• Published 19th Jun 2021
  • 620 Views, 14 Comments

The Amazing Crossover Race - FireDasher24

We have 14 teams from My Little Pony, 9 teams from the Mario Universe, and one mystery team competing for a grand prize of 500000 of their currency.

  • ...

Chinese Take-down

Episode 14: Chinese Take-down.

(Scenes from the previous race are shown.)

Discord VO: Last time on The Amazing Crossover Race! Our teams met the wildlife here in good ol' Australia. Alliances were formed, some teams had a hard time with the challenges, but in the end, it was the genius Schoolgirls who got first for the second time. The Koopas suffered big time after nearly getting mauled by dingos and pummeled by a kangaroo all because of one little bunny giving them a hard time. Unfortunately, they didn't come in last. It was actually the Musicians that ended up coming in last and getting eliminated. However, I revealed a shocking twist at the end and made it a DOUBLE elimination for the first time, so the Koopas also got sent home as well. Shocking isn't it?

Discord appears.

Discord: We're almost to the halfway point throughout the race. I can't wait to see what's going to happen next right here on... The Amazing Crossover Race!

Another snap and the intro starts again.

(End of intro)

Episode 14: Chinese Take-down

"Welcome back to the Outback mate. Yesterday's winners of the last leg-Discord paused as he noticed the Schoolgirls waiting by the cloudbox. "Oh they're already waiting. Just get the tip and read it already."

"Take the next flight to the location of the Great Wall." Raffina read.

(A postcard of China is shown).

Discord: Well it's right here in Beijing, China. Yet it's known as much for modern architecture as its ancient sites such as the grand Forbidden City complex, the imperial palace during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Nearby, the massive Tiananmen Square pedestrian plaza is the site of Mao Zedong's mausoleum and the National Museum of China, displaying a vast collection of cultural relics. There will be one flight the teams will take to this location. Once they arrive, they'll find the next cloudbox outside the airport.

The other teams behind them get their tips and follow them to the airport on the jeeps. Spike and Rarity are the last team to leave as they get the tip.

(Interview: Gem Collectors)

Rarity: Starting out in last is not what I expected to happen.

Spike: It was just a sheer coincidence that a double elimination happened in the previous leg. As long another won't happen, will it?

Rarity: Well I certainly hope not, and as long as we're not in the bottom two.

All the teams are now driving to the airport. Go to the Siblings in their jeep.

"Not a bad position we got yesterday." Apple Bloom said.

"Yeah, but now it's gonna get harder now that we're nearing the halfway mark." Applejack tells her sister. "With 11 teams already gone, everything is going to get a little harder from here on. We gotta be EXTRA careful from now on."

Apple Bloom nodded in agreement. "Okay."

(They get a sudden crash from behind them.)

"What in tarnation?" Applejack looks behind and saw Bowser ramming into them repeatedly.

(Interview: Bowsers)

Bowser: I am NOT done with that filly. She stepped on my foot yesterday and she is so going to pay for this.

Bowser Jr: And her big sister too.

Both of their vehicles ended up badly damaged and unable to start up.

"Nice going you two." Applejack told the Bowsers.

"Well we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place if your sister didn't keep bothering us." Bowser Jr. retorted. "So tough beans!"

"Leave her out of this! Now if you'll excuse us, we're getting to the airport and there's no time dealing with hooligans like you two." Applejack turns away and leaves in a huff as her sister follows her.

"What... did... she... call... me?"

Bowser Jr: It wasn't personal before, but now it is SO on! (They began following them to the airport.)

Cut to the airport as the teams are boarding the flight and it fast forwards ahead to lifting off.

Discord VO: The flight to China has already begun. (Skips the long flight and cuts ahead to the plane landing in Beijing.) Thanks to the fast forward, the teams are already here and it is on, again.

The remaining 13 teams exit the plane and find the cloudbox located outside. The button was pressed multiple times as the teams get their tips.

"Head on foot to the Great Wall-" Spitfire began.

"Where you will also find the next-" Sunset continued.

"Cloudbox at this location." Mario finished.

"Must be this way!" Rafting said pointing to the right.

"Go! Go! Go!" Trixie said.

"Hop on kid!" Rainbow Dash offered.

Scootaloo gets on her and she joins the crowd.

(Interview: Pegasisters)

Rainbow Dash: We were doing okay a few legs, but last time we ended up in ninth and tenth.

Scootaloo: Don't worry Rainbow Dash, we're going to turn this race around and come in the top three.

Rainbow Dash: Or I'd prefer first, but I guess the top three is okay.

All the teams make it to the Great Wall and find the cloudbox.

Mario found the next cloudbox. "There's the cloudbox."

The button was pressed multiple times as the teams are reading the next tip.

Twilight reads the tip. "It's another do it yourself challenge. 'Give it Wall you've got!"

Discord appears on the Great wall: You can say that again. This next do it yourself challenge will test the players endurance and strength. This time, whoever didn't do the bungee jumping in the Outback, has to ride along the Great Wall using the vehicles provided. (It shows a rickshaw, a transporter *two wheeled scooter, a standard kart, a bike, roller skates, a scooter, a skateboard, a tricycle, a pogo stick, a unicycle, a shopping kart, a horse carriage *minus the horse* and an office chair). They are all first come, first serve! The players will ride along while avoiding a few *winks* surprises along the way. Once players reach the end, they'll find the next cloudbox there and get back with your partner to go to the next challenge. Now GO!

The players doing the challenge run up the wall.

Discord turns to the others that stayed behind. "As for the rest of you, you may take the bus to the end where you will wait for your partners."

"That's all?" Twilight asked.

"Yep! That's it!" The rest of the players get on the bus and head to the meeting point

The loners are racing up to the vehicles.

"Gotta get to the rickshaw!" Bowser Jr thought.

"Not if I get to it first." Waluigi tells him.

"You? That's never going to happen."

"Not if I do this." Waluigi then trips Bowser Jr as he fell to the ground.

"You cheater!"

"I wouldn't have done that if we were still a team, but we're not. See ya!" Walking teased as he hops on the rickshaw. "Alright, let's do this alliance buddy! Err.. I mean, if any of you still want to consider being in OUR alliance, you can help by pulling."

Celestia takes the standard kart. "Hope my driving isn't terrible."

Sunset took the transporter. "This will have to do."

(Interview: Sunset)

Sunset: I thought about what Twilight and Ringo said to me. I just got to catch up with Celestia, find the right words to say, and hopefully, she can accept my apology for what I've done in the past. I just gotta catch up to her first.

Go to Ringo, Luigi, and Spitfire eying the roller skates, bicycle, and the skateboard.

"This is all he can offer?" Luigi asked eying the vehicles

"I'm afraid so." Ringo replied.

Spitfire turns to them both. "So are we going to argue about who gets which or..."

"If you want the bike, you can have it. I'll just take these." Ringo said pick picking up the roller skates.

"That means I get the skateboard right?" Luigi asked Spitfire.

Spitfire nodded. "Yep! Guess you all don't know what you're missing out on." She pedals really fast taking off and she's followed by Luigi.

Ringo laces up the skates and prepares to ride.

(Interview: Schoolgirls)

Ringo: Of course I insisted on taking the roller skates.

Raffina: It's one of our other clever strategies.

Ringo: What I forgot to mention was that I am a really skilled roller skater when I went to an indoor roller skating rink.

We now see Trixie and Bowser Jr arguing as Trixie is already on the tricycle.

"Mine!" Trixie said.

"No it's MINE! I saw it first." Bowser Jr argued.

"Well Trixie already claimed this so it's Trixie's."

"We're in an alliance! You can't just leave me."

"Watch me!" She pedals away and also ran over his foot.

Bowser Jr yelps as his foot was ran over. "Ouch!"

He then saw the horse carriage and the scooter as he tries getting to those vehicles. However, as Pinkie bounces away on the pogo stick, he was shocked to see Scootaloo with the carriage and the scooter.

"You can't take two of those! That's cheating!" Bowser Jr protested.

"I'm not. The scooter is for me!" Scootaloo said.

"And Sweetie Belle and I are gonna take this. We called it!" Apple Bloom said.

"We're going to alternate every five minutes." Sweetie Belle added.

"Whoa, I gotta take it nice and easy." Spike said as he has trouble adjusting himself on the unicycle.

Everyone is already off as Bowser Jr is left alone. "There has to be SOMETHING I can use." The only thing left was the office chair. "*sighs* I guess I have no choice do I?"

He slowly moves forward using his feet to get moving.

"Sucks to be you!" Waluigi said with a smirk.

"Oh yeah? I don't see you going anywhere." Bowser Jr told him.

"Not yet. But I will."

All the players are off and running. Skip ahead to Ringo, Spitfire, and Luigi who are tied at the moment.

"Nice day for a ride isn't it?" Luigi said.

"You can say that again. This seems TOO easy to be considered a challenge doesn't it?" Ringo asked the duo.

"Does it even matter? As long as there's no obstacles ahead, everything will be smooth sailing from here on out." Spitfire said as she pedals a little bit faster to lose them.

Unfortunately, Ringo caught up to her which surprised Spitfire.

"Wait, what's that up ahead?" Luigi asked spotting something ahead.

He sees a silver plate up ahead and Ringo goes around it.

"I don't know what it might be." Spitfire said.

"Hey guys, want to see a little something I've been working on?" Discord called out from above.

Being a little curious, Spitfire goes up to it until...


"Is this... confetti?" She asked a little surprised by that explosion.

"That, and a few other surprises along the way. You never know what you'll expect once you hit it." Discord replied.

"I'll take note of that." Luigi said as he continues skateboarding while brushing himself off. Some pieces of confetti got onto him as well.

From a distance, all three of the crusaders saw the explosion from afar.

Scootaloo was confused by the explosion. "Woah, what happened?"

"Ah don't know, but that's something we should probably look out for." Apple Bloom thought.

"We should probably get back to the challenge." Sweetie Belle insists.

"Are we still going together?" Scootaloo asked her friends.

"Yeah, we're still in an alliance after all." Sweetie Belle answered.

"We still have a long road ahead of us. Anything we've dealt with before, we can do together." Apple Bloom tells her friends

Spike comes bouncing by on the pogo stick. "You three are still here? Shouldn't you be going to the end?"

Sweetie Belle was confused seeing Spike on the pogo stick. "Spike, I thought you were on the unicycle."

"It didn't work out well for me, so I swapped vehicles with Pinkie Pie." Spike replied

"And she agreed?"

"Yeah, it's easier for me now that I have this." Spike attempts to bounce again but slips and slid on the ground. "Still need to get the hang of this."

"Where is Pinkie Pie by the way?"

"She's on her way, but I saw her a few minutes ago."

Go back a few miles where Bowser Jr struggles getting the chair uphill. It is not that easy but then he started going back down the opposite direction.

"No! No! No! Wrong way!" Bowser Jr screams as he goes downhill at an alarming speed until he crashed at the bottom. "THIS IS SO NOT FAIR!"

He tossed the chair over the wall.

"Forget this! I'm gonna have to wing it!"

Skip ahead to Spitfire still trying to lose Ringo and Luigi.

"Thought you lost us, didn't you?" Luigi asked Spitfire.

"Yeah, you're pretty fast, but I'm faster." Spitfire repsonded.

"Not fast enough." Ringo said passing them passing them both.

"Uh wait, your shoes are untied." Spitfire quickly said.

"Nice try, but I don't even have laces." Ringo said to her.

"She got you there." Luigi said.

All three of them noticed Trixie getting her tricycle unstuck. She didn't notice a pothole and one of the wheels got stuck.

"Oh dear, I think she might need some help." Ringo thought.

"After all she's done in the past, I think not!" Spitfire said turning away.

"Maybe, but it's the right thing to do." Luigi said agree with Ringo.

"Do what you want, but I am going to the end."

Ringo glares at her.

Spitfire sighed in defeat. "Fine, I'll wait here while you help her."

"I've got it." Luigi volunteered.

Fast forward ahead to Sunset riding on her transporter.

"Hope she didn't get too far."She thought then Sunset spotted something in the distance. "Wait, I think I see her."

"Finally, some peace and quiet and away from somepony who I shall not mention." Celestia said to herself.

Sunset continues following after Celestia.

(Go back to Luigi helping Trixie out.)

"Seems to be a bit stuck." Luigi said struggling to pull out the tricycle.

"Oh for crying out loud, could you just leave it already?!" Spitfire calls out to him.

"Nope, I almost- Got it!" Luigi managed to get the tire free.

"The Great and powerful Trixie thanks you. For once." Trixie reluctantly told him.

"Finally. Now we can get back to racing... Err I mean riding." Spitfire said before she continued pedaling.

(Go to Pinkie Pie who was busy viewing at the scenery.)

"Wow! I can see so much from up here." Pinkie said looking off in the distance.

Spike comes bouncing by. "Pinkie, what are you doing here?"

"Just enjoying the view from up here." The pink pony replied.

"Well it is nice, but we need to get back to the challenge." Spike reminded her.

"Okay, just a few more minutes."

(Fast forward ahead to Sunset riding on her transporter as she is gaining on Celestia.)

"Nearly there!" Sunset thought.

Up ahead, there was another mine in the path.

"That looks like trouble." Celestia nearly gasped. She tries to turn away, but the steering wheel breaks off and the brakes don't work. "I lost the steering wheel and the brakes don't work! I'm going to crash for sure."

(That was until something bumped her vehicle out of danger and safely to the side.)

"It's okay, you're safe now." Sunset assured to her.

"Y-You saved me. Thank you." Celestia said.

"Of course. But first, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for everything that happened in the past. I know I made some bad decisions, and it was wrong for me to do that. I am really sorry for being so selfish in the past. Can you please find it in your heart to forgive me? Please?" Sunset told her hoping for forgivness.

Celestia goes up to her before giving her a light smile. "Of course, I accept your apology."

Sunset goes up to her giving her a hug. "Thank you, but how are you going to get to the end now? Your kart is out of commission."

"I've got another idea in mind." Celestia said. "You're gonna have to help me out."

Go to the scene where four competitors are racing head to head.

"Still can't get over the fact you helped Trixie out even though she's trouble. You know that was wrong." Spitfire said.

"If that was so wrong, then I don't wanna be right." Luigi protested.

"You're just jealous of Trixie's abilities and besides, not helping somepony out makes you a loser." Trixie angrily said to Spitfire.

"At least we won more legs than you and your partner."

"Please you two, stop this nonsense right now." Ringo tells both of them

Another mine was seen up ahead and Ringo, Spitfire, and Luigi dodged that easily.

"See? Even she-" Trixies screams as she gets caught in an explosion she didn't see coming.

"Should we-" Ringo began but Spitfire interrupted her.

"You can stop if you want. I'm going to the end." Spitfire pedals off towards away from them.

Luigi shrugs as he follows her, and Ringo rolled her eyes as she reluctantly continued skating.

"Ugh, what is this?" Trixie appeared to be covered completely by toothpaste. "Is this toothpaste?"

Fast forward ahead to the ending point of as two players reach the end and find the next cloudbox.

"This is where the challenge ends." Sunset said getting off the transporter

"And another one awaits. By the way, thanks for the ride." Celestia ressed the button on the cloudbox and read the next tip. "Your partner must carry you by the rickshaw to the edge of the Kunming Lake and then you can find the location of the next cloudbox. Seems a little-"


Celestia jumped out of the way just in time avoiding Spitfire, Luigi and Ringo as they reached the endpoint.

"Looks like I won!" Spitfire said

"No you didn't, I got here before you!" Luigi said disagreeing with her.

"Actually, you guys do realize-" Ringo began

"This isn't the finish line." Sunset finished.

"It isn't?" Luigi asked.

"You do know this was only the FIRST challenge right? The cloudbox is right here." Ringo told them and receives a tip from the cloudbox. "See you guys!"

"I knew that. I still beat you to the finish!" Spitfire said

"I'm pretty sure you didn't." Luigi disagreed.

After the five of them left, the crusaders just arrived at the endpoint.

"Well that was fun!" Scootaloo said taking the helmet off.

"Ah knew we'd make it. The best part is we're not in last." Apple Bloom added.

"As long as our alliance is still intact, we can't lose. Sweetie Belle said as all three crusaders hoof bump each other and head off.

Just then Spike came bouncing in, but he's having trouble stopping. "I can't stop this thing! I'm out of control!" He was tossed off the pogo stick and landed on the ground.) "I'm never doing that again."

"What about the cliff diving? That's something you didn't want to do as well." Pinkie reminded him as she just arrived.

"Okay, that and this. We should get going now."

Both of them leave as well while the bottom three teams try catching up with the pack.

Fast forward ahead as the Ex-Sisters are on their way to the next challenge.

"OW! Please... stop... HITTING... EVERY... BUMP... ON... PURPOSE!" Celestia tells Luna

Luna had a smirk on her face giving Celestia her just desserts.

(Interview: Luna)

Luna: I would have taken the smooth and easygoing path, but I decided to take a path like our bond: Hard, bumpy, rocky, and fallen apart.

Despite all those bumps she went through, they managed to find the next cloudbox and receive the next tip.

"It's a duo challenge: River me this." Luna read.

Discord appears in the river on a kayak "Indeed, this is another rowing challenge. For this duo challenge, teams will get in one of the canoes and row across the Kunming Lake in order to get to today's finish line (Zoom ahead to the Shzhou market area). Located right in the Shzohu Marketplace. Last team to get here and check in, will be checking out of this race. However, the first team who gets there, is in store for something very, very special."

"We need to win this challenge!" Celestia said.

"I am completely aware of the situation Tia!" Suddenly Luna gets splashed by some water. "HEY! Stop that!"

"Sorry, my oar just slipped." Celestia chuckled before she gets splashed right back. "Not funny!"

"That was just an accident." Luna said looking innocent.

"I know for sure that wasn't an accident."

As they start sailing along the lake, the remaining teams are navigating through Beijing. The remaining three teams at the first challenge are just about finished with the challenge. Well... almost all of them.

Cut to the endpoint of the Great Wall as Trixie is exhausted from all the pedaling.

"The... Great... and... Powerful... Trixie... shall not go down without a fight." Trixie said panting before she collapsed on the ground from exhaustion. "Made it."

"Oh, what took you so long?" Waluigi said with a smirk.

"What? How did you get here before I did?" Trixie asked with confusion and shock.

"I had my ways."

He then leaves her behind as Trixie tries catches up to him.

Go back to Bowser Jr still running on the Great Wall.

"I can't believe I got stuck using a crummy office chair. You know what? Forget this! I'm getting off this wall and finding the endpoint the other way. Bowser Jr thought before he spotted a silver plate right in front of him. "You know, this is a perfect spot to find something useful." The moment he touched it, lots of water shot up onto him getting him soaking wet. "NO FAIR! This game is totally fixed!"

Go ahead to some of the teams riding through carrying their partners.

"You ain't gonna beat me this time Rainbow Dash." Applejack told her.

"Yes I can! Race ya to the lake." Rainbow Dash said trying to get ahead of Applejack

"Yer on!"

"Have you noticed your sister and Rainbow Dash seem kinda competitive with each other?" Scootaloo asked Apple Bloom.

"Yeah, but let's just hope their competitive ways don't lead us to getting hurt." Apple Bloom hoped.

"I hope you're right."

Cut to the Ex-Sisters rowing through the lake.

"Hope you can avoid losing the oar again Luna." Celestia said glaring at her.

"It slipped out of my hoof. Just be glad we didn't lose because of it. Besides, that was only an accident." Luna protested.

"Well it was no accident with you hitting every speed bump on purpose."

"Oh and you were going to do the same thing to me too? Not gonna happen."

"Land!" Celestia called out spotting their destination.

"I don't see where it is. You happen to be blocking my view." Luna said trying to see where it is.

"Not on purpose."

They dock their canoe to the dock.

"I'll get out first." Luna offered.

"Oh no you won't. I will." Celestia insisted.

(Interview: Ex-Sisters)

Celestia: I suffered the most on the first challenge and took a rocky ride on the rickshaw. You owe me!

Luna: Just like you owe me for those times I got hurt trying these challenges?

Celestia sighs as she rolled her eyes.

"I am going first!" Celestia said.

"You can't tell me-" Luna was then cut off because the canoe rolled over and she fell into the water.

Go back to some of teams arriving at the second challenge.

"After you." Spike offered.

"Why thank you!" Rarity smiled.

"Race you to the finish line!" Rainbow Dash told Applejack.

"Bring it on!" Applejack said.

"Let's get rowing to the finish line." Spitfire tells Soarin.

"Here we go!" Mario said starting to row.

Go far back to the Bowsers navigating through Beijing.

"Hurry dad, we're in dead last!" Bowser Jr told his dad.

"Patience son, we're gonna take a shortcut and cut off some of the teams." Bowser said before making a left. "See? We'll be there in no time. From here on, It's nothing but smooth sailing ahead- WOAH!" Bowser slipped on the banana peel that he didn't see which sent his son flying and landed directly in the sewer.

"AAAAAAHHHHH gross, the sewer? Get me out of here dad!" Bowser Jr called out from the sewer.


Cut back up ahead with the team's rowing their canoes to the finish line.

"You don't mind having Sweetie Belle as a teammate do you? I know she is Rarity's sister." Spike asked Button Mash.

"It's not so bad, besides I like having her as a teammate." Button replied. "I kinda thought we'd be eliminated earlier, but I can't believe we got this far."

"Do you think we could get exhausted from all the paddling? It'll be quite a while until we get there."

"I don't mind, we just like helping the ladies out. It's what we do, but Sweetie Belle is very beautiful."

She heard and blushed with a smile.

"I said that out didn't I?" Button asked chuckling nervously.

Skip ahead as one team already made it to the finish line.

"I'm not sure if this will effect your friendship with each other but... You're in first place! Congratulations ladies!" Discord announced.

"Yes! We did it! We won!" Luna cheered.

"I never thought this moment actually came." Celestia smiled.

Despite being soaked Luna was pretty happy that she and Celestia got first.

"Hold on, there's more." Discord continued. "You two also get a reward for winning. However, you need to choose which one you want. You have two rewards choices, but you can only get one. Choice one, you can have a bypass ticket *up until the 19th leg* and this redo pass."

"The second choice is you can enjoy the best Chinese restaurant with this coupon, and start up the next leg in second." Fluttershy added.

"Well both of them sound like pretty good rewards so I guess-"

"We'll take the ticket and the pass!" Luna quickly declared.

"But I didn't-"

"Sold!" Discord confirmed as he hands them the redo and the bypass ticket. Now remember, the redo can only be used on the next leg, but the bypass ticket, you two can keep it until the 19th leg. Got it?

"We understand." Celestia nodded.

"So the team that comes in second place gets the other reward." Fluttershy said.

They both leave the finish line.

(Interview: Ex-Sisters)

Luna: I can't believe we actually won a leg!

Celestia: You didn't even discuss our plan. I needed some time to decide which prize would be more useful.

Luna: I decided for us, so there's really no need to thank me.

Celestia: Thank you?

Luna: You're welcome!

Celestia face-hoofed.

Some of the teams are nearly there or halfway.

"Stroke! Stroke! Stroke!" Spitfire said sounding like an instructor.

"I'm paddling as fast as I can." Soarin said starting to lose some steam.

"Obviously, it needs to be faster than that!" Mario inquired.

"You heard the man, let's paddle faster." Spitfire now suggested.

Cut back to the Twins gaining on the Tricksters.

"I see another team." Wario said spotting a team up ahead.

"Let's just hope we catch them in time." Waluigi hoped

"Just as an extra incentive, let's just say that I *winks* took care of the last team." Wario said adding a wink.

"That's just plain dirty, and I like it!" Waluigi agreed.

Fast forward ahead to the finish line where the next two teams just arrived.

"I can only allow ONE team to take second." Discord said.

"Would you two like to ahead of us?" Twilight offered.

Just as Raffina was about to step on the finish line Ringo stopped her.

"Wait! Actually, since we won the previous leg and you girls took sixth; it's only fair you take this one. Fair is fair." Ringo answered.

"That's really nice of you two." Sunset smiled.

"Just go ahead before another team shows up." Raffina suggested.

The Pen Pals step on the finish line.

"Well Pen Pals, since Celestia and Luna took the first prize, you get the consolation prize and second place." Discord declared.

"What's that?" Sunset asked.

Fluttershy walks over to them and hands both of them a coupon. "You two get to enjoy a great meal at a Chinese restaurant with this coupon as a bonus."

"Wow really? I never expected you to come up with this. Thank you!" Twilight smiled.

Go back to the beginning of the second challenge where the Bowsers are the final team to make it there.

"This whole leg has been totally unfair!" Bowser Jr growled in frustration.

"They gave you a chair to ride and it broke midway. Also, I didn't even get a warning that a banana peel was in my path." Bowser scowled.

"All I'm saying is that there better be a team getting penalized."

They begin rowing to the location of the finish line.

Meanwhile at the finish line, another team has checked in.

"Fourth place." Discord said.

"That's fine with us." Soarin said.

(Interview: Wonderbolts)

Spitfire: I think we're starting to lose our edge. We didn't even come in the top three this time.

Soarin: Hey at least we got the top five, so that's good right?

Spitfire: It's close to the halfway mark. We gotta pick up the pace next time.

More teams arrive at the finish line as their placements are said, and their pictures are shown in the order they arrived.

Discord VO: 5th. (Mario Bros.), 6th. (Pegasisters), 7th. (Apple Siblings), 8th. Party Ponies, 9th. (Gem Collectors), 10th. (Gamers).

Cut to the Twins and the Tricksters battling it out.

"We're gonna beat you losers!" Wario boasted.

"Who are you calling losers? We show you jerks who the real losers are." Gilda said back to them.

"Really? If that's the way you two wanna play it, then I think it's time to start playing dirty." Waluigi thought but he gets splashed by some water from Trixie.

"You mean like that?" Trixie asked smirking at them.

"You're going to get it now!" Wario declared.

Far back, the Bowsers were still rowing through the lake until...

"Gah! We sprung a leak." Bowser Jr said in shock.

"What? It was funny when it happened to another team, but to us? This is NOT funny!" Bowser angrily agreed.

Their canoe sank to the bottom and they now don't have a canoe.

"Great, now what?" Bowser Jr asked.

"Looks like we're gonna have to swim for it." Bowser suggested.

"But where is the finish line anyway?"

"I don't know. Swim now, think later."

Cut back ahead as the Twins and the Tricksters are near the end. Once they dock their canoes, they began racing on foot to the finish line.

"There's the finish line! We're going to make it!" Trixie said.

"No you won't, we will!" Wario disagreed.

They both glare at each other before running as fast as they can to the finish line. The Twins ran ahead only for the Tricksters to increase their speed and pass them. It was neck and neck between those two teams but one of the teams arrived at the finish line ahead of the other team. Pan to the finish line where it reveals the Tricksters beating the Twins to the finish line.

"Tough break Tricksters, you're in eleventh, and you survive another leg." Discord declared.

"Whatever!" Gilda scoffed. " Just glad we beat those jerks to the finish line." She and Trixie leave as the Twins step on the finish line.)

"You better tell some great news, because I am not in the mood for bad news!" Wario angrily said.

"It's not so much as good or great, but... you take twelfth place which is second-to-last." Discord announces to them.

"Let me guess, do we actually get..." Waluigi paused before continuing. "Wait, what did you say?"

"You two aren't in last place. You get to stay." Fluttershy said.

The Twins were shocked at first, then they begin cheering.

(Interview: Sneaky Twins)

Waluigi: I'm surprised we didn't end up losing.

Wario: Yeah, and we didn't get penalized this time. How do you like our strategy?

Waluigi: It was pretty sneaky, and that's just the way we play.

(Both of them smile deviously and laugh evilly.)

20 minutes later, the Bowsers are still soaking wet and finally reached the finish line.

"Please tell me we made it." Bowser hoped.

"Well you made it. In last place I might add!" Discord tells them.

"WHAT!? We lost? That's totally unfair." Bowser Jr nearly yelled.

"Well if it makes you guys any better, you still would've been penalized into last anyway. Your partner tried skipping the first challenge." Discord added.

"That's it? You're also not going to penalize us for coming here without a canoe?" Bowser asked him.

Discord: Nope! I'm going to let it slide.

"This has got to be one of our worst days ever. I ended up trampled by the competitors and got the worst ride ever. Also, getting doused in water by a trap." Bowser Jr complains.

Bowser also decided complaining as well. "Not to mention me slipping on a banana peel and my son fell into a sewer. A SEWER! And to top it all off, we-"

"Oh stop your complaining already." Discord interrupted. "It's a non-elimination round, so you live to see another day. Happy?"

"Very." Bowser Jr smiled. "Until next time we win."

"You made the right choice mister." Bowser said.

"Unfortunately, you guys still have to do a penalty challenge in the next leg." Discord then turns toward the screen. "Well, there you have it, another team dodges another elimination. Who will be the next team gone? And where will our next destination be? All of this and more next time on... The Amazing Crossover Race!"


Author's Note:

Sorry about the long hiatus for this story, but I'm back. Hope you all like this season so far and don't forget to root for your favorite team.