• Published 28th Jun 2021
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Metal Bat: Equestrian Adventures - The reluctant fan

Badd was having a perfectly fine night with his little sister Zenko when a monster breaks in and warps them to an unknown land. The worst part? They've been turned into tiny horses!. Badd wishes he was old enough to drink.

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Chapter 7: Return Of The Moon

Twilight and Spike nearly jumped out of their skin at the shout. Pinkie Pie popped up next to Twilight.

“Hi, I’m Pinkie Pie! We’re you surprised? Were ya were ya?”

“VERY. Libraries are supposed to be quiet!”

Pinkie began rambling on and on like she tended to do. Eventually Twilight couldn’t take it anymore and went up to the concession table to grab a drink. She picked up a bottle and poured it into a solo cup with a sigh.

Badd raised a brow. “I didn’t take ya fer a spice junkie Twi.”

Twilight gave Badd a strange look. “What do you mean? I’m just getting a glass of juice.”

“Uh, actually that’s hot sauce.”

Twilight took another look at the bottle and sure enough, it was labeled as hot sauce.

“What the hay?! Who puts hot sauce next to the drinks! I almost burned my mouth off!”

Pinkie appeared next to the lavender unicorn and took the hot sauce out of her hoof. She then proceeded to drizzle it on a cupcake before eating the whole thing in one bite, much to the confusion and disgust of the ponies who saw. “What? It’s good!”

Twilight twitched her eye slightly. “Okay, you know what? I’m going upstairs. It was nice to meet you all but I really need to rest before the sunrise.”

Badd watched as she trotted up to the bedroom. “Hey Pinks? I don’t think a party was the best idea to become friends with ya. She seems pretty overwhelmed.”

“What?! That’s crazy! Everypony loves parties! I know you loved yours!”

Badd was about to tell the pink mare that he spent most of the party standing alone, but decided against it. He rolled his eyes and went to find a familiar face to talk to. Eventually he noticed Lyra and Bon-Bon and went over to converse.

“Oh hi Badd! Enjoying the party?”

“More than the guest of honor at least. She’s somehow more antisocial than Zombieman.”

Bon-Bon raised a brow. “Zombieman? Is that another one of those heroes?”

“Yeah. Guys pretty nice, if not reclusive. Dudes got the whole noir getup and everything.”

Lyra as always was fascinated by Badd’s mentions of his life and colleagues back home. “Why’s he called Zombieman? Is he undead or something?”

Badd chuckled. “Close. He actually has super healing powers. We were at a spa once, and one of the other heroes got drunk and impaled him with a sword.”

Lyra and Bon-Bon gasped in shock. “Well that pin-er-person should be kept away from liquor then!”

“That’s what I thought. Anyway the guy was up and healed in like ten seconds. I’ve seen the guy heal from having his head blown to bits, so a sword in the stomach really wasn’t much for him.”

Bon-Bon sighed. “Every time I feel like I’m starting to make sense of where you come from, you throw some crazy story like that at me. Do all of you heroes have crazy powerful abilities like that?”

“Well the S-class has a lot of heroes with weird powers. There are a couple that are just really strong and nothing else, but for the most part they do have some gimmick. “

“I forget, did you ever tell us if you had a special power besides being crazy strong?”

“Um, did I not tell you about my fighting spirit thing?”

“I don’t think so? What’s that?”

“So basically, if I’m in a tough fight, some sort of adrenaline will kick in that increases my power. I don’t really have a clue how it works, all I know is that it helps me win fights.”

Lyra tilted her head. “So it’s like adrenaline but it legitimately makes you stronger?”

“I guess yeah. Like I said I don’t really know how it works. Not even Child Emperor could figure it out. He stopped trying a while back, saying that I ‘don’t make sense.’”

Bon-Bon rolled her eyes. “I still can’t believe that they have someone that young risking their life working as a hero.”

Badd smirked. “If ya saw some of his gizmos you’d understand. Kid’s the most talented prodigy in history.”

“I’ll take your word for it. So how are you feeling about the celebration Badd? It’ll be your first time seeing the princess in person.”

“Eh, I’m kinda indifferent. I guess it’d be cool to meet the one who’s ruling the society I’m in, but it’s not like I’m dying ta see her or nothin.”

“Oh… we’ll I hope you enjoy the ceremony regardless!”

Badd chatted with the mares a little while longer, before excusing himself. He was a little worried about Twilight. Spike was stumbling around on the dance floor with a lampshade on his head, and didn’t seem to notice his caretaker’s absence. Badd climbed the stairs and knocked on the closed door to the bedroom.

“Hey Twi, you in there?”

“Badd? What do you want?”

“I’m just making sure yer okay. Ya were pretty upset when ya went up here.”

“…come in, it’s unlocked.”

Badd opened the door and was met with Twilight staring out the window in a dark room.

“Hey, so as I was sayin, ya good?”

Sigh. I could be better. All of you ponies are crazy! You’re probably the most normal one I’ve met today, and you keep talking about superheroes and monsters as if they’re real! No offense.”

Badd chuckled. “None taken. I get yer a little overwhelmed, but you should try to come down. You might end up enjoying yerself.”

“Sorry but no. I have a lot on my mind.”

“We’ll why don’t you tell me about it, it might take a weight off yer shoulders.”

Twilight appeared to debate that for a bit before letting out another sigh. “Well you’ve said weirder, I guess. Badd, have you ever heard of the mare in the moon?”

“Uh, you mean the shadow on the moon that looks like a pony?”

“Yes. Well there is an ancient tale surrounding that. Legends say that the mare in the moon is really an evil pony named Nightmare Moon. She was supposedly banished to the moon by Celestia 1000 years ago. The legend also says that on the 1000th year of her banishment, the stars will aid her in her escape. And that’s tonight. I don’t know. I know it sounds silly, but I can’t get the thought out of my head!”

“Eh, that’s not that hard to believe. Not nearly as BS as the prophesy Sitch expects us to believe.”

“Um… what are you talking about?”

“A couple weeks before I got dragged here, one of the Hero Association big wigs dragged me and the other S-class heroes to a huge meeting just to give us some stupid ‘prophesy’ that didn’t give us any information apart from that sometime in the next six months, a huge disaster will threaten the planet. And of course that was also the same day those alien bastards blew up city A. Even after we dealt with them, the association still thinks that the ‘prophesy’ is in effect. So yeah, this story is a lot easier to believe.”

Twilight blinked. “I’m not sure whether you’re somehow telling the truth, or just insane. But still, you really believe the story?”

“Yeah. I mean, legends have to have a basis right? So even if it doesn’t happen exactly like that, part of that story has to be true.”

“I guess you’re right. But still… I hope I’m just being paranoid…”

All of a sudden the door burst open and spike waddled in. “Hey Twilight! Oh, and Badd. Everypony’s getting ready to watch the sunrise, c’mon!”

Badd and Twilight filed into town hall. Badd located his sister and sat next to her. The mayor of Ponyville stepped up on stage and gave some boring speech that Badd tuned out before introducing the princess. The choir of birds sang their tune as the curtains were pulled back to reveal… nothing.

Rarity walked out from backstage. “She’s gone!”

The ponies all gasped in shock while Badd offered a ‘huh.’ All of a sudden, a sparkling dark mist entered the building, swirling around the stage until it took the form of a tall dark pony.

The pony gave a dark chuckle. “Oh, my beloved subjects. It’s been SO long since I’ve seen your precious sun loving faces.”

Rainbow growled. “What’d you do to our princess?!” She tried to rush at the dark pony, but was held back by Applejack.

“What? Ah I not royal enough for you? Don’t you know who I am?”

Badd groaned. “Oh HERE we go with the monologuing.”

“Does my crown no longer count now that I’ve been imprisoned for a thousand years? Did you not recall the legend? Did you not see the signs?!”

“I did!”

The dark pony looked to Twilight, who was glaring at her. “You’re the mare in the moon, Nightmare Moon!”

Nightmare Moon gave a dark chuckle. “Well well well. Somepony who remembers me! Then you also know what I’m here for!”

Twilight shrunk back a bit. “You’re here to… to… *gulp*”

“Muahahah! Remember this day ponies, for it was your last! The night shall last forever!”

As Nightmare Moon was giving the most cliche villain laugh ever, Badd finally decided to speak up. “Oi edge lord, yer plan sucks ass!”

“What?! Somepony dares talk back to me?!”

“Yeah. Hate ta break it to ya but your whole monologue was pretty boring. Not ta mention that you’re kinda failing to intimidate me in the slightest.”

As Nightmare Moon growled, Badd leaned down to his sister. “Zenko, get outta here. Things are gonna get violent.”

Zenko sighed. “Don’t hurt her too badly bro.”

“No promises. Not git outta here unless ya wanna watch the carnage.”

“I’ve had enough of your rambling you nobody stallion! Get ready to feel the wrath of Nightmare Moon!”

Badd jumped over a bolt of magic that was cast from Nightmare’s horn. It exploded violently where he once stood. The commotion finally managed to knock the ponies out of their shocked stupor and they began running out in a panic.

Mayor Mare rallied the royal guard and had them rush Nightmare Moon, but she sent them all flying with an expulsion of magical force. Being distracted as she was, she didn’t notice Badd swinging his bat down until it was too late to cast anything. She barely managed to move out of the way before Badd busted though the stage in an explosion of rubble and dust.

Unknown to Badd, his friends were watching the fight from below. “Yeah, beat her up Badd!”

“Knock her back ta the moon sugarcube!”

“Yeah! Beat the nasty outta queen meanie!”

Fluttershy and Rarity hadn’t been exposed to much of Badd’s stories about his life as a hero, and were just as shocked as Twilight that he had rushed in to fight Nightmare Moon with no fear.

“Oh dear oh dear oh dear. He’s going to hurt himself.”

Rarity blushed a little. “Running towards the enemy to confront them with no fear… just like a knight in shining armor!”

Lyra and Bon-Bon were watching in awe as well. “Wow! He really is just like a real life superhero!”

Bon-Bon watched with shock. “I guess I was wrong to doubt him… come on Lyra, it’s not safe here! We gotta go!”

Lyra was dragged out of Town hall by her friend, still watching Badd go at it with the ancient mare of the night.

Twilight was more shocked that Badd had managed to take out the entire stage with a single swing of his bat. “I… think I believe his whole superhero talk now… oh there’s no time for this! He'll never be able to beat nightmare moon on his own! I need to get back to the library!”

Twilight picked up an unconscious Spike and rushed out of town hall. The other mares watched her go with curiosity and suspicion.

Badd missed another swing at Nightmare, making another crater in the wall. The evil alicorn growled and fired another magic bolt at him. This one struck him head on and sent him flying into a wall. He crashed right through it, and dust clouded up around him.

“Hah! That will teach you not to mess with the almighty Nightmare-WHAT?!”

Badd got out of the hole in the wall. He was a little scuffed up, but otherwise fine. “Okay, now you’ve officially pissed me off.”

Badd ran forward at a speed that caught Nightmare off guard. She fired a bolt at him but he swatted it out of the way with his bat. She growled and flew into the air to get out of his range, but Badd jumped up to where she was and smacked her down into the ground, creating a small crater where she landed. Nightmare Moon got up snarling, not looking much worse for wear, before turning into her misty form.

“Count yourself lucky I don’t have time to waste on you, you insufferable stallion! When I’ve secured my rule, I’ll have you hunted to the ends of Equestria!”

With that, Nightmare flew out of the building. “Oi! Get back here you bitch! We ain’t done yet!”

Badd ran to pursue her, but couldn’t see where she had gone. “DAMN IT!!”

He spotted five mares he recognized trotting towards the library and sighed. “I should probably let them know I’m alright. Wait, Zenko! I gotta find her!”

“I’m right here bro. You’re okay right?”

Badd looked behind himself to find his little sister hovering with her wings. “Oh thank god you’re alright. Big bro’s fine, just a little PO’d that miss edge lord got away.”

Well why don’t we go let our friends know you’re alright first. They caught the beginning of the fight, so they’re probably worried about you.”

Badd have a sigh. “Yeah, you’re right. I think they were headed towards the library.”

Badd and Zenko trotted towards the library in the everlasting night. Badd looked up into the sky. “I gotta find that Nightmare bitch. I’m not sure how long the world will last without a sun.”