• Published 10th Oct 2021
  • 1,443 Views, 19 Comments

Flutter Brutter (2.0) - 20thCentury Brony

A visit from Fluttershy's brother sends the mares into romantic hysterics.

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Flutter Brutter (2.0)

A crimson feathered bird chirps happily as the breeze flows gentle and pure beneath her wings before she lands onto a small branch where her nest rests and where a medium-size bird of lighter crimson feathers looks at her with some uncertainty. He then walks out of his twiggy little home for a few inches before stopping in front of his sister. She then gestures her head to the open space just to the left. The little bird spares some passing glances between his sister and the ground before fixing his gaze onto his sister. She gives the smaller bird a tweet of encouragement. With that, the little brother then spreads his wings and lifts his tail feathers up and keeps his beak straight and forward. And now, the leap of faith.

The bird jumps out of the branch and-.


A rainbow blur rushes right in front of the bird, scaring him out of his confidence and sending him hurling towards the ground! He tweets in desperation for help as he gains speed. His small black eyes shrink as he inches further and further to the ground, bracing for impact…

…when he suddenly finds himself in the soft embrace of the animal-loving Pegasus Fluttershy, whose eyes are big with care and affection. He looks at the Pegasus with gratefulness as she takes him up back to his big sister. She extends her hooves towards the nest and lets the small bird back in.

“I am so sorry about my friend, Andrea,” she addresses the birds, talking sweetly like a mother nursing her baby. “She often doesn’t know where she goes when she’s that fast.

The sister bird chirps loudly and angrily, the contents making Fluttershy gasp and blush in shock. She leaves the birds with a timid wave goodbye and then descends to where all of her friends (left to right: Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack) are all waiting rather patiently.

Fluttershy turns her head sternly at her cyan friend. “Rainbow, could you please be more careful around? That was the eighth time Ryan attempted to fly on his own.”

“Come on, ‘Shy.” whines Rainbow. “Flying shouldn’t be that hard once you get accustomed to fluttering off the ground for a few seconds.”

The Element of Kindness rolls her eyes in resignation at her friend’s hardheadedness. She then addresses all of the mares at once.

“Anyways, thank you all for coming with me when my little brother comes here from Baltimare to visit Ponyville. After having his wing bandaged from that one unfortunate accident, he was fortunate for his boss to give him workpony’s compensation and the rest of the week off.”

“Well, shucks, Fluttershy, Ah think once we meet this brother of yars, Ah just know that he’ll be welcomed with open hooves,” declares Applejack, understanding her friend’s brother’s plight.

“Yeah, I can’t wait to meet him! I bet he’s loads of fun like you,” beams Pinkie Pie, bubbly energetic as always.

“Well, I think we’ll be able to tell the similarities between you and your brother,” jokes Rainbow, which earns her a hard nudge from Applejack, making the cocky Pegasus wince in pain.

“I simply can’t wait to see what he fraternizes himself in. He will be simply grateful of the choices I will give him,” gushes Rarity, ever on the prowl for ideas.

“Either way, when he gets here, Fluttershy, he’ll be welcomed with no malice,” assures Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Fluttershy can only smile sweetly her friends’ consideration before speaking again. “Thank you girls so much. But forewarning he is rather different minus a few similarities. So, please don’t make fun of my brother. He’s sensitive about one of his wings being smaller than the other, and he’s also very shy.”

Rainbow didn’t find the news, at all, surprising with a deadpan eyeroll, “Gee, go figure.”

“Rainbow Dash!” angrily retorted Twilight, repeating Applejack’s earlier action. Rainbow looks rather peeved at being hit twice already, puffing her cheeks in anger while Twilight looks at Fluttershy with a sweet smile. “Don’t worry, Fluttershy. We treat everypony with the best respect.”

Suddenly, a voice calls out Fluttershy’s name in the distance, the yellow Pegasus’ ears shooting upright and her face brightening with a smile. She clearly knows who just called her.

“That’s him! You girls wait, he’ll be right here.” She assures the mares.

She turns on her hooves to wait for her little brother. Unbeknownst to her, the rest of the Mane Six starts to crack under laughter. A thought cloud then forms above their heads as their eyes water and their mouths break into quiver smiles. The cloud then contains a Pegasus colt of small obesity matching Fluttershy’s coat and mane color. He has bright red freckles on his cheeks, wears thick, black glasses over his teal, crossed eyes, his teeth are big and sticking out of his mouth, and his right wing is exactly the size of a regular fish fin if brought up close.

The collective thought has the Mane Six dying of amusement. Rarity is quaking all over, nearly holding her hoof in case her quivering lips fail to hold her amusement while she mentally pleads “Don’t laugh! Don’t laugh!” Pinkie squishes her cheeks to keep her from laughing as her eyes flood over with tears, silently making a pfffft sound, while Twilight bites her bottom lip to keep her laughs personally. Applejack holds her hat over her muzzle to keep anyone from noticing her cracking front as she does her gosh darnedest to keep it together, but Rainbow Dash, on the other hoof, finds the assumption of Fluttershy’s possible brother so hysterical that she just doubles over and bursting into helpless loud laughter!

Rainbow’s laughter alerts Fluttershy and she turned back to see the Mane Six perfectly still, as if they were not laughing at all. Raising an eyebrow slightly, she brushes off when she heard the hurriedly clopping of an upcoming pony. She turns with a small smile while her friends resume their silent amusement. “We treat everypony with the best respect.” Right. Some consideration.

“Sorry I’m late, Fluttershy!”

Coming up the hill comes a Pegasus stallion barely panting for breath. Action-reveal music plays as the colt composes himself. His built is slightly that of a strong, self-cared body that matches Big McIntosh’s figure. His coat is the same color as Fluttershy’s, only in a reddish bright shade, his windswept mane and tail are of a vibrant pink-red color, one wing is opened and full of life while his other, smaller wing is bandaged and at rest, and two visible scars are presented underneath his left cheek slightly teal green eyes. A red band with a first-aid symbol on it is perfectly slipped onto his left foreleg, a whistle on his neck, and, the most distinguishing feature on anypony, his cutie mark is two Band-Aids in an X with a small green butterfly within it. Put that together and Ponyville has possibly the most magnificent young stallion yet.

He turns his head to face Fluttershy, who still holds her sweet smile, while the other mares are staring blankly in the background, ceasing their restrained laughter.

Walking up to his sister with a sweet smile of his own, the stallion explains, “I was on my way here, but I had to rescue some kid’s drowning puppy from a stowaway shark.” The Shies then hug, holding onto to each other, as it’s the first time they’ve seen each other for years.

Fluttershy breaks the hug before speaking. “There’s no need to apologize, Ocean Breeze. You only did what you love to do, and that’s what counts.”

Ocean Breeze smiles with a blush, but then, cocks his head to the left slightly behind Fluttershy to see her friends still with blank stares. Seeing them causes him to instantly recoil with a small whimper. Seeing it, Fluttershy instantly got to business.

“Don’t worry, they’re my friends.” She gestures to the girls as she introduces. “Girls, this is my little brother, Ocean Breeze. Ocean Breeze, these are my friends: Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Princess Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack.”

Ocean Breeze slightly raises his hoof to wave it with an increasing blush and big eyes. “Hi, everypony. Didn’t um,… noticed you there.”

The five mares do nothing other than just stare at him with wide eyes, agape mouths, a simultaneous “uuummm,” and increasing shades of red creeping onto their muzzles as romantic awe-struck music plays in the background. During this sequence, Rainbow’s wings suddenly pop open. Their assumption sorely stepped on, they are clearly fawning over the handsome hunk of a little brother that their shy friend clearly has.


The credits go on as the next scene goes. Ponyville is bustling again with normal life as LyraBon walk and talk together, Derpy goes about her mailpony business, the Cutie Mark Crusaders dashing away via Scootaloo’s scooter, and Fluttershy and Ocean Breeze just entering the town. The Mane Six were not far behind, keeping close distance between them and the good stallion candy they just met and oblivious to the conversation between the two Pegasi. The small group trot along.

“Welcome to Ponyville,” introduces Fluttershy, “where everypony is nice and caring and everything is nice and quiet…for the most part.” She whispers the last part just to herself.

“Fluttershy,” Ocean comments, beside himself with peace, “I told you one too many times, and I’ll say it again: I envy your life. Everything is Baltimare is loud, too big a city for one little pony, and too many ponies for me to handle.”

“Especially the ‘fans?’”

Ocean nods. “Sometimes, it’s nice to get away from it all. It’s visits like this that I enjoy very much.”

“ And you’re always welcomed in either my cottage or Mom and Dad’s for the next three days,” Fluttershy assures her little brother. She places her hoof on his shoulder, a sympathetic smile on her face. “Are you still up for meeting them tomorrow?”

“Of course I am. I-.”

Suddenly, Rainbow zips in between the shy siblings, eagerness on her face.

“You’re going to Cloudsdale tomorrow!?” the Element of Loyalty speaks fast as she stares at Ocean deep in the eyes. “I’m gonna be in Cloudsdale tomorrow! I’ll be performing stunts with the Wonderbolts! It’ll be impossible to not see me! I-!

The cocky Element of Loyalty is roughly pushed aside by the normally not-so-strong Rarity, much to Fluttershy and Ocean’s collective surprise.

“Rainbow Dash, please,” the fashionista chastises, “that is all for tomorrow, and it’s only the middle of today!” She turns to Ocean with a giddy smile. “In the meantime, Ocean darling, you can help me with my latest fashion line for the summer. Not to mention, Photo Finish is coming to town looking for a model, so-.”

She suddenly vanishes in a flash of violet and Twilight appears in Rarity’s place in another flash.

“Don’t worry about Rarity.” The Princess points out. “My brother Spike is more than willing to help her any time of the day with anything. As the Princess of Friendship, I can give you a personal tour around my castle. Plus, I can even give you a room to sleep in.”

Before she can go further with her offer, Twilight is lassoed around her abdomen and tossed effortlessly to the side by Applejack, who then walks to Ocean with a welcoming smile mixed with lust. As this goes on, Fluttershy and Ocean look at each other with confusion.

“Twi’s way too busy with her princess duties ta offer ya a place ta crash, sugarcube,” declares Applejack as she gets closer to Ocean. “Ah, on the other hoof, have plenty of room at the Apple farm. And when-.”

Pinkie Pie suddenly hops right onto Applejack, smiling ear-to-ear at Ocean and somehow pushing the farm pony deep in the earth.

Staring deep into Ocean’s eyes, Pinkie excitedly spoke: “What are we all doing here just babbling in the outside when you could be spoiling yourself in the delectable sweets that is Sugarcube Corner!?! Let’s go!” She then grabs Ocean’s hooves and dashes off in the direction of Sugarcube Corner, dragging Ocean in a puff of dust, much to the surprise of the other mares as they stare dumbfounded. Applejack escapes her crater and looks at the rushed mare and stallion with a determined look on her muzzle.

“Hold it, ya sugar-high filly!” Applejack shouted, dusting the dirt off her with her stetson before bolting at full speed towards the pair. Not five seconds pass after that did Twilight, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash follow the honest mare, clearly intent on not letting Pinkie Pie get the brother.

Fluttershy is the only one left in the dust as she stares dumbfounded at what she just witnessed. She finally trots straightforward as she silently wonders to herself one thought she’d never thought would come to mind.

“Is what I think is happening… happening?”


Sugarcube Corner is bustling with only the six mares and one stallion as they sat around a table, enjoying cupcakes and milkshakes, all eyes locked on the stallion. Ocean Breeze is seated uncomfortable between Rarity on his left and Twilight on his right, Rainbow and Applejack internally disappointed for their lack of closeness to the stallion, while Fluttershy is seated across from him, looking on with concern. Pinkie returns to the table with yet another tray of cupcakes.

“Jeez, Pinkie,” ponders the incredulous Ocean with a mouthful of cupcake before gulping it down. “How many trays are you gonna make? I can take any more of your delicious treats.”

Pinkie is smitten with a giggle. “Why, thank you, Ocean. I make only the best for my bestest friends.”

“But we hardly know each other?” claims Ocean, taken aback by Pinkie’s claim.

“Don’t be so nervous, darling,” Rarity states. “Everypony is a friend of Pinkie’s. And anypony friends with Pinkie is a friend of mine as well.” She inches closer to Ocean with a dreamy look upon her face, only to be stopped by Pinkie who suddenly appears from the space.

“So, Ocean,” Pinkie dreamily asks, “Fluttershy never told us that you’re a lifeguard at Baltimare. Why didn’t she mention it?”

Her comment unknowingly earns her a glare from her shy friend. Before she can continue, Pinkie is interrupted by Applejack.

“Yeah, how come she never mentioned it?” the country mare asked. “Looking at ya, Ah can just tell that yar perfect for the job with your build and your good looks.” She then slowly takes a bite out of her cupcake.

That last comment made Ocean blush deeply. His eyes dilate and dart around swiftly as sweat starts to build. This earns a collective giggle from the mares, who can’t take enough of his blushing. They clearly think it adorable. He finally finds his voice once again as he fans himself with his hoof.

“Well, you see,” Ocean explains, “all my life, I’ve clearly been shy, even more than my sister. All because of my wing.” He shifts slightly to present his smaller left wing with a downhearted look. “Most kids back then would just point and laugh at my disability, thinking I wouldn’t make much of myself with it, especially those bullies of Fluttershy’s from Flight Camp. So when I was finally old enough, I went out to prove myself that my wing doesn’t define my ability to do something. I went from city after city to find something worthwhile until I finally made to Baltimare and became a lifeguard. There, I could just save ponies on a regular basis and animals and can just feel wanted for more than just-.”

Ocean Breeze stops when he looks around to see the mares minus Fluttershy looking at him dreamily and muttering “uh-huh” repeatedly, their gazes never wanning. Ocean realizes that they haven’t pay attention to a single word that he just said. With the knowledge, he simply let out a sigh of disappointment.

Fluttershy, seeing his plight, decides to finally act.

She gets out of her seat and walks to Ocean before taking his hoof in her own. “Well, I’m glad you girls could finally meet my little brother,” she firmly states, “but I’m sure we can continue this later tomorrow. It’s been a busy day, with the train ride and the walking.”

Ocean nods quickly as he gets out of his seat and follows Fluttershy out of the Corner. Seeing this, the other five mares’ eyes widen in shock at the announcement. Exchanging looks, the mares get out of their own seats and follow after the shy pair out.

Fluttershy and Ocean are just outside of the shop when the mares burst out of the door, only to get stuck in the doorway. Each mare attempt to push forward simultaneously to no avail, grunting and groaning along the way. After a third attempt, Twilight raises her hoof for the girls’ attention, knowing that one mare must go at a time. The girls get the message nodding…, only to repeat their futile efforts, much to their frustration.

Twilight groans in frustration and decides to get out her own way. She ignites her horn and teleports herself out of the doorway, causing Pinkie and Rainbow to drop down on top of AJ and Rarity. She reappears in front of Fluttershy and Ocean with an eager look on her face.

“You know, Ocean,” offers Twilight, “since you’re gonna be staying here for a few days, you’re clearly in need of a place to crash.” She trots slowly towards the shy little brother with a seductive look. “And, whenever Spike’s out, a castle is pretty lonely… for one princess… without any special guests.

Seeing this makes Fluttershy’s blood boil and immediately get in between her brother and her friend.

“Twilight,” Fluttershy declares, maintaining her composure, “a good princess is a good princess when she is generous, but I insist when I say that Ocean can stay with me for his visit, no matter how lonely a princess is in her castle.” She takes Ocean’s hoof and guides him around Twilight.

Twilight looks at the pair with a subtle crushed expression as they walk away. Rainbow, Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie catch up and look on at their friend and her brother with disappointment.

“Goodbye, everypony,” Ocean bids as he turns back to them with a small smile and wave)

Fluttershy follows suit. The remaining five mares wave their hooves goodbye. As they did so, Fluttershy glares daggers in their general direction, leaving the slightly scared.

Once they escape their view, the mares turn to address a problem.

“Girls, I think we can all accept a certain fact,” Twilight openly addresses.

“Is it the fact that Fluttershy’s brother, Ocean Breeze, is an absolute hunk of a brother and is absolutely cute, even with his smaller wing, and his eyes are aquamarine gems, and whenever I look into that gorgeous face of his, I just cannot fathom reality without-?!” Rarity’s giddy tirade is interrupted when she sees the faces of her friends deadpan. She realizes the problem with an embarrassed face. “Oh, right.”

“Ah swear on mah lucky pig,” Applejack gushes with a massive blush, “Ah’ve never been so out a whack in mah life! Whenever Ah look at Ocean, Ah feel things that are just… whoa, nelly!”

She takes off her stetson and fans herself with it, fighting off her blush.

“I honestly think I found something sweeter than anything I’ve ever made in my lifetime,” Pinkie compares, “and that’s saying something.”

“When I first laid eyes on him,” Rainbow describes with a lovestruck smile morphing on her face, “my heart jumped out of my chest and travelled around the world in 80 seconds at speeds unfathomable, even for me.”

“Just looking at him makes me feel weak in more ways than one,” Twilight simply states.

The Mane 5 all sigh dreamily before musing: “What I’d give for him to be his.”

Their eyes all shoot open wide upon hearing what they just heard. They turned to face each other, their heads darting left and right as they look on with shock before they morphed into determined war faces, clearly intent on their common goal. Tense silence is hovering above the five mares as they stare each other off with the goal of getting Ocean Breeze before the other mares. A lion’s growl is heard in the background.

May the best. Mare. WIN,” Pinkie punctures.

The five mares acknowledge with a collective hum and go their separate ways, trotting backwards, their gazes never breaking on each other.


Fluttershy’s cottage shines in the early morning sunlight as its animals canter with life. The early birds retrieve their worms, the fishes swims past the bridge, and Harry the Bear offering a hive of honey to a swarm of bees.

Light creeps into the room from the windows behind drapes. The cottage living room is quiet, dimmed, and at rest with only the sleeping mice, rabbits, otters, and other assorted wildlife scattered across the floor with only one pony occupant. Ocean Breeze is sprawled out on the couch, hoof over face, snoring silently with a light-green blanket consisting of patterns of rabbits and lambs stitched onto it.

The drapes are then removed, and a bright streak of sunlight pours into the room and right onto Ocean’s face, making him wince and grumble in his sleep before he slowly opens his eyes. He looked up to see his sister’s smiling face as she balances a tray of waffles and orange juice on her right wing.

“Morning, sleepyhead,” she sweetly greets.

“Morning, sis,” Ocean responds as he sits up on the couch, stretching his limbs with a yawn and rubbing his eyes.

Ocean then scoots to the left to let Fluttershy sit on the couch. She joins him as she places the breakfast tray on her coffee table. She then gives them both plates. Wanting to be the better pony, she lets Ocean take the first waffles, an offer the little brother takes with a thanking smile. After he took two waffles, she took the remaining two and placed them onto her plate.

“How did the couch feel?” Fluttershy asks.

“Felt better than sleeping in my own bed back at Baltimare, honestly,” Ocean compares as he pours a cup of syrup in his hoof onto his breakfast.

“So you’d still take it even after I told you it wouldn’t be a problem if you slept in my guest room?” Fluttershy sasses.

“Yes. Yes, I would,” Ocean responds, matching his sister’s sass.

Fluttershy can only giggle at her brother’s comment before asking, “Did you sleep well last night?”

Ocean shrugs and tilts his hoof from left to right. “I kept having this dream that some crazed mares were watching over me wherever I went.”

Fluttershy looks over at him with concern as she poured syrup onto her waffles.

“Ocean, are you, by any chance, scared of my friends?”

Ocean’s head shoots up straight with wide eyes and a red face before turning to her, desperate to change his answer. “Nononononono! Your friends all seem real nice and fun to be with. But,” He blushes deeply as he places a hoof behind his neck, “they kinda acted like most of the mares I meet on a regular basis. All lovestruck and gawking and having no interest in me except for my body.”

Fluttershy is taken aback by how her brother had just described her friends. In fact, she was worried about the same thing yesterday, but was hoping that it was just for that day and not for the rest of his visit. She looks to see her brother with a reassuring smile and takes his hoof in her own. Ocean looks at her with intrigue.

“Ocean Breeze,” Fluttershy assures, “I know you’re tired of all of that attention, but you can’t expect me to fight all of your battles. You need to stand up for yourself and let those self-center mares know what really counts in a romantic relationship.” Ocean’s intrigue is replaced with hope as he listens to his sister. “And don’t worry about my friends. I’m certain it was just a temporary reaction, and they’ve gotten over it overnight.”

“Are you certain?” Ocean hopes.

A bright smile envelopes the animal caretaker’s muzzle. “Of course! You’d be lucky to have friends like them.” Angel Bunny hops onto her lap, nuzzling her stomach, making her giggle. She pets his head as she talks. “They’re amazing, caring, and understanding of anypony’s feelings and problems. They’re just the best.”

Angel gets off her lap and finds himself onto Ocean’s own. He then nuzzles himself onto Ocean’s stomach, being rewarded with the pony petting his fuzzy, little head. The sight of her brother and her bunny interacting with each other so nicely make the animal-loving pony giggle.

“I trust that to be true,” Ocean hopes, turning to his sister. His sister’s only response is a small smile of hope of her own. “So, what do you think we should do first: tour the rest of Ponyville or see Mom and Dad first?”

“It’s up to you, sweetie,” Fluttershy giggles.

Ocean rubs the back of his neck, fighting a blush. “Well, I wrote and promised Mom we’d visit them first thing in the morning.”

“That sounds delightful,” agrees Fluttershy, putting away her plate and getting off the couch. Ocean repeats her actions and soon the two Pegasi are on their way out the door of the cottage, ready to start their day. Fluttershy grabs the handle to her door and swings it open…

… only to be interrupted immediately when a blast of confetti splatters all over her and Ocean. The shy siblings scream as they take the full front of the explosion. The blast even scares off some animals inside and they go scurrying across the living room in a panic.

Once the dust finally settles, Fluttershy and Ocean are met by the wide ear-to-ear grin of Pinkie Pie, who stares at them with normal Pinkie wackiness.

“Hey, Ocean Breeze and Fluttershy!” the ecstatic mare shrieks. “Where’re you going at this point of the day?!

“Well… Pinkie,” Fluttershy breathes deeply to regain her composure, “Ocean and I were just on our way to… to a hot air balloon to Cloudsdale.”

“And, uhh, we weren’t expecting to be scared senseless right after breakfast,” adds Ocean, taking a step back.

Pinkie zips right in front of him and gets up close and personal with the shy stallion.

“Ah, I never meant to scare ya, Ocean,” assures Pinkie with a look of concern/love. She then leans in close into Ocean, a flirting smile creeping onto her face. “Nopony like you should ever be scared of anything,… especially of an adorably, delectable cupcake such as myself. Care to share a nice cupcake buffet at Sugarcube Corner with me?”

Ocean keeps backing away slowly, getting a sense of what’s going on. “A kind offer, but I just had breakfast so….,” he tries to refuse.

Ever persistent, Pinkie pulls a cupcake decorated after Ocean out of nowhere and presents to the timid little brother. “Oh, come on. I made this cupcake just for you. Just one bite?” She then gives a pleading-flirting face. Suddenly, her entire body begins to shake violently. She looks to see Ocean confused at what just happened. “Oh, that’s my Pinkie Sense. When my whole body shake, that signifies a dozzy. But it shouldn’t mean anything at this point.”

She then presents the cupcake to Ocean again, smiling big. Ocean looks back at Fluttershy, whose face was composed with annoyance as she walked to the two, her wings pushing them apart.

“Pinkie, you’re nice to offer breakfast to Ocean,” the older sister politely turns down while hiding her annoyance, “but I think Sugarcube is on fire.”

“What?!,” Pinkie incredulously denies. “That’s ridiculous! If it were, I’d know by…”

She suddenly stops speaking as her face morphs into confusion. Taking a strongly whiff of air, she gasps in utter horror, her face matching her emotion. Dashing to the door, she looks out to see black smoke in the distance. She then emits a high-pitch, ear-piercing scream. As she runs out of the cottage back to the Corner, she turns to the Shy siblings, her head doing a 180.


Fluttershy and Ocean look at the energetic mare with confusion. The latter then turns to his big sister, ready to ask a question, only for Fluttershy to cut him off.

“First thing about Pinkie Pie is that nothing about her makes complete common sense,” Fluttershy simply states.

“Ah,” Ocean simply deadpans.


Fluttershy and Ocean are making their way through Ponyville, walking at a steady pace when the silence is suddenly broken. They look around for the cause only to find a flock of angry chickens clucking their way towards the Pegasi. Not far behind them are the dashing Applejack, Apple Bloom, and Winona as they follow the flock on either side of them, hoping to cut them off. The Apples managed to circle the flock minus one who fluttered its way towards Fluttershy and Ocean Breeze, angry and ready to pluck eyes out.

Ocean Breeze catches it in his hooves effortlessly, the bird struggling to release his grasp. It stops when Ocean begins to brush its feathers, petting it lightly. Its clucking soon ease to a peaceful pace, nuzzling itself into Ocean’s coat. He looks around to see Fluttershy looking proud and the Apple sisters agape with shock.

“Golly, Ocean,” Applejack exclaims, breaking the silence. “How did you do that? They take forever to calm down.”

Ocean blushes slightly as he keeps petting the bird as he explains, “When I was younger, Fluttershy often gave me tips on calming hysterical animals and ponies. I used those tips to help me during my lifeguarding duties, it’s kind of my trademark.”

“Huh, now Ah know yer Fluttershy’s brother.” Applejack comments. Fluttershy slightly blushes at that last remark, hiding her annoyance. “Anyways, thanks fer saving the chicken from goin’ far.”

“After Applejack purposefully let them all out of their coup and scared them off,” replies Apple Bloom, glancing at her sister with annoyance. This earns Bloom a side-glare from Applejack, who looked back at the shy pair with a sheepish smile. Fluttershy’s surprise soon morphed into annoyance, knowing what’s going on while Ocean keeps petting the chicken. She soon takes the flightless bird out of his hooves.

“So you would like me to return them back to their coup?” she asked.

Before anything else, Applejack rushes to her shy with an eager smile “That’s mighty kind of ya, Fluttershy! Y’all help Apple Bloom with them bird; Ah’ll hang back and break the ice with yer brother.” Not giving Fluttershy a chance to respond, Applejack pushes her towards Apple Bloom and Winona. The shy Pegasus begrudgingly leads Apple Bloom, Winona, and the chickens back to Sweet Apple Acres, giving directions and orders for the flock to follow.

Now alone, Applejack looks back at the taken-aback Ocean with a seductive grin.

“So, Ocean… just how hard is your job at Baltimare?” she asks.

Blushing and eyes darting rapidly, Ocean stammered, “It’s… uh… between the middle ground. Sitting on the big chair… uh… gets boring until duty calls,… but the best part is the satisfaction I get when I serve the ponies well.”

Seductiveness taking over her face and tone, Applejack continues the conversation. “Still must be hard at the end of the day, y’know. Goin’ home, with nopony to share such an empty apartment, feeling so stressed. Kinda like how Ah feel, sugarcube.” The farm mare draws circles around Ocean, trailing a hoof across his coat, sending shivers down his body. “Ending most day, sweaty and tired, havin’ no pony special ta share it, feelin’ very stressed.” She then gets close to Ocean’s ear, her voice hitching with lust. “Care ta help relieve that stress?”

Ocean blushes crimson at that last part, biting his bottom lip and his breath shakily. He is ready to respond.

Oh, Ocean Breeze!”

Ocean Breeze and Applejack snap out of the moment. They turned to the voice’s direction, looking to see Rarity, dragging a portable wardrobe rack, wearing a short indigo dress that left little to the imagination. She walks up to the pair, getting right in between them, while eyeing Ocean up and down, much to Applejack’s displeasure.

“Darling, it is lovely to see you again,” the fashionista happily states. “I’m glad I’ve caught you today, so you can bear witness to my latest fashion line of ‘Hunka Brotha.’” She then drags the rack of clothes right next to Ocean. “Since you’re here, I figured I could get a second opinion from you. Maybe have you try some on.” The fashionista gets close enough to Ocean to drag a hoof across his chest, making small circles, much to the stallion’s blushing discomfort. Rarity only finds the display adorable. “My, you are adorable when you blush. Honestly, more than Fluttershy.”

Ocean’s eyes goes wide and his mouth agape. “Well, that speaks volumes there, but I-.”

“Don’t talk, darling,” Rarity cuts him, pressing her hoof to his muzzle. “Simply let me take in the tranquil beauty of those lovely teal green eyes.”


Rarity and Ocean Breeze both look to see Applejack looking peeved at Rarity.

“Oh, Applejack,” Rarity greets, completely acting as if nothing has happened. “I didn’t see you there. How long have you been standing there?

“Long enough ta see that y’all can’t read a setting, “ Applejack snaps. She then gestures to her and Ocean. “Me and Ocean were just talkin’ until ya came prancin’ by, wearing that silly get-up!” She gestures to Rarity’s revealing outfit with a disapproving expression.

Rarity, obviously not taking an insult towards fashion lightly, sharply gasps. “I. Beg. Your. Pardon! I worked on this fabulous line and courtier for eleven hours straight last night with no breaks at all. I pride myself on exceeding past my base needs for the glory of fashion.” She flips her mane with her hoof and a huff.

As the mares argue, Fluttershy returns from Sweet Apple Acres and looks at the commotion between her friends, a look of annoyance on her face.

“Ah, Puhlease!” disagrees Applejack. “Ah know hard work! Ah’ve busted mah back and worked mah hooves to the bone more times than ya can count! Ya only work hard on something just ta impress some random colt crush of yars!”

Rarity scoffs. “Well, I never! I’ll have you know that fashion is a delicate process that requires focus and uniqueness, no matter who the customer is.”

Their argument continues as Ocean watches in shy silence. Before long, Fluttershy returns to his side and gestures with her head to leave them be as she goes straight to town. Ocean soon follows her.

“That’s different! Y’all ain’t got the guts to literally get your hooves dirty!” Applejack exclaimed.

“Oh really?!” Rarity snarls threateningly, having enough of this manure. She stands on her hind hooves, holding her fore hooves ready for a fight. Before she can do anything else, she turns around to face Ocean. “Ocean, darling, you might want to-.” She only then realizes that she’s talking to nopony. “Ocean?”

Applejack and Rarity loom around them for Ocean, only for Fluttershy’s voice to answer their worries.

“Like to stick around and talk, but my brother and I have to meet our parents!”

Applejack and Rarity stare off at them with stunned silence as they processed their failure to notice Fluttershy taking her brother from them. Applejack trots forward slightly before holding a hoof to her muzzle.

“Wait! What about the chickens and Apple Bloom!?” she calls out.

“She promised she could handle them!” replies Fluttershy.

Applejack sits on her rump in slight defeat as Rarity repeats her rough friend.

“But who am I supposed to try on my new outfits!?”

“Oh, I know! Get Spike! He’ll do anything for you!” snarks Fluttershy.

Rarity repeats Applejack’s action. Both mares stare at the distance for a few moments before they turn to each other. A second to process, both mares glare at each other with fierce competitiveness, snorting madly, a tiger’s growl heard in the background.


Shy Residence, a small, quiet house among Cloudsdale, is rather alive with the return of Ocean Breeze into the fold. Inside the kitchen are Fluttershy, Ocean Breeze, their mother Timid Blossom, a pale, grayish amber coated Pegasus with cerise eyes, and a moderate raspberry mane and tail while sporting a gold pearl necklace, thick green glasses, and a three flower cutie mark, and their father Fluffy Breeze, a pale, malachite green coated Pegasus with an amaranthish gray mane and mustache and grayish turquoise eyes while wearing a light blue sweater and a three cloud cutie mark. They are chuckling around a table of fruit gelatin cake as Ocean finishes a very amusing story from work.

“…And then I shouted to him:” Ocean explains, barely able to hold onto his laughter, “‘That’s not the doggy I was talking about.’ I just keep laughing and laughing as he ran from all those bulldogs!” At last, he lets it all out as his family join him, cackling with tears in their eyes.

Once the laughter finally settles, the parents speak up.

“It is always so nice for you to visit us, Ocean,” Timid Blossom acknowledges joyously. “Even when you’re far from home, you always hold a special place in our hearts.

“Indeed,” Fluffy Breeze seconds, “but we’re still so proud of you and what you’re making of your life. We’ve all got our lots in this world; me and my clouds, your mother and her flowers, Fluttershy and her animals, and you and your lifeguarding.”

The Shy siblings blush at their father acknowledging their accomplishments.

“Well, lifeguarding is nice and all,” confirms, his blush fading, “but it’s still got the drawbacks. With the… y’know…”

Ocean looks down in disappointment, Fluttershy extending a hoof to rub his shoulder in comfort. Seeing this, Fluffy and Timid exchange a shared look of upset, knowing darn well what it means. Timid speaks up with a sweet smile.

“Well, you understand that if you’re tired of the attention, you’re always welcomed back here with open hooves and hearts,” the shy mother wholeheartedly declares.

“I know, mom, But I’m not coming back unless I need more pointers from Fluttershy to stand assertive.”

Fluttershy looks back at him with a look of mixed concern and sternness before speaking.

“Ocean, it’s my job to help my little brother, but you’re old enough to stand your ground without my help, remember?”

Ocean merely sighs. “I know, but I just don’t think I can do it without hurting their feelings.”

“You can if their attraction is only physical, like my friends.”

“You hoped that they’d get over it, and they’re still drooling over me.”

Fluttershy is stealthy sweating as she contemplates Ocean’s argument before factoring Twilight and Rainbow Dash’s lack of efforts towards him. She speaks up again with slight hope in her voice.

“Not all of them. Twilight and Rainbow haven’t met you yet, but I’m certain they’re better than one-sided attraction.”

“Oh, speaking of Rainbow Dash,” Timid chimes in, “she’s on her way over. She’ll be here soon.”

Her children look at her before exchanging hopeful and happy faces.

“See, Ocean,” assures the older sister. “Once Rainbow comes in here, she’ll treat you with her average cocky yet loyal personality.”

She shoots up in surprise at the sound of a door opening. And when she turned, what she found was greatly upsetting. Leaning against the doorframe is none other than her polychromatic best friend, wet all over from head to hind legs. Her mane is sticking to her coat as she pants heavily. She then flips her mane for a few seconds in slow motion before looking back at the Shies with a passionate lust in her eyes, more directed at Ocean himself.

Timid and Fluffy look at the cyan mare with confusion, while Ocean’s coat turns into a deep crimson red as his eyes shrink. Fluttershy’s eyes are dead on Rainbow the whole time.

“Órale,” is all she can say in deadpan.

Rubbing salt on the wound, Rainbow walks up to the table, strutting in a seductive manner, right towards Ocean with a flirty smile. She just stops right between the siblings.

In a voice tone similar to a famous film actress, Rainbow hums, “Why, Ocean Breeze. I never thought of seeing you here. What does bring you here?”

“I lived here during my childhood,” Ocean timidly replies, fighting back his crimson blush. “It was mentioned yesterday that Fluttershy and I would be here.”

“Oh, that’s right,” explains Rainbow. She leans a bit closely into Ocean, her seductive smile never wanning. “I completely forgot all about it. It’s just that, whenever I start sweating, nothing else matters but the glorious look I sport afterwards.”

Fluttershy smacks her forehead in frustration and annoyance.

“Uh, Rainbow,” Fluffy treads carefully, gaining the Wonderbolt’s attention, “are you okay?”

“Of course, I am, Mr. Breeze,” assures Rainbow. “I just thought I’d make up for a poor first impression from yesterday with your son.” She finishes it by eyeing Ocean up and down.

The parents only looked at each other with concern and confusion before Timid spoke with slight confusion. “Um… you’ve visited us when you were younger. You had to have seen Ocean then, didn’t you?”

“I probably don’t remember it much. Especially since he wasn’t so captivating at first.”

Ocean again blushes at the last part, much to Fluttershy’s frustration. She looks to her side for a moment before perking up at something. She turns to Rainbow with a smug smile.

“Uh… Rainbow,” she smoothly states, getting her friends’ attention. “Aren’t you supposed to be training with the Wonderbolts today for the New Year Celebration?”

Rainbow remains unfazed at the mention, merely claiming, “Pfft, Spitfire won’t need me for that. I’ve only just started being a full-time Wonderbolt.” She then turns back to Ocean with a clear lust in her eyes. “Have I ever told you that, Ocean?”

Ocean’s eyes dilate and his blush intensifies before Fluttershy spoke again.

“Oh, no. Then why is Spitfire here?”

Upon hearing her captain’s name, Rainbow’s eyes go wide with shock.

“Spitfire!? Here?!” she panics.

Just as she turns, she found the angered face of her superior Wonderbolt, megaphone in hoof. Before anything else can be done, the angry Wonderbolt roars.


The force of the megaphone removes all of the wet from Rainbow’s entire body, setting her mane and tail straight on end. Her eyes are slightly bulged out of their sockets and her wings are fluttering like crazy as her captain continues roaring.


Rainbow leaves in a fearful huff, dashing straight into the wall! After shaking her senses straight, she then makes her way out through the door, Spitfire still roaring orders not far behind.

Once the Wonderbolts leave the house, the Shy Family is left in shock and wide eyes at what they had just witnessed. Fluttershy is the only one who isn’t surprised as she only looks with a satisfied look on her muzzle, very slightly nodding to herself.

Her brother is the only one to have noticed it and looks away with a small look of fear on her muzzle.

She’s still got it, he thought to himself.


The hot air balloon ride back to Ponyville is quiet. Fluttershy simply stares off in the clouds with a small smile, while her little brother looks back down with a look of forlornity. His eyes drift to his big sister for a moment before she draws her attention towards him, causing him to dart away. Seeing the older Pegasus walks over to him. She places a comforting hoof onto her shoulder, causing him to slightly flinch.

“Ocean, what’s the matter,” she simply asks, not beating around the bush.

“What do you mean, Fluttershy,” the young colt tries to avoid, only to cower at the subtle glare by his sister. Seeing it causes him to sigh in utter defeat. “You had to bail me out three times today, and it’s not even noon yet. You must be mad at me for it.”

Fluttershy is taken aback from her brother’s self-accusations, but she really cannot blame him. He is just as shy as her, if not, shier. She did say herself that she wants him to stand up for himself more than let her fight them for him. But he is right about her being mad; only at her friends for being like the Baltimare mares. Right now, all she has to do is reassure him of things.

“Ocean, I could never be mad at you,” reassures the older Pegasus. “I know how difficult it is to stand up for yourself while knowing that you could hurt somepony’s feelings. But there are some ponies who can take advantage of your kindness and push you around, and the best response to them is often to stand your ground and be assertive. Eventually, you’re going to reach a boiling point, and you have to prove that you’re in no mood for any of their nonsense.”

As he listens to his sister speak, Ocean looks at her with hope in his eyes, intently taking in her words’ meaning. He thinks back to all of the time that mares of all types just couldn’t leave him alone whenever he’d said no. He just lack the confidence to tell them that their attraction is only physical while he is a stallion looking for a mare who loves his personality. At the end of Fluttershy’s sentence, Ocean looks back up at his sister with restored hope.

He leans down to give his sister a hug, which she reciprocates without hesitation.

“You’re really something, Fluttershy,” comments Ocean.

Fluttershy can only giggle. “Well, I try to be.”

The siblings share a small, giggling fit when suddenly…

“Fluttershy!” a shrill voice breaks the moment. Fluttershy looks from out of the basket to see a violet blur dash towards the balloon. Stopping right in front of her is none other Princess Twilight herself. The yellow Pegasus can obviously see that Twilight is having another meltdown. And if she’s coming to her, it must be a situation for the Mane 6.

“What’s wrong,” Fluttershy urgently asks. But instead of a direct answer, Twilight merely ignites her horn, and in a flash of magic…

…teleports herself and the Shies back into the Cutie Map room in her castle.

Ocean and Fluttershy collapse onto the ground, feeling a little queasy after returning to solid ground so quick. The little brother, once he regains his footing, takes an eyeful of the room’s interior and he is awestruck. The crystal pillars and chairs spark with majestic amazement, the tree roots doubles as a chandelier with the gemstones sparkle with grace and beauty, and the center of the room is captivating just for its dazzling layout of all of Equestria.

Wow…,” is all the stallion can manage with his might.

“Oh, Ocean,” Twilight squeaks, acting nonchalantly, “I didn’t see you on the balloon, but it is a pleasure to see a new friend again.”

Upon hearing it, Fluttershy shoots up immediately in annoyance, ready to speak before Twilight interrupts her.

“What you’re about to see is something that’ll make you jealous of your sister even more.” She then turns to her shy friend with a determined look, gesturing orders with her hoof, a look of urgency in her tone. “Fluttershy, get out of here and get the girls! This is a code one alert!”

Fluttershy only looks with disgruntlement, not believing any of Twilight’s spitting manure. She fumes, “Twilight, what’s this s-?”

“There’s no time!! GOGOGOGOGO!!” Twilight panics like a scared filly, pushing Fluttershy out of the door. It takes more effort than usual, as Fluttershy is resisting, pushing back against her friend. Sensing the resistance, Twilight struggles and struggles, trying to move her friend, only for the animal-lover to push back harder.

“I’m not leaving my brother with you!” grunts the Element of Kindness.

“What, you don’t trust me!?” the Element of Magic grunts back. “I won’t let anything bad happen to him!”

“Still makes no different!!”

Having enough resistance, the Princess of Friendship decides to get physical. Lighting her horn, she picks Fluttershy up effortlessly, trots to the room out of the map room, and drops Fluttershy just outside. “Just go get the girls!!”

Before the older sister can strike back, Twilight swiftly slams the door and locks it tightly. Finally free of her friend’s objections, Twilight turns around with a sigh of relief, facing Ocean, who looks on with concern and fear, having a feeling of what is to expect. And his fears are confirmed when the Princess of Friendship herself starts to slowly trot over to him with a look of seductiveness.

“So,” she hums with equal seductiveness, “how has your day been treating you so far? You feeling stressed by a chance?”

“Um…,” Ocean tries to respond, only to come off blank as the Princess trots closer and closer to him. “The day has been okay, except for… .”

Before he can finish, Twilight’s horn lights again, this time closing all of the curtains and engulfing the room in darkness. The only sources of light are her horn until it ebbs completely and the gemstones as they dimly glimmer above the two ponies.

“Don’t this remind of them cliché settings, Ocean,” asks Twilight as she continues to advance, swaying her flank. “Dim lighting in near total darkness, music playing in your head, the peaceful, tension between the ponies?”

Ocean can do nothing but trot backwards as Twilight advances forward, stammering up a storm. “Uh… listen, Princess Twilight-.”

“Just Twilight, Ocean. We’re friends here, aren’t we?”

Ocean blushes. “Okay, Twilight. You seem real nice and quite the princess, but I don’t think that-.”

He doesn’t get a chance to finish when he falls backwards right on Twilight’s chair, which has been magically turned away from the table. Before he can get the heck out of there, Twilight levitates a huge pillow over behind Ocean’s head before joining his side with a loving smile on her face.

“Know what I’ve recently found out Ocean?” the Princess asks her captive, turning to him. The Pegasus can only shake his head. “That when the curtains are all drawn tight and the gemstones are the only source of light, the ceiling looks practically like an open, starry, night sky. A perfect setting for a hypothetical romantic setting. Wouldn’t you agree?”

As she rambles on about the setting she has chosen, Ocean slowly slinks away from her, trying to escape his captor. But once she speaks the last part, she notices his escape. She then wraps her hooves around the handsome stallion, pulling him into a hug. He can only blush as she holds him closer, nuzzling his coat.

“Can’t you just stay here a little longer, please? For me?” the princess pleads, tightening her grasp on her captive. “It would make me immensely happy if-.”

A bright beam light suddenly falls onto the two ponies, making them wince in discomfort. Partially blind, the two ponies slowly look upward to find the shadowed body of Pinkie Pie, looking down at them with a determined face. Making herself clear, she jumps down, landing on her hooves with the grace of a cat. She looks at them intently. Both ponies are blushing madly, looking at Pinkie with wide eyes, Twilight’s mouth moving yet failing to produce words.

“Just what do you think you’re doing, Princess?” Pinkie breaks the silence with a snark. “Oh wait, I know. You’re trying to hog my colt away from me!”

Twilight shakes her head before speaking: “Pinkie, what are you doing here?!”

Before Pinkie responds, the doors to the map room are promptly kicked open, and just outside the frame are Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, and a very peeved Fluttershy. The first three mares immediately rush and join Pinkie’s side, all of them glaring at the Princess with fury.

“Twilight, you got some splaining to do!!” Rarity demands.

“Yeah,” Applejack agrees, “just what do y’all think you’re doin’ with Big Mac’s superior!?”

The other mares look at her with incredulous expressions.

“Big Mac’s superior!?!” Rainbow Dash repeats. “Just what the Tartarus is that supposed to mean?! Especially when, after some training, he could keep up with me in a flight race.”

“Excuse me!?” Rarity cries in protest. “He’ll be the envy of all of Equestria, knowing that he will help me with my fashion and look handsome with no competition whatsoever!”

“If he’s gonna be any of us, he’s gonna be with me!” barks Pinkie, getting up-close and personal with Rarity.

“Ocean Breeze has no time for such nonsense!” declares Twilight as she gets out of her chair. She turns back to it and returns it to its original position with Ocean still on it. “If anypony here’s gonna be his very special somepony, it should be somepony with common sense, such as myself!”

“You tried to seduce him, you witch!” Rarity accuses, butting heads with her alicorn friend.

“That is enough!” shouts Fluttershy, slamming her hooves down. The sound gets her friends’ attention, scaring them rather stiff. “I cannot begin tell you five just how disappointed I am in you all. You promised to treat him with the best respect, but all you’ve done is-.”

“Yeah, Applejack!” declares Rainbow. She flies down to her rival’s level and starts poking at her chest. “If you hadn’t pushed yourself on him, maybe he’d not be so intimated by me!

“You?!” snarls the farm pony, pushing Rainbow’s hoof away. “Don’t blame this on me! Pinkie scared him with Sugarcube Corner…!”

Pinkie soon joins the argument, Rarity and Twilight not far behind, barking and shouting accusations at each other. Ocean Breeze looks at the craziness with such disbelief, seeing his sister’s friends fighting over him like he’s some sort of prize.

“Girls, knock it off!” Fluttershy shouts, her demand sadly falling on deaf ears as her friends soon erupt into a full-blown classic cartoon smoke of fighting! The sound of punches and screams are heard as the marefight continues, sound effects unlike anything common coming from the commotion.

Fluttershy continues to shout among the fighting in vain, only to stop when she sees her brother. Instead of the usual shy and soft face she is used to see on her little brother’s muzzle, his face is something unnatural. It is, without a doubt, red, but a different red. Not the standard red of timidity or embarrassment. It is a nastier shade of red. The red that often leads to very bad choices and mistakes. The red that she herself rarely shows. He is angry. Very angry. And he’s only getting angrier when the mares’ claims over him are heard, his yellow face becoming a deep shade of pink.

“HE IS MINE!” Rarity simple claims.

“I saw him first! HE’S MINE!” Pinkie Pie claims.

“Are you kidding?! He’s MINE!!” Rainbow Dash barks back.

“Y’all a bunch of crazy fillies! He’s MINE!” Applejack disapproves of their manure.

“I am a princess of Equestria, and I SAY THAT HE’S MINE!!” Twilight Sparkle claims.

Alas, the pressure became too much.


The shout of anger was so raw and pure, the windows above the room must have shattered by now. Fluttershy is scared where she stands, her friends no better. The mares instantly stop their fighting dead in their tracks, Rarity magically holding onto Rainbow and Applejack’s manes and her hind hoof pressing against Pinkie’s chest, the party pony’s hooves wrapped around Twilight’s neck, and the princess pulling Rainbow’s tail in her own magic, nice and hard. After a moment, the mares break free of their positions and take a good look at their crush. And it’s anything but pretty.

No, instead of the cute and handsome stallion they were willing fight over, they were seeing an angry and annoyed stallion whose fire was perfectly covered in his small, teal eyes.

“If I were some other stallion,” Ocean seethe slowly, “I wouldn’t know what has gotten into you five mares, but I do. And, right now I am SICK OF IT!”

Rarity raises her hoof to speak. “Darling-.”

“NO, don’t ‘darling’ me! Don’t ‘sugarcube’ me! Don’t ‘awesome’ me!!” The mares flinch, including Fluttershy, as they can only stand in stunned silence as Ocean explodes. “Do any of you know why I came to Ponyville? To get away. Not from the stress of lifeguarding, but from the constant mob of fawning mares who just fantasize about rubbing themselves all over my body! I’m not much for romance, but if I ever get a mare, it would be with a mare who wants clear, understanding romance over blind, looks-over-personality romance!” As the little brother rants on, Twilight and her friends can only change their expressions from shock to slow regret as their actions soon dawn on them. “Fluttershy keeps telling me that you five are different from those mares, but now I guess it takes a good look at me to prove her wrong!”

Ocean angrily trots between the mares, Rarity and Pinkie getting out of his way as he did so. He stops at the doorframe to look at his sister for a moment. Both of their faces are conveyed of sadness and disappointment. Ocean then returns his attention to her friends.

“If you girls are only interested in me just for how I look, then I guess there’s no pint in trying to be friends with you.” He finishes before he leaves the map room entirely, leaving the Mane 6 alone.

Fluttershy stares at her brother until he exits through the castle entrance before turning to her friends, a look of anger and disappointment plastered on her face. Seeing this, the other five mares can only cringe at the sight, knowing full well what they had just done.


The map room is silent for the most part as the Mane 6 minus Fluttershy sit in their respective chairs and listen to Fluttershy trot around the room and rant, understandably angry at her friends for what they had failed to do.

“You said that he’d be treated with the best respect. You said he’d be welcomed with open hooves. You practically promised that he’d be stress-free.” Fluttershy ranted, “And what do I get in return? I get my best friends fighting over who would want to be my sister-in-law!!”

Rainbow Dash, just as ashamed as the other mares, rises from her seat to protest as Fluttershy passes by her chair. “Fluttershy, there’s no argument with you being mad-.”

Her shy best friend turns to her with a face of annoyance. “Mad’s an understatement; I’m peeved!!”

Pinkie and Rarity gasps sharply at Fluttershy’s choice of words, while Applejack and Twilight Sparkle look in shock.

“Fluttershy, language!” Rarity cries. This only earns her a glare from the Pegasus.

“Language is not a factor when one is peeved, Rarity. Words can’t explain how peeved I am at you girls! I don’t think anything else, past or future, can ever top this.”

“Uh, well,… to be honest, sugarcube, this is partially yar fault,” Applejack treads with a nervous cringe on her muzzle. As expected, Fluttershy glares daggers at her, while the others stare at her with you-got-a-death-wish expressions. “I mean, if y’all told us that yer brother was a handsome stallion, we woulda not gone all gaga over him.”

Fluttershy’s eyes shoot open before she raises a hoof and opens her mouth to protest, only to draw a blank after thinking for a few moments. Her face morphs into slight embarrassment at the realization.

“As true as that may be,” acknowledges the Kindness Element, “you clearly didn’t listen to him when he mentioned about the troubles he went through, looking for a job that acknowledges him for something other than his disability and his looks.”

“Did he really said that?” Pinkie Pie absently asks.

Fluttershy growls at her party friend’s absent-mindedness, causing the latter to shrink in her chair.

“Everywhere Ocean went, mares only liked him for his appearance rather than his personality. I promised him that you’d be better than them, and you proved me wrong in front of him.”

Tears begin to fill in Fluttershy’s eyes, some nearly escaping. The Mane 5 watches on as their shy friend breaks her angered composure, her face slowly morphing into full-on sadness. They exchange looks with each other when they replay everything she had just said. And they basically want to kick themselves in their rumps right now. How could they have been so inconsiderate to their friend’s brother’s feelings? Is his coming to Ponyville a test by the pony greater than Celestia herself to see if they’d only be attracted by his appearance alone? If so, just failed miserably. Nothing else they can do now would reverse the damage they have just inflicted. But the least they can do is make up for their behavior.

Twilight gets up out of her chair, walks up to Fluttershy, and comforts the crying mare for a moment. She wraps her wings around the mare slowly, waiting to see if she will reciprocate. Fluttershy flinches at first before she finally reciprocates, calming as she does so.

Eventually, the Pegasus finally settles before backing away from Twilight with a smile.

“We can’t reverse the damage,” Twilight points out, “but we can make up for it, can’t we?”

Fluttershy looks around the room to see that the rest of her friends are smiling with hope. Seeing this, Fluttershy smiles big and sweet at her friends. They really are the best friends she can ask for if they can see their mistake and take responsibility to make up for it in an impactful way.

“Well, what are we waiting for?” Fluttershy simply asks. This makes her friends smile brightly. Without a moment to spare, the Mane 6 make their way out of the map room to look for Ocean Breeze.


After over an hour searching for Ocean across Ponyville, the Mane 6 regroup just near the watering holes outside of Ponyville. Fluttershy is certain that her little brother will be. Miss Cheerilee is leading her class into a fun day at the hole, and Ocean is more than liable to run into them. She and her girls are trotting along the path, her and Rainbow airborne, reaching the hole.

“I’m telling you,” confirms Fluttershy, “Ocean is going to be at the hole. If he sees anypony or creature struggling in water, he’ll dive headfirst to save him.”

“Even when his wing’s injured?” asks Applejack. Upon hearing it, Fluttershy’s eyes shoot open at the prospect of Ocean swimming with his bandaged wing.

“Well, honestly-.”


The Mane 6’s ears shoot at the shrill cry for help. They run full speed at the source. And lo and behold, they found Miss Cheerilee’s class stationed around a pond. Along with Cheerilee and the school ponies, there are also parents and older siblings. All attention is focused onto the pond. The Mane 6 look in their direction to see, much to their utter horror, Snips and Snails panicking in the middle of the water body, in a sinking inflatable boat with a hole!!

Seeing this, the mares make their way down the hill towards Miss Cheerilee.

“What happened,” Twilight asks more calmly as she approaches the teacher.

“Snips and Snails were canoeing, and Snips punctured their boat,” Cheerilee hastily explains.

The Mane 6 stare straight at the panicking pair as they only worsen their situation, running around their small craft and screaming like madness.

Cheerilee then adds, “And on top of it, they still can’t swim.”

“Pfft, like that’s a surprise,” Rainbow cracks, Fluttershy giving her a sharp smack across the head with her wing. She looks at Fluttershy with a “seriously” look on her face, only for Fluttershy to glare back at her. Knowing when to call it quits, the cocky Pegasus meekly turns away. Jeez, Fluttershy is in rare angry mode here.

“This shouldn’t be a problem,” declares Twilight as she readies her horn and wings. “Rainbow and I’ll just fly over and-.”

“No,” Fluttershy simply says. Upon hearing it, Twilight’s eyes shrink, and her wings go. She looks at her timid friend as she descend to ground level. with an incredulous look. She is utterly surprised that Fluttershy does not want her to rescue the colts. But what is even more surprising is the calm look she sports, as if she’s expecting something to happen. “Trust me.”

Twilight is ready to speak again when…

“Stand back, everypony!! I got this!!”

The demand from a colt shakes everyone out of their states of panic. Everypony turn to the direction of the sound… what they see next is nothing short of amazing.

To the beat of action-rescue music comes Ocean Breeze, running full tilt into the water, a determined expression not leaving his face. He briefly looks to his side to see all eyes on him. Despite the attention, he doesn’t relent in his objective. In a swift and impressive movement, even with his bandaged wing, Ocean jumps right up in the air, gracefully eclipsing the sun and spreading his entire body out before descending back to earth. Nearing the water, he dives perfectly straight into the water, coming down with a splash.

Everyone back on land can only watch in awe as Ocean Breeze rises from the water and starts to swim straight to the still-panicking Snips and Snails in remarkable grace and speed. The Mane 6 watch as their former crush moves so swiftly to save the two colts and Fluttershy only smiles at her little brother, while smiling at her friends getting to see what he really is.

Ocean finally makes it to the sinking dinghy with Snips and Snails still panicking. The lifeguard pony then dives into the water before he reemerges out of the water, singlehandedly carrying the two colts on his back before swimming back to shore. As she does so, he can hear the cheering of the observers, clearly ecstatic over his accomplishment. He can feel the young colts hugging his back, very grateful for saving them.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” the two repeatedly cry.

“No need to thank me much,” Ocean comments. “It’s part of the job.”

The young Pegasus finally makes it to shore, letting Snips and Snails off his back. He is then met with the rousing ovation of the bystanders, fillies, colts, stallions, and mares alike, treating him with the the stardom of a princess or pop star. Seeing this makes Ocean briefly blush and recoil at all of the attention focused on him, but he then decides to stand tall and take it, feeling humbled at the end of it all. In the distance of the crowd, Ocean can see his older sister and her friends watching on with glee and amazement at him.

Finally, after the crowd breaks apart giving their final gratitude to Ocean, the shy Pegasus finds himself free to walk back up to his sister and her friends. The sight of the latter makes him stiffen for a bit, reminding him what happened just over a few hours ago. Taking a deep breath, he trots forward to them, an uneasy look on his muzzle.

“Fluttershy,” he greets with a sweet smile before turning to her friends with a glum expression. “Friends.”

The Mane 6 minus Fluttershy go bright red at the last part. He still harbors hard feelings for what they’ve done.

“Ocean Breeze, please listen,” pleads Rainbow as she lands on the ground as well. “I know you’re still mad at what we did since yesterday. But we’ve finally learned our lesson.”

“And it was that our attraction was merely physical,” Rarity informs as she steps forward slightly. “But that don’t mean that we aren’t interested in who you truly are.”

Ocean is still rather reluctant, but as the mares explain their mistake, he slowly grows more intrigued.

“Ocean, y’all seem real kind and shy, like yar sister,” Applejack comments, placing her stetson over her chest. The comment also makes Ocean blush slightly. “But that don’t mean yar some carbon copy of her. Yar a pony in yar own right.”

“And you only do what you do because it’s what makes you you,” adds Pinkie with a smile. “You don’t let your looks define you, but your actions, no matter how many ponies fawn over your appearance.”

“You are so much stronger than you think,” Twilight assures the younger stallion. “And we were so very wrong to not consider your feelings over your looks. We only hope that you can forgive us for it, and we can start over for the rest of today and all day tomorrow.”

Ocean Breeze looks at the mares intently, observing their behaviors for any signs of deception. Instead, all he found was genuine looks of regret and wanting to make up for previous behaviors. He then turns to Fluttershy, who only offers a small smile and nod, effectively confirming their true intentions. If Fluttershy’s willing to give them a second chance, why can’t he? Heck, she’s too kind to hold onto a grudge for very long.

Finally, after much consideration, Ocean looks at the Mane 6 with a look of hope and joy.

“Well, then what would you mares like to do now?”

The mares faces light up.


Ocean Breeze’s three days are up. The sun is setting in the distance and Ocean has to catch 6:30 train all the way back to Baltimare. But by that time, things have improved.

Since saving Snips and Snails reconciling, the Mane 6 have been making up for being such terrible hosts, treating Ocean Breeze to a tour of Ponyville and a look into all of their lives. Twilight Sparkle indulged him into the mountains of books and spells that she has up her sleeves and introduced him to Spike and Starlight Glimmer. Pinkie Pie made an all-you-can-eat buffet not just for Ponyville, but for him who had a hard time trying not to eat most of the spread. Rainbow Dash showed him multiple tricks that were improved by the Wonderbolts, even performing a Sonic Rainboom, much to Ocean’s amazement. Applejack introduced him to her family and have him the opportunity to work some time on the farm, but only by helping Big Mac move baskets of apples to the farm. Rarity introduced her latest line for Photo Finish to him, and, in the spirit of a good friend, he tried some of them on, to success, much to Rarity’s delight.

Throughout their time together, they finally paid attention to Ocean’s interests, hobbies, and troubles and were more than willing to accept them for what they were. They finally saw Ocean Breeze for the sweet, shy, caring, considerate, wholesome, more-interest-in-personality-than-appearance stallion that hides behind the handsomely cute exterior. By the end of his visit, Ocean has grown respectfully close to all of his sister’s best friends.

Now they are at the train for Baltimare, ready to say their goodbyes.

“It was really pleasant to meet you again, Ocean Breeze,” Twilight mentions once more. “Even though we hit a ‘snag’ when we first started.” She mentions “snag” with air quotes, a hint of embarrassment in her voice.

“Despite that,” assures Ocean, “I was really happy to meet all of Fluttershy’s friends. It’s no wonder she’s bolder than back when we were kids.” Another thought crosses his mind as his face goes red and morphs into a look of embarrassment, rubbing his neck. “I just hope you can forgive for my outburst when I had enough.”

“Nonsense, darling!” Rarity assures her new friend. “You had every right to be angry with us, and it was the reality check we all needed.” She gestures to her and the Mane 6 minus Fluttershy as she says so.

Ocean smiles warmly and walks up to Fluttershy with a happy face. Seeing what is expected, he then wraps his hooves around her, pulling her into a warm hug which she more than happily reciprocates. They hold the hug for a few moments before the train whistle breaks the moment. Knowing his cue to climb aboard, Ocean holds the hug for just another moment.

“Goodbye, Fluttershy,” bids Ocean. “I love you.”

“I love you too, Ocean,” repeats Fluttershy as she sadly breaks the hug between the pair. Her brother then grabs his saddle bags and straps them onto her back before stepping back a bit. He looks at Fluttershy and her friends one last time.

“Goodbye, girls,” bids the lifeguard pony, waving at the mares. “It was a real treat to meet you girls. I hope to see you all again another day.” He then turns towards the train as the rest of the Mane 6 wave goodbye and say their goodbyes as well.

The shy stallion makes his way to the train car before he collides with a mare who was also on her way to the car.

“Oh, I’m so sorry, ma’am,” Ocean does so, ever quick to apologize. Once getting a good look at her, Ocean can make out her appearance to be a Unicorn mare fashioned in a lime coat with a very light purple mane and tail, smoothed in a fashion similar to Rarity's, sporting a pair of magenta eyes. On her flank is a mark of a pair of tools with a surgeon's mask sporting a First Aid symbol. Ocean can't help but feel a little smitten by her looks, but the inside matters more than the out, so he waits in patience for her reaction.

“Oh, no, it’s okay,” assures the mare in something of a Manehattan accent as she makes eye contact with Ocean. Upon making contact, she feels her cheeks slightly heating up and her heart beating a bit faster at the sight of him. She has met plenty of handsome stallions before, but the one before him is possibly the handsomest. With his cheek scars, his teal green eyes, and his reddish pink mane, the stallion is utterly perfect. But her deal breaker is stallions who are easy on the eyes, but rotten inside. She will honestly be unsurprised if this colt isn't an exception.

She looks down to see her luggage laid down on the ground, quickly using her magic to lift it up.

"I was just in a hurry for the train and didn't see my surroundings." the mare admits. "Is this your train?"

"Yes, I'm on my way to Baltimare." Ocean confirms, rubbing the back of his neck with a small blush. "You going my way, Miss...?"

"Sally Carissa, and yes. I'm looking for a new line of work in Baltimare. I'm looking for something within the protecting of other ponies' lives. I'm a recently graduated surgeon." She sees Ocean's eyes wide at the mention of her occupation.

"That sounds cool. In a sense, I'm a protector of other lives, a lifeguard, to be accurate."

"Why, that sounds delightful. Is it crossing a line to ask that we share a seat on the train, Mr...?"

"N-n-name's Ocean Breeze, Miss Carissa," Ocean answers, "And I'd be delighted if we'd continued on the train."

"Great. And just to get this out of the way, this isn't because you're... an admittedly handsome stallion. And I hate it when you talk to somepony just because they're gorgeous on the outside instead of focusing on the inside."

That’s it. That does it for Ocean. He didn’t want to jump to conclusions at first, but with that clear line of hers, she’s clearly more interested in his persona than his looks. He turns his head back slightly to see his sister stiff in shock at what is going on.

Ocean lightly chuckles at Sally's statement before repeating: "Coincidence or not, I prefer personality over looks any lifetime."

Upon hearing that statement, Sally is simply in a silent state as she looks into Ocean’s eyes. He is very clearly somepony who is interested emotional connections than simply kissing up to somepony because of their exterior. She wants to explode in happiness at finally finding such a pony, but saves face and gives Ocean a smile before stating:

"Ocean, I think this is the beginning of beautiful, like-minded friendship."

Ocean's smile his eyes are so wide that his face can fall off. He turns back to face his sister and her friends, who are all sporting looks and motioning hooves of encouragement to follow through with this. He turns back to Sally with a gentlemanly gesture towards the train, which whistles to acknowledge its impeding departure from the station.

"After you, my new, good friend," he states as Sally makes her way to the train car, a sweet smile on her face and luggage in magic.

Ocean breathes deep and smiles at his accomplishment. Outside of Fluttershy and her friends, he has finally a mare who instantly adores personality over his handsome appearance that he would deem a curse. He holds his proud expression as he boards the train, following Sally close behind. But before the doors close entirely, he turns to see the Mane Six one last time and see his sister's still-proud expression. He can tell that she is immensely proud of him for standing his ground, and he can simply smile. He spares one last wave at the Mane 6, the mares acknowledging with waves of their own. Finally, the doors close and the train shortly leaves the station straight to Baltimare.

As the Mane 6 watch the train leave Ponyville, they notice Fluttershy tearing up.

“Fluttershy, darling,” asks the concern Rarity, “are you okay, darling?”

“Yes,” sniffles Fluttershy as she wipes the tears out of her eyes. “I’m just so proud in him. He just grows up so fast.”

“Hey, you should be proud,” Rainbow comments as she turns to leave the station. “You practically raised him right in your own way. That’s what big siblings are supposed to do.”

Fluttershy blushes, considering Rainbow’s words, and she holds her smile as she joins the rest of her friends in leaving the station.

“Yes,” she quietly acknowledges to herself. “Yes, indeed.”


Back at the nest of crimson birds Andrea and Ryan from the Prologue, the sister bird stands on her branch, tweeting for her little brother to take the leap of faith. Ryan is rather hesitant, reminiscing on his previous efforts while he shifts from the ground to his sister. Staring at Andrea for a longer period, she gives him one more tweet of encouragement. Seeing no other way out, Ryan braces himself as he spreads his wings, jumps of the nest, falls into the ground, flaps his wings…

… and soon soars himself several feet above the ground! He soon meets his big sister in ecstaticity. Andrea tweets in happiness at her brother’s accomplishment before joining her brother in the air. Ryan is beside himself with joy as he flaps his wings and soars effortlessly.

Finally and happily flying together, the crimson siblings take off in the distance as the sun sets. Ryan revels in his newly achieved flight and is eager to explore the world with his faithful big sister by his side. Ready to take the world, the little brother finally flies on his own.

Author's Note:

HAPPY 11TH BIRTHDAY, MY LITTLE PONY: FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC!!!:pinkiehappy::rainbowkiss::raritystarry::ajsmug::twilightblush::yay:

I only own the few original characters you'll be unfamiliar with. I don't own the rest of the characters, contents, music, or the cover image at all. I hope y'all enjoy this tale. I had a lot of fun making this. As always, leave your comments for me to read, and brony/pegasister on!!

P.S.: Órale is a Spanish slang meaning "come on."

Comments ( 19 )

This was lovely to read. And absolutely hilarious too!

Just one thing,

“Yeah, Applejack!” declares Applejack. She flies down to her rival’s level and starts poking at her chest.

I'm pretty sure Rainbow's supposed to say that. Otherwise, everything's pretty much great.

What should've been Fluttershys brother, instead we got a DISSAPOINTMENT!!!

Found that error and fixed it. I'm glad you'd enjoyed it. Happy birthday to MLP: FiM!!!:pinkiesmile::rainbowwild::raritywink:

Now this would make quite the episode! And the moral was absolutely perfect! A very interesting retelling of Flutter Butter and a reimagining of Flutttershy's younger brother, I guess if she had two brothers maybe one of them would be the middle, maybe Ocean. The brawl between the girls fighting for his affections was hilarious something to don't expect from mostly Twilight, Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

He ain't no Zephyer Breeze.

Yeeeeaaaahhhh No,it May not have been perfect,but that Precisely it what gived Zephyr part of his charm.the WHOLE point and teaching of the episode was how one must persist trough the insecurities and Doubts,and how the support of those that love and care for us can help with that,and it’s Honestly amusing how people like You forget that.

(PD:srry If I came off as mean in any way,but really,this is one of those things that thicks me off)

There's no need to be sorry :pinkiesmile:. I wasn't trying to replace Zephyr. I was only making a story based on the comic I saw.

Oh no!It wasn’t to you bud.I can understand that,I was saying that to the One I responded cuz he just go and called zeph a “disappointment”when he was just designed the way the Episode needed for it to tell is teaching.

There nothing wrong with the story itself as is just a Fanfic,and everyone on this site is free to Write whatever they want

No harm no fool friend,have a nice day,afternoon or night!

I remember reading this comic! it was super hilarious and fun to see you write a full on fic of it! everypony was in charecther, the moral was great, and most of all i was laughing so hard! FANTASTIC JOB! This is going in my favourites! Happy 11th Birthday Friendship is Magic indeed. Also if anyone is gonna touch that handsome stallion its me! i... may have painted mutliple portraits involving those.... big... gorgeous eyes.... (Jk Ocean its ok, i was kidding around and respect your boundaries)

Thank you very much! If you like this, you’re welcome to check my other stories out. And many more to come!:pinkiehappy:

Her brother kinda just blew off a mare who was interested in talking to him on a train. Yeah, it's annoying to be seen as only attractive and nothing else but how the hell does he expect to find a mare? Does he want a mare that doesn't find him attractive? I mean, it's kinda part of life and relationships. She did clearly say she wanted to talk.

Who knew twilight had it in her to be so petty and succubus like that? guess its not immune to all girls.

They made it abundantly clear that just like the mane 6 at first this lady pony wasn't interested in ocean breeze as a pony but as a attractive boy toy. (there is more to his character than that. I'm sure she didn't mean ill but Fluttershys brother mentioned he's tired of being fawned over by his looks and needed to assert himself.

He simply says he can tell "just by her looks". Well, seems like she finds him attractive and wants to talk. Seriously, how the hell is a mare supposed to approach him then? Again it's natural for attraction. She at least tried to talk to him. Dude will never get a girl at this rate.

After a year of thinking about this story's ending, I've decided to change it into something that would keep Ocean's shy, yet personality-over-appearance mindset than make him seem like a jerk to every pretty mares that comes his way. I hope this one will slide better. It might not drive the message in harder than the original ending, but I, for one, as a writer, believe characters should not, under any conditions be portrayed out of character. Either way, here's my story, but with a revised ending. Enjoy it.:scootangel:

By the way, happy early 12th Birthday to Friendship is Magic.:pinkiehappy::rainbowkiss::twilightblush::pinkiesmile:

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