• Published 7th Jul 2021
  • 169 Views, 1 Comments

The Puzzzle Shield Series: The After-Journey - Puzzleshield

Puzzle, Smokey and Satan Shield finds the Elements of Harmony helds by Enemies long gone.

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The Element of Autism and Kindness: ‘Weirdmageddon: Take Back the Falls’: Bill’s Permanent Demise

Smokey and I teleported to Bill’s Fortress in Weirdmageddon and saw Stanly and Ford trapped in a cage that looks like a pyramid but with blue, then Smokey asked. “Buddy, Stanley and Ford are trapped! What are we-” Smokey’s words were cut off as I shushed him and answered. “Quiet, Smokey. Bill’s circling back about now”

Finally, Bill got back as a giant and helds Dipper and Mabel in his grasp and saids. “Alright, Ford times up!” Smokey and I frighteningly saw Dipper and Mabel, helplessly in Bill’s giant hand. “I got the kids!”

I walked off, Pulling up the Sword of Autism (the blade is red and blue, all knighty look, on top of the bottom of the blade helds a golden puzzle piece, and the handle is yellow and green, and shows an Autism Spectrum on the sword’s harness all wrapped around my waist and my wings) with my alicorn magic and Smokey with me, confidently.

Bill continued. “I think I’m gonna KILL one of ‘em now just for the heck of it! EENIE..MEENIE...MINEE…”Bill’s eye switches between the pine tree and shooting star symbol with each word, then ends on the shooting star “... YOO-”

“ENOUGH!” I yelled, mysteriously. Then, when Bill paused, he asked. “Where are you, kid?” Then I answered. “Down here.” Bill looked down and saw me. Then, Bill laughed and said, “oh, how can a pony beat-”

“I surrender!” I interrupted. Then, Bill said. “Nice choice, kid.” Then, Bill dropped Dipper and Mabel to the floor. Then, Ford dressed up as Stanley asked, frightfully. “Are you crazy, whoever you are?! You’re letting him destroy the universe?!” Then, I yelled. “It’s the only way!”

Bill laughed and said. “Oh, even when you're about to die, you just can’t get along that easily.” Then, Bill snapped his fingers as the chains that looked like red rubber that looked like rubber hands wrapped around Stanley and Ford. Then, I asked. “My only condition is for you to let my friends. GO!” Bill sighed and answered. “Fine.”

“No, whoever you are! Don’t trust him!” Dipper yelled. I looked at Dipper and winked at him with a smile. “He’s tricking him?” Dipper wondered. Then I asked Dipper, quietly. “Don’t tell him that, ok?” Then, Dipper nodded for the sign of, yes.

Smokey and I walked towards Bill together. “It’s a… DEAL!” Bill said as he held out his hand now it was led with blue fire. I held my hoof and into Bill’s hand and shook it. Then, Bill turns into stone to enter the mental realm.

Bill laughed crazily, but right before Bill could enter my mind I yelled. “TRICK!” I ducked as Bill entered Stanley’s mind. I asked Smokey. “Smokey, hop on my back, quick?” so, Smokey hopped on my back and I quickly used the ‘Mind-Teleportation' spell to enter Stanley’s mind.

-meanwhile in Stanley’s mind-

In Stanley’s mind, it looks like Stanley’s living room back at the Mystery Shack. Stanley was sitting on the chair playing with the paddle ball. Then, he asked me. “Woah kid, what are you doing here?”

Then, I answered. “ Trust me, Stan. I know what I’m doing.” Then, Stanley got out of the chair, handed me the Paddleball so I can ignite my horn to levitate it, and hide behind his chair. I sat on Stan’s chair and Smokey with me and played with the Paddle Ball for about a second.

Then, Bill opened the door and said. “You really know how to clear you-” But Bill’s words were cut off as he saw me and Smokey playing with the Paddle Ball. We stopped and saw Bill. Then I said. “Well Bill, I trick you again.”
“WHAT?!” Bill yelled in shock. Then, I said. “You’ve made a good impression on my friends, don’t I? Tricking you by luring you here and nopony can tell us apart. Welcome to Stan’s mind. Surprisingly, you’ve didn’t even recognized it before.”

-outside of Stan’s mind-

Dipper, Mabel and Ford looked at Stanley, worryingly. Then Ford took off Stanley’s fez and pulled out the memory gun. He enters ‘Stanley Pines’ and aims it at his brother. Ford was scared to erase his own brother’s mind but he has to do it anyway.

-back to Stan’s mind-

“WHAT?! How do you get here?! Whoever you are, the deal’s off!” Bill yelled. Then, the door magically closed then lit it with blue fire. “Perfect! Nows my chance.” I said. Then, I pulled out my Sword of Autism with my horn, and charged it with blue fire.

And it’s now fully charged to 100%. “Now, I have. POWER!” I yelled with excitement as Smokey and I hoof bumped each other. “What the… You can’t use that sword here! YOU IDIOT!” Bill yelled, shockingly.

“Congrats, Bill. You’re getting permanently erased. The Sword of Autism. Pretty clever, huh? Also, somepony back at the Ponyville Sword Store told me that this sword is special and it can cut through anything with one slice.” I said.

Bill yelled, fightenlly. “Y-You Idiot! Don’t you realize how much power this sword has?!” Then I answered. “Meh, it’s not like I’d didn’t known you this much anyway.” Then, Bill said. “Let me outta here! Let me-”

“OH, NO YOU DON’T!” I interrupted. Then, before Bill can get away I use my horn to levitate my Sword of Autism and stab Bill in the chest from behind. Then I said, “You thought I’d let you get away, you overgrowned IDIOT!” Then, My sword let go of Bill’s chest.

Then, I saw something attached to my sword was the source of Bill’s resurrection device (with the help of the Axolotl). I ignited my horn at Bill’s device and got off my sword and looked at it. Then I thought, “So, this is letting him get away, huh?” Then, I smashed Bill’s device and threw it at the blue fire. Bill yelled, frightened with defeat. “I can’t believe it! Beaten up by an Autistic Alicorn!”

“HEY! Turn around and look at me, you one-eyed Creep!” I yelled as Bill turned around to face me and Smokey. “You're a real wise guy, but you’ve made one more fatal mistake than the last. You’ve messed with me and Smokey’s Friendship!”
“Yeah, what my buddy said!” Smokey said.

Bill yelled. “You’re making a mistake since the two of you reunited! I’ll give you the rest of the day off! PLEASE!” Then I answered. “Thank’s, but no thanks. I love my Smokey more.” I hugged Smokey. Then Bill yelled as he bends and melts and distorted into different forms “WHAT’S HAPPENING TO ME?!” then he speaks backwards “!reveroF ,ecnetsixE morF desarE yltnenamreP neeB ve’I woN !ooT ,oG I ,seiD rewoP yM nehW !enoG erA srewoP yM !gnineppaH s’tahW!” then Bill yells with final breath. “WHOOO AAARRE YOOOOOOU??!”

Before I do something with Bill, I put on my hat that looks like Applejack’s but with blue. Then I said with a western accent. “Ah’m Puzzle Shield. YEEEHAW!” As I say that word AJ used to say when she’s herding up the cows from ‘Applebuck Season’, I applebucked Bill Cipher in the eye, then Bill fades from existence and screams faintly.

“Whoo-ee!” I said. “That’s how Ah do it on the farm.” Finally, I took off my hat that Applejack gave me for me and Smokey’s arrival to Ponyville, I asked Smokey in a normal accent again. “Come on, Smokey. Let’s get outta here before we get erased.” Then Smokey answered. “Ok, buddy.” As Smokey climbed on my back, I once again use the ‘mind-teleportation’ spell to get us back to Bill’s Fortress.

-meanwhile on the tip of Bill’s fortress roof-

Smokey and I somehow manage to teleport ourselves on the roof of Bill’s fortress until. “Buddy, look!” Smokey said. Then, out of nowhere, Smokey and I saw the Tear in the sky turn into blue. Then Smokey asked. “Do you know what this means, buddy?”

Then, I answered with confidence. “That’s the sign of the Hacking Beginning, Smokey. Hold on.” Then, as Smokey held on my neck, I flew faster than Rainbow Dash herself. Then, the blue tear in the sky sucks Bill’s hench-maniacs and Fortress back into the Nightmare Realm and closes permanently.

”WOOOO-HOOOOO!” Smokey and I cheered as I Prepared my own Sonic Rainboom called, ‘the Puzzle Rainboom’ (aka, the Autistic Colored version of the Sonic Rainboom) to turn everything in Gravity Falls back to its Pre-Weirdmageddon state and ignited My horn to teleport me and Smokey out of Gravity Falls.

-Somewhere in the woods of Gravity Falls-

Smokey and I landed in where the location of Bill’s Statue was. Then, the bird landed on Bill’s hand after I tricked him by shaking his hand. I stared at it for 30 seconds and I thought “Since Bill’s permanently gone, we won’t see him again. But still, I’m glad that’s over.

“Buddy?” Smokey called. I turned to him and I saw Fluttershy's Element and somehow, My element on Smokey’s Baby Dragon claws. I ignited my horn to pull my element to me and took a look at it.

My Element is somehow a different replica of Twilight’s (From “Friendship is Magic: Part 2: The Elements of Harmony) but instead of her cutie mark, it has a blue shield with red on the tip of the shield, and with a gold Puzzle piece on the center. I turned it over and there was a tag on it.

I read the words on the tag and it saids,
Dear Puzzle,
You somehow reversed time to bring back your best friend who was dead, then you got back to Weirdmageddon to face your Long-going enemy, Bill Cipher and take full responsibility for your new friendship to create.
For that and your quest, I’ll give you… this, your new Element and now declare you, The Princess of Autism. And your element is Autism. Now, you have to face your fears, solve friendship problems and collect the Elements of Harmony to take down old enemies long gone including, The Joker and Lex Luthor. And they helds the last two elements, Magic and Laughter.
Good Luck, and May Celestia and Luna guide you.
Your Guider and Future Princess of Equestria,
Twilight Sparkle.

Smokey and I gasped and I put Me and Fluttershy’s Elements in my saddlebag with my magic. “Smokey? Do you know what this means?” I asked Smokey with excitement.
Smokey answered. “We have to collect all other 5 Elements to take down old and new foes, buddy.”

I replied but was still excited while hugging Smokey. “ that. And, I’m the PRINCESS OF AUTISM! AAAHH! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!” Smokey hugged me as I hugged him and replied back with a smile. “Heh, of course, buddy.”

Then, Smokey and I laughed ourselves on the ground for about ten seconds and then we got back up to our hooves to calm ourselves down. Then, I turned to Smokey and asked. “Any luck on Satan Shield, buddy?”

Then, Smokey answered. “I was gonna reform him, why?” Then, I replied with confidence. “When you reformed my friend/ alicorn sister, meet me at Lazytown to begin our Element Collecting Hunt.” Then, Smokey replied back, saluting. “Yes, mamery-Bob, Buddy.”

So, it settles it, I’ll head to Lazytown waiting for them while Smokey reforms Satan Shield, my Alicorn Sister after our first encounter and final battle on Mustafar during Nightmare Night in the Forgotten Realm.

-meanwhile in the Castle of Friendship in the future-

In the meeting room, shows the Cutie-Map that shows states in Equestria now unlocks different worlds that shows me and Smokey’s friendship problem solved from the Gravity Falls world. Then, me and Smokey’s next Friendship Problem would be,...

The Element of Loyalty: Lazytown’s Friendship Problem.

-meanwhile in the forgotten realm-

The Forgotten Realm kinda looks like Bill Cipher’s but replaced with Human Skeletons. And in it, was none other than, Satan Shield (an Alicorn mare with eyes that looks like Twilight’s but a Vampyre Pony eyes But the eye color is yellow, fangs, the same mane and tail style and color as mine but with black, orange, yellow and red, the body color is red, the color to her wings are red but the tip of her wings are black, and her cutie mark is a grey and black shield and inside of it was a red pentacle) flying while she’s floating.

“I’m bored.” Satan Shield said as she sighed in displeasure. Then, the portal opened and was Smokey, now coming here to reformed Satan Shield. “Satan?” Asked Smokey as he approaches Satan Shield.

“What do you want?” Said Satan Shield as she floats towards Smokey. Then, Smokey answered as he held out his claws. “Will you join me?” Then as simple as that, Satan Shield holds out her hoof into Smokey’s claw for the sign of a Reformed Alicorn Sister joining on the action. “So, since I’m reformed, now what?” asked Satan Shield. Then Smokey answered. “We have to find my buddy, Puzzle Shield and find what our Friendship Problem is.”

Author's Note:

Now, Since something Puzzle hates and wants it to apologize for the way he treated Puzzle was a Deleted Scene, let's Skip to the actual hunt, shall we?

It's Shrek's that's what friends are for scene, Puzzle's Version.