• Published 12th Jul 2021
  • 721 Views, 9 Comments

The Centaur Conspiracy - 5u0myn0n4

Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow, explore secrets, and uncover startling revelations.

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Chapter 2

Several days had passed at the Kirin Village, but Amber Glow and Chrysalis still waited anxiously for the return of Cozy Glow and Tirek. The fact that they needed so much time to themselves seemed a little strange by itself, and the timing of it all was a bit unfortunate. Amber Glow was learning so much by spending time with her sister, and the former villains, but this interruption in Cozy and Amber's time together brought those experiences to a halt.

In the meantime, the filly spent the day passing time the only way she knew how, laying in the grass and watching the wind flow against the grass and trees.

Chrysalis approached the bored filly, with a look of concern.

"It's been days, Chrys. I wonder if they're okay." Amber said, laying bored in the grass.

"The master of mischief and a powerful centaur? I wouldn't worry to much for them." Chrysalis said. "

"What if something's gone wrong between them? Like. does their extended time together mean they really like each other? Or they really don't like each other?" Amber wondered.

"They have to be back eventually." Chrysalis said.

"They're back!"


Amber and Chrysalis heard a distant voice from across the village. It was a familiar and energetic voice. Must be Autumn Blaze.

Autumn came rushing through the village to Amber and Chrysalis.

"Amber, they're back!" Autumn exclaimed.

"You mean Cozy and Tirek?" she asked.

"Yep. They just showed up at the village edge. Come on. They're dying to greet you." Autumn said, grinning.

"Told you they'd be back." Chrysalis said.

At the edge of the village, all the Kirins cheered for the return of Cozy Glow and Tirek.

Amber came rushing by, and shoved her way through the front of the crowd.

*gasp* "I see them!" Amber exclaimed.

Amber ran over and leaped up into Cozy's hooves. Cozy caught her and held onto her while hovering in the air.

"You're back!" Amber exclaimed.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Cozy said. "I just couldn't get enough of this guy."

Amber was teeming with joy.

"Tell me everything." she said.

"Hehe... while I can't tell you everything just yet, we do have some exciting news we'd like to share." Cozy said.

Cozy nudged Tirek, hoping he'd explain, but he crossed his arms, and looked the other way.

"Alright, I'll tell them." Cozy said. "Amber, our journey's not over yet. It hasn't even started yet! We just came here to pick you two up."

The filly was intrigued. "Go on." she replied.

"You see, we aren't done with exciting adventures just yet. Our most exciting adventure is still to come." Cozy said.

"Enough descriptors. What's this all important journey we're all going to take together?" Amber asked.

Cozy took a deep breath before exclaiming the exciting news.

"Amber Glow, we're going to meet Tirek's parents!" Cozy exclaimed.

*gasp* "What?!" Amber with amazement and disbelief.

"You heard me right. We're taking a little vacation to Tirek's home land!" Cozy added.

Chrysalis was also excited, but a touch skeptical.

"That sounds fun and all. But, why now?" Chrysalis asked.

Cozy was more than glad to explain to the former changeling queen.

"See, Tirek's been extra grumpy lately. He needs a little family reunion. We're heading for Midnight Castle, in hopes of introducing the lot of us to his parents." Cozy explained.

"I like the sound of it." Amber said, grinning.

"I thought you would, my little Amby." Cozy said, rubbing her sister's mane.

"I told you, I don't like being called little Amby, or treated like a filly. You said were gonna treat me as an equal." Amber added.

"Yes I did. Sorry, I just get mushy sometimes. I can't help myself sometimes. But rest assured. You hold just as much importance to our group as any one of us." Cozy assured, patting her sister on the head.

Autumn Blaze approached them.

"Leaving already?" Autumn Blaze asked.

"'fraid so." Cozy said.

"Where to this time?" Autumn asked.

"But do we even know where it is?" Chrysalis asked.

"That I can help you with." Autumn said.

Autumn Blaze carved out a partial map of Equestria onto an old tree. The map was made based on information from Tirek recollection of his years traversing Equestria.

"So here's where we are, and way up here is your destination." Autumn said.

"Midnight castle is about this far from the village. It won't take terribly long to get there on foot." Tirek said.

"We just head Northeast, and we'll reach it in a matter of days." Cozy said.

"So let me see if I understood this correctly. You're going to Tirek's homeland, specifically to Midnight Castle, so that Lord Tirek can reunite with his parents, and introduce his new family to his old family." Autumn Blaze said.

"When you put it that way..." Tirek said.

"Hey, don't worry much about it. Parents can be hard to please, trust me I know. My parents wanted me to be a medical specialist instead of theater major. But you know what? They've been to every single one of my plays." Autumn Blaze said.

"They must be so proud to have birthed a chattering creature such as yourself." Tirek said with a snarl of sass.

Autumn either didn't notice, or wasn't offended by what he said.

"We can't thank you enough for all you've done, Autumn." Cozy said. "From your warm welcome, to all of your suggestions, I hope that our happiest days are yet to come."

"No problem. I hope you two had a fun week long getaway, and I wish you all luck on your future endeavors." Autumn Blaze said.

"We're going to need luck where we're going." Tirek mumbled to himself.

Chrysalis could overhear Tirek's distressed mumbling, and interpreted it as a sign of worry.

"This won't be... dangerous, will it?" Chrysalis asked.

"Can't see why." Cozy replied. "Tirek grew up in Midnight Castle. He'll know his way around. It should be relatively safe."

Cozy adorned her pilot's jacket, and was ready for adventure.

At the Northeast edge of the village, the legion had gathered up, and were nearly ready to head out into the world once more. Every Kirin in the village waved goodbye to the legion as they left the village, and headed for Midnight Castle in the land of Centaurs.

"Farewell, Kirins and Kirin village!" Amber waved and exclaimed.

"We'll miss you!" Cinder Glow said.

"Til our paths cross again!" Autumn said.

The four of them headed out and began their venture to a new region of Equestria.

"I can't wait to meet King Vorak, and Queen Haydon. Maybe we'll even run into Scorpan!" Amber said, imagining what Tirek's parents must be like.

"I get why you might be excited, but is a family reunion trip really going to be that exciting of an adventure?" Amber asked.

"Whatever word you use to describe it, I feel this is a journey we can't pass on." Chrysalis said.

As their trek across Equestria lingered, Cozy looked at her pal, Tirek. As time went on, Tirek didn't appear any more sure of himself. The thought of returning to Midnight Castle was stressful, and it hadn't quite settled with him yet.

"You haven't said a lot all day, Tirek. How are you feeling about this? A bit nervous?" Cozy asked.

"I mean, I wouldn't back down now." Tirek said.

"I mean, you could. It'd be pretty disappointing though." Cozy said.

"I wouldn't want to disappoint any of you. And besides, you are right about what you said earlier. I cannot run away much longer. I've been away from home for long enough. I owe it to myself to return, as difficult as it may be." Tirek said.

Cozy put her hoof to Tirek, and looked at him with a warm grin. Tirek was willing to push himself for their sake, and for his own sake.

"It has been a long time since I've seen any of them. So much has changed with me. My best friends are a pony, and that pony's twin sister. How much has changed with dad in the meantime?" Tirek thought out loud.

Chrysalis noticed Tirek looked unsure. So she walked up and said some words to him.

"Hey, take it from me, when it comes to parenthood, there's nothing wrong with change. It's a message that took me quite a lot of time to learn. But if a stubborn old bug like me can learn, then so can they." Chrysalis said.

"One can hope you're right..." Tirek said, with a distinct lack of confidence in his tone.

Amber leaped up onto Tirek's other side and grinned at him too. With two overly enthusiastic pegasi ready for adventure, Tirek wouldn't possibly say no. He just didn't know what laid ahead. In fact, none of them did. None of them could possibly imagine exactly what they were getting their selves into...

Meanwhile in Tartarus.

The father of monsters, Grogar. A sad and defeated ram. Drained of his powers once again, and caged in Tartarus, Equestria's maximum security facility for the most vile of creatures. It is here where the once great Grogar now resides.

"Oh woe is me." he groaned. "I have no idea how Tirek put up with this for 1,000 years. It hasn't been anywhere near that, and already I'm wasting away bored..."

Grogar was caged by Tirek and Cozy Glow after the two of them had defeated the mad ram. Their paths clashed when Grogar kidnapped Cozy's sister Amber. Tirek sapped Grogar of his magic, and returned it to the bell, leaving the old goat powerless.

Fortunately, he wasn't alone. Caged next to him was the most evil dragon of all, Sludge.

"You know, you don't have to look all sad like. It ain't too bad here." Sludge said.

Sludge was originally caged by Cozy Glow, because she determined this was the only place in Equestria he belonged. And then Princess Twilight Sparkle sort of never bothered to let him free. Seemed like an appropriate place for him though, considering what he did to Spike all those years ago.

"Explain..." Grogar said, deflated.

"I mean, sure it ain't no castle, but you gotta be impressed with the layout of this place." Sludge explained. "For Equestria's maximum security, the rocks and the lighting actually make the place rather homey."

"I changed my mind, I order you to be silent." Grogar said.

"You sure? I'd hate to be a nuisance, but I can talk about interior decorating for hours-" Sludge said, but he was shushed by Grogar.

"No, not that. Silence because I think I hear Cerberus coming. Shh..." Grogar said. "You must be quiet. It is time for our plan to come into action."

All the way from the end of Tartarus, Grogar and Sludge could hear massive footsteps from outside the front door of Tartarus. It must've been Cerberus. They were the only one who regularly went in and out of the gates.

"Wait for it..." Grogar said with great anticipation.

When Cerberus opened the large door inwards, the door tripped a wire. The wire kicked over a bucket of fluid and spilled it on the ground. The dog guardian was not confused, or immediately alarmed, but this would spell very bad news.

"Now!" Grogar exclaimed.

Sludge took his best aim and fired a small fireball at the puddle. It was enough to ignite the entire entryway to Tartarus in a blazing fire.

When the flames cleared and Cerberus took a look around, nothing seemed out of place.

That was except for Grogar and Sludge's cages. Both were destroyed, and the creatures inside were gone. The guardian Cerberus sniffed around Tartarus frantically, and opened the gates to search outside, but neither creature were spotted.

Grogar walked gleefully from the gates of Tartarus. He took a deep breath to take in that fresh air of the outside.

"That infernal realm was but a mere inconvenience for me. Now that I am free, my next course of action shall be-"

"I gotta hand it to you, Mr. Grogar, I didn't think that plan had much a chance of succeeding." Sludge said, interrupting. "Igniting a puddle of lighter fluid with my flame breath and making a beeline for the door right behind the doggie's back was a longshot at best, but it worked. Slowly chipping away at those cages for a really long time, and snapping the bars at just the right moment was brilliant."

"You escaped too?" Grogar asked.

"Sure did. Wasn't that part of the plan?" Sludge asked.

"Not at all. Nowhere in my plan did I state that your escape was necessary or required." Grogar snarled.

"But you didn't say my escape wasn't prohibited either." Sludge said, gleefully.

"Hmph. Anyway, as I was saying..."

The ram stood atop a large rock, and took in his surroundings from above. Equestria. A land dominated by friendship, but now at the mercy of his vengeful spirit.

"Equestria will tremble at its knees. The king of monsters is back, and he will reclaim his bell, or some equivalent power source. And I shall once more be the most powerful creature in Equestria!" Grogar exclaimed.

"Sounds like a lofty plan. I mean, it's good to have goals." Sludge said, leaning against another large boulder.. "Tell you what, I don't anything much better to do, so I'm coming with you. I reckon you could use a pair of opposable thumbs."

Grogar groaned and mumbled at the prospect of having Sludge of all creatures accompany him on his quest for revenge.

"Fine. Your thumbs and your wings might be useful at some point or another. Besides, I'm bound to get hungry along the way." Grogar said.

"Say what now?" Sludge asked.

With the father of monsters, Grogar free from Tartarus, the land of Equestria would be at his mercy once again.

"So, Mr. Magic Ram, where you gonna get your fill up of magic?" Sludge asked.

"If there's one creature who can assist me, it's Lord Tirek. We'll find Tirek, and order him to do as I command. Either the centaur relinquishes all of his magic to me, or he retrieves my bell. And this time, no Cozy Glow is going to get in my way."