• Published 12th Jul 2021
  • 3,038 Views, 69 Comments

Phoenix Magic - Magic Kitsune Brony

What if there was more to Sunset Shimmer and the world beyond the mirror portal than first thought?

  • ...

Chapter 9

The portal under the Canterlot City’s Portal Agency was truly a marvel. Instead of being connected to the main world of the universe beyond it, it was connected to that universe’s spirit world. Most interesting was that for some reason, that the scientists of the Agency were still trying to figure out, the dead human spirits of that world always seem to regain their physical bodies when they pass through the portal to this world.

Due to these spirits turned living beings, the Agency learnt plenty about the world beyond the spirit one. From what they had been told, the universe was one where people could ‘bend’ one of the elements of air, water, fire or earth. The only person who could bend all four was someone called the Avatar, a peacekeeper of sorts. It was known that the Avatar always reincarnated once their life came to an end. The world was split by element. There was the two Water Tribes, the Earth Kingdom, the Fire Nation and the Air Nomads.

The spirits as they came through explained the current war going on in their now old world. The war was because of the Fire Nation becoming greedy and wanting to expand their territory.

A fair few of the people who have come through the portal were past Avatar. One of these Avatars was the previous one, Roku. Like most of the Avatars, Roku was able to go back into the spirit world when needed, mostly to keep an eye on the new Avatar, who was currently frozen in an iceberg. He also was keeping an eye on his current descendants, who were the children of the current Fire Lord. When not in the spirit world he did mediation workshops over at CHS

It was just after the summer solstice, that Roku came back from the spirit and he was not alone. Tirek was there to greet Roku, having gotten his message ahead of time, and watch as the older man came through the portal with a stretcher floating behind him. On the stretcher was a young teenager, about 13 years of age. The most noticeable thing on the teen was the bandage covering the side of his face.

“We got your message, Roku,” Tirek said, motioning to the nearby medic. “What exactly happened?”

Roku went on to explained what happened as the medic bought the teen to the infirmary. He explained how the teen was his great grandson and was the crown prince of the Fire Nation, Prince Zuko.

At age 11, Zuko’s mom went missing and was thought dead. Just recently, after his 13th birthday on the summer solstice, Zuko had managed to convince his uncle to allow him into a war meeting, thinking it was a good way to practice for when he became Fire Lord someday, as long as he was quiet.

During the war meeting, a general had suggested to use a division of new recruits as a distraction while an older, more experienced division came around the back. Basically, using the new recruits as cannon fodder. Zuko strongly disagreed with this plan and spoke out against it, however it was not his turn to speak out and there were consequences.

Zuko was challenged to an Agni Kai, a fire duel, for disrespecting. Thinking it was against the older general, Zuko accepted. It wasn’t until he turned around in the arena, that he realized the truth. Because he had spoken out in the Fire Lord’s war room, it was the Fire Lord he had respected, so it was his father that he had to fight. But like any young boy, he refused to fight his own father. But Ozai saw this as a weakness, and so as punishment he burned the side of Zuko’s face and banished him.

Unbeknown to everyone, the banishment was a front. While Zuko’s uncle, Iroh, was sorting out a ship and a trustworthy crew that they could use for Zuko’s banishment, Ozai had some people who were completely loyal to him take Zuko while he was still unconscious and dump him somewhere in the Earth Kingdom where Ozai hoped Zuko would succumb to his injuries.

“With the help from some of the other Avatars, I was able to bring through the spirit world and into this one,” Roku explained. “In hopes that he can at least have a decent life here, where he is safe.”

“I see,” Tirek said. “Well, if you can give us a few more details, I’ll get on to making him all the paperwork he’ll need to be an actual person here.”

“Of course,” Roku nodded at him. “I’ve transferred some information about this world into his mind, so he is at least has the same knowledge that boys his age know. I’ve also transfer some of my memories, so he can learn his relationship to me.”

“With that information dump, I’m going assume that means he’ll be in a coma for a bit, correct?” Tirek sent the info to the medic

“Yes,” Roku answered. “Now, I’m wondering if it will be alright if Zuko stays with you and Chrysalis.”

“Not that we won’t mind,” Tirek raised an eyebrow. “But why not he stays with you?”

“Well, I’m old and getting on in the years,” Roku explained. “Also, there’s my obligations in the spirit world. It’s not really legal for me to leave a 13-year-old at home by himself.”

“Fair enough,” Tirek nodded. “Well, I’ll talk to Chrys, but I’m sure she’ll say yes. We’ve got a bit more room now especially since Pharynx went off to college and with Thorax in his last year of high school, it’s going to get a bit lonely at home, so having a kid again would good for the both of us.”

“Of course,” Roku smiled. “Well, I’m going to sit by Zuko, while you go call your wife.”

“You do that,” Tirek said and watched the old Avatar walked towards the infirmary, before pulling his phone out. “Chrys, sweetie, we need to talk.”

A week later, Zuko finally woke up. It took him a few minutes to figure out where he was. He noticed he could only see out of his right eye, he reached up his hand to his left side and felt a bandage over his left eye. He heard a throat clear to his right. He looked over to see an older man with white hair and beard. He recognized him from the memories he was given

“Avatar Roku?” He asked the man

“Just Roku,” Roku smiled at him, and then became slightly firm when he saw Zuko trying to sit up. “Take it easy, you’ve been out of it for just over a week”

“Oh,” Zuko said as he settles down in a seated position, he then looked back at Roku. “So, you’re my Great Grandfather?”

“I am,” Roku nodded

“And you brought me to another world?” Zuko was going over the information and memories in his head

“I did,” Roku said patiently

“Why?” Was all Zuko could ask

“So, you could have a decent life, away from the war, away from the expectations and away from Ozai,” Roku explained. “Here, you just having to worry about being a normal teenager boy”

“But where am I going to stay?” Zuko asked worryingly. “From some of the memories you gave me, you still have obligations back in the spirit world and you can’t leave me by myself”

“No, I can’t,” Roku agreed. “But I talk to my friend Tirek Lord, and he said he and his wife Chrysalis would be happy for you to stay with them.”

“Oh, ok,” Zuko was a little unsure

“They’re just outside with the nurse, if you would like to meet them,” Roku suggested

“Yea, that would be a good idea,” Zuko agreed

Over the next week Zuko got to know Tirek and Chrysalis along with their sons. Zuko found it to be an interesting experience to now be the youngest. Thorax said that if he had any questions, he could ask him, while Pharynx simply said that if anyone messed with him, he could go to him and he would sort them out. He also got to know Roku some more, to the point he had started calling him Grandpa

As for his injury, the doctors managed to save his eyesight and hearing. However, even though they were able to lessen some of the damage to the skin, he would still have a scar across the left side of his face. Though they did say, that later, they could see about maybe reshaping him a new ear. After getting the all-clear, Zuko could finally move into Tirek and Chrysalis’ house

Soon it was time for Zuko to start going to CHS. He was a little nervous as Chrysalis pulled into the parking lot of the school. It didn’t help that Roku said he had told the school about the scar.

“It’s just so they are not caught off guard when they first see you,” Roku had explained.

“Now,” Chrysalis started as they walked towards the school. “Our first stop is Principal Celestia’s office, where you’ll get your locker number and combo”

“Ok,” Zuko said as he looked around at the school, but he ducked his head when he noticed some of the other students looking his way. He looked back up as they walked into the office. The older woman behind the desk was obviously the principal, but his eyes were drawn to the girl with fiery hair standing next to the desk talking to the older woman. The girl looked up after finishing whatever it was, they were discussing when they noticed Chrysalis and he walk in. For a split second, gold meet jade as their eyes met, both suddenly having a slight warmth in their chests. They shook their heads and got to introducing themselves

“Um,” Zuko started, waving his hand a little. “Hello, Zuko here”

Sunset couldn’t help but giggle at that, before saying, “Hi, I’m Sunset”

“Here you go Zuko,” Celestia said, passing him a slip of paper. “That’s your locker number and combo for the lock”

“Thank you,” Zuko nodded, looking at the numbers

“What number is your locker,” Sunset asked. Zuko showed her the paper. “Oh, that’s just a few doors down from my locker, I could show you where it is, and then we can head to homeroom”

“Thanks, I would appreciate that,” Zuko smiled at her

“Well,” Chrysalis said turning to Zuko. “Have a great day and I’ll pick you up after school, unless you want to hang out with any new friends. If that’s the case, just text me what time and where to pick you up. Ok?”

“Ok,” Zuko nodded, before Chrysalis walked out of the office

“Sunset, I suggest that you show Zuko his locker now, because it’s getting very close to homeroom time” Celestia pointed out the clock showing about 10 minutes to homeroom

“Oh, right, yeah,” Sunset blushed before motioning for Zuko to follow her. “We better get going. See you later, mum”

“You too, sweetie,” Celestia smiled before turning to her computer

“She’s your mother?” Zuko asked as they walked to the lockers

“Well, adopted mother,” Sunset rubbed the back of her head. “But that’s more of a technicality.”

“I see,” Zuko said, he looked around as they got close to their lockers, he noticed that everyone were looking at him and then turning away.

When Sunset noticed where he was looking, she placed a hand on his shoulder and explained. “Don’t worry, Roku told us about your scar. Mind you, not about how you got it, that’s your story to tell when you’re ready. No, he just told us that you had a scar on your face. So, anyone is just getting a look at the scar now, that way the novelty of the scar will fade, and you’ll just be like any other student, just with a scar.”

“Oh, ok,” Zuko was relieved. “I thought they were pitying me or something”

“No,” Sunset shook her head. “While we do get the occasional bully, most of the time we’re a friendly school. Anyway, this is your locker”

“Thanks,” Zuko said as he spun the combo and opened his locker

“I’m just going to get my books and then we can walk to homeroom together, since you probably don’t know where it is,” Sunset suggested

“Sounds good,” Zuko nodded, and watch as she walked 3 doors down to her locker

They walked to homeroom, where Zuko was introduced. The morning was the typical morning of classes and soon it was time for lunch. After getting his lunch from the lunch lady, he looked around the cafeteria trying to figure out where he was going to sit

“Zuko! Over Here!” He looked over to see Sunset waving him over. He walked over to the table and sat down next to Sunset and looked down the table to the 5 other girls

“Zuko, these are my friends,” Sunset pointed to each girl. “Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Girls, this is Zuko, the guy I was telling you about”

“Hi,” Zuko shyly waved at them

“Oh my gosh!” Pinkie exclaimed with a big smile, as she pulled a notebook out of her hair. “New friend! I must throw you a ‘Welcome to CHS party’!”

“Whoa, take it easy Pinkie,” Rainbow said placing a hand on the girl’s shoulder, trying to calm her down. “At least let the guy get used to being here”

“Oh, ok,” Pinkie settled down, before turning sheepishly to Zuko. “Sorry”

“Um, that’s ok,” Zuko accepted the apology, still trying to figure what just happened

“Don’t worry,” Applejack said. “That was just Pinkie being herself. You’ll get used to it.”

“So, Zuko,” Rarity said. “How do you like Canterlot City so far?”

“Great,” Zuko smiled. “I’ve really enjoyed last month or so. But…” His smiled fell. “I’ll admit I still sometimes miss the fire nation”

“Fire Nation?” Fluttershy asked. “Is that a country in your world?”

“Yes,” Zuko replied. “It’s where I was born. I don’t know if you know this or not, but before I got my scar, I was the crowned prince of the fire nation”

“Wow,” Rarity looked at him with sparkles in her eyes. “A real live prince”

“Um,” Zuko was uncomfortable suddenly. “If it’s alright with you, I rather be treated as a normal guy, please”

“Fair enough,” Applejack nodded with the others agreeing

“Hey, are you busy after school?” Rainbow asked

“Not that I know of,” Zuko said after thinking

“Cool,” Rainbow smiled. “Do you want to hang out with us. We were just going to go to The Sweet Café for some snacks and then head to the park for a bit”

“Oh, ok,” Zuko said as he pulled his phone out. “I just got to let Chrysalis know, so she knows where to pick me up”

Soon it was the end of the school day. Zuko was led to the Sweet Café, where they picked up some takeaway milkshakes and cupcakes, before heading to the Canterlot park. While they sat and ate, the girls asked Zuko questions about the fire nation and its culture, which Zuko was happy to answer. When he got to the firebending, the girls were curious

“Can you show us some moves?” Pinkie asked, sipping on her milkshake

“Um, ok, but I can’t firebend here,” Zuko pointed out

“That’s ok,” Sunset smiled. “You can just do the moves and I’m sure we can just imagine the fire”

“Well, if you insist,” Zuko said standing up. He got into position before going through the basic forms. The girls watched in fasciation, and then clapped after he was finished

“Hm,” Rainbow rubbed her chin. “Hey, Sunset. Is it just me, or did some of those moves look like the forms you’ve been learning in that kung fu class you’ve been going to?”

“Yeah,” Sunset nodded. “Now that you mention it, it did look similar to my kung fu class”

“Kung fu? That’s a type of hand-to-hand combat, isn’t it?” Zuko asked as he sat down

“Yep,” Sunset answered. “It’s called Northern Shaolin Kung Fu. If you want, I could show you some forms and show you how similar it is to your firebending forms”

“I would like that,” Zuko smiled. He watched as Sunset went through some forms and he had to agree, it did look similar. They spend a few more minutes talking about firebending and kung fu forms.

“Hey,” Rainbow got everyone’s attention. “Did any of you watch the news last night?”

“You mean about what happened over in the UK,” Applejack replied. “At that magical school, Hogwarts I think they said”

“That’s the one,” Rainbow nodded

“Yeah,” Sunset said. “I saw that too. Apparently, there was a basilisk on the loose and despite some students being petrified, they didn’t do anything until two ‘pureblood’ wizards were killed.”

“And to hear it was all because one of the other students were possessed by dark magic was terrible,” Fluttershy hugged her rabbit angel closer to her

“All I can say is thank goodness none of us go to that school,” Rarity wiped her hands of frosting. “To not do anything until someone ‘important’ is killed is absolutely ridiculous”

“You know,” Sunset smiled. “Its times like these that I’m actually grateful that my biological father gave me up. It led to me coming here and meeting all you. And it keeps me away from all that blood purity nonsense over there”

“And we’re happy to have you here, Sunset,” Rarity smiled back at her and they all gathered for a big group hug

“Anyway,” Rainbow said pulling out of the hug and checking her watch. “I think I should probably be heading home”

All around there was agreement and they all called their families to come pick them up. After a final goodbye, they all headed home

Dear Journal,

Fall formal is coming up and I’ve decided to not participate this year. I’m going to let someone else be princess. The portal is opening that week too. I’ve asked what I’m going to do, and I’ve said nothing. I’d rather wait until I have all my memories back before I worry about the other world

Zuko decided to join me in the kung fu classes with me. That should be interesting. I don’t know why but whenever I’m around Zuko my heart flutters for some weird reason. There’s just something about his gold eyes that I can’t put my finger on it. I’m sure we’ll find out someday.

Well that’s all for now.

Sunset King