• Published 28th Jun 2021
  • 2,341 Views, 49 Comments

Metal Bat: Equestrian Adventures - The reluctant fan

Badd was having a perfectly fine night with his little sister Zenko when a monster breaks in and warps them to an unknown land. The worst part? They've been turned into tiny horses!. Badd wishes he was old enough to drink.

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Chapter 9: Climax and Resolution

Twilight and Nightmare Moon began charging each other. What the latter didn’t know was that Twilight had charged up a teleportation spell that she casted right before they collided. Swirling her head around, Nightmare Moon saw the unicorn next to the elements, trying to activate them.

“Foolish mare! You truly think those artifacts will listen to your command?!”

Before the evil Alicorn could move to stop her however, her head was slammed through the floor courtesy of Badd’s bat.

“Badd?! What are you-“

“Just focus on what you’re doin! I’ll take care of her!”

Twilight gave a worried glance back, but nodded and turned back to the elements.

Nightmare Moon lifted her head out of the hole in the floor, looking furious.

“You damned interloper! This marks the second time you have crossed me! Know that it will be your last!”

The dark alicorn fired a magic blast towards Badd. The hero managed to jump out of the way as it blasted through a nearby wall before exploding in the sky above the Everfree.

“Know this fool! Since our last encounter, I have recovered much of my strength. You stand no chance against me now!”

Badd gave a laugh. “Man, if I had 5 yen for every time a monster said something like that to me before I caved their skull in, I’d have my own private island! Bring it on moon bitch, I’ve taken down worse than you.”

Nightmare moon snarled, and cast a spell. Dark mist swirled around her horn before it took the form of a war hammer.

“Since you seem to enjoy swinging that stick of yours around so much, I’ll break it in two with my own weapon!”

“I’d like to see ya try.”

With that, the two charged forward, clashing their weapons when they met. Badd grunted a little and recoiled back a little from the impact. That was all Nightmare needed. The war hammer in her magical grip, she slammed it down on Badd’s bat again and again. Small shockwaves were released every time the weapons met.

As Nightmare Moon kept hammering into Badd’s weapon, the hero was backed up against the wall.

“I will admit, I expected that flimsy rod to have broken by now. But it matters not, since you will be the one who is broken soon enough.”

Badd went to land a hit on Nightmare, but she smacked the bat out of the way and swung the war hammer into Badd’s chest at full force. The impact produced an audible crack from Badd’s chest and sent him hurtling through the brick wall and across the sky.

“BADD!” The five other mares had arrived just in time to see their friend be seemingly defeated by Nightmare Moon.

Twilight was in a cold sweat, refusing to look behind her. The elements weren’t reacting to her at all, and Badd had just been thrown across the Everfree. Before she could have another thought, Nightmare Moon’s hammer came down and turned the elements into dust.


The dark alicorn cackled in victory. “It’s over! The elements are destroyed! That infuriating fool is dead! And now no one can prevent my glorious eternal night! But just to make sure of that, I believe that I need to dispose of you nuisances. Permanently.”

Twilight and the others stepped back in horror as Nightmare Moon began charging up a blast. Twilight went to charge a blast in retaliation, but she knew it’d be futile.


Nightmare Moon fired off the blast towards the six mares who looked on in terror. But before it could reach them, a red and black blur shot in front of them and sent the blast up through the roof.


Badd was standing in front of the group, bat in his hooves. His mane was a wreck and he was covered in dirt. He appeared to have coughed up some blood, if the dark red stain on his muzzle was anything to go by, but he was still standing.

“Badd! You’re alive!”

“Course I am! Nothin like that’s gonna put me down. But what the hell was that?! Are you all seriously giving up just because she destroyed a couple rocks?”

The mares looked to each other, before narrowing their eyes in determination.

“Yeah! What was I thinking cowering like that?! I’m Rainbow Dash, I don’t fear anything!”

“This meanie pants has got to go! We can’t have any parties with her in charge!”

“A lady must stand up for herself! I can’t be accepting defeat so easily!”

“It would be just terrible if the sun never came up again. My animal friends need it to survive! I can’t let them down!”

“Y’know what, yer right! What would mah family think if they saw me givin up just like that? Thanks fer that Badd, I forgot what ah need to be protectin!”

Twilight looked to the group around her and saw them take up a stance against Nightmare Moon alongside her. A spark flashed in her eyes.

Nightmare Moon had recovered from her shock enough to speak. “YOU INFURIATING INSECT! What must I do to be rid of you!? It matters not how many times you oppose me, without the elements, you are doomed to fail!”

Twilight looked to Nightmare Moon, confidence in her eyes. “You think you can destroy the elements of harmony just like that?”

“Um, yes? I just did. What point are you trying to make, fool?”

“You’re wrong! The spirits of the elements of harmony are right here!”

The remaining fragments of the elements began to swirl and rise into the air.


“Applejack, who reassured me when I was in doubt, represents the spirit of honesty!”

“Fluttershy, who teamed the manticore with her compassion, represents the spirit of kindness!”

“Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger, represents the spirit of laughter!”

“Rarity, who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift, represents the spirit of generosity!”

“Rainbow Dash, who could not abandon her friends for her hearts desire, represents the spirit of loyalty!”

“And Badd, who stood to face incredible danger and impossible odds to protect others, represents the spirit of courage!”

The fragments of the elements began to swirl around the six ponies. Nightmare Moon looked terrified.

“These spirits of these six got us through every challenge you threw at us.”

“B-but the spark didn’t work! You still need the seventh element!”

“But it did! A different kind of spark! It worked the very moment I realized how happy I was to be with you! How much I cared about you! It worked the moment I realized you all are my friends!”

A bright glow emanated from above Twilight. Nightmare Moon flinched away in shock.

“You see Nightmare Moon, when those elements are ignited by the spark that resides in the heart of us all, it creates the seventh element! The element of magic!”

The six ponies were lifted up into the air and a bright rainbow flash burst forth from them. The rainbow swirled upward, before coming eight down on Nightmare Moon.

“NO! Damn it! Damn it all! I was so close!”

The rainbow enveloped Nightmare Moon, her scream of terror and rage dying out from within.

Badd lifted himself up from the floor once the light had died down.

“Ugh, my head.”

“Everypony okay?”

Upon seeing that his friends were fine, Badd sighed. “Well that has to be the weirdest way I’ve ever won a fight.”

Badd looked down and realized that he was now wearing a necklace that has the same symbol as the one on his flank. “I am never wearing this thing ever.”

Applejack chuckled. “Well Ah’ll admit Twilight, I thought ya were just spouting a load a hooey, but ah reckon we really do represent the elements of harmony.”

“Indeed you do.”

The seven ponies looked around in confusion trying to figure out where the voice came from, when a bright glow emanated from in front of the rising sun. As the glow died down, a large white Alicorn was revealed. Twilight gasped in surprise, the others bowed, while Badd just looked on confused.

“Princess Celestia!”


“Twilight Sparkle. I just know you could do it.”

“B-but, you told me it was just an old pony tale!”

“I told you that you needed to make some friends, nothing more.”

Badd kind of tuned the rest of the conversation out. This was apparently the Princess Celestia he had heard about. If anyone could help him and his sister get back home, he assumed it would be her.

Before he could approach her however, the Princess shifted her attention over to the other side of the room.

Laying in the middle of the floor, surrounded by fragments of what was once Nightmare Moon, a small blue alicorn lay.

“Princess Luna. It has been a thousand years since I have seen you like this. We were meant to rule together sister, can you accept my friendship?”


The now named “Luna” flinched back and shut her eyes, before grabbing Celestia in a hug. “Oh, I’m so sorry! I’ve missed you so much sister!”

“I have missed you too. We have a lot of catching up to do.”

“And I have some questions I need to ask.”

The two Alicorns looked over to see Badd approaching them. Luna squeaked in fear and hid behind her sister.

“Hey, Uh, Luna, is it? I don’t really know what’s goin on, but if you’re cool now, I’m not gonna attack ya.”

Celestia sized Badd up with her eyes. “Ah, you are the one who represents the element of courage are you not? I apologize, but I do not know your name.”

“It’s our first time meeting, so it’d be weird if you did. I’m Badd. I have some pretty important questions to ask and I’ve been told you’re the best one to answer em.”

Celestia chuckled at Badd’s bluntness. “I suppose I could hear you out, but I believe we should get back to town first. There is no sense in staying in these dusty old ruins now is there?”

“Fair enough.”

Pinkie Pie jumped in excitement. “Ooh, this calls for a party! There’ll be cake and games and music and streamers and-“

The group laughed while Badd rolled his eyes. Just a little longer and hopefully he would get the answers he needed to get him and his sister home.

Author's Note:

So yeah, this chapter took a while for me to find the motivation to write. It’s done now though, so enjoy!