• Published 19th Jun 2021
  • 620 Views, 14 Comments

The Amazing Crossover Race - FireDasher24

We have 14 teams from My Little Pony, 9 teams from the Mario Universe, and one mystery team competing for a grand prize of 500000 of their currency.

  • ...

To Where and Outback Again

Episode 13: To Where and Outback again

(Scenes from the last episode are played along with a another recap.)

Discord VO: Last time on The Amazing Crossover Race! The heat turned up as our teams head off to Mexico sampling peppers and jumping off platforms. With some being more hilarious than others. Despite everything that happened to them, the Apple Sinblings finally won a leg. The Tricksters formed an alliance with the Bowsers from the dark lagoon to dominate the game which will NOT end well. In a desperate attempt to take out the teams, the four of them decided to steal Baby Daisy's rattle to take out the Young Princesses which worked because the four of them nudged the Baby princesses into last place and off the show.

Discord appears.

Discord: 9 teams are already gone, and only 15 remain. Who will fly high? Who will sink to rock bottom? All of these questions and more will be answered right here on... The Amazing Crossover Race!

The intro begins again after a snap.

(Intro over)

Episode 13: To Where and Outback again

Discord appears and turns to the screen. "Welcome back to Mexico! the first team who won the last leg get today's first tip from today's starting point."

Applejack is already at the cloudbox waiting. "Come on Sugarcube."

Apple Bloom meets up with her and get ready to go.

(Interview: Apple Siblings)

Applejack: This was the very first win we ever got, and we're planning to stay in the top five by any means necessary.

Apple Bloom: Those cheaters are just jealous they didn't win yesterday.

Applejack: That'll teach them that cheaters never win.

(Interview: Bowsers)

Bowser Jr: We didn't get the top five again! Thisis so unfair.

Bowser: At least we got new alliance buddies AND got those kiddie princesses eliminated too.

Bowser Jr: Yeah, that's right. It'slike getting first place in treachery.

Applejack pressed the button and gets the tip. "Looks like we're going to the Outback."

"Where is that?" Apple Bloom asked her.

(A postcard of Australia is shown.)

Discord: It's actually located right here in Australia. The Outback however, is a vast, unpopulated, arid area that comprises Australia's interior and remote coast. The teams will be traveling to this location on two separate flights. Once the teams arrive, they will need to take a jeep down the path where the next cloudbox is located.

After they leave, the other teams get their tips and hail for taxis to take them to the airport.

Raffina: Taxi!

Mario: To the airport!

Spitfire: Taxi please!

"We must hurry to the airport! Come on Spike!" Rarity said. Apparently, she thought she grabbed Spike's hand, but instead, she doesn't realize she accidentally took Button Mash instead.

Button got surprised by this. "Hey wait."

The cab drives off leaving Spike and Sweetie Belle behind.

"So uhh... want to share a taxi?" Sweetie Belle asked Spike.

Spike shrugged but nodded yes. "I guess. It's the least we can do since our partners left us."

We pan ahead to the cab Rarity and Button are in right now.

"Uh Rarity, why did you grab me?" Button questioned.

Rarity got surprised seeing Button Mash there instead of Spike. "Wait, where's Spike? I thought he was here."

"He must be with my partner in the next cab." Button told her.

Rarity sighs in relief. "Oh thank goodness, at least they're both okay."

Fast forward ahead to the airport as nine teams rush to the clerk to get tickets for the flights to Australia.

"Two for Australia please." Applejack told the clerk.

"Ah, first flight to Australia, room for 16. The next flight leaves in 30 minutes." He announced to the teams.

"16 people? I guess that's alright with me." Rainbow Dash said

"Uh Rainbow Dash, count how many are in front of us." Scootaloo reminds her.

"Let's see, there's 4, 8, 12, Aww Come on!"

(Interview: Pegasisters)

Rainbow Dash: Great, not only are we on the second flight, but we're tied for last.

Scootaloo: Who knows? Maybe we can make a massive comeback and win another leg.

Rainbow Dash: Worth a shot.

Discord VO: While the last seven teams wait to board flight number two, the first eight teams are already in the air and on their way to Australia.

(Go inside the airplane, and cut to the inside of first class.)

"Wow! There's chips and salsa, cheese dip, tacos, and so much more." Apple Bloom said in amazement.

"Well help yourself. There's enough for the both of us. Even I don't know where to start.

(Go to coach class where the other seven teams are seated.)

"This stinks!" Bowser Jr pouted. "We should be in first class. If we didn't get penalized yesterday."

"Relax little dude, we just need to figure out a better plan for today." Gilda thought.

"Actually, we aren't going to do anything today." Bowser told them

Trixie got confused by this. "What do you mean?"

"All we need to do is wait for the right opportunity and strike at the right moment." Bowser responded.

"How about we just finish the challenges faster and outrun all the other teams?" Gilda insisted.

"Not a bad idea, if we could just catch an early lead." Bowser Jr added.

(Go to the Schoolgirls chatting with the Pen Pals.)

"So that's how you earned the title as the Princess of Friendship?" Ringo asked Twilight.

Twilight nodded yes. "That's right."

"I do not understand. A unicorn who suddenly becomes an alicorn is pretty unusual." Raffina thought to herself.

"Enough about us. Tell us about your world, please?" Sunset asked them.

"Well, how should I put this? It starts off like this..." Ringo began.

Fast forward ahead as the first flight lands in Australia. The first eight teams get off the plane and get in their jeeps.

Discord VO: As the first eight teams arrive at the Outback, flight number two is up in the air carrying the remaining seven teams.

Rainbow Dash is already getting bored.

"Cheer up, I know you wanted to be on the first flight, but we can still make a complete turnaround." Scootaloo told her.

"Maybe, but it still would be nice to be ahead of a lot of teams." Rainbow Dash said.

Pinkie pops behind her. "Ooh, I know just what you need. A hug!"

"Please don't." Rainbow Dash tells her.

(Cut to Koopa and Paratroopa in their seats.)

"We're starting to tank again on these legs." Koopa said with a sigh.

"We we're in the top ten after the London challenge, now we're back in the bottom four again. How is that possible?" Paratroopa asks in disbelief.

(Interview: Koopas)

Koopa: I think we are losing our edge. We only got one good leg. We gotta start winning some legs, or else we'll be next.

Paratroopa: Next in line for what?

Koopa: Elimination.

Paratroopa: I really hope we don't get-

Koopa(covers his mouth): Don't even jinx it.

(Cut back to the Outback where the Ex-Sisters try to pass the Tricksters. But they keep blocking their way with their jeep.

"Go around them Tia!" Luna tells her in an angry tone.

"I would, if she didn't keep blocking my path." Celestia argued back at her.

(Interview: Tricksters)

Gilda: It's a little strategy for myself. I know exactly how long someone has before losing their minds. With these two, they are so close to breaking. Really close.

"Yelling at me is NOT HELPING!" Celestia said getting annoyed.

"Fine, then I'm driving." Luna insisted.

"No you can't, I'm already driving."

Both glare at each other angrily.

"Fine then, there's a shortcut up ahead." Luna told her pointing to the shortcut.

Celestia looks ahead and can't find it. "I don't see it, there's isn't even a road."

"Seriously? Put on your glasses and look again."

"I do NOT even wear glasses."

"You cannot be that blind!" Luna said raising her voice.

"Well you are not the boss of me!" Celestia argued back.

Both of them grab the steering wheel and swerve off the road in the grass.

Trixie watch in disbelief. "Wow!"

"Told you they were going to lose their cool." Gilda said with a chuckle.

(Interview: Ex-Sisters)

Luna: You drive like a chicken headed little mare. (Makes chicken noises as Celestia is now annoyed.)

The first team arrives at the cloudbox which turns out to be the Mario Bros.

"First team here." Luigi said.

(They suddenly hear a horn honking in the distance. It reveals the Ex Sisters speeding towards them while over the wheel.)

"Take cover!" Mario said before jumping out of the way.

"STOP!" Luna shouted.

The Mario Bros. jump out of the way into the bushes just before they got hit.

"Sorry guys, you okay?" Celestia apologized.

"None of us are hurt." Mario replied. "Just be glad we're not injured or anything."

Luna pressed the button and received the next tip from the cloudbox. "Well we are the only two teams here, we must be ahead of the other teams. See? I told you my shortcut-"

"Nearly killed us? Yes. Yes it did." Celestia interrupted before taking the tip. "It's a duo challenge: Rabbit Roundup."

We now see Discord in an area filled with lots of rabbits roaming around the field.

Discord: This duo challenge may look easy, but it is quite the challenge. For this duo challenge, teams must work together to catch five rabbits, and place them in the pen. When they get all five, (zoom in to a farmer) the farmer here will hand them their next tip. Added bonus, anyone who finds Fluttershy's pet bunny, can easily skip the next challenge and head on over to today's finish line right here in Kakadu National Park. The last team to arrive will be outta this race!

Both teams head over to the field and see over hundreds of rabbits roaming and hopping around the field.

"This could take a while." Mario thought.

Luna noticed one hopped to her hooves. "These are pretty cute."

The rabbit hops away quickly before she had a chance to catch it.

"And pretty quick too." Celestia chuckled.

Discord VO: As the two frontrunning teams hop to the challenge, flight number two arrives in Australia and the next set of teams exit the plane and get in their jeeps.

"I'll drive!" Button insisted. "It's just like the racing game I play."

"But will it help you here?" Sweetie Belle asked curiously.

They drive off and the Gem Collectors are last to depart.

"I guess I'll drive." Spike said. " And I already know not to go fast or slow.

Rarity smiled at him. "Well you know me that well Spikey Wikey."

Cut back to the first challenge as more teams from the first flight get to the fields and begin the challenge.

"Okay here's what we're going to do. We'll gather rabbits from the left and you do the same thing, but to the right." Raffina tells the Pen Pals.

"Okay, good luck!" Sunset said back at them.

"Same to you!"

"Gotcha!" Bowser said having one in his hand but the rabbit bites him on his nose and hops away.

"Already got two." Applejack called out to her sister. She goes over and puts them in the pen.

(Interview: Applejack)

Applejack: Rounding up these critters might be easy enough, but from my last mishap, it's better to do this the old fashioned way. Don't want to have them eatin' other gardens now.

"I think these rabbits are hungry. Lucky for us I happen to be prepared." Ringo said pulling an apple out.

She pulls out an apple and hopes to get a rabbit.

"Actually, I think they like carrots." Raffina pointed out.

Ringo shrugged. "Well it was worth a try. Let's work on a different strategy." Both of them start getting more calculations.

(Interview: Schoolgirls)

Raffina: What did you expect? We need to devise a plan and figure out the patterns.

Ringo: It's one of our skills. We love to think outside the box.

The last few teams arrive at the field and get out their jeeps and get their tips.

"Catching rabbits? How hard can it be?" Rainbow asked feeling confident.

She then sees other teams struggling to catch them as they miss, slip, or it escapes from them. Her confidence quickly went away after seeing that.

"Okay, so maybe a little bit harder." Rainbow said sheepishly.

"If they're eating this, then it's just what we'll use to catch them." Mario said pulling out a cabbage.

"I know just how to catch them." Luigi added. He gives a whistle and got a few of them to turn in his direction.

A few of them turned to see the cabbage that was close by. The rabbits hoppedin that direction only for them to get snared back in the pen.

"That's five. Let's roll!" Mario said.

(They get the next travel tip.)

"Ride the emu to the hanging rock and you'll find the next cloudbox." Luigi reads.

The Mario Bros. hop on one and ride off to the next challenge.

Paratroopa sees one hopping off into a bush. "I got it!"

He chased after it and tries to feel it in the bushes until he grabbed something furry.

"Here it is!" It shows that Paratroopa grabbed onto a dingo that appears to be growling at him. "Whoa! This must be a big one. I'll bet we get extra for this!"

"Uhhh, how long until he realizes that is a dingo?" Spitfire asked Koopa.

"Let it sink in at five, four, three, two..." Koopa said.

The dingo pounced on Paratroopa and starts biting and scratching. "AAAAAHHHHH! GET IT OFF ME! GET IT OFF OF ME! OW!! THAT'S MY WINGS!!!!"

(Interview: Wonderbolts)

Spitfire: *laughing* Oh that was classic.

Soarin: I know. You should have seen his face.

"Run for it!" Koopa loudly told his teammate.

(They run off screaming as the dingo continues chasing them.)

As they avoid getting mauled, the Bowsers, Tricksters, and the Apple Siblings finish collecting rabbits and get their next tips.

"They expect us to ride a few miles to the hanging rock? Well I can get us there in the nick of time." Trixie said pulling out a smoke bomb. "and... Presto!"

There was a puff of smoke surrounding the area.

Pinkie Pie gasps. "She's gone! Oh wait there she is."

Trixie pops up from the bush. "No I'm not."

"Quit fooling around and just hurry up already!" Bowser called out to Trixie. The Siblings pass them and Apple Bloom caused the emu to step on his foot. "OW!"

"Sorry, can't help myself." Apple Bloom innocently told him.

Bowser got so angry his face changed to red."That's it! You are SO gonna pay for that you miscreant!"

"Leave her alone, and go mess with someone your own size." Applejack warned him.

"Let's get after them dad!" Bowser Jr told his dad.

They start riding off to the next challenge along with the Tricksters.

Meanwhile, Koopa and Paratroopa jumped into a bush to lose the dingo. It looks around for those two and kept on going to find them.

Paratroopa sighs in relief. "That was close."

"Too close even." Koopa adds in.

Just as they were about to go, a rabbit hops by Koopa and sniffs him.

"Look! We found a rabbit." Paratroopa said pointing to it.

Suddenly, Discord appears in front of them.

"That's not just a rabbit, that is actually Fluttershy's pet bunny Angel." Discord told them.

"It is?" Koopa realized. "Does that mean-"

Discord shook his head yes. "Yep! Here's a map of where the finish line is located. You can automatically skip the next challenge and head to this location where the X is."

Spike comes up to them. "Hey, you guys found Angel."

"Hard to believe we actually found him." Paratroopa told him.

"Just to let you know, do NOT let him out of your sight." Spike advised them.

"Why? Did something happen?" Koopa asked.

Spike recalled the moment he had to pet sit for the mane six while they were at the Crystal Empire. "Let's just say that last time, things quickly got out of control when I was pet-sitting."

"Well, you won't have to worry about that." Paratroopa assured him. "He'll be with us the whole time and we won't let him out of our-" He suddenly noticed that Angel escaped from his grasp. "sight. Whoops!"

Koopa spots him in the distance. "There he goes, after him!"

They pursued after the bunny while Spike went back to finish the challenge.

"Won't let him out of your sight huh?" Spike said to himself. "Glad I'm not them."

We now have more teams getting five rabbits in the pen and getting their travel tips. The Wonderbolts, Schoolgirls, Pen Pals, Ex-Sisters, and Party Ponies get the next travel tip and ride off to the next challenge. That leaves four teams left to finish the challenge.

Rainbow Dash was still trying to catch one. "Nearly there! How many more do we need to catch?"

"Just one, and there's one over there." Scootaloo answered. "The one you're chasing."

"I've got this!"

Cut to the chase scene where the Koopas continue chasing after Angel.

"How can such a little guy be so fast?" Paratroopa asked Koopa.

"He may be little, but we could still catch him. I hope." Loops replied.

Angel quickly jumps into a nearby bush but they spotted him going in there.

"He went in the bush." Koopa goes to the bush and feels around to see if the bunny is in there. "A-ha!"

Instead of Angel, it was actually another wild dingo growling at the duo.)

"Not again." Koopa whimpered.

They run back and forth screaming as it chases them again.

"I'm starting to hate it here!" Paratroopa loudly said in between running.

(Interview: Koopas, but they are mostly scratched everywhere.)


Paratroopa: Technically, it's the wildlife here that is the worst, but I have no idea.

Go to the hanging rock where the Mario Bros. reach the top and find the cloudbox. Mario pressed the button and receive the next tip.

Mario reads the tip. "It's a do it yourself challenge, bungee baaa-nanza."

"I don't get it." Luigi said with a shrug.

Discord appears in a sheep pen. "You will soon enough, for this do it yourself challenge, whoever didn't walk to the piƱata blindfolded in Mexico has to get ready for bungee jumping. From the top, they jump all the way down to the sheep pen, and in this flock are your team pictures. You must grab the sheep that has your team picture on it. Grab the wrong one and you need to put it back and try again. Grab the correct one and it's back down the ramp and a hike down that path to today's location of the finish line. Last team to get here, could be going home.

"So do I connect this to one leg or both?" Mario asked.

"I try both. Just to be on the safe side." Luigi responds.

"Got it." He jumps off the edge and into the sheep pen below. He grabs a sheep and sprung up back to his partner. "I got one!"

The sheep shows that it has no picture.

"It isn't ours. You're gonna have to try again." Luigi tells him.

Go back to the Koopas still trying to catch Angel.

Paratroopa searches back and fourth. "Where could that bunny be?"

"If that bunny is lost, then I think we're lost ourselves." Koopa said feeling worried.

"Do you even know where we're going?"

"Yes! I'm reading the directions on here. I don't know what any of this means."

"Do you think he knows?" He points to a familiar bunny.

"There's the bunny!" Koopa said quickly realizing it's Angel.

Angel gives them a goodbye before hopping off again.

"Please, please? Pretty please come back here." Koopa begged.

"We'll... get... you... to... your... owner. Just please stop." Paratroopa prayed.

Angel hopped on a nearby kangaroo's head and hopped off before running away. The kangaroo woke up and saw the Koopas coming toward it.

"We got him now!" Paratroopa bumped into a soft furry animal, and looks up. "Uh oh."

"Turn around and RUN!" Koopa said.

Koopa got away in time but Paratroopa was grabbed by kangaroo, got punched dozens of times, and was sent flying directly into Koopa knocking both of them on the ground.

"I'm starting to not like that bunny." Paratroopa weakly tells him.

"Ditto." Koopa agreed.

Just as he said that, they continue getting pummeled by the kangaroo as Angel hops away.

(Interview: Koopas beaten and bruised.)

Paratroopa: Mauled by a wild dingo, beaten up by a kangaroos. Does every animal hate us?

Koopa: There are many things to say, but I'm not gonna because I am hurt really badly.

The last four teams finish collecting rabbits and get their tips. All of them get on their emus and head off to the next challenge. Well, almost all of them.

Go to Rainbow Dash trying to wake up her emu.

"Will you wake up already? We got to get going." Rainbow Dash yelled at the emu.

"Could you just ride with me?" Scootaloo insists.

"Go ahead kid, I'll catch up with you later." Rainbow Dash told her. She turns back to the emu. "Look here emu, WAKE UP ALREADY!"

Go to the hanging rock where the Mario Bros. are still working on the next challenge and on their sixth try.

"Well, sixth time's the charm." Mario jumps off the edge and into the sheep pen below. He grabs another one but it slipped off his hands.

"This is harder than we thought, but we can still win since it's only us here." Luigi said.

"Guess again you meddling Mario Bros." Bowser said to them.

"That's right, you gotta deal with us too." Gilda adds in.

Both of the teams get the next travel tip.

"So it's my turn to bungee jump eh?" Bowser asked looking at the tip.

"Whatever! Finding a sheep with our team picture on it won't be so hard. Gilda remarks in an uneasy tone. She looks down at the large sheep pen below. "You gotta be KIDDING ME!"

"No talk, just jump!" Bowser interrupts.

Both of them jump off the platform.

Cut to the Koopas still searching for Angel.

"How big IS THIS PLACE?!" Koopa complains.

"I guess it's not as easy as I thought it was. We had one thing to do and we messed it up." Paratroopa said.

"I know, if ONE more thing happens to us, I am going to lose it."

"Wait look! Footprints." Paratroopa points to a set of footprints in front of them.

Koopa examines those footprints real closely. "It looks like it's... the bunny's footprints if you ask me."

"If those footprints lead down this path, then don't you think it lead straight to the finish line?"

"Right. It's the yellow pony's pet after all. She must be worried about him.

"Let's go find us a rabbit- er I mean a bunny." Paratroopa realized what he said and said the right word before getting it wrong.

"After that bunny!" They hear growling from a nearby bush.) "We're not alone are we?" Koopa turns around and sees another dingo.

"RUN!" Paratroopa yelled again.

They scream as they run back and forth with the dingo chasing them.

The next six teams reach the next cloudbox and receive their tips.

"I'm up again." Applejack said.

"I guess you're doing this challenge." Celestia tells Luna.

"Fine!" Luna said still feeling angry.

"Ready to go?" Spitfire asked her partner.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Soarin replied with a smile before jumping off. "Wahoo!"

Spitfire saw he forgot to attach the cord that she grabbed. Soarin screams as he plummeted towards the sheep pen.

"Ready to go." Raffina jumps down below to the sheep pen. She grabs a sheep but picked up the wrong one.

Celestia picks up the bungee cord. "I don't know how we're supposed to put this on."

"Oh for crying out loud, all you have to do is attach it to your back hoof like so. See?" Luna said showing her it's attached to her back hooves. She suddenly realized what she did.

"Wait, did you just use mind games to trick me into doing something dangerous." Luna then gets shoved off while screaming and falling to the sheep pen. "YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS SISTERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!" She lands in the sheep before going back up covered in sheep wool.)

(Interview: Ex-Sisters)

Celestia: How was it?

Luna: How was it? You shoved me off the edge Celestia!

Celestia: Well don't be too upset, you landed softly in the sheep pen below.

Luna: That still doesn't change the fact that I got wool in my mane.

Celestia chuckles from this.

Luna: Don't think this is over, you'll get yours former sister.

(There was a montage of the teams jumping in the sheep pen and getting the wrong ones. Bowser grabbed the town's sheep and put it back. Soarin gets one without a team picture and returned it. Mario gets his enemy's sheep and returned it to the pen. Go to the Schoolgirls who are figuring out the location.)

"You jumped from here, there, and there. If you go to where those guys are then there's a chance our sheep could be in that area." Ringo told Raffina as she points to one area she didn't think of.

"Worth a try. Let's do this!" Raffina jumped off again and grabbed another sheep from the pen. When she returned, it shows that she found the correct one.

"Alright, we found it!" Ringo cheered.

"It's down the hill, then straight to the finish line. Let's go!" Raffina said.

They leave as the last set of teams arrive at the next challenge.

"Bungee jumping? I always wanted to do this!" Rainbow Dash said feeling excited.

"Seriously? Bungee jumping? I never wanted to do this!" Rarity said feeling shocked.

"I did the last challenge, it's your turn." Octavia told Vinyl.

"Forget this! We're going down there and finding our sheep ourselves." Wario said as he walks back down.

Waluigi agreed with his partner. "Let's leave these losers and head off to the finish line inconspicuously."

(They quietly sneak off leaving the rest of the teams. Go to the scene with the Koopas lost in the Outback.)

"Lost in Australia, isn't that just perfect?" Paratroopa sighed.

"From the front to the back. This is an all time low for us." Koopa said.

"We don't find the finish line soon, we are done for. Let's keep going and find that bunny."

They keep following Angel's trail.

Cut to the do it yourself challenge as more teams either get the right or wrong sheep.

"Okay Rarity, calm down." Rarity tells herself You faced tougher challenges before, but this has to be the-"

"Sorry to interrupt, but we already get the idea. Could you just jump already?" Luigi interrupted.

"Well, here goes nothing." Rarity plummets down to the sheep pen while screaming. She closed her eyes while falling to the ground and failed to grab a sheep.

"Is she always like this?" Luigi asked Spike.

"Yeah, she doesn't like doing dangerous stuff like this." Spike replied.

Soarin comes back up with the same sheep with their picture. "Got it!"

"We better move it if we're going to catch the frontrunning team." Spitfire said.

They race back down the hill and head to the finish line. Meanwhile, the Sneaky Twins were going through the sheep looking for theirs.

"Keep looking, it's here somewhere." Wario said.

Waluigi holds up the sheep with their picture." I got it right here! To the finish line.

Luna comes up and collapsed to the ground.

"Tired already? You didn't happen to find our sheep did you?" Celestia asked looking down at her.

Celestia got her answer when a shadow appeared above her and lands on top of her. Luna laughs at this.

"Does that answer your question Celestia?"

"Not funny Luna!"

"Well it wasn't funny when shoved me off the edge."

"At least you were strapped to the cord."

Fast forward ahead to the finish line. As one team steps on the finish line with their sheep.

"Ladies, congrats on coming in first for the second time." Discord told the Schoolgirls.

"It wasn't two in a row, but we'll take it." Ringo said.

"Agreed!" Raffina added.

(Interview: Schoolgirls)

Raffina: I guess it's true when nice guys or girls in our case finish first.

Ringo: What can we say? We're both at 100 percent. All this planning is paying off.

The second team arrives at the finish line with their sheep.

"Bolts, you're team number two good work!" Discord tells Spitfire and Soarin.

"It's better from our current placement." Soarin said

"Yeah, but we'll try to aim for first next leg." Spitfire suggested.

Discord VO: With first place already claimed, it's a race for anything but last place. Although one team seems to be lost at the moment.

Go to the Koopas who are still lost in the Outback.

"The tracks still go straight ahead. It's feels like we have been walking for hours." Koopa said feeling tired.

"1 hour, 55 minutes, and 59 seconds." Paratroopa corrected.

"This will all be over until we find Angel and the finish line." Koopa added.

"He's right there!" Paratroopa points to Angel who doesn't notice them, yet.

Koopa thinks for a second. "We gotta get him, but we need to do this without him waking up a kangaroo or another dingo. Spotted two bushes nearby. "And I know just how to do it."

Go back to challenge number two as some more teams get matches. Mario gets his team's sheep but sees Luigi helping Spike out so he helps them out as well. Cheese Sandwich got the right sheep too along with Applejack Bowser, Gilda, and Twilight. All of them leave and head to the finish line.

"Ready to go Vinyl?" Octavia asked her.

She nodded yes to her partner as she jumps off the edge and into the sheep pen. However, when she bounced back up, she then noticed that her glasses were gone and her eyes visible.

"Vinyl, what happened to your glasses? Did they fall off?" Octavia asked her

She nodded yes as they looked down at the large sheep pen below. It was going to be tough since it was hard to see from the top.

"Oh dear, this can't be good."

Skip to the finish line as the Twins arrive next.

Discord stops the Twins. "Stop! Look guys, I would say you take third, but because you didn't use the bungee cord to get the sheep, I'm giving you both another thirty minute penalty.

(A clock with 30 minutes appears.)

"Not again." Wario complains.

"I'm sorry, but there are rules to this game you need to follow." Fluttershy told them sternly.

"And when you break the rules, you gotta pay the price." Discord reminds them.

They sit down and wait again as another team passed them and steps on the finish line.

"Celestia and Luna, I would say you're in fourth place, but since those troublesome twins have another penalty, you take the top three. AKA third place." Discord said.

"Yes!" Both Celestia and Luna cheered and they were about to hug until they forgot about what happened earlier.)

"Sorry, forgot we're still mad at each other." Celestia remembered.

(Interview: Ex-Sisters)

Luna: It's great we came in the top three, but I forgot I'm still mad at you.

Celestia: Same here. At least that's ONE thing we can agree upon.

Luna: Indeed!

"Bowsers and Tricksters, tied for fourth." Discord announced.

Bowser Jr face palmed. "Failed to reach the top three again? Unbelievable!"

Both of them leave as three more teams reach the finish line where their placements are said and the team pictures are revealed.

Discord VO: 6th. (Pen Pals), 7th. (Apple Siblings), 8th. (Party Ponies).

Mario and Luigi arrive next.

"And it's ninth place for the bros." Discord continued. "Nine teams checked in, and only six remain. Who going to make it next, and who's going home next?"

Wario and Waluigi wait as the clock is now at 15:31, 15:30, 15:29, 15:28.

Go back to the trail where the Koopas are. They are hiding in separate bushes and tiptoe quietly.

"Do we seriously need to keep our voices down?" Paratroopa whispered.

"Yes. We can't get spotted, so we need to be quiet and stealthy." Koopa whispered back.

They continue moving forward as they kept following Angel.

Meanwhile back at the challenge...

"Never again. Never again." Rarity said shaking in fear.

Two more players get the correct sheep.

"I got it!" Button said.

"Finally found it!" Rainbow Dash said.

"We did it Button!" Sweetie Belle happily told him.

"Let's roll Scootaloo!" Rainbow Dash instructed.

They both leave and only two teams remain.

Spike was getting frantic. "We gotta hurry."

(Interview: Spike)

Spike: I never expected to be near the bottom. With Rarity being scared to jump again, it would be a miracle to pull this off otherwise we're done for. Looks like it's up to me.

Octavia straps in and gets ready. "I'm going back down. Hope this is the one."

Spike goes over to her. "Please Rarity, you gotta jump one more time."

"I can't." Rarity is still shaking in fear. "It's bad enough I tried this three times and I nearly died once."

"Look, I understand you're afraid, but I would be too if I tried this. We jumped from edges on the last leg, and parachuted in Japan. I don't want you give up now, and I don't think you should give up now either. Please, do this for us." Spike encouraged her.

Rarity gets up and gets serious. "You're right. I've faced more frightening stuff like this. If I can survive, then I am not giving up now."

"Really? Alright, we just need one last jump and we'll be lucky if you can get our sheep."

Octavia comes up with the same sheep as their team picture. "I got it! Let's see if we can find your glasses and head straight to the finish line."

They leave and that only leaves the Gem Collectors as the remaining team.

"Please hurry Rarity!" Spike said hoping for the best.

Rarity grabs one of the sheep and bounces back up to the top where Spike was waiting. "Did we get it?"

Spike examines the sheep and saw it was a match. "Yes! That's the one! We can finally go now."

"Finally!" Rarity paused for a second. "Let me just take this off."

They start to head off too, and hope to catch the Musicians.

"It's got be around here somewhere- Bingo! Vinyl, I found them." She gives the glasses back to Vinyl and she smiled back at her as she puts them back on. "Now let's get going."

Fast forward ahead to the finish line as two other teams reach the finish line.

"Pegasi, you're 10th, and 11th for the Gamers." Discord announced.

Meanwhile with the Koopas...

"Wait for it... NOW!" Paratroopa said as they both jump out of the bushes and grabbed the bunny. "Gotcha! You're coming with us right now."

Angel struggled to escape his grasp but it was no use.

"Hold him tight and DON'T let go." Koopa warned his teammate. "We got to get to the finish line. Honestly, how can one bunny cause all the shenanigans we've been through?"

"No idea." Paratroopa replied to him.

They start following the trail to the finish line.

At the finish line, the clock is now at 0:03, 0:02, 0:01, and then a buzzer is heard.

Discord turns to the Twins. "Okay, now you guys can come over. 12th place!

"Finally." Waluigi mumbled.

Discord VO: It comes down to the final three teams. (It now splits evenly to show the last three teams racing for the finish line. Who's heading home? I can't wait to see who it's going to-


Discord sees the Gem Collectors on the finish. "When did you get here?"

"It was just a few seconds ago." Spike replies.

"Oh well, you're in 13th place, so you're still in this." Discord said to them.

Rarity sighs in relief. "Oh thank goodness!"

"I can see another team coming!" Fluttershy tells Discord.

(It reveals to be the Musicians coming.)

Discord spotted the Musicians approaching. "Well there is our second-to-last team. It looks like it's all over for the Koopas."

"INCOMING!" Paratroopa yelled from a distance.

They are running at full speed and they're closing in on the Musicians.

"We're almost there!" Koopa said. "We can still- Whoa!

Suddenly, he tripped over a rock and fell onto Paratroopa, then collided with the Musicians as they all rolled onto the finish line altogether.

"I did not see that coming." Discord said.

"Who won?" Octavia asked.

"You tied." Fluttershy told both teams.

Paratroopa looked up to them. "Another tie?"

"Yes!" Discord answered." However, since you both tied for last, I'll need to take a look at the instant replay and decide who made it touched the rug first."

He summoned up a tablet and reviewed the footage.

"Here." Koopa said holding up Angel. "I believe this belongs to you."

"Thank you! How did Angel get here?" Fluttershy asked them.

"We found him in the first challenge while collecting rabbits." Paratroopa replied.

Discord looks at the footage. "Hmmm... oh my... interesting... that's a shock... well well... Alright, I came to a decision. After carefully examining the footage, I have decided..."

Both teams get nervous.

Discord kept going. "That Koopa and Paratroopa..."

This only gets the Koopas nervous.

"...... we're not the last team to arrive." Discord finished. "The Musicians are out."

Octavia: Aww, we we're so close too.

"If it makes you feel any better, you would've been penalized into last anyway." Discord added. "Both of you did the do it yourself challenge that Vinyl was supposed to do."

"Oh, my bad." Octavia said.

"Alright! We get to stay." Koopa cheered.

"I feel so relieved. After what we went through, this makes up for everything." Paratroopa said feeling relieved.

(The best of Vinyl Scratch and Octavia: Musicians)

(Scenes of this team's best moments are played as they recap.)

Octavia: It was kinda fun racing with my partner. Despite our ups and downs, we overcame those obstacles and did well. I gotta say, after all we've been through, we make a very good team. I'm glad I did this with my music mate.

Vinyl just smiles as the scene ends.

Discord: Before I dismiss you two, there's just one last thing I have to say first. Today's race and episode... is a DOUBLE elimination round. The Koopas are also being sent home.

Koopa and Paratroopa were shocked from hearing this.

"What the hey now?" Koopa asked feeling shocked.

"Aww, real bummer man."

"I don't understand, why did you go over the footage if you were just going to eliminate both of us?" Koopa asked still shocked and confused by the news.

"I'm just full of surprises." Discord answered.

(The best of Koopa and Paratroopa: Koopas)

(Scenes replay of this team's best moments as they recap.)

Koopa: Losing the race really stinks, but I'm glad we got to do this. It was pretty rough at times, but we were lucky to survive those. My buddy and I are just glad we were able to do this race.

Paratroopa: Yeah we were, maybe we can actually win this.

Koopa: You do realize we just lost right?

Paratroopa: Oh yeah.

(The scene stops as all four of them are seen walking off into the sunset.)

Koopa: I honestly though we'd win the money.

Octavia: Would you guys be interested in coming with us to a music club?

Paratroopa: Awww, yeah!

Koopa: We are SO in!


Author's Note:

It took awhile revising this but it finally done.

If you don't know, some scenes were from the World Tour Episode "Picnic at Hanging Dork"
and from the Ridonculous Race, it was Maori or less and Down and Outback.

BTW You all might be familiar with the title to something similar to an episode of My Little Pony season 6.