> The Centaur Conspiracy > by 5u0myn0n4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When we last saw the Legion of Doom, they had concluded the adventure of a lifetime. After being unexpectedly free from stone, Cozy, Tirek, and Chrysalis escaped Canterlot and went off on their own journey. Their goal of finding the Rainbow of Darkness was a success, but what they didn't account for was that Cozy Glow would fall ill. Not to go out on a whimper, Cozy came up with an alternative plan. She carried out one more final scheme to take over Equestria once and for all. In the process, Cozy found her real dad, and discovered that she had a little sister named Amber Glow. After a heartbreaking and yet miracle ridden last series of events, the members of the legion were reunited at last, and true evil was vanquished for good. For banishing the Rainbow of Darkness, and changing Queen Chrysalis, Twilight Sparkle had come around and chose to forgive Cozy Glow for her past actions. And Cozy in return vowed to be good going forward. After a series of failed take over attempts, and newfound fondness of working together with Cozy, Chrysalis and Tirek followed in her hoofsteps gladly. It was a nice change of pace to be liked by Twilight instead of wanted by her. After saying goodbye to Twilight Sparkle, they waved goodbye to the ponies they'd met along the way. The likes of Suri Polomare, Lighting Dust, Svengallop, and others, as they returned to the village Cozy had founded, while Cozy, along with Tirek, and Chrysalis, opted instead to traverse their own path. Amber was torn whether to stay with her father and all the ponies in the safety of the village, or stay with Cozy Glow. But ultimately she opted for the latter, and joined Cozy on their journey to wherever the wind would carry them. She was an adventurous soul, and wanted to explore all of Equestria. After that day, well, they weren't seen too often from then on out. Rumors of sightings permeated Equestria, but they were seldom seen. What they had planned next, no one really knew for sure. Some creatures speculated that the group had no plan in particular, and were essentially just going wherever the wind took them. Today though we're here to solve the mystery of what became of Lord Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, and her sister, Amber Glow, after they ventured off into their own adventure. After they started this next chapter of life, they found more time to themselves, it allowed for the four of them to discover more about each other. Amber was the curious filly who was happy to tag along to any adventure. Cozy Glow and Tirek grew closer by each progressing day it seemed. And Chrysalis found peace, and eased up for the first time in a long while. Some years into their journey, the four of them had found themselves in a wondrous forest, where they came face to face with an actual Kirin. After being led to the Kirin home village, they stopped and spent some days in the village. They were warmly welcomed, not common for outsiders, but every Kirin the village could sense the four were no threat. They were friendly to each other and those around them. The easygoing reformed Changeling Chrysalis, the little unicorn Amber. And then there was Cozy Glow and Tirek... The energy between them was impossible to ignore. And thus, the eager and energetic Autumn Blaze stepped in and urged them to close the gap between each other. The two were surprised by Autumn's suggestion. Autumn back petaled a little after realizing she'd made them uncomfortable, but after thinking it over, Cozy and Tirek agreed they needed some time alone to think about the future. The pegasus mare Cozy and the centaur prince Tirek, departed from the Kirin village on yet another side adventure. An adventure within an adventure. Amber Glow and Chrysalis stayed behind in the village to learn more about their culture. Which brings us to today. In the pristine and serene outdoors of the Kirin forest, lay two creatures. Laying down with her legs crossed, was the little blue maned unicorn filly, Amber Glow, the (sort of) twin sister to the pegasus Cozy Glow. The resemblance between the two Glows was uncanny. Not surprising since Amber was created directly from Cozy Glow. She was born many years after Cozy, so she was some years younger than her "sister". They shared the same blue mane and pale skin color. The biggest distinction was that Amber was a unicorn, while Cozy was of course a pegasus. Besides that, Amber's most distinguishing trait was her yellowish eyes, of which served as her namesake. Next to the filly was the former Queen of Changelings, the now reformed changed changeling, Chrysalis. Together they laid in the grass and took in the fresh air. It was very relaxing to the both of them. Amber broke the bliss silence to express her feelings. "Nothing beats the feeling of having the wind flowing through my mane." Amber said. "You said it." Chrysalis replied. Neither Cozy nor Amber styled their manes in that old fashioned swirly mane style. They both opted to just let their manes flow naturally. There was no need for either of them to style their manes that way, or wear tail bows or head bows in order to put on a false persona to fool anyone. Cozy was a reformed mare, there was nothing to hide any more. And Amber was a young expressive and outgoing filly who found much more satisfaction in expressing herself to others, instead of lying and pretending. Chrysalis gave in and let her body change, following in the steps of the rest of her hive. Had she not, she might not be alive today. She had spent so much time away from her hive in that old changeling form, she came dangerously close to running out of energy and withering away. It was thanks to the combined friendship bond with her, Cozy, Amber, and Tirek that warmed the cockles of her heart and taught her that it was better to share love than to steal it. Her mind was at peace. There was little reason to worry about her subjects. They were in good hands under the watch of Queen Ocellus. "This is the life." Amber said. "It certainly is." Chrysalis replied. "Being loved and adored by my entire hive, ooh, really does warm me up." "Going on adventures with my older sister, and you guys." Amber said. "And to now be loved by every creature who once hated me really feels like such a turnaround." Chrysalis said. The two relaxed for another moment or two. But there was that sinking feeling wondering what their closest friends were up to. "When do you suppose Cozy Glow and Tirek are coming back?" Amber asked. "Probably when they've had enough of each other." Chrysalis joked. "So basically, it'll be a while." Amber giggled. It'd been a week since Cozy Glow and Tirek left the village, leaving Amber and Chrysalis with not much to do besides wait for their return. "I do miss them though. It's already been a few days." Amber said. Amber was in a bit of a slum. Although she was enjoying her more personal time with Chrysalis, she missed her sister and Tirek. She'd had the time of her life exploring Equestria with the three of them guiding her, teaching her, and in general being the perfect family she could've ever wanted. Sure her dad was okay, and she looked forward to seeing him again next time they decided to visit the village Cozy established, but living nomadically in Equestria was the experience of a lifetime. Later that night, all the Kirin, along with Amber and Chrysalis were watching Autumn Blaze's newest play. Kirin Khronicles. The theater was packed. Every seat was occupied by a kirin, say for the seats where Amber and Chrysalis spectated the play. "It's flattering that Autumn Blaze wrote a stage play based on our adventures." Amber whispered. "Shh..." Cinder Glow shushed Amber. Faced against impossible odds, the glowing Kirin single handedly fought against all the Kirin who were dressed in darker outfits. "This is my favorite part." Amber said. Her pupils were dilating as she watched the climax of the play. The protagonist and main antagonist characters were face to face, when the protagonist caught the antagonist by surprise, trapped the both of them in a magic spell, and banished both of them! Every creature gasped. The curtains closed signifying the end of Act 2. The Kirin all clapped in excitement after an exciting climax. "Such a dramatic and heartbreaking scene..." Amber said, shedding a single tear. "Right..." Chrysalis said, who was not as confident in how to feel. The two of them caught a glimpse of Autumn Blaze peeking her head from the curtain, requesting their presence. The two of them stood up from their seats and made their way to behind the stage. During the intermission, Amber and Chrysalis went behind the stage to speak with Autumn. "This play has been a wild success! Everyone loves it!" Autumn Blaze said. "I can't thank you enough for the inspiration. Hearing your awe inspiring story of tragedy, loss, wooo, really got my imagination running wild for how to portray such events on a stage play!" "That's splendid. I'm so happy for your success." Chrysalis said. "Thanks for saying that, Chrysalis. You're both clearly enjoying it, but you seem a little under the weather, Tiny Cozy." Autumn said. Amber glared at Autumn. She was not flattered by the nickname the Kirin had given her. "Err, I mean Amber." Autumn corrected. Amber did not like being called Cozy. Not as a nickname, or informally. She didn't want to hear anyone make that mistake. "The play's great, but I just wish Cozy and Tirek were here to witness it." Amber said. "As well as here to spend more time with us..." "Eh. I mean, it's not like this isn't anything they haven't witnessed before. After all, they lived it." Autumn Blaze said. "It's not like they've forgotten about either of you. They just need some time to themselves after such a long journey. You know how adults can be." Autumn said. The little filly scratched her mane. "I don't." she said, confused. "Well, it's a grownup thing, you'll understand in due time... time, time! It's nearly time for Act 3! Places everyone! Places!" Autumn said, frantically. Autumn Blaze frantically rushed behind the stage setting the props, and getting all the actors in place for the 3rd and final act. There were a lot of characters for this last act. "We best get back to our place in the seats." Chrysalis said. "Yeah, alright then." Amber said. Meanwhile, Cozy Glow, who was a fully grown mare, and Tirek, were busy on their own journey. The two of them shared some laughs, and in general just enjoyed having each other around. "Oh, Tirek you devious yet surprisingly quirky centaur." Cozy Glow said. "Oh and you, Cozy Glow. I suppose this is the real you." Tirek said. "I can get as real as you'd like." Cozy said. After... enjoying their company, Tirek let out some more of his thoughts. "You know, I'm really pleased with what we've been able to accomplish." Tirek admitted. Cozy nodded in agreement. "One of the reasons why being turned to stone was as... inconvenient as it was, was all the unfinished business we had on our plates. Chrysalis was never able to reconcile with her hive after they all changed, but we went ahead and fixed that. And then with me, woah. I had so much family business I wasn't even aware of. I had no idea my dad thought far enough ahead to make a clone of me. And now we have Amber with us. And after I, I mean we, saved Equestria, now my dad, the changelings, Princess Twilight Sparkle, and just about every creature in Equestria admires and respects us." Cozy said. At this stage in their lives, Cozy and Tirek were pretty content. No longer were they wanted villains on the run from Princess Twilight Sparkle. After they (mostly Cozy Glow though) saved Equestria from Grogar and the Rainbow of Darkness, they were finally free and allowed to enjoy life at their own pace. No longer did they have the pressure or desire to want to take over Equestria. Instead, Cozy, Tirek, Chrysalis, and Amber were content taking life one step at a time. That's nice and all, but does that mean their journey is over? Not just yet. Which member of the legion still has unfinished business? It should be obvious by now. "There really isn't that much more unfinished business to take care of, which leaves us more time to each other." Cozy said, pressing her hoof against Tirek. Tirek looked happy, but he also looked unsure. Coupling all factors together. Him and Cozy. His unfinished business. Something didn't mix right. "There's something on your mind, isn't there?" Cozy asked. "Chrysalis and I have reconciled with our families... but you haven't." Tirek did not reply, but Cozy was correct. Tirek did have a family, and he hadn't seen any of them since before he was put away in Tartarus for the first time. That was a very long time ago. How much had changed since then? Were his parents and brother exactly as they were when they last met, or had they changed just as profoundly as Tirek in that time? Neither of them had an answer. "Oh you poor poor thing. You left your home a shattered and broken centaur, and you still haven't been fully repaired since." Cozy said. "But this isn't like before. We're in a future of our own making. We have the ability to go anywhere and do what we want now." "Which is precisely why I advise we don't do what you're about to suggest." Tirek said. "Well, a good story isn't done until all loose ends are wrapped up. Seems to me like we have one more thing to take care of." Cozy said. "You don't really mean?" Tirek asked. "But I do." Cozy nodded "Tirek, we're going to see your parents!" she exclaimed. Tirek groaned in displeasure at the thought of such an idea. "Must we?" he asked. "We must!" Cozy replied. "When the morning sun rises, we head back to the Kirin village and regroup with Chrysalis and Amber. They're coming with us to Midnight Castle!" "Must they? Your presence alone will be hard enough to explain..." Tirek said. "We're family, and we stick together. Now get some shut eye. Tomorrow's going to be the start of an exciting new chapter." Cozy grinned. The unpleasant thought sent ripples through to Tirek's core. Cozy could tell, and thought to ease his nerves. "Hey, don't stress about it. We're here for you." Cozy said, confidently. "That's precisely what I'm worried about." Tirek said, worried. "Oh poppycock, Tirek. Your family's going to love me." Cozy said, gleefully. "You don't know them like I did." Tirek replied. "So I can be more confident when I say-" "Shh. Do tell me all about them in the morning. Good night, my Tirek." As per usual, Cozy Glow had a loud snore, but Tirek was accustomed to it and he was usually able to tune it out. It seemed especially loud tonight though. Probably attributed to the turbulence in Tirek's mind. How could Tirek sleep now with the thought of introducing Cozy Glow to his parents? The day will eventually come. And when the sun rises, a new tale will be underway. My father, King Vorak, and my mother Queen Haydon. What of Scorpan? Why haven't I seen him since I've been free from Tartarus? Vorak was never satisfied with me, even when I was poised to take over Equestria. What will he think now that I have surrendered, and now call a pony my... partner? > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Several days had passed at the Kirin Village, but Amber Glow and Chrysalis still waited anxiously for the return of Cozy Glow and Tirek. The fact that they needed so much time to themselves seemed a little strange by itself, and the timing of it all was a bit unfortunate. Amber Glow was learning so much by spending time with her sister, and the former villains, but this interruption in Cozy and Amber's time together brought those experiences to a halt. In the meantime, the filly spent the day passing time the only way she knew how, laying in the grass and watching the wind flow against the grass and trees. Chrysalis approached the bored filly, with a look of concern. "It's been days, Chrys. I wonder if they're okay." Amber said, laying bored in the grass. "The master of mischief and a powerful centaur? I wouldn't worry to much for them." Chrysalis said. " "What if something's gone wrong between them? Like. does their extended time together mean they really like each other? Or they really don't like each other?" Amber wondered. "They have to be back eventually." Chrysalis said. "They're back!" "Hmm?" Amber and Chrysalis heard a distant voice from across the village. It was a familiar and energetic voice. Must be Autumn Blaze. Autumn came rushing through the village to Amber and Chrysalis. "Amber, they're back!" Autumn exclaimed. "You mean Cozy and Tirek?" she asked. "Yep. They just showed up at the village edge. Come on. They're dying to greet you." Autumn said, grinning. "Told you they'd be back." Chrysalis said. At the edge of the village, all the Kirins cheered for the return of Cozy Glow and Tirek. Amber came rushing by, and shoved her way through the front of the crowd. *gasp* "I see them!" Amber exclaimed. Amber ran over and leaped up into Cozy's hooves. Cozy caught her and held onto her while hovering in the air. "You're back!" Amber exclaimed. "Sorry to keep you waiting." Cozy said. "I just couldn't get enough of this guy." Amber was teeming with joy. "Tell me everything." she said. "Hehe... while I can't tell you everything just yet, we do have some exciting news we'd like to share." Cozy said. Cozy nudged Tirek, hoping he'd explain, but he crossed his arms, and looked the other way. "Alright, I'll tell them." Cozy said. "Amber, our journey's not over yet. It hasn't even started yet! We just came here to pick you two up." The filly was intrigued. "Go on." she replied. "You see, we aren't done with exciting adventures just yet. Our most exciting adventure is still to come." Cozy said. "Enough descriptors. What's this all important journey we're all going to take together?" Amber asked. Cozy took a deep breath before exclaiming the exciting news. "Amber Glow, we're going to meet Tirek's parents!" Cozy exclaimed. *gasp* "What?!" Amber with amazement and disbelief. "You heard me right. We're taking a little vacation to Tirek's home land!" Cozy added. Chrysalis was also excited, but a touch skeptical. "That sounds fun and all. But, why now?" Chrysalis asked. Cozy was more than glad to explain to the former changeling queen. "See, Tirek's been extra grumpy lately. He needs a little family reunion. We're heading for Midnight Castle, in hopes of introducing the lot of us to his parents." Cozy explained. "I like the sound of it." Amber said, grinning. "I thought you would, my little Amby." Cozy said, rubbing her sister's mane. "I told you, I don't like being called little Amby, or treated like a filly. You said were gonna treat me as an equal." Amber added. "Yes I did. Sorry, I just get mushy sometimes. I can't help myself sometimes. But rest assured. You hold just as much importance to our group as any one of us." Cozy assured, patting her sister on the head. Autumn Blaze approached them. "Leaving already?" Autumn Blaze asked. "'fraid so." Cozy said. "Where to this time?" Autumn asked. "But do we even know where it is?" Chrysalis asked. "That I can help you with." Autumn said. Autumn Blaze carved out a partial map of Equestria onto an old tree. The map was made based on information from Tirek recollection of his years traversing Equestria. "So here's where we are, and way up here is your destination." Autumn said. "Midnight castle is about this far from the village. It won't take terribly long to get there on foot." Tirek said. "We just head Northeast, and we'll reach it in a matter of days." Cozy said. "So let me see if I understood this correctly. You're going to Tirek's homeland, specifically to Midnight Castle, so that Lord Tirek can reunite with his parents, and introduce his new family to his old family." Autumn Blaze said. "When you put it that way..." Tirek said. "Hey, don't worry much about it. Parents can be hard to please, trust me I know. My parents wanted me to be a medical specialist instead of theater major. But you know what? They've been to every single one of my plays." Autumn Blaze said. "They must be so proud to have birthed a chattering creature such as yourself." Tirek said with a snarl of sass. Autumn either didn't notice, or wasn't offended by what he said. "We can't thank you enough for all you've done, Autumn." Cozy said. "From your warm welcome, to all of your suggestions, I hope that our happiest days are yet to come." "No problem. I hope you two had a fun week long getaway, and I wish you all luck on your future endeavors." Autumn Blaze said. "We're going to need luck where we're going." Tirek mumbled to himself. Chrysalis could overhear Tirek's distressed mumbling, and interpreted it as a sign of worry. "This won't be... dangerous, will it?" Chrysalis asked. "Can't see why." Cozy replied. "Tirek grew up in Midnight Castle. He'll know his way around. It should be relatively safe." Cozy adorned her pilot's jacket, and was ready for adventure. At the Northeast edge of the village, the legion had gathered up, and were nearly ready to head out into the world once more. Every Kirin in the village waved goodbye to the legion as they left the village, and headed for Midnight Castle in the land of Centaurs. "Farewell, Kirins and Kirin village!" Amber waved and exclaimed. "We'll miss you!" Cinder Glow said. "Til our paths cross again!" Autumn said. The four of them headed out and began their venture to a new region of Equestria. "I can't wait to meet King Vorak, and Queen Haydon. Maybe we'll even run into Scorpan!" Amber said, imagining what Tirek's parents must be like. "I get why you might be excited, but is a family reunion trip really going to be that exciting of an adventure?" Amber asked. "Whatever word you use to describe it, I feel this is a journey we can't pass on." Chrysalis said. As their trek across Equestria lingered, Cozy looked at her pal, Tirek. As time went on, Tirek didn't appear any more sure of himself. The thought of returning to Midnight Castle was stressful, and it hadn't quite settled with him yet. "You haven't said a lot all day, Tirek. How are you feeling about this? A bit nervous?" Cozy asked. "I mean, I wouldn't back down now." Tirek said. "I mean, you could. It'd be pretty disappointing though." Cozy said. "I wouldn't want to disappoint any of you. And besides, you are right about what you said earlier. I cannot run away much longer. I've been away from home for long enough. I owe it to myself to return, as difficult as it may be." Tirek said. Cozy put her hoof to Tirek, and looked at him with a warm grin. Tirek was willing to push himself for their sake, and for his own sake. "It has been a long time since I've seen any of them. So much has changed with me. My best friends are a pony, and that pony's twin sister. How much has changed with dad in the meantime?" Tirek thought out loud. Chrysalis noticed Tirek looked unsure. So she walked up and said some words to him. "Hey, take it from me, when it comes to parenthood, there's nothing wrong with change. It's a message that took me quite a lot of time to learn. But if a stubborn old bug like me can learn, then so can they." Chrysalis said. "One can hope you're right..." Tirek said, with a distinct lack of confidence in his tone. Amber leaped up onto Tirek's other side and grinned at him too. With two overly enthusiastic pegasi ready for adventure, Tirek wouldn't possibly say no. He just didn't know what laid ahead. In fact, none of them did. None of them could possibly imagine exactly what they were getting their selves into... Meanwhile in Tartarus. The father of monsters, Grogar. A sad and defeated ram. Drained of his powers once again, and caged in Tartarus, Equestria's maximum security facility for the most vile of creatures. It is here where the once great Grogar now resides. "Oh woe is me." he groaned. "I have no idea how Tirek put up with this for 1,000 years. It hasn't been anywhere near that, and already I'm wasting away bored..." Grogar was caged by Tirek and Cozy Glow after the two of them had defeated the mad ram. Their paths clashed when Grogar kidnapped Cozy's sister Amber. Tirek sapped Grogar of his magic, and returned it to the bell, leaving the old goat powerless. Fortunately, he wasn't alone. Caged next to him was the most evil dragon of all, Sludge. "You know, you don't have to look all sad like. It ain't too bad here." Sludge said. Sludge was originally caged by Cozy Glow, because she determined this was the only place in Equestria he belonged. And then Princess Twilight Sparkle sort of never bothered to let him free. Seemed like an appropriate place for him though, considering what he did to Spike all those years ago. "Explain..." Grogar said, deflated. "I mean, sure it ain't no castle, but you gotta be impressed with the layout of this place." Sludge explained. "For Equestria's maximum security, the rocks and the lighting actually make the place rather homey." "I changed my mind, I order you to be silent." Grogar said. "You sure? I'd hate to be a nuisance, but I can talk about interior decorating for hours-" Sludge said, but he was shushed by Grogar. "No, not that. Silence because I think I hear Cerberus coming. Shh..." Grogar said. "You must be quiet. It is time for our plan to come into action." All the way from the end of Tartarus, Grogar and Sludge could hear massive footsteps from outside the front door of Tartarus. It must've been Cerberus. They were the only one who regularly went in and out of the gates. "Wait for it..." Grogar said with great anticipation. When Cerberus opened the large door inwards, the door tripped a wire. The wire kicked over a bucket of fluid and spilled it on the ground. The dog guardian was not confused, or immediately alarmed, but this would spell very bad news. "Now!" Grogar exclaimed. Sludge took his best aim and fired a small fireball at the puddle. It was enough to ignite the entire entryway to Tartarus in a blazing fire. When the flames cleared and Cerberus took a look around, nothing seemed out of place. That was except for Grogar and Sludge's cages. Both were destroyed, and the creatures inside were gone. The guardian Cerberus sniffed around Tartarus frantically, and opened the gates to search outside, but neither creature were spotted. Grogar walked gleefully from the gates of Tartarus. He took a deep breath to take in that fresh air of the outside. "That infernal realm was but a mere inconvenience for me. Now that I am free, my next course of action shall be-" "I gotta hand it to you, Mr. Grogar, I didn't think that plan had much a chance of succeeding." Sludge said, interrupting. "Igniting a puddle of lighter fluid with my flame breath and making a beeline for the door right behind the doggie's back was a longshot at best, but it worked. Slowly chipping away at those cages for a really long time, and snapping the bars at just the right moment was brilliant." "You escaped too?" Grogar asked. "Sure did. Wasn't that part of the plan?" Sludge asked. "Not at all. Nowhere in my plan did I state that your escape was necessary or required." Grogar snarled. "But you didn't say my escape wasn't prohibited either." Sludge said, gleefully. "Hmph. Anyway, as I was saying..." The ram stood atop a large rock, and took in his surroundings from above. Equestria. A land dominated by friendship, but now at the mercy of his vengeful spirit. "Equestria will tremble at its knees. The king of monsters is back, and he will reclaim his bell, or some equivalent power source. And I shall once more be the most powerful creature in Equestria!" Grogar exclaimed. "Sounds like a lofty plan. I mean, it's good to have goals." Sludge said, leaning against another large boulder.. "Tell you what, I don't anything much better to do, so I'm coming with you. I reckon you could use a pair of opposable thumbs." Grogar groaned and mumbled at the prospect of having Sludge of all creatures accompany him on his quest for revenge. "Fine. Your thumbs and your wings might be useful at some point or another. Besides, I'm bound to get hungry along the way." Grogar said. "Say what now?" Sludge asked. With the father of monsters, Grogar free from Tartarus, the land of Equestria would be at his mercy once again. "So, Mr. Magic Ram, where you gonna get your fill up of magic?" Sludge asked. "If there's one creature who can assist me, it's Lord Tirek. We'll find Tirek, and order him to do as I command. Either the centaur relinquishes all of his magic to me, or he retrieves my bell. And this time, no Cozy Glow is going to get in my way." > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Underneath the night sky. The... Legion of Good? Them. Just them. They were taking a rest for the night after their long day of traversing Equestria. Amber and Chrysalis were snoring away together, while Cozy huddled close to Tirek. Cozy Glow closed her eyes and tried to sleep, but she could tell Tirek was still awake. "You okay there?" she asked. "I'm fine." he replied. Cozy wondered if Tirek didn't even want to embark on this adventure at all. She could totally understand why. "I take it you didn't leave on the best of terms." she said to him. "Not exactly..." he replied. "Then don't go. I don't want to force you to do something you don't want to do." Cozy said with concern. "I don't want to, but it's not you. I'm forcing myself to go." Tirek said. "I left my family a boy. I won't be a man until I make amends with them. I don't have much to show for my efforts, other than you all." Cozy nodded happily. "Chrysalis and I both resolved our family issues, and we're with you for this." "Thanks." Tirek said with sincerity. "Now get some shut eye. Don't want your mom or dad seeing you with crusty old eyes." Cozy said. Cozy laid down, and closed her eyes. She fell asleep next to Tirek. And Tirek actually fell asleep relatively effortlessly that night. Sleeping was easier with his favorite mare Cozy Glow next to him. After days of trekking, the group had crossed into a wasteland environment. It wasn't hot, there was plenty of breeze, but very few vegetation or plant life was to be found. The soil was dry, and any trees they saw were dead. On the vista, they were surrounded by rocky cliffs in the distance. "You sure this is the place?" Chrysalis asked. "It most definitely is." Cozy answered for Chrysalis. "Some uh... place you grew up in Tirek." Amber said. "The environment breeds the offspring. You didn't think someone as strong as I grew up in some fuzzy meadow did you?" Tirek said. This was definitely the land, however, there were no signs of any artificial structure just yet, and our crew was getting tired. Amber and Chrysalis were nearly out of breath. "You sure you know your way around?" Chrysalis asked. "It has been ages since I traversed this land, so forgive me if I have trouble navigating." Tirek said. "I think you're doing a fine job." Cozy said, embracing Tirek's side. Amber was becoming delirious from the heat. Chrysalis kept her shaded under one of her wings. Even so, the little unicorn had multiple visions during their trip. "Huh? Is THAT Midnight Castle?! Or is it another mirage?" Amber asked. "Wait, I think it is!" Cozy exclaimed. In the distance was a structure that was definitely artificial. Our group had finally found their destination. Midnight Castle was about as bog standard as castle architecture goes. A touch out of date, but classy in its own right. "Talk about gothic architecture." Chrysalis said under her breath. Tirek stared at the castle intently. Seeing the structure was enough to make him stiff and relapse memories. The other three had less of a connection to the structure, and were more interested in getting a move on. "So... how do we get inside?" Amber asked. "Usually someone is always watching the gate, but there doesn't appear to be any one now." Tirek said. "So does that mean?" Chrysalis asked. "It means that no one is here." Tirek said. "Perhaps we should knock before we give up?" Amber asked. "Knock on what? It's a drawbridge." Tirek said. "Hello. Pegasus pony here." Cozy said. Cozy was already halfway across the moat using her wings. She made her way to the up drawbridge. "Wait!" Tirek and Chrysalis exclaimed and reached out. Cozy flew across the moat to knock on the up drawbridge. *knock knock* Cozy knocked her hooves against the wooden drawbridge. After a couple of knocks, and waiting patiently, it seemed there was no response. "Huh..." Cozy said. "Told you no one was home." Tirek said. "That's unfortunate..." Amber said, looking down. "Do you suppose they're even... still around after all this time?" "I mean, Tirek's still here after all this time." Chrysalis added. "Hmph. Well we tried, we came. But it doesn't look like anyone's rolling out the welcome wagon for us." Tirek said. "So much for that..." Amber said. Chrysalis put her hoof to Amber, and the filly leaned against the changeling queen. The legion was about to give up after not finding anything. "A short story this time..." Cozy said. "We came all this way, now time to head out..." Tirek said. "You really just want to head home? They may not be here, but there's got to be someone nearby. Maybe they'll come back. Maybe they're-" Chrysalis went on, but Cozy interrupted. "Shh." Cozy shushed. "Rude." she said. "You hear that?" Cozy asked. "There is something going on in the castle." "Sounds like... chains?" Chrysalis asked. The three at the shore took some careful steps back. Cozy herself flew back and landed on shore next to them. They heard the sound of rattling chains from behind the walls. Suddenly the drawbridge started to budge. Cozy flew back to the land, and beside Tirek. The drawbridge slowly lowered, and opened, and created a walkway leading inside. "Be prepared. We don't know who's in there." Tirek said. "Who could possibly be inside Midnight Castle besides..." Amber hid behind Chrysalis' front leg. Cozy landed on Tirek's back, and put her front hooves on Tirek's shoulders. The drawbridge opened, and at the entryway, there was no one. "Maybe it was just loose and you knocked it over. There may still not be anyone here." Tirek said. "Perhaps I jostled the drawbridge loose, and it's just a matter of journeying beyond the junction to see what's inside." Cozy said. "Wait?" Amber asked. She listened to what was inside. "What's that?" Chrysalis asked. The castle wasn't as empty as their initial assumption had led them to believe. Through the front entrance there was an entry room, and they caught a glimpse of the shadow of a figure lurking inside. *gasp* "AHH!!!" The two ponies clung tighter to their respective creature. Inside the castle stood a hooded figure. "Show yourself!" Tirek exclaimed. "Who is that?" Amber asked. "Who are you?!" Tirek exclaimed. The figure stepped out of the shadows and walked onto the bridge. There it was. No one could fully believe their eyes. Finally teh figure spoke. "Oh. You bunch look like you've never seen another centaur in your lives. Besides I guess him." they said. "Another, centaur?" Amber asked. The creature undid their hood revealing themselves to be centurion by nature. "Who exactly are you?" Chrysalis asked. "My victims, err, friends call me, Torre. Full handle, Torre the Tormentor. Or Torre the gatekeeper." he said. He paused awkwardly, then spoke once again. "You'll have to forgive my slowness, we don't often get visitors." Torre said. "We?" Chrysalis asked. "What exactly are you?" Amber asked. "I'm a centaur, just like your confidant there... err... what's his name? Starts with a T, I know it. Um..." Torre said. "Lord Tirek." Tirek said. "Lord Tirek! Yes. That's your name." Torre had said. "What a pleasure it is to welcome you to our domain." "...Your domain?" Tirek asked. "Our?" Cozy asked. "Well, a plural of two." Torre said, holding two fingers up. "Oh, I'm not so good at explaining. Uh... but I was instructed I should let you in. Do come in. Please, it'd be our pleasure. We relish in welcoming guests." Torre turned around and led the way inside the castle. Torre turned around, and slowly walked into the castle. "I didn't know midnight castle was home to more centaurs." Cozy said. "It isn't... At least, not the last time I was here..." Tirek replied. "I'm not so sure about this..." Chrysalis said. "Who's this new guy?" "Think he knows about King Vorak, or Queen Haydon?" Amber asked. No one replied to her. Answers would have to come in due time. Against better judgement, Tirek led the way inside. Chrysalis stood, and looked back. Something about the landscape seemed... tampered with... "What's wrong, Chryssie?" Amber asked. Without replying, she looked away and went inside with Amber. Meanwhile, Grogar and Sludge continued their plan. The two creatures were, frankly, on a path to nowhere at the moment. "So what exactly is your plan Mr. Grogar? You ain't got your powers, so really, you probably couldn't even beat a Bugbear." Sludge said. Grogar was not one to let a lower creature talk down about him. "But did the Bugbear escape from Tartarus? No it did not." Grogar snarled back. "But I escaped from Tartarus, and I'm an idiot. What's your point?" Sludge asked back. "Your escape was a by product of my plan. Tartarus may be home to Equestria's most vile creatures, but there is only one father of monsters." he said. Grogar halted his pacing and took a heavy breath. "That infernal Lord Tirek. After he double crossed me and sided with that pony Cozy Glow, he left me with nothing. Well, I'm not one to let go of a grudge. I will get even with him, and take something from him that he holds dear to himself." "You still haven't answered how are we gonna do that. Again, you're like, weaker than a Bugbear." Sludge said. What made Cozy such a formidable force, was she always had a plan. So to counteract, Grogar needed one of those. A plan I mean. "If I'm going to beat Tirek and his group, I'm going to need to do what they did. It burdens me greatly to say this, but I need to assemble a... What's it called? Starts with a T, ends in e-m." "A team?" Sludge asked. "Precisely. One of those. There is only one father of monsters, but if enough monsters bend to my will, then no goody goody four hooved reformed villains will be able to stop me." he explained. "Recruit villains? In the friendly world of Equestria? Good luck with that. You would have had better luck sticking in Tartarus and recruiting some of them." Sludge said. "Forget Tartarus. I need some creature who's intelligent." Grogar said. "Yeah?" Sludge said. "Cunning." Grogar added. "Yep?" Sludge said again. "Someone devious, and is hell bent on achieving their villainous scheme!" Grogar continued. "I like that!" Sludge said. "We need an absolute relentless heathen!" Grogar shouted. "YES!" Sludge exclaimed excitedly. "We need an absolute maniac!" Grogar shouted. "A... maniac?" Sludge asked. "Yes, now stop responding to everything I say." Grogar said. "Maniac... That sounds familiar." Sludge pondered. "What are you on now?" Grogar asked. Sludge thought for a moment, then suddenly his mind clicked (for the first time in his life), and he remembered what he was thinking. "I got it! Check this out." he said. Sludge reached into one of his many folds, and pulled something out. The sight of Sludge reaching into his inner flaps made Grogar gag. "This! I think Spike called this a 'comic book'. I've held onto this book since I stayed at Twilight's castle. Must've got lodged into one of my many glands ever since then." Grogar looked at the book with disgust, he didn't even want to touch it. "It's one of them books. With pictures, and take a look inside." Sludge said. "What am I supposed to do with that?" Grogar asked. "You want a maniac? Why not THE Mane-iac?!" Sludge opened the comic to the centerfold page, which depicted a terrifying two page illustration of Mane-iac. A tall mare with green hair, and a crazed look in her eyes. "A mare from Maretropolis, known for causing terror and thwarting the likes of the power ponies." Sludge explained. Grogar rolled his eyes so hard, his eyes spiraled. "There's one problem. She isn't real!" he exclaimed. "Yeah well, this is Equestria. Land of magic, and plot conveniences. I think this here comic oughta be more useful then you let on." Sludge said. Grogar stared once again at the Mane-iac illustration. With such a rich history of spells and incantations in Equestria, then there absolutely must've been a way to bring the Mane-iac to life. "Hmm... Perhaps something of that sort is not out of the realm of possibility." Grogar said. "Whatever it takes, I will do whatever it takes to recruit my own legion of evil doing." > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the previous chapter, Lord Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, and her sister Amber Glow, had found Tirek's old home of Midnight Castle. Although, the place was not really what they expected. At the castle gates, they were greeted by a new character none of them had seen previously. His name was Torre, and he was also a centaur. His age was hard to guess at, but his skin seemed fresher than Tirek's, which would land him at least a few years younger. Torre showed the group around Midnight Castle. Overall, it was the same layout Tirek was familiar with, but quite a lot of stuff was rearranged. There was no sign of Tirek's parents, King Vorak or Queen Haydon. Not even his brother Scorpan was here. After a long tour of the first floor of the castle, Torre sat every creature down for a casual dinner. It was here that the strange nature of this day was eating away at the legion. "You said there's more of you here. Who else occupies this castle?" Chrysalis asked. Torre finished his sip before speaking. "My leader is a very strong individual. It was him who's made such wonderful progress returning this place to its former glory." Torre explained. "I demand that you take us to the one in charge here!" Tirek exclaimed. Cozy looked at Tirek, and gestured, urging him to lower his temper. He did just that. "I humbly request to meet your leader." Tirek said. "Are you guys sure you're ready? You've only just come in and there's still so much to explore-" Torre said. "I demand to see whoever is in charge of this establishment!" Amber exclaimed. *ahem* "Of course." Torre said. The other centaur stood up, and showed them the way. He stood by the entrance of a large stairwell. "His majesty's throne room is this way." Torre said. Torre led them up the stairs. They each looked at each other nervously as they climbed the tower. "What were you saying earlier, about there not being other centaurs?" Amber asked. "There aren't. At least, none that I ever saw for myself. So seeing this guy is a huge surprise to me." Tirek explained. "We're here." Torre said, at the top of the stairwell. "Now, tread carefully. Though his majesty is quite powerful, he hates being disturbed. "Oh for goodness sakes." Tirek cried out. "Uh, allow me." Torre said. Torre opened the door which led to the throne room. "Your majesty! Lord Tsourakis!" Torre said. "Permission to enter the throne room?" "Torre. You brought guests." they said. "Yes. Visitors. I saw them wandering this desolate land all by themselves. It only seemed courteous to welcome them into the castle." Torre explained. "Please forgive me for doing so without permission." "Oh, no need to apologize. You know as well as I do that we relish in the honor of welcoming guests to our castle." they said. "I uh... woah..." At the end of the throne room, sat Tsourakis[Tsou-ra-kis]. The creature was mostly covered in a cloak. Although, they appeared to also be centaur in nature. They were large. About one and a half times the height of Tirek, even when sitting down. Tsourakis examined the creatures in front of him. "Hmm. What have we here?" he wondered. "Uh... Mr. Tsouraka... tsouroc... *ahem* We are but humble travelers on a quest to uh... uncover the mysterious of what happened to this place." Cozy said. "I see." Tsourakis said. "Allow us to introduce ourselves. I'm Cozy Glow, and this little pocket of energy is my little sister, Amber! Behind me is Lord Tirek and Queen Chrysalis." "Hmm. Oh that won't do." Tsourakis said. "What won't do? Did we do something wrong?" Cozy asked. "Those names just won't do. I shall call you, Brooke." Tsourakis said to Cozy. "Brooke? Sure I guess. Is that a reference to the Rook on my flank? My name's Cozy as I just said." "The little filly wrapped in your arms I shall call Checkers." he said. Amber blushed with mild embarrassment and anger. Checkers? Really? "And uh... the rest of your names are fine I suppose." Tsourakis said. Chrysalis stood forward, but did not bow to them. "Pleasure to meet you Tsourakis." Chrysalis said. "It's uh, a nice place you got set up here." "Indeed it is. To recover a crumbling infrastructure, and turn it into something more spectacular." Tirek was not amused by this new guy and his boastful insensitive word salad. "Forgive us, but, we still have so many questions." Amber said. "Hmm. Since you caught me in a good mood, allow me to give you a tour." Tsourakis said. "No need to trouble yourself, sir. I got this covered so you don't have to." Torre said. "No no, Torre. It'll be my pleasure." Tsourakis said. The creature stood up slowly. He was lumbering, but study it seemed. The legion looked at each other, perplexed. "You'll be forgiven for the poor condition of the place. While progress has been great, there is work to be done." Torre said. "As yes, Midnight Castle has been in quite a state of disrepair for some time." Tsourakis said. "And why would that be?" Amber asked. "Well, as impressive as the architecture is, no infrastructure is safe from the wear and tear of time. It's amazing what vacancy can do to a place." Tsourakis replied. "Vacancy you say..." Tirek asked. "How long has this place been vacant?" Cozy asked. "Uh... long as I can recall." Tsourakis said. "We found this place empty and in desperate need of repair." "Empty huh?" Chrysalis said. "But, no. This is Tirek's home. Where's King Vorak? Or his mother?" Amber asked. "Amber!" Cozy said. "Shh!" Tsourakis put his fingers to his chin and thought long and hard. "Ah yes, the names you spoke. The original builders of this castle. I'm sorry to say that they are not here." "What makes you so sure?" Cozy asked. "I assure you lot, but my cohort and I found this castle empty as we've said before. Neither of us have been able to come to any firm conclusions as to what may have happened to them." he said. "I see..." Cozy said. "But that doesn't mean that we can't investigate right?" Amber said. "What was that, little Checkers?" Tsouraskis asked. "I said, let's try to find out what happened to Tirek's parents!" Amber said. "I do suppose there's a chance that they're... out there somewhere." Tsourakis said. "Oh won't you please please help us solve this mystery Mr. Tyronicus? Mr. ta-rockus?" Amber asked. "If there are answers regarding the creatures you seek, I'd be more than glad to help guide you on your quest for answers. It's the least I can do to ease the minds of fellow curious vagabonds." he said. The legion were on uneasy terms with this new guy. They wondered if he knew more than he was letting on. Meanwhile, Grogar and Sludge were hard at work on their next objective. Previously, Sludge had suggested they recruit the likes of the Mane-iac, a villain from the Power Ponies comic franchise. They found an old abandoned tree, which appeared to at one point have been some creature's laboratory, judging from all the books and potions left over. This was the perfect place to set up shop. "I have to admit, dragon, this might be your first good idea you've had so far." Grogar admitted. "I may not be an idea dragon, but I am a doing dragon." Sludge said. The two of them made the necessary preparations. "Now just a pinch of magic dust..." "And add a pegasus feather..." Sludge used his fire breath to light a fire underneath the pot. After letting it cook for just a few moments, it was time for the last ingredient. "And now..." Sludge ripped the center two pages from the Power Ponies comic, and gently placed it on the surface of the cauldron's bubbly fluid. The fluid turned from green to purple, and started to glow. It was a promising sign. The cauldron got hotter and brighter. The two of them backed up while the fluid boiled and bubbled. *BOOM* In a flash of light, a tall figure emerged from the plumes of smoke teeming from the pot. "BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!" The Mane-iac awakens! The Mane-iac rose from the cauldron. The sinister villain looked down, and saw the two creatures who created her. "Huh?" The Mane-iac looked around, and was not the least bit excited about what she saw. "This isn't Maretropolis. Who are you two?" she asked. "I need no introduction. I am Grogar. Father of Monsters. All shall tremble beneath my hooves!" he exclaimed. "You're just some old blue goat with smelly attitude." Mane-iac said. "You will obey me!" Grogar exclaimed. "As if. You guys look lame. I'm gonna latch my hair onto that window sill, and swing my way out of your parameters." she said. Mane-iac was about to leave, but Sludge couldn't let her go. "Wait. Mane-iac!" Mane-iac stopped, and listened to him. "Listen to our plea." Sludge said. "We humbly request the services and assistance of your awesome prowess on our quest for power and revenge." Mane-iac put one of her hair strands to her chin and thought. "Hmm. Sorry, but the Mane-iac doesn't serve peasant creatures such as yourselves." she said. "Your enemies are the Power Ponies right? Well, what if I told you the Power Ponies were here!" Sludge said. Sludge had a picture of the mane 6 and Spike next to a illustration of the Power Ponies. "Them mane 6 sure look a lot like your Power Ponies." Sludge added. "Those Power Ponies are here? First Maretropolis, and now this realm?" Mane-iac asked. Grogar took a moment to step in, now that they had Mane-iac's attention. "Why settle for one city? Here in Equestria, there are sources of power capable of befalling nations." Grogar explained. "Go on." Mane-iac said. "Would you settle for queen of cosmetics? We can show you how to be ruler of the world." Grogar said. "I do like the idea of world domination." Mane-iac said. Mane-iac latched her hair to the ceiling and swung herself around, and laughed excitedly. "Very well. I shall watch over the two of you while I lead you guys to victory." Mane-iac said. "Excellent!" Sludge exclaimed. "Wait. I'm the leader here!" Grogar said. "Nuh-uh." Mane-iac said. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a sanctioned area of the castle, the legion were contemplating what their next course of action should be. There was nothing distinct about them that immediately made them enemies, but something about him gave off unsettling vibes. "So what are we going to do about Mr. Sourpuss?" Amber asked. "For allowing us to investigate Tirek's parents, he sure put a lot of restrictions on what we're allowed to see in his castle." Chrysalis said. "In MY castle." Tirek corrected. "Guy's big, but he hardly looks like he's in good shape." Cozy wondered. "Did you see how he lumbered around?" "I don't like the game he has set up." Amber said. "Why play by his rules in the first place?" Tirek asked. "He's the one trespassing where he doesn't belong. This castle belonged to my father, and he has no right occupying that throne room. I say we take the castle from him, and find out what's really going on." Tirek suggested. The three looked at him with a look of concern. "You're not really suggesting a..." Cozy started. "Mmm hmm." Tirek affirmed. "The three of us will organize our plan, just like the good old days." Chrysalis said. "Another classic backstabbing." Cozy said, grinning. "Are you guys so sure? Remember the last time you rebelled against a powerful leader?" Amber said. *flashbacks of them betraying whom they thought was Grogar, but turned out to be Discord. Followed by Discord turning the three of them to stone* "This'll be different... I'm pretty sure." Cozy affirmed. "So long as this Sourkis doesn't have a legion of friendship wielders to shoot rainbows at us, we've got him out numbered, and out matched." Chrysalis said. Cozy was going to say How can this possibly be worse than last time? But she dared not actually say those words out loud. "Then what am I doing?" Amber asked. "Oh, of course. You are going to stay close to me, and not say a word to either of those guys." Cozy said. "What?!" she exclaimed. "Yep. All you have to do is sit and look adorable. Easy for you to do. Runs in the genes. That's my little sister. Who's a good little sister?" Cozy cooed. "You just sit tight, and we'll handle those big baddies." *ergh* "Stop treating me like such a filly!" Amber exclaimed. "What's the matter, Amberden?" Cozy asked. "It's just that, when you were my age, you were so ambitious." Amber said. Not that those are things to be proud of these days. But still, you were so... sufficient, and independent. I thought that when I agreed to join you you'd treat me more equally." Amber said. "It's just, you were so ambitious. A big thinker so to speak. Meanwhile, I'm stuck doing what you have to say. By age... I don't know, 9? You single handedly almost succeeded in draining all the magic in Equestria! And almost overthrowing a kingdom a mere season later? You made your mark on Equestria, and I'm just wondering when I'm gonna get a chance to make my mark..." Emotional pause from Cozy. "Amberden Fullerton Glow, look at it this way. Growing up, I didn't have anyone looking out for me. To make sure I was safe. To make sure I didn't get myself hurt. I get what you mean, and I know you want to help. But, it's true that I accomplished a lot as a filly, but look at the bad things that happened to me. Nopony was there to come to my rescue. I know you want to help, but as your older sister, I can't help but look out for you." Cozy said. Amber wept, and looked the other way. "Amberden Fullerton? Seriously?" "I was lonely. The reason I wanted to be crowned Empress of Friendship was because I wanted friends. I didn't know better, and I didn't know the difference between real friends, and loyal subjects. But through this convoluted journey, I have seen how good real friendship felt. And it all started when I climbed Mt. Everhoof with these two lugs. Now we do big stuff together! And you're a part of us." "You trust me to be safe right?" Amber asked. "Trust me. This isn't due to a lack of faith. It's just, I suffered for over 20 years as a stone statue. Unable to move, see, think, or feel anything at all. It was the worst experience of my life, and it didn't even seem fair how it happened. I can't even describe what missing all those years felt like. I will do everything in my power to make sure nothing so unfair, and terrible ever befalls you." Cozy said. Finally, Amber looked Cozy in the eyes, and responded. "I know, and I understand. It's just... thing is. No knock against our dad, but it seems like after what happened with you, he went too far in the other direction. Sure he was very protective, but, there was something missing with him. And I'm not just talking about our mom. I was only ever homeschooled. I never had any friends besides him. So when you came along, sure the circumstances were weirder than I ever could've imagined, and you put me into a lot of unnecessary danger, but, it felt like my savior had come, as weird as that sounds." Amber said. *flashback* Some time ago: Amber Glow sat in her dad's recliner, while he was making her soup. It was a pretty typical and boring day. But there was somepony staring at her from outside the window. A blond-maned alicorn, with a bright pink coat, and setting sun cutie mark. Luster Dawn, but not as she Cozy Glow was shocked to see... herself in her dad's house. That was impossible. She was Cozy Glow! Err, she was, but now her soul lived in Luster Dawn. So who in the world was this lookalike? The only way to know for sure was to just ask her. Amber continued to sip, when suddenly she noticed the blond maned, pink unicorn in her living room. "Hi friend." Luster Dawn said. Amber didn't reply. She was very shy, and nervous to speak to this stranger. "What's the matter? You got a voice, little one? Why are you looking at me like I'm a total stranger?" Luster asked. Amber continued to stare blankly. The unicorn looked at themselves, and remembered what they looked like. Well let me tell you. I knew your dad. He and I go way back. "So you don't recognize me?" Luster looked at herself, realizing that she wasn't the pony she used to be on the outside. But on the inside... "Hmm. Tell you what? I've been through a lot as of late. It's a lot to explain, but golly, I have like a zillion questions for you! But you don't seem very talkative right now. I think I have the perfect solution to this conundrum." Luster Dawn lit her horn, and slowly peered it to Amber's horn. The magic essence made Amber's horn glow, and suddenly, but their pupils dilated, and their minds merged. Amber Glow found herself in mindscape. It was mostly dark, and quiet. She saw that same pink unicorn caged above her, begging to be freed. But her eyes were a different color, and her personality different, so that couldn't have been the one she had just seen. She only needed to look just below the caged, caged unicorn, and there she somepony familiar staring back. It was her! Or rather, somepony who looked just like her, except they were a pegasus pony instead of a unicorn like her. Her mane was styled in a very particular way, where her whole mane had curls, whereas Amber's own mane was a lot more basic by comparison. The pegasus filly looked sad. Amber approached with caution. The two touched hooves, and that's when they made a magical connection. This mysterious stranger who visited her, seemed to be her missing half. The flashback concluded, and Cozy and Amber's minds were in the present moment again. "I should've been terrified of you when you broke into my house, but that odd sense of familiarity is what earned you my trust, in spite of what you did to our dad, and your plans." Amber said. "But then things got crazy, and you went away, but then you came back! And sure, your village seemed like it's got a nice community, but I was looking forward to all the adventures we were going to have together. Though it seems like I would've been better off with Magnolia at the village." Cozy looked down, as she started to understand where her sister's state of mind was. "Thing is, we defeated Grogar ourselves. I'm young, but my magic is still pretty potent. Luster Dawn taught me enough about magic that I can fend for myself." Amber added. Cozy thought and paused. It wouldn't be fair to not give her sister a significant role in this tale. So she thought of a fun way she could be useful in her own unique way. "If I go down, I go down with dignity." Amber said confidently. *ahem* "Not that I plan on going down of course." "Tell you what. I'm not gonna make that mistake. If you want to help us, I can think of a solo job you can do." Cozy said. "And what's that?" Amber asked. "Someone's gotta keep that Torre guy distracted. Why don't you see what he's up to." Cozy suggested. "You want me to spy on a mysterious new centaur by myself?" she asked. Cozy nodded affirmatively. "You got it!" Amber said with a gleeful smile. "Excellent!" Cozy said, gleefully. "Get as much information as you can from him. And report back your findings to us. Spare no detail, no matter how mundane or unimportant it may seem at first." "Alright, team. It's official. We're gonna stick our noses into Tsourakis' business, see what he's hiding, and find out what he's really up to." Cozy said. "I like the sound of it." Chrysalis said. "That's the Cozy Glow I know." Tirek said. "Excellent. Amber will keep Torre occupied. I'll keep Tsourakis occupied, and you two snoop around the place, and find out what you can." Cozy said. Meanwhile, Grogar's team were still figuring out what to do next.(relatable) He sat around a campfire with Sludge, and attempted to become acquainted with their newest member, the Mane-iac(yes, as in Power Ponies Mane-iac). However, they would mostly end up getting into heated arguments with each other. "So, Grofar, is it?" Mane-iac asked. "Grogar!" he corrected. "Whatever. You brought me into your world so that I could assist you in your mission to crush your enemies." Mane-iac recounted. "That is the plan." Grogar said. "We were desperate. Everypony's so nice in Equestria now, we had to resort to bringing a comic book icon to life." Sludge said. "I don't know what a 'comic book' is. Anyway, Mr. GroGAR, if you're so powerful, why can't you shoot magic beams, or whatever it is hooved creatures do in this realm?" Mane-iac asked. "I used to have my own magical power. I was once THE most powerful sorcerer in the entire land. I ruled over everyone. I was king of everything. I had magic in spades." Grogar said. "My magic was so great, I could hardly contain it all at once. So to ration some of my magic, so that I could harvest some more later, I constructed an artifact out of a rare element, to hold my magic. The Bewitching Bell. However, a pony named Gusty became aware of the rumor that Grogar kept much of his magic inside of a magical bell. She realized that if she could get ahold of that bell, then she could cut off my ration of magic, and use it." "Why put your magic in a little magic bank in the first place anyway?" Mane-iac asked. "The power any material creature can bear is limited, but the power that bell can hold is almost limitless. And when used wisely." Grogar explained. *yawn* "Magical bell. Old news..." Sludge said. "Both Gusty and Cozy Glow used my own bell against me. Gusty used it, and drained me of my own remaining magic. And that Cozy Glow used it to defeat the Rainbow of Darkness." Grogar said. "You put too much stake into material objects, my dear." Mane-iac said. "What am I without my Hairspray ray of Doom? Still a plenty formidable foe as it is! Look at yourself, Groggy. You've got a sturdy build already. Those horns must be made from strong stuff. However, if you're nothing without your bell, then frankly, you're nothing with your bell as well." "I have plenty of strength myself! I have the strength of pull!" Grogar exclaimed. "I was born with magic, which was robbed from me!" "Yeah yeah, welcome to the club, magic user." Sludge said, with air quotes. "Who needs magical artifacts in the first place? Dear, you just need what you got up here, and all over here." Mane-iac said. "She's saying to use that brain of yours. Come up with a winning strategy." Sludge said. "Winning strategy?" Grogar asked. "Yes. Picture your enemies, and their weaknesses. And use those weaknesses to your advantage." Mane-iac said. "For instance, Filly-Second might be fast, but get her hooves sticky with peanut butter, and she'll be going nowhere fast!" "Hmm. Spike was really upset when he found out I wasn't his father. Does that count as "exploiting" a weakness?" Sludge asked. Grogar thought about Mane-iac's advice, and suddenly it clicked. "I know what I'm going to do." Grogar said. "I shall find Lord Tirek! And I shall defeat him, without any magic!" "Woah. Watch out here..." Sludge said, unimpressed. "That's the spirit, you old goat!" Mane-iac cheered. "You've seen that centaur before though. All he has to do is breathe and he absorbs magic from any creature around him. Not that you have any left to give him, after he drained you, and imprisoned you after you tried to hurt his girlfriend and her little filly." *ugh* Why did I confess so much to you while in Tartarus... Grogar thought in his head. "Tirek used to be one of the most formidable creatures in Equestria. He may still have all the same abilities he used to have, but now he is weak." Grogar started to chuckle. "He has no actual spine. If we go after his precious Cozy Glow, he'll fold like a house of cards and crumble in a miserable defeat!" Grogar said. "Excellent! A classic kidnapping and hostage situation!" Mane-iac said, gleefully. "Not quite. I won't be taking any prisoners this time." Grogar said, with a sinister tone. "Even better. Take away the thing that matters most to that centaur, and that's when he'll beg for mercy! "BWAHAHAHA! AH HA HA HA!!" Mane-iac let out a mighty evil laugh, but she was the only one. "Stop laughing. It is very irritating." Grogar said. "Uh, hello? We're evil. If we're a team, we're supposed to laugh together." Mane-iac said. "They only do that in fiction and pop literature." Sludge said. "Ergh. I get the sense you guys don't take me seriously." Mane-iac said. "Like I'm some cartoon villain come to life." Grogar and Sludge rolled their eyes, and looked at each other. > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amber and Torre were together on a castle balcony, overlooking the dry landscape. "So, Mister Torre." Amber said. "Torre will do." he said. "How long have you and Mr. Sourpuss known each other?" Amber asked. "Longer than I care to admit." he replied. "So have you guys just been waiting for us? What have you been up to all this time here?" Amber asked. "I'll admit. Tsourakis was enthralled when he heard news that the three of them were released from stone. And even more excited still that they were on their way here." he said. "Why? Is he like a big fan or something?" Amber asked. "You can say that. Even so, we weren't expecting a party of four." Torre said. "Yeah, I have a tendency to surprise ponies. Even Cozy was shocked to see me living with her dad. At first she thought she was hallucinating and was seeing herself in the past, but then she realized her dad had made me!" Amber explained. "Unbelievable." Torre said. "Yeah, that's what they all say." Amber said. "Yep. How does it feel being a savior of Equestria?" Torre asked. "Me? I mean, I guess. My sister's the real hero though. Defeating the Rainbow of Darkness, and saving me from the fearsome Grogar. Actually, that latter part, we worked together." "Doesn't it feel.... do you ever feel kiddo that..." his voice trailed off. "What?" she asked. "Well, remember the story of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna?" Torre asked. "Why, it's even implied with your cutie marks, when you compare hers to yours." Torre said. Torre was of course referring to Amber's cutie mark, which depicted a disc shaped checkers piece, in contrast to Cozy Glow's rook cutie mark from chess. "What are you suggesting? Envy? That wouldn't ever happen with us. Besides, I don't live in her shadow. We're a team. Together. She said it herself. It's like we're two halves of a beautiful and powerful alicorn. She's the wings, and I'm the magic and the horn." Amber said. "She risked her life to save me from Grogar, and I'd do the same for her." "Truly enamorable. A true testament of loyalty if I've ever seen it." Torre said. "But still, you look just like her. Your eyes have a unique yellowish tinge, but you share the same mane color." Torre said. "Yeah, that's always been a little awkward." Amber confessed. "Want to change that?" Torre asked. Amber's eyes beamed, and her interest was piqued. "You know how to dye manes?" she asked. Torre nodded reluctantly, like Amber he just reminded him of some lost skill he possessed. Meanwhile, Cozy Glow met alone with the mysterious leader Tsourakis in the castle library. She insisted that he explain more, but he was still very secretive. Instead, it was his idea to have a meeting in the library. The library was nicely maintained, and had a healthy collection of all kind of unusual books. It seemed up to date as well, as if someone was still collecting knowledge recently. "I do have to say, Mr. Tsourakis. I'm quite pleased that you've been so dedicated to maintaining this place since the disappearance of King Vorak." Cozy said. "Ah, but of course, my little filly." Tsourakis said. "I had heard the legends of the once powerful King Vorak. And to see his castle abandoned, just absolutely broke my heart. That is why I am dedicated to preserving his legacy. It's a good thing you four showed up when you did. I don't know if Torre and I could've done it on our own." "But enough about me. I've read of your accomplishments, young filly. In a last ditch effort to save your fleeting soul before you perished for good, a noble unicorn offered her body to host your soul. And in a last ditch effort to save your friends, you ejected that soul into the bewitching bell, and used all the magic you had gathered to stop the Rainbow of Darkness, and banish it once and for all." Tsourakis said. Cozy Glow was flattered, but felt not the least bit uneasy. "That's... correct. How did you know all of that?" Cozy asked. "Why, everyone knows, Ms. Glow." Tsourakis said. "Word of your bravery has reached far and wide through Equestria." "Is that so? Golly. Hehe. I'm flattered. Really I am." Cozy said anxiously. "Yep. There truly isn't something you can't learn just from listening in the right places." Tsourakis said. "And if it's something that happened a long time ago, chances are someone's written it down. And if it's in paper, it's likely in this library." "What have you been up on reading?" Cozy asked. "Oh, the usual page turners. Reading the history of individuals is what I find most fascinating." Tsourakis said. "The evolution of changelings. The rise of King Sombra. The époque of the Storm King. And of course, the original goat himself, Grogar." Cozy Glow slowly reached into her cloak to make sure her sharp pointed crystal was still there, and indeed it was. She had found a pointed crystal she figured could do some damage to whatever she impaled. But she wasn't ready to use it yet. "So um... this library got any hidden doors? Forbidden wings? Any of that?" Cozy asked. "Nah, I believe that knowledge should be free, and open for everyone." Tsourakis said. "So tell me, what are your friends up to?" "Oh, you know. We came here so Tirek could say hi to his dear old dad. I got to see my dad again, and Chrysalis made amends with her children, so this seemed like our natural next destination." Cozy explained. "Mmm. Indeed it is." Tsourakis said. "We came expecting King Vorak, but instead we found you, and you've yet too really explain what happened to him." Cozy said. "All in good time, my dear." Tsourakis said. Tsourakis walked behind Cozy. Cozy didn't trust him. She knew a snake when she saw one, and he was up to something. Cozy pulled out her crystal and swiftly thrusted it at Tsourakis , and her jagged crystal impacted a giant mirror he was holding. "If memory serves, your body was reborn from the Mirror Pool?" Tsourakis asked. "So what?!" Cozy exclaimed. "So, it'd be a should be possible to do THIS!" Tsourakis held the mirror and pressed it over Cozy Glow, and trapped her inside the mirror. He lifted the mirror up, and saw Cozy Glow's figure inside. "I knew you couldn't be trusted! I knew from the start" Cozy exclaimed. "You are so going down. What did you do to Vorak?!" "What makes you think I've done something?" Tsourakis asked. "Don't act slick! I know a lying conniving backstabber when I see one! Takes one to know one after all." Cozy said. "Like you'll ever find out." Tsourakis said. "But that's far from the point. Capturing you was even easier than I initially anticipated! And with Tirek and Chrysalis already set to fall for my trap as well, my plan is well underway!" "What plan? You want like a... collection of former bad guys or something?" Cozy asked. "Ooh, you're close. Actually very close." Tsourakis said. "Think of it like a... collection with a purpose. After you three are captured, all that'll be left is to recruit the father of monsters himself." *gasp* "Grogar?" Cozy gasped. "Mmmhmm. See, you, and Tirek, and Chrysalis makes three. Me and this crystal makes five. Grogar will be lucky number six. Cause you know, Equestria seems to have a knack for the number six." Tsourakis explained. "And when happens when you... finish your math project?" Cozy asked. "Mmm, let's just say 1+1+1+1+1+1 equals... Infinity." he said, with a dastardly tone. Meanwhile, Torre had just finished the mane dying process. "How do I look?" Amber asked. "See for yourself." Torre said, holding up a mirror. Amber opened her eyes, and saw a filly with yellow eyes, and green hair staring back at her. "Your mane is green, miss." "I know. But how do you feel about how it looks?" Amber asked. "I'm not sure. I'm not capable of many emotions the same way you are." Torre said. "Well I love it! I just know my family will too. Let's go show them!" Amber said. "Like... right now?" Torre asked. "Yeah, let's go show my big sis, Cozy!" Amber said. "Uh... wait here for just one moment." Torre said. Torre turned around and put his ear to the communication device around his arm. Amber raised and eyebrow in place. "Hey boss, it's me, how's it going?" he said. Tsourakis spoke to Torre, but Amber only heard it as light chatter she couldn't quite make out. "Just brilliantly! This new body continues to deliver with no signs of wear or tear. Cozy Glow fell right into my trap hook line, and... mirror." Tsourakis said slyly. Torre stared blankly. "You were supposed to laugh." Tsourakis said. "Sorry boss. So uh... what do I do with the squirt?" Torre asked. "What have you been doing with her thus far?" Tsourakis asked. "Uh..." Torre thought about the hours they'd spent experimenting with mane dying concoctions. But he was at least smart enough to know not to go into detail. Torre looked at Amber, and in response Amber put on beady eyes and smiled at Torre. "See I-" Torre started, but was interrupted. "I don't actually care. She's a clone of Cozy, and I already have Cozy, so she's of no use to me." Tsourakis said. "So what do I-" Torre started, but was interrupted once again. "Enslave her, or get rid of her, I don't care. But listen, Torre. Grogar is our next target. Plan yourself a trip to Tartarus, and bring me to old goat without being detected! That's an order! Effective immediately!" Tsourakis said. "Excuse me, are you talking to someone?" Amber asked. "Uh... that was just my boss giving me the run down." Torre replied. "Okay. Who are you going to run down?" Amber asked. "Well you see... wanna join me on a road trip?" Torre asked. "A road trip? Just us. On such short notice. Without checking in on my sister our friends?" Amber asked. Amber lit up her horns and eyes, and whispered. I promised to make sure no harm befalls you, Cozy. Now I don't trust these fake ass centaurs as far as I can throw them. How far can I throw them? With my little body, not far. But I may as well entertain whatever act they're trying to pull. "Alright, Mr. Torre. I'm game." Amber said. > Chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the forest, Grogar stomped and stampered his way through the brush. He befell any small trees in his way, and paid no mind to any of his surroundings. Behind him were Sludge the dragon, and the Mane-iac, of Power Ponies fame. "So. Where exactly are we heading?" Sludge asked. "Tirek has been through these parts. I know it. I can sense where he's been." Grogar said. "Can he actually?" Mane-iac asked. Sludge shrugged. (Try saying that three times fast.) But their efforts would be rewarded, as Grogar stumbled upon something hopeful. The three came across the Kirin village! "What are they?" Mane-iac asked. "Dragon ponies?" Sludge asked. "Close. Kirin. Though related to dragons, and of the subspecies chimera, they are known for their extraordinary fire powers when provoked, and they elicit their raw forms as anger filled Nirik." "Wow. I didn't know you were a biochemist or whatever." Sludge said. "As the father of monsters, I am familiar with every spawn of creature to inhabit Equestria." Grogar said. "And something about this village *sniff* Tirek's been here. They know where he is, and we're going to get that answer from them." "How are we going to do that 'father of monsters'?" Mane-iac asked. "The mere sight of me likeness ought'a strike fear into their eyes." Grogar said. "I'll intimidate them, and get the answers I want from them." Grogar stepped out of the brush and stamped through the village. The kirin stopped what they were doing, and halted in place to stare at the sight before them. Kirins paused their gardening, and conversations. Autumn Blaze and Cinder Glow, who were in the middle of her couch together, but halted their moving when they saw Grogar. "Humble kirin, it is I, Grogar. The father of monsters, wishing you an unfriendly welcome." he said. "You might be in luck however. I come only seeking information. I demand that you tell me the location of Lord Tirek, and his partner Cozy Glow." But the Kirin leader did not speak. They merely stared blankly at Grogar. The rest of the kirin took their hint, and followed their lead. "Not talking, eh? You might want to reconsider your silence." Grogar said. Grogar looked at either side, and realized the kirin were giving him blank stares. "Same goes for all of you. I don't know what this tactic is, but you won't be silent once I'm done with you." Grogar said. Sludge laid on Autumn's couch and watched Grogar fail to strike fear in to the eyes of the Kirin. "Oh this is rich." Sludge said, snickering. "No, please! Spare us, Grofar!" Mane-iac mocked. After a few more moments, Sludge heard a creek, and a snap, and suddenly, the couch gave and broke below him. Autumn gasped. "MY COUCH!" she exclaimed. "You MORON! Do you have any idea how HARD IT IS TO MOVE COUCHES!?" she exclaimed. "Yeah well it ain't my fault they don't make couches for my girth. What are you gonna do?" Sludge said. Sludge poked Autumn Blaze's snout, which tipped her over the edge. She erupted into flames as an angry Nirk. All her Kirin villagers also burst into flames. "Uh oh..." Grogar said. "Hey, father of monsters, now would be a really nice time to make your 'children' chill." Mane-iac said. Meanwhile, at the castle. Tsourakis carried the Cozy Glow mirror with him to his main throne room. "You won't get away with this!" Cozy exclaimed. Cozy gasped when she saw. Tirek was sapped of his magic, and chained to the floor. Chrysalis was chained as well, and had a piece around her horn. "You were saying?" Tsourakis smirked. "Caught them snooping around the castle and apprehended them before I even met you in the library, Cozy. I'm always five steps ahead of you guys." "What exactly do you have planned here?" Cozy asked. "Why are you so intent on imprisoning my family?" "Because, you three are very special. You're the trio of doom! Each one of you held conquest and nearly took over Equestria." Tsourakis explained. "So what? We're not about that any more." Cozy said. "Mmm, so you say. But once a villain, always a villain. Your hearts still have a tinge of evil within, and that will be just enough." "Just enough for what?" Cozy asked. Tsourakis placed the Cozy mirror. Cozy waved nervously at Tirek and Chrysalis. "You three, this crystal in my hand, the inevitable arrival of Grogar, and capping off this ensemble of all star villains, is the one who raged an army on Canterlot. Nearly had the magic of the four alicorns all contained in a staff, and had those pony princesses quivering in their frozen hooves!" "Uh, neat. When do we get to meet them?" Cozy asked. *sigh* "IT'S ME! It is I. The one, the only." Tsourakis twisted their head, and lifted it, revealing their true identity. Underneath the fake head was a head in a liquid jar. The head inside was that of a totally different, yet vaguely familiar head. The trio stared at this revelations, but were less than shocked to say the least. "I am so sorry, but is this supposed to be some kind of startling revelation? Because like... ...Who are you exactly?" Cozy asked. "Some kind of... yeti...?" Chrysalis asked. "Ugh! Come on! You guys never heard of The Storm King?" he exclaimed. "I think Twilight lectured about you at her school. Silverstream and the Hippogriffs hid from you and your army." "I've heard of The Storm King in passing. How he raged wars and built an army far beyond Equestria." Tirek said. "Didn't you like... go away?" Cozy asked. "Hrrgh. I did. Seems everyone thought I was toast. But the jokes on them, I'll be serving them toast... hehehe... very burnt toast." Storm King said. "Like this body? Disguised as a mechanical centaur. We-phew. The perfect cover." Storm King said. "It's hideouts. And utter disrespect. I suspected something was off with you." Tirek said. "Well you didn't suspect soon enough, did'ja?" Storm King said. "You couldn't catch the obvious hints, and I was always one step ahead of all three of you. I think this bod is swell. It's nothing compared to what I had before, but beggers can't be choosers." "There I was, turned to stone, falling from a great height, and then SMASH! Onto the ground. Everyone thought that was the end of The Storm King, but no, it was only a new beginning, for you see. All the kings horses and all the kings mares... well, they put Storm King's head together again, the body we settled on building a mechanical simulate." he explained. The three of them all glared at Storm King. "Now now, no need for the long faces. It's nothing personal against you guys. Think of this just as my unfinished business. You've all had you second chance at world domination. Now it's time for Storm King to make a dramatic come back. The Epoch of The Storm King!" Kirin village aftermath. Sludge, Grogar, and Mane-iac limped and trudged their way away from the Kirin village. *phew* "Who knew those little tykes packed so much fire power." Sludge said. "Face it, we failed." Mane-iac said. "Grogar doesn't bucking lose." Grogar said. "Except when he does." Mane-iac sassed. "How many times have you lost? Three times? Is this your fourth?" "I mean if you wanna sugar coat it, it we weren't exactly successful. We infuriated the village, and all I got was this peculiar burn mark on my chest." Sludge said. Grogar caught a glimpse of Sludge's burn mark, and noticed it was indeed very peculiar. "Is that... a map?" he asked. "Oh right, one of those niriks lit a slab on fire and pounded it against my chest." Sludge said. "Why? What's got you eying it?" "This is significant! Let me take a look!" Grogar said. "Okay, but don't stare for too long. I get camera shy." Sludge said. Grogar stared closely at Sludge's burn mark. It was definitely an outline of Equestria, with peculiar signs of a path, and markers, with a specific region highlighted. "It shows exactly where Tirek went. Hmm hehe. He's gone home to his father's castle. Let's catch them and corner them before they even know what's coming." Grogar said. Grogar was already on his way, but his two cohorts weren't jazzed up just yet. "And what exactly is coming? A hoof shake? A hoofball styled tackle? What have you got? What are you even going to do when you're face to face with your enemies?" Mane-iac asked. "I shall show them no mercy." Grogar said. "None whatsoever." "And then what? You think you're gonna win? We ain't exactly an all star team of fighters." Mane-iac said. Mane-iac's constant questions was getting on the nerves of Grogar, mainly because she actually brought up good points. Grogar didn't have much going for him besides his raw determination. But he was ready to carry that to the ends of Equestria. "They only think they're strong because they work together. But I will use every bit of my strength to tear them apart. I'll destroy what matters most to Tirek, his precious partner Cozy Glow. Once she's gone, he'll fold and surrender to me. That is how I will win." Grogar said. > Chapter 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amber and Torre were inside of a large wooden wagon, steaked out in the outskirts of the land. It had been three days of waiting for Grogar. "I'm bored. We've been on this steakout for days and we've seen nothing." Amber said. "Tell you what, Kiddo. If we don't find anything by sundown, we'll head back to the castle." Torre said. "That sounds nice. Like I'm ready for this to be over, but I also don't want to go back empty hoofed." Amber said. Amber thought about her sister Cozy Glow. She hadn't seen her in a couple of days. Last time they saw, they each had a plan in mind. Cozy was to keep an eye on that Tsourakis character, while Amber followed his lackey, Torre. She'd be lying to herself if she said she wasn't worried for Cozy Glow. Cozy was smart, and clever. She was able to weasel her way out of tight situations, but she didn't know anything about Tsourakis. Seemed too convenient that he found himself in King Vorak's castle, but he claimed the castle was empty, and hadn't a clue where Vorak or any of Tirek's family was. This Torre guy definitely was hiding secrets, but getting him to spill anything would be tricky. She hadn't found an opening yet to get a jump on this Torre guy yet, and she wasn't sure if she would. "So, what brought you and Mr. Sourpuss here in the first place? Sightseeing?" Amber asked. "We came for a reason." Torre replied. "Okay. So there's a purpose to you and Sourpuss being here." Amber said. "We're searching for something. Something that would make Lord Tsourakis powerful. Something that would return him to his former glory. A means to conquer Equestria for realzies!" Torre said. "So you're going to do that by stealing Grogar's power? 'Fraid he doesn't have much of that left. We made sure of it." Amber said. "It's not necessarily Grogar's magic we're after. It's what Grogar stands for. It's what your sister and her friends represent. Disharmony." Torre said. "Your sister Cozy Glow thinks she's some goody goody four hooves now. But her heart deep inside is still riddled with the dark spirit that led her to a path of great ambition. It is that spirit that is going to lead Lord Tsourakis to greatness!" "Alright. Sure. Sure. I see what you're about." Amber said. "Me? You haven't the faintest clue, kid." Torre said. "What's that supposed to mean?" Amber asked. "Um... Say, you've been asking me all these questions, why don't you start explainin' to me your story?" Torre asked. "Me? Oh, I never thought you asked. My story is a wild one." Amber said. "Yes, tell me, what was it like growing up with your sister?" Torre asked. "That's the funny part. We didn't grow up in the same household. Actually, we did, but we never met. She's much older than me so she was born much earlier. Something happened to Cozy Glow that caused her to be separated from her father. Neither of us met our mother unfortunately. I was born after Cozy Glow was turned to stone, cloned using a piece of hair our Pappy had saved." Amber explained. Torre was growing tired already of Amber's long story. "So when did your paths meet?" he asked. "Oh, so when we met. It was quite something. She looked much different than she does now. See she was sick, and was barely able to live in her own body, so this unicorn named Luster Dawn lent her body for Cozy Glow's soul to inhabit. That led to some interesting results. Cozy basically took over Lusty, and used the opportunity to reunite with her dad, and that's when she learned of me! Cozy had no idea I existed until she saw me for herself, and I didn't know my dad had been up to all these attempted alicorn creation shenanigans." Amber said. "So she proceeded to essentially kidnap me and turn our Pappy to stone and put him in Tartarus, and use me to try to take over Equestria." "Well, why'd you go along with her plan? How in Equestria did you come to trust her?" Torre asked. "It all happened so fast. I hardly had any time to take it all in. Looking back I'm sure any reasonable filly faced with such an unreasonable circumstance would've reacted differently, but I don't know. She walked in the door, and complimented me. She said I looked pretty. She explained she was an old friend of my Pappy, which was true. See what she did there? She said she had a surprise to show me, but I needn't detail that. Kinda gross. She said she and I had a special connection, and I believed it. I felt it. I stared at her, and it felt like someone just like me was staring from deep within Lusty's big eyes." Amber explained. "Yeah it was a little freaky that she turned our dad to stone, but then she started yelling at our mom, I think. To me she was just yelling at air, but she seemed really furious, so I hugged her and then she started crying. She said she wanted to protect me, and you know, in spite the fact she was sort of just roping me into another one of her 'take over Equestria' schemes. She was real upset when I got hurt during our battle against Twilight Sparkle. So, really did care. She still cares. That's why I wanted to join them on their adventures. I know I could've gone with Pappy, and Magnolia, and her mom to the village Cozy Glow founded, but I wanted to travel, see what Equestria has to offer, and get to know them more. You know?" "Mmm. That's quite a history you two have. You're determined to stick together and look after one the other." Torre said. "Mmmhmm. We've been away from that castle for several days now. I'm beginning to raise an eyebrow." Amber said. "You ain't thinking of trying to stop us, tuts?" Torre said. "Me? No. No, of course not. I mean, what can I do? I'm just a filly." Amber said. "I'll just take another look outside the wagon to see if I see ol Grogar. But for the last time, he's locked in Tartarus. Ain't no way he's..." Amber's voice trailed off when she saw something off in the distance. "You see him?" Torre asked. "Oh, I see him." Amber said. "Don't worry. I have plenty of gear that will help us capture the antiquated shepherd." Torre said. Meanwhile, just over the horizon slightly, Grogar continued his trudge through the land. "There it is, King Vorak's castle." Grogar said. "Lord Tirek and Cozy Glow are sure to be inside." "Great. Now what do you want us to do?" Mane-iac asked. "Now is the time for me to be rid of you two." Grogar said. "Huh?" Sludge and Mane-iac said. "After all we've been through, it's really gonna end like this, huh?" Sludge said, half heartbroken, but half not really caring. "Your purposes are fulfilled. You have burnt onto you the map, which we've already reached the destination, so your belly map is no longer needed." Grogar said. "Belly map is not something I expected to hear today." Sludge said. "And you! You're absolutely pathetic!" Grogar exclaimed. "That display back at the Kirin village, you hardly put up a fight! You're an absolute weakling, not worthy of being on my team! I was desperate for team mates, but even you two barely meet the bar!" "You didn't see me at my best. Look, I was caught off guard from the sight of blazing death glaring at me from all directions." Mane-iac said. "I'll settle things myself. I am plenty strong on my own. And I know Lord Tirek's weakness. Stomping on him will be a piece of cake by myself." Grogar said. "But I assure you, where I'm from, Maretropilis, I was feared and revered for my insane ambition! The most wanted criminal there is!" Mane-iac said. "For pete's sake, you're not the real Mane-iac! You're not even a real pony! You're a self conscious spell brought to life in the form of a stupid book I pulled from that dragon's smelly pits!" Grogar said. "You're an illusion!" "I'm... I-I am not! I"m real!" Mane-iac exclaimed. "Keep telling yourself that. I'll let you figure the truth out on your own." Grogar said. Grogar finally left the other two in the dust, leaving them in his dust. Mane-iac clapped her hooves. They seemed... real enough. "So, you coming, Mane-head?" Sludge asked. "After all that, you're still heading to the castle?" Mane-iac asked. "Forget Grogar, Tirek, or whoever else. There's bound to be some treasure in that castle. Plus it's a nice looking castle as is. And I'm checking it out." Sludge said. Mane-iac was hesitant. "Say, Sludge?" Mane-iac asked. "Yeah?" Sludge asked. "Would you mind pointing me in the direction of Maretropolis?" Mane-iac asked. "...I think it's best you stick with me." Sludge said. She was reluctantly still, but Sludge followed to sneak into the castle. Amber and Torre watched Grogar approach slowly, from the secrecy of their camouflaged wagon. "Alright, remember the plan." Torre said. Amber had wrapped around her front hoof, a big metal sock, full of gadgets. Most notably was she was equipped with a flame throwing, and taser darts. Amber cooed, and her eyes twinkled at seeing such dangerous looking gadgets. "Ready to make a name for yourself, and your mane?" Torre asked. "Yes. Yes absolutely!" Amber said. Grogar trudged slowly, when he heard a high pitch squeal. "Help! Help!" Amber cried. Grogar looked around, and saw a poor filly on the ground in this dry desert. "I'm just a poor lost filly in this great big desert! Won't somepony help me!" Amber exclaimed. Grogar heard her distress cries, and diverted his attention to her. "I sure hope no big scary monsters appear and gobble up little old me." Amber said. Grogar approached, and he recognized her pretty quickly. "It's you. No, you're the little Cozy Glow." Grogar said. "Now I wonder. Is it best I take you as a hostage again? Or best I simply destroy you right here and now?" Amber gasped internally. She hadn't realized he would be so merciless this time. Grogar took another step, but Amber wasn't taking any chance. Amber lifted her hoof and shot Grogar with the taser. "AAH!!!" The shock of the taser brought Grogar falling onto his side. "Wish I had this when you kidnapped me before." Amber said. "Splendid work, kiddo." Torre said, coming up to Amber's side. "This was even easier than I thought it'd be." Torre threw a sack over Grogar, and started carrying him. "So... am I just... done?" Amber asked. "I mean, I can't think of any other purpose you could serve right now. So I suppose so." Torre said. "You know, you're right. I got you what I promised to get you, so I'll leave you to conduct your business." Amber said. "I'm happy you understand my situation gi-AHH!!!" Amber tasered Torre with the weapon he'd given her. "No, stop! I'm - shorting out!" Torre exclaimed. Amber pulled on Torre until she ripped part of him off. Revealing that Torre was just a mechanized suit. Inside was one stubby mole... guy. "Sorry, tuts." Grubber said. *gasp* "I knew it! The mole people are taking over!" Amber exclaimed. "What? No. My name is Grubber. I've been assisting the Tsour... I mean, the Storm King this whole time." Grubber said. "Wha...? What's going on here?" Amber asked. "See, I kind of felt bad my pal Stormy King was petrified, and then broke upon falling, so I tried to put the guy back together." Grubber explained. "Oookay? So why exactly are you guys here?" she asked. "Well, all I was able to reassemble was Storm King' head, so we needed a new body and a way to power it, so we took..." Grubber stopped himself. "Took what?! What'd you guys do here?!" Amber asked. "What's Mr. Sourpuss Storm King doing to my family?!" "Buzz off, kid." Grubber said. "But-" Amber started. "So, I guess all that time together meant nothing? The mane dying? The steakout? Didn't you have a little bit of fun that you'd stick it out for me and-" "I said, buzz off!" Grubber said. "Fine." Amber said, pouting. Amber let Grubber drag Grogar away to the castle. "Fine. I'll save my family myself." Amber said to herself. > Chapter 9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amber looked up at the tall imposing castle. She wasn't entirely sure how just yet, but she knew she could definitely get inside and save her family. She looked at her hoof, and realized she still had the flamethrower taser arm. That with her magic powers she had. She figured she was more than capable of staging an uprising. Even more so, she realized that she could twist it to control how spread out the flame was. She tightened it, and focused the flame to a thin strand of hot flame. She applied the focused line of fire on a window, and secretly melted it off its place. She then jumped into and began her lurking inside the castle. Amber continued to lurk and sneak through the castle. She had discovered narrow passages that she was barely strong enough to squeeze through. Pulled herself through with her hooves, and sometimes with her magic if she found herself stuck for a moment. Thankfully she wasn't claustrophobic, so getting stuck for a second or two didn't send her into a panic. She saw light beaming through an opening. She peeked her head through, but was unimpressed that it was just an ugly dragon and an old pony with a long frizzy green mane. Not that there was anything wrong with green, but this mare had definitely gone overboard. Sludge and Mane-iac heard some crawling in walls, but didn't pay too much mind. They had found the castle's treasure room, so they were mostly occupied with the piles of gold coins they found. But Mane-iac was weary by the sounds of hoofsteps in the walls. "Do you hear something? I sense there's someone watching us. Someone with a condescending attitude." Mane-iac said. Sludge didn't seem to care. He was simply enamored by the piles of wealth. "Wow, look at all this gold!" Sludge said. "I could get used to this." Sludge fell backwards, and laid on a pile of gold coins. Mane-iac picked up a single gold coin with one of her hair strands. "What do you plan on spending with your stash of stolen coins?" Mane-iac asked. "Spending? You mean, the exchange of my gold coins for services and goods? Asses to that. What could possibly beat the shiny golden luster of these gold coins? Pah." Sludge said. "Well, I'm going to use my share to buy myself the parts needed to rebuild the Hairspray Ray of Doom, and take over the nearest metropolitan area." Mane-iac said. "You sure that's what you want?" Sludge said. Sludge and Mane-iac made their way through the castle with sacks of gold coins in tow. Though they were having trouble retracing their steps through the complicated hallways. "This isn't the way we came in. I don't remember seeing all these books earlier!" Sludge said. "Books you say?" Mane-iac asked. "Look at this." Sludge started pulling books from the shelves and recklessly tossing them to the floor. "The history Changelings! The history of Grogar! La historia de King Sombra! Complete junk. I'm hanging on to a few of the ones with colorful pictures though." Mane-iac picked up the Sombra book that Sludge had tossed away. Inside she saw an illustration of a young and dapper King Sombra, with a beautiful mare named Radiant Hope. She was enamored by their beauty. Even if she felt she was still the prettiest mare of all. She then picked a different book at random, and opened it up. Inside was a wide picture of an army. The Storm King's army. Waves and lines of large beasts in dark armor. Stood proudly in the front row was Commander Tempest Shadow, cloaked, and adorned a metal helmet, obscuring her whole face. Mane-iac wasn't sure if Tempest was a pony under all that gear. Maybe that was the point. The Storm King himself, and his loyal minion Grubber. In the background was a fleet of massive airships, adorned with the same two lightning logo. Out of the book fell a handwritten note. Mane-iac picked it up, and read the bad handwriting on pencil written scratch. I sit here waiting to hear back from my most trusted soldier, Commander Tempest Shadow. She promised me the greatest power in Equestria, but so far has only delivered disappointment. Our invasion of Mt. Aris ended in failure. Commander Tempest promised me the magic pearl belonging to the Hippogriffs. However, upon arrival, every single one of the hippogriffs fled the mountain, beyond where we could follow. And they took the pearl with them. With nothing to show for our efforts, I gave Commander Tempest a nasty scolding. That is when Commander Tempest presented to me a Plan B. Commander Tempest insisted that there was more powerful magic still to be had. The magic of the four alicorn princesses. The most powerful beings in Equestria. Commander Tempest insisted that our army could catch them by surprise, and overwhelm their defenses. This staff I'm holding here, the Staff of Sacanas (whom we acquired during a previous raid) could be used to hold the four alicorns' magic, and make me the most powerful King in the world. That is the hope. Commander Tempest and Grubber's fleet are on their way to their capital Canterlot as I write on this note here. I expect to hear back from them soon. And it better be good news. For her sake. Mane-iac gulped, and slowly closed the book, and put it back gently. "Whoever lives here sure has been studying up on evildoers. I could never live up to any of the villains on these pages." Mane-iac admitted. "Don't be hard on yourself. I'm sure Equestria isn't ready for the Hair Spray Ray of Doom." Sludge said. "Oh please. That's nothing compared to a centaur who eats magic. Or an entire hive of love hungry bugs. Or whatever power this Storm King guy has." Mane-iac said. "...Should we help Grogar?" Mane-iac asked. "Whatever you want, I can give or take the grouchy old ram." Sludge said. Meanwhile, Amber was getting tired. The excessive use of magic, and her muscles was wearing her down. She got overwhelmed, and forced herself to stop, and take some deep breaths. What if you can't do this? You can, you just have to give it your all. But is it worth giving it your all? What if something happens to you? Cozy Glow said she wanted me to be safe. If I save her, but sacrifice myself in the process... no, I can't do that to her. She said we would stay together. "By golly, we are all leaving this place alive! I am going to save you, and not die myself in the process!" she exclaimed. Inside the castle's throne room, the trio were held prisoner, awaiting the next part of Storm King's mysterious plan. Cozy Glow was trapped in the mirror, and Tirek, and Chrysalis were chained and imprisoned in the main throne room. "I'm sorry I messed this up." Cozy said. "What do you mean?" Tirek asked. "This isn't your fault." Chrysalis said. "I know but, if I had planed things a little differently, he wouldn't have gotten a jump on us." Cozy said. "I'm the master of manipulation. I can't believe he got the jump on us." "Come on. You've gotten out of tighter situations, and outsmarted tougher creatures." Chrysalis said. "This Storm King guy ain't nothing. We'll get back at him" Tirek said. "Yeah, but things aren't looking good right now. I'm trapped in this mirror. Tirek's lost all his magic, you can't use your magic, Chrysalis. I should've known our pristine lifestyle wouldn't last." Cozy said, tearing up. "So you would've rather not ventured Equestria together?" Chrysalis asked. "No. Far from it. I'm happy we went on this journey together. Traveling Equestria and seeing everything with you guys, and with Amber. Really has been the adventure of my lifetime. I wouldn't trade it for anything. And I wouldn't have done a darn thing leading up to this moment any differently. I just don't want this to be the end of us." "I share your thoughts likewise." Tirek said. "When I came to Equestria, I never dreamed of seeing myself making friends with anypony, let alone falling in love. But my time with you, Cozy, has opened up my eyes." "I clung onto vengeance and hatred for so long. I wanted to take out all my fury on Starlight Glimmer, and her friends for stealing my hive. But what I was blind to at the time, was how much happier every Changeling was, much better off they were because of it." Chrysalis said. "Working with you guys felt so good, I just didn't want to admit it before. After we were freed from stone, I just assumed you two were going to go back to our old ways, but from that point on, deep down personally, I wanted to stick with you guys. Discord said together forever, and you know what, being with you guys really made everything worthwhile." Cozy said. Cozy Glow's eyes watered, as she further recapped her time with her friends. "I wasn't sure what trajectory we were on during our search for the Rainbow of Darkness. I was 50/50 on whether we were going to stick together once we found it, or if we would use it, crush our enemies, and go our separate ways like we planned with Grogar's bell originally. But hearing from you two that you were waiting patiently for my word, and my plan before using the Rainbow of Darkness, was a hint that working with me truly meant something to you guys, as it did me. I'm happy we stuck together through everything and have remained friends. I love you guys." Cozy said. "We love you too, Cozy Glow. Say, Cozy. Do you know why I attempted to jump into that swirling vortex with your spirit?" Chrysalis asked. "I think I realize the reason now, but you're free to explain in your own words." Cozy said. "Shortly before Tirek and I made it to that basement, I stopped at the Changeling hive. I tried one more attempt to take back my hive. But upon seeing my children fighting amongst each other, it was too much to handle, so I gave in, and agreed to help them raise a new queen. That's when I gave Ocellus my royal jelly. It would grow her into a queen at the cost of my life. With my time ticking, I saw the only fitting thing to do was have all of us lost to oblivion. But you wanted things to be different than last time. You saw an opportunity to set us free." "I wanted you guys to live happily, and raise Amber." Cozy said. "Even if I thought I was done." "So even though I knew my time was limited, I wanted you, in what we all thought was your final moments, to believe Tirek and I were off to live happily." Chrysalis said. "I'd was darned though, we didn't even know you had a sister up until that moment." Tirek said. "It was a chore and a half trying to find her after that." he said, in a joking mood. "And that's what happened eventually anyway, right? Discord brought me back, and we all got to live our most happy and ideal lives." Cozy said, weeping. "I just hope Amber's okay." Cozy said. "I know she's tough as me, which is to say she's tough as nails, and can fend for herself. Still, if anything happened to her..." "I hope father's okay." Tirek said. "Seeing the lengths this Storm King will go to. I dread to think of what he did to take over the castle." "What do you think happened to everyone? King Vorak? Queen Haydon. It's been a long time since I've seen either of them. What will they think of me?" "That you're friends with a pony?" Chrysalis asked. "Not just that. I can only imagine the utter disappointment they must feel. Having their son locked in Tartarus for all those years. I mean, it's not like they wanted me to take over Equestria. That was more my idea, and not one they were particularly fond of. Fueled by rage against my brother Scorpan. Maybe it's best they aren't here to see their disappointment of a son." Cozy Glow wept. "I wanna climb out of this mirror and give you a hug so badly. *sniff* And tell you, that I don't think you're a disappointment *sniff* At least you didn't flunk out of school because you got in a fight... *sniff* and get flung out a window and confiscated by child protection agencies and put in a hospital... *sniff* with no memory of your parents..." Cozy said, weeping. "What kind of imbecile would that happen to?" Actually, Cozy's story and Tirek's have more parallels that she's giving credit for. Chrysalis thought. Cozy banged on the mirror. "I'm gonna give that Storm King a piece of my mind once I get out of here!" Cozy exclaimed. "I'd watch what you say! Lest I be picking up pieces of you!" shouted the Storm King, as he entered the room. "Get it? Pieces? In case I decide to shatter you. Be it stone, or in a mirror, it seems you're destined to be immobilized, and vulnerable to vandals." "You leave her alone!" Chrysalis exclaimed. If you do anything to her, I'll do it to you, ten fold!" Tirek exclaimed. "I decide my own destiny from now on, Storm King! And I will get out of here, and run you out of Tirek's home castle!" Cozy exclaimed. "Ooh. I'm so scared of your empty threats." Storm King said. "You should be scared! I defeated the father of monsters, Grogar TWICE!" Cozy shouted. "Oh, you mean THIS Grogar?" Storm King said. Storm King pulled a chain, and brought in Grogar. "This chump? This weakling? You think beating him was a heroic feat? Pah!" Storm King exclaimed. "Oh, I'm so scared! You defeated Grogar!" "Grogar?!" they all exclaimed simultaneously. "Grrr. Cozy Glow." Grogar snarled under his breath. "If I had the strength I'd..." Grogar looked up, dazed. And saw the trio of Cozy Glow, Chrysalis, and Tirek, captured by Storm King. "Who are you anyway? How did you..." Grogar struggled to say. "How did I do the thing you failed to do? Simple. I outsmarted them. It was easy." Storm King said. "Work smarter, not harder. Brains over brawn and everything." Storm King laughed and sneered seeing his plan coming together. "Now, let's do one more head count here. There's me, the best villain. There's Lord Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, the father of monsters Grogar makes 5. And the Crystal here containing the essence of King Sombra makes six." Storm King said. *gasp* "King Sombra?!" everyone exclaimed. "Yes. Don't ask me where I got the dark crystal of Sombra's horn. I had to jump through quite a number of hoops to bring him here, but he's here regardless. And it's going to be a key player in unlocking the ultimate power!" Storm King said. "So now that everyone is here. Let's not waste any further time padding this out, and get on with business." Storm King pressed a button he was holding and up out of the middle of the ground came a pedestal. "It's time for, the epoch of The Storm King." > Chapter 10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Storm King was ready to unleash the spell. He captured and placed Chrysalis, Tirek, Cozy Glow, and Grogar in specific places, with circles traced around them. And the dark crystal containing the essence of King Sombra was in its own circle. And finally, The Storm King sat on his throne, which had a circle traced around it. And in the middle of all of it, was the mysterious pedestal. In the center of all of this was a big pedestal. With the push of a button on his throne, the lines started to glow, and the spell began to activate. "Before you do this, Storm King. Really think about what you're doing." Cozy Glow yelled, through the mirror she was trapped in. "I've had nothing but time to think. It's all I've thought about. Exacting my revenge on Equestria." Storm King said. "And your villainous souls will power my latest scheme." "I've been where you are now. Constantly thinking about revenge, and coming up with a scheme to achieve crazy powerful magic. I went really far, and I nearly lost myself in the process. So think about the cost. Is it worth it? Are you sure this is what you still want?" Cozy asked. "Hmm..." Storm King tapped his lip. "Look deep inside. Really think. What is it you're really after? Will blowing a hole through Canterlot really bring you virtue?" Cozy asked. "Hmm... You know what? Now that you put it that way... YES! This is all I want to do!" Storm King exclaimed. "It is time to unleash the boom bada boom, STORM!" The spell glowed brighter, and started to sap energy from everyone within. "Finally! Now! I will truly be The Storm King!" he exclaimed. "Guess again!" exclaimed a voice. Amber fell from the ceiling and confronted the Storm King. She pulled out a long spear and held it at Storm King. "Release my family from your evil contraption!" Amber exclaimed. Storm King looked at Amber and immediately burst into laughter. "Bwahahaha! You must be kidding! This is your guys’s fearless champion?! This lost child?!" Storm King laughed. Amber blushed in anger. The creature who threatened her family treated her like a joke. But she wasn't joking. "I don't kid. Release my sister from the mirror, and I won't have to use this thing!" Amber exclaimed. Amber held her spear firm, not shaking at all. Storm King was impressed with her fierce and confident stance. He began to take her more seriously. "So, you truly choose to oppose the Storm King?" he said. Amber nodded, and leaned her spear more forward. "Well, if that's what you desire." Storm King stood up slowly, and loomed over Amber. His body made creaking metallic sounds as he stood up. Storm King grabbed his staff sitting by his throne, and suddenly swung it at Amber. Amber leaned back and dodged the swing. Amber then leaped up and thrusted the spear at Storm King. Cozy gasped and dropped her jaw, seeing her Amber thrust herself into action was unbelievable to see. Amber's spear and Storm King's staff collided. The weapons were interlocked, and Amber pushed against Storm King. Amber's small size made it challenging. Storm King was large, and quite strong. Amber's hooves grinded against the floor as she was slowly pushed back. Cozy, Tirek, and Chrysalis held their breath, as it seemed Amber was being bested by Storm King. But then suddenly, Amber used her magic to split the spear in half. Storm King's forward momentum caused him to fall flat onto the ground. Amber then jumped up onto Storm King's back, and held the sharp end of the spear at his head. "Release my family this instant! And that means releasing my sister from the mirror!" Amber demanded. "Grrr. You're a persnickety little one." Storm King said. "You really do have that fighting spirit. Reminds me a lot of a unicorn fighter I once had under my army." Amber didn't budge at Storm King's flattery. "You wouldn't use that thing. You don't have the guts, kid." Storm King said. "Oh yeah?" Amber said, nudging the spear closer to Storm King’s neck. "Woah! Watch the head! I’ve got a nice head on these robotic shoulders. I'd like to keep it that way." Storm King said. "Then it'll be in your best interest to comply, and do what I say." Amber said. Amber had Storm King pinned down… sort of. In this moment Storm King realized that Amber was so tiny, she was barely holding him down. He figured could simply stand up right now to push her over. That, or simply flick her away. He chose the latter option. Storm King reached up and flicked Amber away, thrusting Amber back a good deal, and rolling onto the floor. "Foolish child. Thought you could pin me down? You're like a feather." Storm King said. Storm King stood up, grabbed his staff, and aimed it at Amber. Storm King used his staff to fire a beam at Amber. Amber intersected the blast with a magic beam coming from her own horn. The two magic streams collided, with Storm King's strong magic having a slight edge. Storm King's blast made it through, and blasted the floor, but Amber dodged the blast, and ran behind Storm King. She used her spear to slice off one of Storm King's robotic arms. “Oh! Oh darn it! You found a weak joint!” Storm King exclaimed. She sliced off the other arm, and Storm King came crashing down. “Can’t we just sit down and talk about this…?” Storm King said, nearly defeated and exhausted. Amber pushed Cozy Glow's mirror away from the summoning circle. In doing so, the entire circle started to dim. "I got you, sis. Now to just figure out how to get you out of this confounded mirror." Amber said. "It's okay. There's got to be a way out." Cozy said. Unbeknownst to either of them, Storm King's robotic arm moved the fingers by itself, and crept up to the throne's arm chair. It flicked the lever to activate the spell. "In either case, now that your spell is incomplete, you can't- AHH!!!" Amber screamed. "AaH!!!!" Amber was sucked into the spell and forced onto the circle where Cozy Glow was, and the circle started to glow brightly again. Tirek, Chrysalis, and Grogar also screamed. Storm King was also a part of the spell, and withstood the pain. "Yes. It is finally time!" Storm King said. "B-but how?" Amber cried. Despite pushing Cozy out of the circle, Amber was caught by the spell when she stood there. "I suppose a close relative will make a sufficient substitute." Storm King said. "We're not just related, I'm... her... identical..." Amber tried to say. The pillar in the middle was struck by six beams of power, emanating from the six of them. The spell completed, and the six dark stones inside were filled with energy. The spell was complete, and the objects inside were fully charged with dark magic. The beams dissipated and everyone was left freed, but exhausted. Amber, Tirek, Chrysalis, and Grogar collapsed under exhaustion. Cozy Glow was shocked and horrified from inside the mirror. "Leave it to bake for just a few seconds with six intense beams of villainous essence, and voila, it is done." Storm King said. Storm King reattached his arms to his body, and stood up from his throne. "Now I don't know diddly about magic, but I do know what power is. And from what I've been told, I know these Elements of Disharmony come in very handy." Storm King said. Storm King opened a latch on the pillar, and inside was six black stones. "The Elements of Disharmony." Storm King said, with the most dastardly, and sinister grin that his head in a jar could make. "But how? I might be Cozy, but I don't have a heart of evil." Amber said. "Neither do I. I've been purified." Chrysalis said. "Hmm. What a conundrum. Your hearts are too pure to unleash an evil spell. Oh well. Guess once a villain, always a villain." Storm King said. "But... I was never a..." Amber said. "These elements will come in very handy to me!" Storm King said. "What are you going to do with those!?" Cozy yelled. "I'm familiar with your ventures, Cozy Glow. The power hungry pegasus. What led you to follow such a path?" Storm King asked. "I was inspired by Tirek and that time he almost took over Equestria by stealing ponies' magic. I thought I could achieve the same by outwitting Twilight and her friends. Is that all you want? Just power? Grow up, and come to the present day." Cozy said. "Indeed. Simple power chase is vain, and simple. I have a clear purposeful plan for these elements." Storm King said. "What are you going to do...?" Amber asked, exhausted. "These six rocks will power my extremely large laser! Or ELL for short." Storm King said. "The what?" Tirek asked. "You must be joking, right?" Chrysalis asked. Everyone heard a loud rumbling from outside. "What's happening?" Amber asked. Cozy was able to see out a window from where she was stuck, and could see a large airship rising up, and flying over the castle. A ladder dropped from the ceiling next to Storm King. "The Extremely Large Laser has been outfitted to my zeppelin. The last Storm King era airship left in tact as a matter of fact." Storm King said. Storm King grabbed the ladder. "Now with my zeppelin, I shall fly to pony capital, and use these Elements of Disharmony to charge my laser, and fire a gigantic beam at their capital!" Storm King said. "Seriously? That's your plan?" Amber asked. "You occupied the castle, assembled a bunch of old villains together to power up the Elements of Disharmony, just so they could power a big laser you're gonna shoot at Canterlot?" "Yes. A little... convoluted in its set up, brilliant in its simple and destructive execution." Storm King said. The ladder retracted up and carried up Storm King. But as he ascended, he yelled something. "If you're looking for your dear dad Vorak, I think you'll find something of interest in the crystal catacombs. Ciao!" Storm King said. "The what!?" Tirek yelled. "You heard what I said! Now twiddle dee dee! I must be off! I have a very large laser that I'd like to show to Princess Twilight Sparkle!" Storm King said. "Bwahahahaha!!" The ladder retracted and carried Storm King up to his air ship. Everyone looked as the airship left the castle. Indeed, attached on the lowest deck of the ship, was an extremely large laser firing machine barrel. With enough time, everyone was able to catch their breath, and stand up. Amber stood up, and helped Chrysalis and Tirek stand up with her magic as well. “Storm King is getting away and we still can’t get you out of this mirror!” Amber pounded against the mirror in fury, but in doing so she discovered something. “Huh?” Amber realized that the mirror only acted as a barrier in one direction. She could reach in. “I could just reach in the mirror this whole time?” She said. “So then can you…?” Cozy asked. Amber grabbed onto Cozy’s hoof and pulled. And sure enough, Amber was able to pull Cozy Glow out of the mirror. Cozy hugged Amber out of joy. “I’m loving the change in mane color by the way.” Cozy said. “Oh, you do? I was hoping you would.” Amber said. "Are you all okay?" Cozy asked. "That spell looked like it took a lot out of you all." "I'm fine." Tirek said. "Me as well. It only wore us down, it didn't sap too much of our essence or anything permanent." Chrysalis said. "Same. I'm already primed back up. So what do we do now?" Amber asked. "We? Don't count me in this." Tirek said. "What!?" everyone exclaimed. "Help Equestria? I'm only interested in helping myself. That's how it's always been. Equestria isn't my problem." Tirek said. "Tirek, how can you say that?" Cozy asked. "I'm certainly not interested in any of Storm King's shenanigans." Tirek said. "I came here to settle family business, and that's all I intend on doing. He gave me a clue, which we failed to find on our own this whole time. Now that I finally have a lead, maybe I'll get to the bottom of this." "But... the elements of Disharmony. The air ship. The extremely large laser." Amber said. "Twilight can fend for herself, as she's done countless times before. Those ponies will be fine." Tirek said. "But..." Amber said. "I've already made my decision." Tirek affirmed, crossing his arms. Tirek went downstairs, as a final expression of expressing zero interest in pursuing Storm King. "We better go with him." Cozy said. Amber looked out the window and looked at the airship escape. "Amber?" Cozy asked. "Well we can't let Storm King destroy Equestria. We gotta do something." Amber said. "But Amber. We... Huh?" Cozy and everyone looked at saw that the dark crystal was glowing. It was glowing green, and a magical haze surrounded the crystal. It floated in place, and glowed, and its light formed a shape. In a magical dark green and purple haze, King Sombra formed, and stood before everyone. "KING SOMBRA!" everyone exclaimed. King Sombra looked around at his surroundings. He was surprised by his surroundings. “King Sombra. We meet again..” Chrysalis said. "We? I have never seen the likes of any of you." Sombra said. "You sure? I know that that was a long time ago by now, but surely you recognize us, and Grogar..." Cozy said. "I have no idea what you're talking about." Sombra said. "Weird he doesn't remember anything about Grogar..." Chrysalis said. “He even sounds different from last time.” Cozy noted. "I do not know what this place is, or what I am doing here, but one thing is clear. I must get back to the Crystal Empire and shatter that sniveling Crystal Heart." Sombra said. "You can't!" Amber exclaimed. "Why not, filly?" Sombra asked. "Because there's a big flying airship with a giant laser attached that's on its way to Equestria capital and it's going to blow it up!" Amber said. "Are you referring to the Crystal Empire? He's going to blow it up?" Sombra asked, sounding concerned. "Would that make you more or less motivated to help us?" Amber asked. "Grrr. Very well, child. Since you seem to have valuable information I will assist in eliminating this 'Storm King' fellow." Sombra said. "At least that makes one of you." Amber said. Amber was teaming up with King Sombra? "Wait wait wait! You're not teaming up with this dark omen, Amby!" Cozy said. "Amber, what are you thinking?!" Cozy said. "Storm King nearly got you already, why would you go after him again?" "Okay, so things didn't go quite to plan, and I had to sneak you out of the mirror." Amber admitted. "But you never gave up, even when you were... sick. Why should I stop just cause he tricked me?" Amber was getting choked up. "He used you guys. He did something bad to Tirek's dad. We need to teach Storm King a lesson." Amber said. “Yes I know, but…” Cozy wasn’t sure how to finish her sentence.” "Why do you think less of me? Why don't you have faith in me?" Amber asked. Cozy gasped. She then looked down, and teared up herself. "Amber, that couldn't be farther from the truth. You are so remarkably capable. Maybe more than me when I was your age. I just can't stand the idea of losing you again.” Cozy said, weeping. “If we all work together, we won’t anything to worry about.” Amber said. sniff “I suppose you’re right, Amby.” Cozy said. "There's more to me than the sum of my cutie mark." Amber said. “We simply can't let Storm King go unimpeded. Twilight is our friend now and we should help protect her land.” "But in the same token, we can't leave Tirek, and he ain't budging. I have to see this mystery through with him." Cozy said. "If there's anyone who can keep him in check, it's me." "Then it's settled. You stay with Tirek, while Chrysalis, Sombra, and I go after Storm King." Amber said. Cozy face seemed reluctant. But she took a deep breath, and gave Amber an affirmative nod. "I'll be guarding her with my life." Chrysalis said. "Thanks, Chrysalis. I know you will." Cozy said. “I know I said it’d be best if we all worked together, but I don’t think Storm King will be able to handle the awesome wrath of three of Equestria’s strongest bunch.” Amber said. “She’s right. Me, Sombra, and Amber. It’ll be 3 on 1, and he won’t stand a chance.” Chrysalis said. Cozy Glow hugged Chrysalis and Amber in a big group hug. Cozy then followed Tirek downstairs. Just a few meters over, Sludge and Mane-iac peaked their heads into the throne room, and saw Grogar exhausted on the floor. "So, are we going after that airship or no?" Sombra asked. “Yes Sir, King Sombra sir!” Amber said. “Good. Now stand back. I know how we’re going to catch up to that flying contraption.” Sombra said. Mane-iac and Sludge crept up to Grogar. "Grogar?" Mane-iac asked. "You two? What are you doing here?" Grogar asked. "We wanted to see if you were okay." Mane-iac said. "We?" Sludge asked. "Okay, I was concerned." Mane-iac said. "Oh, what do you care?" Grogar asked. "Aren't you ready to resume your revenge plan?" Mane-iac said. Grogar looked. He had missed Tirek and Cozy climb down the stairs. He looked at Sombra, Amber, and Chrysalis standing on a balcony, viewing the airship. “Forget it. Even if I were to be rid of either Cozy Glow, and crushed Tirek's spirit, it’s quite apparent that I am no longer the King of Monsters. I am but an old useless ram.” Grogar admitted. "You? Useless? Psst. Far from it." Mane-iac said. "Without my magic, or the Rainbow of Darkness, I don't have anything to back up my prowess." Grogar said. "True, you are pretty pathetic." Sludge said. "But we're a pathetic team. We should stick together." Mane-iac said. “When did you get all sentimental, Mane-iac?” Grogar asked. “I’ve been thinking a lot about what you said, and what it means for my purpose here. Wondering about what I really am. Evil beauty queen or not, I’m ready to make a difference.” She said. > Chapter 11 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deep under Midnight Castle, Tirek explored the underground catacombs. He had found a source of magic in the castle, and used it to absorb power and grow in strength, slightly. He used his magic horns to light the way. He climbed down stone staircases, and entered dark passages, in hopes of finding a clue as to the whereabouts of his father, King Vorak. Storm King had tipped him off that there was a clue in these parts, right before he escaped in his airship. Tirek, rather than chase after Storm King, decided it wasn't his time to bother with any of Storm King's plans, even if he posed a big threat to Equestria, Tirek simply didn't care. Whilst exploring the tunnels, Tirek had assumed he was alone. But he head the sound of wings flapping behind him. He didn't even have to turn his head to recognize the flapping of Cozy Glow's wings. "Find anything yet?" Cozy asked. "What are you doing here?" Tirek asked. "I'm here to help you search for answers." Cozy said. "Why do you care?" Tirek asked. "Because you're my best friend." Cozy said. "And I want to help you find the answers you're looking for." Tirek didn't respond. He continued his journey underground. Cozy followed him anyway, despite his rudeness. "You know, we've been through so much together. At no point have I ever turned my back on you. Not even when Grogar and the Rainbow of Darkness was controlling your mind. Not when you were an out of control shadow puppet fighting off Lustar the Empress of Magic. That glowing form of mine was a last resort. I wasn't sure it was going to work. Soon as you saw my soul was still alive in the bell, you snapped out of Grogar's control, and I sapped all that nasty dark magic out of you. I didn't know if it was going to work. I knew if it didn't, that truly might've been it for me. It was truly a do or die maneuver on that fateful day. And I did it. If I didn't manage to do it, Equestria might still be a shadow bathed hellscape. I risked everything, and saved everyone, Tirek." Cozy said. Tirek thought back to their previous adventure. "I've given so much for you. It'd be nice if you gave back." Cozy said. "I know you have it in you. You went back to save Amber and I from Grogar when he and I came back. You were willing to come with us to revive Chrysalis. Yet here we are on your personal journey, and all the sudden you don't want any of our help. So I'll do you a favor and help you solve this thing, but once we find what we're looking for, you have to do something for us in return. Deal?" Cozy said. "There is no deal. I don't need your help for any of this." Tirek said. "Very well. I'll just have to find a clue first!" Cozy said. Cozy raced in front of Tirek. "Stop!!" Tirek exclaimed, in a very distressed tone. Cozy halted her wings, and landed. "You alright?" Cozy asked. "What's wrong?" "Under normal circumstances, things would be more... reasonable. But these are not normal circumstances. These are matters that are in regards to my father..." Tirek explained. "I haven't seen him in a long time, and we didn't exactly part ways on good terms..." "Oh, Tirek..." Cozy said. Tirek finally broke down and spoke. "Truth be told, Cozy... you are right. About everything you just said. I guess... you and I have always been distinctly different. You are much more outgoing than I am. Your plan always involved extracting information from me, and convincing ponies to follow you. Be it that school, or the allies we made at our town. It's written there on your cutie mark. The rook, a clever and manipulative strategist, but part of a larger set." Tirek said. "I've seen you grow and develop change in the relatively brief amount of time we've been together. I recognize what you did for us on that fateful day was a selfless sacrifice for us. I could never be like you." "Well... you and I sure are opposites. But that's what makes being with you so much fun. You're all bruty and closed, and I'm all bubbly and friendship oriented. It's really made being your friend such a treat. And I know you feel the same. So whether or not you think you want help, I know you can use my help. And there isn't anything you can do to change my mind." Cozy said. Tirek initially looked disinterested, but Cozy caught a glimpse of the slightest smile on Tirek's face. This subtle sign of happiness was enough to make Cozy smile back. After some more careful exploring, the two of them found the entrance to an important looking chamber. Tirek proceeded forward without looking back at Cozy. Cozy proceeded to follow him anyway. Cozy was spooked when she heard an audible gasp come from Tirek. "Tirek? Tirek!?" Cozy exclaimed. Cozy thrusted herself forward to see what was wrong. "Oh no..." Cozy said. *gasp* Tirek collapsed to his knees. Cozy looked up, and was equally horrified at what she saw. In front of Cozy Glow and Tirek was a casket resembling King Vorak. "Tirek..." Cozy said. It was a casket with a painting of King Vorak on the front, and a description next to it confirming that this was indeed his resting place. "I'm too late..." Tirek said. "Tirek. Just take things slow. Don't take it in all at once." Cozy said. "I spent so many years in Tartarus, and in stone... I wasn't here to save him..." Tirek said. "I'm everything he feared. He was right about me. I urged me not to venture to Equestria, he did not see any value in harvesting magic from ponies, but I did not heed his warning. I was consumed with the greed and urge to devour all that magic. What ended up happening was my defeat. Anyone could've foreseen my failure, except me. Vorak lost a son due to my own fault." Cozy patted Tirek. "Tirek... I..." Cozy tried to say, but Tirek was a wreck, and couldn't muster the strength to get up and speak. Cozy let him get his nerves out, and Cozy examined Vorak's casket. She opened it up and peaked inside. Tirek was too afraid to look himself. What she discovered was very strange. "He's missing his heart." Cozy said. "That's oddly peculiar. I wonder why." Tirek was startled when he heard this revelation. He clenched his fists, and was full of fury. "Storm King." he said, with an iron grip of his fist. "That bozo came to the castle, and defaced my father. I won't let this stand." "But come here? Why Vorak? Why his heart? What could he be using it for?" Cozy wondered. "It matters not the reason. Storm King's crimes are clear, and we must take action towards our revenge." Tirek said. "You mean we're going after Storm King now?" Cozy asked. Tirek nodded. "You sure? You said you weren't interested in saving Equestria shenanigans. Besides, it's not good to act on anger." Cozy said. Tirek took a deep breath. "Cozy Glow. Will you help me to avenge my father, and take down the Storm King?" Tirek asked. Cozy had many thoughts. She was pleased that Tirek asked her politely, almost seemed like he was learning to be more compassionate. Or at least getting there. But Cozy was still quite uncertain about everything. But just earlier Amber had convinced her that she and Chrysalis could take on Storm King, so it seemed reasonable that she and Tirek could do so too. That wasn't her concern. It was more a matter of, if this was the right approach. But at the very least, Storm King and his plans probably should be stopped. "Alright. I'll help you. I'll always help you." Cozy said, affectionately. "But how do we catch up to Storm King?" Cozy asked. "I know how we'll get there." Tirek said. With that. They had decided that they were going to go after Storm King after all. But there was still a tinge of uneasiness with both of them. "And Tirek. We don't know if getting revenge will..." Cozy said, uncertain how to word things, in fear of upsetting Tirek further. But he was set in his ways. "Save your concerns for after we settle things." Tirek said. > Chapter 12 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the skies above Equestria. The Storm King's airship was gliding through the clouds, on its way to Canterlot to blow up the entire city. On the deck, Storm King stood and steered the the ship from a large wheel on the command deck. Behind him stood Grubber, piloting his mech suit. "Grubber! What is our proximity to Canterlot?" Storm King asked. "We are 30% of the way there, and rapidly approaching, your commandership." Grubber said. "Wonderful. You know, you have been an invaluable help to me, Grubber. Far more loyal than Tempest was. Your recent help almost makes up for the fact that you were only able to reassemble my head." Storm King said. "Sorry, boss. You shattered into lots of little pieces. Your head was about all I can find and put together for the depetrification." Grubber said. "Eh, no matter. This mechanized suit has been a joyful experience. We even tricked all of our guests into thinking I was a centaur just by attaching a set of hind legs to my body." Storm King said. "And it all worked. Hook line and sinker. We lured them into our magic circle, and recharged these six beautiful gems." Storm King held a box containing the six elements of Disharmony. "And speaking of which, I think now's as good a time as any to put the elements into place. Grubber! Take the wheel." Storm King ordered. "Yes, boss." Grubber said. Grubber stepped onto a step ladder, grabbed the wheel, and steered the airship, while Storm King went below deck. In the lower part of the airship was the Extremely Large Laser Itself. The laser itself was a giant barrel that extended from the back, all the way to the front of the ship. The entire airship was basically just carrying the big laser. At the back of the laser where the power was supplied, Storm King was there, ready to operate the machine. He had designed the power supply to accept six magical objects. Very convenient in the land of Equestria. Storm King opened the box containing the Elements of Disharmony, and he grabbed one element at a time. "This one, is the Element of um... deceit? This one is the element of... oh forget it." Storm King grabbed the rest of the elements in one hand, and shoved them all into the machine, like a kid shoving candy into their own mouth. He closed the hatch. The power supply started to glow an eerie blue, and the laser began to charge. His extremely large laser was in the charge up sequence. "You want a storm, Equestria? Try a megaton lightning burst laser directly into your boom bada boom boom faces! Bwahaha!" Storm King laughed. Storm King climbed up back to the top of the deck. He wiped his hands clean, satisfied with his work. "Just goes to show, Grubber. Ain't anything you can't do with a little bit of dirty work." Storm King said. "That's why you're the best, boss." Grubber said. "Indeed I am, Grubber-lad! I can't wait to see a crater in the mountainside once my laser says hello!" Storm King said. "Now, what do we call Equestria once I take it over? Storm King's... tria? We'll work on it." It was smooth sailing. Seemingly no force or anyone to stop them. But suddenly there was.. Grubber looked behind the airship, and made an unusual observation. "What the? Um, boss?" Grubber said. "What is it, Grubber?" Storm King asked. "We gots invaders!" Grubber said. "Say what now? Who in the world could possibly be...?" Storm King peered through a telescope, and gazed over the deck. He was in disbelief at what he saw. "What in Equestria is that?" Storm King asked. "Looks like a giant flying... crystal?" Grubber said. Indeed, Grubber's description was on point. It was a large flying crystal shaped like a boat. King Sombra had formed the crystal and used his dark magic to carry it through the sky. On the crystal was Sombra, Chrysalis, and Amber. With Sludge, Mane-iac, and Grogar hiding stowed away inside unbeknownst to any of them. "Looks like we got intruders, Grubber." Storm King said. "What'do'we'do, boss?" Grabber asked. "Do you even need to ask? Stop them!!" Storm King exclaimed. "Y-yes, boss!" Grubber said. Grubber ran onto the deck and lit up some cannons, and fired cannonballs at the flying crystal. "They've spotted us! They're attacking!" Amber exclaimed. King Sombra stomped his hooves, and a thick crystal grew from the main crystal body, and blocked the cannonball shot. "What the-" Storm King said, shocked. Every cannonball shot was blocked by crystals, or missed outright. “A perfect catch! Our weapons are useless on them!” Storm King shouted. The crystal flew up, and pierced the hull of the ship, and attached itself to the ship. “Breach in the hull, captain!” Grubber exclaimed. "W-we may be in trouble, boss." Grubber said. "So they wanna take the fight to me, eh? Very well. Don't be so quick to put up the white flag. If it's a fight they want, it's a fight they'll get. We'll rally them up, and make them walk!” Storm King said. The crystal docked next to the ship, and Chrysalis, and Amber leaped into action onto the deck. They were immediately confronted by the Storm King. "It's you guys again! So it's a rematch you want, little one? Didn't get bruised enough before? Well if you want the pain!" Storm King pulled out his electrified staff. "I won't ever lose to you again! Especially now that I have a team!" Amber said. Chrysalis leaped in front of Amber, and transformed into a bugbear. Bugbear Chrysalis swiped at Storm King, and knocked away his electrifying staff. Storm King's staff was knocked away, and fell off the ship. "Oh, no! Dang! Grr. Fine! I'll clobber you all up with my hands!" Storm King shouted. "You wouldn't beat up a little filly with your fists, would you? Who does that?" Amber asked. "Enemies are enemies. I see you no differently. As long as you continue to pester me, I'll do what it takes to stomp you out! Like seriously, just leave me alone to destroy Equestria in peace!" Storm King said. "Very well, enemy." Amber said. Amber zapped Storm King with a shot of her magic. "Ow! That stung." Storm King said. "Land this airship, hand over the elements, and disable your weapon!" Amber exclaimed. "Or else there's plenty more where that came from!" "Oh no. I'm so scared of a little brat! As if! I'd rather stomp you flat once and for all!" Storm King said. "Stay close to me." Bugbear Chrysalis said, reaching out to Amber. Amber huddled close to Chrysalis, as Storm King closed in on them. "Hmm. Two on one? If you insist! En garde!" Storm King exclaimed. Amber and Chrysalis leaped at Storm King and fought him in close quarters. Whilst they were fighting, King Sombra stepped onto the Storm King's airship. He sensed great power hiding out somewhere. His snooping around did catch the attention of Grubber. "Woah woah woah, shadowy dude, you can't go down there. In fact you can't even-" Grubber said. Storm King used his magic to possess Grubber, and turn his eyes green. Grubber was now under his control. Back on the Crystal, Grogar stayed, and was hiding out, onlooking the battle happening on the gangplank. Fortunately, (or unfortunately, he wasn't sure), his failed teammates were there with him. "What are ya waiting for? This is your big opportunity." Mane-iac said. "Opportunity for what?" Grogar asked. "When those chumps finish battling it out. You rush onto deck, and finish off everyone who's left standing. Therefore, you'll be the only one left standing." Mane-iac said. "yes. Yeah, that does sound like a reasonable plan." Grogar said. "Yeah... doesn't that seem like... cheating?" Sludge said. "Who cares about playing fair? Once those fools tire themselves out, the one true father of monsters will step in, and reap all the reward! Bwah-haha." Grogar laughed. Sludge looked out to the ship, he saw Amber and Chrysalis fighting Storm King, but he also saw King Sombra mind controlling Grubber, and watched the latter lead the former into the airship's lower deck, unbeknownst to anyone else. Sludge kept these observations to himself, and shrugged it off. He felt there were too many villains all in one place. What really caught his attention was an object faint and distant in the sky, but bright and fast approaching. "What the heck is that?!" Sludge exclaimed. Storm King, Amber, and Chrysalis were at a stalemate, but suddenly, something in the sky caught their eye. They looked out, and saw something approaching the ship. "What is that? More intruders?" Storm King said. "Neigh-way. It's..." Amber said. "Cozy Glow? Tirek?" Chrysalis said. Chasing after the airship, riding a magical flying chariot, it indeed was Cozy Glow and Tirek. Their flying chariot had caught up to Storm King's airship, and made a graceful landing onto the deck. Tirek and Cozy hopped onto the deck of the ship, primed and ready to take on Storm King. "Where'd you get the chariot?" Amber asked. "Vorak's got an entire hoard of interesting stuff stashed away." Cozy said. Cozy and Amber were happy to see each other again, but Tirek was only interested in serious business. "Storm King!!!!" Tirek exclaimed. "You have something that belongs to me!!!" "Oh? And what might that be?" Storm King asked. "Where's Vorak's heart!?" Cozy asked. "Heh. Took ya long enough to figure it out." Storm King said. "So you do have it. Where is it?" Tirek asked, clenching his fist. Storm King grinned, and opened the door on his metal chest, revealing his inner workings. He was a series of spinning gears, and cogs, as well as a fleshy beating heart. "See this? This is the legendary heart of Vorak. This ticker has been keeping my new bod a-going." Storm King said. Seeing this enraged Lord Tirek. "That doesn't belong to you!!" Tirek exclaimed. “Oh, I’m so sorry. Where were you to stop me before, huh? Where were you when I invaded the castle and took everything?! Oh that's right. You were a glorified lawn onement on Canterlot grounds!” Storm King said. Tirek growled. "You want it? Come and get it!" Storm King said. "Finally, the age old question will be answered! Storm King Vs. Lord Tirek. Who is stronger? And who is weak? Who will come out on top?" Storm King put up his fists, and prepared to fight Tirek. "We can't let Tirek fight Storm King alone." Amber said. "I know. But he's insistent that he does this." Cozy said. "You keep a close eye on Tirek. We'll keep a close eye on Sombra. Wherever he went off to." Amber said. "I like the sound of it. Just be careful, Amber." "We already went over this. We got this, Cozy." Chrysalis said. Cozy nodded. And with that, they split. Chrysalis and Amber saw King Sombra and Grubber come out from the ship's interior. "Hey, Sombra! What were you doing below the decks?!" Amber exclaimed. Sombra chuckled, and growled at them. Cozy went up to Tirek's side, but he put his arm in her way. "I already told you. Your battles are my battles!" Cozy exclaimed. "Stand aside. This is my fight. I'll clobber this loser myself." Tirek said. "Fine. I'll let you have at it." Cozy said. "I'll just see what Amber and Chrysalis are doing after all." Cozy looked behind her and was horrified. Amber and Chrysalis's eyes were glowing green. *gasp* "King Sombra!" Cozy exclaimed. "Hmph. What? Were you expecting an ally?" Sombra said. Cozy was about to lunge at Sombra, but he created a wall of crystals in her way, effectively blocking off the back half of the ship. However, Tirek and Storm King didn't pay much mind. The two of them were fully focused on each other. Tirek and Storm King threw their fists up and readied to do battle. "Do your worst, lad." Storm King said. Tirek threw a fist at Storm King, but Storm King caught his fist, and clenched it. "You're strong, o’Tirek. But not strong enough! You got muscle, but I got raw mechanical gear power with this robotic body! Allowing me to ascend beyond the limits of puny fleshy bodies." Tirek went in for another punch, but Storm King was nimble, and curved his body away from Tirek's attacks. "You gotta be quicker than that, Tirek!" Storm King mocked. "Come on. His movement is very predictable." Cozy said. Tirek shook his head, but it was hard to focus on Storm King. He was agigle, and hard to keep track of. "And wha-POW!" Storm King punched Tirek in the gut. A hard blow that left him fatigued. Tirek was weakening. He hardly had the strength to get up. “Getting tired, pub?” Storm King asked. "No... ugh..." Tirek stood up slowly. His eyelids barely kept open. Tirek opened his eyes, and all the sudden, Storm King's fist took up his entire field of view, and his fist slammed into his face, and knocked him over. Tirek opened his eyes, and saw Cozy Glow staring at him sideways. "Need help, Tirek?" Cozy asked. "Hrrrgh... Absolutely not." Tirek said, feeling the pain. "8! 9! 10! Ding ding ding! Knockout!" Storm King exclaimed victoriously. "Storm King wins!" "Come on, Tirek. I know you can do it." Cozy said. "No. I cannot. He's stronger than I am. I cannot beat him." Tirek said. "Hmm. Maybe you can't do it alone. But let's show this bozo what the two of us can do together." Cozy said. "What difference would that make...?" Tirek said. "Hmm. I have an idea. Something that might perk ya up." Cozy said. "What could you possibly do that would-" Cozy smooched Tirek's cheek. "Leave it to me to come up with something beyond your thinking. That perk you some?" Cozy asked. "Actually... it... hrrgh. I think it did something." Tirek stood up. Cozy put herself on Tirek's shoulder. "Come on. Lay waste to this heart stealing cyborg yeti jerk!” Cozy said. Tirek started to stand back up. "You're right." he said. "You ready to fight back? Your girlfriend fill you hope and determination?” Storm King said, mockingly. "Don't underestimate what... what was the word? Friendship? That still feels weird to say. Don't underestimate what our friendship is capable of." Tirek said. Tirek put up his fists and was ready to fight the Storm King again. "Haven't had enough yet? How about I just knock the wind out of ya, until there's no breath left!" Storm King said. "I was going to say the same!" Tirek said. "And he's not alone this time." Cozy added. "Ah, it's you again. I'll just have to finish you off this time, by breaking your spine, and crushing your soul!" Storm King said. Cozy Glow and Tirek fight Storm King. Storm King reeled back his arm, and forwarded his fist. He lunged his fist forward. His fist had actually missed the two of them, bore deep into the crystal barrier. The impact of his fist broke into the crystals, and sent debris all across the arena. The punch was so deep, Storm King lodged his fist stuck into the crystal. "What's the matter, Storm King? Stuck?" Cozy asking, mocking. Cozy Glow kicked Storm King with rapid fire kicks. "Take that! And THAT! YOU JERK!" Cozy exclaimed. "Ow, ow ow ow ow. Ow!" Storm King cried out. "Need help getting out, Storm King?" Tirek said. "No thanks. I don't need a hand! GAH!" Storm King pulled with all his strength and dislodged himself from the crystal. He flew back from the momentum, but regained his balance. "I already got one!" Storm King lifted his arm, and aimed his arm laser. Cozy flung a crystal piece at his arm. She threw a crystal at the arm laser and destroyed the thing. "No! Ugh! My mini laser. Grr. Fine! I don't need my arm laser to clobber you!" Storm King exclaimed. Cozy Glow picked up a thing of rope from the deck, and flew around, wrapping it around Storm King. Cozy Glow tied up Storm King's arms. "He's all yours!" she exclaimed. Tirek pumped his guns, and went to town and started beating up Storm King. "This is for breaking and entering my home!" "And this! This is for... this is for what you did to Vorak!" Tirek reeled his fist back as far as he could, and was ready to press his fist into Storm King's head. "Tirek look out!" Cozy exclaimed. "Huh?" Tirek swung his fist, but his attention was diverted, and he missed Storm King, and instead spun around, and fell to the ground. "Swing and a miss!" Storm King said. "Batter luck next time." "Why'd you yell?!" Tirek exclaimed. "Because you were going to get crushed by the falling crystal!" Cozy shouted. "Falling what?" Tirek asked. "Look out! There's another! Large crystals were raining down on the deck of the ship, and bore their way through. "What is the meaning of this?!" Storm King exclaimed. The crystal barrier shattered, and behind it was King Sombra. Sombra stood at the helm of the ship. Behind him was the still possessed Amber, Chrysalis, and Grubber. "King Sombra! Cease your attack this instant!" Cozy yelled. "What? You think I'm going to let any of you decide what to do with this fine vessel, and its miraculous laser of destruction?" Sombra said. *gasp* "Sombra you! I'm not letting you get away this time! Let my family go!" Cozy Glow flew at Sombra. But Sombra was playing dirty. Sombra flung a crystal at Cozy Glow while she was flying. And it hit her in the forehead, and shattered, causing her to fall. "Cozy!" Tirek exclaimed. "Mutiny on my ship!? I never thought I'd see the day." Storm King said. "You know, when I first found that shadow crystal containing your essence, never did I think you'd actually come back. Let alone attempt to overthrow my plans. Well played though." Tirek ran up to Cozy's side. "Are you okay, Cozy?" Tirek asked. "Me? *Ugh* Never mind me. Have you gotten your revenge on Storm King?" Cozy asked. "I haven't yet. But saving you is important! But I have to defeat him to save Vorak... err. This is so hard!" Tirek exclaimed. "Don't worry, Tirek. Allow me to make the decision easier!" Storm King said. Storm King readied himself to finish off Cozy Glow. "No no. Allow me!" Sombra said. Sombra impaled Storm King with a long crystalized spear. *GAH* "That's definitely more than a mere flesh wound." Storm King said. The impalement tired out Storm King. He fell to his knees, and then collapsed. Cozy and Storm King had been brought down by Sombra, which left Tirek. "First Storm King messes my father. And you then injured my friend! I've had it up to here with the lot of you!" Tirek said. "Storm King. King Sombra. You so-called kings. The only true King here, is the one true successor to King Vorak! Me!" Tirek exclaimed. Tirek fired a concentrated beam of magic at King Sombra. Sombra fired back a powerful beam of green magic at Tirek. The beams connected, for a good ol fashioned beam battle. Tirek jumped up, and landed in front of King Sombra. Tirek swung his fist at Sombra. Sombra backed away, and leaned away from Tirek's punching. "Stay in line. Know your place, Tirek." Sombra said. "Never! I demand that you surrender!" Tirek exclaimed. "I'll make you wish you had surrendered." Sombra threatened. Sombra charged up the biggest baddest blast he could from his horn. Tirek was ready to retaliate with his own powers, but Sombra wasn't aiming at him. He suddenly turned his head, and aimed his horn at Amber. Tirek gasped, and halted his magic. Sombra caught Tirek vulnerable, and aimed his powerful blast at him. Tirek, who was caught off guard, and unprotected. Sombra's dark magic blast impacted Tirek, and knocked him out. "So sad. You probably could've beaten me if you had focused. But you were to distracted about saving your friend, it ended up being your downfall." Sombra said. Tirek, Cozy, and Storm King all laid defeated, and unconscious on the deck. King Sombra approached. Though they were possessed, Amber could still see what was going on. The sight of seeing Cozy and Tirek on the ground was enough to trigger something in her head, and partly snap her out of her trance. "Cozy...?" Amber shook her head, and was fully aware. She witnessed King Sombra kick their bodies closer to the edge of the ship. "What are you doing?!" Amber exclaimed. "Finishing it." Sombra said. "NO!!!!" With a powerful glowing horn, and a sway of his head, Sombra blasted the three of three of them off the ship, plummeting to the ground below. "COZY!!!!!" Amber immediately lit up her horn and ran at Sombra. "I'M GONNA RIP YOU TO SHREDS, WITH MY DYING BREATH!" Amber exclaimed, with every bit of fury she had. Sombra attempted to repossess Amber, but her mind fought back, and made it very difficult to control her. "You are a defiant one." Sombra said. "GAH!" Amber fired a beam of magic at King Sombra. King Sombra grabbed Amber and bound her with his magic. He picked up and held a sharp pointed crystal at Amber's neck. "So, dying breath, you say?" Sombra said. "AH! Ah, AH!!!!" Amber cried. "I would just finish you off. But even I'm not that cruel. You're just young and misguided." King Sombra said. "I will let you watch the destruction of Equestria, from the comfort of this ship's prison cell. Then I will decide what to do with the rest of you." "Now then, I seem to recall someone mentioning this airship was equipped with a weapon of mass destruction. Well, the more I think it over, the more I believe that leveling the Crystal Empire flat, and rebuilding it anew will be the most effective way of asserting myself as their leader." King Sombra said. *gasp* "You wouldn't!" Amber shouted. "And the lot of you are to be my prisoners until that happens." Sombra said. Grogar, Mane-iac, and Sludge, were sneaking on the deck of the ship, but they didn't get far before being spotted by Sombra. "And you three. I have no tolerance for stowaways." Sombra said. "And we have no tolerance for... your face!" Mane-iac exclaimed. Mane-iac whipped her hair at Sombra, and Sludge breathed fire, but they were both stopped by Sombra's crystals, and his gripping dark magic. "And what of you? What's the matter, old goat? Got no fight in you?" Sombra asked. Grogar shuttered, and fell to his knees, underneath Sombra. King Sombra commandeered the Storm King's airship, and was planning on rerouting the ship's trajectory, and using the giant laser to destroy the Crystal Empire. > Chapter 13 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- High above the skies of Equestria, the Storm King's stolen aircraft smoothly glided above the cloud layer. The ship was now being helmed by King Sombra, who was planning on using Storm King's ultimate weapon himself, and using the giant laser to destroy the Crystal Empire! Or was he still on course for Canterlot? He didn't exactly make his intentions clear before locking everyone else up. Below the main deck, in the prison compartment of the ship, Amber Glow, Chrysalis, Grogar, Sludge, Mane-iac, were locked up in individual cages. Mane-iac and Sludge pondered for any chance of plan they could hatch, while Grogar slumped, for he was afraid he had met his match. Amber meanwhile banged her head against the wall, and Chrysalis watched Amber's frustration, as they both mourned Cozy and Tirek's fall. "Listen. Calm down, Amber." Chrysalis said. "I can't calm down! I want to exact my revenge!" Amber exclaimed. "I can't believe she's gone again! We never should've pursued any of this. We should've just stayed hidden and kept to ourselves." "Yeah we wanted answers? But what have we found? Nothing! We walked right into Storm King's trap, and now they're gone..." Amber exacerbated. Mane-iac sighed in her cell. Even she was heart stricken watching Amber mourn the loss of Cozy and Tirek. "So what are you planning on doing next?" Mane-iac asked Chrysalis and Amber. "Hmph." Amber grumbled and faced away from everyone. "Come on. Aren't you two like, really smart? I mean Grogar here has gone on and on about how you guys all thwarted his plan. He fears you guys. Really he does. So why let this King Sombra pony push you around?" "I guess we bit off a bit more than we could chew this time." Amber said. "You think you guys have issues? I've only been here for a short while. I think. My memory tells me I've lived much longer, but by all accounts, I only manifested a short time ago. I don't know what loss feels like. But if you don't stop the laser, there is going to be a much bigger loss." Mane-iac said. Chrysalis gave an assured, but distraught look at Mane-iac "Very well. Sludge, any ideas?" Mane-iac asked. "On?" he asked. "On stopping King Sombra?! Geez! Seems like I'm the only one who's concerned with the sanctity of everything! And I'm supposed to be the villain!" Mane-iac said. "King Sombra, you say? King Sombra, eh... Well, legend has it that King Sombra did once love." Sludge said. "Say what?" Mane-iac asked. "Yeah, according to this legend, he once was in love with a fair maiden named Radiant Hope." Sludge said. "And how is that helpful?" Mane-iac asked. "I don't know. But that's about all I got after skimming this book on his history." Sludge said. "Wait. King Sombra? Book?" Mane-iac asked. "Yeah. I snatched it from the library. Figured it'd be worth its weight in gold, and therefore easy to carry around than all the actual gold from the castle." Sludge said. Mane-iac looked at the book, and had a sudden realization. She had an idea for how to stop King Sombra. "Wait a sec. I was born from your comic book, to mimic the form of a character. Maybe I can mimic the form of Radiant Hope from the book, and..." Mane-iac said. "You're going to transform into Radiant Hope, and stop King Sombra?" Chrysalis asked. "Why not have Chrysalis transform into Radiant Hope?" Amber asked. "Because Changeling disguises, for all your credit, are possible to see through. For me, I literally become the character written on and illustrated on the page." Mane-iac explained. Amber and Chrysalis were unsure, but there wasn't much in terms of options left. "Seems risky. But it's probably the best chance there is." Chrysalis said. Chrysalis and Mane-iac nodded at each other. It was do or don't. Sludge still was fairly disinterested, but did as Mane-iac requested anyway. He opened the book to a two page art piece of Radiant Hope, and slid it through the bars and outside the cell. Mane-iac reached out of her cell and put her hoof to the book. She closed her eyes and concentrated. Her hoof started to glow, along with the rest of her, as she absorbed the essence of the book. She had previously been created by the essence of the Power Ponies comic, but now she was absorbing the essence of King Sombra's book. Her whole body started to glow, and change form. The bright glow blinded every creature. Eventually the glow dimmed, as Mane-iac's new form took shape. Conveniently her new form took shape on the other side of the jail bars, effectively freeing her. Mane-iac stood up, but she was no longer a lean green long maned machine. She was now a sleek and stylish mare. She was the purple and blue maned mare, Radiant Hope. "Excellent. Now sneak up to King Sombra, earn his trust, and then stab his back!" Amber said. "I'll uh... I'll do what it takes to make him change course." Mane-iac... I mean, Radiant Hope said. Radiant Hope gave everyone an unsure look, and went upstairs. In the command deck of the ship, King Sombra struggled to make sense of any of the ship's controls. He figured the steering wheel on the top of the ship seemingly was just a prop, and down below deck, the control panel had many different buttons and levers, but nothing was labeled. It didn't seem to matter too much. The ship appeared to be on course for Canterlot, and the laser was bright and charging. Seemingly it was on an automated timer. The destruction of pony capital is exactly the type of disaster from which Sombra would need to rebuild his new empire from. "Hmm. I'm not exactly sure how all of this works. But it seems like everything is predetermined for me. And once those ponies are blasted, I will step in and rebuild my own empire!" King Sombra said to himself. He heard hoofsteps coming down the steps. "Huh? Who goes there? How did you escape from-" Sombra was frozen in shock when he saw the pony who stood before him. How could this be? Surely this wasn't possible. But there she was. His fillyhood friend from ages ago was here in the now. "R-Radiant Hope? What are you doing here?" Sombra asked nervously. Radiant Hope (aka Mane-iac, aka a self conscious literature spell) paused for a sec to access her knowledge of Radiant Hope, and come up with the best answer. "I've uh... I've been away, as you know. But I finally came back for you, Sombra." Radiant said. Sombra was nervous. It'd been so long since he had seen Radiant Hope. The only mare to truly be his friend. Something about this encounter seemed off. It didn't seem to make sense. Sombra put on the stink eye, and made Radiant nervous. "Yes, it has been peculiar that you've been gone for so long, and have chosen now of all times to rear your head, and in such an unlikely place. How did you board this aircraft?" Sombra asked. "The um... *gulp* The power of love brought me here! Sombra, you fool! I know you've made all these mistakes, and let the dark path lead you to do unspeakably horrible things, but god dammit I still love you! I always have!" Radiant Hope exclaimed. "How do I know you don't have some sort of ulterior motive?" "Well I, you see..." Radiant said, stumbling on her words. "Are you excited to see my grand slam operation to level off Pony capital? Or are you here to once again attempt to sway my heart to the side of good?" Sombra asked. "Eeeeum....." Radiant searched her memory banks to try to think of the best response. "I... um... Yes! Sombra you're right, I was foolish before. You have my utmost support from now on." Radiant Hope said. "That's more like it. No conflicted morals. Just one determined plan. Sombra and Radiant watched Canterlot castle grow ever so slightly bigger as they drew closer to it. Radiant watched the laser counter, and saw it only had xx:xx remaining. Radiant leaned against Sombra, startling him, but rather than resist, he stiffened up nervously. "What are you doing?" Sombra asked. "Shh..." Radiant shushed him. "I have something to show you." Radiant eased Sombra. She nuzzled him, and rubbed her head against him. Sombra stared back at Radiant's eyes, and couldn't help but be enamored. Radiant put her hoof up for Sombra, and he put his up, and they slowly inched towards each other. The two lovers touched hooves, and they both started to glow. “Let’s go, Sombra. Let’s be together for always, the way we were meant to.” Radiant Hope said. Sombra looked ahead, but decided that Radiant is the pony he wanted to be with. and he wanted it more than he wanted to rule Equestria. King Sombra and Radiant Hope started to float, and ascend upward. Their bodies glowed brighter, and they also became more and more translucent, as they continued their ascent. Radiant Hope opened her eyes and saw that the ship was still on course to fire its laser onto Canterlot. Radiant attempted to reach for the control panel, but her body was already half faded, and her hoof phased right through the buttons. And now she had ascended too far. I guess this is it. I've done my job. I've given this grueling dictator a happy end after all. Now it's up to you guys to finish the job. she thought as her thoughts fleeted away. The two of them ascended into the heavens, and faded from existence... The cells opened, freeing every creature. "Did she do it?" Chrysalis said. "Hmph. I don't like how that vile villain gets a happy ending." Amber said in a grumpy tone. Even so, the aircraft shook violently. It seemed the laser was still active. "That Sombra may be gone, but I don't think she stopped the ship." Sludge said. "Then we have to finish the job. Come on everyone!" Amber exclaimed, determined. Amber rushed up the stairs, with Chrysalis. However, Grogar stayed behind. "Don't think for a moment I've become your ally, little one. I haven't forgotten who I am. I will have the last say." Grogar said to himself. "Who are you talking to?" Sludge asked. "Would you just go away! I can't think of a single use you've served in... well, ever!" Grogar exclaimed. "You know, Mr. Father of Monsters. I pretended to be a father to a dumb little baby dragon one time. But you're an even worse father than that." Sludge said. "Then why don't you just leave?" "Fine. After all I've done. They wouldn't have been rid of Sombra were it not for me telling them about the book. But if no one wants me here, I'm just going to leave you all. After I take with me all the treasure on this ship." Sludge said. Sludge wandered off in his own direction on the ship. "Hmph. Good riddance." Grogar said. Grogar looked around. His two recruits were gone. It was just him. "Trying to work together with any creature was a mistake. I will finish this myself." he said to himself. "Storm King made my job easy, by eliminating Cozy and Tirek. Now to finish the job, and claim the elements of disharmony for myself." Even so, he followed the group upstairs. ] On the top of the deck, Amber and Chrysalis looked out, and could see they were aimed directly at Canterlot. They were traveling at quite a brisk speed, but Canterlot was still quite far out. Still, if the laser had half the power Storm King said it did, then Canterlot was still in danger. "Alright. Obviously our course of action is to save Canterlot." Chrysalis said. "Yes. We have to find a way to shut down the laser. Barring that, maybe we can steer this thing in another direction." Amber said. Chrysalis wasn't sure about the latter idea. They didn't know how powerful the laser was, so aiming it in a random direction could be destructive anyway. Even so, there didn't seem to be any controls for the laser itself on top of the ship. "There isn't anything up here. In fact, I'm not even sure this wheel is real. The laser controls have got to be somewhere else." Amber said. "Well then we mustn't waste time. We have to stop this laser. "I agree! Come on, Chrysalis!" Amber said with haste. Chrysalis and Amber went downstairs to try to find how to stop the laser. When they reached the lowest deck, they would be met with the toughest challenge the two of them have faced so far. > Chapter 14 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chrysalis and Amber climbed down the stairs, and found themselves in the lowest part of the ship. It was here there was the epicenter of all the action. In this lowest part of the ship, was the giant laser itself. It was suspended beneath the ship, with loads of scaffolding and walkways to traverse around the laser. Storm King wasn't kidding when he said it was giant. It was a big metal barrel which spanned from the front to the back of the already large airship. At the very back end of this large chamber, was a sectioned off control room. "There's the laser!" Amber shouted loudly, to speak over the loud charging sound of the laser. "Let's try the control deck!" Amber shouted. Amber directed Chrysalis to the control room, which was its own sectioned off room. Meanwhile, Grogar himself made it to the lower deck, and gasped at the sight of the giant laser. As for Chrysalis and Amber they were both overwhelmed at the sheer size and amount of controls there were in the control room. "Let's try this." Amber said. Amber flicked a lever, which made the roar an even louder buzzing sound. "Let's NOT try that!" Amber said, panicking, and flicking the laser back. They were quickly getting overwhelmed with all the controls. "What's that handle do?" Chrysalis asked. Amber turned the crank handle, which turned the rudder of the ship. Amber wasn't sure what they could do exactly, but they had to think of a plan to do something. "I think we can steer the ship from down here! If we can't turn off the laser, maybe we can aim it somewhere else!" Amber said. "Steer where? Where could we possibly aim this thing to cause minimal damage?" Chrysalis asked. Amber looked through a periscope to scope the surroundings. There was nowhere on land that was safe to aim. Amber spotted a large mountain not so far away. It was at about their level, and had a nice slope. This gave Amber a wild idea. "I have an idea! We're going to need more speed!" she exclaimed. "And why would that be?" Chrysalis asked. Chrysalis looked through the periscope to see the surrounding environment. "See that mountain peak? That's what we're steering towards." Amber said. "You're not seriously suggesting that we-" Chrysalis said. "Yes I am! We ram the ship into the mountain and destroy the laser!" Amber exclaimed. "Are you sure about this?" Chrysalis asked. "Cozy was ALWAYS sure! Err, IS always sure!" Amber exclaimed. "Did anypony tell Cozy not to disembody herself from Luster and banish the Rainbow of Darkness? Did anypony tell her not to fight Grogar solo in order to rescue me? There were, but Cozy did it all anyway, because she believed in helping her friends, even if it meant putting herself at risk. Well now everypony has come around and became our friends, so we have to protect it, no matter the risk." Amber said. Chrysalis paused, and thought about it. She knew that ignoring Amber's optimism wasn't an option. "Okay. I'll help you with whatever you think is the best plan. We're not going overly fast. You sure we can even make it there?" Chrysalis asked. Amber weighed her options. Indeed, thinking it over, it seemed like they wouldn't collide in time before the laser went off Another look at the control panel was enough to convince her though that ramming the ship was the only option. "Alright. I'm laser focused on our new plan. We need more speed!" Amber said. Amber kicked open the door to the engine room. She was wearing a belt buckle and hat. She was ready to enter high gear. The engine room had two large boilers, and piles of coal. The boilers heated up and turned the turbines which propelled the ship. The engines were hot, but they needed them to be hotter. "Help me shovel some coal, Chrysalis! We've got to ram this ship into the mountain before the laser timer finishes!" Amber said. Chrysalis and Amber shoved frantically to fling coal into the engine. The furnace burned stronger, and the spinning turbines spun much faster, and propelled the airship at a faster rate. Unbeknownst to either of them, Grogar was completely focused on finding where in this laser the Elements of Disharmony were stored. "Where are you, Elements of Disharmony? Where is anyone? Has that other Cozy Glow fled?" Grogar said to himself. After several minutes of shoveling, it was done. There was probably more coal in than the boilers were designed to hold, but no matter. With a satisfying clang from closing the boiler door, the task was done. Chrysalis and Amber wiped the sweat from their foreheads worked up from all the hard work. *phew* "That's every last ounce of coal." Chrysalis said. "Then we've done what we all can do from down here. Let's get back up to the control deck." Amber said. With Amber and Chrysalis back in the control room, it was time to enact the operation. They had the speed, now was a matter of veering into the mountain. "Yep. You can definitely feel the increase in speed. Watch your step, Chrysalis. Don't want to fall over." Amber grabbed the rudder, and tugged on it to veer the ship to port. Chrysalis held on too, and the too of them tugged. They felt the centrifugal force pushing on them, as they ship changed direction. They held on tight as to not be Amber looked through the periscope, and saw the mountain center of their field of view. Though upon further examination, it seemed as though they had too much altitude and were going to go over the mountain, but it seemed close enough, and Amber would rather not fiddle with the ship controls any more. "Alright. Everything's been set into motion. We have the speed and direction. This ship's going to collide with the mountain in a short amount of time." They noticed Grogar below, snooping around the laser. "Hey, it's Grogar!" Amber said. "What's he doing?" Chrysalis asked. "Whatever it is, it can't be good. We should probably do something about him before we bail." Amber said. Amber got off of the controls and was about to go after Grogar, but Chrysalis halted her. "YOU stay here." Chrysalis said. "Huh?" Amber asked. "I mean, you know how all this stuff works. I'll go see what he's up to." Chrysalis said. "And if push comes to shove, I can always transform myself into a fierce creature and fight him off." Amber nodded, and allowed for Chrysalis and her plan. Chrysalis went down to confront Grogar. "Hey! Just what do you think you're doing?" Chrysalis asked. Grogar was startled to have been approached by Chrysalis. He quickly thought of a way to color his actions. "I'm here to help you save the day." Grogar said, in a modest tone. Chrysalis was naturally skeptical. "How so?" Chrysalis asked. "I'm here to uh... I'm here to help you guys disable this horrendous machine." Grogar said. "Really?" Chrysalis asked, sounding naturally skeptical. "The only way to be sure that no creature is harmed, we must find what powers this laser, and pull it out." Grogar said. "That sounds... logical." Chrysalis said. "You check the front of this machine, I'll look in the back." Grogar said. Chrysalis listened to his request, and flew to the front of the laser. Amber saw Grogar snooping around the laser. He didn't seem so aimless. He seemed to know exactly where he was searching. Grogar found the compartment, and opened the door. "There you are, Elements of Disharmony." Grogar said to himself. Amber gasped when she figured out Grogar's plan. Amber rushed out of the control room. "Don't listen to him!" Amber exclaimed. "He just wants the Elements that power the laser!" Amber stormed the scene, and rushed after Grogar. "Not this again. How many times are you going to be a fork in my side?" Grogar said. Amber fired a magic blast at Grogar. Grogar still was without his magic powers. But he was still red hot with rage, and had strength to spare. He and Amber clashed horns, and fought against each other. "You're an insane old goat!" Amber exclaimed. "Irritating child!" Grogar shouted. Amber leapt up, but Grogar caught her, and clenched her with his hooves. Grogar grabbed Amber and held her up. "AGH! Let go of me you slimey old goat!" Amber exclaimed. Amber struggled, and kicked, but Grogar held firm. The pressure of his hooves hurt her little filly body. Chrysalis ran to the scene. "Release her!" Chrysalis exclaimed. Grogar heard Chrysalis' words, but was largely unphased by her threats. He then looked down, and saw how high above the ground they were. "Do you know what my biggest mistake in the past has been? Being merciful. If I had been more relentless, Equestria could've been mine eons ago, and my rule would've lasted from then, to today. Well I'm not making that mistake any more." "What does that mean?" Chrysalis asked. "I'm impressed with you, Chrysalis. Holding onto friends is difficult. It's far too easy to let them go." Grogar tossed Amber off the ship. ... "Amber!" Chrysalis exclaimed. "AHH!!!!" Amber cried as she fell from the sky. "Hang on Amber! I'm gonna catch-" Grogar rammed Chrysalis and knocked her over. "One to go." Grogar said. Amber was falling down. She did her best to try to think quick, and think of a plan. She looked over and noticed that several long ropes were dangling from the ship. Amber used her magic and grabbed one of the ropes dangling from the ship. She rolled over, and used her magic to quickly tie the rope around herself. The ropes stopped her fall, rather abruptly. The abrupt stop was somewhat painful, but at least it broke her fall. She was now left dangling below the ship. "I'm okay!" Amber exclaimed. "Don't worry about me, just finish the job, Chrysalis!" Chrysalis heard Amber and affirmed her wishes. "Oh you want horns? I'll give it to you!" Chrysalis exclaimed. Chrysalis transformed into a ram herself, and headbutted Grogar. Their heads collided, and they continued their eccentric battle. Meanwhile, Amber struggled to keep the rope taught, and herself from falling down. Amber looked saw that they had nearly reached their collision course destination. The ship was about to impact the mountain, with everyone on board still. "AH!!" However, that's when everyone felt the ship tremble, and suddenly climb altitude? Indeed, the ship suddenly ascended in altitude, just enough that the hull of the ship just barely reached above the tip of the mountain. How was this possible? Let's take a look at what Sludge was up to. On the deck of the ship, Sludge had gathered bags and bags of riches that he pillaged from the ship. "Hmph. This is about the only good thing to come from this. At least I get to leave here with a boatload of treasure." Sludge said. Sludge's bags of treasure were extremely heavy, but being a dragon he could carry them fine. Sludge flapped his wings and went airborne, and carried the bags with him. But when he lifted them away from the ship, and with the ship no longer bearing the weight of all the gold, suddenly its altitude increased. This was the cause of the altitude change. "Uh... hope that doesn't inconvenience anyone." he said to himself. But unfortunately, it in fact derailed the entire plan. The ship was now going to miss its intended target, with the laser still set to go off soon. And left dangling Amber in an awkward situation, where she was dangling low enough, that she was about to slam into the side of the mountain herself. Amber, being the quick thinker she was, got another idea for how to make the stop the ship. Amber shielded herself with a magic bubble, and braced for impact. Amber crashed the cliff face of the mountain. It was a rough landing that broke the magic shield. But nevertheless, it was time for her plan. She untied herself, and used her magic to tie the rope to the mountain itself. With a tight knot, it was done. The ship continued gliding forward, up until... The airship tugged on the rope so hard, and stopped so suddenly, it was as if the ship crashed in midair. The sudden stop caused Chrysalis and Grogar to fall over. Amber started to climb the rope to get back to the airship. The engines continued burning at full force. The propellers spun fast, but all they were doing was tipping the ship upward. But perhaps the engines swirled too fast for the propeller's own good. Chrysalis and Grogar found themselves battling on a slope. Chrysalis realized that, even if the laser were to go off, it would shoot itself up into the sky. This plan's as good as any. All that was left to do was save Amberden. Chrysalis jumped down, and held onto the rope holding the airship to the mountain. It was firm and taut. Amber held onto the rope too, and climbed towards Chrysalis. "Chrysalis, what are you doing?!" Amber shouted. "Hold on Amber! I'm coming to get you!" "Can't you just fly over and catch me?" Chrysalis headed Amber's advice, and fluttered her wings, and was about to leap over, but suddenly. "Look out behind you!" Amber shouted. Grogar rammed Chrysalis, and she fell down to the mountainside. "Chrysalis!!" Amber exclaimed. Grogar inched forward slowly down the rope. "I'll say it once again. There is only one more to go." Grogar said. *gasp* The two of them held for dear life to the rope. Despite their precarious position, the two were red hot and steaming mad at each other. Amber shot a beam of magic at Grogar. Grogar swiped his head, and caught the magic with his horns. And now his horns were lit up. "What the?! Since when can you do that?" Amber exclaimed. "Where do you think I got the idea to make the bell? Last time Cozy Glow absorbed all my dark magic and used it against me. Let's see how you like it!" Grogar shouted. Grogar shot the magic back at Amber, and though Amber blocked it with a magic shield, the force pushed her back, and she begun to lose her balance. "Time to end this." Grogar said. Amber shook her head to regain her awareness. But she was distracted by a really loud whirring sound. She looked up and saw the engine screeching, and smoke coming from the engine. Suddenly, the propeller broke itself free from the ship, and catapulted itself through the air. It spun through the air and careened itself towards where Amber and Grogar were. Amber thought fast, and used her magic to latch onto the spinning propeller, and although its momentum thrusted her to the side, she managed to hold onto the rope, and hold it up. Grogar backed up, seeing Amber hold up the sharp propeller blade. "What are you going to do with that?" he asked. Amber gave an evil looking smirk at Grogar. Amber lit up her horn, as she was came up with a plan to end things. "This is for Cozy Glow!" she shouted. Amber swung the blade at Grogar, who caught it with his horns. The two clashed, and pushed against each other. Amber gave another hard push against Grogar, and pushed him back. *GAH* "And this is for Tirek!" "But I didn't defeat them. King Sombra did." Grogar said. Amber retracted the blade, and held it high up in the air. "And THIS! IS! THE END! OF THE END!" Amber said. Amber swung the blade and severed the rope. The rope snapped, and immediately pulled back. Amber was flung back, and fell towards the mountain. Grogar, who was on the other end, was flung back into the ship. Chrysalis had actually caught Amber, and mitigated her impact on the mountainside. And just in time to watch the fireworks. Grogar crashed into the ship. The ship itself lost balance, and spiraled downward. The laser glowed a bright purple and blue with electricity. Finally it was fully charged. The laser fired at last. It fired a gigantic large beam up into the sky. The beam was as ever bright and powerful as everyone had feared, but thankfully it was not pointed at any civilization. The intense forced of the laser recoiled, and slowly pushed the large airship back. The ship was losing altitude as it was being pushed back by the laser blast. Until it impacted the ground, and exploded. Chrysalis held Amber to shield her, and Amber projected a magic shield, as they braced the shockwave. The airship exploded into many large pieces, and sent a shockwave in all directions. Fortunately the laser itself shot itself into the sky, but unfortunately, the laser would indeed hit one target. "C-C-Chrysalis? What's happening?" Amber asked. "It's fine, I've got you. It's done." Chrysalis said, in a calm tone, to quell Amber's nerves. The two looked up and witnessed a huge explosion in the sky. They soon realized what they were witnessing was that the laser had impacted the moon. "ARE! YOU! KIDDING ME!?" Amber exclaimed. > Chapter 15 (The End) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On an ordinary field, the ground was riddled with debris, and wreckage. One of the debris piles thumped, and knocked, until finally, Cozy Glow pushed herself upward, and out of the debris pile. She looked around, and took in the sight of the wreckage. What a mess, but she was none too impressed. Hard landing, definitely. She didn't see anyone else nearby. Was she alone? Well no. Upon further inspection, she saw a wobbling little torso struggle to move itself. The Storm King also survived the fall, and was reduced to nothing but his torso, and head in a jar. "You." Cozy said to him with a deadpan tone. "You? Wait, wait. So, things didn't exactly go according to plan, and wound up a little destructive for all of us. But hey. No hard feelings, right?" Storm King asked. Cozy gave Storm King a glare most dissatisfied. "Hehe... don't give me the stink eye, kid." Storm King said. "I'm not a kid anymore." Cozy said, inching closer to Storm King. "What are you doing? Hey! Keep your hooves out of there!" Storm King exclaimed. Cozy Glow opened Storm King's torso, and saw Vorak's beating heart giving him energy. "Oh no. Don't you think about it. I need that heart in order to survive! Without it, my lifespan will be limited! I will run out of breath! I will-" Without any exchange of words from Cozy, she grabbed the heart with her hooves, and began pulling. She ripped the heart out of Storm King's chasm. "AAHHHH!!! Oh! Now you've done it! You've ruined me! You think this is the end of me, but it isn't! I will always return! I haunt your dreams! I will lurk in your nightmares! You can't erase the idea that is, the Storm King....." Storm King said, with one last exhale. Cozy manually closed Storm King's eyes. And that was the last word he spoke. "Good riddance." she said. She held Vorak's heart in her hooves. Still fresh, in spite of how old it was said to be. Now to find Tirek... Cozy said in her mind. Cozy looked at the debris field, but saw no movement. "TIREK!! TIREK!?" Cozy cried out. But she did not receive a response. She felt the heart beating in her hoof, and it started to overwhelm her. "What's happening? Hrgh... ugh. Hmm." Cozy "Somepony help me... I'm starting to feel overcome with... pressure. *hic* anypony please..." Cozy said, tearing up. "Who's there?" Cozy said, looking up. In front of her was a tall bipedal creature with large wings, and a snout. "Are we too late?" they said. "You by golly are too late! Just who are you anyway!?" Cozy asked. "Cozy Glow, I'm Tirek's brother, Scorpan." he said. "Scorpan?! As in, Tirek's actual brother Scorpan?" Cozy asked. Scorpan nodded. "Well... great! You took your sweet time getting here!" Cozy shouted. "Where have you been this whole time!?" "It's complicated, but what's important is that we're here now, so calm down and-" Scorpan said. "And who tipped you off? Huh?! How'd you know where to find us?!" Cozy asked frantically. From behind Scorpan, came a familiar unicorn. It was Cozy's childhood friend and ally Magnolia, AKA Maggie. "Maggie? Okay, now I'm confused. What's going on?" Cozy asked. "Come with us, Cozy." Maggie said. "I have a lot to explain to you guys." "NO! You let me explain, alright! Tirek's... *sniff* Tirek's not here. We fought the Storm King! He took over Tirek's home, and axed his father as well. We tried to fight Storm King and stop his giant laser from destroying Canterlot, but King Sombra was there, and he pushed me, and Tirek, and Storm King off the airship. I survived the fall, but Tirek he..." Psst. "Hey, Cozy. Look up, and calm down." Scorpan said. Cozy looked up at Scorpan. "It's okay. We promise you that things are gonna be okay." Scorpan said. Cozy nodded her watery face. "What have you got there?" Maggie asked. Meanwhile in Canterlot. Amber Glow, and Chrysalis were in Canterlot, and were brought before Princess Twilight Sparkle. "Amberden Fullerton Glow. What do you see in the sky?" Twilight asked. "The moon." Amber answered. "And what's wrong with the moon?" Twilight asked. "It's taken severe damage..." Amber replied. "And how did that happen?" Twilight asked. "A giant laser impacted the side of it." Amber said. "Who is responsible for the damage?" Twilight asked. "We are." Amber replied. "So it is true. I trusted all of you to safely live among Equestria, but now this happens. What do you have to say for yourself, Amber?" Twilight asked. "We're sorry, Twilight." Amber said. "I guess we messed." Amber said, starting to cry. "Twilight, if I may have a word." Chrysalis said. "Yes, Chrysalis?" Twilight said. "Before you think of a way to punish us, I ask that you hear our side of this story." Chrysalis said. "Of course. Alright, if there's more to this story, now's the time to explain it." Twilight said. Chrysalis was about to explain to Twilight the whole picture, when suddenly, some creature spoke out. "It isn't their fault!" cried a voice. "What the?!Who said that?" Twilight asked. Everypony turned and saw a familiar, yet unpleasant green dragon in front of them. "It was me, Princess! The moon was attacked by a giant super laser built by the Storm King. See, here's all his riches I pillaged from his airship." Sludge explained. Sludge presented Twilight with a large sack of riches. Everypony looked at each other in amazement. It was unbelievable to see Sludge of all creatures talk reasonably. "The little welp isn't the blame." Sludge said. "Here, accept this offer, and even take me in custody in her place if you insist on taking prisoner, please, take me instead of her." Everyone stared blankly at each other. What an unexpected and awkward turn having Sludge appear, but what he said added up regardless. "Well if that's the case, Sludge. I order you to clean up Equestria! Start by picking up all the debris." Twilight said. "Yes sir, Princess Sir." Sludge said. "I'm keeping these riches though. Hooray! I finally did something worthwhile." "Amber, I sincerely apologize for being so hard on you and Chrysalis. It wasn't fair for me to jump to conclusions." Twilight said. Twilight patted Amber on the head. But even still, her eyes were watering. "What's wrong, Amber?" Twilight asked. "Please help us find Cozy and Tirek." Amber said. "Tirek and Cozy Glow? What happened to them?" Twilight asked. Amber did not reply. "Chrysalis? What have you guys been up to this whole time?" Twilight asked. "There's a lot to explain, Princess." Chrysalis said. Some time later, elsewhere: "Is he waking?" a voice said. Tirek began to groan, and move slightly. "Tirek?" Cozy asked. *Grgh. Hgh. Huh?* Tirek opened his eyes, and saw three bodies overhead watching him. *gasp* "He's alive. Oh my hoofness you're alive!" Cozy exclaimed. "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be? *Oof* Feels like I had a nasty fall." Tirek said. "That's cause you did. Remember? We found your body and you were... but that doesn't matter. It's all okay now." Cozy said. "Tirek? How do you feel?" Maggie asked. "Fine. I suppose. A little pain. But, what? Where am I?" Tirek asked. "Where are we anyway?" Tirek asked. "We're home, Tirek. We're home at last." Cozy replied. "What exactly is home?" Tirek asked. "We're at Tirek Cozy Glow Chrysalis. AKA, TCGC. Remember? Our little town we founded. But it ain't so little anymore." Cozy said. Outside the window was a flourish of community interaction and activity. "All these ponies are here because of something we started a long time ago." Cozy said. "That's right. Strange how it worked out that way." Tirek said. "Uh huh. Mayor Magnolia has really taken her responsibility of watching over the town seriously. We're a real place on the map now." Cozy explained. Tirek was impressed. "All these ponies, gathered here, because of something we created?" Tirek asked. "Yep. They've followed in our hoofsteps and learned from us. They've heard our story, and have been inspired by our journey to embark on one of their own, and to come here to learn and cooperate." Cozy explained. Cozy looked out and noticed every creature had their attention in the sky. "What's that up there that everyone is looking at?" Cozy asked. Cozy and Maggie looked up, and saw a golden chariot arriving in town. It was Princess Twilight Sparkle riding a chariot. She landed in the main plaza of the town. "It's Twilight!" Cozy exclaimed. "Twilight Sparkle?" Tirek asked. "Yeah! I wonder what she wants." Cozy pondered. "You stay here. You need to rest some more." Maggie said. "And I'll stay to look after him. We have a lot of catching up to do." Scorpan said. "We certainly do." Tirek said. "Where have you been, Scorpan?" "Sightseeing. Trying not to think of you." Scorpan replied. "Oh. Because you're ashamed of me." Tirek said. "Because I was sad for you. Sad that I did everything I could, but you still ended up how you did." Scorpan said. "I see your friends have done what I could not, and taught you better after all." Cozy and Maggie went outside to greet the princess. The princess stepped out of her chariot, and looked upon everypony. "Twilight?" Cozy asked. "Cozy!!" Twilight said. "Twilight, we're happy to see you. But, what brings you here exactly?" Cozy asked. In the chariot with her was Amber and Chrysalis. Amber rushed forward, and tackled her big sister. "Oh, Cozy! I was so worried for you! I mean, I never doubted for a moment that you were alright, but I'm so glad you're here!" Amber said joyfully. "Wow, Amber. I'm so relieved you're okay." Cozy said. "No more big adventures for us please." Amber pleaded. "We're definitely taking a long deserved break after this one." Cozy said, smirking. Cozy looked over and saw Chrysalis. "Thank you for taking care of her, Chrysalis." Cozy said. "I think she's the one who took care of me. She saved me, and nearly all of Equestria." Chrysalis said. "Oh did you now, little Amby?" Cozy said. "I'm just following in your hoofsteps, Cozy." Amber said. "You might be a bigger hero than me." Cozy said. "Me? As if. I'll never live up to what you achieved. How you used the bell to-" Amber said. "Yeah yeah, we know how it goes. You think you won't achieve what I did? I don't think you give yourself enough credit." Cozy said. "Taking over and sinking an entire airship and blowing up a big mega charged laser!? Now THAT's cool!" "Hehehe. It was nothing much." Amber said, blushing from flattering. Cozy nuzzled Amber's nose, which her little sister enjoyed tremendously. "So now what?" Cozy asked. "You tell me. Where's Tirek? Is he okay?" Amber asked. "He's healing in the castle. It's best we not disturb him for a while." Cozy said. Cozy took another look at Twilight. "Thanks once again, Twilight, for allowing me and my friends to be free." Cozy said. "Of course, Cozy. You all more than earned it." Twilight said. "I uh... sorry for the um, the damage we caused on our latest adventure." Cozy said, apologizing. "It's fine. I know you didn't mean to cause any damage yourselves, and that it's something that just happened." Twilight said. "You know though, it sounds like things could've been much more disastrous were it not for you guys. I'm impressed with you all." "Oh, golly. Thanks, Twilight." Cozy thanked. "You know, all things considered, you are good at this. Maybe once you've had time to recuperate, maybe you'll consider doing this more often?" Twilight said. "Equestria could always use creatures willing to defend it at any cost." Cozy and Amber looked at each other, somewhat bewildered. Adventure was the last thing on their mind at this moment, but what was Twilight offering them exactly? After a few days, Tirek was making a swell recovery. His heart beat was healthy, and he was able to stand up and walk again. On a calm afternoon, Tirek leaned against the balcony, and looked outward. Cozy Glow looked at him, and wondered what was on his mind. She approached her centaur friend. To her surprise, Tirek spoke to her first. "I know what you did." Tirek said. "You do...?" Cozy asked. "It was pretty easy to deduce." Tirek said. "Tirek, um, listen. I just wanted you to know that... that it was by no means an easy decision to make. "I mean, my mom gave her last breath just to push me out. So, I mean, it's what any parent could want, right? To see their child go on to live and..." Cozy halted herself. The tears made it too difficult to finish her thought. Tirek stood silent, as all Cozy could do was tear up. "You know, this is the balcony I sat at while I waited for Discord to return, when he promised to heal you back to health. But that moment didn't quite come, so Maggie and I took matters into our own hands, which led us to use the Rainbow of Darkness." Tirek explained. "So by that point, you stormed Equestria... for me?" Cozy asked. Cozy teared up some more. She was mostly just flattered at this confirmation. Tirek had never done anything for the sake of friendship until that point, even if it was via destructive means that one time. "But, you probably think I'm a monster for that." Tirek said. "What? No. Not at all. Not even at the time I didn't look at it that way. I don't hold that against you. I mean, love makes you do stupid things. Like say... agree to helping your friends search for the Rainbow of Darkness, only because you think they'll only like you if you're evil and conniving. Only to end up actually finding it and end up having to seal it away yourself." Cozy said. Cozy looked at Tirek's long face, and choked up. "Seeing you filled with rage was the worst feeling. Seeing all my friends from our village consumed by the darkness as well. Seeing you all turned against me, and have your minds lost. I couldn't believe what I had done. The whole Rainbow of Darkness situation was my fault. I made you believe it was something that it wasn't, and Grogar tricked you and took over everyone's minds. I certainly didn't make matters easier by taking out Twilight and her friends, but I was willing to give up everything to save you, and the rest of my friends too. The friends who now all live here, and hey, I made it, so it worked out okay for a time." "I still can't believe it. Not that, you know, the glowing bit, but that you would act so selfless. All you wanted was power for yourself." Tirek said. "I told ya, Tirek. I found out that I wanted more than power. I wanted real friends. I wanted to help those friends, and secure their futures as safe and prosperous, even if I couldn't. Things changed, and helping you guys became all that mattered." Cozy explained. "You're not a monster, you're my favorite centaur. The same centaur I would do anything to satisfy. Be it sacrifice myself to stop the darkness. Or use up your dad's heart to revive you instead of reviving him... I don't know if any of these were the ideal decisions, but they're what happened, and we only have our futures to shape. All we can do is move forward with what has happened." Cozy said. "I wanted to help you find answers to your daddy, but this was the last thing I expected to happen... *sniff* I'm lucky you're still here, but it came at a cost. I made a call, and now you can look at me and judge me for that call." Cozy said, weeping. "You made a decision, and that's that. There's no use in dwelling on what you could've done differently." Tirek said. "You seem more upset than I. "Because *sniff* because I really wanted to unite you with your father... *sniff* but I made the decision to use his heart to revive you instead of him. And it's not like I could've asked you what the right decision was. I had to do it on my own..." Cozy hugged the front of Tirek. "It's alright. It's done." Tirek assured. "Promise me to be honest with me." Cozy said. Tirek nodded. "Now, what was it you wanted to say earlier?" Tirek asked. "Oh, right. Now come on out, everyone is waiting for you." Cozy said. Outside the castle was a crowd of villagers ready to greet back Tirek. "Welcome back, ya big lug." Lightning Dust said. "Ya had us worried for a bit, but we knew you'd pull through." Rolling Thunder said. "Happy birthday!" Short Fuse exclaimed. "Cozy Glow told us everything that happened. What a wild rush you guys all went on." Suri Polomare said. "Yeah, we sure did." Cozy said. "The point is that our founders are here, and they'd like to address the state of your union." Maggie said. "Oh? Oh, yeah. Right, let me get in position." Cozy said. Cozy Glow stood at a podium in front of everypony in the village. Cozy wasn't the least bit anxious. She was very skilled at speaking to large crowds. "Every creature, pony. Thank each and every one of you for such an amazing journey. You know, when I was attending Twilight's School of Friendship, I made lots of friends. But those weren't really friends. I didn't care about making friends. I only wanted an army to rule over to make me more powerful." The crowd giggled. "Hehe. Yes, yes. funny, right? But then came that fateful day, well, a few, actually. When I finally got a solid cooperation experience with these two, I felt totally reinvigorated. It's just that our moral compass wasn't quite pointing in the right direction just yet. That wouldn't happen for some time. Even after spending 20 years in stone, our compasses pointed down, and we wanted revenge, but the lot of you helped to change that. It wasn't like commanding the school of friendship. It was like each of you contributed something unique in our cause. Our villainous cause, but hey, cooperation is cooperation. And when it came down to it, I was faced with the tough decision of deciding what mattered more to me: Having as much power as possible and destroying any force that opposed me, or banishing the darkest force in Equestria in order to save my friends. And judging from the fact you're all here on this wonderful day, you can see what I ended up choosing." "Yeah! All hail, Cozy!" Short Fuse exclaimed. "Hip hip hooray!" everyone cheered. "Ponies, please. I don't deserve half the credit you give me." Cozy said, with modest. Cozy picked up Amber, and held her in her hooves. "My sister Amber deserves some cheers for saving me from the ravenous Storm King, and saving Canterlot." Cozy said. "No really, Amber. You are the wind beneath my wings." Cozy said. Cozy nuzzled Amber's nose. Both of their cutie marks lit up. "Oh gee. Thanks, Cozy. But, I'll always just be Checkers compared to your Chess." Amber said. "That's one way to interpret your cutie mark, but I don't quite see it that way." Cozy said. "If you were just another piece of chess, you and I would just be part of the same set. But you're something totally unique. Something fun, but just as sophisticated. Storm King and I were basically an even match. You and Chrysalis took out King Sombra, the Mane-iac, and Grogar, AND saved Canterlot from being blown to smithereens like the Golden Oaks Library was." Cozy said. "I mean, there's more to it than that. Mane-iac helped us stop Sombra and, well that's a whole other story. And Grogar... wait, what happened to Grogar?" Amber said. "Well, after you swiped the blade and set him flying into the exploding ship, I suppose that was it for him." Cozy said. "Never doubt Grogar's resilience though." Amber pondered. "You did what?" Suri asked. "That sounds so cool." Lightning Dust said. "You made an airship explode? Wow." Short Fuse said. "See, you are a hero." Cozy said. "You're right. Heh. Feels funny. Little old me a hero." Amber said, blushing. Cozy held Amber all the way up. Chrysalis and Tirek joined in and lifted Amber even higher. In the field laden with shipwreck debris, a forceful pounding could be heard. Out of the debris popped out Grogar. The old goat had managed to survive both the explosion and the ship crashing. What a god. Grogar stomped, exhausted. Grogar overlooked the peaceful land that is Equestria, and he was amazed. He was amazed at the Harmony that spread all through Equestria. He had spent so long trying to rule Equestria himself, but it seemed neigh impossible at this point. The Equestria he ruled over, where there was no friendship, was gone, and friendship was more powerful than he was. More powerful than he could ever be. With that realization, Grogar wondered what use it was to continue to fight against it any longer. It seemed neigh impossible that he'd ever get the upper hoof again. Be it because of a super powered filly, or one determined unicorn filly, or both of them, and their friends, it seemed like Grogar was no longer destined to rule. Rather, he remained as a relic. Former King of Equestria. Father of monsters was now just a sad miserable old shep. Just as his enemies had moved on, and were onto new things, perhaps it was time for him to consider doing the same. For there was nothing left for him to do... The next day, Twilight came back to the village to deliver a message to Cozy and her friends. "Twilight! Welcome back. What brings you back to our village so soon?" Cozy asked. "Listen, I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions earlier. It wasn't your fault the moon got damaged. You were just trying to save Equestria." Twilight said, apologizing. "It's quite alright. We don't hold you accountable. You just reacted a certain way when you saw the moon damage." Cozy said. "I realize now that you lot were involved quite the harrowing adventure. I'm quite proud of you all. "Thank you, Twilight. Your words truly do mean the world to us." Amber said. "And in thinking about your recent adventure, it's given me an idea." Twilight said. "An idea?" Cozy asked. "I've been impressed by the four of you time and time again." Twilight said. "How would you like to make this a more regular thing?" Twilight asked. "Would you all be interested in becoming official protectors of Equestria?" "Protectors of Equestria?" Amber asked. "What exactly does that entail?" Cozy asked. "You four may be called upon whenever trouble is brewing somewhere in Equestria in order to deal with the threat. I know it's risky, and might be a lot to ask of you, but if you're interested, just know the opportunity is there." Twilight said. "I'm all adventured out for a long time." Chrysalis said. "You said it." Tirek added. "Well... hehehe. to being honest, saving the world was kind of fun." Amber said. "Are you suggesting we do it?" Cozy asked. "Yeah, come on. I like living life on the edge." Amber said. "Hmm. Well, I can't have you running off to save the world on your own, Amby, you're just a filly." Cozy said. "Then come with me, Cozy." Amber said. "Okay. You and I do add up to be an alicorn after all." Cozy said. "I know you work much better when you're part of a team. Count me in." Tirek said. "If they're in, count me in as well." Chrysalis said. With Chrysalis, Tirek, and Amber by my side, any villains thinking of coming out in the future better think twice." Cozy said. "Excellent. There isn't any trouble brewing at the moment, but be on the look out for a letter. Could happen at any time." Twilight said. "And we'll be more than happy to help!" Amber assured. "Yeah! Daring and dangerous experiences!" "Is that so?" said a voice. It was Cozy and Amber's dad, along with Maggie's mom. "Pappy. It's good to see you again." Cozy said, hugging her dad. "What's this I hear on you two embarking on dangerous quests?" he asked. "Well..." Cozy and Amber said together, rubbing their respective heads. "I'm just kidding. You two don't need me looking after you any more. You've done some courageous things together from what I hear. I trust you know what you're doing." Pappy said. "Thanks, dad. It's nice to hear you approve." Cozy said. "I also approve of the new mane color, Amber." their dad said. Amber was flattered. However, she looked down. There was a lingering thought or two on her mind. "Um, Pappy. I know this might be awkward to ask. But um, how did I come to be anyway?" Amber asked. "I haven't told you guys how little Amber came to be?" their Pappy asked. "I mean, we kinda got the gist." Cozy said. "Well, allow me to explain it in full. I promise, you'll be fascinated." Cozy and Amber's Pappy began explaining the story of how he conceived of the idea of Amber. It was less than a year after you were turned to stone. Word got around quick, so I found out immediately. It took me nearly a new, but I finally worked up the courage to come see you in the Canterlot gardens. I looked at the statue. Two horrifying creatures of torment. And then there was you. My little Alisha. The little pegasus filly me and your mum had brought up. Everyone was right. I failed you. I shouldn't have let me sorrow for the loss of your mother prevent me from raising you properly. But it was too late. You were beyond my control, and were considered enemy of Equestria. I held up a strand of your real hair, and held it up to the stone statue of you. Even as a petrified statue, the beauty of your mane still shown. You may have been gone, but I still had a part of you with me. But then suddenly, a breeze kicked up, and the hair blew away from my grasp. "Oh no. Oh no no no no." I cried. I ran across the courtyard and chased after the freeflying hair. While running, I held my hooves out, and grabbed it, but I ended up falling forward. I looked at my hooves, and sighed a relief. I hadn't lost your hair. There was fellow who looked at me strangely. They asked if I was alright, to which I replied saying that I was just fine. I told them that I almost lost something that meant a lot to me. Actually, scratch that, I did lose something... somepony... my filly..." They said they were sorry to hear, and told me that not everyone gets a second chance. That's when I got an idea. I looked at the hair, and realized. He had a piece of my daughter... maybe there would be that second chance after all... "So... I was your... second chance?" Amber asked. "Mmm. I vowed that I was going to raise you right, Amber. Since Cozy Glow might not have ever gotten another chance, I wasn't let myself lose you. I wouldn't let you fall into a path of mischief. But never did I expect my old mistakes to come back and haunt me the way they did, on the day Cozy returned." "Oh, that's right. I fillynapped Amber and forced her to help me take down Twilight." Cozy said, giggling. "Never did I think I'd see the day that my two daughters would meet, let alone be best friends like the way you two are." their dad said. "Thanks, dad." Cozy said. "Anything for little Amby here." Amber climbed on top of Cozy, and held onto her. "I always enjoy being with my sister." Amber said, grinning. "Likewise, Amby." Cozy said, smiling. "Likewise." Cozy and Amber were walking together through a more forested area. "It's nice to spend some quality time with you." Cozy said. "Mhm..." Amber said, with her mind trailing off. Amber started walking faster, and ahead of Cozy. "Where are you going Amber?" Cozy asked. *splash* Amber jumped up and dived into the water. "Come on in, sis. The lake feels great." Amber said. Cozy looked back, and smiled. Cozy went into the water herself. Cozy and Amber swam in the water together and smiled at each other. "Who taught you to swim?" Cozy asked. "Who taught you?" Amber asked. "Self taught." Cozy and Amber said simultaneously. The two of them giggled. Amber laid on her back and floated in the water. Cozy looked at Amber and smiled. Aside from Amber's green mane, she did look just like Cozy Glow when she was a filly. Cozy saw her filly self in Amber, and smiled. She may have missed out on 20 years because of what happened, but Amber had a long future ahead of head. Amber opened her eyes, and saw Cozy staring at her. "What?" Amber asked. Cozy giggled. Cozy and Amber dried off, and laid on some nice towels next to the lake. "Ahh. So relaxing." Amber said. "Yep." Cozy replied. "So who's Equestria's bigger hero? Me or you?" Amber asked. "Um...?" Cozy said. "It's definitely you." Amber said. "Amber. You'll pave your own legacy. And I'll always be with you." Cozy said. Cozy sat up, and held Amber in her lap, giggling, and enjoying each other's company. Though the two sisters had differences, they had more in common with each other than anypony. Cozy vowed to protect her, and Amber vowed to keep impressing her sister. Cozy most valued her friends and family. And Amber valued the same. They were ready to enjoy a long life together, as a happy family. The End