• Published 9th Aug 2021
  • 503 Views, 1 Comments

End of the Shadow - Delta Hooves

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The last Storm

End of the Shadow


Undisclosed Safe house

Former Lieutenant Tempest Shadow

8th Storm Legion, Disbanded

Clay shacks, Crude market stalls topped with tattered canvas, wooden planks aging away under years of torment and disrepair, to say this settlement felt like a far cry from what most would ideally call ‘Civilised’ wouldn’t be a thought crossing the mind of few who witnessed the rising Shantytown maps simply labelled as Klugetown. Yet there was one feature this Goddesses forsaken heap of housing and stalls this town shared with the barren wastelands that surrounded it for miles upon miles: The heat…

The damned, relentless, all reaching heat… Even the shade provided by the dimly lit cellar a certain weary Unicorn found herself in offered scant reprieve from it’s warmth as she gazed out through the dusty rays to the streets above. Once she’d sketched her… 65th tally onto the wooden beam by her side, a sigh leaving her lips as she took a double take at the carvings she had made on a daily basis.

“Has it already been 2 months?...” She could almost remember that day as if it happened mere hours ago… It all happened so fast; the cruel loss of control as her very self turned to obsidian, the contempt she’d felt at the last moment knowing that she’d at least go out gallantly as a soldier should, the unexpected return to the land of the living by that sweet, innocent Alicorn’s mercy… A mercy she knew would not be felt by the thousands she had wrought terror and destruction upon over the course of a mere few days. She could have sworn her hooves had never carried her so fast in the fleeting moments beyond that night’s farewell, a heart beating within her chest as if she’d pissed off Equestria’s most violent Ursa Minor, she didn’t care where she ran, as long as it lead somewhere, anywhere nopony could find her...

Yet even with the desperation and full knowledge of her situation in the back of her mind, the last place she would have expected her long and daunting trail to accumulate to would have been this hive of scum and dishonesty that made the barracks she’d grown up in seem appealing by comparison. The atmosphere of strength and discipline she’d been used to now changed to that of thievery and paranoia, that one day one of the many thugs would recognize her here...

Though while this town was hardly a pleasant place, it did offer her a better chance of blending in; even the keenest investigators would be hard pressed to find her here amongst the various Crime rings and Cartels that were all too happy to take on a ‘Experienced’ Employee for their own gains in exchange for her anonymity here.

It wouldn’t take long for her Employer to see the results of this trade either as her recruitment to Piracy operations amongst the various Duststorms that battered Klugetown’s trade routes. In a matter of weeks she’d organised a smaller band of swashbuckling incompetents and roundups of her previous subordinates into an organised force that slashed through the borderline defenseless merchant airships, tripling the Storm Rider Cartel’s stockpiles and adding more ships to their fleet than the boss could have ever expected.

“It’s surprising what a crew can achieve when the one calling at the helm won’t turn tail at the sound of firecrackers and the hurling of rocks.” Despite all the horrors of combat she’d find herself enduring once again, the knowledge that the armour she still wore was what started her on this path, she oddly felt okay about it as she thought back on that compliment from her boss. If anything, the feeling of having a rank that meant something to those who followed her brought a smile to her now often concealed face, even if it did mean that blood would unfortunately need to be spilt from those who got in her way.

Which reminded her, she still needed to clear the stains from her armour and wash out the bandanna that a resistant Captain had stained in blotches of metallic crimson on her last outing. Gathering a nearby sponge and bucket containing a soaking shoulder guard amongst it’s waters, she’d sit herself down and inspect the metal surface. The loose blood had washed away but while some of it still remained, the sandblasting of the sandstorm she’d flown through to evade authorities on the way back to Klugetown had worn away at the newer coat of paint, revealing it’s underlying insignia…

She REALLY needed to get more paint once she was done lying low…


Catfish Street, Klugetown

Prince Shining Armor

Under False Alias “Shimmer Plate”

“Okay… A left, left, right… or was it left, right, right? Ughh… Where’s Twily when you need her?” These words would drift through the mind of a hooded figure that carefully paced his way through the narrow winding streets of Klugetown, allowing his gaze behind a pair of tinted safety goggles to wander around to make it appear as if he was browsing the various stalls he’d been passing, some hosting items that had no doubt passed owners half a dozen times, other catching his attention by smell first and almost faulting the disguise enchantment he’d cast upon himself. He had to hand it to those changelings, these spells required a fair bit of focus to maintain and the various stenches of the place, searing heat and constant attention for pickpockets was NOT helping.

Taking a glance upwards, he’d eye the steeple of what appeared to be a local multi faith church off on his right, finally something that rang a bell with him… Taking a moment to stray off to an adjacent wall, he’d come to a halt as he ensured he’d lean up against it on his hind legs, his forehooves crossed with his right outermost… Taking a brief look around he’d allow his lips to purse as a soft exhale of his lungs chimed a particular tune past his lips.

3 notes left the Unicorn…

Only the various and random conversations of passersby filled the air-.

3 notes returned from his left. Perfect.

Bringing himself back onto all fours, he’d begin to make his way down the Street once again, it wouldn’t take him long to notice a familiar feline at his side joining him on his walk, the cat’s voice discreet but just audible enough to be heard over the crowds. “Welcome to Kulgetown, ‘Plate’. I assume you are here to scope out the goods?”

“Indeed I am, I’ve heard good things from our mutual friend that you had something for us Capper… Claimed you seen something that a mere note wouldn’t be taken serious.” Shining couldn’t help but roll his eyes a little, sure, using covert terms that would seemingly have no real meaning was good but damn did it sound corny at times.

“As of matter of fact, I do. But let us discuss this somewhere… Quiet. Come, this way.” Keeping an eye out on the surrounding populous that they passed to ensure they were not followed, he’d follow the guidance of Capper through a winding array of alleys and channels between housing and tents alike. Before long, the pair would come across would appear to the naked eye from a distance as a wall along the sides of an alley… But upon closer inspection, would reveal the faint light behind a veil of carefully treated canvas. “Wait here, I will return.”

“And here I was thinking I was the one going sneaky beaky…” Giving a nod as the feline went inside; Shining would keep watch outside the hideout. With no sight on any potential eavesdroppers, he opted to see about striking up a bit of conversation. “So… I’m guessing you’ve made amends with my sister after your little… ‘Incident’?”

“Oh I can assure you Mister Armor; I and Twilight may have not had the best start, but I can assure you such things since then have changed. She’s been going out of her way to help bring a bit more order and supply to this city by reopening trade and putting forth reforms to the city’s ruling Governments… But progress has been regrettably slow for… Well…”

“Not having a real government to begin with?” There would be a small pause as Shining interjected with this suggestion, though soon he’d find a reply returning to him.

“Well yes… But actually no, if that makes sense?… It’d help if the closest thing to an Administration here wasn’t the constant competition between enterprises with what I refer to as… ‘High profit, Low Morals…’” Thinking this over, he’d give a shrug of relative understanding, he’d heard of the stories circulating about Klugetown being a hub for Piracy, Cartels, Gangs and other unlawful groups vying for power but couldn’t help but wonder just how it got this bad to begin with. “But yes, your sister is quite the forgiving type… She vows to do her part for Klugetown and so I shall do in kind...”

“And how do you intend to follow these honourable intentions; with what you’re providing me today by any chance?” As if on cue, Capper would draw back the veil of his hideaway and step back out onto the street, his paw now occupied by the tan pocket of an envelope, said parchment being offered over to the Unicorn.

“Officially? You just so happened to take these photos and notice something… Right now being associated with Equestrian affairs may be a noble move in one’s career… One that the more… ‘Ambitious’ tend to disagree with out here.” The anonymity of his newfound informant confirmed, the Stallion’s magic would take a careful grasp of the paper offered to him and open up it’s contents, the sheen of the photographs casting a glint in the sunlight for a moment as his eyes scanned over it.

It didn’t take long for his jaw to drop at what he saw… For what his eyes beheld as he looked over the paper?

The force commander of the Storm Fleet herself, clad in a cloak that hid away her armour plating as she departed from an unmarked airship hanger, each snapshot in the parcel showing everything from different angles of her from her hidden photographer to the warship that had wrought so much havoc in the dust tainted skies. “Tempest… Where was this shot taken Capper?”

“East Docks, I had a few of my closest accomplices trace her to a burnt down house amongst the Claypaw Market, 3 blocks north of here. It used to be standard housing but following a house fire, it was repurposed by the Storm Rider Cartel as a safe house, a form of payment of her services. What do you say we pay her a visit, eh?”

“As much as I agree, Capper? We’re not doing this alone; I’ll call for support before we launch a raid, when the Princesses get these pictures, we won’t have any problem with jurisdiction out here.” Setting the pictures into his saddlebag, he’d waste little time in drawing out a smooth, crystal orb, concentrating upon it to prompt it’s core to slowly glow. These communication orbs weren’t exactly his best piece of equipment to use, the background arcane energy given off by then didn’t go far but would stir the stomachs of the odd unicorn who used it…

But the thought of letting the one who had wrought so much terror to family and country alike go sickened him so much more and the sight of the Princesses behind his closed eyelids easily brought a sense of relief…

4 Hours later…

Claypaw Marketplace, 100m from Suspect Structure

Sergeant Delta Hooves

22nd Lunar Guard

With the desert, few tend to ever think of the cold when they consider it’s unforgiving conditions and merely have the sun’s reputation in mind. But when that ball of heat slips past the horizon, the temperature plummets; those who prepared for the searing heat only suffer from the freezing cold, the stars lighting up the vast nothingness around them providing merely the scenery to this landscape.

Even in this moment though, as his cloth soled gauntlets carefully tread across the dusty road of this now scantly populated street, not even the metal plating of Delta’s armour on the other side of his body suit chilled him… It wasn’t because their clothing under his armour kept him and his comrades warm, but rather their training that kept them focused. At any moment the target could make a run for it, the narrow streets easily able to host an ambush, they were searching for what could easily be a fuse to a whole powderkeg of things going wrong, they had bigger things to worry about than the cold.

Coming to a halt just before the target building, the Green Pegasus’s right hoof raised high, the borderline silent shuffling behind him ceasing as he took one last look at his staggered column of 10. Even with the plan discussed by one of their ex Captains being somewhat brief, everything seemed to go smoothly so far, their ranks forming a herringbone that watched all angles of approach, allowing their pointpony to get a better observation of the building as Delta turned his attention to it, leaving the watch of his surroundings to his section. There appeared to be little activity from the building itself, one could easily assume that it was in fact abandoned during the day but with that light gone, one could easily see the faint glow of apparent candlelight seeping past the improvised curtains… Someone was home…

“Light sighted, basement level. Alpha, move to North Entry. Bravo, on me to East Entry, stack up.” The faint command given from their IC with little more than a whisper, two columns of 5 Guardsponies moved to their assigned entry points, one stood ready to breach as two watched either corner, leaving the final two of each section to watch the outside surroundings. All seemed to be going according to plan, alpha was assigned to make silent entry as Delta was in charge of Bravo, a backup team in case their target attempted to make a run for it.


A second’s sound would make even this Stallion’s blood run cold as the faint echo of a breaking piece of glass sounded out. Being the one watching the corner of the building, the Stallion peaked around to where he saw the light before.

In an instant, the light suddenly went out.

“Luna’s arse!” There wouldn’t be a second between this mental curse and the sound of clattering within, he had read up about this Mare even before now and he knew that entry team was in trouble.

“Go sharp! Go sharp!” The call given was followed immediately by a flurry of actions by the whole team, one kicked in the door as two more made entry, followed close one by one by the rest of the team, once inside Delta took point and proceeded down into the basement. What he saw easily matched his fears…

Around the pile of scattered armour and a smashed table would lay 2 Armoured Ponies, a third in the grasp of the Purple Unicorn as she tackled him to the ground, her hind legs smashing into the jaw of Alpha’s 4th guard on the way down. “Equestrian Guard! Surrender!”

Delta’s demand would fall on deaf ears as he approached, the suspect mare already letting go of her current Victim and making a dash for shelving unit on the far side of the room. An all too eager Guardspony may have attempted a range attack in such a scene, but such an attempt would only result in the friendly fire of their comrade who had been tossed in the line of fire. The constant training of these Guardsponies winning out as the magically gifted promptly withheld their fire and those with spears to hand fought the urge to let their shafts fly at their target. The only pony who could take a shot would have been the Team Lead of Alpha, but his attempt to hit a stun spell with a clear shot however would instead strike the wall from the force of his comrade with a likely dislocated jaw being forced into him, the arcane round instead showering the wall in a puff of dust and coming so close to it’s mark one could swear it singed Tempest’s coat.

“ON THE GROU-!” Not even given the chance to issue his demand as he darted forward to pursue, his eyes would find themselves seeing white for a moment as the bright flash of a spell shattered the once aging bookcase behind her into fragments. This blast however once the blinding light faded, unveiled what Delta would see as a crudely tunneled passage behind it, the galloping hind section of the fugitive already rounding a corner within it’s no doubt winding halls.

“Shit! Scythe, on me! Rest of you, hold here!” Wasting no time, Delta would find himself galloping into the tunnel after her with a fellow Guardspony in tow, holding back the rest of the squad in order to secure the point of entry and assist Alpha team’s wounded.

200m Away

Catfish Street, Klugetown

Prince Shining Armor

Force Commander for Operation Storm Queller

“Control, this is Bravo 3! Alpha is INCAP and target is mobile through tunnels. Break! Bravo 1 and 2 in pursuit. Bravo 3, 4, 5 securing Alpha for medics, over!” The voice over the Gemwave Radio would sound out in the earphones of a close by Radiopony, the message relayed through the helmet of the Crystal Prince as he looked out to the building through the magnified gaze of Binoculars. A muffled curse escaping his lips as he turned to the Feline at his side, this was NOT how this was supposed to go down, that War Criminal was NOT escaping, NOT AGAIN!

“Capper, Tempest’s making a run for it through a tunnel network, you know where it goes?” Within moments of being asked this, Capper turned to the Prince not with just an answer, but a grin upon his face.

“You kidding? I practically built it! This way, my friend!” Without a moment of hesitation, the Feline would take to a jog in order to lead the way to the Tunnel’s exit, closely followed by the Prince and a pair of Guards he’d wave over to follow him. “That Safehouse was the newest to have a tunnel installed, however things went to hell here before it could be linked up to the rest of the network, only one place for her to run now!”

3 Minutes later…

Somewhere below the streets of Klugetown

Former Lieutenant Tempest Shadow

8th Storm Legion, Disbanded

“Damn it, damn it, DAMN IT!” How did they find her? She had been so careful, had the damn Storm Riders sold her out?! No, she’d rule out that possibility the second it popped into her head, she knew the higher ups of the Cartel were smarter than to backstab their most profitable asset just because she was so damn good at her newfound job. Had someone in Klugetown recognized her? There was a bounty on her head for what she’d done back in the Storm King’s campaign but this was Klugetown, they had no jurisdiction out here yet they came for her none the less!

“BACK OFF!” If this was to be where she was captured at last, not that she planned to be, she wasn’t going down without a fight, which had made the fact the persistence and skill of the Stallion chasing her all the more annoying, a frustration emphasized by her furious warning alongside another blast of Arcane energy back down the tunnel she’d come from, forcing her pursuer into cover for a moment. This time purchased, she’d continue her sprint down the many winding corridors and hallways, being wise as to what she’d toppled behind her along the way; An obstacle was helpful but a Cave in? Not so much.

It wasn’t until she’d had to climb up a set of rather poorly constructed stairs that she realized just how tired her hooves had felt, the fatigue reliving rest of her previous hunt cut short by Close Quarters Combat followed up with immediate and constant sprinting through this labyrinth had her chest heaving at the dusty air around her. How long had this chase gone on for? Her adrenaline pumped mind could barely tell nor find any reason to care, she’d have time to think on that as soon as she escaped and got above- There!

As if her prayers had been answered as she rounded a corner, she’d find herself face to face with a slanted ladder that lead up to a wooden hatch that covered the exit to the tunnel. Turning back for a split moment to fire off another Arcane blast back the way she’d came toward her pursuing Guardsponies, she’d carefully bring herself up the rungs hoofstep by hoofstep until she could bring a forehoof to the entrance and give a good, HARD shove to fling it open.

What had her pupils shrink to pinpricks as she felt the chilling midnight air flow through her unkempt mane however wouldn’t be the bright moonlight however… Nor would it be the nigh on blinding light of a illumination spell from a Unicorn’s horn… But rather who was alongside the unicorn casting it from the hilt end of a spear that hovered in front of her.

“Miss Shadow, it’s been a while…” Recognising the Feline as he stood with Cutlass in hand pointed towards her, the Fugitive Mare barely had time to think out a curse amongst the shock of seeing him again, from how swiftly the metal tip of the spear in her face was transitioned to it’s wooden hilt-


…And how suddenly darkness took over her senses following a loud impact of the aforementioned shaft against the side of her head.

5 Days later…

Canterlot Dungeons

Prisoner No. 8645 - Tempest Shadow

Awaiting trial…

Plain walls, the occasional howling draft, the isolation behind a set of cold bars, the echos of dripping she’d lost count of since her arrival here… All of these factors easily played hell on one’s soul but there was one thing that had exhausted the tormented Unicorn more than anything she’d been through aside from the loss of her horn…

The waiting… Without as much as a clock or a window, telling of time was barely possible aside from the inconsistent arrival of bland meals and changing of the guard giving a rough idea of what time of day it was, it could be the middle of the night and she’d barely be any the wiser. How long did it take for a damn trial to take place? She would have thought that someone like her would have been put before a judge the moment she got here yet here she was, wondering if a fate of old age would take her in this cell rather than whatever the court had planned for her.

Now that she thought about it, what exactly would she be charged for? She could already think up of plentiful charges her actions would lead to before her time working under the Storm King but with so much time passed since the fall of that would be Tyrant’s demise, surely they didn’t matter! If anything, her part in his death deserved pardon, not punishment! As for everything after, surely that was on the fault of her employer, all she had done was what was needed to survive!

Alas… All she could do was calm her wits and accept the situation she’d been brought into, albeit feeling no shortage of anger in her heart knowing that all it had landed her into was this moment. Needless to say there was already a list of ponies she’d see to hanging from a pike from the second she got out of here were she in less control of her emotion, the last guard to ‘slip’ whilst delivering her last batch of ration being fairly high on that roste-.


Such thoughts however would halt in her mind as the metallic groaning of a distant gate caught her attention. Chances were it was another simple hoof patrol from the guards stations here to ensure no escape had been attempted. As much as one would rightfully assume that escape was impossible from the dungeon’s many layers of cell blocks; Sporadic patrols to ensure the next one’s arrival could never be determined, no privacy or personal effects to allow for contraband to aid in escape, the magically gifted were fitted with Arcane Arrestor rings around their horns, the cavern halls themselves were winding and without any real reference as to where the way out was. Getting past all of that would only pit them against a legion’s strength of Equestria’s royal guard…

And from what Tempest heard from many a rumour both prior and after her arrival here, the two most frequent requisitions for those sent to such a place was bed sheets and body bags.

“Prisoner 8645, stand up and step towards the door facing away.” Hearing her name called from just outside the cell’s door, the Unicorn’s breath released a short sigh as she brought herself off the aged wooden shelf that served as bunk and table alike. As much as part of her felt tempted to tell that sun arse worshiping guardspony to go fuck himself, she was not oblivious to how pointless it was to defy such simple instructions. As told, she’d bring herself forth the few hoofsteps towards the door before turning herself away, calm breaths flowing from her as she heard the distinct clicking of keys against aging tumblers. Not too long after, the telltale creaking of the door opening behind her would have convinced many a prisoner to make an attempt to run, however Tempest kept herself still and stoic, staring ahead as the symphony of clattering chains and securing locks made audible what she could already feel binding not only each pair of her hooves together, but also the cold surface of a slackened chain resting across neck and back as it secured itself to the metal collar she’d bore for all her time here.

“This way Prisoner, your time of judgement has come.” For a second, Tempest would have almost took a double take’s glance at the Guard who spoke up had he not already pulled the chain taught and almost caught her off balance. Leaving her to grumble under her breath as she followed on the metallic leash she’d been chained with rather than feel surprised at the fact the guard had seemingly read her thoughts on the impending trial. For better or for worse, she was now figuratively, and to a degree literately, bound to the fate that those her actions effected.

45 Minutes later…

Canterlot Court of Justice

Prisoner No. 8645 - Tempest Shadow

Defendant – Self Representing on Personal Request

“All rise!” All at once, the various beings of Equestria took to their hooves and paws from the various benches and chairs around the illustrious room that formed the Courtroom, though while most of the Ponies, Griffons and even Felines would find themselves in the open air, Tempest would have to make do behind the bars of metal that formed a holding cell within the courthouse. That said, this was more of an insult than a discomfort, did they not know who she was? Surely they’d know she would have the discipline to hold her ground and stand for trial rather than make a run for it, right? Hell, looking around, she could even recognize some of the Ponies not only in the audience but also among the Jury!

“Please, be seated.” Having her attention snapped back to the moment by the now seated judge who had taken his behind a aura screen of obscurity, blurring out his face from the angle Tempest looked from, Tempest too would rest her rear upon the seat once more. The padded cushion of the chair may have been old and likely worn to ruin, but it was easily a mile more comforting than the aging excuse of a shelf she had for a bed over the past few days. That said, the reason for being here did little to offer any comfort to the mind…

“Members of the United Equestrian Nations, the Jury and all present, court is now in session: Fizzlepop Berrytwist, you are sat here before the court of law and the residents of Equestria and her neighbours on the grounds of multiple charges ranging from Theft and Harassment to First Degree Murder and High Treason. An inquiry has been made into these events in which evidence against you has been supplied, however if you believe such evidence is falsified, you have the right to provide sufficient evidence to the contrary. Failure to provide such evidence will result the plea of the specific charge being overruled as needed and any words given may be used against you as further evidence. In the presence of Celestia’s sun and the court of law, you are required to bring forth nothing short or less than truth. Do you understand and comply?”

High treason? Theft? Who under Luna’s Arse did they think she was? As much as she wished to roll her eyes, she knew such dismissive expressions would only play against her in a situation like this. Keeping her expressionless gaze forward, she’d give a simple nod of her head forth… and resisted the urge to swing a hoof up under a crossed foreleg to the judge. “I understand, sir. Though I request to keep the title of Tempest Shadow.”

“Very well. Now, to keep things simple, we will go through the charges in chronological order commencing with the charges of High Treason and multiple Grave Violations of the Gehayva Convention during the assault you lead on Canterlot against Equestria. How do you plead?” Seriously? They considered those crimes? They were at war and just about anypony had the potential to be a threat to the invasion.

“Your Honour, I plead guilty only to the fact I carried out my orders. My allegiance was to the Storm King and no-one else at the time so I am not liable for treason for a country I have not sworn fealty to. Our objective was the capitulation of the Equestrian Capital City of Canterlot and the submission of her leaders by any means necessary.”

“Did this include the forceful subjugation of the local populace indiscriminate of background? Acts that have also forced the population of Hippogriffia into hiding following a Campaign you participated in under the Storm King’s instruction?” Indiscriminate attacks? Just who the hell did they think she was? She was a loyal soldier and commander! Not a butcher!

“No, not at all, your Honour. With an attack conducted in such a densely populated area, casualties among civilian as much as military were to be expected but quick seizure of the Equestrian Royalty was priority and to take the time to look for an alternate route, let alone make a declaration of war, would have such a chance slip away. As for the conquest of Hippogriffia, their lands would have posed a potential danger to any campaign into Equestria and had to be suppressed first, regardless of civilians.” Out of the corner of her eye, Tempest could see the telltale silhouettes of heads turning back and forth among the jury close by, no doubt whispering words of judgement among themselves.

“As much as that may be Miss Shadow; that does not forgive the fact you staged the attack through an area rife with non-combatants that were not only hit in crossfire, but harassed and taken prisoner by Storm King Forces. This was a detachment that was under your direct command and by that extent; you bear the responsibility for their actions in the wake of this attack, unless you sought out to bring them to accountability by your own hoof. Even in spite of this, you are still personally accountable for a number of civilians coming under harm not only within Equestria’s borders, but in the realms of Hippogriffia and Klugetown as well with evidence of Obsidian orbs used for assault and eyewitness accounts of your attacks… Do you wish to change your plea with these in mind?” Hearing each and every word of these accusations were starting to make the Unicorn’s blood boil… She was just following her orders, who were they to judge on the means with so many in her way?! Taking a moment to recuperate herself, she’d give a slight shake of her head before straightening her posture.

“No change, your honour.” Such words easily brought a more noticeable reaction from the crowd around the room. Damnable citizens, had they no discipline? Regardless of her own thoughts on their muffled conversations, the sharp sounds of a gavel would silence them all the same.

“Order everyone, order… Now Miss Shadow, moving forward we come to the events which lead to the destruction of the airship under command by a Captain Celaeno, correct? What were your orders leading up to and the aftermath of this event?” Celaeno... The very name almost made her teeth grit just hearing it mentioned.

“My orders at the time were to capture the Princess T Sparkle that up until then had proven to be surprisingly elusive with the aid of her friends. When we had received word that the Elements of Harmony were on board her ship, we made full haste to rendezvous with Celaeno and take Twilight into custody. We were sure her allegiance was to the Storm King until she not only attempted to hide the fact she had the Elements on board, but made every effort to aid their escape. When we couldn’t find them on board, we knew that this mercenary and her crew had aided their escape and punished them for such a betrayal of comrades and her higher calling than piracy.” Such words at the end carried some particular spite; she wasn’t one of them by then, merely an annoyance that was better swept aside than wasted effort with.

“And this included the marooning of the entire ship’s compliment? You made no effort to take them into custody to be later apprehended or have their own transportation?”

“Why should we have? We had bigger priorities by than the arrest of a few pitiful traitors and allies aiding the escape of our objective.”

“Then you plead guilty to the charges of Summary Execution of both military and civilian prisoners on board?... Were you to see to it that they had some way to secure themselves to safety, this wouldn’t be a charge but to Maroon them is almost condemning, do you realize this?” As much as Tempest was about to reject such a claim, she found her open muzzle projecting not a single word… He had her there on that point. Releasing a breath she’d realized she was holding through her nostrils, she nodded once before speaking up.

“Yes and I accept this charge on the grounds it was a necessary step in the Storm King’s plans.” Two charges pleaded guilty thus far… If this was the court under that lying Tyrant’s reign, she was sure she’d already have been petrified and shattered where she stood. But in her mind she was just following orders, and seeing what these peace loving Equestrian’s were like? What was the worst they would do? Toss her in a dungeon again? She’d already basically made herself home there.

The court fell into silence once again for a few short moments before the judge spoke up once more, seemingly haven taken up another folder from behind the stand he sat by. Part of her wondered if he wore that stupid looking wig she’d heard many a stereotype on back in the barracks long ago. Ever focused however, she wouldn’t allow such humorous thoughts to distract her for long as the judge spoke up once more. “Following the Storm King’s demise, by your hoof I may add, your life went off the grid for some time. Those close to Princess Sparkle were intent on looking for you for some time before you reappeared in a report following a boarding and pillaging of a Gales Class Merchant Airship… One of many Merchant Vessels that have been linked to the Cartel you found employment with but however it is also the first where blood has been drawn recently… One where it’s Captain, Hayseed Talltale, met his end defending his crew by your blade… How do you plead?”

How about that? They’d already caught up to her record of piracy she’d been forced to turn to following her flee from Equestria almost 2 and a half months ago… The event may have played back in her mind in that moment but it didn’t falter her face from turning away from stoicism. “A life among common thief and mercenary was the only life left for me after what I had done to Equestria, I made every effort to avoid bloodshed but that Captain held surprising persistence in the defense of his crew’s saferoom that held the more valuable goods my superiors wanted. So yes, I plead guilty to the fact that Captain forced my hoof where others did not and stood aside.”

The seconds that followed this had the background noise of those attending the trial speaking up once more. What had they to talk about? She’d gone through all of these deeds with the goal of merely following orders, of being the soldier she grew up to be. The banner may have been different and the cause between Tyrant’s right hand and rapidly rising mercenary may have been different but the goals were the same. Carry out orders, return, repeat. It was the only life she knew and not one she looked away from. Not even for a moment.

“Order in the court! For the next hour, the Jury will now converse their judgement on Miss Tempest Shadow who has made her defense known to all present. Does the defense have anything to state before this is carried out?”

“All I did was follow my orders, were I free I’d still be doing so as I’ve done all my life like all good soldier should... Aren’t you doing the same for Equestria as we speak, your Honour?” Her gaze would still carry the stoic expression she’d done her best to maintain throughout this hearing, never deliberately giving away emotion that could portray a weakness or flaw to exploit. Even through the blurred image ahead of her beyond the enchanted glace, she could swear that official was looking right back her way before the cluttering of hooves and goddess knows what else signaled the departure of the jury.

“The Jury will now discuss their verdict. Everyone else in attendance is admitted 50 minutes recess. The prisoner is to be escorted back to her holding cell. Carry on.” A singular slam of wood upon wood was swiftly followed by even more steps upon floor behind her, it wasn’t long before the gated door beside her would slide open and a telepathic barrier formed a shield on either side of a cell door just across from her current compartment, effectively funneling her back into her cell. Taking one last breath, she took to her hooves once again, and followed the path she’d been assigned back to the cell.

She’d said her piece.

Her fate was in those present now, whoever they were…

10 Minutes later…

Canterlot Court of Justice

Princess Twilight Sparkle

Jury Conference Room No.3

“Okay… Is everyone here?” The words of young Alicorn spoken up would bring silence to the various sources of smaller chatter around the table, looking from left to right, Twilight found faces of those both familiar and new looking back to her seemingly with expectation. A mental list rehearsed and recounted running through her mind before she found herself satisfied that all of the Jury were present. “Okay… Now I know that Tempest has brought a lot of harm to the world… But harm has been the only life she has known. I want more than anything than for her to have a chance at a normal life but at the same time, I can’t ignore the things she’s done. Captain? You have the floor.”

Given his cue, a former officer of the Storm King’s forces would come to finish a sip of water he’d taken to speak up his piece of mind. “Thank you ma’am. Now, while I am certain of your noble intentions and even admire them, one must know that there are just some who such a peaceful means of reform simply won’t work with. I’ve discussed such thoughts with my Lieutenant present here today and… Where she see’s efficiency in her previous campaigns and exercises, we see brutality and indifference to the lives of those around her both under her command and as her opposition. She’s too dangerous to have at risk of escape…”

Not a good start… There were few alternatives to prison or even Tartarus she knew of and they were grim in almost every way. Perhaps a more light-hearted mind would bring up a better solution. “Thank you Captain. Rainbow Dash, your turn.”

Seeing it was her turn to speak, the Cyan Pegasus could be seen rubbing her forehooves against the polished oak of the table for a moment before clearing her throat. “Right, thanks Twi… As much as I hate to say it, the Captain may be onto something there. Think about it Twilight… Nightmare Moon, Discord’s past ways, Queen Chrysalis. If a problem is so well embedded in someone, it will seem like a higher calling more than anything else and each of those three only came back to haunt us when we did little there and then… With Tempest? We can’t run the risk of someone with her training getting out…”

Such a response easily left the Purple Alicorn speechless for a moment, as much as she wanted to turn away her insight, she knew that Rainbow spoke of loyalty more than anyone she’d come to know… And a loyalty to a long since abandoned cause was still loyalty all the same. Yet even as she regained her composure behind a stoic expression, she couldn’t help but notice the bitten lip of the Feline within the room. “Thank you Dash… Capper? You happen to have a say in this?”

Given the opportunity, Capper would clear his throat for a moment before coming to a stand from where he sat at the table. “As a matter of fact, I do… As much as I may harbour some resentment from her leaving most of those present here to die, I’m a cat of forgiveness… That said, many from my homeland would not be as such. I’ve seen mere pickpockets half her age be held under guard in the sun for days or cast out into the endless dunes never to be seen again. The residents of Klugetown would likely expect or even want such a fate for her but if such a sentence is carried out here, we can at least keep it from being cruel. A ‘lesser of two evils’, if you will.”

Now it was Twilight’s own turn to find her lip between her teeth as her more concerning side of Tempest’s judgement was coming to light: The clashing of national politics and norms. As one who studied history as much as science all too frequently; she was no stranger to the methods some nations or even Equestria itself had carried out Capital Punishment in the past. This in mind; she knew Capper had a point when it came to the methods it would be undertaken with. “I see… Rarity?”

As of yet, the Unicorn had been all but silent in her thoughts as her hoof rubbed against her chin from the moment the talks had begun… Though as her time to speak up, even her calm demeanor couldn’t help but feel at unease by the situation at hand. “… Call me idealistic for siding with the idea that two wrongs cannot possibly make a right… But at the same time, I’ve seen many a being who promise redemption only to bring about more harm when given the chance. I can’t say I’m happy about how this is leaning towards Tempest but all the same… I cannot say I have an alternative in mind…”

While Twilight wished there was something she could do to bring back a smile to her friend across the wooden surface before her, all she could do was nod in acknowledgement and carry on. “Thank you Rarity. Dignitary Sea Squall?”

The torch passed on, the Royal Dignitary assigned to speak on Queen Novo’s behalf would scroll up the piece of parchment he’d been archiving the debate thus far upon and took his time to speak with words of voice rather than writing. “Thank you, your highness. Queen Novo and her subjects of Seaquestria and Hippogriffia alike would feel obliged to show the unicorn Tempest Shadow some form of quarter in her sentence. But what she did to our kind? When she came to Hippogriffia’s borders with the Storm King’s Army? Our people had lost almost everything… Our homes, our loved ones, our very way of life was put into question as we were forced below the waves and killed off if we resisted or were too slow to run. Such actions cannot go unpunished… An example must be made of her to show that the world, not just the Hippogriffs, will never let such crimes against life itself go unanswered.”

Having been to both the overgrown remains of Hippogriffia and displaced population of Seaquestria, Twilight felt she could relate to how it felt to lose one’s home; The despair, anger, loss… To imagine it for an entire nation almost seemed unthinkable and yet here she was. Having to factor it in for someone she came so close to bringing back to innocence. By now, she had little hope in another option for her fate but she’d still bring her gaze to the Element of Honesty none the less. “Applejack… You see any other way for her?”

Twilight knew that if there was one pony who got stage fright, it was hardly the Apple Farmer she turned her gaze to, with so much at stake for one lone mare turned criminal, she could hardly blame her for bringing a hoof across her brow from under her Stetson. “To’ be honest Twi?... Ah’m not so sure there’s anythin’ that can be done. Y’all saw what she was like. Hell, y’all read the reports from what she did both before and after meeting us… It’s a mighty hard pill to swallow but the way I see it? She’s like a Rotten tree… Y’all want to care for it and change it’s course… But by an’ by, it’s just going to bring down someone else unless you cut it down an’ not just by the stump, but by the roots too. Ah’m sorry but we can’t save em all, Twi. Y’all know that, right?...”

Halfway through this explanation of her view, she knew deep down that even if AJ had a change of heart compared to the others, it was hers and Applejack’s, possibly Rarity’s a as well, word against all else present. Not to mention the masses who would demand for all hell to be paid compared to what they could more mercifully grant her, it would be a fool’s naivety to propose an alternate course now that there was all but a unanimous agreement at the table. With a soft sigh leaving her lips, the Lavender Alicorn begun to weigh her options… “It seems we’re all in agreement one way or another. I can’t say I’m happy in any way to see this sentence brought upon her but I can’t possibly ignore the possibilities of what could happen should we do otherwise... At the same time however, we are not Butchers, if we are going to do this, we will lead by example for how the best of the worst options should be carried out. Agreed?”

All around, a soft yet solemn nod would be returned, some more swiftly than others but none the less, it was time to talk details. A fair few considering how a charged flash brought forth a book from her distant library to her side that was significantly heavier than she remembered from all those years she read it’s contents long ago.

“Well… This could take a while…”

30 Minutes later…

Canterlot Court of Justice

Prisoner No. 8645 - Tempest Shadow

Defendant – Awaiting Sentence…

“Storm’s winds, could they take any longer?” Tempest considered herself to be a patient mare, but after almost a week in the Dungeons of Canterlot only to have to wait for even longer for her sentence? She was starting to wonder how Ponykind ever evolved past the ages when bronze was a miracle metal? History wasn’t exactly her strong suit but she felt she could easily change that in the times she had spent idle already. Peace and Harmony may have been Equestria’s goals from what she heard, though Patience and Boredom seemed to be more suiting by the minute. At least the corridor outside her cell had a clock compared to the timeless halls of the Dungeons. That said, this only seemed to make time last longer the more often she observed it.

“Prisoner 8645, to your hooves.” Hearing her designation being called out from outside her cell, Tempest’s gaze would turn to meet the gaze of a lone Unicorn outside her cell, clad in armour that not only protected the individual from harm but also their identity with the use of cloth wraps across face and bodysuit, save for the eyes and voices, she’d have no way to tell Ponies apart in such dress. Following her instructions, the Mare would bring herself to her hooves and adjust the ill fitted overalls she was forced to wear up to now as two walls of light formed either side of the entrance to her cell. The gate to this barrier cell opening up seconds later. “Step forth between the barriers and prepare to walk to the right. We’re taking you back to the Courtroom.”

“Finally… Took you long enough.” Taking some steps along the smoothed stone floor, Tempest brought herself to the escort of a Guard in front and behind her with Magic keeping them out of reach. She recognized the magic well from some Prisoners she’d taken herself in the past, though they didn’t seem to shimmer as much as hers did… Must have lacked the electricity that would shock the captive if they felt the need to get out… She never really could fault the Claustrophobic ones for trying though. Somewhere in her mind, she found herself counting the steps back to the court room, though given the echo of the relatively silent hall, it wasn’t too easy to keep track and counting was soon given up.

Before long however, she found herself coming face to face with a familiar door that brought her back to the containment cell within the courtroom. As the door opened up, she would have made her own way in had another barrier gave her a shove within from behind her. Unfortunately, this door would have closed and locked before she could turn back to give the faceless sentry a look so sharp, even their armour would be pierced. Shaking her head softly, she brought herself onto the seat provided within and awaited the words of the Judge.

“Prisoner number 8645. You are here to receive a sentence placed upon you by a mixed Jury of those who are witness to your crimes; this sentence has been overlooked and will be approved by myself if deemed appropriate. If there is anything further you wish to bring to the Court’s attention in your defence, or an altercation to your previous statements, please do so now as this will be your last chance.” This was her last chance? Huh, she could have sworn it was back when she was giving her pleas to each of her so called Crimes. Sure, she could admit there were some wrongdoings but they were either necessary or on the heads of those commanding her.

“I have no change in my statements, Sir. All I have done in my time is carry out my orders. What good is a soldier if they cannot carry those instructions out?” Part of her felt unsure as to why there were a few moments of silence following this reply. It’s what she had been saying all along! Surely she was right, wasn’t she? Good Soldiers follow orders, all she had been was a Good Soldier…

“Very well, does the Jury have any altercation to the sentence they have provided?” A few more tense moments of silence followed as she tried to make out the blurred and distorted silhouettes of those in the stands of the Jury. She wasn’t sure but she could swear some of them didn’t even appear to look Equestrian, perhaps an Abyssinian or two? If there was even one among her former enlisted Storm Army among them, ancestors help her, she would break out of this cage before breaking each and every one of their bones…

“No, your Honour.” Before such anger could be directed and betray her stoicism however, the Jury’s response would be brought forth through a single feminine voice that, despite distortion, almost sounded familiar… Where had she heard that-?... No… It couldn’t be…

“Very well, Tempest Shadow.” Such thoughts however would be halted as the Judge’s name spoke up her name directly, bringing her gaze back to the podium once more. “The court and all those presence recognize your statement that discards any and all Equestrian Citizenship in the time of these crimes and to now... But we also recognize your lack of remorse in any regard... We offered you a chance for redemption and in the process became something worse with the empty line of "Just following orders" to be a ill suited excuse for the evils you have done both under the Storm King's Banner and beyond..."

“Ill suited?! Just who the hell does this Judge think he or she is?” Such a judgement would find her eyebrow twitching as her attempt to stay neutral begun to falter.

"As a result, we have comprised your sentence to factor in the judgements of each settlement in regards to the crimes committed as follows:"

"Within the borders of Equestria:"

"An undeclared act of War."

"Attempts on the life of multiple members of Royalty."

"Multiple counts of banned Petrifaction weaponry usage."

"Attacks and imprisonment on Civilian Populace."

"Command of forces that dealt significant damage to Public Property."

"Combined sentence: Life Imprisonment with a 30 year sentencing to Tarterus."

If her brow wasn’t already furrowing, she found it to be doing so with ease by now as she struggled to keep her composure in the wake of such a sentence.

"For the depths and lands of Seaquestria and Hippogriffia:"

"Participation of a campaign resulting in Mass Deportation of the Hippogriffian Mainland."

"Summary Execution of both Military and Civilian Prisoners of War."

"Sentence: Life exile from Hippogriffia and Seaquestria."

Well, at least that didn’t seem so bad… Though she hardly was attempting to kill those she left stranded at Basalt Bay. They were a loose end at most and her orders demanded her elsewhere, to take them with her was a liability, a tactical risk even.

"Finally, for crimes conducted within Klugetown and it's skies:"

"Multiple counts of damage to Infrastructure and Property."

"Multiple counts of Harassment and Assault."

"Multiple counts of Piracy and Robbery."

"Confirmed role in 1 account of First Degree Murder with probable’s on multiple accounts."

"Resisting arrest."

"Assault on Equestrian Law Enforcement."

"Combined Sentence: Exile to the Bone Dry Desert or to held in the stocks under the sun until dead with occasional Lashing depending on public vote."

Surely, they wouldn’t count the charges on that squalor ridden place? She wouldn’t even charge the most insubordinate of her junior ranks to such measures. She may have grew up in the hard life of the barracks but such measures to kill one for the instructions of those above was ridiculous. She knew the pain of the lash, sure, but she knew of such things as lessons for when she gone wrong, not when she did as instructed!

"With all this in mind and your unaltered opinion of these matters, the jury and court have come to an agreement."

“Took you long enough… Just slap on the shackles and be done with it…”

"Tempest Shadow. You are sentenced to solitary confinement for 7 days in which an open Gallows shall be erected near the cliffs of Canterlot. From there you will be brought before the United Nations of Equestria and her affected Neighbours where you will hang by the neck until dead."

“…What? There were few things that ever broke the still faced concentration of the former Commander, to hear of this however? She could swear she felt something deep within her snap as the gavel slammed down on the podium ahead of her. Surely this couldn’t be happening!

“You cannot be serious… All I’ve done is follow orders. Getting imprisoned so I can have the chance to have my crimes looked at is one thing but killing me outright!? T-This can’t be right! You’re Equestrians, you don’t execute your prisoners!”

“Miss Shadow, we have looked at your charges and your sentence has been dealt.” Execution… She was to be executed?! FOR FOLLOWING ORDERS?!

“No! No! Charge the damn Cartel for what I did and the Storm King! They’re the ones responsible! All I did was be their hoof!”

“Tempest Shadow. Calm down or-“

“Or what?! Going to send in some guards? At least have the gall to kill me yourself! If this is how you repay your own soldiers then Ancestors we’re all doomed sooner or later! Have the guts to kill me here and now if you’re going to-!”

“Fizzlepop! THAT’S ENOUGH!” A flash of purple was all she saw before she found herself face to face with the Lavender Alicorn she had ran into months before…

“You…” Even through the distortion of her compartment’s window, she could recognize not only that voice clear as day but also that face… Of all the Ponies she considered would have been here, she hadn’t thought it possible she would be here. “You do NOT get to say that name…”

“Tempest please… I did all that I could…”

“Yeah? Well look where that got me! All I’ve done is follow my orders, would you see your own Guards sentenced the same?” She could swear each and every word she sent forth carried heat of an anger she felt only once before… This one mare had dismantled everything she knew. Her cause, her prize, soon even her life would be gone. “You did this…”

“I’m… So sorry…” Those words, they sounded almost heartbroken, to hear the defeat in an enemy used to make her smile in knowledge that she had won… To hear it now a mare that likely just sentenced her to death, she could swear she felt her gut twist.

“Are you?...” If Tempest was hoping for a reply, she would find herself disappointed as the door behind her opened with a slam and the windows around her were blocked off by shutters. A pair of statically charging batons raised and ready to strike her should she make any sudden moves. Taking a deep breath, she knew there was no point in fighting any further. Taking a deep breath, she brought herself between the barriers once again and begun the march back to her cell.

While she wasn’t certain of anything but her fate a week ahead, she could swear that part of her had just died there and then…

1 Week Later...

Ironwill “Death House” Detention Center, Canterlot

Prisoner No. 8645 - Tempest Shadow

Awaiting transport to execution…

Silence, she thought she knew just how maddening it could be when she was within the cold, damp caverns of the Dungeons but those caverns at least had the odd dripping of water or passing guard’s hoofsteps… She never thought she’d come to miss those… Or even the voice of someone else beyond a general wake up. Here even these were replaced by silence, her meals being delivered by teleportation rather than the hold of a Guard.

Looking to the wall as she stirred, a deep sigh would come from her lips as her hoof ran across the scratches she’d made across the smoothed stone of her cell that had looked to been recently smoothed out, likely to dull away the final marks of those who came before her. “One, two, three, four, five…”

“…Six…” Finding her count ended on the lack of a seventh tally and knowing now was the time to leave such a mark, she found herself solemnly reminded that this was the last day she’d have on this world. The thought had been on her mind ever since she came here with her mind wandering from ideas of how to potentially have her case looked at once more or to find a way to buy some time. Hell, she even found herself pondering how thick the walls were here before reminding herself at how stupid such a strategy would be.

All the years had gone by of her life, from the painful childhood where her loss of her race’s signature anatomy lead to being a complete outcast, to a life of servitude where she knew only respect through force and rank. How quickly it all seemed to unravel terrified her but regardless, here she was and if her idea of refusing to attend her measurement for the sake of calibrating the Gallows failed, it would be her last day she’d be here... Or anywhere for that matter…


On her first times here, such sounds of teleported supplies got a jolt out of the usually steadfast Mare, but given her situation thus far, who could blame her for feeling jumpy? By now though, she was almost expecting it as it was always the same. The tray of the previous meal was teleported away and it’s contents inspected to ensure there was no damage or tampering, or at least that’s what she was briefed on arrival here, as another was teleported in with food and water within a instant. It was always the same really with the only variance through the day to ensure the Prisoner was healthy, yet ironically such food was rarely any better here than it was back in the Dungeons… Mainly the same Stale bread and fruit bar. ‘Cheap and expendable’; just like they seemed to deem her life… For the sake of those watching over her, she at least hoped they weren’t looked upon the same way, she almost wished she had them in her ranks in the Months past.

However they were looked upon, she’d barely take her eyes off the wall as she reached over to grab-… Nothing? Looking over to the table, Tempest would be surprised to find that the usual delivery of her meal had gone unanswered. Surely she hadn’t had her last meal already… Had she? The thought of it being delayed from outside circumstances would bring some annoyance to her mind but this would immediately be shut out a break in the silence… And the sound of hoofsteps drawing closer, with no way to tell who it was, Tempest would bring herself to her hooves right away off the firm foam of her mattress. Was it a Guard simply conducting an inspection? An official here to give her the news of a retrial? … Or someone to escort her to the Gallows?

The last of these possibilities brought her heart into the base of her neck as she found her breath quickening… Goddesses above, was this really it? So soon? How long had it even been?

All would be answered as the steps drew closer…

And closer...

Tempest could swear the halls here were purpose built for invoking apprehension; all of the waiting so far and she’d still need to wait hearing her death coming to her? She couldn’t bring herself to cover her ears but she couldn’t bear to look, her eyes clenching shut as she awaited the sounds of the guards to declare her time had come as the sounds of hoofsteps came to a stop somewhere ahead.

“Tempest?” That voice… All of a sudden, her eyes would shoot open once again as disbelief took over her face, her eyes gazing out to past the cold steel of the cell bars to find the Lavender Alicorn looking back at her, her horn illuminated in the Magical Aura reminiscent to what surrounded the floating tray by her side. It almost seemed that in an instant that her anxiety had been replaced by anger… What right had she to be here?

“Haven’t you done enough, Princess?...” These words would come without Tempest even taking a second to look over to the Alicorn outside her cell, her gaze not breaking away from the wall to her side even as the door ahead of her was drawn open and Twilight stepped into what had been her world for the past week.

“Tempest… If there was any other way, believe me, I would have done it.” Surely this was some form of trick to get a confession, right? Why else would she be here? To say she was bold for stepping into the cell of somepony she just condemned was easily an understatement, or perhaps her ideals of friendship really did leave her to be that foolish? Not even the sounds of the gated door before her slamming shut once more broke her gaze to anywhere but the Alicorn before her. “… If you don’t want to talk, I understand but please, at least listen…”

“Why should I? So you can bury your conscience in a dead mare? ” Tempest fought back the lump in her throat and brought her eyes to be closed with furrowed brows, lest she bite down on her lip so hard that her teeth met in a pooling of blood. “The last time I followed orders, I got sentenced to die. What good is it to follow them now?”

“Tempest. I’m asking… Not ordering.” Such words almost brought a chuckle to the mare from how stupid it sounded… What was the difference in that? Even without this huff of amusement, the Princess at least seemed to get the message as a sigh left her lips and the tray from before was rested onto the table as many had been placed before. Though what was upon this tray though easily raised one of the brows of the mare as one of her eyes peaked open just a little to seal the meal before her. “If it’s anything to make you feel better, it didn’t take much for the guards to agree to let me take this to you.”

While she had expected the same rations she had become more than used to by now, she would find herself surprised to find the Stale Bread to be replaced by a full blown sandwich, the fruit bar that was more than once nearly mistaken for Hard Tack missing in place of fruit that… Actually looked fresh! After years of military rations of dried fruits and stale breads, bland oatmeals and pillaged goods, such a sight being before her now almost made her mouth water. In fact, the only thing that seemed to be an everyday given was the hoof crafted wooden tankard to it’s side, all too likely only filled with water, though it did make her wonder why it came in something with such craftship compared to a simple metal cup. That said, such thoughts brought another question, why would she bring this to her? Let alone personally? “Let me guess, something along the lines of: ‘She’s a Dead Mare anyway’?”

“What? No… I mean, I don’t think so…” As much as Tempest wanted to roll her eyes with a Scoff, her gaze was brought from the tray to the Princess who had illuminated and drawn over the aging chair that rested at the corner of the cell. A smidgen of curiosity visible on the Purple Unicorn’s face able to be seen as her opened gaze watched the Princess take a seat close to her. “I’d like to think that… Well… Perhaps they understand your view? Like you said: All you’ve done is follow orders… Chances are they have for a fair deal too; it’s not your fault that nobody taught you just how much conflict there is in following orders and doing the right thing. When one is all you know, how can you tell when the other is there?”

As much as Tempest wanted to open her muzzle in reply, she found no words of which to say in retort, and would merely opt to bring a shrug in response instead. Though the longer she took to think on this, the more the events of her past seemed to come together, had she done the things she had out of her own will or a lack thereof to say otherwise? “So… You think they have a respect for me simply because I did as told and was just… Misguided?”

Given such words in reply would have the mare before her give a soft shrug of her shoulders. “Perhaps, I can’t say for certain… But it doesn’t hurt to hope for the better, right?”

Hope… Such a word once brought a bit of humour to the Unicorn’s heart but now she was starting to wonder just how much of that silly phrase meant to Equestria. Perhaps there was something to it? That said, there wasn’t an awful bunch a mare in her position could hope for. “Maybe… Not an awful lot to hope for now though. I’d have thought nobody would dare speak up to a Princess.”

“I do my best to stay open to suggestion. That said… I was hoping to talk to you about something on that part.” A soft grunt would leave the Unicorn as if to continue whilst her hooves carefully took the sandwich into her hooves, the soft bread and flavour rich contents easily a far cry from what she had grown used to in her life. The soft sigh of relief she felt unwind at the taste however would be cut short by what Twilight had to say next; “I asked the Guards how things have gone with you and… They say that you refused to come forth to have your measurements done. I can help you go through them if you wa-”

“Stop.” A single word would come from the Mare’s lips as she set lowered the sandwich, her gaze turning serious once more as it turned to face the Princess across from her. “I do not wish to simply be lined up and recorded for the slaughter, Princess. If that means my sentence needs to be looked at once more, then so be it.”

“… Tempest, it’s not about whether or not it can proceed if we don’t have the right length. I wish I could say otherwise but it’s still going to happen…” The look on the Princess’s face alone, Tempest could swear that pulled at her heartstrings a little, even if she was the one to sentence her to such a fate. Still, the next bite of her meal would be a bit on the harder side as she did her best to set aside the thought that her fate was all but assured now. “You do know how Hanging works, right? If the rope’s set wrong; It… Won’t be quick… Or worse… You know that right?”

A moment of silence would linger between the two as Tempest swallowed down her latest mouthful, memories coming back to her of such a sentence to those who turned out to be unfaithful to the Storm King replaying in her mind. Some were far more fortunate than others and her younger self just had to know why some got off easier… “I know Princess… Too short, I’ll be gasping until the death. Too long, I might as well have a Guillotine…”

“And I still can’t change your mind on this?... Just because the sentence is going ahead doesn’t mean I want you to suffer.” If Tempest could have a vote for every time she thought about such a change of heart, she’d have likely been able to see about a retrial. If there was one thing this Unicorn never turned away from however, it was fate.

“Everything in my life has gone by the order, Twilight. The times I woke, the places I gone, the flags I fought for… All of it.” Taking a pause to finish the last portion of her small yet wonderful sandwich, she’d take a deep breath before continuing on, the expression on her face softening ever so slightly without her even being aware. “If risking a slower death is a choice I can make, then I ask of you to let me make a choice for myself for once and go out on my own terms… Please.”

The face of the Princess before her would stare back as she took the time to process these details; it truly was a grim thing to think on and an even darker choice to make. But at the very least, it was her choice. A few seconds later, the Alicorn gave a short yet respectful nod in reply. “Okay Tempest… No measurements… Won’t stop me praying for them to get it right though.”

“Heh, now you’re just being compassionate….” Rolling her eyes a little, Tempest would surprise herself once more by catching herself releasing a gentle chuckle in reply. Cutting herself off, she sought the distraction of the Apple upon the table that shimmered lightly from the outside candlelight. With it in her hoof and her reflection ever so vaguely staring back at her, a sigh escaped her lips before she set it down once again. “…How long?”

“About 2 hours. I’ll need to go soon to oversee preparations but I’ll be here as long as you need until then Tempest.” 2 Hours… Was that really how much time was left? In that moment, each click of a clock in her mind seemed to go by all that much slower. “Something on your mind?”

“… Yeah, that night on the Balcony actually…” Thinking back on the last time she’d seen Twilight before now, she found that her chest felt oh so much heavier now. Just how much of her time since then could have been avoided? Could she have taken the time to explore this friendship thing? Could she have explored the world as a redeemed citizen or even protector rather than an oppressive warrior? Could she have walked across grassy plains under Celestia’s sun free or even find a way to mend her horn? How much of the orders did she follow out of her will? And how much did she follow for her superiors with only her own return to full Unicorn potential in mind? “You think that; perhaps things might have went much different if I stayed? Maybe I did if there really is such a thing as ‘Another life’ that Grubber kept talking about.”

“Hard to tell really… But I’m fairly certain things could have gone many ways that night.” Such a vague answer would have the Mare by her side curious as she raised an eyebrow to the Princess. “The Storm King could have won and you’d be his slave if not dead alongside us. We could have missed the catch and you’d have perished a martyr for all in petrifaction. You might have even joined us in spreading Friendship and Harmony across the world.” Tempest couldn’t put her hoof on it, but something on that thought that sounded oh so cheesy without context brought a slight smile to her lips… “I’m sorry it couldn’t be this one Tempest…”

“Don’t be. The decisions I made may have been orders but that doesn’t exempt me from what those orders were. Even if I don’t get the chance to learn from them…” Reaching over to the tray, she’d take a careful hold of the tankard there and take a slow swig of what she was expecting to be water, but instead was treated to a beverage that bore a sweet yet lightly fermented taste. Almost reminiscent of the Grog that both preserved drinking water within and entertained the ranks aboard ship, but far fresher and even had the ever so gentle tingles of carbonation tickling her tongue as she swallowed down the first gulp. “Wow… Perhaps even have gotten another drink of… Whatever this is?”

“Apple Family Cider. Applejack felt obliged to ensure you got a least a taste of what she had in her personal stash while you were… Well… Still around.” Licking her lips of what she savoured in aftertaste, she’d almost felt a tear coming to her eye that the Strong Earth Mare looked to ensure she got a good half pint, the kindness of that honest Mare warming her heart a little with the liquid courage needed for her time ahead.

“All I’ve done and mares like you and her still looking out for me one last time? You bunch really are too good for this world.”


“Ahem, terribly sorry to bother you, your Highness, but it’s time to go. Visitation hours are over.” The sudden interruption of a passing guard outside the cell would almost jump both of the mares that had became so close even after such a short talk, a sigh of acknowledgement filling both of the mares as they were left alone by the Guard outside the cell and Twilight got back to her hooves.

“Well… Better get a move on, Princess… You got a nation waiting on you.” Getting to her hooves, Tempest would swallow down one more swig of the drink before setting it down onto the tray upon the bedside table. Behind her she could hear the chair being shifted aside, a sigh leaving her as she waited a moment before turning back to see the Princess leave.

That is, if she didn’t find herself looking over the aforementioned Alicorn’s shoulder, chest to chest with the Lavender Pony’s hooves draped across her back. The motion at first would catch the Unicorn off guard, but as her mind caught up to the sudden embrace, she’d return the motion with a hoof of her own, her chin ever so lightly resting onto her shoulder as was done to her so closely she could feel just as much as hear the words flow across her coat. “Goodbye Tempest…”

It was such a short farewell for all the pair had been through in the time they’d known each other, yet it was all it took to reach through the heart of stone that Tempest had made for herself. She’d barely even register that her hoof pressed onto that soft coated back between those wings ever so slightly firmer as her own parting escaped her chest, far more stammered than she ever expected and barely just above a whisper. “G-Goodbye Twilight...”

The seconds that passed in this embrace felt longer than all the time she spent in Prison, maybe even her time in hiding too… But as it parted and the Princess followed the guide of her escort out of the cell, she could never take her eyes off her.

Not as the bars sealed shut between them.

Not as she connected the dots between her dampened cheeks and the feeling of moisture on her back.

Not as her eyes took one last glimpse into her own.

Not as she found herself alone once more.


Or even as a tear of her own broke the silence.

2 Hours Later...

Somewhere in Canterlot

Prisoner No. 8645 - Tempest Shadow

In transit to execution…

Tempest couldn’t tell if this was supposed to be a metaphor for her life or a purposely rough ride as the Carriage Hauler’s means of personal revenge. That had been the third time she felt her head bash against the windowless box walls of the carriage as her chained hooves clattered between her haunches. Purposeful or not, she’d be looking forward to arriving at her destination and getting off this rollercoaster gone wrong if it weren’t for where she was going. Judging by the grunts of the Armed Guard opposite of her, it wasn’t just her that felt the roughness of the ride. “If it makes you feel better, even Airships can get this rough in turbulence…”

She’d receive little more than an odd look from the Guard at this attempt to lighten the mood, though as if seemingly on cue, the muffled sounds of a crowd somewhere close by would convince the mare she was nearing the end of this final journey. Feeling the carriage slow to a halt and the sounds hooves against cobble outside, she’d take a deep breath to try and quell the hammering of her heart that was all but in her throat. This was it… With the clattering of metal to what she knew as the door on her left, she’d find the darkness of the cabin to be invaded by the almost blinding light of Celestia’s sun upon it swinging open and down to form steps to her final walk. The rays of sunlight cast directly through the doorway and across the chestplates of guards ahead in staggered column were almost blinding to the mare as she stood to her hooves and shuffled to the doorway…

That’s when she saw it. Barely a short walk ahead along a path formed by guards standing at the ready and holding back an anticipating crowd of faces… The wooden frame stood tall to form a platform a short distance back from and above the railings lining the edge of the paved cliff ledge. Guards stood to attention not only on the path leading to it, but also upon the platform which bore the post arch over what she was guessing was the trapdoor. The craftwork that went into all of this seemed rather sturdy and purpose built but no amount of detail made her freeze as much as the critical detail:

The bundle of looped rope that swayed lightly in the crisp breeze… As much as she tried, she couldn’t help but stare ahead at that swaying rope in the sunlight, her hooves unresponsive to carry her forwards or even backwards into the guard that stood behind her. So much so that when the forceful shove of wooden spear against her hind came; it almost knocked her off balance as she descended the few steps onto the cobble street. Picking up what she could of her staggered breath and shaken courage, she shuffled her hooves forward, restricted in their steps by the clattering irons between them.

Each step found itself feeling heavier and heavier as cobble gave way to soft paved dirt, then to the sanded boards of wood, the hoofsteps would rival her heart for sounds seeming all that much louder than ever before as the crowd around her fell silent. Soon replaced by a voice from a lone Guardspony who stood by a microphone upon the platform she stepped up to, guided forth until she stood on the outlined frame of the trapdoor.

“Tempest Shadow, the Ponies of Equestria do all they can to offer forgiveness and redemption for those who stray from the path of light, as does the neighbours to her states. Sadly however, it is by the will of those afflicted in unanimous vote that you are deemed too dangerous to be offered such a chance and thus we are gathered here to oversee your passing from this life into the next. We pray that you find Peace among the mercy of the Ancestors and in your eternal rest.”

Just how much of those words were truly meant by the Servicepony to her side was a mystery, but not one the lone Mare would dwell upon as a masked Pegasus carefully brought down the looped rope to slip over her muzzle. For a moment, the soon-to-be hung mare could have sworn she heard a almost rhythmic thumping of hooves in a synchronized beat from the crowds likely watching from the valley below and the streets around, though it wasn’t long until she’d find it being her own heart that would refuse to slow even as she did her best to steady her breaths. If there was a slowing of that pulse, it was only sped up as the interweaved threads of the rope slid against her neck, tightening their grip as the coils pressed more firmly to the back of her neck.

“Tempest Shadow, you are about to receive a fate very others would dare wish upon another. If you wish, we can provide a hood for you.”

What she didn’t expect however; it was the hoof upon her shoulder as the noose felt secure yet somewhat light on her neck, turning her gaze to the masked figure, she found her eyes locking onto their own as they gave a soft nod to her. This offer of compassion from the Hangspony and attempt to calm her would gain her gratitude but she’d give a soft shake of her head in reply, feeling more contempt to face her fate with her own eyes than behind the burlap of a sack.

A patting of her shoulder in reply showed their acknowledgement as they stepped away from her, head hanging slightly lower than it had been doing so before. It comforted her slightly to know that there were likely very few who would take joy in this day, let alone the ones to carry out the act, to that she’d commend them for their duty that was far harder in heart to do than any task she’d undertaken in body.

“It is with a heavy heart that we bid farewell to you today, but you need not need to pass on in silence if you have a breath with words to give. Do you have any last words, Miss Shadow?”

A thought or two ran through her head in that moment as the microphone was illuminated from it’s post and brought closer to her muzzle. What could she say?

That she died for what she thought was right? No… She’d come to a conclusion that was a self assured lie hours ago…

That she’d miss those around her? Who was she to miss? She bid her parting to Twilight and other than her, possibly that Apple Farmer friend of hers and Grubber, she had little to no-one to say farewell to…

That she was sorry?... What good would that do now?...

In the end, all that left her lips would be the sigh of a deep breath as she brought her head side to side in a soft shake in answer. Seeming to accept this, the Guardspony returned the microphone to it’s place and stood at attention.

The seconds that passed after this seemed to stretch on longer than she could imagine, but at the very least she’d have a view of the valley before her that almost took her breath away well before her sentence would... She’d seen it from the bridge of her airship before but not like this. It truly seemed beautiful... A place she’d happily spend her life to protect had she been given another chance…

She could only hope that in another life, she’d cherish such life instead of throwing it all away, to bring happiness to others around her under Celestia’s Sun and Luna’s Moon alike...

Maybe even-


All at once, Tempest’s life seemed to grind to a halt as the wood below her shackled hooves gave way and gravity took it’s hold on her body and carried her down. She wouldn’t even have time to register how long each second took or taste the fresh breeze rushing along her tongue as she did her best to draw in one last breath.


“Fuck! Fuck! FUCK! FUCK!” Almost immediately, her legs would kick at the open air around her she couldn’t quite grasp against the crushing grasp around her neck. Why had she not died right there and then?! Her neck should have broken! She shouldn’t be feeling a thing yet here she was dangling in agony!

The Rope! It had been cut too short! Goddesses above, why had she turned down Twilight’s offer?! It would be all over by now but now she was swinging with every buck of her body and kick of her rattling legs!

“Fuck! It hurts! Get me down! GET ME DOWN! PLEASE!” Desperate pleas for mercy ran through her screaming mind as her hooves kicked like made, her forehooves attempting in vain to reach up and slip under that vice grip around her neck.

“C’mon! Get under there!” Another attempt was made to tug the rope further down from her neck, the hooves however finding no purchase as her head thumped in aching agony.

“Come on! Please!” And another, one hoof even reaching for the coils at the side of her head, only to find herself swaying in a turn in the attempt.

“COME ON!!!” Fueled by frustration and desperation alike, her hind legs would kick like mad as if to swing her in a way that would have the rope ease it’s crushing clutch, some easing it to the point she was barely sure if it merely shifted around her neck or just tightened harder.

These attempts would come time and time again with no shortage of motivation to get free despite the aching of her legs, their burning outweighed by the increasingly thundering headache above the rope and burning within her breast either side of her erratically beating heart. All the while, her heart was filled not only with the pounding within her chest, but also the constricted gagging and strangled begging of her own voice.

“Goddesses, dammit! Someone! Help! Please! Get me off this thing!” As if one could hear her choking cries for aid, her eyes would dart around her world that had begun to spin not only from her body’s roped rotations but also from how little blood and air was flowing to her head, if any at all.

How long had she been dangling? Part of her had a feeling it wasn’t long but this was well and truly outweighed by her brain screaming at her for even a second of reprieve. Had she deserved this? Sure, she may have been sentenced to die but why did it have be such a slow and horrible way to go? Couldn’t life give her at least one granted mercy of luck and give her the chance to go out peacefully!?

“P-Please! M-Make it stop!” As if for divine aid or assistance from those who stood by her moments ago, her eyes desperately darting around and looking up the length of rope as much as the coils would allow. It looked so far up, yet she knew she was all but a pull-up away from releasing the tension in her neck.

“N-Not like this! Not like this! Goddesses!” Tempest didn’t know what brought so many tears down her cheeks under her pinprick pupils. Was it the pain coursing through her body on either side of the rope? Or was it the sheer terror of what was unfolding upon her body? It was almost impossible to tell how much of a brutal blend these possibilities had on her tortured soul but it easily kept her hooves kicking even as her chains clapped against her body or swung under her.

There was but a rare few times she felt her body under so much strain for a breath, yet an accidental fall overboard along her younger years of service to the Storm King nor a long expedition with easily more than a fair share of equipment had her chest heaving like it did now, each convulsion rocking her to and fro as her body demanded as little as a wisp of oxygen the noose wouldn’t allow. Though it wasn’t just her swaying body or clamped shut airway that felt the weight. Across her face, she could swear she felt tingling across every inch of her expression from around her panicked bloodshot eyes to her hanging jaw that swung open and closed as if to invite air along her tongue.

“N-No! T-This can’t be happening! Just end me, dammit!” With every second that passed, Tempest found her struggles to escape dwindling in exchange for a need for the pain to stop. Screwing her eyes shut, she’d summon what strength she had in her barely controlled form to buck her hips into the convulsions of her body, trying to bring that noose down just that little bit more firmly onto her neck. She’d bring her hooves up to try and punch her all but collapsed throat; however she could hardly bring them away from clutching her caving chest and abdomen.

“Please! N-No more! Just do it!” Biting down on her lip, Tempest did what she could to fight the pain as her world seemingly pressed in around her. As if by mechanism, her hooves would do what they could to tuck in against her body, the relatively light chains feeling like lead weights tugging on her aching body, trying to pry her body spread open when all it wanted to do was curl up like a crying foal.

“Stop it! Stop it! STOP IT! PLEASE!” Tempest couldn’t tell what was racing harder, the pounding in her ears that matched the beat of her heart, the intensity of that tingling that was spreading from her hooves towards her core or the rise and fall of her chest.

“J-Just kill me!!! I-I CAN’T TAKE IT! STOP IT!!!” Whichever the answer was, she found herself too gripped by terror to think on it or for a way out. How long had passed since she dropped?

“MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOP!!!” A minute? Two perhaps?

“N-No more! Please!... Make… Make it Stop!!!” Perhaps even the hour hoof of the City’s clocktower would have passed up a number. It certainly felt like it…

“Make it… MA… Make it STOP!!!” Why was this going so long!? Why wasn’t she slipping away? And what was that infernal ringing in her ears?!

…P-PLEASE!!... M-M-MAKE IT…!” Whatever was causing it, she had absolutely no answer for it but it felt almost as unbearable as the pain she’d endured so far.

It had to stop.

“P-PLEASE…” She needed it to stop.

PLEAAAAAASE!!!” In the height of her mental begging, she couldn’t tell if such a scream was brought forth in her voice, but her arched back would be a by-product of her attempt to cry out one last time. Years of pain and mistakes; culminating all at once in just a few minutes under a wooden post and rope… It was horrible. She no longer cared if she lived or died anymore… She just wanted it to end.

Yet as she blinked open her eyes to the sky looming over her swinging form, she found that not all seemed as clear anymore. It felt almost as if something was in her eyes… Seemed like it too as spots darted around in her vision that darkened at the edges. As her eyes panned to the rope holding her up, she found that she could barely discern the threads anymore.

“W-What’s happening?” As much as she did her best effort to, she found that her lower jaw barely responded to the commands to close after that scream… Or at least, what felt like one… Her chest felt so empty by now… She could swear she’d braced against brands that burned cooler than this…

As much as she did her best to look, she found that her hooves were merely kicking at their own accord by now as they hung under her, at least from what she could feel from her tingling upper legs and the sounds of rattling somewhere under her. There was something odd about her hooves… They felt warm yet as if they had trodden through miles of snow and became numb…

“A-Am I…? Is t-this… Death?” By now, short bursts of choked gags and body quaking hitches had replaced the strangled cries and instinctive attempts to escape. For a moment, she’d almost thought she was by the ocean as what sounded like static roaring filled her ears alongside the unending whine that had tormented her thus far and a thumping that seemed to lose it’s rhythm by now…

It took a few seconds for her to recall it was her own heart… “I-Is it… over?”

Her question would feel as if it gone unanswered as the loss of sensation reached her body and begun to spread from her muzzle to across her face… Slowly everything around her seemed to make that little bit less sense…

Why was it getting darker? Had she really been hanging that long?

Why was she here?... Where was she?...

Behind her drooping eyelids that her pupils almost rolled back into, flashes of times in her past seemed to try and answer her questions…

Her unfortunate Foalhood...

Her escape from Society…

Her career as a soldier…

Her last mission…


“T-Twilight…” With so much feeling across her face gone and her sight caving in around her, she could hardly tell if her lips moved like she wanted them to in order to call that last name, or if even the tongue within that muzzle could lift off her hanging jaw…

Everything felt so warm yet so numbingly cold…

How long had she been awake? How long had she fought?

It barely seemed to matter anymore…

All she wanted to do was rest…

Yes… That’s what she would do…


Deep down… She made a note to thank that mare…

She was free of duty…

Free from the nightmares…

Free from running…




2 Minutes later…

Canterlot Cliffside Overview

Doctor Stitch Heartwell

Awaiting orders to confirm death of the Condemned

While hardly an expert in the matters of Strangulation injuries, albeit having seen their aftermath, the Physician from Canterlot University would find himself surprised that so much time had passed since the mare on the Gallows had been dropped. For a while, he could barely watch as the execution had hardly gone as cleanly as planned, there was no doubt in his mind that there would be an investigation as to who brought so much suffering upon her… That is, until he’d recalled a read over of her file to find the hangpony had did their best to judge her drop distance from her approximate weight without her giving permission for a more accurate measurement. As much as this made the suffering the fault of the hanging Mare, it didn’t take away any sympathy the Doctor felt as he heard the gargled cries and groaning stretches of the rope.

At least the patients he’d seen before with the aftermath of such things were either of short accident or intimate play gone wrong or too often… Not to mention hardly doomed compared to what he was brought forth to confirm on the twitching and jolting form swaying mere meters away from where he sat.

“Doctor? I think it’s time.” The mentioning of his profession would catch the Medical Specialist off guard as he drew his gaze away from the form that had grown noticeably stiller in her movements as time dragged on to now… There was the odd twitch but of course, he knew such movements might not have been of her mind or body’s own volition, merely fired off signals of a brain shutting down past her expiry. Giving a nod to the Guardspony who called him forth, he’d bring himself to stand up and be guided up to the Gallows where she hung, saddlebag carefully resting on his side.

“One moment, sir.” The Earth pony would bring himself to where the ledge of the hatch separated the saving grace of platform from the dooming drop that was to claim it’s first, and hopefully only, victim. With a slide off his shoulder, he’d set down his saddle bags and then open up the satchel; within he’d look over his arranged set of supplies that ranged from first aid to the more specific needs of this job.

Taking a moment to check the light of a torch was still working, he’d catch a short movement out of the corner of his eye from the Unicorn in front of him. Getting a closer look at her well toned form, it was no surprise she had been lasting so long, such a internal afterthought raised doubts however, prompting the setting down of his torch and the extraction of his stethoscope. Waiting a few seconds to ensure he didn’t receive a knock from another cook-off of her body’s erratic signals whilst he fitted the earpieces, it would be a short delay until he brought the metal disk in one hoof to her chest that had fallen still in the past while.

Thu-Thump… … ...Thu-Thump…

What he heard would surprise him even further… After what seemed like forever of hanging, the heartbeat of the mare before him was still going… It was weak and slow… But it was still there.

Thu-Thump… … ...Thump… Thump…

There was one of the signals he was looking for… The beats may have still held their dwindling strength and frequency… But they were going out of sync.

Thump… … ...Thu-Thump… … … Thump… … Thump

With each beat, they sounded even more out of sync, the odd beat being missed every so often as the effects of cardiac arrest truly begun to set in. When it started was something he had no idea of, but it wouldn’t be long now before all that resided in that chest was silence.

Thu-Thump… … … … … … Thump… … … … … …Thump...

As if on cue from his thoughts, the slowing of that pulse would seem to come almost naturally… Each beat coming slower as her asphyxiated body barely had the control to signal her heart anymore, the contractions and expansion of one of her most vital organs barely able to act on it’s own.

Thump… … …Thump … … ...Thump... … … … … ... Thump… Thump… … … … … … …

With each beat now, the Earth Stallion found himself straining more and more to hear even through the enhanced reception of his stethoscope. They were becoming far more gentle now…

… … … … … … … Thmp… … … … … … … … … … … … … Mp…

What was in her chest by now barely even resembled a heartbeat anymore… If there was a chance to bring her back through simple rescue breaths and chest compressions, it was slipping away with every second. Though he knew that this Mare wouldn’t receive such a second chance as he waited for the silence…

... … … … … … … … … … … … … … …Thp… … … … … … … …. … … … … … …

And waited…

... … … … … … … … … … … … … … ... … … … … … … … … … … … … …

And waited a few seconds more…

... … … … … … … … … … … … … … ... … … … … … … … … … … … … …

Taking a quick glance at his hoofwatch, he made a mental note of the time that passed by before withdrawing the Stethoscope from her still chest and his ears. Changing tools to ensure the mare within this husk was long gone, he sought out the hoof fitting for his torch and carefully secured the strap around his hoof. Satisfied it was secure, he’d turn on the light, stand on his free hooves and bring it’s somewhat broad beam to the dilated, half lidded pupils of the hanging mare in turn, each receiving a ray that angled side to side carefully.

Had she been alive, the pupils would likely contract to filter out the light coming in through her retinas…

Sure enough; there was not a slightest bit of movement from her increasingly glazed over irises…

The revelation that the mare before him was now gone would be a heavy one that no Doctor wished to give, even to a Pony who hate committed so much wickedness in her life just to survive. But it was a duty he had to carry out and one he did dutifully so with a removal of the torch back to his bag and a glance to the Guardspony close by.

“Time of death: 1742… It’s done.”

Tempest Shadow was gone.

4 Years later

Canterlot Heights Gazebo

Princess Twilight Sparkle

Looking out at the setting sun, Twilight could swear it had almost been forever since she was last out in this part of Canterlot… There were few places on the mountainside city that weren’t darkened by shade both natural and ponymade by the many buildings around but here? This seemed to be one of the few places that got a good view as the sun was set below the distant horizon.

While it had been 3 years since this Gazebo had been built, it only seemed like yesterday that she ordered it’s construction. To many who were in office of the higher class, it seemed like just another place to shelter from the occasional shower of rain and to the younger of citizens of Equestria, it was a place that frequented the playful and innocent. For many of those in the armed forces however, it was a place of solemn respect for an revered opponent who sparked both infamy and admiration from those who came to know her by name and title in the books of history.

She could swear she still smelled the smoke of that infernal contraption that once stood here the night she personally oversaw it’s destruction. The ashes cast out along a wind that would hopefully never find anyone to harm again under such punishment.

With time and healing also came change, it was an unfortunate reality that advancement is either made through eventual gain or drastic need in the wake of devastating loss. Safety. Security. Justice… All of which went over reform after that fateful day so long ago.

In the end however, no amount of change could bring back what was lost that day… But it didn’t mean those who truly knew her would let her name fade from memory and myth.

One such effort could be seen on the plaque before the Princess’s hooves.

Carefully illuminating her horn, she’d bring forth a small bouquet of flowers grown from a pot she’d personally planted on the balcony of Canterlot Castle, where she’d almost gave her life to preserve Equestria from the tyranny of the Storm King. Alongside this was a candle she carefully brought reignition to.

Such a gesture was mimicked in a circle around the metal plate on raised concrete, reinforced by polished obsidian.

In addition to Twilight’s there was:

A blue lit candle that seemed to flicker a little faster than the rest gathered around. Cloud Petal Bluebells wrapped together carefully in Wonderbolt branded binding.

A white lit candle that had a steadier flame, seemingly unfazed by the wind with a Rosette elegantly crafted with a Cutiemark of fireworks held in the center.

A yellow flame seemed to burn far less strongly than the rest on it’s candle, but it could easily be seen there with flowers freshly brought from the depths of the Everfree on either side of it.

Oddly enough, the Pink of the candles was barely a candle at all, but rather an ever so gently sparking sparkler that fizzled atop a freshly baked muffin.

And finally, there was the hoof crafted of the Candles on the end of the spectrum, it’s orange flame almost impossible to discern from a more natural fire but it was still an honest nod to the dedicated mare with a gleaming Apple resting proud alongside it.

Seeing such acts of remembrance from her friends almost brought a tear to the Princess’s eye, though it brought a smile all the same as her words left her lips after a minute of silence was spent reading over the words on the plaque, a familiar mark inscribed over the rest of the writing. “You’ll never be alone, Tempest…”

Here lays the memory of:

Tempest Shadow/Fizzlepop Berrytwist

A Soldier in life

A Rainbow in soul

A Friend never forgotten

Author's Note:

Once more, the client and myself, have absolutely no ill feelings towards Tempest Shadow/Fizzlepop Berrytwist.

While firstly as a Fetish Story, this turned out to hold a fair bit more emotion than I had thought it would. I hope those of you who read this find this to be a good read, even if not a most heartwarming subject to most.

Comments ( 1 )

Love the story it's dark,sad and powerful! What happened to Grubber?

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