• Published 23rd Sep 2021
  • 1,942 Views, 20 Comments

The pony infection - Undynlicia

The purchase of a 'cursed' Boxset of the MLP series leads to you and your friends catching a strange infection.

  • ...

The First Changes

Author's Note:

I wouldn’t be surprised if you could figure out exactly when I came back to working on this story after benching it for over 2 years

Also quick trigger warning, this chapter touches on the private parts of some characters having changed, it’s only mentioned in a purely un-sexual way, but it wasn’t something that I could just leave out, since it’s a pretty important change to cover.

"One of your horns is a light blue, and the other is a cream white" Frances responded,

"Blue and cream whi- oh, ooohhh shit" You realised who you got; "I'm becoming freaking Discord!" You stated before a grin spread across your face as you processed the info,"Awesome!" You pumped your fist.

"No fair! Why couldn't I get the god of chaos, instead of the runt of the litter?!" Sam exclaimed in disdain,

"Because you're not a chaotic gremlin like me" You joked, sticking your tongue out,

"Not to mention you're the youngest out of the eight of us" Penny added, playing with her new tail,

"I'm 20! And it's not like you can talk, you're only 2 years older than me!" Sam shot back,

"Still makes you the youngest~" Penny sing-songed,

"She has a point Sam" Tina mentioned offhandedly, "Now would you please all be a little quieter so I can note down all of this!?" She became more exuberant as she tapped away at her phone, setting up a document detailing the strange occurrence you were dealing with.

"That's our Tina, always lookin' at the science instead'a tha excitemen'" Amy shook her head as she laughed, struggling to balance on her new hooves,

"Totally!" Raelyn added with a snort, "Lighten up T, we're becoming the main characters from our favourite series!" She shook Tina's shoulders, who pushed her away by the face,

"Exactly, the amount of genetic modifications that must be happening to our bodies is unheard of, and to think that it's happening without any pain or discomfort is fascinating! I have got to get some DNA samples to study the biological changes. If I cross-reference them with the ones I got a few weeks ago, I can study the differences between them, and-"

"Tina darling, you're ranting again" Regina notified her,

"Well why wouldn't I be, this could be the scientific study of the century! If I find out how it works, I can replicate the-" Tina continued rambling as the rest of you turned away from her.

"Once she starts, she can't stop till she's done, can she?" You spoke up,

"I knew we shouldn' 'ave got 'er that DNA kit for 'er birthday" Amy facepalmed, using her other hand to steady herself against the couch.

"At least it's coming in handy!" Penny reasoned, "I'm going to make breakfast, pancakes for everyone!" She skipped over to the kitchen,

"Way to change the subject!" Raelyn yelled as Penny poked her head back inside the door,

"I know right?" She smiled, pretending to think Raelyn was serious, before drawing her head back in.

"I hate it when she does that" Raelyn grumbled crossing her arms as the sounds of pots clanging rang out from the kitchen.

"-And that is why this is so amazing." Tina finished, not noticing that she had been tuned out ages ago, "Where's Penny?" She looked up,

"Making pancakes" Sam jabbed a thumb at the door,

"Oh, well anyway, for the testing I need DNA from each of you, to see how much it's changed" She mentioned as each of you gave your own signs of protest and grabbed a strand of hair from your head. "Thanks! I'll run these through the extractor as soon as I get one from Penny" Tina thought aloud as you each gave her the strands of hair, before rushing through the doorway to the kitchen.

"So... what do we do while we wait?" Frances asked the five of you still in the room,

"I say we get changed, even with all of this, it’s hardly proper to wear pajamas all day." Regina replied, and you all went to your rooms to do the same.

"Well, I'm honestly surprised by how well everyone is taking, this" You gestured to your horns, which by now had grown long enough to be seen through your hair, as you and Frances walked to your shared room,

"I know, but I suppose it hasn’t quite sunk in yet, and we are all bronies and pegasisters, this is practically a dream come true for us" They replied, walking through the door.

"When you put it that way, I guess it is!" You laughed, but stopped upon seeing your reflection in the window, the way it appeared semi-transparent in the glass reminding you of one of the episodes in season 7, "Oh no."

"What is it Y/- what are you doing?" Frances asked in curiosity, as you pushed your wardrobe into the corner and then placed your desk next to it,

"Stairs to nowhere" You deadpanned, placing a footstool on the desk and a chair against it,

"But... why?" Frances responded,

"Discord can't live without chaos, and I'm becoming him, so, ergo, I can't live without chaos" You reasoned, nodding as you looked at your handiwork,

"Of course, when he tries to act 'normal' in 'Discordant Harmony' he begins to fade!" They realised with a start, dropping the clothes they were holding,

"Exactamundo! Once I put a rug or something on this, it should be good for now" You looked under your bed and found an old fleece blanket, and draped it over your makeshift-stairs,

“Are you sure? What if it isn’t enough?” Frances worried, their pupils shrinking in fear,

“There isn’t much we can do that lives up to Discords’ level of chaos without magic, but if I look like I’m fading even a little, I’ll just throw caution to the the wind and do something crazy I guess, like… moving all the furniture in the house a few centimetres to the left? That should cause enough chaos for me, right?” You suggested, rubbing the back of your neck in thought, “It’s a bit cruel though, stubbed toes are no joke… although, if these changes keep up, I suppose it won’t be long before none of us have to worry about that, Amy’s already got proto-hooves, and the claws that Sam and, one of my feet, will eventually get should be pretty strong…” You trailed off, when you first realised who you were becoming, the idea of being a chaos god sounded like a sweet deal, but now that you were thinking about the physical side of things, you were a bit more apprehensive, and you sat down on the bed as you gathered your thoughts, bringing a hand to your mouth to feel your teeth, no snaggletooth yet, but that didn't mean you wouldn't have one soon, “I think it just sunk in who… what I’m becoming” you realised, staring down at your human hands, how long would it be before you had a paw and talons in their place? You were brought back to the moment by a hand on your shoulder, and turned to see your partner beside you;

“At least you’ll still have fingers, and be able to walk upright” They smiled at you, but you just groaned and covered your face with your hands as you leaned back on the bed,

“Sorry I’m being selfish, you have it way worse,” You apologised, and another thought formed in your already-bustling mind; “What if this stuff is messing with my brain, I mean yeah, I was already a pretty chaotic girl, but Discord, he was once a villain, and he still acts as an antihero sometimes, even if he’s not trying to, heck even if this isn’t affecting my mind, if we get our characters abilities, what if I get overconfident and do something bad, they say power corrupts, and the phrase wouldn’t have persisted for so long if there wasn’t some truth to it” you explained, feeling hot tears welling up in your eyes,

“Y/N you’re overthinking this, I know you and I know that you won’t become a bad person, even if there are some mental effects, and you aren’t being selfish, you’re becoming something completely different, it’s okay to be worried, I know I am, but it’s not all bad” Frances comforted you, and you opened your eyes, sighing as the words sank in, and rubbing the tears from your eyes;

“Yeah, I guess you’re right, I suppose I was just thinking about all this and spiralled, and even if my body is changing, at least I should get some cool powers from the deal, right? And I suppose I could use those powers to change my appearance to one less, absurd” You let out a small laugh at the thought, “I’d probably only really change the facial area though, and maybe down under if you catch my drift” You chuckled, “I know one thing for sure, no matter what happens, I’m still identifying as female”

“That’s the Y/N I know, it’s nice to have you back” Your partner smiled softly, giving you a kiss on the cheek, before realising something; “We should probably get changed, Regina will kill us if we stay in our PJ’s all day” they added, and you nodded in agreement, getting up and stretching, before going to get your clothes for the day, as Frances picked theirs from where they’d been dropped on the floor and placed them on the bed, and just before you turned back around to place yours on the mattress they spoke; “Oh my, speaking of changing down under…” they gasped and you whirled around to look at them, only now instead of a they, Frances was a she,

“Holy-“ You began, before noticing something else had changed about your partners girlfriends abdomen; three pink butterfly’s were emblazoned on her thighs, “Cutiemark” You instantly spoke as soon as you registered what the symbol was, and she turned her gaze to the symbol, gasping once more, her eyes darting between the two changes, and it was then that you registered that if Frances equipment had changed to that of her characters… well the next second your pants were down as you inspected your nethers, you no longer had a clit, but you didn’t have a dick either, it was just a blank expanse of brown hair, no scratch that, brown fur, you felt the area in case the fur was hiding something, but felt nothing more than short, slightly coarse, hairs, and one thought came to your mind; “How am I supposed to go to the bathroom now?” As soon as you spoke you heard soft laughter and turned to see Frances covering her mouth,

“That’s the first thing that comes to your mind?” She requested, and you couldn't help but blush;

“Sorry, sorry, but seriously, how am I supposed to go to the toilet? I don’t have anywhere for it to come out!” You answered through your own embarrassed chuckles, gesturing to the fur replacing your genitals,

“Well, you are becoming Discord, it could be related to your chaos powers? Perhaps it just appears when it’s needed or something?” Frances suggested, getting into her clothes, and you paused to think;

“I suppose so, but I don’t think I have those powers quite yet, I think I’d feel them if I did, although I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to try?” You reasoned, and snapped your fingers, before looking around the room, but nothing seemed to happen, “I suppose that’s a no for now” You sighed, you were kinda hoping you had the powers now, but alas, no dice.

A few minutes later you were dressed and had just stood in front of the mirror to brush your hair, pausing in wonder as you saw the mismatched horns on your head, they weren’t fully grown in yet, but they were definitely bigger than when you woke up, and after you shook yourself from your surprise and had began to brush your hair as best as you could with the obstructions, you noticed something out the corner of your view and glanced at the rest of your face, specifically your eyes, your red eyes.

“Uh, Frances?” You began, “Why didn’t you tell me my eyes had changed?” You asked your girlfriend, staring at the reflection of your eyes, currently you still had visible pupils, even if they were clearly scarlet, and your irises were almost the same size, although your left was a touch smaller than the right, what was once the white of your eyes was slightly yellowed too, not to the extent of Discords quite yet, but you could tell that in a few hours, heck maybe even just one, your eyes would be practically identical to the draconequus,

“They have?” Frances asked from behind you, “Have mine?” She added curiously, and you turned to look;

“Well, they’re definitely Fluttershy’s colour, and your iris and pupil are a little larger, but I’d say they still have a little ways to go, like mine, and your eye shape is still the same too” you examined, “the colour looks pretty good on you actually” You added, smiling, a teasing lilt to your words, but no bite behind them,

“As do yours, Discord” She teased back, and you chuckled,

“I think I’m still going to have to change a little more before I start going by that name, unless you want me to start calling you Fluttershy” You responded, grinning,

“I, actually wouldn’t mind that” Frances blushed, looking away as she rubbed her arm, an embarrassed smile on her lips, and you raised your eyebrows at the remark,

“Well, if you want me too I’m sure it wouldn’t be that hard, might be, chaotic, even” You laughed, sending her a smirk,

“You’re doing that on purpose aren't you?” She replied, as the pair of you began to make your way to the kitchen for breakfast,

“Oh, you wound me so my fair Fluttershy, have you such little faith in me?” You gave your best Discord impression, an arm shielding your forehead in mock pain as you leaned against the wall dramatically,

“Pfft, stop that” She giggled, and you pushed yourself back into a standing position,

“Alright, alright, just getting into character” You chuckled, “Honestly though, you’re actually okay with going by Fluttershy now?” You added, raising an eyebrow in curiosity,

“Yes,” Frances Fluttershy smiled, “I think I am.”

Comments ( 5 )

So you’re blaming the reader then?/JK

But no, it’s not show Discords doing, in fact it’s not the doing of any of the show characters, but I do have a plan for why it is happening

No. That was a reference joke, obviously. Plus, Discord would've done the same chaotic thing in the human world if he knows what a human is.

I assumed as much (I actually only read 5SD4 yesterday lol, had no idea of it’s existence before then) I am thinking of referencing it, but the characters aren’t reincarnations, though I did consider the idea.

OK that was a coincidental one. But hey, we all know that Discord doesn't know anything about humans when he makes his appearance in S2 before Twilight and Spike went after Sunset to get back her crown in the human world.

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