• Published 10th Sep 2021
  • 1,218 Views, 9 Comments

Cadence's Tickle Fight - NightFurySpeedey8156

Cadence Tickles NightFury

  • ...

A Feather Filled Fiasco

Her wedding was a blast, the cake was delicious, her after party was a thrill and most importantly, she got to marry the love of her life. But there was something missing. Night Fury had just been entered as a new citizen in Equestria, and she didn't get the chance to really get to know him. So without hesitation, she took off into the air, and headed towards Ponyville. She soon reached the small town, touching down on the dirt path leading to Night Fury's house and knocked on the door, then revealing the black feline.

"Hey, Fury?"

She said with confidence

"Hey Cadence, what's up?"

"I wanted to get to know you better, so I was wondering... If I could stay a little while?"

She said nervously, Night Fury wasn't expecting to have his first sleepover RIGHT after his welcoming party, but he could get to know one of his new friends.

"Sure, why not! It'll be a good reason to get to know you."

He responded, wrapping a leg around Cadence and pulling her in, Cadence's face lit up at his acceptance as she used her magic to make a sleeping bag appear and some snacks to help begin the sleepover. It was a couple of hours later and Cadence and Night Fury were telling jokes and having fun in his living room, when Cadence decided to put her plan in motion.

"Soooooo... Fury, what makes you laugh the most?"

She said with a devious grin, Nightfury started to blush and decided to speak up.

"Oh... Uuuuh, Tickling is the only thing that I know that makes me laugh uncontrollably, but most other stuff that makes me laugh, I can get myself under control of after a few."

He said flustered, Cadence's eyes widened at the fact that he would be so openly admitting to him being ticklish, but it was all the more enticing for her plan as he just made it way too easy for her to pull it off.

"Really, I wouldn't have guessed that would be so open about your weakne- I mean, ticklishness."

She said, catching herself before she could reveal her plan too early

"Heh, yeah, I wasn't that open about it when I was younger, but my mom taught me that I shouldn't be embarrassed by my childhood."

"Wow, so how did it all start? How did you get to cherish that part of your childhood?"

Cadence asked, seeming very intrigued by Nightfury's past.

"Well, I think it's better if I showed you rather than tell you, wait here."

Fury responded walking off to grab an artifact from his past, Cadence was very interested in learning about Nightfury's past, but that didn't distract her from getting her revenge. Night Fury returned with a golden seed-like contraption that he held in his paw, placed on the ground, and pressed a button on top. The golden seed opened up and bloomed like a flower, revealing a ruby in the middle that projected a screen in the air.

"This is a memory sealer my mom had given to me when I eventually fled the nest, it has all my childhood memories in it, including the point where my mom taught me to cherish my childhood."
Fury told Cadence as the rudy came into focus on the memory of choice and played it back for the pair of friends.

In the past...

"NightFury, dinners ready!"

NightFury's mom, Black Ice, called from the bottom of the stairs in the small cottage they lived in, but when there came no answer, Black Ice called out again.

"Sweetie, your fish is going to sour if you don't come down."

She called again, warning her son about his dinner, but still no answer. Black Ice became concerned about NightFury as he would usually come running to fish for dinner, being a feline and all. She silently thought to herself "that's strange, he usually is at my paws with a smile on his face by now. Something must be wrong." as her motherly instincts kicked in and walked up the stairs to find her son.

Black Ice soon reached her son's room and noticed that her darling husband and NightFury's father, Obsidian, was there as well. She came up beside him and began to speak.

"Hey honey, where's NightFury, he's gonna miss dinner."

"In his room, and he is not in a good mood. We were outside working on controlling his speed and he just couldn't get it to dial in, he was running around out of control and couldn't stop until I stepped in. We came back and he went straight to bed and never came out besides the occasional bathroom break. I tried to cheer him up, but he isn't budging, I was hoping you would have any way to help."

Obsidian explained to his wife, Black Ice immediately was heartbroken by what was said, NightFury had been working on his powers for months and he still hasn't been able to get it. She knew that she had to do something and she knew exactly what to do.

"Don't worry honey, I'll make him feel better."

"I know you will,*smooch* I'll be downstairs."

Obsidian said as he kissed his wife on the cheek and headed downstairs to grab dinner. Black Ice stood at the door and contemplated what she would do to cheer up her son and soon came to an answer as she knocked on the door and opened it to reveal a black fuzzball with red eyes and grey stripes curled up on his bed.

"Hey sweetie, how are you?"

"Go away, I don't want to talk."

A young NightFury said grumpily as he looked to his mother with a frown, confirming that he wasn't in a good mood.

"C'mon sweetie, if you don't come downstairs, your fish will sour."

Black Ice said, trying to coax her son out of his room.

"I'm not hungry."

NightFury replied, Black Ice was surprised by the comment about not being hungry for his favorite food and immediately knew this was serious and that she needed to put her plan in motion.

"Fury, I understand that you're frustrated about not getting the hang of your powers, but you can't stay up here forever."

"Mom, I've been trying to get the hang of these wacko powers for months and it still isn't clicking, I just don't get why I can't get it right!"

Fury exclaimed, frustrated with the fact that his powers weren't making sense to him.

"Sweetie, you're not the only one that has some difficult power that they can't control, even I have a power that is hard for me to control."

"What, no way! You have all of your powers under control and at your disposal, you don't have a power that you can't control."

The young feline exclaimed, surprised that his mom said that she had a power that she couldn't control. His mother smiled at his disbelief of what she said and continued.

"It's true, I have a power that I can't control and I still can't control to this day."

"Really, what power could you possibly have that you couldn't control?"

NightFury asked, interested in the new information from his mom. Black Ice played along and decided to have a little fun with her son.

"Oh, I don't know, it's pretty embarrassing for me to talk about it."

"C'mon mom, you got yourself this far, you might as well go along with it."

Her son encouraged as his mood began to change and he wanted more info from his mom. She eventually gave in and decided to give him the real deal to satisfy his want for more info and to cheer him up.

"Well, if you insist..." She spoke as she sat next to her son and began to sing.

🎶Well, I have a little secret (shhhh)
I really shouldn't tell (shhhh, shhhh)
But I think I will share my secret just with you.🎶

🎶Sometimes, I feel real funny
I fall under some spell
I turn into a monster, yes, it's true
I become a...🎶

🎶Tickle, Tickle, Tickle, Tickle
Tickle, Tickle, Tickle, Tickle Monster!🎶

🎶I'm a Tickle, Tickle, Tickle, Tickle
Tickle, Tickle, Tickle, Tickle Monster!🎶

🎶I'm a Tickle, Tickle, Tickle, Tickle
Tickle, Tickle, Tickle, Tickle Monster!🎶

🎶I'm a tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle
Tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle Monster!🎶

🎶Well, I creep up very slowly,
I creep up from behind,
My paws start to wiggle in the air.🎶

🎶I make some silly faces, I hope you do not mind. This creature really doesn't mean to scare...
I'm just a...🎶

🎶Tickle, Tickle, Tickle, Tickle
Tickle, Tickle, Tickle, Tickle Monster!🎶

🎶I'm a Tickle, Tickle, Tickle, Tickle
Tickle, Tickle, Tickle, Tickle Monster!🎶

🎶I'm a Tickle, Tickle, Tickle, Tickle
Tickle, Tickle, Tickle, Tickle Monster!🎶

🎶I'm a Tickle, Tickle Tickle, Tickle, Tickle
Tickle, Tickle, Tickle, Tickle Monster!🎶

🎶Well, now you know my little secret (shhhh)
I told you everything (shhhh, shhhh)
I love to tickle
Yes, indeed, I do.🎶

🎶Oh, one thing I did not tell you
Yes, one small thing,
is when you're tickled you become a monster too... You become a...🎶

🎶Tickle, Tickle, Tickle, Tickle
Tickle, Tickle, Tickle, Tickle monster!

🎶You're a Tickle, Tickle, Tickle, Tickle
Tickle, Tickle, Tickle, Tickle monster! 🎶

🎶You're a Tickle, Tickle, Tickle, Tickle
Tickle, Tickle, Tickle, Tickle Monster!🎶

🎶You're a Tickle, Tickle, Tickle, Tickle
Tickle, Tickle, Tickle, Tickle Monster!🎶

🎶We are Tickle, Tickle, Tickle, Tickle
Tickle, Tickle, Tickle, Tickle Monsters!🎶

🎶We are tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle
Tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle Monsters! 🎶

🎶We are tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle
Tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle Monsters!🎶

🎶We are tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle
Tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle Monsters!🎶

The attack was merciless… the laughing was loud… and the mood was silly! Night Fury was completely paralyzed from laughing as his mom attacked as she sang. He wanted to get away from the tickling, but his mother's monstrous grip was too much for him to over power all by himself. His mother was glad that her son was having a good time and was laughing the way he always had in the past, having succeeded in cheering him up. She eventually gave her son a break from the tickling and stopped singing her silly song, sitting back to look at how cute Night Fury was. He squirmed on his bed, giggling and making cute squeaking noises as he recovered from the bombardment of tickles his mom had unexpectedly placed upon him. He soon became still and began to breathe deeply to catch his breath before speaking to his mom in a weak voice.

"Mom, that was not what I thought you meant by a power that you couldn't control." Night Fury squeaked

"Well, I was lying. I just needed a reason to cheer you up." Black Ice responded, Night Fury's jaw dropped at the fact his mom had lied to him about that uncontrollable power she had, but he had to admit he was feeling better. His surprised reaction got a small giggle from his mom as she continued.

"Listen honey, we all have something we can't really control; whether it's a new power, or a feeling that wells up within us. We all have something we have to get used to, and you having to get used to using your powers is nothing that you should be upset about." Night Fury's eyes looked up to his mother, listening to her comforting words as she spoke. She was right, his frustration over not being able to control his power was something that everyone had to go through, and he shouldn't feel like he's the only one having to go through it.

"You know what mom, you're right! I shouldn't feel like I'm going through this alone, everyone has to go through what I'm doing." Night Fury said confidently, Black Ice smiled at her son, seeing that he was feeling better and had no doubt in his ability to accomplish the thing he wanted most. She stood up and walked towards the bedroom door, stopping just before walking out and turning to her son with a smile…

"I'm glad you're feeling better sweetie, now c'mon, let's get together around the table and have a nice dinner together."

"Ok mom!"

…And with that, they left. Having had a great bonding experience with each other and having conquered their problems together as mother and son.

In the present…

The device closed with a click and deactivated, the projected screen having flickered away and the device put safely on a nearby shelf. Cadence was in a mixed state, not knowing how to feel about what she had seen as Night Fury sat next to her and began to speak.

"So, what do you think?" Night Fury said, slightly nervous as he waited for Cadence to give her reaction.

"There's one thing that I want to say right now…"Cadence replied


"... How in the world were you so adorable as a kid?!?" Night Fury's face instantly went red as Cadence brought up how cute she thought he was when he was younger, not expecting the answer that she gave to him.

"Oh c'mon Cadence, I wasn't that cute." Night Fury defended, not wanting all the attention for showing his childhood to her.

"Oh yes you were, you were such a wittle fuzzball. And that cute squeaking noise you made as you laughed, it was adorable!" Cadence added, going full baby talk as she pointed out the moments she liked the most. Night Fury buried his head in his paws, whimpering as his embarrassment grew to new highs he never thought existed. Cadence looked over to the red-faced feline next to her and started growing a wicked smile, deciding that it was time for her revenge to be put in motion.

"You know, I think we should reminisce over your childhood memories for a bit." Cadence said, her grin growing bigger than ever. Night Fury lifted his head and looked at Cadence's face, her wide smile and half lidded eyes making him question what she was planning.

"Yeah, and how do you think we should do that?" Night Fury said nervously

"By recreating your memories." Cadence lunged towards Night Fury, pinning him to the floor with her hooves. Night Fury's eyes went wide as he was tackled to the ground and pinned, squirming some as his mind went into panic mode.

"Cadence, what are you doing?" Night Fury exclaimed, giving the pink princess a confused expression.

"Well, I guess I might as well tell you my real plan." Cadence said

"What real plan?!?"

"The revenge plan that I came up with after your party. That little joke you pulled on me was clever, but I had to get you back." Cadence added, Night Fury thought back to the party and realized what Cadence was talking about. His expression soon changed to a more worried state as the alicorn above him started to lean in.

"And now, I am going to get my revenge." Cadence reared her head back before unfurling her wings, picking three feathers out and levitating them towards Night Fury. He proceeded to scrunch up his muzzle as he anticipated the incoming attack, his body tensing up as the feathers made contact. Cadence slowly waved the feathers back and forth across Night Fury's chest and tummy, causing him to squirm around at the sensation.

"That little prank you pulled at the party was sly, and I don't blame you for doing it; I did embarrass you in front of Luna. But, all things come at a price. And mine is exposing your greatest weakness." Cadence said, smiling widely as she continued to graze the plucked feathers across her helpless victim. Night Fury Squirmed and whimpered at the sensation, feeling tingly all over his body. He instantly started getting flashbacks of his childhood, being tickled as a baby and as he got older. Night Fury decided that enough was enough and started to try and pray Cadence off him.

"Ok Cadence, I think you've had your fun. Now can you let me get up?" Night Fury asked, hopefully getting the response he wanted.

"But why would I do that, I've only just gotten started." Cadence retorted, she proceeded to speed up the tickling to a faster pace, applying more pressure so that the feathers were firmly pressed up against Night Fury's body.

"Hmhmhmhm Nooooo, plehehease stohohop." Night Fury squeaked, trying to restrain the laughing fit that was threatening to break through.

"Ok ok, I'll stop…" Cadence replied, Night Fury let out a sigh of relief as Cadence's words hit his ears; But he wasn't out of the woods yet.

"Oh don't get too comfy mister, I didn't finish. I was saying that I'll stop… going easy on you." Night Fury tensed up once more, Cadence's words igniting his fear as he started to panic again. Cadence's smile grew as she hovered the feathers above him, readying her next attack.

"Now, I'm going to give you three seconds to take back what you did at the party. If you do, I'll let you go; But if you don't, I have my way with you."
Night Fury's face went pale, Cadence's words having struck him with intense fear as she gave him the ultimatum. Night Fury knew that he would be able to get out of the situation he was in if he just took back what he did, but he just couldn't come up with the words needed to make it stop.

Cadence moved the feathers closer…

"Now c'mon Cadence, let's talk this out… Please?"

She continued to lean in, not listening to her victim's pleading…

"Cadence please, I think this is going too far!!" Nothing was working, his voice having no effect on the alicorn above him. Cadence's devilish smirk grew as wide as ever as she got closer and closer until…

…Time was up. She dove into Night Fury's chest, nuzzling his fur while tickling his sides with the feathers she had plucked from her wings. Night Fury tried to stop her, but it was too late. Like a volcano in the middle of the ocean, he exploded into a fit of laughter as his body was tickled mercilessly by Cadence.


"Coochie Coochie Coo!"
Cadence came in full force with the tickling, not giving an inch of leeway for Night Fury to get away from her as she tightened her grip. Night Fury tried everything he could to try and get Cadence off him, from pushing against her to try and loosen her grip on him, to trying to squirm around and slip away from her, but nothing worked as he was continuously tickled and held down against his will.


"Oh, is that so? Well I guess I may have just lied to you." Cadence replied, Night Fury wanted to be upset with Cadence for lying to him, but he was too occupied with laughing to form any sort of anger towards her.


Night Fury's head started to spin from the constant laughing and giggling, causing his vision to blur and distort. He decided that he finally had enough of the tickling and made his move, recoiling all four of his legs and pushing against Cadence's frame; finally getting her off of his chest and ending the assault. Cadence felt the force of the push on her underside and recoiled as she was forced out of her grip on Night Fury's body, flying a little ways away from him before coming in contact with the ground with a resounding thump. Cadence's magic fizzled out, dropping her feathers at her sides; her tiara having been thrown clear and even her necklace was knocked loose. She took a moment to recollect her thoughts as she was a little battered from the impact with the somewhat soft; but still hard carpet floor.

Her vision went blurry and started to see stars as she laid there while her mind went blank and practically shut down. Night Fury fared no better as he was still giggling from the tickling and was still recovering from the relentless assault. He soon gained control of his laughter and flipped over onto his belly, looking around for the alicorn princess that he had just pushed off of him. He glanced down to the floor and found Cadence laying on her back, mumbling as her dizzy brain couldn't form words. Night Fury scooted over to Cadence and waved a paw in front of her face, chuckling as he saw the silly expression she was holding.

"Yoo-hoo, Cadence… You okay?" He spoke in a soft voice, trying to get Cadence to snap out of her dizzy state. His actions proved successful as Cadence groaned and sat up, shaking off the dizziness and looking towards him; she rubbed the back of her head and gave a slight blush as she smiled sheepishly at Night Fury's smug smile.

"Well, looks like you got what you deserved." Night Fury chuckled

"Hehe, yeah I guess you're right. You really put some force into that push." Cadence replied, putting a hoof to her forehead and looking up.

"Had to get you off me somehow, you were going full force."

"Yeah, I was. Did I go too far, you clearly made your point that you had enough." Cadence asked

"Oh no, not at all! I just needed to catch a break from such a savage attack." Night Fury joked, chuckling a little. Cadence smiled at the reassurance that she didn't push it too far, sighing a breath of relief at his statement.

"But, that will have to come at a cost though." Cadence froze, looking over to her friend and seeing a toothy grin on his face as he showed his fangs. She gulped, backing away slowly as Night Fury got closer and closer until she was the one on her back and Night Fury was pinning her down to the ground.

"You know, I was just going to let this slide and get you back later; but I just couldn't let that happen since you decided to go all out." Night Fury said, a trace of venom in his voice as he continued to gaze down at Cadence. The princess of love started to sweat bullets, fearing the revenge that she was about to receive.

"But enough stalling, let's get to what we're all waiting for!" Night Fury said triumphantly as he dove in and started tickling Cadence's neck. The pink princess immediately started laughing, splaying her wings out as she giggled and squirmed around.

"Nohohohohohoho, thihihihihihis was not part of my plahahahahahahahan!" Cadence squealed, laughing wildly as she was tickled by Night Fury's paws.

"Not my problem Cady, this is now your problem." Night Fury replied, continuing to get his revenge on the princess of love. Cadence giggled and squirmed around for what seemed like an eternity, not being able to do anything else but take what was coming to her, until the tickling seemed to slow down. She looked up at Night Fury and saw that he was wearing a calmer; and less crazy looking expression.

"Ok Cadence, I'll be honest… This is fun, but I think we can settle this quickly. So how about we do an ultimatum?" Night Fury inquired, smirking a sly smile. Cadence took a moment to think about what this ultimatum would be, deciding to hear him out and try to work something out.

"Ok Night Fury, what do you propose?"

"I propose that if you take back what you said at the party, I'll stop tickling you. Refuse, and I keep going, faster and I make it harder to get away from." Night Fury said, his proposal set in stone for Cadence. Said princess put a hoof to her chin and hummed to herself, weighing her options in this very difficult decision(Not really, but I digress). She soon came to an answer and looked back up to her friend.

"Ok, I accept your offer. I take back what I said at the party, so can you get off me now?" Cadence replied, smiling sheepishly. Night Fury soon released the pressure on Cadence and sat back, allowing her to sit up and look him in the face. They both sat there, staring at each other silently until Night Fury broke the silence.

"Well, that was… interesting." Night Fury said quietly.

"You can say that again, but I still had fun nonetheless." Cadence replied, smiling sweetly. Night Fury blushed slightly at her statement, he had never gotten a compliment from a princess before.

"Well, I'm glad you had a good time. But I have to ask though, was there any other reason you were so intrigued by my old memories? You seemed to be glued to the projection that I showed you earlier." Night Fury asked, cocking his head sideways in confusion. Cadence rubbed the back of her neck and looked away; somewhat embarrassed by the question as she realized how "into" Night Fury's past she actually was.

"Besides wanting to buy myself some time to get my revenge, I guess I just wanted to get to know you like I said before." Cadence said softly, a wholesome energy filling the room immediately. Night Fury looked at her with almost tearful eyes, but held back as to not start sobbing at the sentiment of Cadence's words.

"Awww, really?" He cooed

"Yeah, your mom and dad were really lucky to have a son like you. I've never met somepony so kind-hearted and funny, I really like that about you." Cadence said, a genuine sound of love and appreciation in her voice. Night Fury looked at her with a scrunched muzzle, trying to hold back the tears of joy at the compliments and affection he was receiving; but he couldn't for long. He lunged forward and embraced Cadence, silently tearing up as he broke down into a joyful sob. Cadence was surprised by the sudden hug, not understanding why he was going for one.

"Woah, are you ok?" Cadence asked, worried that she may have struck a nerve without knowing.

"Oh no, I'm fine. I'm just so glad to hear you say that, this is the first time I've heard something so genuine and loving from a new friend." Night Fury said, sniffling through his sentence. He eventually released Cadence and sat back to look at her, a smile and watery eyes coming into view of the pony princess. She sat there looking at her friend, confused yet relieved about having not upset him. She soon returned the embrace and closed her eyes as Night Fury joined in and squeezed tightly, sharing her affection with him fully.

"Anytime Night Fury, anytime." Cadence opened her eyes and looked up, the clock on the wall showing that it was nearing 7:10 pm. She immediately had a realization of what she had told Shining Armor about her extended time with her friend and remembered that she said she would be back by 7:00, but she was late. She released Night Fury and shot to her hooves, almost knocking him back as she went into panic mode.

"Oh my, it's 7:10! I promised shiny that I would be back by seven!" She shrieked, flaring her wings in worry. Night Fury immediately understood what was happening and took action, getting up to his paws and heading for the door to let Cadence out in a hurry.

"Well, if that's the case, then go! Wouldn't want to keep your new husband worried." He said, a slight joking tone in his voice as he opened the front door. Cadence smirked and walked out the door, taking a deep breath to not only get fresh air; but to also calm herself down.

"Hey, Cadence!" Night Fury called out, getting her attention as she turned to him.

"I… had a good time with you, I really wouldn't have expected you to have stuck around to get to know me. Especially since you just got married yesterday and you're a princess, I'm surprised you aren't either spending time with Shining Armor or doing… well, whatever else you princesses do on a daily basis." Night Fury said, chuckling slightly. Cadence rolled her eyes with a smile at his lack of knowledge about what princesses do, facing him fully before speaking.

"Well, I think we made good progress. And besides, I think getting to know a friend is way more important than having to do paperwork." Cadence chuckled, Night Fury laughed with her briefly at the joke before returning to the task at hoof (Or paw, in this case).

"Yeah, I guess you're right. But hey, maybe we should do this again sometime." Night Fury suggested, Cadence turned to walk away as she giggled slightly before looking at Night Fury and responding…

"I would love that."

… Before waving at her friend and walking towards the train station. Night Fury waved back as Cadence left and closed the door behind him as he walked back inside his house, collecting his thoughts on his experience with his new friend. He had to admit, hanging out with Cadence was pretty fun; she was funny, light hearted, and sweet. She was a friend that he knew he could get along with. He walked to his couch and lied down to sleep, satisfied and happy that his new life in Equestria was going smoothly after all.

Author's Note:

Hello people of Fimfiction! I hope you enjoyed this little one shot of mine in full. Big shout-out to Admiral Producer for giving me the parodied song used in this story, go give him some love if you can. Thank you for reading and see you next time!

Original version of parodied song:

Comments ( 8 )

I'd have liked a tickle fight between Cadance and Twilight.

This is a scene from another story of mine, but I understand.

What chapter does this follow? As a side-story, I mean. When did Nightfury tickle Cadance?

Chapter 2 Part 2: New Home New Me

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