The Puzzzle Shield Series: The After-Journey

by Puzzleshield

First published

Puzzle, Smokey and Satan Shield finds the Elements of Harmony helds by Enemies long gone.

Ok. So, Long story short.

I’ve saw the Future Mane 6, use the ‘time-reversal’ spell to go back to the very beginning of the series, beat the Mane 6 through the Everfree Forest (and for some reason, beat the tar out of the Shadowbolts along the way), and resurrect my pet, Smokey into a Baby Dragon but with brown and red. And we’re reunited.

But, the question is, what happens to me and Smokey after we saw the Elements of Harmony defeated Nightmare Moon? And what happens to me and Smokey before we get the things we needed for our new home in Ponyville? Well, the answer is…

me and Smokey’s After-Journey begins here.


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-The Twin Sister’s Tower Ruins: Oct 10, 2010: Series Premiere-

the Mane 6 were all lying there, unconsciously with their jewels of the elements on their necks.(Well, five of them.) But one has the tiara of the sixth element on her head.
I quickly grabbed the scanner out of my saddlebag to scan Twilight Sparkle. "How is she?" Smokey asked.

"The mane 6 are unconscious," I answered ."But they'll wake up after about a few minutes. So ~,... Smokey?" I Asked Smokey." wanna live in Ponyville with me? " Smokey finally answered. “Sure.”
“That’s great, Smokey.” I said in a cheerful way, then I suddenly remembered. “... but first, we have a score to settle.” Smokey asked, curiously. “Who, buddy?”

The Element of Autism and Kindness: ‘Weirdmageddon: Take Back the Falls’: Bill’s Permanent Demise

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Smokey and I teleported to Bill’s Fortress in Weirdmageddon and saw Stanly and Ford trapped in a cage that looks like a pyramid but with blue, then Smokey asked. “Buddy, Stanley and Ford are trapped! What are we-” Smokey’s words were cut off as I shushed him and answered. “Quiet, Smokey. Bill’s circling back about now”

Finally, Bill got back as a giant and helds Dipper and Mabel in his grasp and saids. “Alright, Ford times up!” Smokey and I frighteningly saw Dipper and Mabel, helplessly in Bill’s giant hand. “I got the kids!”

I walked off, Pulling up the Sword of Autism (the blade is red and blue, all knighty look, on top of the bottom of the blade helds a golden puzzle piece, and the handle is yellow and green, and shows an Autism Spectrum on the sword’s harness all wrapped around my waist and my wings) with my alicorn magic and Smokey with me, confidently.

Bill continued. “I think I’m gonna KILL one of ‘em now just for the heck of it! EENIE..MEENIE...MINEE…”Bill’s eye switches between the pine tree and shooting star symbol with each word, then ends on the shooting star “... YOO-”

“ENOUGH!” I yelled, mysteriously. Then, when Bill paused, he asked. “Where are you, kid?” Then I answered. “Down here.” Bill looked down and saw me. Then, Bill laughed and said, “oh, how can a pony beat-”

“I surrender!” I interrupted. Then, Bill said. “Nice choice, kid.” Then, Bill dropped Dipper and Mabel to the floor. Then, Ford dressed up as Stanley asked, frightfully. “Are you crazy, whoever you are?! You’re letting him destroy the universe?!” Then, I yelled. “It’s the only way!”

Bill laughed and said. “Oh, even when you're about to die, you just can’t get along that easily.” Then, Bill snapped his fingers as the chains that looked like red rubber that looked like rubber hands wrapped around Stanley and Ford. Then, I asked. “My only condition is for you to let my friends. GO!” Bill sighed and answered. “Fine.”

“No, whoever you are! Don’t trust him!” Dipper yelled. I looked at Dipper and winked at him with a smile. “He’s tricking him?” Dipper wondered. Then I asked Dipper, quietly. “Don’t tell him that, ok?” Then, Dipper nodded for the sign of, yes.

Smokey and I walked towards Bill together. “It’s a… DEAL!” Bill said as he held out his hand now it was led with blue fire. I held my hoof and into Bill’s hand and shook it. Then, Bill turns into stone to enter the mental realm.

Bill laughed crazily, but right before Bill could enter my mind I yelled. “TRICK!” I ducked as Bill entered Stanley’s mind. I asked Smokey. “Smokey, hop on my back, quick?” so, Smokey hopped on my back and I quickly used the ‘Mind-Teleportation' spell to enter Stanley’s mind.

-meanwhile in Stanley’s mind-

In Stanley’s mind, it looks like Stanley’s living room back at the Mystery Shack. Stanley was sitting on the chair playing with the paddle ball. Then, he asked me. “Woah kid, what are you doing here?”

Then, I answered. “ Trust me, Stan. I know what I’m doing.” Then, Stanley got out of the chair, handed me the Paddleball so I can ignite my horn to levitate it, and hide behind his chair. I sat on Stan’s chair and Smokey with me and played with the Paddle Ball for about a second.

Then, Bill opened the door and said. “You really know how to clear you-” But Bill’s words were cut off as he saw me and Smokey playing with the Paddle Ball. We stopped and saw Bill. Then I said. “Well Bill, I trick you again.”
“WHAT?!” Bill yelled in shock. Then, I said. “You’ve made a good impression on my friends, don’t I? Tricking you by luring you here and nopony can tell us apart. Welcome to Stan’s mind. Surprisingly, you’ve didn’t even recognized it before.”

-outside of Stan’s mind-

Dipper, Mabel and Ford looked at Stanley, worryingly. Then Ford took off Stanley’s fez and pulled out the memory gun. He enters ‘Stanley Pines’ and aims it at his brother. Ford was scared to erase his own brother’s mind but he has to do it anyway.

-back to Stan’s mind-

“WHAT?! How do you get here?! Whoever you are, the deal’s off!” Bill yelled. Then, the door magically closed then lit it with blue fire. “Perfect! Nows my chance.” I said. Then, I pulled out my Sword of Autism with my horn, and charged it with blue fire.

And it’s now fully charged to 100%. “Now, I have. POWER!” I yelled with excitement as Smokey and I hoof bumped each other. “What the… You can’t use that sword here! YOU IDIOT!” Bill yelled, shockingly.

“Congrats, Bill. You’re getting permanently erased. The Sword of Autism. Pretty clever, huh? Also, somepony back at the Ponyville Sword Store told me that this sword is special and it can cut through anything with one slice.” I said.

Bill yelled, fightenlly. “Y-You Idiot! Don’t you realize how much power this sword has?!” Then I answered. “Meh, it’s not like I’d didn’t known you this much anyway.” Then, Bill said. “Let me outta here! Let me-”

“OH, NO YOU DON’T!” I interrupted. Then, before Bill can get away I use my horn to levitate my Sword of Autism and stab Bill in the chest from behind. Then I said, “You thought I’d let you get away, you overgrowned IDIOT!” Then, My sword let go of Bill’s chest.

Then, I saw something attached to my sword was the source of Bill’s resurrection device (with the help of the Axolotl). I ignited my horn at Bill’s device and got off my sword and looked at it. Then I thought, “So, this is letting him get away, huh?” Then, I smashed Bill’s device and threw it at the blue fire. Bill yelled, frightened with defeat. “I can’t believe it! Beaten up by an Autistic Alicorn!”

“HEY! Turn around and look at me, you one-eyed Creep!” I yelled as Bill turned around to face me and Smokey. “You're a real wise guy, but you’ve made one more fatal mistake than the last. You’ve messed with me and Smokey’s Friendship!”
“Yeah, what my buddy said!” Smokey said.

Bill yelled. “You’re making a mistake since the two of you reunited! I’ll give you the rest of the day off! PLEASE!” Then I answered. “Thank’s, but no thanks. I love my Smokey more.” I hugged Smokey. Then Bill yelled as he bends and melts and distorted into different forms “WHAT’S HAPPENING TO ME?!” then he speaks backwards “!reveroF ,ecnetsixE morF desarE yltnenamreP neeB ve’I woN !ooT ,oG I ,seiD rewoP yM nehW !enoG erA srewoP yM !gnineppaH s’tahW!” then Bill yells with final breath. “WHOOO AAARRE YOOOOOOU??!”

Before I do something with Bill, I put on my hat that looks like Applejack’s but with blue. Then I said with a western accent. “Ah’m Puzzle Shield. YEEEHAW!” As I say that word AJ used to say when she’s herding up the cows from ‘Applebuck Season’, I applebucked Bill Cipher in the eye, then Bill fades from existence and screams faintly.

“Whoo-ee!” I said. “That’s how Ah do it on the farm.” Finally, I took off my hat that Applejack gave me for me and Smokey’s arrival to Ponyville, I asked Smokey in a normal accent again. “Come on, Smokey. Let’s get outta here before we get erased.” Then Smokey answered. “Ok, buddy.” As Smokey climbed on my back, I once again use the ‘mind-teleportation’ spell to get us back to Bill’s Fortress.

-meanwhile on the tip of Bill’s fortress roof-

Smokey and I somehow manage to teleport ourselves on the roof of Bill’s fortress until. “Buddy, look!” Smokey said. Then, out of nowhere, Smokey and I saw the Tear in the sky turn into blue. Then Smokey asked. “Do you know what this means, buddy?”

Then, I answered with confidence. “That’s the sign of the Hacking Beginning, Smokey. Hold on.” Then, as Smokey held on my neck, I flew faster than Rainbow Dash herself. Then, the blue tear in the sky sucks Bill’s hench-maniacs and Fortress back into the Nightmare Realm and closes permanently.

”WOOOO-HOOOOO!” Smokey and I cheered as I Prepared my own Sonic Rainboom called, ‘the Puzzle Rainboom’ (aka, the Autistic Colored version of the Sonic Rainboom) to turn everything in Gravity Falls back to its Pre-Weirdmageddon state and ignited My horn to teleport me and Smokey out of Gravity Falls.

-Somewhere in the woods of Gravity Falls-

Smokey and I landed in where the location of Bill’s Statue was. Then, the bird landed on Bill’s hand after I tricked him by shaking his hand. I stared at it for 30 seconds and I thought “Since Bill’s permanently gone, we won’t see him again. But still, I’m glad that’s over.

“Buddy?” Smokey called. I turned to him and I saw Fluttershy's Element and somehow, My element on Smokey’s Baby Dragon claws. I ignited my horn to pull my element to me and took a look at it.

My Element is somehow a different replica of Twilight’s (From “Friendship is Magic: Part 2: The Elements of Harmony) but instead of her cutie mark, it has a blue shield with red on the tip of the shield, and with a gold Puzzle piece on the center. I turned it over and there was a tag on it.

I read the words on the tag and it saids,
Dear Puzzle,
You somehow reversed time to bring back your best friend who was dead, then you got back to Weirdmageddon to face your Long-going enemy, Bill Cipher and take full responsibility for your new friendship to create.
For that and your quest, I’ll give you… this, your new Element and now declare you, The Princess of Autism. And your element is Autism. Now, you have to face your fears, solve friendship problems and collect the Elements of Harmony to take down old enemies long gone including, The Joker and Lex Luthor. And they helds the last two elements, Magic and Laughter.
Good Luck, and May Celestia and Luna guide you.
Your Guider and Future Princess of Equestria,
Twilight Sparkle.

Smokey and I gasped and I put Me and Fluttershy’s Elements in my saddlebag with my magic. “Smokey? Do you know what this means?” I asked Smokey with excitement.
Smokey answered. “We have to collect all other 5 Elements to take down old and new foes, buddy.”

I replied but was still excited while hugging Smokey. “ that. And, I’m the PRINCESS OF AUTISM! AAAHH! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!” Smokey hugged me as I hugged him and replied back with a smile. “Heh, of course, buddy.”

Then, Smokey and I laughed ourselves on the ground for about ten seconds and then we got back up to our hooves to calm ourselves down. Then, I turned to Smokey and asked. “Any luck on Satan Shield, buddy?”

Then, Smokey answered. “I was gonna reform him, why?” Then, I replied with confidence. “When you reformed my friend/ alicorn sister, meet me at Lazytown to begin our Element Collecting Hunt.” Then, Smokey replied back, saluting. “Yes, mamery-Bob, Buddy.”

So, it settles it, I’ll head to Lazytown waiting for them while Smokey reforms Satan Shield, my Alicorn Sister after our first encounter and final battle on Mustafar during Nightmare Night in the Forgotten Realm.

-meanwhile in the Castle of Friendship in the future-

In the meeting room, shows the Cutie-Map that shows states in Equestria now unlocks different worlds that shows me and Smokey’s friendship problem solved from the Gravity Falls world. Then, me and Smokey’s next Friendship Problem would be,...

The Element of Loyalty: Lazytown’s Friendship Problem.

-meanwhile in the forgotten realm-

The Forgotten Realm kinda looks like Bill Cipher’s but replaced with Human Skeletons. And in it, was none other than, Satan Shield (an Alicorn mare with eyes that looks like Twilight’s but a Vampyre Pony eyes But the eye color is yellow, fangs, the same mane and tail style and color as mine but with black, orange, yellow and red, the body color is red, the color to her wings are red but the tip of her wings are black, and her cutie mark is a grey and black shield and inside of it was a red pentacle) flying while she’s floating.

“I’m bored.” Satan Shield said as she sighed in displeasure. Then, the portal opened and was Smokey, now coming here to reformed Satan Shield. “Satan?” Asked Smokey as he approaches Satan Shield.

“What do you want?” Said Satan Shield as she floats towards Smokey. Then, Smokey answered as he held out his claws. “Will you join me?” Then as simple as that, Satan Shield holds out her hoof into Smokey’s claw for the sign of a Reformed Alicorn Sister joining on the action. “So, since I’m reformed, now what?” asked Satan Shield. Then Smokey answered. “We have to find my buddy, Puzzle Shield and find what our Friendship Problem is.”

The Element of Loyalty: ‘Friendship Problem 1’: The Battle for Lazytown: The Resurrection of Daybreaker

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-In lazytown -

Robbie Rotten was just thinking of how to catch Sportacus as his team, Bobbie, Tobbie and Flobbie followed Robbie as he said to himself, tapping his head with his right hand finger as he tried to think. “If I'm gonna catch Sporta-Crook, then I might need new traps.”

Then, Robbie gasps for an idea as he screeches to a halt, then Bobbie, Tobbie and Flobbie bump into each other and into Robbie from behind. “I GOT IT!” Robbie said and continued, turning to his team. “If we want Sporta-Flop out of Lazytown forever, we need to set up a-”

Robbie’s idea was cut off as me, Satan Shield and Smokey both got out of the portal and I bumped into him. “What do you want, stranger?” asked Robbie. I replied. “We were looking for the Element of Loyalty. Do you have it?”

“Well uh, tentically uh, nah.” Bobbie answered. Then, Tobbie shakes his head for the sign of ‘no’. Satan Shield asked me. “Wait, if Robbie Rotten and his team doesn’t have the Element of loyalty, then who did?”

“Yeah, buddy. Who did?” Smokey replied. “Yes…” said a mysterious voice from the shadows. Me, Smokey, Satan Shield, Robbie Rotten and his team turned to see a shadow of somepony.

Then it continued. “... That would be… ME!” as Daybreaker (her mane flares up as a billowing curtain of yellow/orange flame, issuing from beneath an armored helmet in fiery shades of orange and red-orange. The wings are edged with matching reinforcements, and a blood-red gem in the same shape as the ones in Celestia’s crown and necklace is set on the helmet’s forehead. The coat is bone-white, the eyes bright yellow with jaggedly slitted, red pupils, red lashes and scleras tinted so deeply red as to be almost black, and small fangs protrude among the upper teeth in the crazed mouth. She wears an armored chest plate with her old sun cutie mark front and center, and red-orange shoes cover all four hooves. The mark on her haunch consists of that same sun, but ringed by a corona of savage orange flames, and the tail behind it streams unholy fire just as her mane does.) Appears from the shadows, she laughs exultantly.

“Buddy, I thought Celestia beated her!” Smokey asked me. “WHAT THE HECK?! We all saw Celestia defeat her!” Satan Shield replied, surprised in frustration. I replied. “Maybe Somepony brought her back.”

Daybreaker flewed and raised my chin as she said. “If Robbie Rotten has his team with similar outfits…” then she rears up and continues. “... you can absolutely join me… Daybreaker! The better, prettier and more powerful villain you’ve ever seen!`` Then, her one armored hoof was thrust into my face.

“I ain’t joining you, you fiend!” I answered, triumphantly. Daybreaker replied. “Deep inside, you know how powerful you are.” Then she pointed her hoof at Robbie Rotten and his team and continued. “You don’t need Rotten.”

Robbie, Bobbie, Tobbie and Flobbie gasped in shock at what they’ve just heard and ran back to Robbie’s Lair. I continued. “That ain’t true! Even though we’re enemies, we know we need them!”

Daybreaker laughed and replied back. “Oh, please! You don’t need anypony! You can do whatever you want, and all you have to do is get rid of anypony who stands in your way!” As Daybreaker fires her horn with a broad red/yellow beam at me, I fired my Alicorn horn with a Powerful red beam at Daybreakers beam and as my beam was powerful enough to draw back Daybreakers beam, I hitted Daybreaker and she was laying on the ground for a second.

Daybreaker opened her eyes and flew up to the sky, Smokey pressed his watch (Smokey’s watch was red and neon green on the circle) and morphed from dragon to filly (A brown pegasus pony with his belly and chest red, his eyes looked like Spike’s but red. His mane was Spike’s but red, his wings are brown and the tips of his wings are red. And his tail was just like Spike’s but brown on the tail and red on the scales and the bottom of his tail.) and we hyper jumped to the sky and flewed after her, and Satan Shield followed us.

...-at the sky above Lazytown-...

Me, Smokey and Satan Shield landed on the cloud and Daybreaker also landed on the cloud far in front of us. “This is the end of the line, Daybreaker!” I yelled at Daybreaker, triumphantly. “Your Resurrection of Terror is over!”

“Oh, yeah? Try me!” Answered Daybreaker. Then She ignites her horn to fire a laser fill with fire as I ignited my horn to fire my laser (All red and blue) at hers. Then, a little voice from Princess Luna in my head said this to me. “In order to defeat Daybreaker, you only need to trust in your strength. As I do.

My Laser from my horn draws at Daybreaker. “You can’t defeat me!” yelled Daybreaker. “I’m everything YOU want to fear!” I answered, triumphantly. “No, you aint! You are not powerful, and you’ll never return again!”

As my laser from my horn draws at Daybreakers horn, she disappears into Puzzle pieces as the sign of her defeat… again. I landed into the cloud on my hooves, safely. And Rainbow Dash’s Element landed on my hoof when I caught it and put it on my saddlebag with the rest of the other Elements including mine.

“You did it, buddy.” Smokey cheered. I answered as I hugged him and Satan Shield. “And with the Element of Loyalty in my saddlebag with the rest of the Elements we’ve collected, we did show Daybreaker, who is powerful today.”

“Who’s powerful, Puzzle?” asked Satan Shield. I answered,“Me.” Then, Satan Shield, Smokey and I laughed as we flewed and teleported ourselves to our next location for the next Element we’re gonna collect.

The Element of Generosity: Friendship Problem 3: The Battle in TF2...I guess: The Return of Princess Molestia

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-In the TF2 Universe-

Satan Shield, Smokey and I teleport ourselves here, but the Red Team’s Lair was empty and hollow so did the Blu Teams, and with the sigh that saids, ‘Taking a Break in the Secret TF2 Man-Cave. Be back approximately soon.’

“That’s Why they’ve Fled?!” I asked, loudly. My voice echoed across the Red Team’s base. Satan Shield and Smokey shushed me then I blushed, sheepishly. Smokey asked, Quietly. “Not so loud, Buddy.” Then, Satan Shield buted in, quietly. “Are you trying to get us caught?”

“Oh, from who?” I asked, Quietly. Then, Somepony answered from a distance. “From me.” We turned to the mysterious pony fleeing from ahead. A white alicorn with a pink flowing mane and tail, the eyes and the eye color are just like Celestia’s.

Her Cutie Mark is the sun, no hoof plates, crown nor chest armor, around her neck was a choker of pink and purple. She’s also a weird and mysterious counterpart of Princess Celestia with a particularly dark personality.

As her name implies, she likes violating the privacy of ponies and people everywhere, even going to the extremes of rape. (and her Tumblr account ( was shut down because of it’s Brutal/sexual violation for Hasbro in 2014. That’s a shocker.) Yes, this is Princess Molestia. And, she has Rarity’s Element with her magic.

Satan, Smokey and I gasped in shock to see that Molestia came back after what Tumblr did to her. Then, I yelled. “You better hang over Rarity’s Element now, young mare or, We’ll do it for you!”

I pull up my Sword of Autism with a corrupted blue color on my eyes in anger. Then, Molestia said, calmly and with an generotic look on her as she ignited her horn to give Rarity’s Element to me so that I’d put Rarity’s Element in my saddlebag. “You’re right. I shouldn’t put my molesting business in the wrong way.”

Satan, Smokey and I smiled with approval. Then, Molestia kissed me on the cheeks as I blushed, Sheepishly. Then, Molestia flewed away Into the sunset. Satan Shield turned to me and said. “Well, that was easy… I guess?”

I snapped myself out of staring at Molestia, shake my head and replied, “*Phew* and I thought we’ll have throw down or something. Right?”

Satan, Smokey and I laughed as we flewed then teleport to our next location.

The Element of Honesty: Friendship Problem 4: The Battle in the Stop Motion Universe: Oscar Rallies the Villains

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After Randall was taken down by a bunch of random two guys from Louisiana, he escaped before he turned himself into someone's wallet.
And yet, here is Randall (Who was now wearing a cloak that saids in the front ’Banished by God’ in blood red letters with the same photo of Melanie Rose on the same MLP Ride with the same little girl with her eyes blacked out on that same story that Randall heard about once as a disguise) at New Orleans walking passed town.
He also bought himself a voodoo doll of Batman, Food he needed for survival, and the Journal so he could document himself on his banishment for his long haul (With a Pencil).

-The Abandoned House of the Original Family, Cape Coral, FL: A few miles later-

When Randall opened the door (And turns into an action figure), there's nopony in there, no resistance, no animals, cameras are broken, and all rooms are empty.
All was quiet except for the marching upstairs.
‘What’s that marching upstairs?’ Randall thought to himself. ‘Well, desperate times calls for desperate lesures.’

So, Randall went upstairs to see a couple of Stormtroopers guarding AppleJack’s Element which was now in some kind of glass dome, a couple of First Order Stormtroopers guarding the prisoners named King Julien with Morise and Mort, Stanley Pines, Oscar (From Sesame Street that many Autistic Kids know and keeps talking about), SMG4 with SMG3, Cookie Monster, Big Bird, 1966 Batman with 1966 Robin, Dipper Pines with his sister Mabel, and Brutalight Sparcake with Anon (In action figure form) in their cages, while Scar, Sonic.EXE with Rainbow.EXE drinking punch, Maul with Kylo Ren just chatting, and Squidward.EXE with SuicideMouse.EXE also chatting.

What’s leading them is none other than, Darth Vader with Adolf Hitler (Who was been brought back from the dead by Darth Vader after Bill Cipher is permanently gone), the leader of the Nazis.

“What’s going on here?!” Yelled Randall in surprise.
Hitler answered in an english accent, “Isn’t it obvious? We’re guarding the Element of Honesty, you here!”
Vader continued, “ever since the Element of Honesty brought us all here, it also brought back our old friend, Hitler. You must be Randall Bogg, the monster who was recently banished from Monsters Inc, right?”

Randall took off his disguise and answered, “Yes, Vader. Ever since Sullivan and Wazowski along with that kid (who recently faced my fears against me) banished me here, I thought my big chance to be the top scarer was over. But now, since months of my travels, all of you are here together.”

“Well, Randall,” Vader said with pride as he held his hand. “If you want to be a top Scarer, you might as well join us to get your role back.”
Randall shook Vader’s hand and replied, “Fine, but this better be perfect.”

-meanwhile in the same room of the Creator from her origins-
Me, Satan Shield and Smokey appeared in my (Former) room this time, as action figures.
I was Alicorn Twilight Sparkle from the Guardians of Harmony toys but my body color is light blue, my mane on the front of my head between my light blue horn looks customized into my mane style colored in blue and light green, my back mane also customized into my mane style and colored in yellow and red, the tips of my wings are red, my eye color is red, my tail looks customized into my tail colored in light green, blue, yellow and red and my cutie mark was a gold Puzzle Piece inside a blue shield with the tips of the shield is red.

Smokey was Scootaloo from the Guardians of Harmony but his body color is light brown, his eye color is red, the tips of his wings are red, and his mane and tail color is red.

And Satan Shield looks the same as me but her body, horn and wing color is red, her eye color is yellow, her front mane color is orange and black, her back mane color is yellow and red, the tips of her wings are black, her cutie mark is a blood red pentagram inside a black shield with grey in the tips of the shield, and her tail color is orange, black, yellow and red.

We looked at ourselves and gasped in shock.
Smokey turned to me and asked, “Buddy, why do we look like the action figures from the Guardians of Harmony toys?”
I brought out my Sword of Autism to look at it and answered, “I dunno, Smokey. It looks like we’re in the room that looks familiar, right?”
Satan Shield replied, “Hold on, does this mea-”

My Puzzle Senses tingle in my tail as it cuts off Satan Shield’s reply with a march in a distance.
“Puzzle, what was that?” Satan Shield asked.
I ran towards the wall near the hallway and near the entrance to my old room.

Satan Shield and Smokey dashes to me and I answered, “My tail twitches.”
Smokey gasped and asked, “what does that mean, Buddy?”
I answered quietly to Satan and Smokey, “some trouble might be coming, so stay low.”

“Hey! Listen up, you idiotic potaters. Come over here! Listen to me!” said a mysterious voice who was none other than Oscar overhead in the cell.
Stormtroopers, Adolf Hitler, the EXEs, and other enemies went over to Oscar’s cell.

“Why should we listen to you?” one of the First Order Stormtroopers asked.
“We’re about to be paid by the ones who hired us!” Yelled Hitler.
“Don’t suck on it, huh?” Yelled Scar.

“You call yourselves Ressurectors. Look at ya,” said Oscar.
One of the Stormtroopers gasped in shock at what they and the over villains realized.
Oscar continued, “These two viled characters are taking everything that makes the Multiverse so epic, and you’re not doing anything about it!”

“I agree with you.” replied Rainbow.EXE in a heroic attention.
Oscar continued, “We gotta fight for our lives…”
“YEAH!” said every villains.

“...Stand up for our slop…” Oscar went on.
“YEAH!” chanted every villain.
Oscar continued. “Cause… when they take our goo… we gotta do!”

“Yeah, that’s right! We gotta do!” Said Vader.
Randall sighed.
Oscar chanted, “When they take our goo, we gotta do!”

Everypony all chanted ‘when they take our goo, we gotta do’ together.
The Stormtrooper said as he handed the Element of Honesty to me, “Here you go, Puzzle.”
I replied as I ignited my horn to put AJ’s element in my Saddlebag, “uh… thanks?”

The Stormtrooper went back to chanting as he let all the prisoners free.
“Well, that was easy.” Satan Shield said.
“So, Buddy what now?” asked Smokey.
I ignited my horn and answered with hope, “Now, my dear friends, is the time to take on the ones who tried to stop us. Now hold on, guys!”
As simple as that, I teleport myself, Satan Shield and Smokey to the final location of the last two Elements for our quest to complete.

The Element of Laughter and Magic: Friendship Problem 5: The Battle in Gotham City: the Final Battle

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As me, Satan Shield and Smokey appeared at our last location, I noticed this place looks familiar.
“Buddy, can you tell us where we are?” Smokey asked.
I checked my scanner, gasped in stunned surprise, put that scanner back in my Saddlebag and answered, “Guys, I think we’re on the rooftops of Wayne Tower.”

Satan Shield replied, “ If we’re on Wayne Tower, then who are we facing?”
A strange rumble came from down the tower.
The sound of Rocket Boosters grew louder until The Joker Robot (who was last seen in ‘Lego Batman 2’ and ‘Lego Dimensions’) appeared in front of the tower.

“Well, if it isn’t my old friend, Puzzle.” said a familiar voice on P.A.
‘I know that voice’ I thought.
“Joker!” I said with confidence as Satan Shield, Smokey and I pulled our weapons in our charging pose as we’re about to be ready for the final fight.

“Ding, Ding, Ding!” Joker said. “One point for the idoti-”
A blast of Rainbow that damaged the chest interrupted The Joker.
The Chest shows Pinkie and Twilight’s Elements instead of Kryptonite.

“Enough!” Yelled a mysterious pony voice.
Me, Satan Shield and Smokey looked at what that mysterious voice came from.
And it came from none other than, the Mane 6 with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna (who recently been reunited with Celestia and put the dark deeds behind her) came to safe the day at last.

“Puzzle!” asked Twilight Sparkle (as a Unicorn) to me as I turned to her, “Get the last two Elements in the Che-”
“Done!” I said as I already got Pinkie and Twilight’s Elements with my horn.

The Joker Robot powered down and landed roughly on the streets of Gotham City.
We cheered as I put Pinkie and Twilight’s Elements in my Saddlebag.
“Buddy, we did it!” Smokey cheered as Me and Satan Shield hugged him, then Twilight, AJ, RD, Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie gave us a group hug.

Celestia turned to me and asked, “Puzzle?”
I turned to Celestia, then she continued, “I knew you could do it.”
“F-For what?” I asked.

Princess Luna Puts her hoof under my chin as I smiled warmly and Said, “why, completing your quest of course, Dearest Puzzle.”
Luna lowered her hoof to the ground, then Celestia continued, “Thanks to you, Satan Shield and Smokey, you faced your fears and leading to reform everypony including Molestia. When you first arrived to Ponyville, we almost forgot that your Legend are still in the Journal of the Elements of Harmony that my faithful student, Twilight Sparkle has. Twilight and her friends told me everything about you along with your quest and they were pleased we’ll help you out. Now that you pony’s quest is done, you, Smokey and Satan Shield will now stay in Ponyville together as new friends of the Elements of Harmony.”

After hearing Celestia told me about my legend and quest, I squealed with joy and bounced around Celestia and Said with excitement, “Yes, Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes…” then I dashed to hug Smokey and Satan Shield tightly and continued, “... YEEEEEEES!”

“Uh, Puzzle? Are you ok?” Satan Shield asked.
I let go of Smokey and Satan Shield, giggled sheepishly and answered, “um…. Yes.”
“Oh, thank Celestia.” Smokey replied as he and Satan Shield tried to catch their breath .

“So, Puzzle. I was thinking.” Satan Shield said.
I turned to her and replied, “Yes, Satan?”
Satan Shield asked with a smile, “Since we save the Multiverse and all, should I build my new home underneath Ponyville and Canterlot?”

I answered with a gleeful smile, “Ok, Satan. You may.”
Satan Shield said with a, “Ya-Hooo!” as she use a ray gun to open up a portal to the Forgotten Realm, sticks her head in and calls, “My fellow Skeletons! The time hath come to build our new home underneath Ponyville and Canterlot!”

Then, She gets her head out of the portal, opens up the Portal underneath Ponyville and Canterlot underground then, every Skeletons marched to Ponyville and Canterlot underground.
Before Satan Shield heads with the Skeletons to help them build her new home, she turns to me and Smokey and asks, “We’ll see each other again, right?”

I answered with a hopeful smile, “sure, Satan. Good luck building your new home.”
Satan Shield nods for a goodbye (For Now) with a smile and heads in the portal with the other Skeletons.
Applejack turned to me and said, “Ah think we should get back to Ponyville too, Sugarcube. We don’t want the Apple Family to wait on us, do we?”

“Yeah…” I said, then I put on my hat that looks like Applejack’s but blue and continued in a western accent, “... Ah guess your right, New sis.”
Then, AppleJack and I cheered with a, “Yee-Haw!” then, I took off my Apple Family hat as Twilight and her friends with Celestia and Luna laughed.

As Twilight teleport her friends and the two princesses back to Ponyville for a celebration, Smokey activate his Wrist Morpher to change from Pony back into a Baby Dragon, hopped on my back and we teleport back to Ponyville.

-Meanwhile at the streets of Gotham City-

The Joker Robot was on fire.
Both Joker and Lex Luthor got themselves back up to their feets.
The Portal opens up.
Then, as every reformed villains with the other heroes including The Chief and QXR along with the Shadow Droids and General Shadow Freddy came out and brought out their weapons, ready to attack for The Joker and Lex Luthor’s final blow.

Joker sighs in relief and says, “My friends.”
“Friends?” Daybreaker said, then turned to Molestia, “I thought he said ‘we’re the enemies.’”
“Yeah, that’s what Oscar told us.” Said Molestia.

Lex slapped Joker in the arm and yelled, “You idiot! I thought this wor-”
“Lex!” Merasmus yelled, interrupting Lex.
Lex turns his head to Merasmus as Merasmus continued, “If I remember correctly, Oscar also told us that you and Joker also says that, ‘we’re revolting scavengers.’”

“Yeah,” Vader said while activating his lightsaber, “that you and Joker wanted to trick us by doing what you two wanted.”
Both Joker and Lex gulped in horror.
Everyone turned to Ed, the psychotic hyena and asked, “Ed?”

Ed laughed, menacingly then licked his lip for the sign of payback.
“NO, LET ME EXPLAIN!” Joker yelled, “We were trying to fool her! WE WILL RULE TOGETHER!”
Then, Brutalight Sparcake walked through the smoke, pulled out her blade and said, “There's only one true thing you and Lex ever say, Joker. ‘A villain’s mind is never full.’”

Joker dashes to Lex and holds him tight and yelled, “HOLD ME, LEXIE!”
Lex groaned and mumbled to himself, “Oh, Mon Dieu.”
“Gentlemen?” Spy asked as he turned to everyone as the got their weapons ready then aimed at their new targets, Joker and Lex, “Shall we?”

Then as everyone is ready to attack Joker and Lex, the Soldier cried out, “ATTACK!”
Then, as they fired at Lex and Joker, the Joker cried out in terror as Rockets from the Rocket Launchers flew close to them, “No. Le-le-let me explain. No, You don’t understand! No, we didn’t mean it. NO! NO, I’m sorry we called yo- NO!”
Then, Joker and Lex are dead, not big surprise.

Epilogue: The Redemption of Cozy Glow and Bill Cipher

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Me and Smokey (on my back) teleported ourselves back to the Everfree Forest and flew back to our new home in Ponyville, Smokey asked, “Hey, Buddy?”
I turned to Smokey with a, “Hm?”
Smokey asked, “What a long day this is, right buddy?”

“Indeed it is, Smokey.” I answered and continued, “Defeating a Dureato-ish Triangle Idiotic Demon, Peramentaly ending Weirdmageddon, Fighting Daybreaker for the first time, reforming Molestia, Rallied the villains to take down Joker and Lex for us and completed our quest. Heck, even convincing Satan Shield to be with us still turns out to be great, right?”

Smokey nod his head for an agreement.
Then, My tummy starts to growl.
As I blushed sheepishly, I laughed and said, “Listen to that, Smokey. All this traveling and this quest stuff made me hungry. You think we should get something to eat, Smokey?”

Smokey giggled and answered, “Sure thing, Buddy.”
I flew down near the exit from the Everfree Forest and was about to enter Ponyville.
As we landed safely to the ground, Smokey hopped out of my back.
Then, I said happily, “Let’s eat before we get ourselves into trouble again eh, Smokay?”

Smokey answered happily, “Ya bet, Budday.”
Then, we laughed so hard since we reunited.
But our laugh stops with a “Oof!” as we bumped into something familiar since Season 9.

We groan (almost) in pain.
I got back up to my hoofs and then, I gasped to see the statue of the Mean 3 just near the exit from the Everfree Forest.
Not them! ” I whispered in fear, just trying to remember how the statue of the three villains was randomly here when they’re supposed to be in the future.

Smokey got back to his feet, ran to me and asked, “Buddy, what’s wrong?”
I answered in fear as I point my hoof to the stone, “That’s what’s wrong!”
Smokey turned to the stone of three villains and gasp.

“What’re they doing here, buddy?” Smokey asked, shockingly.
“I dunno, Smokey.” I answered. “They’ve never appeared randomly before.”
As Smokey went to take a look at the three villains trapped in stone, he stepped on something.

Smokey stopped with a, “Huh?” Then, he looked down and saw, the photo of the Future Ruler of Equestria with her five best friends and a grown up dragon all standing together behind the sunset with an Autistic Colored frame that says in bright gold letters, ‘The Magic of Friendship always grows within you.’
Smokey picked the picture up, and came to me.

Then, Smokey pulled my tail and asked, “Hey, Buddy?”
I turned to Smokey, I gasped of what that familiar final group photo that Smokey holds.
I ignite my horn to go look at it and said, “Strange. I have never seen this on the ground before.”

“I know, Buddy.” Smokey replied.
He pointed at the one and only, Cozy Glow and I turned to see her.
Then, Smokey asked, “So, Buddy. What should we do with Cozy Glow?”

“Hmmmm…” I thinked as I looked at Cozy.
Then I said with hope, “... I think I know just what to do.”

-One Minute Later-

“You got the chainsaw, Smokey?” I asked.
“Yes, Buddy?” answered Smokey as he holds a Chainsaw with Autistic Colors with Puzzles as patterns.
I ignite my horn to get my new chainsaw close to me and replied, “Good…” I put on my goggles and continued, “... ‘Cause I have an idea.”

I turned on my chainsaw, then cut off Cozy Glow’s full body now frozen in stone.
After that’s done, I turned off my new chainsaw, took my goggles off and turned to Smokey, “Smokers?”
“Yeah, Buddy?” Smokey replied as he carries the frozed Cozy Glow with his Claws.
I answered, “Come with me.”

I trotted back to Ponyville.
Smokey ran to me and asked, “to where, Buddy?”
I answered, “To my secret lair.”

-twelve seconds later back at Ponyville-

After we got our furnitures ready for our new home, we went to my secret lair underneath my house.
Finally, I placed the stone Cozy Glow on the floor.
“Smokey?” I asked. “Get the cables.”
“On it, buddy.” answered Smokey as he brought the cable to me.

Then I ignite my horn to hook the cables into the stone Cozy Glow’s ears.
I finally went to my new computer system and turned it on.
After I put on my password, my wallpaper looks like the image that looks like the symbol for Nightmare Night but with light blue, and the eye is light green.

I went to my files, and found the files for Cozy Glow.
I click on the Cozy Glow files, the first file is her good side, and the second file is her bad side.
“Smokey, I found what caused her to go evil, what should I do with it?” I asked Smokey.
Then Smokey answered. “Maybe you should -I dunno. Probably just, delete her bad side and leave her good side, Right?”

“Ok.” I replied.
Then, I deleted her bad side and converted her good side from my computer, through the cables and into Cozy Glow’s ears.

‘It’s a good thing we won’t see her go nuts anymore.’ I thought.
After it’s done, hopped out of my seat and walked straight to Smokey who was looking at the stone of Cozy Glow.
“Buddy? Since we erased Cozy Glow’s bad side, what do we do now?” Smokey asked.
I thought about it for a second.
Then I answered. “We’ll unhook the cables, Smokey.”
Then, me and Smokey unplugged the cable on Cozy Glow’s ears.
“Ok, Smokey. What was the spell that Celestia, Luna and Discord used to turn her into stone?” I asked.
“Maybe you should do it, Buddy.” Smokey answered.

Then, as I close my eyes and ignite my horn and have the same flashback about Princess Luna, Princess Celestia and Discord using the ‘Villains-Into-Stone’ spell.
Then my flashback ended as I used the ‘stone-break-free’ spell on the stone of Cozy Glow. Then, Cozy Glow was free from stone like ice thawing from fire.
After my spell worked, Cozy Glow, who was no longer stone and on her good side, landed to the ground on her back.

“Is she gonna be alright, Buddy?” Smokey asked.
I turned to Smokey and answered, “I think so, Smokey.”
So, we waited.

-A few moments later-

I was reading ‘Powerful Alicorn Magic Using for Fobious: A Beginner's Guide’ quietly.
Smokey ran towards me and asked, “Buddy, Cozy Glow is waking up!”
I turned to Smokey and replied, “Is she on her good side?”
Then Smokey answered as we ran to Cozy Glow, “Come with me and find out, Come on!”

Finally, after waiting for hours, Cozy woke up with me waking her up with Smokey on my side.
“Cozy? Cozy Glow? Wake up.” I said as she opened her eyes to see me, happily patting her head, gently.
Cozy Glow groaned. “Wh-who are you?”
“I’m Puzzle Shield.” I answered. “And this is my pet, Smokey.”
“Hi, Cozy.” Smokey said.
Cozy continued, trying to remember what happened last time, “Wait! Where’s the Bewitching Bell, and Chrysalis, and Tire-”
“COZY, CALM DOWN!” I interrupted as my eyes slowly reached into a light blueish corruptionl, “There’s no need to remember that flippin’ Final Season and what happened in the future. so, STOP! BRINGING! UP! THE! DARN! FACTS!”

Cozy Glow burst into tears.
I realized what needs to be done. So, as my corruption slowly went back to normal , I smiled, walked to Cozy, sat next to her, then I asked calmly, “Oh, don’t be sad. Tell me what’s wrong?”

Then, Cozy stopped crying and answered, “Goly, thanks for asking. You see, after what happened back in season 8, *sniff* I HAVE NO FRIENDS!”
Cozy resumes crying.
I put my hoof under Cozy’s chin as she stopped crying.
I said happily like a mother, “Don’t cry, dearest Cozy. I’ll take care of you no matter what.”

“You mean it?” Cozy asked as she smiled warmly, “You really mean it?”
I nodded for agreement.
Cozy, Smokey and I hugged together.

I said in a calm voice, “Y’know, Cozy? You don’t have to be cute and loveable just by being evil. Cozy? You’re my sister. I’ll never leave you, not ever.”
Cozy sighs happily.

Smokey replied, “Welcome to the family, Cozy.”
Cozy smiled.
I turned to Smokey and said, “Smokey? Looks like we’re gonna need a bed for Cozy.”
Then, we laughed.

-Meanwhile in the Forgotten Realm-

Like I said, The Forgotten Realm is like Bill’s Interdimensional Universe but nothing was there.
For that matter, nopony (or no one for the matter) are there except for Bill Cipher, The former Interdimensional Dream Demon who finally got some good spirits in him now.

Bill sighs and saids, “Finally, my first Interdimensional Sports Month is done and over with. It’s been a few days since the ‘Incident’. I must ha-”
A mysterious Autistic Colored scroll magically appeared in front of Bill, interruptingly.

“What’s this?” Bill replied to himself as he grabbed the scroll and opened it up, “must be some scroll for me. ‘Dear Bill Cipher,’...”

I wrote you this letter to see if you’re ok.
Anyways, I've been thinking, I already reformed Cozy Glow maybe (just maybe), since you're reformed and all, you mind joining us?
If so, welcome to the family, Bill.

Your new friend,
Puzzle Shield.

P.S. Cozy Glow told me her plan to bring you back.

“Y’know what, kid?” Bill replied as he got ready to snap his fingers, “I accept the offer.”
Then, Bill snaps his fingers to teleport himself to our new home in Ponyville.

-Meanwhile back in Puzzle’s new home in Ponyville at night-

I was in our new room reading, ‘Star Wars: Return of the Jedi’ to Smokey and Cozy Glow as their bedtime story.
Smokey is cuddling with me, and Cozy Glow is laying on her bed with her Bill Cipher plushie watching me, smiling.

A few minutes had passed as Smokey and I went to sleep already in our new bed.
And Cozy Glow already went to sleep in her bed, hugging her Bill Cipher plushie.
And Bill Cipher went to sleep in his sleeping bag on our bedroom floor.