• Published 20th Aug 2021
  • 2,395 Views, 36 Comments

The Great and Delicate Trixie - DogSomeOre

The on going's of a certain blue mare's life and where she has ended up.

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Ch. 18 - A Heart Fulfilled

You walk back to the wagon, thinking of what to say to apologize to her. It isn't like you to loose your temper like that, but it wasn't out of a place of anger, but care. Lights inside are turned off and drapes cover the windows, blocking any visibility from the outside.

"Trixie? You in there?" You knock on the door and call out for her, no response. You try for the handle but it's bolt locked. You see a silhouette pass through the closed off windows. "Trixie, come on, can we just talk?"

"No Anon." You hear her voice from the other side of the door; she sounds stern and exhausted.

"Look I'm sorry alright? I didn't mean to yell at you. Can you please just open the door for me?" No response. You look down to your feet and sigh, turning away from the door and sitting on the steps outside.

A few hours pass, you've went to get food and even have a bag of hay fries that you've gotten for Trixie. More and more time passes, as you get up from your steps periodically. Looking in the covered windows to see any sign of her bright blue fur, and still trying for the door, calling for her name and asking to accept your apology, only to be greeted by silence from the other side.

Crickets play in the distance as you hear their sounds, a breeze comes across your skin every few moments, as the tree's help push the wind forth. Your head lay on the steps in a fetal position, going in and out of consciousness as your tired body rests on the cold wood.

A door opens behind you, as well as the hooves of a pony who stops and looks at you. "Get inside Anon." She tells you. You don't budge and still lay down, slightly alert to your surroundings but still un-wanting to move. You hear a horn light up and a small shock pierces through your body. Jolted and awake, you quickly stand up to find the source of this annoying pain.

Trixie stands looking at you with a sad, bleak appearance. Her eyes look flushed and sensitive. The inside of the wagon is just as dark as the out.

"Are you coming in?" She asks with an almost formulaic tone.

You nod and slowly make your way beside her, to the warm and comfy wagon you've been trying to get into. Finding a chair across the room, you take a seat as to wait for your marefriend to also get inside. Trixie follows behind you, closing her door with low force. You gaze at her and look away seconds later, she's probably still mad about earlier. Soft hoof steps patter on the wood floor as Trixie sits on the floor across from the chair, making eye contact as she does so.

"Trixie I really didn't mean for the outburst earlier. If you're still mad at me I understand, just know I wasn't trying to come off rude." She looks down and slightly shakes her head, after a few seconds she looks back up towards your freezing face.

"You really think I'm mad?" She says in a tone that you recognize as her pretty much saying 'you’re dense.' She continues. "Don't get me wrong, I'm upset for sure, but mad?"

"Then what Trixie?" She looks to the side, her head tilted down and away from you, as if she's ashamed of something.

"All my life I've wanted what I felt like was the right thing to do, that thing that made me different from every pony else. A schtick that would finally make ponies, from all around Equestria, actually care about me."

"Trixie I've told you you're a great-"

"Anon." She cuts you off, you look at her as she looks back to you with a serious face. You nod your head and listen to her words.

"I went to school, just like every pony else that I grew up with. I was never seen as anything but a punching bag from teachers and classmates alike. 'Everybody's got their cutie mark, what about you Latemoon?' They'd say. I scoffed at them and told them that 'once I get my cutie mark, I'll be more famous then all of you, just you wait! The Great Trixie will wow all of you, you'll see'" She stops and chuckles to herself. "I guess that was a foolish thing to think huh?"

She stops for a brief moment to catch her bearings, you sit there with sadness in your heart. You know she's better then she thinks. You just wish she could see it.

"-So I went home, day after day, hoping, praying that one day I'll be a name that everyone will know and love. And just like that, I found it. A passion so rich and enticing that it filled me with so much wonder. 'A magician huh?' I thought. I studied book after book, watched performance after performance; I tell you Anon, it was such a wonderful thing to see every pony gathered around in awe at the tricks on display. 'That will be me.'" She looks up to the celling, reminiscing and thinking back to her past that she had so much hope for.

"My parents wanted me to be a fashion designer, a music composer, anything else but the burning desire that ached in my heart. They never believed in me, they never even cared about me. To them, I was just a means to an end. A burden of a daughter that left embarrassment wherever she went. So I left Canterlot, I thought if no one wanted me here, surely somewhere, ponies will accept me. I fought for years to be recognized, to be expected, to be... me."

A tear runs down the side of her face as she fakes a smile at you. "Through it all I made spectacular performances to the few who'd want to see. But even so, my heart was still empty. I could fake myself on stage, but back in my wagon I'm... just..."

"No, no Trixie." You get up from your chair and sit beside her, she's quivering and her cries are broken and soft. She looks down to the floor, water droplets splashing on each frame of wood that lays there. You wrap your arms around her body, and bring her close to your chest. She exhales softly with your touch, more and more tears stream down from her beautiful purple eyes.

"I...'m... j-just.... b-bro-ken, An-on." Her voice comes out with a sadness you've never heard from her before, an emotion you never saw her have until just now. Trixie isn't just sad, she's scared.

You take your hand and lift her chin up, she looks at you with that gorgeous face you hope never leaves your mind. Through your whole life you never had anyone to cherish moments with. You never felt the need to care for one creature in particular, never thought that you'd have someone to hold onto and genuinely love. As you look in Trixie's eyes and see her beautiful features that fill you with an unconditional attachment, you've realized through your time spent with her, that she's the most special pony you will ever have.

"I love you Trixie, no matter what anyone says to you, what they do to you, how they treat you, I will always be there for you. You mean more to me than you'll ever even know. You are so special to me, don't ever forget that."

She closes her eyes and like in slow motion, moves her faces closer towards yours. Her lips come in contact as her warm breath ensnares your senses. The passion she shows to you is incredible, she slowly burrows her hot velvet tongue inside your mouth. Your heart is in heaven as she traps you with her love. A few moments pass, you hesitantly pull away as to catch yourself some air. Trixie pants and looks at you lustfully as she wants more. It takes a few more seconds until a word is uttered from either one of you. Trixie still cries but she's seemed to compose her emotions to a point.

"I wasn't mad at you Anon, I was worried. Worried that I'd screw something up and cause you to get hurt, worried that I'd never be able to see you again. It did hurt me when you yelled but I know you didn't mean it. All of this was hard for me and bringing you along with me, was even harder." She pauses to just stare at you, to get another look at the face she cares for so much.

"All my life I've tried to do my passion, my joy in life; I've wanted for this burning desire in my heart to finally be satisfied, to finally be at ease.... Little did I know, you were the desire I was longing for all my life. You're the piece that completes me. I love you, so, so much.... And I know that whatever Trixie does, I'll be happy to think that my passion will always be waiting for me, and I'll never leave him."

Author's Note:

This is the end! I've put a lot of time making sure these last couple chapters were great and I hope you do too! Again, I'd like to thank all the people who have read my story, I really appreciate everyone who has.