• Published 12th Jul 2021
  • 3,045 Views, 69 Comments

Phoenix Magic - Magic Kitsune Brony

What if there was more to Sunset Shimmer and the world beyond the mirror portal than first thought?

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1

9 years later…

Celestia King sighed as she finished saving the last of the school reports onto the computer. She looked up as her sister, Luna Chaos, walked into the office

“Come on Tia, it’s time for us to close the school for the day,” Luna said, as she filed away a pile of documents

“You just want to get home so you can finish that level you are currently on,” Celestia said, raising an eyebrow at her sister, as she stood up from behind the desk, grabbing her bag

Luna just smiled sheepishly. “That’s one reason, the other is that Discord is making his special pasta dish tonight,” she said, licking her lips, as she waited for her sister to finish getting ready to go

As they walked to the front doors of CHS, talking about nothing, they suddenly heard a loud crash. It sounded like flesh hitting metal. They ran outside to see a car with a dent in its front, and a small body nearby, not moving.

Celestia ran towards the body, hearing her sister call 911 on her phone behind her. As she kneeled next to the body, she noticed it looked to be a young girl, no older than ten years old. She had red hair with blonde streaks, a leather jacket that looked a little too big for her, an orange shirt, a purple shirt with what looked like a yellow and red shimmering sun on the front and black boots. There was a book bag nearby, with a heavy looking tome peaking out. She checked the kid’s pulse, it was slightly weak, but it was there.

Then the ambulance arrived, and it was like a blur as the kid was loaded into the back and driven to Canterlot General Hospital as Celestia watched on, hoping the girl would be ok, wondering what just happened.

One week later

Celestia, along with her husband Sombra King, sat in the hospital office, wondering why they had been called in and if it had to do with the girl from last week. Just then the door opened to reveal her sister’s old college roommate, Chrysalis Lord, carrying a thick folder.

“Hello Celestia and Sombra, I suppose you are wondering why I called you here?” Chrysalis asked, putting the folder on the desk

“Does it have something to do with the little red headed girl, that was hit by a car in front of the school?” Sombra asked, having been told the story by Celestia

“It does. According to witnesses they saw her running into the middle of the road on all fours. We wondered why she was running in such a way, until we checked the footage from the front camera, and we found that she had come through the portal,” Chrysalis started to explain. “While she was unconscious, we took a sample of her DNA, and the results were surprising to say the least.”

“Why was it surprising?” Celestia asked

“You two remember the story 9 years ago, about what happened to Harriet Potter, right?” Chrys asked

“Of course, it was all over the news,” Sombra replied. “It said that her non-magical uncle through her through the porta… wait, are you saying that the girl was Harriet Potter?”

“Yep, DNA does not lie,” she answered. “Now, while we were examining her, we noticed that she seems to have developed a second magical core, with a signature similar to the portal, meaning what ever happened on the other side, she was still magical in some way.”

“Has she woken up?” Celestia asked

“Yes, and this is where you come in,” Chrysalis said, opening the folder. “You see, is seems the crash has cause amnesia, the only thing she can remember is the name she was given on the other side of the portal. We’ve explained everything to her, from her origins, the wizarding world, and the fact she was in another dimension most of her childhood. She had requested that she be called by the name she remembers.”

“That’s terrible. What name is it, and how do we fit in to all this?” Sombra asked

“The name she wishes to go by is Sunset Shimmer, and we were wondering if you two would like to become her guardians. This mainly because we have found something disturbing on her main core, and to get rid of it, we need a guardian’s permission. The other reason is we can’t have a ten-year-old living on her own,” she explained, hoping her friends would agree

“Of course, we would love to. We have been thinking about becoming foster parents. But I must ask, what is this disturbing thing on her core, that needs a guardian’s permission to move?” Celestia asked

“We have found a soul leech on her core,” she answered. “We believe it might be from that night, which means that fool of a dark lord made Horcruxes more than once. Now, don’t worry there appears to be no effects now, but it is probably best if we get rid of it sooner rather than later.”

“A soul leech? Those abominations? Yes, once we have filled in the paperwork, we will give permission,” Sombra said, having study the effects of soul leeches, especially on a young core. “For now, can we please meet her, so we can get to know her a little?”

“Of course, follow me,” Chrysalis said, standing up and motioned to them to follow

Sunset Shimmer was currently looking down at her hands, left one in a cast, jus like her right leg, after the doctor had left, going over the information they had told her.

So, I currently have amnesia, she thought, my real name is Harriet Potter, I’m a witch, I am apparently the girl-who-lived, I was tossed through a magical portal where I spend the last 9 years of my life and now I’m back but I can only remember the name given to me by someone on the other side of the portal and currently have a soul leech on my magical core that only be moved with a guardian’s consent. Right, that about sums it up. What am I going to do and where can I go?

She looked up as the door opened up to reveal a dark skinned woman with green hair and green eyes, followed by a tall light skinned woman with wavy pastel rainbow hair and pink eyes, and a tan skinned man with slicked back black hair and dark red eyes.

“Good afternoon, Miss Shimmer,” the dark-skinned lady started. “Let me introduce myself. I’m Chrysalis Change Lord, part time councillor at Canterlot High School and part time Portal Agent. You can just call me Chrys.” Chrysalis turned to the other two in the room, indicating for them to introduce themselves

The man spoke first, “G’day, Miss Shimmer, I’m Sombra Crystal King, Sombra for short, owner of Crystal Winery, Restaurant and Farm, and Canterlot City’s local wine connoisseur. And this lovely lady next to me is-”

“Celestia Summer King, full-time Principal of Canterlot High School and his wife,” Celestia interrupted, a slight but bright smile on her face. “But you can call me Celestia, sweetheart.”

“Hi,” Sunset said shyly. “My name is Sunset Shimmer, and I’m apparently the girl-who-lived, and I have amnesia. You can just call me Sunset.”

“Well, Sunset, I’m sure the doctor explained all about the soul leech and how we can only remove it with a guardian’s consent,” Chrys got straight down to business. Sunset nodded. “If you would like, Mr and Mrs King here have agreed to become your guardians and foster parents, so we can get that consent and you can have a place to live. But you don’t have to, if you don’t want to. We can easily find some else.”

Sunset looked at Sombra and Celestia, and smiled while saying, “I would like that very much and thank you. I don’t know why, but I feel like I didn’t have any family on the other side of the portal.”

Celestia and Sombra simply walked over to her and hugged her close to them, being mindful of her injuries, feeling her tense at first, but then ease into the hug

“Right, I’ll go get onto the paperwork, and talk to one of the local curse breakers about the leech,” Chrys said, smiling at the image in front of her. But then she became serious and continued, “Just letting you know, Miss Shimmer, that the portal agents are wanting to know about what is on the other side of the portal. But thankfully, they understand that overcoming amnesia is a long and sometimes painful process. So, if you would consent, every six months you can give them a report about any memories that come up, a small report is fine, even if it is to say no new memories. Does this sound ok to you?”

Sunset looked down, thinking for a moment, and looked up again. “That sounds good to me.”

“Ok, so, without further ado, I’ll go do that paperwork, and leave you three to talk and get to know each other,” Chrysalis said, turning and leaving the King family to welcome their soon-to-be new family member.