• Published 15th Nov 2021
  • 4,421 Views, 113 Comments

Anonymous in Nu-Questria - MancerMandrake

The eponymous Anonymous, from greentexts of yore, wakes up to find Equestria changed beyond his recognition. He tries to come to grips with this new reality as a group of friendly new ponies try to dig up the secrets from his complicated past.

Comments ( 39 )

Wow Twilight... way to be a cunt

parflon #2 · Nov 16th, 2021 · · 10 ·

To be fair Anon can be an asshole as well - this letter seems justified.

New level of angst about immortality - brooding about your friends immortality, lol.

Some people just always have to have the last word.

Also. If I am still alive when you wake up, do not try to find me.
This is your only warning.
Your Princess, Twilight Sparkle

*crosses arms and pouts*
Well now i wanna

The first gen5 story I read and it's already a banger!

I mean she knows full well while writing the letter that he's waking up in a whole new time period where she'd (possibly) be the only living thing left that could catch him up on the current state of the world. In the letter she all but admits she tried forcing herself and her advice on someone that didn't want it and her response to this is to tell them to pound sand and stay away or else she'll do god knows what to them? Pretty fucked up. She tries to take the high ground at the beginning of the letter but the ending of it shows that she's a petty cunt that could never get over being rejected by some rando.

Comment posted by absolfusion deleted Nov 17th, 2021

Wonderful story, and a great one for g5 too! Also fuck you, Twiggles! You allowed Equestria to go to utter shit and think you can take the high road? Some princess of friendship you are.

She didn't even tackle the problem properly

I find it just a little bit ironic that Twilight decided to cut Anon out of her life completely with this letter, given that being unable to properly deal with being gradually cut out of Twilight's life in the first place was one of the things that prompted Anon's downward spiral.

This is an incredible story. I didn't watch anything with the new generation, as I'm still very much stuck in the previous one, but Anon captured all of my feelings and fears as if I had suddenly gone to the future. A future where everyone I knew and loved was dead and gone, and the idea that all the efforts were, seemingly, wasted.

I don't know what happened to reduce Equestria from a thriving Kingdom to THREE cities, but I dread the answer one way or another. This makes me want a sequel, but with how little information we have it would be difficult and completely at the authors imagination, but I would still be interested in seeing it. Keep up the good work.

(PS. I read this all in a day! Curse my speed reading tendencies.)

That letter is both 100% twilight and very Celestial-like. The apologies, the introspection, it all reminds me heavily of Sunbutt, then we get to the anger and the actual problem as she saw it and it’s all Twiggles. A problem can only have one dimension and be perpetrated by a single person. Because even after however long she’s been the blasted god of friendship, she still doesn’t understand people, lol

Well fuck you too Twilight. If you’re still alive, Equestria is this way because of you, you ain’t got the high ground.

I'm not sure who is more at fault here.

An interesting story very interesting. I look forward to seeing if there will be a sequel I the future...

I honestly felt the same, it was just so outta left field. he was rarely around or hung out with sunny except when they were in a whole group. Izzy was the one who practically never left his side during the whole ordeal, not to mention bonded the closest with him. Just felt odd with him not ending up with her, i would have to assume it was because of his past with lyra that the author didn't set him up with izzy having now know his past with unicorns. but beggars cant be choosers as they say, Still ended up being a fantastic story non the less.
I'm still confused about the whole encounter with discord. I'm pretty sure it was just a lot of the context that just flew over my head at the time.

This is pretty fun. I hope more of these type of stories will come c:

This doesn't sound like the Twilight I know lol

I kind of see where you're coming from, but in my personal opinion what happened near the end was more of a spur of the moment thing and Sunny not knowing what her feelings mean, or possibly acting on them out of desperation to get through to Anon. I mean anon didn't really kiss her back, and he never said he loves /her/, just that he's afraid of hurting someone he loves.

I suspect the author didn't know how they wanted the story to progress midway through.

Simply decided to end it the way they either wished it to end in a spur-of-the-moment decision, or they intended for the story to end this way when they first started making it but didn't/couldn't take the appropriate pathway to get there.

The end of this story does not fit the middle, being totally rushed.

I don't see much value in commenting on whether or not the story was good, given that the author themself likely stopped giving a shit halfway through.

God damn, I was hooked on this story until he ditched Izzy. Completely outta pocket.

To be fair to the letter, it was probably made in a heat of the moment thing.
And I highly, highly doubt that twilight would hold a grudge that long

I had this song on repeat while reading through the series but when I went and read this letter with the music it was really good it fit just perfectly fine and the music was this.

Fi's Gratitude - The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword.

The music really fit in to the setting actually the whole series.

If I have to say this is pretty good story and I can't wait to see the next one if there is a next one.

Keep up the good work writer.

My dude really said

-drops a banger all in one sitting

-says nothing


Well... yeah me too

More! A sequel! Encore!

Wait, that's it? Just an angry letter from Twilight? What a weird way to end it...


I'm just saying the Sunny/Anon ship could have been handled better no matter how deep the conversations are, things like love need time and theres barely been enough of that for a crush to form.

Also considering half of their Emotionally Deep Rooted conversations turned out to be heated arguments I'd say that point is kinda null and void.

If this was based on literally anything about real relationships, Sunny and Anon's is one big disaster waiting to happen based on how everything has played out.

Also "just fucking around and having a laugh" ??? You okay bro? Thats like, how 99% of relationships start.

Just hanging out having a good time and then all of a sudden one or both subjects realise "oh shit I think I like this person."

Chances are highly likely that they were separated because of how unintentionally insensitive Twilight and the Royal Sisters were.

Here's the thread discussing the topic.

I wonder if there will be a continuation of this story

What's that phrase? You either die a hero or live long enough to be the villain?
It doesn't fit that idea to a T, but empires rise and they eventually, inevitably, fall. Celestia had been holding Equestria up for over 2k+ years with pretty much the same focus on Harmony, pretty sure no human civilization had lasted quite that long. So while I want to dispute that Celestia, Luna, and Twilight were not the cause for the downfall neither can I honestly say otherwise. Logic agrees it's possible, but the heart doesn't want to believe it.

(I could go on a rant about the philosophical dilemma of what an ageless being would do once they understood that nothing they build will last forever even with their aid. Would they let it fall so that it can rise back up different and renewed, or should they tear it down themselves and be called a villain to start the cycle anew? Food for thought.)

Anyone have a link to the prequal?

What can I say, love interacting with the community!

I like it and it has potential
You just end it too fast and left a lot to be written.
You need to rewrite it explaining those holes.

If this were me reading this and she is still alive... I will find her, and END her. She is long overdue anyway. I promise you this

After re-reading this story a few years later your argument falls completely flat on its head.

Firstly, Anon and Sunny's deep-rooted talks and arguments, they were there from the beginning, and if you think the fact that they ARE arguments somehow negate the attempt at a relationship, you clearly don't know much about building healthy relationships, because news flash: disagreements happen, and no two worldviews can be identical! Arguments happen and getting past them is what makes the bonds in a relationship stronger! You may have failed to notice the fact, that Anon and Sunny's 'arguments' have become less so over the course of the story and turned more into talks of all of their deep rooted emotions.

Secondly, while 'just fucking around and having a good time' may help form a relationship, it does not necessarily mean a romantic one! It may be true for some and false for others. Plus there's the fact that you are able to form a deep relationship with a girl and not necessarily be romantically attracted to her! ( Just look at the original show for a sec! Hitch is part of the main cast, has deep relationships with the girls, yet isn't romantically involved with any of them)

Thirdly romantic relationships can happen without a crush! You may be some time into a relationship with a person, then one day look back at how you've been interacting with them, and then retroactively realise, that you've actually loved each other without realising!

Relationships are rarely as black and white as you seem to think.

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