• Published 3rd Jul 2021
  • 168 Views, 0 Comments

Villie - An Athletic Musician - Stelsun Darkstar

A short story about the daughter of Octavia and Bulk Biceps.

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Chapter 06: Villie's Birthday

It's been an year after Villie got signed up to the Friendship School, and sence she made her first actual friend. Things got better afterwords, including Villie finding two more friends and acting neutral and friendly towards the teachers, counsils and principal. The filly was having a pretty great time.

Until the day came.. which was her birthday.

An year ago she promised to her first friend, Fisty, that she'll invite her to her next birthday, where they would celebrate at the Ponyville Spa. And on top of everything, she promised her that she'll make sure that both of them will be procrastinating for the whole day..

"Wakey, wakey, Fisty." The muffled cheerful voice of the pegasus filly filled the still dreaming mind of the changeling. She definitely forgot that it was even her friend's birthday at this point, sence she wasn't really reminding her for the most part, which was surprising to the young bug horse.

"Ten more hours, Villie.." Fisty mumbled.

Villie, on the other hand wasn't being patient enough to wait for her friend to get enough sleep, so she continued on trying to wake her up, "C'mon Fisty! You'll miss my birthday!" Villie paused for two seconds, then added, "Which is.. today!"

Confused, the changeling mare almost jumped out of the couch where she was sleeping. Then she looked at her pegasus friend with an expression that could mean confusion, surprise and irritation, both at the same time.

"Today?" She flatly asked.

"Yep. That's right, Fist! My birthday is infact today!" Villie squealed and threw her forelimbs in the air. This filly sure had alot of energy and joy within her. "We are gonna go to the Spa, right? Right?"

Fisty, who was not really having it, covered herself with the blanket, layed on the couch again, turned around and mumbled, "We have school." In the most monotone, and uninterested voice that she could ever do.

Villie, on the other hand, pulled the blanket away from her friend.

"Hey!" The changeling shouted. "If you really wanna go to the Spa, then leave me alone!" Then she tucked herself again. "Sorry, but i'm not skipping school for your birthday, Vills.."

Villie's face frowned. Fisty was the only creature that knew her birthday and the only one who knew about this small promise. Then the pegasi filly remembered, she remembered that one hippogriff colt that helped her on her first day in the school. But only if she asked for his name.. things could have been easier.. But she still decided to go out and find that bird-colt anyway.

After a whole hour of searching for that hippogriff and skipping her first class of the day, Villie had the feeling that this colt has moved away from this school. She sat on one of the tables outside and sighed.

"I can just spend my birthday with my parents," the filly thought, this time not so filled with positive energy, "but still, it's.. a bit too traditional. Spending your birthday with other creatures that aren't a part of your family seems more cool, in my opinion.."

"Hey..? You?" Someone called from behind.

Curious, Villie turned around, and shined from happiness once again, cause she finally found the hippogriff that she was searching for. The flew agressively towards him and locked her upperlimbs in a hug around him.

"I FINALLY FOUND YOU!!" Villie's joyfull energy returned once again.

The hippogriff pushed the filly away, softly.

"Okay? Heh, why did you.. wanted to find me?" He asked in a very confused manner.

This was the right time for Villie to ask for the name.

"I'll tell you, but first, WHAT'S YOUR NAME?" She asked the feathered colt with a pretty wide smile, that was almost creeping out the other creature.

"..." The colt hesitated to answer at first, but then he saw how desperate the filly was for an answer, so.. he answered, "Quill.. Quill Featherless.." Quill paused a second after he said his name and looked at the filly, who was still smiling at him, this time looking less creepy. "Yeah, my name does sound kinda weird, but.. what can i do? My parents choose it for me, so i should just live with it."

"I think it sounds cool, Quill." Villie said to her friend to encourage him, and patted his shoulder. Then, the pegasus filly remembered on what she was about to say to Quill, "Oh, i almost forgot!"


"Would you like to procrastinate with me on my birthday?!"

Quill looked this time rather more confused than before.

"Excuse.. me?"

"You heard me! I want.. to spend.. my birthday.. with a friend!" Villie said as she grabbed Quill's shoulders. "You got it?"

"Uhm... Yeahh." Quill slowly backed Villie's hooves away from him again. "But, why with me though? Don't you.. um.. have other friends? Like, friends that are not me..?"

At this moment, Villie's joyfull vibes began to fade away again, but this time very, very slowly.

"Well.. Heheh! I was gonna go with my friend, Fisty, but.. maybe i asked her to go a bit too much and i kinda.. made her feel mad at me.." After half a minute of frowning, Villie smiled again, "But at least it was reasonable, and, haha, i am aware that it's.. sort of.. my fault that she's angry..? I'm not fully sure!"


And then there was this akward silence that everyone hates.

"Anyway.." Quill finally began changing the subject, "when do you plan to go?"

Villie gasped, "Wait, you agree on coming with me?!"

"Well.. yeah." The hippogriff colt then looked over his shoulder for a second, "But we'll be going after the next class is over. Got it?"

"Got it."

After class, the two creatures met eachother at the exit of the school, exactly at 1:10pm.

"Alright Quill, are we going? ARE WE GOING?!" The pegasi filly squealed from joy again, as she questioned her friend.

"Uh, yeah sure.. We're going."

Both flew away from the school, and right towards Ponyville. And from Ponyville, right at the Spa.

"Well, Quill?" Villie asked, feeling relaxed, "Feelin' good?"

Quill meanwhile wasn't a really big fan of strangers giving him massage. No matter if it was non-consensual or consensual, it was still making him feel slightly uncomfortable, but he wasn't saying anything so he won't upset his friend.

After their massage sessions were over, they went to take a bath. There, the two creatures started a small conversation,

"So.. Villie?"


"Since it's your.. birthday, how old are you getting? Sorry, you just.. never told anyone your age."

The pegasus filly laughed.

"Well, i just turned 13!! Isn't this amazing? Like, how much time has passed, so i can get so far to this number?"

When she said that and looked towards Quill, the filly was confused to see the hippogriff, looking pretty horrified. That expression of his' concerned Villie.

"You, uh, okay there?"

"You're.. only 13?!" Quill shouted, then covered his mouth with his claws in embaressement. The spa staff and the other clients looked akwardly at the two still bathing creatures who went silent for a second.


"Yeahh, i am 13. Why so.. surprised, Quill?" Villie asked, "Aren't you 13 too?"

Without moving his head, Quill looked around, then answered,

"Yes, i am.. but.. you look so, SO young!"

"Well, DUH! That means that i was born after you! Isn't that simple?!" The filly then lightly splashed her friend with the bath water and laughed.

Meanwhile, Mama Biceps was calmly wandering around the streets of Ponyville, on a search for the Spa. So she can finally give that one gift to her granddaughter that she planned on giving for some time.

"Ma'am, that's the shop for Quills and Sofas, and it's NOT the spa that you're searching for!"

"Oh, my apologies! Also, there was no need to shout at me!!" As the old mare flew away, she added something else, "I'm just an old mare, you know?!"

"Uh.. Villie?" Quill asked his friend, who was straight up pulling the strings of her mother's cello. "That's not how you play the cello..? I believe?"

"Oh! Sorry!" She then stopped pulling them and backed away, going for the toy piano that her father bought for her birthday, "Wanna hear some... music then, friend?"

The hippogriff sighed, "Okay, do your best melody."

Villie then began playing a slightly broken version of the instrumental for 'Smile', writting by Pinkie Pie herself, who was always singing this to the gloomy strangers around. But despite being a broken melody, it still sounded decent.

"How was that?"

"..." Quill almost said that it wasn't perfect, but changed his mind to, "It's.. pretty decent for sounding so broken, Villie!"

"Oh, so it's good?"

"Yeah! Yeah actually.." Quill looked around the room. He forgot how quickly they got back at Villie's house from the spa. It felt like they teleported or something. "Oh Villie?"


"Didn't you.. said that we're gonna procrastinate for the whole day?"

Villie rubbed her chin as she closed down the toy piano.

"Hm, guess i changed plans in the last minute?"

Then there was a sudden knocking.

"Oh, stay still Quill! I'll go see who is it."

When the filly flew towards the door, she turned the handle around to open the door, only to see.. her grandmother of course, who was no other than Mama Biceps. With the wrapped present on her back. Villie didn't recognize her.

"Can i help?" The filly asked, raising an eyebrow.

The old mare chuckled.

"Why of course, sweet heart, you can help me!" She got the present out of her back, handing it to the filly, who was even more confused. "You can open this present for your dear grandma, Villie!"

In shocking surprise, Villie thanked the old mare and closed the door in her face.

"Well, that wasn't what i expected?" Mama Biceps said to herself from the other side of the door.

"Who was that?" Quill asked the pegasus filly, with the present in her hooves.

"My grandma, Quill!!" The filly squealed again, "Can you believe that? I mean, i didn't know that i had a grandma, or.. or, uh, a grandpa! Or anything grand-related in any way!! I mean, this may be the best birthday i've even had, Quill!!!!"

Quill looked down at the present, "And the present?"

"Oh yeah, i forgot about that." She began un-wrapping it with her positive energy that she was charged up with again, "OH!"

"What... is that?"

"A.." She showed the half-transparent box to her friend, "..A MINI GUITAR!!!!" She hugged the box almost tightly, "I've always wanted to have one! I need to thank grandma for it!" But at the time of opening the door again, Mama Biceps wasn't there anymore. "Oh, she's gone.. THANK YOU, GRANDMA!!!"

Author's Note:

Originally, there was gonna be a 7th chapter as a finale, but i scrapped that idea.

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