• Published 7th Jul 2021
  • 170 Views, 1 Comments

The Puzzzle Shield Series: The After-Journey - Puzzleshield

Puzzle, Smokey and Satan Shield finds the Elements of Harmony helds by Enemies long gone.

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The Element of Laughter and Magic: Friendship Problem 5: The Battle in Gotham City: the Final Battle

As me, Satan Shield and Smokey appeared at our last location, I noticed this place looks familiar.
“Buddy, can you tell us where we are?” Smokey asked.
I checked my scanner, gasped in stunned surprise, put that scanner back in my Saddlebag and answered, “Guys, I think we’re on the rooftops of Wayne Tower.”

Satan Shield replied, “ If we’re on Wayne Tower, then who are we facing?”
A strange rumble came from down the tower.
The sound of Rocket Boosters grew louder until The Joker Robot (who was last seen in ‘Lego Batman 2’ and ‘Lego Dimensions’) appeared in front of the tower.

“Well, if it isn’t my old friend, Puzzle.” said a familiar voice on P.A.
‘I know that voice’ I thought.
“Joker!” I said with confidence as Satan Shield, Smokey and I pulled our weapons in our charging pose as we’re about to be ready for the final fight.

“Ding, Ding, Ding!” Joker said. “One point for the idoti-”
A blast of Rainbow that damaged the chest interrupted The Joker.
The Chest shows Pinkie and Twilight’s Elements instead of Kryptonite.

“Enough!” Yelled a mysterious pony voice.
Me, Satan Shield and Smokey looked at what that mysterious voice came from.
And it came from none other than, the Mane 6 with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna (who recently been reunited with Celestia and put the dark deeds behind her) came to safe the day at last.

“Puzzle!” asked Twilight Sparkle (as a Unicorn) to me as I turned to her, “Get the last two Elements in the Che-”
“Done!” I said as I already got Pinkie and Twilight’s Elements with my horn.

The Joker Robot powered down and landed roughly on the streets of Gotham City.
We cheered as I put Pinkie and Twilight’s Elements in my Saddlebag.
“Buddy, we did it!” Smokey cheered as Me and Satan Shield hugged him, then Twilight, AJ, RD, Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie gave us a group hug.

Celestia turned to me and asked, “Puzzle?”
I turned to Celestia, then she continued, “I knew you could do it.”
“F-For what?” I asked.

Princess Luna Puts her hoof under my chin as I smiled warmly and Said, “why, completing your quest of course, Dearest Puzzle.”
Luna lowered her hoof to the ground, then Celestia continued, “Thanks to you, Satan Shield and Smokey, you faced your fears and leading to reform everypony including Molestia. When you first arrived to Ponyville, we almost forgot that your Legend are still in the Journal of the Elements of Harmony that my faithful student, Twilight Sparkle has. Twilight and her friends told me everything about you along with your quest and they were pleased we’ll help you out. Now that you pony’s quest is done, you, Smokey and Satan Shield will now stay in Ponyville together as new friends of the Elements of Harmony.”

After hearing Celestia told me about my legend and quest, I squealed with joy and bounced around Celestia and Said with excitement, “Yes, Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes…” then I dashed to hug Smokey and Satan Shield tightly and continued, “... YEEEEEEES!”

“Uh, Puzzle? Are you ok?” Satan Shield asked.
I let go of Smokey and Satan Shield, giggled sheepishly and answered, “um…. Yes.”
“Oh, thank Celestia.” Smokey replied as he and Satan Shield tried to catch their breath .

“So, Puzzle. I was thinking.” Satan Shield said.
I turned to her and replied, “Yes, Satan?”
Satan Shield asked with a smile, “Since we save the Multiverse and all, should I build my new home underneath Ponyville and Canterlot?”

I answered with a gleeful smile, “Ok, Satan. You may.”
Satan Shield said with a, “Ya-Hooo!” as she use a ray gun to open up a portal to the Forgotten Realm, sticks her head in and calls, “My fellow Skeletons! The time hath come to build our new home underneath Ponyville and Canterlot!”

Then, She gets her head out of the portal, opens up the Portal underneath Ponyville and Canterlot underground then, every Skeletons marched to Ponyville and Canterlot underground.
Before Satan Shield heads with the Skeletons to help them build her new home, she turns to me and Smokey and asks, “We’ll see each other again, right?”

I answered with a hopeful smile, “sure, Satan. Good luck building your new home.”
Satan Shield nods for a goodbye (For Now) with a smile and heads in the portal with the other Skeletons.
Applejack turned to me and said, “Ah think we should get back to Ponyville too, Sugarcube. We don’t want the Apple Family to wait on us, do we?”

“Yeah…” I said, then I put on my hat that looks like Applejack’s but blue and continued in a western accent, “... Ah guess your right, New sis.”
Then, AppleJack and I cheered with a, “Yee-Haw!” then, I took off my Apple Family hat as Twilight and her friends with Celestia and Luna laughed.

As Twilight teleport her friends and the two princesses back to Ponyville for a celebration, Smokey activate his Wrist Morpher to change from Pony back into a Baby Dragon, hopped on my back and we teleport back to Ponyville.

-Meanwhile at the streets of Gotham City-

The Joker Robot was on fire.
Both Joker and Lex Luthor got themselves back up to their feets.
The Portal opens up.
Then, as every reformed villains with the other heroes including The Chief and QXR along with the Shadow Droids and General Shadow Freddy came out and brought out their weapons, ready to attack for The Joker and Lex Luthor’s final blow.

Joker sighs in relief and says, “My friends.”
“Friends?” Daybreaker said, then turned to Molestia, “I thought he said ‘we’re the enemies.’”
“Yeah, that’s what Oscar told us.” Said Molestia.

Lex slapped Joker in the arm and yelled, “You idiot! I thought this wor-”
“Lex!” Merasmus yelled, interrupting Lex.
Lex turns his head to Merasmus as Merasmus continued, “If I remember correctly, Oscar also told us that you and Joker also says that, ‘we’re revolting scavengers.’”

“Yeah,” Vader said while activating his lightsaber, “that you and Joker wanted to trick us by doing what you two wanted.”
Both Joker and Lex gulped in horror.
Everyone turned to Ed, the psychotic hyena and asked, “Ed?”

Ed laughed, menacingly then licked his lip for the sign of payback.
“NO, LET ME EXPLAIN!” Joker yelled, “We were trying to fool her! WE WILL RULE TOGETHER!”
Then, Brutalight Sparcake walked through the smoke, pulled out her blade and said, “There's only one true thing you and Lex ever say, Joker. ‘A villain’s mind is never full.’”

Joker dashes to Lex and holds him tight and yelled, “HOLD ME, LEXIE!”
Lex groaned and mumbled to himself, “Oh, Mon Dieu.”
“Gentlemen?” Spy asked as he turned to everyone as the got their weapons ready then aimed at their new targets, Joker and Lex, “Shall we?”

Then as everyone is ready to attack Joker and Lex, the Soldier cried out, “ATTACK!”
Then, as they fired at Lex and Joker, the Joker cried out in terror as Rockets from the Rocket Launchers flew close to them, “No. Le-le-let me explain. No, You don’t understand! No, we didn’t mean it. NO! NO, I’m sorry we called yo- NO!”
Then, Joker and Lex are dead, not big surprise.

Author's Note:

references for Joker and Lex's death


p.s. I'm still working on the Epilogue and a Bonus Story.