• Published 29th Dec 2021
  • 291 Views, 9 Comments

Two Noble Loves - Viatorem

Love and destiny have odd and interesting ways. That was something Celestia, Gabby, Zecora and Blueblood began to learn during the Grand Galloping Gala

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Chapter I Bonus: Zecora With Rhymes. Big thx to Rego for the help with the rhymes

Author's Note:

This is basically the same as the second half of Chapter I, except all of Zecora’s lines had been changed so that it rhymes.

Again, I would like to thank Rego for the help writing the rhymes.

Now, I know that the existence of a chapter one where Zecora rhymes basically means that the one where she talks like Yoda shouldn't exist.  

Here's the thing, as much as I want to get Zecora right in this fic, and that there’s those who are willing to change her lines to help with that, the reality is that with how inconsistent my writing time is, I can’t simply expect to find someone that has the time for me to drop them a bunch of Zecora’s lines and ask them to make them rhyme: And all that is ignoring the problem that rhyming brings, as in more than one occasion I feel like it changes the tone of the fic or the structure of different paragrfas or how scenes play out; meaning that it would be preferable for me closely monitored the writing of the rhymes and change things it need be; again, with my inconsistency on writing times, that will be impossible.

Think about it this way, if you are co-writing a fic with another author, and they can only write at sporadic times, wouldn't that be incomebient to you and them? Say they get time to write something at 1 am, because they can afford waking up late, but the problem is you can’t, that’s a problem. And that is exactly what I want to avoid.       

As to why there's 2 versions of chapter 1? Simply I wanted to keep consistency and have Zecora speak like Yoda for the entire fic. However I didn't want to throw away all of  Rego’s work, so I chose to publish it as a bonus for chapter one. Now honestly I doubt this will be a thing; as in someone might pop up and offer to change Zecora’s lines so that they rhyme, but who knows, maybe I’m wrong and this fic ends up with 2 versions, one where she rhymes and one where she doesn’t. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Anyway, just like in the writer’s note of chapter I, here’s a terrible meme I made to make fun of the rhyming situation.

The following afternoon the crusaders were speeding down the road from the Ponyville Schoolhouse towards a hill overlooking the entire town on their red wagon, of course they were all wearing their helmets.

“I can’t believe how happy Miss Cheerilee was when we gave her that ticket!” Apple Bloom exclaimed with a big smile of happiness on her face.

“Yes! You flew past Cloudsdale with that idea Sweetie!” Scootaloo adeed, while quickly turning to see the girls on the wagon, showing that she also had quite the big smile on her face.

“Thank you, but seeing Miss Cheerilee smile like that was enough thanks for me.” Sweetie answered, sharing the same excitement as that of her friends.

“Well, I ain’t not sure about you girls but after that I can’t wait to give our other ticket to Zecora!” Apple Bloom added, even more excited at the thought of seeing the reaction of her zebra friend and mentor after getting the ticket.

“You won’t have to wait that much Blooms, we are here!” Scootaloo announced while slowly bringing her scooter and the wagon to a hold on top of the hill.

The moment they stopped, Apple Bloom gave each of the crusaders a crudely made binocular, while she put out an equally crude looking spyglass. Their original plan was to go to Zecora's house and wait to surprise her with the ticket.

However in their excitement, the three fillies decided to instead go to the town and give it to Zecora right there. They came up with the idea of climbing up the hill to try to find her from high up, and after quickly scrambling to grab the binoculars and spyglass that they had made as part of a science project a few weeks ago, the trio was on their way to the hill.

Like a group of spotters in a royal equestrian ship, the three files began to comb Ponyville in search of Zecora. Sweetie Belle took the west side of the town, particularly the market; Scootaloo took the east side where most of the stores were; as for Apple Bloom she took the center, in case Zecora was already heading back to her home.

For at least a minute the three fillies keeped looking through the town, checking any place they knew Zecora would frequence, as well as any other odd place she might visit from time to time; however despite of the short time, the wave of child-like excitement the crusaders were riding made it feel like they had being at it for an hour or more.

Fortunately before their hype made them do something abrupt, Sweetie Belle called out in excitement, “I SEE HER!”

“Where!?” Both Scootaloo and Appple Bloom asked, at the same time as they turned to face in the general direction as Sweetie was looking.

“There! She’s wearing her cloak! She’s leaving the marketplace and heading to town hall!” Sweetie exclaimed, using her hoof to point at the houses between the market and town hall.

Before Apple Bloom could find Zecora, Scootaloo exclaimed, “GOTCHA!” That moment Bloom quickly began to grave and put away her spyglass as well as the binoculars. She knew that there wasn’t a point in trying to spot Zeocra when Scootaloo was about to take her to wherever her zebra friend was.

“Hold on! We’re taking off!” Scootaloo exclaimed once their science work had been safely put away, at the same time she began to flap her wings, moving the scooter and wagon forward and downhill. Meanwhile both Sweetie and Bloom were already prepared, they didn’t need the warning, years of riding with Scootaloo had given them enough experience to know what to do when traveling at high speed.

As they went down the hill they gained more and more speed, with the three leaving forwards in a more aerodynamic position, in addition to that Scootaloo continued flapping her wings until she felt that no matter how hard she tried she could make the scooter and wagon go faster.

They continued downhill, reaching such speed that the trees surrounding their path were just green and brown colour blurs. When they felt that the road was becoming less steep and more flat, both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle took a more sturdy position. Meanwhile Scootaloo began to flap her wings again, keeping their speed while gaining more control over the scooter and wagon.

Soon the road became wider with a few houses appearing at their left and right, signaling their arrival to the outskirts of Ponyville. Town hall appeared over the horizon and so did the most tricky part of their rute, the stone bridge over the small river that ran through town.

The crusaders braced, increasing the strength of their grip in the scooter and wagon. With a quick motion Scootaloo lined their transport with the center of the bridge; thought that wasn’t the hard part, as the arc design of the bridge made it the perfect ramp, this time, the three fillies were literally taking off.

Right before the front wheels of her scooter were off the ground Scootaloo made a sharp left turn, at the same time all of them began to lean both forwards and left; this meant that while in the air both the scooter and waggon began to turn left.

In the few moments they were in the air, they managed to turn almost completely to the left, missing a few degrees for a perfect 90 degree turn. The scooter and wagon then landed on the dirt, drifting a little before Scootaloo redirected the entire thing forwards, conserving some of the momentum and speed.

With town hall at their right and the road to the market in front of them, Scootaloo began to decelerate as she had finally spotted Zecora again; surprisingly, despite the fact that Zecora had been walking, she barely moved since Scootaloo saw her through the binoculars.

As they moved closer to Zecora, Scootaloo took another sharp turn, this time to the right, drifting both the scooter and wagon to a full stop in front of the potion maker, and putting their transport in such a position that all three crusaders could look at her.

“Hi Zecora!” The fillies exclaimed in unison, despite their previous daredevil stunt, all three still had their joyful childish tone, as if what they had done wasn’t dangerous or spectacular at all.

“Goodness me! What a shocking way to be greeted by you three!” Zecora answered, smiling at the three fillies and their antics.

“Thank you, but it wasn’t that hard, just a few simple tricks we have learned.” Scootaloo answered with a wave of her hoof.

Zecora just gave her a small node before turning her attention back all three crusaders. “What is it that you require that would cause you to chase me with such fire?”

The crusaders gave her a big smile, at the same time Apple Bloom reached into her back, past the still intact spyglass and binoculars, before pulling out a golden ticket.

“SURPRISE!” The three shouted in unison while holding the ticket as close to Zecora’s face as their small bodies could reach.

Before Zecora could say a thing the fillies began to talk. “It’s a ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala!” Apple Bloom explained with excitement.

“As well as an invitation to stay at the castle for the weekend.” Sweetie Belle added.

“Yes, Princess Celestia and Luna were nice enough to give us our own tickets to invite whoever we wish,” Scootaloo continued.

“And we decided to invite you!” The three fillies exclaimed in unison, somehow moving the ticket closer to Zecora’s face.

Zecora froze for a second, her mouth slightly open because of the surprise. “I-I don’t know what to say! Zecora then carefully took the ticket with her hoof, as if it could trumble into dust. “Thank you for brightening my day!” She added, while giving the crusaders a hug.

“It was notting Zecora,” Apple Bloom answered while hugging her back.

“Oh, by the way,” Sweetie Belle added after they broke their hug, “if you don’t have anything to wear, Rarity told me she can make you a dress.”

“"I have an old dress most fitting, but sadly it's in disrepair. Perhaps I could trouble your sister, if she has a moment to spare."”. Zecora asked Sweetie while tapping her chin, trying to remember where she had put that old thing.

“Don’t worry, Rarity already told me that she’ll happily fix any dress related problem of whoever we invite. If anything, she’ll love the chance to take a look at something as unique as what you probably own.” Sweetie answered while she and Apple Bloom climbed back into the wagon.

“Curiosity strikes me regarding this night. Please tell me, who else did you give an invite?” Zecora asked, as the crusaders prepared to roll out.

“Well, we already gave one to Miss Cheerilee,” Scootaloo said, while checking that the fall hadn’t damaged either the scooter or wagon.

“But, we ain’t sure who else we’re gonna invite.” Apple Bloom answered while making sure her helmet hadn't come loose.

Zecora then turned her attention to the sky, looking thoughtfully, but before she could make a suggestion she saw something that made her chuckle. She then smiled at the fillies before restarting to walk back to her home. “Don't worry, my friends, I'm sure the answer will come to you. I offer my thanks again, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo.”

Before the fillies could ask what she meant, they were tackled out of their transport and into a hug by an extremely friendly light grey griffon.

“That was amazing! You three were going so fast! I couldn't even catch you! And then the jump! When I saw you were turning I thought you were going to crash, but you didn’t! I don’t know what to say except that you are amazing!” Gabby exclaimed while hugging the crusaders; somehow her tone showed more excitement than usual.

“Hi Gabby! The crusaders replied, after Gabby had finished her little narration of their stunt and while doing their best to return the hug despite the tight embrace that characterised Gabby’s hugs.

Zecroa simply greeted Gabby with a wave and a chuckle at her shenanigans.

“Oh, hi Zecora!” Gabby answered, while gently putting the crusaders back on the ground. “Do you need help taking that back home?” She asked, after noticing that Zecora was carrying her saddlebags under her cloak.

“Perhaps you can help, but not to lighten my load. There is an event coming that's right down your road.” Zecora answered, while giving the crusaders a wink.

“An event? What do you mean?” Gabby asked, tilting her head in confusion, before turning around to see Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo once she realised who Zecora was winking to. “Do you know what she’s talking about?”

The fillies looked at each with a big smile on their faces, before nodding at the same time. Apple Bloom then rushed back to the wagon, quickly putting out the last invitations from their bags before running back to Gabby and the other girls.

Just as before, the crusaders exclaimed, “SURPRISE!” while holding the ticket as close to Gabby’s face as they could.

“Thank you!” Gabby exclaimed, before embracing the three fillies in another tight hug. “Though, to be honest, I don’t know what this is, but thank you none the least.” Gabby added after putting the crusaders back on the ground and taking a closer look at the ticket on her claw. Zecora and the crusaders smiled at Gabby’s question, even the young fillies wished they could have the same excitement as their griffon friend did.

“It’s a ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala!” Apple Bloom explained.

“One if not the most important event in all of Equestria.” Sweetie Belled added, with a joking tone that mocked Rarity, going so far as to play with the part of her mane that wasn’t under the helmet.

“So it is you, me, and Cheerilee that will be the plus ones of these three.” Zecora chimed in on the explanation with a playful tone.

“Indeed, and it’s not only the gala, the Princesses invited us to spend the weekend in the palace too.” Scootaloo finished, still finding it hard to believe that they were going to speed a few days in the castle.

Gabby herself had become more and more excited throughout the explanation, her eyes slowly becoming wider and wider as well as her smile; but when the Princesses were mentioned something changed in her expression. It wasn’t a negative change, but quite positive, as the same spark she had in her eyes when meeting the crusaders for the first time made a reappearance.

“When you mean the Princesses, you mean Princess Celestia right?” Gabby asked, trying to hold back her excitement.

“Yep” Apple Bloom answered, not with pride but with the same calm tone as that of Big Mac.

“And Princess Luna too,” Scootaloo adeed, imitating the same tone as that of Apple Bloom’s.

“So, does that mean I have a chance to meet Princess Celestia?” Gabby asked, her excitement becoming too much to hold back.

“I mean, she’ll definitely have things to do, and Twilight will want to spend some time with her, but we’re gonna be in Canterlot for all the weekend, so you’ll definitely have a chance to meet her.” Sweetie explained.

None of the crusaders nor Zecora noticed that the excitement of Gabby had reached a building point, as Gabby launched herself towards the crusaders, embracing them in another hug.

“Thankyou thankyou thankyou!” Gabby exclaimed before flying upwards and spinning in joy, taking the fillies with her while laughing the same way she did when she met the crusaders for the first time.

“G-gabby,” Sweetie Belle said in a whisper, struggling to breathe because of the extra tight embrace.

“We spoke about this,” Scootaloo adeed, also struggling to make herself heard as she too was having trouble breathing.

“Not so tight, remember?” Apple Bloom finished, her tone being a little more audible compared to her friends as her strong earth pony muscles. Allowed her to breathe a little better.

“Oh! I’m sorry!” Gabby answered, relaxing her arms. She then began to descend, to her surprise she was higher than what she had thought, expecting to be hovering barely above the ground rather than at the same height as town hall.

“Though I find it quite delightful, why are you so excitable?” Zecora asked once Gabby and the crusaders had returned to the ground.

“Of course.” Gabby answered with excitement rather than the shy behaviour one would expect in that kind of situation. “You see, I always wanted to meet Princess Celestia. Even since I was a little chick back in Griffonstone I always heard stories of how beautiful and lovely Equestria was; and often Princess Celestia was credited as making your land that way, and well, ever since then I always wanted to meet her and befriend her.”

“Aww!” Sweetie exclaimed, finding Gabby’s explanation to be quite adorable.

“So, she’s basically your hero?” Scootaloo asked, as Gabby reminded her of how she sees Rainbow Dash.”

“Yep,” Gabby answered with a simple nod.

“I apologize, but I must make haste, not a second more must I waste. The gala is soon and I must soon prepare, for the old dress I have is in need of repair.” Zecora said with a wave, before restarting her walk back home.

“Later Zecora.” Both the crusaders and Gabby exclaimed while waving back to Zecora.

“She’s right, we should start preparing for the gala,” Apple Bloom added while she and the other crusaders returned to the wagon and scooter.

“You too Gabby, you probably have a lot to do in preparation to meet Princess Celestia,” Scootaloo added.

“Not really,” Gabby answer in a nonchalant tone, “Derpy already told me we are getting also getting the long weekend off, so I don’t have to worry about work”

“Well, you still need a dress among other things. Rarity already told me that whomever we invited can come to the boutique for help preparing for the gala; so if you need anything our door is always open.” Sweetie continued.

“Thank you, I might drop later tomorrow.” Gabby answers, trying to think of what else she might need to take care of. “I still thank you enough for the ticket, you are such good friends”.

“It was nothing Gabby,” the crusaders answered with a smile.

“Toodles!” Gabby exclaimed before taking flight. “I’M GONNA MEET PRINCESS CELESTIA! WOOHOO!” Gabby stopped amid flighty to celebrate, raising her florelegs before diving down, the small dive giving her more speed as she flew away.

As they saw their friend fly away the crusaders turned to see each other, and after a silent nod, the three high-hoof, happy that today had gone so well.

A few days later, during a weekend afternoon, Zecora found herself at the front door of the Rarity’s Carousel Boutique. Just like when she had purchased a few things at the market early that week, she was rearing or cloak with her saddlebags under it, though this time the bags were more noticable, as she had stuffed them as best as she could with her old dress.

Zecora tried to look for any signs that the place was open, but she couldn't find any, after a few more seconds of looking around she decided to knock at the door.

“Please come in, the door is open.” Rarity called in from inside the boutique.

Zecora followed her instructions and moved inside the building, looking at the interior with curiosity, as there were a lot more dresses and fabric scattered around than the last time she had visited.

“Hi Zecora!” Sweetie Belled exclaimed, getting the attention of her distracted friend.

“Afternoon Zecora,” Rarity said, after taking her eyes off Sweetie, who was wearing a new dress that Rarity was adjustmenting.

“Greetings, my friends.” Zecora answered with a wave.

“So, Sweetie and her friends told me you have an old dress you can use for the gala, did you find it?” Rarity asked, turning her attention back to Sweetie Belle and her dresses.

“Indeed! I have this dress to mend.” Zecora answered, struggling to put it out of her saddlebags.

“Excellent, could you please put it on, I want to see how you look with it. The fitting room is behind me.” Rarity said, not taking her eyes off Sweetie’s dress.

“Are you quite certain? I do not wish to be a burden. It is quite old and worn, you see. It may no longer fit properly.” Zecora answered, as she made her way to the small fitting room.

“Don’t worry about it.” Rarity answered, levitating a needle and some thread to fix a small hole in Sweetie’s dress.

“Yep, there's no damaged dress my big sis can’t fix.” Sweetie added, reaming still to make sure Rarity didn’t poke her with the needle.

“Except burned dresses,” Rarity answered with a sassy tone.

“I told you, it was Discord’s fault!” Sweetie exclaimed sharply, remembering how the previous dress she had worn to the gala was accidentally destroyed during said event.

Zecora chuckled at the exchange, before looking at the dress with consearn. “Then I will be sure to be putting it on most carefully. Now how did this go? Did this go on top or below?” She then left her clocks and saddlebags on a small hook and entered the fitting room.

“By the way Zecora, why did you knock?” Rarity asked, trying to make some conversation to pass the time.

“You did not seem open for business, I did not wish to beg your forgiveness.” Zecora answered, groaning a little as she began to battle with her dress.

“I told you we are forgetting something.” Sweetie said while looking at Rarity, who was looking at the front door with shock at the realisation that indeed, they had forgot to put the opensign.

Rarity sighed, while putting the sign in place. “At least I was able to fix everyone’s dresses.” She said, while cringing at the thought of how many clients she probably lost that day because of that small mistake.

Fortunately for Rarity’s morale, someone else showed up to keep her distracted.

“Hi Rars! Hi Sweet!” Gabby exclaimed while entering the boutique, as always she had that contagious smile and jolly spirit.

“Welcome Gabby!” Rarity said with a smile.

“Hi Gabby,” Sweetie answered, before tilting her head a little, “Sweet?”

“Yeah, I tried to come up with a nickname for you and that's the best I could think of.” Gabby explained, “Do you like it?”

“I don’t know why but my name has never worked when making it shorter, it just feels… odd” Sweetie answered, remembering how no one had tried to shorten her name, not even her parents or Rarity. “At least it’s better than when Scootaloo tried to make ‘bee’ a thing.” She concluded, remembering that weird week when Scootaloo called her bee, and how every time she did Sweetie would begging to look for a bee.

“So it's this the place?” Another griffon asked from behind Gabby, it was only then when either Rarity or Sweetie realised that Gilda was with Gabby.

“Hello Gilda,” Rarity said with a small wave, as she didn’t have much experience with the griffon, even after her ‘improvement in behaviour’ or as Pinky described it: ‘the meany got less meany’.

“Oh, hello… Rarity, right?” Gilda answered with a very awkward wave.

“Oh, so you know each other, wonderful!” Gabby said, not noticing the tension between the two.

Rarity just smiled at Gabby unwavering enthusiasm. “So, I imagine you two come to get your dresses fixed?”

“Yep!” Gabby answered while digging into her saddlebags, however, before she could show the dress to Rarity she interrupted her.

“I’m sorry dear, but for me it’s easier to work when the dress is being worn. I still have space in two of the three fitting rooms so please get change.” Rarity exclaimed, moving aside, letting both griffons make her way to where the rooms were.

“Say, who’s in the other one?” Gabby asked, while she and Gilda entered the spare fitting rooms.

“It's me, Gabby.” Zecora called out from inside the room.

“Oh, hi Zecora good to… well I was going to say see you, but it's more like hear you.” Gabby answered while putting her own dress on..

“Zecora, you are taking quite long in there, do you need any help?” Rarity asked, noticing that Zecora still hadn't left the fitting room.

“No need to worry, I simply feel a little gauche," Zecora answered tersely from the changing room. Several grunts and angry groans sounded from inside until Zecora yelled, "For heaven's sake, where in the world is my brooch?"

“Don’t worry about it, I have a few of those here.” Rarity explained.

“Please come out Zecora, I want to see how you look,” Sweetie pleaded, as besides that witch costume Zecora usually wore during Nightmare Night, she had never seen Zecora with something besides her cloak.

“Fine, I resign. Here I come Sweetie, and Miss Rarity.” Zecora said before leaving the small fitting room.

Her dress was quite unique, besides the black colour, something unusual as ponies prefered more lively colours, the most interesting part was how it looked. Rather than something elaborated, it look more like a simple piece of fabric in a long rectangular shape that had being wrapped around Zecora; looking like a sort of togga but somehow tighter, accentuating her body, yet it was also quite lose, letting her walk normally, it also cut short of the neck at an angle, letting her entire right foreleg exposed.

“Well? Don't keep me waiting. Is this a good dress for celebrating?” Zecora asked. Before either Rarity or Sweetie could answer, part of the dress slipped and ended on the floor, revealing that indeed it was just a long rectangular fabric.

“Let me guest, that’s why you need the brooch?” Rarity asked, before starting to look for it.

Zecora simply nodded. At the same time Sweetie walked around her, adring the dress. “You look so pretty!” Was the only thing the little fillie could say.

“Indeed, you look quite elegant my dear.” Rarity said, while helping Zecora with the broach, a golden one with a flower whose interior was a dimont and petals were also gold.

“However, there's a few problems!” Rarity added sharply, while walking around Zecora. “There's a few holes here and there, and I suppose you aren’t supposed to drag the back through the floor.” She added, noticing that there was quite a long surplus amount of fabric at Zecora’s back legs.

“Wait? Is this cotton?” Rarity asked, after taking the fabric on her hoof to take a closer look at it.

“Yes, a traditional kanga, woven with the finest of tools. For me to go without one, why, I'd look quite the fool..” Zecora explained.

“SWEET CELESTIA!” Rarity exclaimed in horror while looking at a part of the surplus fabric at the back that had a massive hole on it.

“Oh yes, I confess, last I wore this was under some duress. In my haste I might've created a terrible mess.” Zecora explained in a nonchalant tone.

“Poor little thing, Rarity is going to take care of you.” Rarity said while petting the fabric like it was a lost and afraid kitten,

“Are these nicks ones you can fix?” Zecora asked, though she already knew the answer.

“Not only I can, but I must!” Rarity exclaimed with determination. “This little beauty has already given me a bunch of ideas, and I can’t let my muse go out there in such terrible condition.”

“Wow! You look beautiful Zecora,” Gabby said with stonismsnet, alerting the others that she and Gilda had finished getting dressed.

“Why thank you for liking this dress, though it's torn through and meager, but if you don't my saying, you two don't look bad either.” Zecora answered, taking a better look at the griffons.

Unlike Zecoras’s dress, their dresses had a bit more complexity, but not that much compared to that of a standard pony dress. It was of a single piece and colour, without much detail our decoration, resembling that simple yellow dress with a bow Rarity made for Twilight’s birthday. Gilda’s dress was of a light purple, the same as that of the tip of her head feathers, while Gabby’s was of a light blue, the same as that of her eyes and the hair, or well feather tie she always uses.

However, the most remarkable thing was what they wore over the dresses, as both had capes, and quite elaborate capes compared to their dresses. Both had yellow lines in the shape of patterns, the yellow being of the same colour as that of their talons and beak. The capes also had holes, where they could choose to put their wings though, or high them, as Gabby had hers out while Gilda didn’t. The capes also had a big pointed flat collar and even a fluffy white collar, making them look like royalty, As for the colours, Gilda’s was red, making her look even more royal, while Gabby’s was of a light grey, the same as that of her feathers.

“Wait, does this mean capes are part of griffon formal dresses?” Rarity asked, as took a closer look at both.

“I suppose so?” Gilda answered with a light shrug.

“You know Gilda, I’m starting to understand why you call us ponies lame,” Rarity said, as she had always been a big fan of capes.

“Gilda! Language!” Gabby exclaimed in shock, scolding Gilda for her bad language like a mother to her daughter, even though Gilda was just a little older.

“Oh come Gabby! That was years ago!” Gilda answered with a sigh, knowing that Gabby will force her to apologise.

Rarity just chuckled, before getting closer, looking for imperfections. “Well, there's a few holes, but less than what I expected, some of the seams are quite loose. As for the capes, some of the patterns need love, and honestly I think the fluffy collar is too much, you look like a pre-Equestria royals, and for what Twilight told me they were insufferable.”

“Agree, we look like clowns with this, and they are very itch,” Gilda answered while scratching her neck,

“Hey Rarity, if you take off the fluf, can you give me a hood? I like them a lot” Gabby asked, while pulling the cape over her head, imitating the look of a hood.

“Of course I can, dear,” Rarity answered, already looking for a fabric of the same colour to make the hood. “Alreight, you better get comfortable because we are gonna be here for a while”.

“Oh, I’ll go for snacks!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed while rushing to the kitchen.

“How much is this going to take?” Gilda asked, a little inpatient.

“A few hours,” Rarity answered with a nonchalant tone.

Gilda let out a groan in desperation. “Como on Gilda, look at the bright side.” Gabby answered while giving her a pat in the back.

“Indeed, our dresses will be lovely like a bouquet of callas, with this we shall be ready for the Grand Galloping Gala!” Zecora said, while making herself comfortable in one of Rarity’s couches.

“Speaking of the gala, the best advice I can give you is to stay away from that spoiled colt in the body of a stallion known as ‘Prince Blueblood’.” Rarity said while starting to work and Gilda’s dress, using an extremely mocking tone when saying the name of the prince. “He's an absolutely dreadful character that will ruin your evening.”

“Could you please stop talking about him?” Sweetie exclaimed while entering the room, bringing some candies, some cookies and 5 glasses of water with her. “I know he was mean to you but every time we have been invited to the gala you go on hours long tirades about him.”

“Hmmm! I was just warning our friends about him.” Rarity answered with indignation, before returning her attention back to Gilda’s dress.

“I doubt he would be a problem.” Gabby said with a relaxed tone. “I tend to get along with almost everyone, besides I’m mainly going to the gala to meet Princess Celestia”.

“Still, keep an eye out for him,” Rarity answered; at the same time Zecora took one of the glasses of water, thanking Sweetie Belle before drinking part of it’s content.

“Anyway, so how’s everything going back in Griffonstone?” Sweetie asked after giving Gilda and Rarity their own glasses of water and sitting next to Gabby.

“Things are going quite well, Gilda’s bakery is doing very well.” Gabby answered after eating one of the cookies.

“Oh, I didn’t know you had a bakery.” Sweetie Belle exclaimed while turning to look at Gilda. “Could you please tell me more about it?”

Gilda just let out a sigh. “Come on Gilda! Tell her about your bakery.” Gabby said, noticing that Gilda was reluctant to do so.

Gilda rolled her eyes, “Alright, but can you bring more water, please?” She answered, while holding her empty glass.

“You forgot to say please,” Gabby added in a singing-like tone.

Gilda just let a tired old groan while Zecora chuckled, looking forward to a few hours of this kind of always charming antics; and for the look of things, so did Rarity, Sweetie and Gabby.

Comments ( 3 )

Zecoa will speak with the same speech pattern as Yoda from Star Wars (not all the time thought as not even Yoda talks talks that way all the time).

Nice addition to Zecora rhyming speech of hers which we liked about her


Thx for pointing out those mistakes, already taking care or them :twilightsmile:


Well, just like Celestia he has his own reasons to have a distaste for gala. I already hinted as to why in this chapter but in the next one it will become clearer as to why


Perfect summery of this chapter (you are right about Gilda, indeed she was invited by Dash). As to mistakes I will soon make a post in “Looking for editors” to get that fixed.

Thx for letting me know that you are interested in the story, hopefully I can get the next chapter out soon~ish ™


Remember that all the credit for the rhyming goes to Rego, you should probably check his stuff, its quite good.

Keep in mind that this will probably be the exception and that is very likely that this might be the only chapter in where Zecora rhymes

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