• Published 20th Aug 2021
  • 2,395 Views, 36 Comments

The Great and Delicate Trixie - DogSomeOre

The on going's of a certain blue mare's life and where she has ended up.

  • ...

Ch. 16 - Coming Together

"Ow!" Trixie yelps in pain.

"Sorry Trixie, but I really need to disinfect your cuts."

"Just be gentle Anon, my body is really sore." She says with a soft voice.

"I can't believe they did this to you, that they would hurt you like this." Your voice rises in anger as you see all the bruises and whip marks that Trixie had endured. All you feel like doing is hurting the pony that was responsible for Trixie's poor treatment, that mare.

"Anon, it's ok. It isn't that big of a deal, if anything I'm sure my wounds will heal soon, thanks in part to your medical assistance of course."

"It's a big deal to me Trixie. This isn't right, it's not humane. I swear I should march down there and-"

"No Anon!" Trixie states, fear in her voice. "You don't understand, those ponies aren't the type to mess with. They have connections, involvements with other higher ups, the last thing I'd want is to see you get hurt."

You think about her words. If you started making trouble with ponies out of your depth, then who knows what kinds of repercussions it could have with Trixie.

"As much as I hate to say it, your right. I don't want to see you get hurt either, especially if I do something stupid. Right now I'm here for you and no pony else. You're the mare that matters to me the most after all."

"Oh Anon." Trixie smiles at you and softly puts her hoof on your face, looking you in the eyes with love and compassion.

"Is your left hoof bad too?" You ask as her hoof lays softly touching your face.

"No I don't think so, probably the one hoof I'm ok using with no problems."

Trixie's long black coat that was used to cover up her body, sits on the floor next to you and her. As much as your whole world is happy to be with Trixie again, to think that she was physically abused like this, makes your skin crawl.

"Ow!" She yelps again. "I may be a little tender on that hoof though."

"Can you put that hoof on my shoulder?"

"Huh? Why?" She asks confused.

"Because it seems like a lot of the discomfort is coming from the bottom side of your hoof, I need to rub some disinfectant on the inside."

"O-Oh, ok." Trixie lifts up her right hoof and tries to place it on your shoulder but is visibly having trouble, you put your hand on her warm hoof and help it up on your body.

"It's ok Trixie, I'll try to be quick." Trixie's face is seen to be in pain from stretching her pained hoof out but trusts you like a loyal companion, that you're only trying to help her.

"There we go." You say as you bring your hand back to her hoof to help bring it down as slowly as you can. "The aches will still be felt in your body for a few hours but you should feel a lot better by tomorrow."

"Thank you Anon." She smiles softly yet again, locking eyes with yours; though something in her mind causes her to change moods again as her face turns to one of worry and doubt as she looks slightly away from you.

"Trixie? What's wrong?"

"No more holding secrets, right?" Her voice sounds off with insecurity.

"Right." You tell her.

Trixie takes a deep breath before telling you whatever is on her mind.

"To be honest with you Anon, I've been pretty worn out from being here. When I left Canterlot I didn't really have any plans on where to go. Eventually I ended up finding this place. I was excited at the prospect of being a performer again, so of course I happily took the job. But before I knew it, I was somehow in the position as a helpless child, just doing whatever orders were told of her."

"But I still don't understand, why come here in the first place?" You ask, there are still more questions then answers that Trixie is leaving out.

"I told you already. I came here to get away from it all, to start anew, to throw away my past mistakes and hopefully do something worth while." Trixie sighs while looking at you, a sad expression marked on her face. "I know ponies in Ponyvile and Canterlot don't think I'm a good mare, and that's ok. I've learned to deal with that fact all my life, but if a whole mob of ponies came after me, if I only were able to make one of them happy then, well that'd be enough for me."

"But you did make ponies happy, made them smile. It doesn't matter what a couple of dense ponies think about you, at the end of the day, you're still a magician that most ponies would only dream of being."

Trixie sighs again and turns her frown into a smile. "You know Anon, you really are the only creature to know more about what's on the inside of me, the only creature to care. I'm glad I don't have to be fake around you."

You smile back at her. "And who knows? Tomorrow we could finally go back to where we left off, to not have to worry about this unjust treatment, for you to just resume magic again."

"About that..." Trixie trails off.

"Don't tell me it's bad news." You say cautiously.

"....It's bad news."

"What is it then Trixie?"

She rubs her hoof on the back of her neck. "When I told you that I couldn't leave, you know, even if I wanted to..."


"Well... I really, really can't."


Trixie gets up from where she's sitting and turns around to show you her flank.

"They branded you!?"

"It was initiation.... They told me that I was going to be their 'prime star' and I took the bait. I'm sure anyone would have done it with the things they promised." She inquires, trying to raise up any confidence in her own words that she is unsure of herself.


She smiles at you with embarrassment.

"So then how would we be able to get you out?"

"I told you Anon, there's no way."

"There has to be a way. I'm not going to have you put up with any of this anymore, and I swear if I see that mare or that 'thing' you call your boss I'll-"

"Anon!" Trixie brings you out of your anger filled rant. "it really isn't a big deal."

"How could you keep saying that Trixie!? They're animals, abusers, no pony should have to go through what you have, no pony."

She shuffles her left hoof across the wooded floor.

"I'm getting you out."

"W-What?! Anon I told you there-"

"Tomorrow we'll talk with them, it really can't be that bad. If we tell them that you just don't want to perform anymore, I'm sure they'll understand."

"Do you even believe that, Anon?"

"I mean.... well...." She looks at you with an eyebrow raised, she can see right through you. "What's the worst that can happen?"

"Oh you know, the usual, cruel, unjust punishment and whatnot." She says with a carefree, sarcastic tone.

"..." You're at a loss, what could you say to that to make the situation better?

Trixie sighs and shakes her head. "If you really want to try your *cough* 'plan', then fine. Trixie is onboard, just don't expect me to be the one to march in there to tell the big man that I want to high tail it out of here."

"Ok, fair enough. I know my plan isn't concrete but it's the best we've got for now. Seeing you get hurt hurts me Trixie. I know now that I'm the only support you got but likewise, you've been the only pony that I've had in my life. You mean a lot to me, and I'll do everything in my being to see it through that you're safe."

"You mean the world to me too Anon." Trixie walks up to you and rubs her head on your body. "You really do."

A couple more hours go by with you and Trixie talking back and forth. You tell her some really corny jokes that surprisingly makes her giggle. She lays down with her head laying on your leg, her face looking upward towards yours with intent. Just seeing that beautiful face of hers, her smile, her laugh, makes any bad day you could of possibly been having, turn into the best.

"-You really like bad jokes huh?" You ask your smiling marefriend.

"Anon they aren't bad, they're *giggle*, I've never heard any of those before. It's hard to make Trixie laugh you know."

"Well tell you what." You begin while petting Trixie's mane. "When me and you get out of here and are traveling together, running shows, and what-not; how about I go on stage and tell the one about the three legged alicorn?"

"No not that one, then no pony is going to want to show up!" She says playfully while laughing again, thinking about the silly joke that's running through her mind. You laugh with her as the two of you share each others company with glee.

"Well beside that, it's getting pretty late. You should probably get some sleep don't you think?'

"What about you?"

"Oh... uhm. I'll manage." You tell her unsure of yourself.

"Anon." Trixie shakes her head. "There's a reason I still have my wagon you know. Being anywhere near the ponies in that city is a sign for disaster."

"So what then?" You ask her.

"So, you'll just have to sleep in here."

"In your wagon? But there's only one bed."

"W-Well...." Trixie hesitates, seemingly hopeful that you get the hint. You look at her blankly.

"Ugh! Do I have to spell it out?"


"J-Just because there's only one bed doesn't mean.... um... Oh for Celestia's sakes Anon."

"What Trixie?" You say, seeing her getting visibly annoyed.

"N-Nevermind, just follow me." She tells you as she grabs your hand and pulls you with her. She sets you on the bed and you plop down with a thud. She stands there beside her bed looking down at you. "S-See? This is what Trixie meant."

"O-Oh." Your dense brain finally connects the dots. "But are you sure? I mean if you aren't comfortable with this I can always-"

Her soft lips stop you from talking as her scent envelops your mouth. Her eyes are closed once again as her face has a soft, relived look as she smooches you. Her lips apart as her saliva still reigns on yours.

She looks at you intimately before speaking. "If I do anything with you, Trixie is always comfortable." She slides over to the other side of the bed and lays next to you. Her face connected with yours as you two both look at each other with compassion.

"Goodnight Trixie."

"Goodnight Anon." Her words come out softly.

The lights go out and you find yourself drifting off to sleep rather quickly. You think about the challenges that tomorrow will inevitably bring.

"I'll get you out of this place. I promise Trixie."