• Published 12th Jul 2021
  • 3,038 Views, 69 Comments

Phoenix Magic - Magic Kitsune Brony

What if there was more to Sunset Shimmer and the world beyond the mirror portal than first thought?

  • ...

Chapter 10

Over the next couple of months, Zuko managed to settle into his new life, to the point that he was able to tell all his new friends how he got his scar. They were all very understanding, and some may have had murderous thoughts about a current Fire Lord. He was so settled that he started calling Tirek and Chrysalis ‘Mom’ and ‘Dad’. They had already discussed adoption, and had agreed to just a paper adoption, they would leave possible blood adoption for a later date. Zuko had been given the adoption papers as a present for Christmas, and he spend the day with the biggest grin on his face.

Today though, as he finished getting ready for school, all he could think about was how to ask Sunset out. He had already asked the school’s resident garden expert Wallflower for the perfect flower to give Sunset. He looked over at the beautiful Fire Lily with a blue wrap around it’s stem. He had been happy when Roku said he could get it for Zuko, they had been his favourite flowers, he just hoped that Sunset liked them too.

Soon it was time for school, all through the drive, Chrysalis couldn’t help throwing him amused and knowing looks as he fidgeted nervously in his seat.

“Don’t worry Zuko,” Chrys assured him as she parked outside the school. “Just be yourself and ask her, ok?”

“Ok,” Zuko replied, taking a deep breath, before getting out of the car and walking towards the school entrance. As he walked by, Flash and his bandmates along with a few other students who had seen the lily, all gave him the thumbs up and a few ‘good lucks’.

Soon he was in front of his locker getting his books out before turning towards where Sunset’s locker was. And sure enough, there she was, beautiful as ever. She was currently admiring her new charms from Rainbow Dash and Rarity. Rainbow had given her a lightning bolt and a soccer boot, while Rarity had gotten her a diamond and dress.

Sunset looked up as he approached, and just like all the other times their eyes met, they both felt a slight fluttering in their chests. She ducked her head to hide the slight blush on her cheeks. Zuko stopped in front of her, a hand behind his back, while his other rubbed the back of his head nervously. Neither teen noticed as the Rainbooms and FlashDrive all poked their heads around the corners to watch. They had all been waiting for this, mainly because most of them had a bit of money in the current ‘Sunko ship’ pool that Pinkie had started.

“Hi, Zuko,” Sunset shyly greeted him.

“H-hi, S-sunset,” Zuko stuttered nervously. He pulled his hand out from behind, revealing the fire lily. “This is for you.”

“Oh, wow,” Sunset gasped as she took the beautiful fire coloured flower from him. “It’s gorgeous!”

“It’s a Fire Lily,” Zuko explained. “I saw it and thought of you.”

“Thank you,” Sunset was blushing even more now.

“Look,” Zuko took another deep breath, and then went ahead before he lost his courage. “I was wondering if you were busy this Saturday?”

“This Saturday?” Sunset looked up from admiring the lily. “Not that I know of. Why?” Though she had an idea as to why.

“Well, how would you like to hang out?” Zuko suggested. “See a movie, have dinner and maybe a walk in the park.”

“You mean…” Sunset slowly said. “Like a date? As girlfriend and boyfriend?”

“Um, yeah, if you want to,” was all Zuko could a say.

She looked down at the fire lily for a moment, before looking back up at him with a beautiful smile that made her eyes twinkle. “I would love to go on a date and be your girlfriend.”

“Great,” Zuko said, with slight bit of relief. “I’ll meet you outside the cinema at 5?”

“Sounds good,” Sunset agreed.

They both blushed a little when they realized how close they were now, thinking about what they should do now. They started to lean in for a small kiss, before they heard someone sighing. They both looked up and blushed deeper when they saw multiple eyes watching them with big smiles.

Rarity, who had been the one to sigh, looked like she had hearts in her eyes. She sighed again. “How romantic.”

“Yeaah,” Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Hate to be that guy, but it’s almost time for homeroom.”

“Hey, Rarity, do you have a clip I can borrow,” Zuko turned to the fashionista. She took one out of her bag and handed it to him. He took the lily out of Sunset’s hand and used the clip to place it in her hair. She smiled at him after looking at her hair in the locker mirror and they followed their friends to homeroom, hand in hand.

Zuko stood in the King’s living room waiting for Sunset, wearing a red shirt over a pair of black jeans, and a pair of black boots. He had thankfully survived the interrogation from Sunset’s dad.

He looked over to where Thorax was sitting. It was agreed by the parents that since they were still 13 years old, they weren’t quite old enough to go on a date by themselves, so they asked Thorax to act as chaperone. Thorax had told Zuko afterwards that he would give them a bit of space to enjoy their date.

He looked up as Sunset descended the stairs and he couldn’t keep his jaw from dropping. She was wearing an aqua coloured dress that just bought out her eyes. She wore small black boots and, of course, her now signature leather jacket.

She’s beautiful, was all Zuko could think of. He shook his head when she reached him. “Wow,” he breathed. “You look beautiful.”

Sunset blushed as she said, “Thanks.”

“Alright you two,” Celestia said as she walked over with a camera. “Let’s get a photo of you two about to go on your first date.”

The two teens blushed but stood together as Celestia took a couple of photos. After promising to be back by 9pm, they left to head to the cinema. Although out the ride they couldn’t help but steal glances at each other, still not quite believing that they were going on their first date, while Thorax smirked knowingly as he watched through the rear-view mirror as he parked in front of the cinema.

‘Zuko: I never had this feeling before

She gives me shakes and shivers I can’t ignore

And I see that there’s more now

Than just running free

Sunset: I never felt my heart beat so fast

I’m thinking of him first and of myself last

And how happy I want him to be’

After the movie, they walked hand in hand as they slowly walked through the park towards the new burger place on the other side of the park. They stopped every few minutes to admire the scenery, and almost kissing before blushing and pulling away. Thorax, walking just a small distance behind them, shook his head wondering when these two would finally kiss.

‘Zuko: It’s amazing someone in my life

Just might be loving me

I didn’t know that I could feel this way

Sunset: It’s so crazy

Something in my life

Is better than a dream

I didn’t know that I could feel this way’

They arrived at the burger place, Bob’s Grill, and found a small booth with a good view of the park. Thorax sat in a booth in the corner, close enough to chaperone but far enough to not interrupt the date.

The teens order they burgers and a large shared chocolate milkshake, not noticing the knowing look the waitress gave them. They sat and talked about all sorts of things as they waited for their meal, laughing at jokes and simply enjoying each other’s company.

‘Zuko: She makes me warm and happy inside

Sunset: He smiles, and I get dizzy and starry eyed

Both: All these feelings I have

Have me asking

Sunset: Can this be love?

Zuko: Can this be love?’

When their meal arrived, they blushed slightly when they saw that the waitress and cook had added heart decorations to their burgers and drink. They eventually just shrugged before enjoying their burgers.

‘Sunset: It’s crazy

Both: I can hardly speak

Whenever he/she says hi

Sunset: I didn’t know that I could feel

Zuko: I never dreamed that I could feel

Both: I didn’t know that I could feel

This way’

As they were sharing their milkshake, the tips of their noses touched for a moment and both felt a small spark shoot through them, leaving them blushing and wondering what that was about. After sharing a bowl of banana split, Thorax drove them home. Thorax left them just outside the door, giving the teens a moment.

“I had a really great time tonight,” Sunset said after a moment of silence

“Yeah,” Zuko agreed, rubbing the back of his head. “Me too”

And finally, they leaned in, and after a small hesitation, their lips met. It was like fireworks were being set off, and it just felt right. When they pulled apart, they were surprised to find that they were both faintly glowing. They turned when the front door opened to reveal Roku, his eyes twinkling with knowledge.

“I had a hunch that this might happened,” He said. He gestured inside. “Come and I will explain it.”

Dear Journal

Last night was great. We watched a movie, walked in the park and ate dinner. But it was after the date, that things took an interesting turn.

Zuko and I are soulmates!

After our first date, Roku explained it to us. It kinda explains the feelings I was having whenever I passed the Agency building, where the portal to Zuko’s world was. I told the girls about it and they were all fine with it. Of course, Rarity spend a good whole minute fangirling, saying how romantic it all was. Something tells me this bond is going to make our life even more interesting.

Well, that’s all I can say,

Sunset King