• Published 12th Jul 2021
  • 721 Views, 9 Comments

The Centaur Conspiracy - 5u0myn0n4

Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow, explore secrets, and uncover startling revelations.

  • ...

Chapter 7

In the forest, Grogar stomped and stampered his way through the brush. He befell any small trees in his way, and paid no mind to any of his surroundings. Behind him were Sludge the dragon, and the Mane-iac, of Power Ponies fame.

"So. Where exactly are we heading?" Sludge asked.

"Tirek has been through these parts. I know it. I can sense where he's been." Grogar said.

"Can he actually?" Mane-iac asked.

Sludge shrugged. (Try saying that three times fast.)

But their efforts would be rewarded, as Grogar stumbled upon something hopeful. The three came across the Kirin village!

"What are they?" Mane-iac asked.

"Dragon ponies?" Sludge asked.

"Close. Kirin. Though related to dragons, and of the subspecies chimera, they are known for their extraordinary fire powers when provoked, and they elicit their raw forms as anger filled Nirik."

"Wow. I didn't know you were a biochemist or whatever." Sludge said.

"As the father of monsters, I am familiar with every spawn of creature to inhabit Equestria." Grogar said. "And something about this village *sniff* Tirek's been here. They know where he is, and we're going to get that answer from them."

"How are we going to do that 'father of monsters'?" Mane-iac asked.

"The mere sight of me likeness ought'a strike fear into their eyes." Grogar said. "I'll intimidate them, and get the answers I want from them."

Grogar stepped out of the brush and stamped through the village.

The kirin stopped what they were doing, and halted in place to stare at the sight before them. Kirins paused their gardening, and conversations. Autumn Blaze and Cinder Glow, who were in the middle of her couch together, but halted their moving when they saw Grogar.

"Humble kirin, it is I, Grogar. The father of monsters, wishing you an unfriendly welcome." he said. "You might be in luck however. I come only seeking information. I demand that you tell me the location of Lord Tirek, and his partner Cozy Glow."

But the Kirin leader did not speak. They merely stared blankly at Grogar. The rest of the kirin took their hint, and followed their lead.

"Not talking, eh? You might want to reconsider your silence." Grogar said.

Grogar looked at either side, and realized the kirin were giving him blank stares.

"Same goes for all of you. I don't know what this tactic is, but you won't be silent once I'm done with you." Grogar said.

Sludge laid on Autumn's couch and watched Grogar fail to strike fear in to the eyes of the Kirin.

"Oh this is rich." Sludge said, snickering.

"No, please! Spare us, Grofar!" Mane-iac mocked.

After a few more moments, Sludge heard a creek, and a snap, and suddenly, the couch gave and broke below him.

Autumn gasped.

"MY COUCH!" she exclaimed.

"You MORON! Do you have any idea how HARD IT IS TO MOVE COUCHES!?" she exclaimed.

"Yeah well it ain't my fault they don't make couches for my girth. What are you gonna do?" Sludge said.

Sludge poked Autumn Blaze's snout, which tipped her over the edge.

She erupted into flames as an angry Nirk.

All her Kirin villagers also burst into flames.

"Uh oh..." Grogar said.

"Hey, father of monsters, now would be a really nice time to make your 'children' chill." Mane-iac said.

Meanwhile, at the castle.

Tsourakis carried the Cozy Glow mirror with him to his main throne room.

"You won't get away with this!" Cozy exclaimed.

Cozy gasped when she saw.

Tirek was sapped of his magic, and chained to the floor. Chrysalis was chained as well, and had a piece around her horn.

"You were saying?" Tsourakis smirked. "Caught them snooping around the castle and apprehended them before I even met you in the library, Cozy. I'm always five steps ahead of you guys."

"What exactly do you have planned here?" Cozy asked. "Why are you so intent on imprisoning my family?"

"Because, you three are very special. You're the trio of doom! Each one of you held conquest and nearly took over Equestria." Tsourakis explained.

"So what? We're not about that any more." Cozy said.

"Mmm, so you say. But once a villain, always a villain. Your hearts still have a tinge of evil within, and that will be just enough."

"Just enough for what?" Cozy asked.

Tsourakis placed the Cozy mirror. Cozy waved nervously at Tirek and Chrysalis.

"You three, this crystal in my hand, the inevitable arrival of Grogar, and capping off this ensemble of all star villains, is the one who raged an army on Canterlot. Nearly had the magic of the four alicorns all contained in a staff, and had those pony princesses quivering in their frozen hooves!"

"Uh, neat. When do we get to meet them?" Cozy asked.

*sigh* "IT'S ME! It is I. The one, the only."

Tsourakis twisted their head, and lifted it, revealing their true identity. Underneath the fake head was a head in a liquid jar. The head inside was that of a totally different, yet vaguely familiar head.

The trio stared at this revelations, but were less than shocked to say the least.

"I am so sorry, but is this supposed to be some kind of startling revelation? Because like... ...Who are you exactly?" Cozy asked.

"Some kind of... yeti...?" Chrysalis asked.

"Ugh! Come on! You guys never heard of The Storm King?" he exclaimed.

"I think Twilight lectured about you at her school. Silverstream and the Hippogriffs hid from you and your army."

"I've heard of The Storm King in passing. How he raged wars and built an army far beyond Equestria." Tirek said.

"Didn't you like... go away?" Cozy asked.

"Hrrgh. I did. Seems everyone thought I was toast. But the jokes on them, I'll be serving them toast... hehehe... very burnt toast." Storm King said.

"Like this body? Disguised as a mechanical centaur. We-phew. The perfect cover." Storm King said.

"It's hideouts. And utter disrespect. I suspected something was off with you." Tirek said.

"Well you didn't suspect soon enough, did'ja?" Storm King said. "You couldn't catch the obvious hints, and I was always one step ahead of all three of you. I think this bod is swell. It's nothing compared to what I had before, but beggers can't be choosers."

"There I was, turned to stone, falling from a great height, and then SMASH! Onto the ground. Everyone thought that was the end of The Storm King, but no, it was only a new beginning, for you see. All the kings horses and all the kings mares... well, they put Storm King's head together again, the body we settled on building a mechanical simulate." he explained.

The three of them all glared at Storm King.

"Now now, no need for the long faces. It's nothing personal against you guys. Think of this just as my unfinished business. You've all had you second chance at world domination. Now it's time for Storm King to make a dramatic come back. The Epoch of The Storm King!"

Kirin village aftermath.

Sludge, Grogar, and Mane-iac limped and trudged their way away from the Kirin village.

*phew* "Who knew those little tykes packed so much fire power." Sludge said.

"Face it, we failed." Mane-iac said.

"Grogar doesn't bucking lose." Grogar said.

"Except when he does." Mane-iac sassed. "How many times have you lost? Three times? Is this your fourth?"

"I mean if you wanna sugar coat it, it we weren't exactly successful. We infuriated the village, and all I got was this peculiar burn mark on my chest." Sludge said.

Grogar caught a glimpse of Sludge's burn mark, and noticed it was indeed very peculiar.

"Is that... a map?" he asked.

"Oh right, one of those niriks lit a slab on fire and pounded it against my chest." Sludge said. "Why? What's got you eying it?"

"This is significant! Let me take a look!" Grogar said.

"Okay, but don't stare for too long. I get camera shy." Sludge said.

Grogar stared closely at Sludge's burn mark. It was definitely an outline of Equestria, with peculiar signs of a path, and markers, with a specific region highlighted.

"It shows exactly where Tirek went. Hmm hehe. He's gone home to his father's castle. Let's catch them and corner them before they even know what's coming." Grogar said.

Grogar was already on his way, but his two cohorts weren't jazzed up just yet.

"And what exactly is coming? A hoof shake? A hoofball styled tackle? What have you got? What are you even going to do when you're face to face with your enemies?" Mane-iac asked.

"I shall show them no mercy." Grogar said. "None whatsoever."

"And then what? You think you're gonna win? We ain't exactly an all star team of fighters." Mane-iac said.

Mane-iac's constant questions was getting on the nerves of Grogar, mainly because she actually brought up good points. Grogar didn't have much going for him besides his raw determination. But he was ready to carry that to the ends of Equestria.

"They only think they're strong because they work together. But I will use every bit of my strength to tear them apart. I'll destroy what matters most to Tirek, his precious partner Cozy Glow. Once she's gone, he'll fold and surrender to me. That is how I will win." Grogar said.