magebot shot off into the sky.

End of Zebrica Arc

Author's Note:

Here you guys go with the next installment of my Powerverse story. I am totally happy that this part is done because it took me forever to come up with this chapter unlike the rest and add in college finals...it took a while. Hope that you enjoy the rest of this story and with the rest of the story.

You guys rock, thanks for watching me.